novllj diiMlina Mm aujwa TucMliiy : :::: November 12, 1861. rni: latest m:vh. A r.LOlilOU.S VICTORY IN KEN HVKY THE FEDERALS BADLY WHIPPED. We bave news from Kentucky of a most iliorring character. General Pillow, with Tf pan's, Weight' Pickett and Russell 'a Jt. -iim-nl!', mmbering 'J.HOii mao were at tacked ly .OIM.) Federal troops under Gen cr;i.i (J rstit, JJtCleruand and Iluford. I'o til or.e o'clock there were many allernv tlens cf successes and ravers. Our for '""'.era then reinforaed by Walker's, Cursols aud Jlaek'a Regimenta, when driitrti Pillow ordered a flank niovomeot, ti!rh i made and supported by Smith ami Weight's Regitueat, under the iuime b,iti oo.n ma rid of j uersl Polk. The ,,,( iei in I were p ir-ufd to their iiin Id!,. It wa a complete route. Tbe r ore 2 1-d f r erven miles with tlio J,iJ an I wounded, with gnus, ammunition, i, j) p - h , Xa. 'Tba gunboats were at t . r k i-J I v our sh arpsboolers, tbeir eablca cut, ii i the Federal made a precipitate n. ( aikni-a. V:.jt.! bat'ery, under Halliovco, in i :r, in r 1 1' i 1. It was cuplared af'.sr a fu ! .11 irftiii, anl tub( q ieni!jr ratakui' L; i-jr troops, j lo-. i hrivy, but much !c than i of ibe Federals. We bave ninety j j. ,.:.. r. The enemy' loj in from four i, i , lr I 19 5r hundred . i) ii Grant is reported kil! d. We r captured nearly oil oar men wbtf L.J bcu taken prisoners. M n M'titi. Niv. 0 I i. i Affeal ro' re-p m I at ?a;a (Ji n ' 'irjti laa .out a fl 14 of Ttuee to Coluinbui .j ii iiai g-' pnohrr. i Hi n ') "a f (jc 1 to exchange owing to; l' c :liu!lii' P. I ure of the pir.poul j Ti, be.rercf t!;e atkiio aledg-' a a. : 0: ! We car I'jrtd -.'!'() pri?crr. Tl.ey eap- : lurci n.uiiiy aii-k- J 'lb. I . ! ril !un BjN are badly dam-' I I y uur bali'-run. I ! in raU l'i:ior am 1 Cb-jatbcm par- i .!.. ). ... j A:, 'h r attack i ar.ticipatod oa the Ken i M - n, j L, . -. to day, U l.e iltcba.-.' mojru 1 .i f-ir tn r ci.tidreu. lijuiuci, geoerallj, ! . .U'lMldl:d. ii.i woiu L i ar eij.ft- 1 t) morrow. ii , r t J An-t'ju lh J C. I' Milcheii havej t -r 11 fi.ciol by t!m Arkaaa Liilatitr , aira to the ('.tifcderit 1 Ciu,;roa. J Mitk 11. 1 men t aulT red but iutlj. j I ho mu.r liiil iii arrive tjnurrow ;.h the ao.jiidvJ. A Niw t'mt i.r l.arrm tvti.')PE 1 :.r: " dni iopi l. tli r " j a recmt inertition, 1:, I i iiin to he irottb ad (.-lit) iu thii 1 r.tifclet acy at a in it U" f-1 couliiraaee. v tii.d it thai doicribed ; It 1 rpetitu tbrrc frpcrata tliirpi !n or.e .'.: licit of l;!tr or tutu ppci', aijd iii "i 'i mid a poilagu itaiL'i, all iu aiu.ply I -it tvilbt-r lint uur in y u i1.m:i ailli 11. ;rt t-, thau he would tb-j old uvrl-ipo. li.t a I v lit a a are, firnt, that the whole '" I' fian tlie maleriata would "rp ''!)', In ii lloan,; an lojp rlniit ec Jiioioy l riii.i,u alio write many I' Ufii ; n c mJ, l'i" tiiip rnii.t be utolm or rubbed on, 'b 1 a inmii r of koine c ou-Kjiirnce :i it u r ninMidi.-ro 1 tint lu eny 1. mil u i,f l. iii ia 1 1 u ntuiiird to ibe I'. 8 ' 1 I,' tlrr 'flicu uiiuu 11 j lb it tivw yf ''"I 111 (liM y ; luir.l, t'.,o po-t iutik i s )' i n il.c iwti-r it n- t, w Inch cati there ' - ii.. 11-. 1 11, ojurte of jiitie, a a lul I ' il jr l...;uim m, 0. i ) nlijl tei, Conti i,t., , i. d or, iDurlb. a la- alieet, euvriope "' ';i..i n 0 uiiut time aud Iroublo are ' '1, .itii ia couductmjj a bi-ary correa- P .lilitLCi.'. "V 'W'M.nw Nearly Mati hed. The ''.luaing tiirnot comes up pr.tty well to s"uililow it, language and t 1. 1 t , being I b: us : .I 'ki.,. Unit i!,ty. ht Coluuibu I. a information from what are "'mid reliable aourevt, that on tbe day ' t wtre sent froai l'a.lueau io Jla) field, '" 11. Siuiiu relusnd pet runaiou to anyone .cave l'aducab. Li.t.a cbildreu abut i" i.l.s were iu tba country --ladies who '-t ti the eity to paiubaae uisdicma for t;ui nek f.ieii Is uiosscngera for pbyn r l'i casi a of naergcuoy, a well a the I ' J ii i ins, wera not permitted to depart. ' n .Ninth, hell supplicated bychlldreu, ""''"i 'c , who wet anxious ta reluru to v 1 r riclt j aienu 01 laiuiliua, swore by God. ''"'at it Juus Christ or God Almighty iu t j u, thny khouid out leave I ' i nu V-i amen, thai ibis slaltiuanl is reliable, ''eitdibia as it may seem, and add that 1 1,0 hUtpheinoii witloll klaould be gib bllvu.'' '' Tba report iu rclatiou t tba ra ta i,Lo f tort Uatlerat is untrue. I lc Fight at l'ort Ho; al. 1'AIlTirULARS OF TUT! ENGAGE MKNT JMILLiANT GONLUUT OK CO.M. TAIN ALLS FLKKT--'f HE SA VANNA II has two balls shot THKOUGII HElt, A(J. Savannah, Not. 7. The steamer Reso lute, ot the Cunfcderato fleet, aaiue up at eleven o'olock Ut uigbt, to ooal. She brought eorreet pariiuuUrs of the opera tions at l'ort Royal up to the bour of her departure. It appcara that lliu ruport of a Faderul ateaiucr being disabled, iu l auotb er ouo bein agrouud, U iucorruct. Ou Mouday afternoon Commodore Tat Dall, with tin little Uuct, weut uitbiu it mile of the Fcdural aijuadrou, aud eaaod them for nearly an hour, until tbuy came within ruacb of tlie gum at Part Kiyal,; when liu retirud, mid allowed tlitf 'alter to j opeu 011 tbmu. The ongageuvut U.ited uq-I til eveni"';, whH what re.iult it U iuip-ni- bio to acerttiu, Tau 0 iumod )ru ania ' sailed out to a point about th roe-.j 1 11 u-r j of a 1111I0 from the eiiumy'a fleet) whuti a tieroe engagement of forty ininu'rn etmucd. , The enemy fired rifle shot ml ahull, vrhicbj felt about u in great profuiion, Twonbota i pa-ed through the avanudb without aa j iioui djinae to the tniel, aud uobody ou board wan iij'irid. Fartica at l'ort Hy)al nay that leveri li j I s from our fl ;et tok i(I:Ct ou tba Fed eral ft.i.r.i Ttie latter ojuiiii iu cloicr, our itKl reliied. Ou j i-nt'T'l iy ail was q lift. It ai re portrd, hoev.-r, ill it luu Federal! wele laoiiuj at 11 ijjiiu i-latil. Aiiojt acveu o ci oca !al uint, urun; mmiiu beard at i'oit Kyal, and Harm woia was antici pated. I.ATKH. THE ENEMY IX 1'OllT ROYAL. C'llAKl. ksu.v, Nor. ?, Keren of tbeeuraiy'a hcary 1 a r te u rn - er. auccee lrd 111 pi-.iti iik tutt rii-, and are uo incite ol lJjii hiibor, out ol tbe reach of t;ie bald-no. I ne tram po'ti are ..l oji-ite. 1'ue enemy a glim ere aerrcd uiin jj'aat preoiiun, aud ouri La.ily. Gen L-c, Ik'.ji io command i.i We'tero Nirima, arrited to tk coinuitud of the ijuitii-iii AtUmit) ojaal. Ho bai (jona Ouo o to l'oit K i) l. lroip. ie tiuri)iii to the .rcno of aa liuu. Ine enemy ai.i prooah y a'.teiupt to laud ou tjur f Jicei are ajt jiate to re pal-c tin ji. SavanaH, Not. el. Tlie ateaiwer .Suiii bat armed from Foil hi) A with tue c ouu'l.; I," mu wera ci.h.u in (he battie yiMeid.y. 1 1.- .hu-ou a Lit -tn Fort Walla r and Hit 1'oiiit audrtpvila fifteen neaaeia out-i Jo. Five huolrr 1 men wire at Fjrt Walker U'i l,:ciu ouiaida, on Hiliou Head Uiaol. 1 be tuaiu. tup Mmnoota waathe br.t to euter tbu bailor. S.i-j 1 f jlioood rapiitly by otln-ri, wbea tbe Frt 111 at tacked from tinea tides. Alter theatoond round (roru the fl tl, the pnncipal guu ou uur battery naa diabied. 1 Uo ruirL'mui lasted lire bojri, during which time a.i the gjnn ou the fort were liiiuiouiited, el ;pt lao, wucn the plaoc bo in uo longer leuajle, tbey weia tin in 0 j 11 1 e d . Arrangements have bru made to blow up the laiagjaiua whou the enemy eulerj. Tba total of tbt Coulederalcj is about oue bun red . Sergeant F l'arkiuioo arid I if ale lla us of ltei ry a infant ry , a.iiiily wouu'ied. Tbe tieoria F01 filer titvo two iinenin tine ol U.11. I'rajloiu aiJi mi allot from ti i bore. Dr. liii-t, of Oliarleitiu, wal killed wtiiia dreami 1 no ind. tjcu. I), ajiju H aiiiitiy wouoded. Liittt I'Voin Virginia. ANOTHEU RATTLE FEDERALS DE Fl.A TED Oou PUlSO.NKliS TAKEN. l.KUM 'Ml, Nov 7. Intelligence has beeu received from (.'ot ton 111. I vhat Gell l'uyd c imi.eUCed Oau tiouading tnu enemy ou Fnday last stop pal iheir t rauap trlaii 111 killed a aumbur ol horse tin. 'led the wagous and killed tweui j nine of tho rueiny. General Fioyd u i controls the road over wlneb the enemy tian-poil tbeir up plus. There is a rumor current this morning thai the Eider a s had oro-sed Liap Cieek, to cut off 'oi. Jenkius' Cavalry, but Col Jenkins having been ivi-cl ol 11, ir move ment, ha oblaiued reiuloi ceiujuta ol U.fau tiy lioin Gfueral F.oyd and siirriseu tbe Federals. lie auccevde I 111 culling theui off and capturing six hundred. FROM Foil TRKSj MONROE. FliRlKEbi Jlo.NUl'E, ( let. UI. Tko brig Ethan Allen, of the great ex pedition, returned to HamptOU Roads, this morning, lu ciip.n q lenca el rongb wealber un t'ae cia.t below. 0e bungs UJ par III! a Ills repectlhg tba eipediiiou. Tbe barks Gem.boek aud Amanda bave . juit returned (rout a ciui-e. ' 'The Rescue is al Old 1'oint, aud will go to sea at ones. 1 'Tba Ingat Roaooka i hourly expected from tba south. 1 ne .ailing of the Southern expedition 1 has nearly cieaied l!i; Iliads, aud lell us j to think nf and altun I to soiuelhiug else. , As aooa a ilia Uoads weio cleared, tbu Miuue.ola moved dowu to bur old ancuor g, out of iha rane of l ia gnus ot the Torlrtas, preparatory to aiviiiij the Jlerri- . uiao a pioper reception sli idld aUo attempt i to come out of Noiloik, as report aays sue lutead to do on lua hrat favorable night. af'Tha Secretary of the North Carolina Agricultural Society bis advertised for a meeting of the member of the Society, to be held in Kaleigli on tbe l'-'th iust. HaJohn C. Breckinridge has been p poiuted a lirigadier tleueral in the Provi sional Army of the Confederate Stalos, aud assigned to duty iu Kaulucky. Pkavino fob a DvtNQ Enemy. A oor respondent of tiro Crescent ays s A most toiicliin Hon no tooM piaco in ine affair of M.ijor llood'a, already alluded Amonr, U,.M .mrtwilw .nd.J ----- - r- ---j -- Northern man j he waa shot throuah both bipa and bad fallen on thrf road, where be wai discovered by a Ijouiniauiarj. Ifo wan aufferini' tho mont intense pnin. hii f iee iaud body dittorted by bin aoniaitig guf - furiiiffi. Ha biM,,.J foe wat,,r. wlii.ih ura promptly given him j his bead and should der were raided to nuki bun mora iioui. trooper oatue up, and tbe poor fellow urjed hii re-" q ieat ajain, with great oarne-itii.jn 'I tie Virginian knelt at hii aide and aiked the wounded uiin if lie wa a Oliristi'art, and b dieved in tho promi.-ia of Chritt to aavo repentant aiiinera t I la aiMwerud, ye-i. The trooper then oinimenaed a prayer, fer vid, pathetic and eloijient) tba oldit-r'a faoe lost all tho iraoai of hi-i recant Bu'Tjr In', and beoanid placid and benignant, and in hi new born love for his enemy, attemp ted to encircle hi-i neck with bis arm, but only reached tbe eboiilder, where it retted, aud with bia gaze riveted on (h fare of tho prayirful trooper, he appeared to" drink fortablo. and Im faco and forehead batlmd," euouih to imke tba eve of a dam- ,.. . ? . f "''lu ' j o tbe 11 water. Ilaur-ed tho Louiiiaoia.i to : '"! ndia weep. Jim waa the name o tbe ! ,"uaer,"!7- lu our op.mon, tnerelore it fpray for him, who was foroed to aeknovr jiuffirer if be erer had any other it bad I b" tJ,li' patnotw duty aud the ledga bU inability to pray. At that mo- aliped bin inemory-tbouh liia a tlvc t ioo - j jn tb uTi't" ba8 ' 0 d U8tf in iha words cf.hope and cotiiolation, thelbuttoued up bis jicket to the nick, and proiniaeo of Christ' nierey and aalvaii in. a-ked bt t comrade for a cbew of tobacco.. which fliwed from bis lip, ' as the pircbed Too fuii of emotion fo peak, tbe gentle eai'.b diinketh up the fain ;'' and as the'tO'iily Comrade handed a pi u s; of tobacco aolema amen died ou the lips of tbu ('lins j to the dying man, who cut off about half tian aoldier, tba dea l man li.-i I relapsed ' au ounce from it, placed it thoughtfully iu ' ii bold, and fdl to the fro nil, and his opirit to.ik its flight to unknown realms.- Ine doeiie was aoletnii ami impre.-i ve. and the group weru all iu Tho nying never weep, 'lis aaid. Having no imple- 1111 nts with which to di bis ;rave, and ex pectmg the return of the enemy in larve force, tbey lelt bim, not, however, without airanin bis dipss htraihteiiiii his limbs, and cro-iii' his bauds on his ehest ieaviui evidttiees tj tbe d"ad ma i'a cunpiiiious tin'i that was Mnelling arouud bis knees, beet upon us iu the prt.eut FC-ious crisis that bis I i-t iiinin 'iits ha ) b.-i n ministered "d tneo proceeded in tue direction of tho of our public affairs, when we feel no deep to by humane and Chriitiau men bo-pital. As he passed tbe olBoers' tent I ly aud are anxious to acknowledge our bum We regret ih 4 1.1 j L ) is am an c j ild not noticed that the top of his bead was com bla dependence on the Anniguty iu all pray. pletely gone, aud oue of bis eyes was half things, and especially on Iliiu, as the God : way down the back of his Deck, Upon ea- of battles, to L'ive us the victory over all A TEllltlBLE KEIilMENT 1 he New Or lean Deita, of the -d lost , says : ... . . , . f f .lji"1,L .F'!c"!'re 0t a from three i! istinjiuisbcd and learn- . . . ,, , , , . ed divines ol tta Methodist denomination, , . r . . , . , two ot whom wore uniforms anl the thrid .. 111 1 1 still retained bis clenevi batnt. 1 nese ten lleinen Were the Rev. l)r Carter, President of the heiUjJiit Souio L.Hiri.rity of Tex as ; tba Rev. Mr. Ri.'s, recently a Cap tain in one of thi regiments at Mananas, au 1 tho R-v Mr. Ijille.pie, our cotempora ry of ( iip t.'liriitian A ivoaat1, and au elo jient aud ab.e preacher. A-soeiated with tbr-e teiillemen in this entcrpri-e is the learned and a t . 1 . ) Wiikes, of Texas, aud cv.-ral other prominent divines of the same patriotic persuaiitu. llieis j:eiii CTtumiinued to raia a mounted ri'r'iiuetit rid of the unemployed and starving popu in litis and as preachers in !tion of tbat city by sending them to tbe tue ' ?ouih are all good horseiueii, aud are ace l-t imt't to tiel.l ra-rci-e. to the i'i;idi aud da 11 'er of camp lile, this regiment pro 111 -. s to be one of the iuo.1 formidable aud elhi-ient i.i the Confederate army. I ha fi-id and 1110-t of the commissioned officer will be complied of tbe same ela-a of i-;a!ou defenders of the cause of the South aul of Cbtiiianity. L)r. Carter is aj ixpi rienced and ecieuiilia m1uit, thor oughly versed in the art of war and skill ed 111 the ii-i of nil appliances. Dr. Ki's his mready seen modi active service, aud doubtless many of tbe one buudred aud twenty .Metboni-t preacher who were in - clu-led in tbe roils of the army of tho Po- toman aid be assigned to command in this regiment. 1 tie equipment ol tuo regiment : L. . . - - ... 'I'l. - ry Cfinii ow. the men are to be ann!d with lance, like those of the ceK brated Polish lancer, with revol iuerea-e iu the sireeis. The agents of such vers aod double barrelled shot guns. A ', societies as the Children's Aid Society re the regiment will be olboere I by geutleiuen ! For' " numhirs of destitute aud orphan of grea. sobriety, piety at d ropriery of i "os beset their o;e or their schools, conduct, and will naturally excite a rieou-I aud se. E eueller and employ meut. All liar interest and elicit the active and earu- et aid of tbo large body of Cbri-tiaus bd wibte r lor ibe poor. whis.i xcalous painolism aud devotion it! wi 1 represent iu this noble struggle fori Horrible (l-traes by the Yankees liberty and right, we recommeud the youti): ' IN ..MEho.n CoL'MV, Ky. The Louis uieu of the country, who are desirous of vi;t. , .Jreen) Courier, of the 1st partioipalnig iu tba t-xciiiug drama, to join . it ran1:. CllEAf Rlankets New-paper blankets are coining iuto vogue. 1 hey are 111 joke. A correp indent ot one of our exchanges thus refers to tue matter: " 1 hav recently heard lunch about the value uf neapiers as a sub-tituto I01 blanEets, and have cihsidered thu state 111 1. n t to be apocryphal. Rut, last evenly.', I was induced to make tbe 1 xpreiineht. 1 took tour lull sized uewspape.s aud pa-ted them together al the edges, making oue large shcel toe MI; of a blanket. I I lie II reuiov cd tho blankets from my bed, and placed tbe newspaper alieet between the oue re 1111111.1,? blanket, aud the cunt, rnauu 1 he reauil was a comfortable nights eleep without any feellug of cold. 1 pledge my ins is liter- word to you, 'eiitiemeu, that tins ally true ; and uiy oi j -ct iu making tbe communication is, that through the medium of your paper, tba fact may be generally circulated ; lor it is no lulling matter to tbe poor to know tbat for au ojtlay of a few peunie they can supply themselves with cutiitortablu tied covenug ibrougu the wiu tcr. Oua of luo pnuier c Jim. cto i Willi tbo Advocate oiboo has also made a trial of the matter, aud say it works liku a charm.'' A Good Suikiescuin. Let no sane man (say the Southern Field aud Fireside) think of money making uutil every battle held la whitened with luo bones of uur sell sual, brutal and depraved luvader. Every thought about gain and self muit now yield io I ho wauls ot our brava soldiery. If, through our ucgieot and inditf jreuce, our armies betsome disorg anil d, then will laud, slaves, bonds and slocks, bduoma worth less, except to the rapacious Yaukee iuva ders. Every feeling of patriotism, aud eve selli.h consideration, require us to devoir tuonny, labour indood everything to the comfort of our aoldicr. An Original Zauava Latter. I Tbe followiiiir tn..W.. .1... .1 I ... . ?. UJ f1" 01 0 r i " i n a ! JJoesticks, aud is a pretry good to,,. , ' ' Frey 8ooa Uk011 Ulfgraphio foporti of war l.uv . 1 1 , . I ne"", botb North and South i "t'e mt returned from witnesslo,, one of tba mournful eighta that ever nia.Ja I n man feel a-l though be bad been ceding i onioiu all tho week and grating rad ' t-.b on Sun Ihv. It wai tbe diiiii .n.n. 0110 of the 1'et Limb'a down at Al. aau ! d ria. ami an 011a of I'US ohaoa reuiarlieil lia was out ou picket iuard when the era Conlederaay attempted to pan hi 11 "d Challenged the iutru ier, and called to hi omra lex for help, b it before tbe latter 1 rr' ""-'d, tho Siuliiuru U jnfederacy drew a uiaikeJ batur. (to... h.a rt,...l . . , , v . die heavy ball.i through the bead of the un .'ortunate iiuave, uear y Irauturnii! bia . .. ivi,- 1 "'" """ii -kull, and breaking several panu'a of .-liii-l The owardly miacreaut then fled to an ad j lining feuce closely pursued by Sheriuan'a arttllrry. Upon dicovprinj; tbat he was wounded, Mri Shorty examined the cap 011 bis mus Het, and moo l it carcloliy against 11 tree, j bis mouth, anil then stuff jd bis baudker cniel carefully iu tho bole in bis forehead made by tlie ebot. "la any of my brainf banging out?' he ! reked of his comrade. "Nc, Shorty," answered the other, burst 4 iuto tears, "you never had any to hang out." tais response, the dvins man I After paused for a moment to npit iu the eye of a te,IU-f 'be ho.-p tal he took a pipe and oo'u meuced to 111 ike it, at ttie name tune g'.v l"i us a ui-iory oi bis Hie and career. After finishing the pipe and bi,lory, be . i,.i .. i . aked us to wrap biiu up in tbe American a ... .1 .1: i H. urn) died. i c . ,L . . 1 B oiLCj wriuog the above, I have us a tii-tory of bis life and career. beard that no eueb occurrence tooa place at AViandria The alarm was occasioned by the facing of a bundle of hay in the olhcers' quarters the noiso having been ini-takeu t )r t ae discharge of artillery. 1 bave siuce lei.'i.ed mat no accident has 03- curri-d, aud that Shorty did not come with lje "e'"-"'-1. remameu 1U ion. A Dismal Fuueuoijino. The N. Y. limes advocates a combined etfort to act vr , . T. . . .1 r fairs thus : "Our citiz us may as well now take into bcrious e ji.m Je r an jii luo social burdens they wi.i be ub.iged to carry during the approaching winter. The unemployed poor aie intTea-iiig ou our bauds al au alarm ing A.ready we are informed that thousands of able bodied womtu are under charge of the Conituiv-ioners of Charity, aud '.i ' oiled at public expense women who a-k i r no chanty, but only work 1 ay latiinies ol volunteer bave not been 1 relieve 1 Ly ttie liberal sums cxpeuded, aod I he loie. d soon to become burdens ou 1 the dt y 1 he arui of uufortuuate cnild F-t- .u..e. ,,Ueu u ilirt 1, 11 .1 1..'.. II r Hi I ;t III 11 or n till ir urlm : luo " J" -," , ismm "iiw I have abandoned everything for the war I n?" 1 rtheae a severe and gijouay autumu ; insi , s .) Iu Anderson county, we ar iuformed 'be Federal are commiltiug aucb excesses I us have. in vtr beeu wiluessed lu Ibis Slate 'since the savages were driveu from its bor ! del Arson, robbery, plunder, violence, eve 1 ry sp L-ssnesa is perpetrated by ; them. 1 he other day the bouse of Capl ; Uiterlack was burned by theiu. A young 1 e;entli in an named Ttiomp-oii was tied to a tree, and whipped terribly, when bis per : secuiors ieli bun, bleeding, suffering, aud 1 belpUs, to perish, as ha would have douo 1 but for tbe timely assistance of a ceiula ; m" 1,0 acJl leulaily louud bim StocE j i llMV'" oif. granarie etnpiied, bay aud 1 heat stacks burned- aud a fine bridge across ouo of tba leading turnpike roads there waa burned the other day i w ant 'tiuass. This is a fair pe in pure peoimeu ot L nOOiUlsUl Keutucky. A I'm. mi i l l Stampede or Cavalry lloil.-b-s. A Ingbtlul stampede of oavalry look" place receuuj av vu. ..., JlisSOUil. A St Loais paper thus describe aiu relative! eoiueliuiea eallod bun Soortv. I .1..:. j, I i U lenlist.iig tor tue w .". Coloiiol Merrill's First Missouri Regi- Tiiu. wa rec.a another victim to the terra!. . , . i- ise..u.e ot our army, the 1 u!i...d river. Anil mcilot horse was ou us way to remtoroe anulr Wltt.,. .iiiinncu to ine b ir ..!' neav.n General Fremmt, and quartered for tbe ' ill;algi ihc autnuritie wnu tins wicke.i in -bt at St. Charles. About ten o'clock wjitare .j.nn-t in. In iln insi .uce ut.nii I,,, tho Horse of Cipt .iu Charles Hunt's com ' el.-c.e,i one of our richest jewels. 1 nleb ,,,1, ' , jiii j ui.iue.l, uliliab.e, d ill., lit ill UUlv, anil I '.'liiui to pany became Ir.gnteued aud broke loose. M (ruu (e dfwn u ,iim ,he icjfU o lliepauia was snared by tba others, aud , w hIlew hlin. soJU lourteeil hundred horses, tuaddeuad ! He ii- iiuen e it down in the aervieeoi hia couu- itb fear weut ruihiug over the eucamp- ! I'y. but could nu inv,iltl: i n .vn lUi,.lt, treading tenia and men into tba earth. .in I creating a seen ot uuparalled eXJilu ' b c wmi his inmie n.tufv, l,i nave uuut. Twelve men aro Euowu to have ; yild.-j Ins hie j.i.l unijioin irum n e bad ut beeu fri 'hifully mangled, aud probably fa I youth to tne oluuiu oi niniliooo, an.i have jiJ ' a taiU; but tba only meuiOer oi ibe compau- " Wl" !" , , "-'' J . r W oiiu wo der.ily Ism nt l:ie ueatu ol our yoiui ' ,s cou.pisl ig the regiment, which weroor '. iluieri Wd ,,K. illu.f ,ll9ulU ,.u(.y , ganix.d iu Ouio, at ail injured, was Cap- llr ,,,, thy io ati'ird me c .un'ori to Henry Wilson, bl OtUer of Captain ! tne nee(.i v l iC rated Ha uls ..f ma wuiuwed in tli Lewis Wilson. Culled Stale Army. His ' er ; ....i u.v .tea .,l. rs j ,et we . u,v. eg. , ii 1. 1 ol ult rn.K tins lesliliuuy In liu intrit , .Old li -kull was Iraotured aud au arm aud leg ..... ' .,,,. rBJ, ,' broketi. Lima eutarlaiued. hepa of hia recovery is I PtlOVIDlNO roft TUB rUIUUE A 6e.N8l', 108 -SeilWTIOM. In the lo.,er br.nwh 0. the T tba leuucase Legislature ou tbe lib .,rip. of ,..!...:.... J... 1 . .iivu was lUllUdUOiU, oue ! hi.h ... .. f .n ' 14 ... w,3uLvtIi -hat to make sura our do "e u-'l,,Ur,t mvailmg foe, largo armies, ol "e part of aur Government, are mdis f peuabie, anl while Our porl.n are tflocia e it-.t depend upon the kgricullui . uui.ui.rtw piama ir ui. ;euautng year moia than an ordinary quau- ,ny wi firovinuus. lud to that enu : I .1. . .: r , ki'i van mu auieuuoii 01 our re.ipeeilva ; con-titueucien throughout the Sate, and i "' . . v" " ta irieultural iiursuit.i, to th 1 ,1 . ,, , 1 7 1 1 , . 1 landato provide au abundant harveil lor tbe enauiu year to aitpply tbe wauls of tbu country: and wa would also call their at- teuiiou tr tbe importance of rai-ing on in creaied quantity of live mock, particular! cattle, higs aul :iiep tie to former o which ure o esiiouiial for sub-i.-un , and the laticr lor couifortably cioibiug our gal j4Ul ir0ops PROCLAMATION', Uy tba Governor of North Carolina WHEREAS, THE PRESIDENT OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES hath set : apart l'ri'uv, the 15h of November iu"t . as a day of lasting humiliation and prayer At WItEltKAHj it is our sacred duly with profouud gratitude for past blessings, also to aupplicate Almighty God for Lis oontin- ; ued kiuduess aud care over un a a State aud Nation i AM) whereas, this solemn ra- ligious dutiea e-pecially proper and iucuui- our enemies, and secure to us tba bieisiugi of au honorable peace i Now therefore, I, H FNRY T. CLARK, iow tncretore, l, n f.Mll l. Governor Ex Ojikw of the Slate of Noith , . , , . . - , , . . Carolina, do hereby set apart the aaid 15th e v 1 . e .v. r r of Novtmber in.-t., for tbe performance of j r j a r 1 aaid religious : duty and in conformity with the Proclamation of the President of tbe Confederate States, earnestly request tbe Hevcribed Clergy of all denominations, and ail the good people of our Stale, religiously to observe the said day in solemn public worship, and as a day of fasting humiliation and prayer. , , Gifen uniler my band aj)rJ J Given under my band and s seal of our State of Nort h Caro ) iina, at Raleigh, ibis 5;b day SEAL. i of November. 1 HtJ 1. Ry the Governor. HENRY T. CLARK. PlT.ASKI Cowpeh, Secretary. Nevember c, lsdf. RY THE PRESIDENT. A n:0; LAMATION. Whereas, it bath pleased all mighty God, ,' tbe Sovereign Disposer of events, to protect and drteud tbe Confederate States hitherto, in tbeir conflict with their enemie., and to be unto them a shield : , Aud, whereas, with grateful thanks wa recognixe His babd, and acknowledge tbat not uuto us, but unto (Inn belong. th the victory and in bumble dependence upon His Almighty gtrebgtb, aud trusting iu tba u-tuess of oar cause, we appeal to lliui, He may set al naught the efforts of ' e .,,.,,:. j , 1,.,,,. , -...r.,.;,,,, , ,,,l -"1 r ; ibame : Now, therefore, I JEFFEUSO.N DAVIS, President of tbe Confederate Stales, iu view of tho impending conflict, do hereby set apart FillDAi, the loth day of Noveui-j ucr s daJ fas""! and humiliation and prayer ; aud T do hereby iuvite tba Reverend Clergy and tbe people of tnese Confederate States, to repair 00 tbat day -. lUI. .,i.i ,.!...... nf our. I, in mill I O i 111 - w r..i. w. -- r, plore tbe ble-sing of Almighty Ood upou our arms, tbat He may give us victory over our enemies, preserve oar noine ana anars from polluiiou, aud secure; to use the resto- raliou of peace and prosperity. , Given under my band aud t a L. the seal of tbe Confederate - S Si-Ops at Richmond, tbi thir- tost djy of October, iu the year of our Lord oue tbousaud eight hundred aud six ty one. JEFFERSON DAVIS. Ry tbe Prcsideut ; R. M. T. Hunter, Secretary of State. OBITUARY. 1 n rl nn lh. l.l inhrr. at ibe Plains Station yl ,.,,..,, u., u. n fir.i L.aulent..!ii James liu- I tut KeiU.ul Coinjiany 4.h Inlmlry N. v.'. fiuie ir...s. Ire. cull cnuiily, .V C, and allho he 11 n n .t . i ,,e uaaijjnat.U by tne lawa ..I nn cm in a nnbury ueiLnee, n wa i try l iluoul Ins solicitation ctioj.n in o"iiiui.tnu m ,s . W1.h K,lUllt ,.,,,.,, n.u c ....i.i.i. - ! ,t.r. v.volea liimsell to lua country' by ciprcaa uur aoorecialiou ol their great I J. A. V. Iredell KapreM ('lease couy. MARUIED. In Chiilotte 11 tlie 4lh i,,i., a 1 v' " Ul- lMN VKKI.y "K l' ' '" l-lacc, by tlie R..v. Mr. I" MI.-i.S jAMi w wi.n t.teni 01 , llluell in if. I .Ilit'j i nuv V?' J - ' ' ' u -"t-' A. fcTEWART 1 I ! .TI;tri.('t. COBRECTCJ BY DATES A WILLIAMS. al ! CHAfiLOTTK, SLPIE.MULU 13, HACOr , tlam . lie w iti i(j ' Siui b, in 1 , " ti.,1 ruunc, ill wo .SmiuliierE lb I15 Hi. jtif i , j uimy vu 3j 'it- 4 Hum it -.5 b..ewax it, -j.; bi;ali,... tiumiei, 7J '"""). H("ei Kl.- bJ ''-aen, -ul IDJ -'i"". b ti l.ollee, Klo, .....IU .' IJ Javu ib (jt) .'.mint-., A.i.iiii.iiiiint: i ti 4i) 1 " lriii ,b ,) I . ' 'laibiw :, ui !C"rn bustle! LO " He bu.liei Il Ch.e..c. ;u i:.itli,t:"'ieru,. yur , " '"'""y iar.: 4) r'K " ii ri l lour, ., i '' I'K iU Feather. : j tlldea, Oreen b " 'y !ia Lard. if ;0 Wutt.fll ; j .Uaenerel, niiL.N. , : 14 " liitis -i.ij .Io:n..i-5,.N.U. 7,j W.l , u Meal nuMi.i I,i, .Uuliet W ii mu. tun j ...lib) '.) . Jll 0 ..Nor I burn, in 1 ij outliern il, . 1 'als i.uiiiiel .')j 1'ork Ib T t'tas, busnel oi .'ol allien, Irish, bushel T.i " Sweet, t-.'iaiiel 40 l!'c busliul ii Siiar.Loar, ib Hmwi m Io .ilinie. Ware,. gi u IS-It. sek Ibll ib ion V lleut,w n,ie I.tisliui 9 reii, . ., .Norlbcri " N. Carulin.1,.. 'ooi,tbi-(i I Oeor-ri.i; w. ..3D 1 ,si.... 'bed, ...4 J .1.0 urn, KH.MAItK.S. COTTON. In the i j nee 111 p a guon nrtieic ib n nand. In conn qui m e it IS Cl.tlllllj. COTTON Bl'YBS. 1:1.1 as A; ( osi::x wii.b f i.r:ciiAsi: CIH'TUX. l.liAlN, ri.UL It j COl'NTKV niODL'Ci: of all kin.: Cnr wl.i-h the bigliest ci.irket rie will be im,i in CAII. J i-t r.-e.-ived :i I ..uv l..t of BACGIN'O AN RiJfiNU kiid a lull cup'ry o! ELTAS & COHEN. mber 5, I ."-lil . -iiu KOIOVAL. W OL'LD e- 'e tM it 1 hive remnve.l e.xt In trie ln, t iiles, l..rnrs- anJ Aeen ihort n .liC.. S. M. 110 WELL. Im a 1, ere Mi cllls eau (; !. p-a i.i f.r Ii Noveinbt-r 5, I ? SALT. "K .ii liiiiid ..line Silt which we w ell 11 1 two lieM irs :i I1111I1. I. FU AN KEN 1 ill ALL ,t RRO. r .s, ; Mi 1 . 1 in i'-' -Notice if ; B IMF. U',r.- .r Mr ,r ll u! lileniiiK ue on i I - 1 t .1 SteW - jr. l)y ur- Ciimn. ,mi.iy 1 flti- ol the bounl E C. WALLId wOrogans ! a-. V .'.. w p - . ... T '. ' 3 . - i .: J w.:";vurir..ii..,ii.u'. ftiajs A L;trg-c aS'itK'k d! WICGUO RUOtJANS. ALSO BOOTS AND SHOES. A r INE Ai til IM INT l F (OnNTLEMl'iNs Hum's & tllOV. AL. Ladies acd Children Slim-a. K .r ,ie hv JAMES 11 A li TV. Cli.irioilf. tk-l. 1, 1MI1. takk -onri:. T'l!:-;-;':;-,;: eU.e.i;e..i. A ! ,.. . 6vllliu l.ifal.l alio v'l licl. iJ, l tl. J. l.H.l.Nbi.1 N. ,n t i;aJ- Latl.NJ v.' VNS, ol TAi'l.oR'S , fmlt i 'fins.if.! efcw 01) 10 5 30 H $ I 0 6j a U) io 1.4 J..0 b 0 HO

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