r 'jin'Mlay : : : : : November .5, 1801. PROCEEDINGS OF THE FKDEltAL COUNT AT LOUISVILLK At a recent silting of the federal prand jury in tbo efty of Louisville, Johu Corn wall mid others were cajbd a witnesses, num ino luiiomog ncenve Occurred : Q. Do jou know of any in rebellion against tho federal government? A. Yc, fir. tj. Wlii in it? A. JefT Davis. SlnNling Nows. New Youk, Oct. Si) Tho New York Tribunn ssys onn of iti I correspondent onboard the Natal Fxpcrti- I lioU writes from ll.iuptou Load that the Q. Do you know of at7 otio Leari.; arms private N-crolary of I ommodoro Dol'ont ' against tlio federal government? A . i cs, nr. (J. Who is it? A. 11.- a ii r j; 11 rl . has carried on ute iiip, chart a lid even the scaled orders for the Kipeditioti. From Vii.!iingtou. WAUI.'ilil'UN, Oct. '1'J. Cn-iderablo pressure in being brought to J.ear on Gru.MeCluilaii, uigiun; liiui to bat tic twar Lull Kun us soon ax poiibl. Ii i.i rumoreii that efforts are being made 1,) t.upl tut MoClcllan. ncli sp'culaliou is iii'l alrc J in about the , F. i-t wlncli will be produced by the remov al nf of Fr.-iuout. Many believe bo will bo declared Miiitarjr Dicator. O,. Lo you know of any one who has been I carrying 011 t he conti ubaud trade with tlio Confederate States? A. Yen, air. H. Who is it? A. Many of the Union men at Louisvi will jfivo iiiiiiicx if desired lhc witness was told ho eould retire, . Y. Suial whs t lit-n called. Do you know of any one in rebclli agair. the federal government ; A. ics, slr. O, Who ia it ? A. The Confederate Slates. (I Do yo'i know any onu benriug aruii against the federal government I A. Yes, fir. II Who is it! A. 'l hc wLrle people of the Confederate DY TDK PKliSIDKNT. . A PROCLAMATION. Whereas), it bath pleased all mighty God the Sovereign Disposer of events, to protect and drfcud the Confederate States hitherto in their conflict with their enemies, and t be unto the in a abicld : 1 HE LlMOLN FLEET This fleet is Maid to be a very formidable one coinpriin 100 vessels of different kinds and 20,0011 men. ilu-re is no doubt but it In ft Old gNotice. H Election will bo ln-lil ul utteml Floe. mm rriciucts ,I7.C klci.hu re Cuimly on Tli Tim l. u. CORRECTED BT OATE8 Si WILLIAMS. Point rccetllly, bound Southward. Umi.n ! .V.1" f,r"1 euncsday in November, (tilli day) for nelsons were mini it i. . I I r I 1 wel l'lrclu" t' lor President mid Vice. I ociaons were sure it intended for our ! Fr..ut-u the c0 federate Suies. u,i i,i- . oaitt, but the liiagMtude of tbc fleet ineliri- n ml., f l Cui.Kr.-s l., re.feCi.i tl.t- tl. lnpr. N us to a different onitiion. ITn in il.,. ("iml Oiairict Hi tin.- n.-n -....i;.. I..,,..- c... aiiu, wnercas, with pratrlul llitnks e time of thin writing it bed not uiadu ifa an. , 1 ""'i K'" ill l.l.i Uu Kl. efinn l llAPMrrrt, SiSeiKMLIiH 4, Ufii. recogniie IWs band, and acknowledjto that p(.rauce ttiore Fort Macon nor at the' t),' '..r "('l.'.IL'r"!"' V u. uiiio us.oui unto nun ueiongeiu li.e mr.a.li of tape Fear, jet the indications namUy jiuiurjr an.i in iiunmie urpi nuenec upon aru n,al the umhoriiiea 6t fbecc points wt-re ; His Almighty atn-iifrtli, and truKiinK in the ..ftii'iiir tery ihiii' in rtadintsa te aie it' ;i' oi our ciiuse, we appeal io mm, tiiai He may Ml at naubt the ifiorts of our cnemien, and put thelu to confusiou and iiiiinn ; ho, therefore. 1 J KFFK 1USON DAVIS. 1 rcMdetit ol the l.onfuileratu Sintcjt. in tiew ! . .....l. m..i.:i ... i J I. m..,... Of tho impeunini; conflict, Ad hereby set j ,t,on move 'upon New Orlear- . If this be1 !,'",,,v" ,l"ril" nrmrt KlilllW ,l,n t;.il. r V..... ' -. . , ' - ,. ... . ' r , ; j "' "- o, u win he loiiowtu riy ure rcmiorc.'-: n irrmiinrt' -..J sniM.ii- n ti 3 p t- i jber as a day of ("4 bun.iiiation IUPBU. The building of l,o.,.,es upon Ship ea.mder. Cha.' It .McOinni. " v 1 1 1 e ml prayer; aud 1 do hereby invito the , M.nd in mt,.r ih l.io(,. rnm,. lnb din's. A C h'luw. J H. Juhn R Mntri. i. ......uuu v-.c.pjr "u u.u ,.e.T. 01 line , very n)M, nH ,f jjinc0D ua)i determiued j ' ' , , , . tl .;L,.,S Confederate fetites, to repatr on that day : upoll u( poli A ,oljeme( fnr K--J0l.,. M P,rn, J 1 , A G Reil, Clark j.J;, to the.r usual places fworalup, and to in.. reach!,. New Orleans b, Northern troops ! r,..vf,l,,.ce.W M MM,. 3 P. W X McK'cc , lliou plore the blees.n of Almighty Ood upou by tho valley of the MUaissipt,! clearly ! J-a A C.il.iwell. ' i"u V r. il- lit. mul I, ut tlnir r.pi cute r'riCuielii, riilXDr.Nlf.U. IIOX. OlinrlnHr. C H.ri.i.n J P J..I... I a warm rcccptiou. t Iik i, T.,r i,Cr- ' Wu arc inclined to lhc opinion that t 'c ' iNorn.. i siri-1-.vm Means, J I', M M fleet is denned for the Gulf, either to co-. K t""'.'- , operate ai.h ti e Lincoln forces in lieu-1 x'jf(.(v'u'ly'" lUtty ,S P,C W MeC.y, lucky it an attempt upon New Orleans. It weine's, T W Suarrnw, i P, Tims K Pnii , ) l V i SliiiKon, An. l!ACO,llllll.mw ' dide. ....... 'l"S rouini, .liimlners, . lla(fifiH)j,iiniiy , Ileel...... v... I.i.uer, ....v. ..n Ilealibr "r '. .tfi'ie " 1'eann, t ul ton, t'olleK, Kio, " Jnvu, f 'alio Ich, . Vila niaii tine ' Sprril . ThIIi.w Corn ........... ....Iliw... .....ii ii. ... vc..- .,.'.b... ....lb........ ...il, .biliilM' i, .. ""! -..lb......... . -JO . U) ...L'O ..18 .3!) . 4 .ft .i: SI I Miiei.eni. ri(itli,l'niier.iii,, l.iinliiey , ... e..v...lb. lb....,.., Hi ....... ....Illlrlie! ....hui-lnl cue I "" 'V"r,i"-" -' . ....Kill ( ..-! ( . ...-.(I c ...no (, ...41) ...ti (. ti I'loin iScw Vorlv. New Yohk, Oct. 2!). The lleral l says the objijcts expected to lo n nliae l by the expedition are. l-l. To carry the war into the Cotton Suit'" which are chiefly repotiiblu lor tho reinliion and produce the di-ori'airx it ion , States the niont warlike on earth. ii.d di-perion of the iiniiiehse Confederate I 'J Do you know of any one who has been mnv iu Virginia. carrying on the eontrabiui trade with the 2,1 'lo secure winter quarters for the. toiiieui-rato ."'talus I Y. il. ra tiooM anl hi i bora of refuse fjr llic mval, nit-i c anllilfl n I ininiie, unit. yiilly. To rj.i ti one or more Southern '-v'i to crinm.ereo, and tlri satisfy all U ii, m il and olt 1 3 ! j all d.trieulli.M about the of Cut'ou aud the tlfieioiioy of th? ;ekl.'. 4 it i v - To lortn a nucleus in the Conftd " liundn-it . . Niaie.. iipir wliieli loair ni rire-M d ; "lii, ami B i-'s Slid liu g.J H-U'V uf tin- pOOJ I , ' it !"' anX npi'r piut- t i j;iv ex-k.-lmi to tin ir r ii-i-ii, tl: us to eneiir and Mliiiulaie tlic ,e aetiulial y f. eiin.'. it l.ieh nicb r-'inai k sSii mm ir n.tn -, ile-isliuns have Ln u eai.ii.itid iu .Norib jr i.iu ,i, on niit rco, iu bis L iter to the com ,,i..i. r ot i lf t ipediiion, fives a-jihority in ploy ,irj.foi-s, but a-rea all loyal ....l,U ....II ... IU ...l.i ...40 ...ia ....! el Creel.. Til. a U Price, J P. J SUir Ne Alcaanucr luery. tOiVGK KS8 1, IN A f. lioX. 'y.l (Irun, .... Hry,... AcknowledgomcntH. Mofri. Kirkpatrick and Ilenennn kuoM ledges tlie receipt of the folloniuj; tielcs from Sluron beat, for Capt. J. .A. 1 es, nr. Q. Who is it A. Dr. W. II Goddar.l. hat evidence have Jou of the fact ? A. (Witness drartin' ftoiu his picket a paper, read : "K.-cuved of G. W. Small, lo iaia lor otiiainiii.r a per- , larri,ol,-8 coti.rji.nv li't'I.'iiJ a e -rtmn l il of iii ielniie. I rv I Jeeiil.in , ii, if. 1 1,,' C.1,1, d, ,ui .s-i,.. ' Ml- Mj.ii. d by M.. Ijo.i.ianl. ' r. i wastlun indicted, aruMed and .T put in j .ii. I lo wai u pi'.iiiiuvht L'iii hi : man oi ii 'iioii.i, aim a p.rtin r In the tteil kiiow:i lii m ul A. .. M inn Co. J .M Djiioiu Was IlleU caik'd, and afier ai,Berine' (lie loreoi'ijj iiiealioua, was a-ked : Do you know any one who has been I. .. tl.. ........;.. . 7 " ....r. v 3 w-. .... hi.; ..uvuijr . btopaiu. our eneuiies, preserve ourliouius aud altars j iron, poiiui.on, aim secur to use me re.lo- jjKOX 0r Newufapku. NewsDaocr sub I CON'Gli K.Si(lNAl. fioX. I .Uiiit-n ration ol ptiaeo atiu profpcrity. ...:. ;,. ii.i.i,, ... ,t , , ., , ., , .. ., .. .. Macimrel,. ( j Given tinder my band aud ety. Tliey w ill, sooner or Inter, di.-eover i si'r" !;:. ,t, N o " " kkai.. Slhe real of tho Confederate the man. If he U di,ouest, he will cheat ll"!'.".""! MetT.'r"' 6 Si'r""!',l' J V' i"u,u':l " '. ( w-wy. States, at Kicli.nond, this thir- ; the printer home way-says he has paid I.Ia M U.rry, J P, R..bl iKnder. j Dw" ' ty firm day of October, iu tne rear of our what he has not declares he fats tba re- sun. H U Imley. I u' l ,"M""S I a .i i i 'i i : '.....i .1,.- i :. 1 I i li n ku,... .I p u......i ... aif...N..r,l.en. ' '-'c'11 JU' : i . . . " """"-i ,4,.,, .. ,. u .. ' ' ! ' Suntiiern was loi-t in the mail or will take the pa- i , ,,, ' ,, !'. , ,. , ! tints...... per .ml not pay fr it, oo the grounds that j F """""- iw he did not stjb.-oribc lor It will move orf, j ll irr !.ure, S.nn'l V Caldweil, i P, S A Slew, leaving It Coining to the , offieti be left. j r.- WHiiUllt IIuicI.imio. Thousands of nro'lesscd Chri-llaus a ra dis- I ll-'.rl's, llubl .Uetwcii, i P, William Bum,?! ....!! lii II. ....II) ,...11. 1.1,1. N..; ..Kilts.. 1 1... . (: (- (v. . -J.M (w. ..oil (., ... 0 K ..IB (.,; ... .1 ( 14 . 4.iii (., ...711 ('. UD to 5 31) I 0 (ii l-'o 8 (10 (0 (JU (U ''1 liu.-ial. ..IU ..Ul ty-onc. JKFl'KUSON DAVIS. Uy tho President j 11. 51. T. Hu.nteh, Secretary of Slate. hoiier-l, and the printer's book will tell fear- 1 ul tales iu the tiual judgment. ; .ilnrriii. : Ilea's. -Artln.r Ur ar J P, J S Ittid, T A Mur. x cottox mm, M K lt is-ell, one pillow case, one llCl t , t WO IJ lilts I Sailie ,b-x nider, oim blanket. 1. lirkpair:ek, uuo iiUnket, two pair , pair V, that (.' ni.Tess will provide j i-l I aluppuiif pork or bacju to t lie Aoutu J mii 1,-aiioii for the I of the aerriccs el l. 'l i' , in p!oj i d. i. .-ii Hikers l.is ly has been en.bal.ni -I 1 t il Imi rxiiii.it - I in lti in PliiU lel ii pteviii to us re:uival lo Cil.ioriiia .Ni K I I1KKN lTKMS. iHTtlg'S M'.MIUK, Oelober -The I rails tc iiki row. One hntidred thoa irl rations b'4t biro li-l,ib jled 10 ,ne t, aid reakd oniers uivcil to the Cap 'is. fci vi ral trat.-pns of u.eti and lior . ure m l.oard. Ysriu Irai.-porn uf. , d greatly duiin t'.e t;alo wiiieh pieiail- rcn i!i.ni'i; l.'iO pst lew Ui)s. i A ."I'll in ('auier.-Mi, in a ln-r lo H'o four wa, n l. r oi the expediiiou, ives authority to f 4- i I. ul 3--UI- a I in j ii ma A J Wl.oisttT A Mitchell, Dtinaan A Co , Armstrong, M leln il .V Co, and varioui others. Q When a a. A About a year ao Q Do you know of any one who has c Jti.rihtiied money la mui persons to th Soulhrru Siut- ! A Ye., cir. IJ. U no did it I A. I Hid. i-l Wlii wer ihe persons sent ! Mi-s S A Kirkpatrick, one 4 liit. .Mrs S II kirnnatnck.'tso luaiiaets. " Wiu Pratlier, one blanket, three tarn. " li Drown, two pair socks. " Jno Lee, " " " " li M White, onn vest. " Aitnur Grier, twelve pair socks. " W A Noles, lour pair socks. Mr- W J lluuier, ( proented to a friend iu Capt. II 's company.) onu overcoat. Jii.i.is v i onus Wfl.I, 'I'KCIIASK j COTTON. (.'KAIN, FL()LrR ! S.0 j COLNTltY 1'ItODUCH ! ,,f n 11 I. mils for wliieh the hijjliem market Tice j will he ,.i,l in t:ASl. 1 Ju-t received a .irEe lot of IIACti I .l.( AND I ItUPI NU i.nd a luil supply of Kl.IAS & COHKX. tcpii-iiibr 5, I Mil . Pr..i.feiice.-W M Mathews, i P, W T Still, J A Num.. Sl,.-el Creek, Ccu W H Ne il, J P, Alex liner, i !., (in, r. Tnc luiinher f.f rotes riven inu-t he wrillen in wnr.is, nut tigifrrs, anu '.he .Scroll eniit iinir." Ihe nuiiiher il viilen uiiist be ictiirned lo mu t.elorc 4 o'clock t lie mxt duv. V. W. UKlKll, Sheriff. October J", letfl. 8 1 u Pc j T'otaloes, I noli ,., I " Swvct,. ; i;ii.e, I u.ir,Li.,l, Oruwii ! oMuu.Ware,. . Is., u, ; iv-a '. Wheat, white " red,...,,. Wliiiki-y.Nurlhuri " N. Ciriiini:,. VV'ii,(l)i.i(lUcorj,M,i; w I... busnel..,, lb liimhcl.... ....hualiel .... lit-:.... ....l.iiBhe I In i Ih ...iu ., .. 0 (., (;. .. J (. ...6.-. .-lo ...IU ....Ihil ..,.lli I Ml (, ..l.llKl.el !l."l ( .b.,lu.l ' u.' .-.lied,. .. iv,lie,l. ..(HI ...4 J ,oU 'ti I II I' 0 (HI 1.0 1113 I i.O A Gnoii O.nb on Gkmiiial. Maoki deu Everybody on the Ouachita Kiver, aud especially iu M uro and Trenton, Loui.-i-au' knows Ned Phelps, former clerk of the tusiiiheent steamer, " Paro i i ." Ned is a private in company A, of Hie " Orescent Kities." Fust Louisiaoui liattaiiun, better . A poor woman aud fjur suiall cL'tld- kuown as tun " Chail.-y Dreux Uittaiiou.' This baltaiiot. was and is o'i tin- j, n i nn I -i , 1 prevailing yood buinor the wiu,e under u. J. li. iaru r. For a while liDIOVAL S III I.I) five imiice that 1 Into reinoveil 1.. in) N, w h'..ctr)- neat dmir to the big Uf. lie, where Mililsry Si-Ullrs. H smear ail I Aecott. ' treillf nU Can Uc hail at allort llotierr. S. M. HOWELL. C.l-il purl f.,r lle. N .vemli. r j, loel. 1 in MILLINERY, K V K ST A IJLISII M MXT- ' xMiss E. ii, Williams, Ssi -S-nns- U SriJl.'I.U inform the .nblie y 5 t? . W alio lheil..uie .iiriieiilar- he is pri'i'iri'ii I,, do all the .Millinery line ill . manner iiuu oil tl.o inul reavon.'ilile terms. M,e It,. pi a by (iiluetuality and ,!n-,, 'leli lo re. liberal sha.e l imUlir ialroia(re. Shu can be Imuiti ut the esnlenee of Mrs. Andrew pri.ix, uu the ulrcel lesning lo ihe Clleee. 1 Oeloher a'J, U6I. lin II KM Alt KM. COTTON. In demand. f iiood IvtiMc ii, i nee it is e, ,mn,i7 in 11,,,, u I'r.rlv. lieie ia now m d, inaiid at Sc. CO LI Mill A MAKKKT. ktT-8s...v,iiiy.i!iai LUKBfe :"e beM 71 Columbia, June !i"J, IPiil. I O'I 'IDN . The sales lli w.ek In, e renewed only UV times, nees 110111111,1!. UACON.hoj, round (. j ' 'I(N in, Hi) PISA! yl III (o mi OATS mi (. , (.j rl-oi'i; .t (ni 4, ClAKLI.SION MAKKKT. li.kl.kieroN Jl ; ( OTI UN 'I he i- was toid that li enild retire wliicli he did, tien. Maerdiler u.-ed lo take the troons uu nj iu to buii-v II, " if tula be luasuu, uiako der bis e oiumaiid, aud carry tlieiu on lotijr the 11, 1. 1 of it '' weaii ouio tuaruhes throuju tlio peuiusuU. tl.st (.VitircMi will fiioviio ju-l com , I 1 u s.nuvo prneet-Iirijrs w, furnish as ( hi one of these expeditions ha iiad march- to it for tie loss of lhc eriC s of u:u jjivcn to us fy ,iitlein -ii of leiiibiiity, who (M so the boytaays tho I'reua Utttsiiou ate e..j ... t il.t ol Iho I act .SALT. ,TE lia 1 ' seli WAMiituros. October '.'J (i -n li.ker's ly is to lie embalmed awl will lie exhih 1 in -tats in I'hiiad.lpliia previous lo its a, iv al to Os itooiia II. New Yorh Tribune js one of Its r. sp' n i, his 011 board the naval rapedi u wiiles Iroiu Hampt-n Umis that the ;.vsie eeretsty to I'omniodirfl lopint , at seoiiiled, can ) ili' oil maps, chart", d rv, Bile sealed oriieta of liie tXpedi ClIASA'-TKH (ir THE C()IUtri.si-o,DKl'E Ll.lUKKN .Mlt. SRW'AKIi AMI Li 1 II I) liVuNS. " Aya," a correspondent of tho Suu, writes from Waahiu 't n as follows : ! In r is cop'i'lrrsl !e pri smr.- oti Mc ban, ur'in In iu lo tri e batlle uear lia. I mteeii hours, throuirh a drerichini; raio, when, finally, mormon came, with the "boys" broken down and nearly faiui-li-cd. No partiouiar hardship in this, as it is occasionally the fat of allsildiers so to supper, lien. M aruder, beii! ' ic:ier.-il," went to farm hoiii, usar his encampment, and ordered a hot breakfast. It was soon fortiieoiinn, and Iho General bad beiruu 10 enjoy It when Ned Phelps walked in, and, without sayim; a word the General or anvt.ody else, cvuiMM-nci oitmi very ve on linn, I .iine K. It which we wil a' la :!,. ., him. I. FKAXKKNTHALL A 15110. 5, !ftil. lui Notice 111 K W, lit, lay I'M II ar.l a'n.l f ... der ot tne i" of the P. lll-el nl tl. I. i.l ! i 'i i for lhc ei or li.r Mreklenbiirjr Poer limine on S.,1. o:k lo fleet a Slew suinK year. Ily ur. It is under-lo id in d iploni ilio ipurtersi that a shal p cor re-pniideiiee is ji'iliik' ou be- twe.i, Mr. ."Seward and tli J Kl lll-h .Minister! t n. louehiti' biocKa le, I lie arrest o! Her .Ma-l j.?-t s sui j e's, etc, anu anal lias oceti h'-artlly. Hid lieueral " leaned bacKaiui-pui.ii-iil ot such c rre..,ou ieiiee is hit an ' z ai at rj, i':iied,' and laid ilowu bis i. s- soon a possible. m-la i men t to apprise o ir people ol flu: kuife and lork, wuhjust breath enough to l a ii sprulsiiou i in I ol ed ill about luelin ie-1 of seriojs dilf r-nees between I : "Sit do you know whom you are! if cl uf iho removal of tieinou' 1 the to eouiitrus. 1 bos,, w ho are aeiiiam- eatiir' with V " So 1" replied Ned Puelps, N.iveinl.i r .", I fO I , K C. WALLI3, CV,. PROM THIS A Wi OUNCE .Mi; NT. 11 ai-K are i, uthm ir.ed to announce that WIL. 1.1AM I.AMlKlt. KU , ot Lincoliitoii, ' N . P , is a Candidal' to represi-nt the Ht Conirres- i.iiial ilistriet in ..ic lirsl Congress ul' Ihe Cull. ' federulc Slates. O.-t. 6 tdc Cotton WareliiUise! OATKS fc WILLIAMS will store Cotton under fof. and advance ce.nl par e, mid on all received, eharwinrf interest on Ihe ilium v o ndv inced, and ojc per bale f,,r Ihe 1st month, anil 1 1 ic per bile In' each subsequent month, and 4 ikt ceiil commission. OATI.'S Sl WILLIAMS. Ocioher l.i, ltfiil-t.il, BROGAWS! IBrogans ! tin l planil or Lotij Cul trill. aits to report iu tillur MrOTAiNT NOTICE, l'OSJ'l lN KJaV CAMl! ON AND AFTKR THE 21st INSTANT. COOHilANE fi SA5IPLE. Aiipnst yn, jPtii. tf mrcrnnnaLiiiuuiiii.iiiiirW A Larv Slock of NKljlUO ) in he.ievo be will bo declared mtltiary . ted w it It tlm c ominuiiie a:i u ol the ikitisl. Jliet.tor lioveri.ilient to tho aithorities of the rcvo I lie New York Herald, of the -!lh, says ii ,i,ary Slat, of South America, fay it liie objjcts expectod lo be realised by : positively that Lird Lyons s letters to Mr. i e i xpedinou are t Fir-I. to C"tV lb" Scaaid is ,u-eis, iy ol the same domineer isr into the cotton States, which are chief jn and otj -n-ive slsmp as the loniior. J; re -pun. idle for the rebellion, and pro ' lnc best opinion here ae, ii:s IjOid Ly. f ir m-ur-aini.i.,...! and the di-p rriou of , 0ns of the au Itorsl.lp of wliatis offeusivo ) tiiiiiiebse Ooiifuderato army in Vtrvinia n, dj. l.-ster, l.ut it is fu'ly believed that r eonliy, to secure winter ijuarlers for the p;jr Itussell diolated its leiuis or expres jJ ul. ral tronps and lititboi iefu;e fr th;iu. Soeh a lort letter was never before J vta! and mercatitiiu marine. Thirdly, to addressed to the AmerioaU I ioverniiient, Jt,..ii on,- or mora of the Southern ports to , and the moderation ot Mr. Seward's reply :..i.f,ieree, and thus sttisly all demands is oeOounti d for upon the suppo-itiou that 'i I obvista all ditli.-ullies about the supply the Uritih people will not approve of the I' ejti.in and tho eHiciancf of the hmcita lo. j i 3( their .Minister for Foreign Alfiirs. s ovor lli (lt ,,, a e idin, ask-l if i Uithly, to lorin the nachl iu the Confedo- j ('u.er the circumstances, il is uo longer a we 0O(1, he aeoaiiim iilat.vl, n4 a lill I-'.: Mat.v, near wliiel, the Ion,' suppressor matter 01 surpo-e Ilia; .ir. newaru i -sueu wjj ,r,.cllUMi fiao ri!l ,.ir, butlilo- 1 ally and ,".o 1 fieiisa ol the peJI'l" may his r.Cent Circular to trovernor: ol loyal ,..,.,. ,,ieb,ltiii dia-ss and a babv States, to iehiuj seaboard aud other trou , ., U(, Icckol)l l e inout." tier d. I, tie. s, j r i,ri-. l,,i,.h...l tin in ta a . )w tnai tne n iviiu in oi nu i jenun is barred by the Ooiifederalo batteries, even the p'tii-ies that h ive hitherto scouted still helping hinistlt. "No, 1 don t kuow , whom 1 am eaiiiiii with M" Icuiie S4- ; rh'i i I It'tvtx t ii'fu uC all fiiti liciil'ir ii-uuin I ale uUh, fu vtciuuU were titan.'-' Neat Pkhple A traveler " out west," oives the following as his t xperieuco of i uca'iicss, which is very ood . j We :ilwaysdid like neat people We al ways cheri-h a kind of lender feeling for all neat women. Hut we were never " struck " i with one until last week; and tho way of) it was this: V.'e were " out west " a few miles and got belated ; looked for a place 1) A T K f (1 1 I! II O O KS All K I'OsmYKI.Y CLO.SKD TO ALL IJUOGANS. (',i.Ii will, in t-vt-rv iiisliiin j, In re also iniii l, wiilmut distinction of pf-rsnri?. We .in-i ()iii)i ll-l to lui v fur CAS1J cuirsrlw-i tiinl inust tlHicloro liave MO.N'KY. , i:.&I..IIAIL IMDLV. kttte ifcx ksd s i J Kllol.iti,ltw in.t. l lU. fRSllK liht.l I.AK ANNl'AL MKKTINt. nf .M. Siockli older" of the W dining u n. 'harlot lo .V Knilierl'i.rdf.i, U...I l(.,.,,l (',.,in,.,i, v will l,c l.i ,u iu Ihe T. vn if t .i .i rl. it to on the f.iurlli Wednes. ay in O -intier nejt, the same bein lhc i'4lli day tin; in, mill. CounlV Agents unaole to atlclid sIiimiM in -I I'm I t ' have Ihe Coin ly btojk represtu. ted by '.-"y I" insure a ni'iruiu. Tnis is lb in re in ei ss .rj as very manyol mir StoeLholder j hav- enured the army am! will be necessarily ab sent. 11. W. GL'ION, 1'rett. In. HOOTS AND SHOES, DO OT ASK l-'Olt ELI AS & COHKJf Spplem.ier ii, I H6I . 3 1 suppressed i e peopl'' may P d .-.ale and and appropii it expression, d to encourage and stimulate tins reao- ry leultiig, cl wbieli tnere l.ave t.ei n rrinarkahln and iic'iuragiug mauifes- tf'ii in Notth (Carolina. Granite Mill Stones FUO.M TIIK(M,OUDCKKElCQUAKHIES r.iioKKiKi'i) DisTiucr. s. r. A KlSB ASSORTMENT Or (iKNTIiB.MK.Nd UdO'l'S .IKMOSj, ALSO Ladits acd Childrens Shoes, for sale b JA.ME3 HAKTY. Chnrlotto Oct. 1, lSfil. 6w r I A special order for tin s'd the si-.anier Al'an fl'iet, dated on (nc idea of il t Hirer in ttiat w ay, ex perteuee i : jullfWi: -nek nre isc-'iliarly adapted fur Mill COttOII WOOd ; t II " f" ' , .. .;.,,. Vr..,t. U.trr rib and went IU u ask' d tor sup- (. f ,,!, t l,rii;i.i il clieiperi-nd in .re easily Wo i;ol aomo bacon, molasses, and 1 k, , ,."pnr. Tne u isenhet ia prepared lo boiled corn dodders. Wen's heartily. ' tun,!. a i.-w sei ot n,c a..,.c roes, ,., ,.,.y ... i . .1 ..... u..l red i il orders arc sent iiiiiiieilii.t-ly. Alter mi meat was un vou ... v , ,,-..,.. . ..., ,,,, Miller. '.I nrrs.ii-l C.ru c pur f "ii, liys ilist l.t- expedition is und-r the I "iimaiid ol t'oiuuian-iur Dipont, and tint f ' iHleiided lo ninka do , o, nt up hi iho !' ,.1'iy coa t, and probal.ly under ciici'it ;H"fi deuriii'iiu the uluu-t vi-Uuee, 1 miess and ii.lrepidity of every man iu f : i xpeiiition. t he surf boats and other j l-nis of dlsembarkalicu are believed to be f . il-le ol landing at once from :f,m0 to a i Siiiuh nf thu suif boats will i . .... . )..:... . ... .,r t.lau their hurts in the stase iry lull men. I lie rineuuioii cuns.sis v. y-j ,..., f i. ,- neatness Si,' ,...,!... ...... ,.. aided br Generals following staleni'Mil of a correspondent of count ol tier neat... Laiuis Mas. The assertion ha-, freq ieti tly t een undi! lb it tho ni u of tho present leuxratiou, nspeoialiy in Auririet an I morn especially in the Sju'hein St ites, are phys ically dry ruerate. Much has beeu both ...IU aud satiricsllv said and writtou i about lhc small sixe ot the men who now use. of life. The wer in love wttn luit woman on ao the oldest : " N v Dil.ly J me, yo i Inve jit n to k.'.'. that old slut uml tlieiu are pups from sieepiii iu this ere in -al b x any longer. In inakm up this stranger's 0ru bread I was jiit iiaiilrly pjstero I to dell a piekm the small iiurs aud dod fleas out'u it, that emu olf o' the in pesky tios an if they sleep in it a week louder it wou't bu tit for l n c Ad. Oi I liiui. f ortinr ol the vi II known "risiicr m.ii nihi l.) mi l knowing what is wauled, he ..iliiieiit he w.il be ul. I,-1. 1 till allnluerii .lira Hjlisuuii "ii. Will deliver tln'in at i' the thpols in Culiiinbii or Aniiusl.i. is fc. . ,llrl,l....l, 1B1 J l.d. I.ee.vdle. S.C. ISTATi". ok Murni-CAiior.iNA Mfclki.EMlL'itn It.UNTV. Court of l lins aiirl Qmiitcr Sessions Jnhj 'J'eini, 101 John A'niipsoii, 1 ?ept. 20, 1861 Notice- TKKASUHEE'S OFFICE, I Atlantic, Teim. & Ouio R. E. ( CIIAlil.O 1"1'K, N. C, Sept. 17, letil. f ft till') UU II lint. .il, in ui at" Capital Slock in JL the A T. i O. It. If. Co., subscribed in the Tew I' ol Matcsviliu, is cuenn Ihe 5th of Oc tober next. The Seventh Installment of the Stock subscrib ed at Mount Mourne, Iredell County, and Ilia Kahili Installment of all Stock tubsenbed in .vicCktciiDtirg iiiuuiy, is uuv unu payauie un inr Ist October, next. Ii Hie Moekhol.lcrs desire the wnrk to eonlinue they MCsf be nigra prompt in tin ir paymcnls. I Tins is no lule talk. The Treasurer inusl have j MONKV. M. L WlllSTON, Treasurer. j September 17. Ifb'l. 2.i-tf niJTToN & i iii:Li(;iis :Dutbcvn li'lunthlUa lrifinal AUacliinent, Same as l!ic others. TKU.MS ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. id, fi lm lirieades. eolumamlcil oy wenerais '",s - - V,hi, Nm-rrl, and V.ill. cscl. with ar- j the Montgomery Advertiser, shows that lioov. Full orders are uiveu as ,o the I one loc.lt.y mi tho Math d,s not produen rn, IS 3-7 isix gallons of water, ,,,ue pounds of sah, J T u. ...eslaetn, o, in. toun 311 pounds I threw pounds brown aoir, one quart '"o1 'tK Nrll, l urn,n.., but r...de. he li.ii-iv. I' oil orders arc uive I 'le of landing. If they sueceid, they V directed tint to gi) beyond suppoliuj; dis- "ui'u froui t lie shore. Yuukeo Trtsonors. "as hundred and filly vaudal prisonara wVWe publish a recit.o for puttiu!; up pigmies I he writer says ilia a company . . rQm -u ol volunteers from Mem wether county, cur" lia contains "77 ...on ti feet 0 inches l.i.'H ; ; "For p.ckln.o 1110 pounds l.ctf. i.ko I ihe agjrreisato wnitil ot the , I I ,, :. . .... -..I ..t.i.,,r , . i r .!T,,.I... fl..-h . ran ' lassa. two ounces saltpetre, oue ounce red wiliiou ..no po.u i I ., . , .,., ,4 0110 0uU,o notash. Doll and .STATK OF NOirni-CAUOUNA. CAl.UWEMi t-OU.MV. Court vf Angus' Trrm, 01. Powell. At Long- f Levy on KljI K.taie in '' i die tiaiiher. Iuoir. ligfaction of the Court The Mecklenburg Oolii anu Cupper Cum- 1 piny. J B T appearing to the sutishictinn of the Court, JB. Ihai the ec'enilanl is notan mhubitant ul tins Male, but reslei s licvmid the linnls ol tin; aaiee. i is Ihtitluit Oidrird, by sud ( ourl H",l piinliei. Hun ul si ucceine weeks i'i tne North I aro. In.u Wl.i,r a in.- s un ni r ornileii in the Town ut Charlotte ii"tn) mg ..re the .K MX t epi. , Liotn li.pies. l'wmiy ot". i'i il In or.i.n uh-crihefs, Pt i leaf. Aborts h. partie:.!-r to OHict and Siale si3 10 j I in distinct and the sunl m icndunl to he and i.ie:ar lie I. .re liie ,'inni'n i " . .... i Onirlt-r Sessions at lhc nextCoiirl lobe I'i'.,! j'lr3 mid (nailer Sessions, ,,r county ol Mecklenburg, at the Ciuil- flouse in Cliarloltr on ll.e 4lli .uonu.iy in vcl.ui r next, I hen "nil lure to answer m demur or juug. in. nt n.-ocoiiicsso will In: taken ajaiuai nun. , Wilinss, W. It, P.eid Clerk of.U Court at of. 'I111' ntv lice in l.iurlotle, the 4 Hi Monday in July aim in fct,th year ul' American Into peinie. lll'TTON iV IliKLllill, Ml MI'IIIS, I INS. IaKI. aOTICL Mr. 1. W. K. UEID. c. c. Printers l ie li. I'-'b C. "and for Columbia, whero :arcera rc a bard looking party I thro-lj. I.eraon Saturday mo. ..ing,; WH t U ilictles bih, and weired 8ki... it well, and let it statiu ut.ii. entire y Ibey will bo o(i;j p,,ullds. Now, Alauam ., hnnz in yo.ir , con. , ...e., V" ' , ted in tba district ,1. i T.r:;?1 VL":r r ly on "of mV. i ""r0;:. "c":u! pour l.e over U-.r.er ifyou prefer tnak- thin' like a number li she would be a ai iu i " "'- v.... K . r.,,t. ai tin-i well with orceu IncKory wood .r0f lLwoiibed K.it pounds; now, 17:. ceipt answers admirably lor eur.u pounds." I1' aA letter from Iowa says, epi ra ' '"'"'H ihsre at ou cent a dor mi, ao I corn H Int'-eu cents a bushel, applcsjt wenty nva P thirty cents par bushel; flour two dol- M" per hundrad pounds. Tuts batus . ( is MereViie Or. that publication be ni.de lor six tueees-ive ! ,..., in tne North Carolina W hi, not -lying , . ,,,, . I. ii.la.il, to be and appe ir at Iho m il ler.n ul ..ur said l-ouri lo he held l-r Ihe Cuuoty uh.re. ,t the Courl It ' Iso in le uuir ...i n.i u... ,i alter the I'-'i M "inlay in Scn'euibt r next. use il any he can why In justices jung- ,,,, nl .Ii ill not be continued, auu all uruer ui s..iu ordered l issue. j y, a J. t. Wils ni. Clerk of our said Court ut Olli'- ni K.iioir ihe tilli Monday alter lhc 4 1 li M iiiday in June, Icibi. 3 J. li. WILSON, c c. c. Printers lee jti, t'JS id. show 1 August 'ad, leCl WAM'l'D, ,000 II. W. KINSMAN lints SIM l.u are in my haui.a lor culicl.u .i.J Uilineiil. Ail pil..i liiileUiid Hll. pieu-.. Hie lorwaro aim swllle ihe ..li.e wi'l.i'Vll ,.' if . J. KK.KNliKl N, Oct. i'J, J 8i 1 41. JNoticc. POt NUS Ot OOLL.t.N ; Y A M N lor making .luiers' ' J, Tho highest inurRit price Will lie , u P. ALI'X AN Ofc.lt is my author Ad persons lining business Willi me I u.saet it AHh t'liu. T. 11. DUEM August 0, isnl I'Jlf genl Sepiembcr 17, IHCI. iIU rUlIN l'll it all sines lll.iuiuriumy irrlsii i I I 1 1 be nc I j l M .nh Car LL LOW'S CKLKllUA I KO TAYLUK'S KLr.SKAL ut cilv. at I Sept, 3, letil. SL4 INlt C V.NS, ul a. I uie mil Uiltcait Hturt, avyvttlt l .aai Halt