1 l ' i R" He?. IV. Cross who is a chaplain to. a Tennessee regiment lelonging to Gen. Holmes' brigade on Aquie Creek, Ya , (lets J off a batch of pood anecdotes iu his eorre jcnderce to the Na.hviUe Christian Advo cite. The following rneiiients will be rod with iutcrc.-t. Oar North Caroliua readers will b especially interested in the faets bron' fit out iu rtforenec to God. Holmes : -The last I saw of Manassas ttij a sol dier over a mud puddle, washing tbn skil let in which be bad just cooked bis break- . . 1 ;t . DAmr.a - , h ia jlr,e, ir . . iat patting a pair of socks through a similar process ; tod within a few feet, on the other siJe of Lim, wallowed a sow with her faui- lj. I a.-ked him if he thought the skillet would be any cleaner afier the operation. ' Perhaps rot," he replied, " but it wi.l be a different t?ort cf riirt " " Yes," cried the sock washer, " and Vir ginia mud i bettter than this cussed Yau kee blood on my socks." Aod the sow sokuinly grunted ber as sent. The otber dav I vi?ited Gen. Ilolaje", at bi quarters. Sceio ke said : pistol in nij bell c " What are vou a soldier as well as j chaplain ? ' ! " A soldier of CLri-t, General," I replied. '. " Ah," i i he, ' that is tha noi'ltt-t sol dierliip ! Follow him clo-eij, seree tim faithfully ; there is co way in wh'ch vuu can do so luueh for yo ar country. e ha s j plenty of men to fi.'l: ; but not half enojb ' to pray. Msy e tever forget Oar depen dence upon livice succor.'' i The r marks were charscteristic. The General is a godly mm, and frequently ad- rerts to these matters in conversation with i bis efficors. On the fit-Id cf Manassas, the , ehaplain of one of bis regiments approacb ed him in a dress which be deemed rather I'A la t too military for a cierpymaD. - 1 . - - ' - ' J L . if . t - - uo met, sir, saia oe , ilis is no i place for jou; takeoff that sash, retire to the rove aLd btiee a Ttrtte c-f Grace.; We bafc frequentlj been tetoyed by unlicensed whisky venders. It was pitiful to see sn old man, after t':.e cLS?caiijn of his , liquor, marcLiu several hours up and do u the parade ground, at the point of the bajo-1 IiCt, as the ttna'ty of hi- contraband trade, 1 , . uu wnienujj ois pitfs wiili tears. uue day the Colonel captured a huge demljon, j brought into eau;p for c i: r i 6 ui ioa. J he j next morning hi nero loan iccider.tally broke it, and flooded the tent i;h ita pre cious leverage. An IriLrnan pa3iiLb at the ttiouietjt, trie J out : j Ocu, me hearty, what a pity! Hsve i j niver a buckut a bucket a bucket !" j A bucket was baoJed Liui in which be . fared about a gallon. " An have je niver a eup, nor jet a glass ' Id the tintT" he inquired. j After wa'iioj seme endle; seeorjds in Tiio, be sei.ed the cover of a tin bucket 1 and difptd it full, saving : j " I shall be after taking a few dbraps of! tLis same.'' The " few dh rap " teemed to vao near ly a quart: which having tranquilly im-' bibed, he smacked his lips ud walked ' away, exclaiming : " An low ?li.:her Liccoln, it's I that am j ready ht je." Ti'.ut Scene in a Railroad Office Du:c iUiati : I vaiitp tn pj for a p t' i at ter raiiroad is runned of- r.'' Secratt ry ' How catue the tuHi to run over your pi?'' Di chiinii ' 'y, mi. pi 1 v? con.iu' t'.o.-ig an 1 ter raiir-jad va- coru in' aioi., anil ter ri uid not see ter rail road con. in' aiot, and ter railroad did Lot 3ee ter pi coiuiij siony, au J tir pi vei l to run u'ider ter rii'road vea it fas con.iu' along, aul ter railroad ruuned ifcr t';r pi ! Ten be vas eii-iu' a ion." Secretary " My fr i rjH , I doi. I luiiik. ibis U n eae iu which ti.e road oupht to pay.'' buic'iiuan " Jen, aftervarus, I kcep ruiLt pi, from t'.'UJiu' a &n sta ter r. i ,i u coiuiu' a- Rls'IaS TABLE. A popular Ryaiao fa ble rt pristLta au author r,d a thief in hell. Iheyaeiatwo separate kettles, and th-; dtvii has lighted a huge re under that be longing to the man cf ietti ra, while the lijjht-Sobered Ltro is only enj iy.uj a -i,t e deree of warmth. The a'ituor renroach' s Satan witk L'u partialiiy, hot the lu;r j n tifi'.s hiiii-eif thun : "You are a iiuch greater sir.ntr than the thief ; Lis sins have ; died with Lim, but )&ar will surme far f eliturie, " ! RrOLi'TioxARY FotTRy We clip the f-jl lowing frorn the camp tjaulcy corie-pon d.-ijre of the Lynchburg Repv-blicsirj : A ft days ac-' I ro I.- p i-', the (.'rate of come of the k abk' . h!y made Li at I he bead of oue tf them I ui-cos.-r'd, urit'eL by avm" ma u; jti a p;ce of MLiie paji.-r, tl' f 1 1 n -11.0 11,1 iliits : T V .i.i.s.. ,., ., , , I I -ir ....... I., I , t. - V FALL OPENING. New Store, New Goods! Lnowenstein & IJro. 7 F.AI! I. V nptMir:' itie I'ourl House, where they have an elc-iiai'e stock of Hill GOODS, C J. O T1I1JS G, n o o is, it o i; s ii a T , AND and a large variety of J)03jC lS'jIICJ CjJ CIOI3S (J ( ( ; $ . j Fersnns will rio well tn giie us a call before pur phasing c'"whYyEWKNSTEI.N & KRO I October 9. 1 sfit). ' 29if MERCHANT TAILORING I I I MMi. M'l.MGS A; CO. I A V K aim. added lu tlieir licadyniade Cloth, i k mi r Si.ick, a Merchant TaiL'Mi g Depart miI, lo winch II ey call the. cpecial attention of In r iii.ii v friends and cui-tomers. I lit v int.i.ii imihing this ue.irlinrnt seeend to rmv in tnc Stale, eiintr in slyle and quality of , ,.r in 111- manufacture ol ( iriiients. At ail tiim-H will he I'nuiiil a gimd aluck of Black ii I ulurt ut'lottis, Lnlish, French and American tanttr ul VcsIiiiks AUo, an .,,-USIt l.t of KtitH IU.M) CILtlllKES They leii confiiluit of tlit ir ability to underaell ..;. i.iiicr liuue in lite State, from Hie advantages ii. i y h ive i tiling tnur gi.oil. TM-ir g,. i arc bought ty the qu:in!ity, by one r. t!:e Fu in hu rcaiues in Hit- Northern markets, h n i en gi vt a l.un the oii(ori!imly of taking lUvati ol ti.t pr.ucs ot guuiip, llicreoy saving at iu-l .13-' Twenty-Five Fer CenfsJJl To tiie consumer. Jli Dimea saved are Dollars mace IJ So try us. Fa. FULLIXGS. JNO. M. 6PKINGS, Sfftemhrr 2j, lif0. 27tf (illLMT SACiUFICE or AN 1) YV INTER! w i JUST U HCKIV 111) FK0 3I aV. avm.'" x mm. nnpviir i y f. V( PVP ITY ' OUUDlUA Oi LlUL.lU L'a.j TRADE S T R E LI T , opposite OATHS tV YAIIiIAlI. "peelfulry in:orri the citizens of Char. f w l"Ue, ana surrounuing country thnt we ie fi.-ep.ireu lu oiit-r u i; a t i i i c i; yi ets IN 12-. ZD LI 1 iJf 2I j)j;v GOODS, Haiti, i Hoots, .shots, A'c. AND A LtSOE ASS' RTJIfNT UT t,i:N iJLL.ui;.' i'('K.Mii.x; goods. ALsO, A Urge stock ofI.:idiea and Gentlemen's MIA U LS A N I) L LO A KS, 13" Please call rid tx nmne uur Gooub before purchating ttsewti-rc. GOODMAN k EIGENRRUN. Ortohrr 2, lsf.O. -ia( 1 in: i;i:i.a t CI-OTHLVGE.MrOI.ini. FUi.LIMiS, FKLNdS & CO, rtALLKc IN ALL KIMld OF EADV MADE CLOTIILVG I'i'it lslll.(; GOODS, VTpqa Hals, l aps, 'lrunks,fFf I'nlliii, ,iiiijii A i n. OI'I.IJ cull liieew ial attention of lUir Ir.Liii. Mnd iiLru..a lo tlie.r I. W MUi K Ol CLOTIIlMs', now opeuinK. I y tn-na t.K .v caii oil .- greater ,h.,uci.i..wi.i l 0Ujii liiun tiiey liave ever nunc, li.t .r g.H.. le,i.j ouught .'t re..uci:d ralea anu al rll. li ,.llcea u ll.ey leel tonhdLUl 00 Uotlae 111 tile S..te c .11 Cuii, y. ie w.t:.. ' Hey u.-e oltern.g Very nice ts-i 'ii.it i: mi is f m iu j. A.i in . on-r of i WLKi. CA.1MKKE, SILK, 1 ALA.-.-.t A.SU VLl.Vhl' tja, OVr.it iJWls, ()( an gr&ijca a.ie alylea. T t .Uie O'j.i. . cannot be aur4fed in attie jiiuUi lureo l in i.iv;.; ftl'RlNS fi CO. A. W. AlJaX s i; it a i, o. tn.. t . if l fcliS Ins service, lu tne ci -i "...A t"" aaU.Uji.iiiii.jj ,.,JU ea in iiie Irealmeiil ! irri via in. ol Im I .CI-, 1 "J li 'ii '' i, iree I n.n-r. Ai fi'-'e, ai. II nil t l oi-t. Una alyle oi r tiie .1 arageu i,r. i'juiii a. ,iii ,i,t irr.lalii.n . ! . I-., i.i.i aper. It la ouor or taaie. lor tlie Amerioan Hard Uiuiy ll..i,lii,i, a. an o I i..ie anu I. urn. lor Vj'r'1"1"" anil .VlaU-rial. Having u...... if uf"r e'.itijj ti I hi:e ri); to n ; Arl tlLI .1 I .;. I ll w.H ai. i g, er-.te i. ruii.. ii- i i t r u (. t j tne .ri on iiuju- i:l to do ; ai,n O' ci a, Ut ai travelling bu. r.e.a per. i.. i I., at Uct.. .Ouri; Li,,, C. ltHT . 4 oV v KVKUAL O VI MISSION MKIC If A NT V II.MINO'li.N, N C. ' l!i,-e, S-.u I I on. t ! irkel .ou VV aler St. V 11. I' 3ltf J. Y. lllCYt I. A ( O., tllALKRI IN C OT CN end ell KINDS cf PRODUCE, TIUDK STItllET, CHARLOTTE, A. C. CAII order attended to with despatch. asp.il 17, 1M,0. 4H WASHINGTON E01EL, (CHANGS OF PROPE1ETOK8.) broad m itm t mmijI.i, is.c, JOHN F. JOKES, Proprietor. flHB Undersigned respectfully announces to JL the travelling public, thai lie lin taken charge of tins old and popular establishment, and i now prepared tn accommodate travelers and pri vate families wall board by the day or month, on the most scciuunioiiating I. rills.. ilis TABl E will always be furnished Willi me best provisions thathonie and foreign markets can The WaiOiin;;! "It Ilolft has large roonia, is iieLrcr the depot, the conrt-houfr, and the business streets than any other in the ei'v. An Omrtbut will always be at the depot snd landing, on the arrival of the cars and steamboat, to eonvry passengers to the Hotel free of charge. By stopping at thia Hotel, passengers will have ample time to obtain meals. Having aUo a large and commodious SliMe, in! on excellent Ostler, he is fully prr-parcd to board horses oy the day, week or month at the most reasonable rates. JOHN. F. JONES. MarcA I. 1 859. 51 If l liarlollc .11 ii dial Tire Iiimii ant e rni:iiiv atlllS COMPANY continues to take risks a. (JL. gainst loss by fire, on iiousva. Goods, t'ro- (lure, A. c, at usual ralrs. IT Office at the Drug Store of E. Nye Hutchi son & t o. OFFICERS. A. C. STEELE, President. C. OYEHM AN, Vice President. E.NYE HUTCHISON, cjr.d Treas'r. DIRKCTDRS. A.C.STEELE, J.L.BROWN, M. 1J. TAYLOU, S. T. WKIaToN, C. OYE11MAN, F. SCAKR, WM. JOHNSTON. John L. Ubowm, F. Scarr and S. T. Wriston, Exetutive Con.mitUe. ApriL 'Jri, S.i9. 7lf (ii 'BIIF nubscriber takes pkarure iu announcing M to his friMirtit, ard lie public generally, that ' h has taken this long established and wll knnw n ! Hotel, and ha made ;very posaible preparation to i accommodate the buine, travelling and viailirig portions of the public, in the most salmlacloi y i nianner. Particular attention is paid to his TABLE, ad every comfort is provided in his ROOJIS. His STABI.KSare abundantly sup, lied and at. I tenued by curelul osi ers ; and tu all department ' the propru Uir give Ins r-ronal attention. A corn tort ibicOMNIM runs regularly to the depot on in c arrival of the cars i Wilh these etiorta to pleaae. a liberal sr. ire oil he public patronage is conhtleiilly aotcile:!. W M. ROWZKK. Sorrml'T 15, 1'9. 36u' J, S PHILLIPS 0 II A V I NG local., I , ; ( hi.rlotle, rcapicllul- i v ulicila a suare ol public j ..elrornge. j A cmiiplele asortint nt : of l.'hitht, L'aaaune'ti aim j Veiling always oil tinio.i whicn will be made lu or- ; der at tlie jimrteat d-.tice, j after the latent fisiimn 1 Snop three uoora uth of tiie Mausioo Hi.osc. if , J01LV 8. WILEV, MASirACTcaca and mroa'EK of II A V A Si A SEGARS, A..0 OtALKS I.V obacco, Snuff. Hatches, Paper, kc, GSilSSOI S. '. C. XttM lial.M lil tS, It,, tuu.laull) dm bund. January J, lsbO. z. n. joii.n. General I olltctin .Igeul, luiuHlown, Terry Coanly, Alabuuu, 7 II-'- attend promptly to the collection oi ail V f cliinit phieed in In a hinds. K.tate Claims lnokd after. Land 7Iaini ferret led out, and .oacoiiinng deblora ioufced up at rca. aonabie unarges. TEXA.S CLAIMS. TTTo leriiona nune in T as herrt'if ,r, , through in y allojii, ji in li, at. Male. Pro may be aateiy oefeiided on. t'tnru tji 15, lenu. 43-1 T WI1KAT It l-tt,l. ir.ing tiniiiiiunity will ine ::iiir.e tin VVne.it Crop Kill be ul rcnaaeu at Hi Charlotte .Steam Flouring Mill, at market price Tlwse. having Wheat f.ir le may firm it to tin advantage to caii nt the Mill before l..ang a sad JOHN WILKa .s CO. July li, M."j9. atf VAiro no us i-:. 4 tui. i.i; uv i Hi; imii- a 1 I f'rnprn lor will terminate on the it n Hi ol A1..y ii. at. l e uh.crih. r will rem, lr term ot ear-, una u.,t,Uiar Hotel, to man who can gie -ueli r. I. r. urea, (nmr otitrr nrti ay.) ae Olil .atl.tr In.; ,.,, ,t w, ,. , kt(j( , lint to Cetra.i from li e reputation v.hich It sua tao.. a. a hr.t ei.,.. Hotel. 'I i.e Pair.,.,a.; oliiie House is large and in. cr.-a.mg. rr ,u, it. central poil,on, .mi eatab. Iialieo cujr.iet.-r cannot it f.il nl sue, ,f ,,r0. peny com; uen.i. Any fuiiier infurnialioii in de. Uil will be gun by ail,!., .amg. T. j. &. W. 31. WALTON. , , Morgai,ton, N. C. itet.S.leKI. ,alvM S, T. Wriston. ANIrAl 'llli Kit of, and dealer., ilal Ja ., I'.rn.ne., Acq,, m Soulli wing ol Apr Jotl W , Willi dt a. a. r.Kjfir.g, ti utter in g, &c done - Srptemhtr Ul, leJy. U W U m U t- w w v j wtuwiiw).v 1801. J H fl t" 2. JANUARY.... .... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 i 13 14 15 10 17 1 19 20 21 22 23 24 23 26 27 23 21) :)U 31 ... 1 2 3 4 5 C 7 8 'J 10 II 12 13 14 15 10 17 1 li) 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 23 FE CCU A nr., MARCH.. 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 11 15 1G 17 lt 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 23 2a 30 ol .. 1 2 3 4 5 C 7 8 !) 10 11 1,' IU 14 15 Hi 17 Is IS 0 21 22 23 24 2.) 20 27 23 29 30 . 12 3 4 5 0 7 S U III II 12 13 1 1 15 10 17 is APRIL MAY.. l'J 20 21 22 23 24 25 j 20 27 23 'J 30 31 I . 1 j 2 S 4 5 0 7 a i 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 h II) 20 21 22 j 23 24 25 20 27 23 2D 3.) j 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13! 14 15 10 17 H 19 2o I 21 22 23 2 1 25 20 27 23 29 30 21 j 4 5 0 7s 0 M 11 12 13 It 15 10 17 13 19 20 21 22 2 1 21 25 20 27 2- 20 yo 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 li IS 15 10 17 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 2? 29 3J j . 1 2 3 4 5! fi 7 8 U lu 11 12 ' 13 14 15 10 17 H 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 23 29 30 31 j JUNE JULY. AUGUST, SEPTEMBER OCTORFR i NoYE.MRER 1 3 3 4 5 fi 7 h 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 1 19 2'l 21 22 23 1 21 25 2rf 27 2" 29 30 i i DECEMDER., . 1 2 U 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 111 2 13 14 15 10 17 ! 19 20 21 22 23 21 25 26 27 2 29 3)31 1 II i Ik l 'III 1HE suhaeiiber liaa received a large and van. m. cd aaortiii nt of 5 w for Spring i.u Sumiiiar, f.r in alnrB.cannol Oe sorp.ir-eM,rc Black oi.rl c..l.,red ( LOTUS. llhg HI part 1 K.aca Di)l'KINS, 1'Uin, liuck anil Fancy 'ASCIMERE? Krenrh Drab W KTK-s. Plain JiUcs an.i Figured Siik VLT1M.S, Faiiry L nen Illill.LS, and ill oil.er (;.,.,o uu .ily f. und in a fir-tei i Tailoring Ei.ibli.hn.ent. A I nl l.,rh uil! ii j fiiade to urder or nd bjr tne yard on accuninnda. j ting terms. I J. S. rillLLII'i. I In returning my tli n.k lo the c.tiz- ns '.f ( h ir , hiite, tui tl.e er Kim urn: l.fj- ral p .tfiii-ij.'!: ii..-y have beatoweil on lie . I i '1 .1 r q j. . I a i I, i: u , ai.ee ..I t e ime. wiln tin a..r e ili.,t oera enlrui-led to me will l.e iieliy u,,.l firi.nniti y I X. rulrii. J j. , Ard 17, Iflfi!'. 4,, ciiAKi.oni; jioii;i., Ji-sw . I? ' -tin I:, . 1HK Proprietor ot llna Hole! i. . till at his port n a,i v to lul. tezgggZ iutiea of ' mine hot " to the nig uiibl.c ar d ot:.. ri ho may call on him. and he ll.tt, ra Inin.ell that ai I eoinfortable qii .rl. rs'eaii he lonnd with him a. j any Here in t,,ia vicinity, ii.-ing .ituair.i near. ! ly in the . entre of Cnariotte, Uu,,i .M,: will jfn d this Hotel a ino.t tonv. ni.-nt and oe.irahie ., t:,,r,. Ilr ha- !,. n . n,,a.-, in tl.e blialli".. at toi. .Unit nearly e. elite. :i year., and in li,t I lime oe ton mane aevcral ad.iiliona to in. former liou.e. .. no II haa oeeu nn-atiy enlarged iui im. proven, pr. nt.ng in front u loti,r v V Kit AN HA t in ieogth hy 12 feel in widlii, li iininomeiy (i by Ire.-. n tlie .hit. walk, n !r,.rl,riir a nle... tha ..ml or , nr. ol the d. y. .roughlv furimiird thro'. Tne II out, an. i in every part ol it re iluie romh rl. are al.l.,,t.,,.t ,. tangible. eaoeeially I t,e 1M.NI.V, KtWlVf. wn.re tne "inner man" la "r. nieu" d..y ny day. Cnneciei! will, this Hotel ere Sla iin-a a ffording room u,r I in- H'.r.i , ai.uml .nily luirinnd will, grain and proven. n r, attended by faithu ! and o. bilging homier.. The Proprietor (eel. ronliden t tlm t Wll h hi.!..-g esperieni e and many new adv.inl..g. a added to hi. de.ire to piea.e, he i. prepared to offer his Irienil. sn-l tne ' rt ol mankind," a a many com lor tn a nil ss toijrl, od rh.er Kill be found anywhere, perhaps a lilile more . At any rale Tr the Charlotte Hotel. J. li. KMC II Orlohtr 13. lHr,H. 3 jif W. JtKCKWITII " 111 .o.TAflTI.V ON IIAM1 W 11 iljllL'u, AZj V L L ali jf . 1'I.AItU UlliK. ilr, ' rvn ar.T mnii.ikH a in a mp k an iM:neTi:iir ('all and riamiiia In. eiock belure uureliaan.u rliere IYSAUI.S,;- Arc lii I t'f I mid Ilnililei, " ? ILL furnish Designs, Plans and Drawing f I fur Public liuildings, I'rivato Iteaulonees and Villus. Particular attention will be paid to builiiini! r louring mills, Corn Mills, &.c. Orrici iu 3d story of Alexander's liuilumg, front room, over China Hall. OriWr26. I8J"1 33tf gKcinoval. TBJjy Friends snH Customers are re.prctfully if H mhirinec thai I have removed my Tin Shop to tarings' Ui n-k Uuilning, 3d door Iron) the cor ner, on Try en street, where he will be pleased to sec the in. S. T. WUISTON. January 31. IPfid, 43lf Ayef UK A ciimnouml remedy, in whieh iv have la. h in-,1 ',i h oiI kc the niot otfoctual alterative th it e.m iu in.ulo. It ii a coiu eiitrsteU, cxtiact of Piu-a S.ii-aiiarilla, so combined with othn n'l'Mv.iiri uf till greater alteratve power at 1 1 :i:l'i: J an Wl'.etivc antidote for the tliseaSi'S S.n vij. u il! i ii reputed to cure. It is believed th su h a r -nu ilv is wantel by thoc who su:f r fi rn Strumous complaints, unui that one whi.-'.i will ai .-implt.h their cure mttat prove of i'lim n- M.'1'rii.'C to thia lare clas of our a:!f.. t ! f l'o e-cit. ns. How completely this ro'iipo ii. I w 11 doit h:n h.iil proven tiyexprr in i 'nt on nrm v uf the' ort luses to be found of th.- f ,.I i;mii ('iiupl.iiu'.a : S.-imuu ami Si iijiiiois Complaints, I'.i' r i io ami Em itivi: Di-la-i:-, 1'i.rr.m, I'lll'li . Hi .ri iit a, Ti'M iha, Salt Itiir.t'H, S- l!U ill i., SVI'llll.l- ll SYTHlLtTlO Ar il. e n in-., MtHruu.iL Uir Ditorsr, Nsu Rti.uiA oh I n- Dot i.oi'Kti x, Di.hii.itv, Dri !!'". u and Imum -1 '. IV, Liivni'rus, Hoa op. Sr. Avtmow's Fiur, Btnl iml 1 the whole th" f 1 o np.j.ii:i ari.ing fiuail XMfka.lt. or Tin: Iiioi.ii. l ! ii romp, mud will be foiinl a gTont pro. m :. t of Ii .il'h, h u tak n in the spring, to eti"l th' foil human whi.h f ? r in tho blooil nt thnt s. -on nf the y ar. Br tbc time ly vxpuNion of th.-n many rauklin di-ajrd.is n:e inip 1 in the- buJ. Mal'.r.uJ-s can, by the aid of fhts remeJy, spire thema-.Iv?i fiom the eml'irir.i.'j of fu.il eitipiiont an I ulcerous orea, through which the .y.tein nl str.va to r. 1 it it" nf corruptions, if not a.i.tcJ to do ti.i. thi i,-h the i.atunil channels of tha ho ly hy an uivrnuve mvl'-inc. Cl.-au- out the v 'i i ( h! i 1 ul..ii"v,T you fin 1 is. impurities hui.tiiii throiiifh tlie skin in T,i:r.;,l"s, eruptions, or iro.; rl' Ti-f it wh n you Hud it is ob-a'r-i t. I an I In;;, (i m l!u v in ; tl.'ua) it " ':.ti v r it n f i-i', -, 1 your f ;!:n( will HI j-.ni wi.vii. IW-ii h- re no partieiiUr Ui,ord r ii i .i, ie..jil- en oy l ". r health, and l.vs 10- e; r. ii.. .I, jii..ii; (!.. I..00.I. K.-'-n ths I.. . 1 ';, -a. ',, tin I all is w, , but with this pi .ii i-u of i.:'.- d-oririd, th- te can no Ij.t.i.j; !.. .!:h. Sj n -r or latr som -thing n-.'U r? uron;, an I th gr t mathuwry of Mr 11 ii. -or 1 r.-l or overthrown. S:ir-:i:i n l! 1 ha, an l de. rv.s much, the ff'i'i'tn of a-un,.,i,r,inj thc-e cntts. But tti" w i l ha. le'-n e erT.'a-o i.ly decnveU by pri -p irauuni ,.f it, pnrtly beiaine the drui ai i. 1? Ii4 not ail the s.r'ue that i claimed ( : Hit niore h-v-vi -e.niany prcpararinrn, pr iil.n; to lx inn' nrra. J evract. of i, . fi" i.n hut ht'li nf the virtue of barupaiiiia, or any thin el-e-. l ,..u J ars the pul Ur have b-en rr.ss- 1- i l ;.n ; pi.-teii'ling to plve a rpirt of ll-.r:i' i f S.tr.-jmnlU for one- ao.li.r. Bio.t of tha-e have liei 11 f'ai.la iijwjii ,k4.- s. k, f.r t1.. y not o-.Iy . oiit.i.n l.tu,, if any, S.u -Ap.i-villi, iiur oil. n iioinrative proia rtie. wh.T.v. 1 r. II -n-e, In" -r an I pii.i.fiil il.wippointin, nt ha. f.lhi 'I th" nf the tin nn exrai-:i of Kara-ipar-ilii w ho h floti'l the nia:k'-t, uut.1 the nin..- ;tM .( is j i'tiV d' -piHeii, an I ha tvs orue .jiionv-. km v.fh n-. pn nam Kiel eheaf. We 1 .ill 1 .. :;er.:n I " .r-np.ir.l's, ami int-r. I n -tipo'.v 'a 'i .t r ne 1 r a ,l.l! r-x ue the 11-.::-..; fiiim the lo.i'l ,f oth..piy whi. h t-.-t tr .-. And ve thm lav,- pr.,i:t,'l f.r h .: v.iii- it h rirft'S nl,. ', ar? j-r. -i k I v the of h'lurv run nf the ii.--aM-. it 1. int. 10U e ! to r-ir -. 1.4 ord r ti -nrv f!. -,r r.. 'ph -te e;a ii' r.ou from the r yt.-ni, t!:r f.-me-ly al.ouhi l j u I. lo'ciiy taa.cn .eCelu.'.J Ul iLltXUvjS ou tl.c botti -. rniTARKo nr I) It. J. C . A V Hit A CO. LOWr.I.I., MAS'. Trice, S I Pr liottle 1 fit flottlea for Ayer's Cherry Pectoral hM won f'tt i;r!f ettis-h fniwn fifti" rciff every unf: ot I Ui i.J I., .1. I. .at -r-t iry for nt to rco .nt li,? u", v!irr-er it has been ein-b-ig in tont'aiit ti'in, r.'e.l 1. 'it d 1 1... ire I .in , 111 iliiy 1, kr ;,t ot to i'i tr.t ml Ih i ,t Ri r ,e rr.ir j on to 1 It lia. ever Urea fuuljii lo d'. lOUt tl, ' I"" iuf,i li.c.r r Ayer's Cathartic Pills, ron the cung or fot'iVrHett, .,. t.ov, I ) jiprrtit, Iti-1 jftinn, lt.uui,,.,, v,,,f,, ,:r,j,f'a,. If !(, V,U,. It',rn, vm. i:,!.t,o,uts:, Im;w, Liter Coi,.fn..f, ll .,, y. ,moe ,J Ti', MVail, ti.nl. Vet,,,.,, old I) ,,r f,7, nnd f.r I'.r.r ,f If,- U,.l. 'Iti.-y are .'iirir-roi'r.l, ... it,. it ik e ni-.-l aef,.,'. t'-e I m t"k? t!,e.. ll-i-'-'li, lid l'ifilil- If 1 ar'p',l in the tvoi! 1 f"r al! ti.e pofp.,-. 01 a f m;!y Pii:j 25 ceits per Poi ; Tivs boxes for t 00. lire ,Hi..TiW'if (1, frf.men. M.virn.Sl.-i.-s. Innri. a, i-l e.n.iiei.l per-.'l iea. I. nt th ,r name. (.,,. rlf tl,- ul,,, r oi. ! .,..f.,lirf f-h'- r,-., ,li.,. tnii o.,r .n ,'-e h-re til not prnnl tl.e ii -M-r'iori of ti.. -. I I.e Aj. nt, l)lo' t. i ,ied f..r lit -h trtt,.ir Airi. Ai.nrm.I.Hi ther are- K.ven ; n'l i.l-f. I .l ..-.-r.. o-,. of 111 '..oe e , i, i'iI ,:it. m,,J li,e tieatiiieut ll.al .in, i!i be (al low, d for tii. ir core. lo n it be p t o'f In on other prrpar.iiiona tln-v Ii m, ,.I Awn -. a. , i.,., ,- l dealer- wl-h t n.-.-e. mortr pf.-tit on, .0 nr. oti-ri lhe .. k fjr them, ai,.l they ahuuid w nit l.'ie Urt aid ti. Ail our remedies art for ta'.e by l or sale I' y K N V M III TCIII.sON i CO. ... , F. Sf'.Mii: it C, (hniloft. IIAVILAM.I, KIKY..ON I'd., Cliiirro, S. C. Fruit sine Tree Merc. rerun .i.T,,t.,r i in; .nt h. VI in the M.nsion i ha lot a w . II re. npe Vini a, l.er. o. I'riiiia nl van. in. im, i'lnc Ap llr.uie liuil, lei led .lock ..II. I Will In I mi t I r.. n. and Sl.rol l.r r V. Ac k lllllt Apple., IllaUg. A e., A c. K. W. LYI.K.S. 3r--l r "h.r II, Ir-1,0. ir. ma ion. Mi d 1 1, r.latr of An 'rew spring a. : aid all , wl p, ii. u , w.ii make in, mi mate pay. icr.oim having imihu. ng.nn.1 i.,i, "i nl ti luly iiiillieiili. i.ted, in ta r- 'ii"e pr. -i 'i.i, d by law. or tin. notice will be ad in var of ti.nr rrcvery. T. Ii. I5KKM ;-. (Irlnhtr 311.1 rr.O. 3tf Charlotte DRUG Store, ma M l.lire.p.eniilly call ti atti niion of the public o in. i, le Stork now finai.t rig ,, i ry, Fain y I mid. Ale. 'ii., I in ton being npi heft for the Spring Trad l'riir, M. dii no ., Ci.einica!., .'. r Art,. I. U,l,, T,lr i:r..-. Ilmm, ol. I'nre M, du al Win. a anil II, fen., I ie'd and ; irtla-n Seed., &c., 4c. J'lnuaty 17, iritjU. (j,,- SAriioaB'rj LIVER INVIGOilAVO- NKVKR IIKttll.M',.,,,. ' ) , 1 1 lew iiiuii,o,u,,i,'.;,i fi j,!"..' " ' "' ' Iml.. .1.1.1 l..kli.a II. 1 U : .-I ! I , " '"'"1 n n-miy m iu l,u uu 1 "a , ' " '" . I..,: d.e dieuiaa ur v.,111 .J l al( . a. af.a. MVBlttv-. B iVlu',,,,;' nl aura Mver W'i.i,,,,,,, ,." 1 ck., sie,..M.,i , i0,:. ,; '""mi. u inner towjKjw " Co.ll vaiiea., C'ltol ra.iloblittv.t - lenee, Jtr 11 litre, j U ,e, x,,u ""- e. and oiar e n.ed ti ly F'niiilly Hie, II. tt " :"a- II HAD At III-;, u. rj :! ., ,. "''t Itveitiy nili.nl. a, Ir M in'b. ti, , ' apoonluU bic tult-' f . ,. c, '" SlUlfll. I H ""K ' ' ,.ah "I" " ""'I M llwB ; Ml V A TK It 1 Till: Slot Tl TIIK lV..O.t,otl, AMI M i , V IMH II TIMill I IIKIt. ti l l iy l'llt Oim lullHr per n,. SAKFORB'S 'III.V CATHARTIC Pins, Pine VrCetallle hill, t I ..I , .U wi, l.l. ISM, Air II14IU. 1 ': i-:-;'i-.,;,;,::!rt : U. '... Urea-H.., ,., M " al"j',V ' V1 :"''iiT'( . . '..-.. . 1 U..i'.,- . Cj n..u in. i.ta a I ,. . . Il-.lr lo.lr. "f tM' r I ..I I over im . 1 C '" 11. nil.tr. r . t.l.i k Tiinr.r fini., ...I I e.l 1 ,,, a i 1.. I - I lf r ... , .... W. N t N Hill ) H. .... iadar, l J. aCAhu V, o,rj IV m J. Kerr a mm. k i ai v . 11 1 m or e 1 , . If I. Pratt ire in I If Court.. M, I 11100 and i ii farm, i : nr.),. . J'Olhir m the llaiy t, Kerr'. Il..t. I. J: -J4 IMO. E. R, STOKLS' I;c k liiiidins: I-tiil,lirn.. h tctif. .Lit tiBiiih taik. 11. . 1 ill in tat tl .b.Mai.li) iiL.e.i. j 1. 1 .n iii , V . Thi t ... hii.l n. 1 1 k 1 t 1.1. A N k I A I I li "I r 1(1 Al s. I .10 .t .11 1 ,,. . ,K. tiii. in my in.., n. .1 ti.i . ii,, ahare el p.lroi...,;.-. AI 1 a... , ,. giv. 11 1.1 ,,i Minn mi tut n 1 e. Having h...' hog ira.li. ul. cure ol I I.A.N K ItM.k. a.,., . 1.. ai.,1 o... I hlN I s-.b Vvi.k. J til. I I .an. ill ail 1.0. (iu 11. I, f I.AjVh 1,1 1 h. l-.U.l l.il.'l. k.. ! I ii r,!. ly'. .... I. rn. rn till .1, Kl I l.l on P. at III i I i I M' l., ai.l 1. i .d and li.i, led worn in, II. IN I Ml Ut i. h.-. Mu. e !.k., I.,,. ,;,i..'. ,'- . no ll.a.ka ul ry r ij tu i., boum. r . in errry variety ol atyie. iS A , ufd.ts Will Chi Hf ulf.l ail.. an.: at iOfV at I'.n be delll l.f 'it tr K. 11. si "Mi 7inar 17. lf.,0. I ... 1UK I ll- llilil.M Lutual Lite liiSMdiiit Lei. ,1 ut t H A.. H 1 1. 1. 1. it . ( 1 till-, i u ,'aliy III. on. I ,.. I'.r one ye.r, a term .Mutual I'm e pit, t.. l ,n lit j. in). I. ul 1 . i , 1. 1. ,. lot I '.e w I, i ll I lie l .... , I Ul.i Hierciur alio. -ri lor ..ne.li.iil I .. t ,.r. iii.u.i, , j...iu.a n.lere.i a I ti ,i j 1 lie prompt nianner m win.." j been pain OJ tula company ,lugi tl.; I rate, ol pletlHU.'i, flea 111 j,ni . j ..:.. a,. re ...a. lot ter,, ! five j. tor tw.. tniro. Inn.' .. , AH loa.c .re paid Wlth.ll 'JO ' i clor) )r.K.i i. j.riannu.0. Dl lit. I J i .ii..v I I ban. . 1. J. I.I..I..I.. Un Ii. J i ' .,.i, i., . ll ( .4i, J. (.. Hu.'. .,. Mo. nin e li.i.l,.., I'. I I' ' II M h.e, k. I". l.it,r, t ...r... h I" I to if, Kieli'u II. Hall. a ol r II Kl;s. Dr. t h.rles I. . John.i.n , I're.i "i! S . . II ,1.1. Ii, V ir e I '. .1.1. i t li . II. H..IIH , It.'talV . Uii.ia,,,. H.Jooe., Ii.afunr. II. W. Hu-ito, Ait.ri,, ). ir. W,. II. .. k.. . Vf.ii'a Knn I L'j'rulire t'ummllttt. U- hun.' . v J kte, C., ,,e. B. II I M'lhrut Utaid of osaaila'i"" - 1 Ij'.l.n.oi,. M. D., Will.. in ll- l.'ien'u ll. Ha) w.,ot, M. ll.. Vol further inln, n,al,. n, tl ' I ' ' 'red In the pamphl. I...ni: l'"i. ' ! T' I" 1 may I.C nl, lamed at lhe !! "I !'" or any of ita Adeline. I 'ommunieatiun. shiuli' I " "" , paid) lo. II. II. MATTI.K, v Sr trml.n H , I .', 7 . Ihiiiiiliers Dann s kV d':. IFaclorsaiiil lliMiiTiil riiuiiii11" )li;itCIIA.MX i A It 1. 1 . S I . nr- jl ' J JOB PEHft- im nii.N i im; l.-.l i I loll - . . al! j )'e '--';,. T aSn.,'