SOLDIERS EMOTION IN BATTLE. Ourcitiien aoldierr., inexperienced in tb ; battle field, will find the most terrible mo menu jail before tbe combat begins. A oldier, it bis rutrraiiou of personal adven ture io the Mexican War, pnblUhe.i iu llote'a " Achievements of Aiueiieaii-,'' tvea tome interesting item on this bead, ; fi-tols at the lock, aurt i)m) the withers ol j in Lis deecription of tiic battle of Palo Alto, ! hi horse a sleudid net d. which n kill-1 the opening battle of tho war : j ed to relieve him of hi. misery. Tlui t na. j vi 11 j l ,l :, i" V Hied hard, hut without avail, to hit our I " ben all wn ready, both armies stood ,, .' , ., .i, t . .i. . '-I" pounders. t he fiattia continued until atill for about twenty uiinutf, ch waiting , t for tbe other to bajin tbe work of dea.b. P"' " clld ll "?'- NS " aud during this lirnu I did not nee a , cked bero were, and la.d on our rm. f tbe (UB, mora ; the J Mood Mature. -!. bo.r, but little, think. w W, remained q.iet.aith two, icrPnous!a"t b- itkid m our deep The ene. . j l l . j ' m v hnd been verf aeverel v uaadied. owinit i leg ibrowu over like a woman, and as be ' ed each recipient he spoke word of ',...,, 6 t i.n. nn. L.t La nu:,j i encouragement. I know not what he a. d , 10 toe oiuere, out wnen us came up io ' ibera we atood, be looked steadily at m eu.tance. iu which we Were t-laoed bad '. '"'beri-.g, finna a few ,hot, then,? roo ua-.nd a. bo cued be said : ' The . ""ouh ' 1"uo1". ,h,!B 10 S'L8 '" t..(t,iy hardy co, ks! the ba.omt ,-, i iib lighmiD iik r.pi.nt . p .r.y bid from lr Atwi The other occa,ion . tbtivie- de 0 0ud of amok- mi . with of Lieut. Blake, of the Ener. who vol-l" 'd naked .ro.s jelling unteertd to ra'.lop alon' tbe enemy's line. io froul of both armies', and count their puns; and o o.oe did be go that be might have keen toot a buuurcd time!). One of the officer of the emmy, doubtless think ing he had soait eouiiuutiirntioG to uiike, ! then returned and reported to Taylor. ' Tbu atood th"e two belligerent armies . face to face. What were ike feeling rf tboe tboucands? Ilo many thouhis ud fears were crow ded into those few rr omeni . . Look at our Bien .' a cUib uj j tweat is feltkd all over faces subtly ja!e, not froa) CJtard ly feir. bt frcai ab aful sene of peril, combined with a deterniinaiion not to fl.tcb from duty. These are the moments iu which true soioiers resign tbcmselves to tiieir fate, and con?o'e theuisel vca wilb the ! reflection that whatever niay lef.iil item i the aiii act with honor-; ttise te the; moment wbpn the ab.-oiute coward tcf.n.rjn i.riiSI' 4 f If lFa ruore than At atb- when, if iol certaiu that, liUJILSl 1 mllJ be would be abut in hia track, be wouid turu and fiee. FigLtiaz is Yery bard wot k the nun bo has pa-sed through a two biurs fi,:ht, has iied through a great amount cl meutal and physical labor. At the eud of a butt e I a mji fjund toal I had re'n red to profu ei? as to wet through all uiy tcick oo..n c ailing, aud when I Lad got cool. I was soro as if 1 lJ teeo bcauu a. I ever uub a c.aD. beti the. tatt'e ctnniente t he ("e'.vl undergo a chL,;e. Header d'd you ever ea yoir kou-e on fir ? if to it wa then you rashed ic'.o great dai.j;er, it was tkea jeu wtit ver p. ace?, e. iauVed over .i, .iittd btary loads, which vou never eould hare dene in jour eooier oiometit; you then l ave expri nffed tuiu of lL'.' excittiiieiiis of i (uiU'.-i in bailie. I al'iji anew my la:ier ibat at any tuonieyi I "as iiao e to Ic ki.ied, Jtl furh wa-.ii!y cSeiie'lii lit tba' I ner fa iy re..ized it Ail m. ii are tiot a ike ; oa are c .oi ; e.ime are perfect It wi'.d or craty ; oifcer are .-3 prostrateJ with fear thaltLey ne cuinvU i unti.-v S aa af-i siukiug and rt.ti'n A a'.i t'.n-ir i ries take place, awf ii t j c b-.-l ; they tremble like tn apeti, unit !tto di'cr.e- and C'Vert p. aces, cry ime chii'ireu. and are tota'iv to snaOi dead lo eviry rmMion Lutlbe over ii .ui:L,' icar ot iu- last iir-&i's. We b.'i a few, and tut a fsw, cf sueh in our army. A the two amies wef; ficinj eirb other, it wa retua:ka.b'.e to see (he coa!n'sv of -ur n.eti , tbtre they tt ji, i.he;iij til.- oi b: euit, aod talgiUj; ao -ut lr,e Mtticatis noine wonderiup if tt,et sci d ti.!,i : oth-r a 1 ine that taey wou'i. ..! fit d-:u itf, t-c. I kept Uaj aiii icry oa tLe ciitui,Hnd bat,p'-ned to be ooing to.v iri. tifir i.'.'it wiot', ween jd ie-i. v a wiiitu e'jri of pojke fprat.? up there fr.L or.e cf tLeir i;utt, and iieu 1 a the ujst fy it-iun iii front, where the ba.i .ruck. IpsIju .y aio:i,cr, ar.d tf.en anotiirr rich cnl of ir, vke arose, tncceeded h u L'cu..r.j v it.d, ani the ah Jt came crici.iti to arc- u- 1 r.e enetiiy tirrd vry ft; ioiy, a&d t'.-ir ka in kuocked tba da-t ao it u- iu '. c;i t ec-' ons eni 07r ir i... c r -;r u';s th IliafeU i!i IlwLt ui lia J.'.'.e 1 a'i'aj'. Uur haritr.ef! LjW v pvired in tipoo (iii u. a f L'"-t 1 n 'i let. i.i a-J trs Itmr 1 p'rjnu-r-. t:.i i an i. H inaUtj cita a iou lL-u c'ae a spontaneous i ed O in'-pire us ith ri ' 1 cou: 1 hear evrry ( utid to L; nn n. Lcn Gr"!, h; a'.riitd the i i.V1'. tn- n : try -., , i.,.r ' Ti-t I ' 1' 1 sL .-t was Lie1 3: V na if it" tin t:.4-j: j l. :. t 10 I n . ai. 1 r i -t or iii i . ir .i ; in- o iie; a a I 1.. IJ t ii'J 'w -I as i n p i-1 inn o A .0 it. hir-u vuui. ci co i ti-lt-tiCe i -U Li.-Ut. L!it)l I:.': ir.-t t was ,-, mmj, " Vce, ' too lo . Y n ; e i- ehi.-ii, !'' I, a i I i m i . i fl c-. of :ind f: i I'i i r " iol I 3 il.ey I J- t a:.d li.ti enemy i. !a 1 H U.a ISJf.-i '.' i, a i a . pietiea 'i ; lei.'v t tj r t.. ry beicbad lri.. (L r r. u Lh !. We were ordered to lid Ssn iu tl to avoid l:ie snot ; 1 1. 1 a p r.i ine aiid they eould not In. g metr irut.s upon u. msk ii.' our lo-- n-ry.iuei ere the IH'IO e-t - Ofi t-i 11 MU e. lo' -iir ;' ''' - '..H e O 1 1. "- tli'ji a n :,'J oi a I n . , ; a iu . n I a'ci.e i tie - i.o! cf (! e ira-', an i it tl. Cu-t li Iu a fee - a it .i i i was aleu'. a Itic en i annies a IllaB 1 I. Z L . ' j - (rri rl tt ( II., We. haJ tiit n.i r.t. Iiil:.. the tin my . inir '.. fouii'Uia. , i on- i ry o?r t i,rs J.O-l!i"tl u s . ' e ; A we inoreil on fi "h L ! I , a , (f i i a I c , i j , a aiid then I jai ( ff tu in r hi s e ,. an k, v a I i.i.- J . ! I'a . a ' - lil-l i. a ki.otkiil iii Un i'l it ''a.t I' .'1 on :i,e i:r,t, 1 i .. b. J-.J i I .1 1 , ; b , -, a.i I as L - (bd . at "red 10 laisd biUi.e.f, U. (rtsuiilaU each fhafl spectacle that a fick! j, faint-1 in lt sensation came over tun. tod the mem- inn sensation came over tun. tod the mem- orJ 0f rliat aighl I shall carrj with m to uiy ay yog day. , . - A iti lie later, Major Ringgold was inor I a 11 j wounded it Lis ba'lery i I aw bim jut fter it. Tb shot l ad bad torn away a portion of ilia Ui'eb of bis tbtrtti : its ; force v. a tremendous, cutting off both hi a we-t mto it more butchers I lb" "",ry nien , each stripped off coat, rolled up hi sleeve, and lied Lin L- J ' , ore . reo nannei eturna. ana inereiore, nerr m . uniform. To iee tin ui limbering and an- al every inJk lut y m, " - baud of deuiona rather than FALL OPENLNG. Stcre, Aew Goods! l.iowcnsteiii & Dro. EAIiLyoiDoe:'iuo I'uuii House, where they ve an tiitinaive aiocn of III GOODS. c l o mix G, u a u i , is o i; ? ii a t, , AND and a hi rre variety of AND ii not' t: n n:s. Ftrsons will uo wli to give at a call befure par-cin-sing eisewnere. LOE WEN STEIN i DRO. Oetiter 9. 3yif MERCHANTTAILOMNQ n i.lic. picig1 iV to. w AVE also added to t- eir Rearfy-mafle t inth. J nig S.' Ck. a Mercji,t Taiioniig l)tprl. ii. en? whi.-h tt-ry call -e tpee.l attention bf tln 'r tiriuy :V.e''ii anc ctist'iiri'.-ri. 'l'dev uitenil tnnkn g 'tis nep .rtnient sec nd to rv.i.e in Hie Sl.iU, eitlirr ir? nv and quality of lj-., . ..r in ti." niKnuiclure o &..rM.:t. Ai all tunes w;l! be found tUick Binek 3n I i.lnred ". itii, tnu'iah, I'rencli .nd Ainrncan t"..kitii r s, .nil a variety of Vtstnif Aim, an a-i.riuieiil of HOCK 11-1) CAfSITIKHC T.'-i-v fevl con fin r nt o HiiiT to urricrj-il a li T ui iirt Sinuse III Lie Sila tc. Irulll CVUg; 1-.' v iij . n ciliiij li-eir n as. X-ieir a "re tH-neht he tt;ifti;y. by if n I l ie J-n.n i.o rei.te iii Ine .N-.rliitm inrel, :.iti. jne t-:tr. t'i- op ,r '. un 1 1 j .it' taking sbVaii- lit 01 lus .-.c-.-t -A gMCt, i.ii."-. y al Twenty-Jive Fer CenlZ ',, l .e c.-i.ini.e-. LTDlints aacd are Doliari .aut : Mo lf a.. E FI'LL1nO, JNO. M. il'i.lNiiS, .-.;i-m:.r I?" l. -7ll' 'I II K . Ki;A't' CLOTilLMiJMHihlUM. 1 L iaia! N(iSr TFiTlNiiS k CO, IiKALEi'.is IN ALL KI.MS uf i:AiiV .LDi-; CLUTHIXG I't IMII.N(' C.OUl, I V tl.K l, A-. ! iiiiiii, pi'iiii A. i . Ilil.U :.'.': tin- e;.f j.) atte.itHin ol tiieir I !r,. in,, aili p-lr.ii.a luli.e.r j Slot K CLOTIII.NCa.j i.e. 'i i.i y in. ns l ,i v can offer greater I . cut 1 i4.'jfi raiva ano u n.ey i no iloa.e u tin , i i k: i.ite ta.ia.ici: i IS j.j A.i ii..nii-.rof i iihiii, t-.:. rA-l..iEi:K, sn.K, ;.w.l.,A-M, .V.N I- VJ-.l.W.l Vr.3l.-s, 'iVl-.ii U.i i n sly, ,er in i-I.LLI.Mjo, i-iu:, ..-i x uo. i7u s f it i t. t t.. i ts T ' Itl.,,, ,., ,-.irtr?T7t.-' m toe i-e.iment ,i ir -. in., .....a. i.itf l:-'. i.e. ..-I f,c luoutll. J e .a irnui,. fel. Il i H am ' Villi Ol i ip.J I) .M..i...-,.l. I l UO ill.ili. tl- per. i ii U. at , s, l.y aiiuirk, ,tiioii( e .ir ilellli. TAKK XUTICK. - n1 "'" .'ue Mr l-a.,e Irfar. iff.:. I., u.J h.l.ris f..r o'l. i 1, , ai.u 4 '., . -'.1 '. 1 Sli; ,ie..e tt.c the wilb. .lit (1. 'ay. J i-.IUi.Mii.l . ', li.f.'.'i, s?i;i-4t , j. i. i:vt i; a. c o., uiiliii in G OT CN and all KINDS of PRODUCE, thaui: Tin:r.T, s. CHARLOTTE, K. C. CTAII order attended to with despatch. Avnl 17, lt-60. 4ll' TIT A 1 1 R.T OTNT 10 1 EL (CHANOl OF PBOPRUTOH8.) JOHN F. JONES, f icprietor. f 1HK Vnaern(ined rcapectl'ullj announce to Jl the travelling fiublic, inui no lias nit" charge of tin old o pojiulur ealtiilnhuient, and i now prepared to acciinfiiotate traycltraaiiil pri VHle familie with board by the day or month, on the m'l arrniiiniodating l rii. Ilia TABI E will aiwy be rurnianeo witn tn Jh' Isi. l..t.l ha large bia-rooll( j, nMe, the depot, the court, house, ami the business treel than at.y other in the ciy. An Om. will ...,. he at the dep.,, and latttiitiar on the arrival of the cure and eleamboHi, i. n,. nil rn f lii fir atniipine t thi Hotel, puaaenrera will hare ample time to obtain media. Having aluo a Urgo and commodinu Sluble, an-! an excellent Ostler, he i fully prepared to board Horace by the day, week or month at the moat reasonable rate. JOHN. F. JONKS. Jfare I. 1659. 51f lliailulle Mutual Fire limur- MtHS COMPANY coulinuea 10 take riaha a gainat losa by fire, on Uooaei. Uooua, Kro oucs, ic, at uauul rule. IT Office at th Drug Store of E. Nye Hutchi- D Co. OFFICERS. A. C. STEELE, Presidmt. C. OVERMAN, Vice i'rrsident. E.NYE HUTCHISON, Sec'y.f Treas'r. DIRECTORS. A. C. STEELE, J. L. BROWN, M. B. TAYLOR, S. T. WRISTON, C. OVERMAN. F. SCARR, WM. JOHNSTON. John L. Brown, F. Scarr aDd 8. T. Wuuton, Exetutixt Conttnittee. f If t H E subscriber takes plr.n ure in announctni M. to hi fririiw. nd Ihe public (em-rally, that ; he ha taken 11. is long jslobliahed awn well know n j Hotel, and ha made evert p.ible preparation Ur accommodate the buin, traveling and visiung portions of the public, iu tlia meat satiaUeloiy manner. ! i'arlirular attenliun i pno to hi j TABLE, and every comfort i provided in his ROOMS. Hi STABI.F.S are abundantly alio, lied and !- J tenueii ty earviul o'llers ; ind to aH o-fi irlnients the pr'pr.rtnr gi his p-rinl attention. A comfortable i)M N Ult'S , Mia reg marly to the on Die arriv il ot toe dri Willi these rti'i Tic to plenne. liberal s!lre of i" puMic patronage i confid' n'.ly anl cilnl. . WM. iiOWZKK. XetemW IS, H'3. 3o i J. S PHILLIPS .7 ; n ii.i.v r '. iii.oi:, II A VI5G 1 (I. .rintle, reap, efo! icil a share ul p taif .almn A C"-oete asortn.t nl oi' I'iolila, Caaaune'i .. Ve.tinus alsvuya n I, mu', win mi Kill be mads t or der at the unifies I n lice, alier in latest laaiuon rs.ioo tnrer otwir of Hi M iuaioii H .utc. joiln aS. u ili;v, MAM'rcTi'k. '-sn mroaTia or H A Y A 5 h SEGARS, a mi riAi as i obaccof fnuff. Matches, P-tper, kc, 3:tliM 1, u I i I II L, .Ve, tnualaiill) un li.iuJ. Jan, .iv i, li-bll. 4'a"lf . It. JOH N. inioiiiuwn. Ptrry (uuiity, alub;tm;i, A 1 ' ILL itt. m! pfimplty to the collection m ail SJ Cl .mis pi n:i il il li'S Ihiiui. K.ti.le ClaiT.s l aiked afi.-r, L-md Claim ferret, li u out. urn .ii.ciii.iiij u.;oloia loukeo up at rea. IKXAri CLAIMS. ins hi-, rje in T , a -r-,.-iee., ir'Ulifi ml al ,..y 0e ..I. ly ri.ra -rjr Ill Inat M.ile. 1 on. O-lT WHEAT WANTED. I, li l. piaii'.i. eon, ii;eimi y I.i.e imiice Hint i to-ir Hi.tjt t ropmiii be pi renartil a t t lie I'a- .Si- nn r iounni; .Mill, at iiuitd pner.. T'ei-e lusilig v' in-. I .,r han: miy liiiu it lo their ivautat.-e to eai .t ti,e Mill Let t' c".ni a sale. JOHN H ILlvK5 CO. Ju'ui. KM. ii.,tf U'.iIaTll.V I km si:. a run i.; i: .i' i n i; iii i- . I. s I I f ,.,,r ..r ii teroiiii .le on tnc tiblii i M y ii' '. t i-e uh.i nle'rs v.1 I r. ',i, tor ! ?rui ' I ve.,r-. in ,..;iu,Hr llui.l, l a nom woo Can -s, (sans ol.rr Tieeri aiy J as ner t i. l it ili iw s.i kpt aa I' e f' jiul.tion which II sua - ill sal,, li'. t to 0, The Pair..'. apt t llai II. ...s is I ir acing. 1 1,; ,1. e.ei,tr..l p , .nd h'l. il i..,-.,ti,.i r , t it ol Buer. riy r . i.e. I. aj Chi,, r ini.,r.ii.t f III uc. ..I will l g ,.-fi by ..'lii'e if. T. 'J. & W. M. vV ALTON'. AI ,l(a..u.. S. .A. LI -CI. ! S. T. Vriton, " . I f t H r, ,.,,1 ,:, ,,!, , .,, -, V M. J.-,. ,1 hWare, .-.,. a, W...rl. Hi t , rr... !',,. ..... f l( ,- J.ii. W-,r, ., .Ill,,! , Ate, in '. u 1 1. li( of dirmj i. .a r aifi n, ill. r.i.jr , M.c. dm. j April 26, l&i3. r j iiiiraiiiiTEL,: ! -is i 4-1 186 i S; H f , 3. ( f j r ,i JAM'ARX. ' 1 2 8 4 5 'f 7 8 '9 10 11 V2 '.3 14 15 16 17 lsj IB 20 Jl'l'll U3 'ii 25 a mi ab 29 siw ai - " 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 SI 22 2a 'U 25 26 27 28 a 4 5 6 7 S b 10 11 li 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 23 26 27 2S 29 30 ol .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 tf 9 10 11 li 13 14 15 16 17. Id 10 20 21 22 23 24 2i 26 27 28 29 30 .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 1J 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2s 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 i 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 2V 3,1 .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 H IB in 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 25 29 30 21 .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 1 20 21 22 2 1 24 25 20 27 2(5 2H 30 ,1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 l 10 II 12 13 11 15 111 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 t-i uy 30 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 K 9 In 11 12 13 14 15 lfi 17 1-s I't 2d 21 22 .3 Xi 2 28 27 2"! 2U :SU 31 3 4 5 6 7 tt 10 11 12 13 14 l." Hi 17 IS 10 2U 21 22 23 21 25 20 2 7 21 2 9 30 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 1! 12 I t 14 1-1 16 17 I 1 'J 20 21 22 23 2 4 25 26 27 'it '9 3 l 31 FEBRUARY..., MARCH- APRIL.. MAY... JUNE- JULY. AUGUST.... SEPTEMBER ()fTjRf Tt ullu3I'tt NOVEMBER DECEMD2R. SXJiLVt 1X HI UF. ii it ii Ii n 'gUIF: sol.s-ii.ier ':.. reer,,ed a !r3s ami i JL ta ai-s., rrin. nl of i for Spin, jf ami r"'ii!i -ou r, v. hie ft f,.r tiie-pt.ea - : llealnt.fl, eafil.ul lie i-1, r p-i -e ii, t-,A . ,'St 1 1 Ii 111 pill B'.ek an )..l.,r. H I I.tlTII'. b'at DuL.tKI.Ssi, I'lain, h .ck ami r ..i-y A.- T M LI! K , Frenel, Or ,n I)' Kl K. flam (Hack ana Kifeil -silk V'LtI IN'..", Faney L.o. o l-lill.I.S. ami .ii l.,,.,r. uau 'ly f..ur.if in a firnt ri 1 .. on.'? F-1-.M..ihi.i nl. A i nt i i..i, m.i ii.aiie to niiiir or sm I by tl e yru on ai c. iihui, I. i f term. J. ri. i'lIILLU'n In relu-nm;f my tnank to ti e r,1 iiiu. loi t! ry amd sin lib r.-il i have I. itiiweii on me. 1 vouit rr.pj aoec ol t- e fcamr, wild li e ..r t oers eritiu-led to ue vviii ut nrt'.iy ii.ifH.-ir. -olia Ihe V A.-rsl 17. 1 ol'. C11AUL0HJ-: IlOUiJJ 111 1 Bats East. EJ O M ( IIAIUOI I t, V. lti.'. il..'. I .tr. lot.. ,I7F l" l " t I ' . nd otoera k i Hi! :h h L' H.g aitoi.1.1 i. ear iy in li.e i utre o! 1 -i..ri.He, Un M, ..1 11". Il 0 Una II .1 ,.e:li'.li. lie l.. I,, en e, at lAisrl-iO'I l.eail l l', tune lie IMS iiij.H: veral eil in the ) earn, an , .,rine house, ami ll 1. a a li,;en sin ini-p-i, e. l.t.f ,( in iVuii' a two !'iry V I . KAN DA 'iMIieet in le,,gi,, ny li '. 1 in w if! I h . h.. ndsa.m.-ly had o oy tre. s nn Hi. .icn.walK, aHiiru.ti( a uia. promeuaiii: al nil In-iiM ol toe d.-y. Tiie ll-.i-i.. t n, i- ii trtiifouijiii v hii-ii latieii throV out, .m-J in ..very -.rt ol it re.iuie ,-.,in i,,n ,ir anil t..rijl.l.-.eire,.'y , l(,r- )N. liHOM. win rt the ", liner n.. n'" in, rent wen' I in II Be lei' a, I in ll.i. Il,,l I . , SI. I.I.. .rln.a r.Hiiii tur lull hora. .. abun-lnnlly tuifjiatiio sv.tli tffiiii ..r,.: . i.vini.. r, atleneerl by tail li i . o o. L-rs. The Froi.rn-lor f. si- '-nriBiii nl thiit w ill, . ji aartil. e In , . ; : i I be lotin.i any it re, I 1:1 more so ur At ny rule Tat tin ( Iiarielle II, lei. KKKR ciul.n I J. lr).7S. li. W. llECKWMTI llaa ll.'p ruiij' V ut. 'if, x ' tm sbt tsoi.i.H narii'o im itiTi iii t ail anu eaaiii.ii u atoea u-lors puiet...i.i( siaeher i rgVlli. I'ropriel leretolor..' aiirfeSl " "l "'', gJn"it--...e.of.. s i fli . Tt 1 1 il Trl 1 1 fi r puoliC iive,,i((, him, Jim in U ,ii, r ' ei.i rt iiiie iju.irler. i .in he 1 uhj, is iter in tl. :i viru,,iy a mo.t eo DRUGSTORE CHARIOT E, R .' A Reliable House for .Pure f -. . CHOICE USD ELEGAST VEU- FUME111ES, ; Iluin Nuil and Toolh JJruslies , . - of the Finest Quality. , For Medical Purposes. OILS, Faints, PIUS WHITE KJ-UOSKNE. ! KliUOSEaNKLaV.MPsS. j i April 2 I C , A. W. AL1:XAM)KI, f ;.:surgeoh behtist.; OBADLATE Of THE BALTIMUHE IlyTAL ' tnii.riil. S MM.Y ri;l:i'Ahfcl To I'O AI.L VEX 1 'I Al, Work in the l.t. sl in,proi alyl. r.d I. I il be at Ii. Iil.g llelli II tllal M I -J (vl tuuiaii' ai 1 ( 1. tm l.ui.ilniliil Ins I. li. i m ail pi r.oia laumi nnikuu.. at lonr r. .10. r.rea. ' tm will otliae lil.i. veivii.ueh Ly i.jr..i( Inn. at hall., up N. C. - l i; AM. Wdl.K VvAlihAM k.U j t'lter, ..ponr k.rr's ll-'lel, ' liruwa'a bunmi'(, ap aiair. -Ap'. 16. Ie61. 3ti 1 JaXolicti. r-? mis T. I.lllatil I'K'.elH At, lit WAToa a id old:k JIAKKIl. or-eiiem Kraa a HOUL, j Lais wan B v . B-.iin.) j Fit. U'-lpliS. (V.i.ns J. er n. ri niire.i ar.d WarraMeo It Or tote r 16- if rvrty ilc. ! i ( im 1 i niinluii. I hiirlotte anJ Kuther ford iiaii Koad. VK.Trt! S'lln. d N si.ti ailir Sloi ,i-,v the iin in.lai.l, li s W P..rift ai.a Mail 1 ism .ui ban. oa t i.i RiMii oa-iy (Suno. j eaa.epir; .a Idiksi i bOl.Nia VV Lai. I rv. 7 mi A. ! Aaai't. f WjfloKe, 1 UlI.II. f I'M. Hill. 4J A. taOl.NO KAftT. It. I I 'ill Ass: It, A M. l.ii.r,oti.n, a,, . ma, kr ,ni, '1 uesas. gee. II -. 3 1 I su I -2 17 I II 'JO A. M 11 4i - M. luesas. gee, iU IA F. X I I II By order, V. A M TKK Aliny M4irr cf Trariapoat .lioa. I,inrn!nton, April 4, s '. 3.11 m:v sri'i'iaV i' j V;itelii'S,Jewi'!r .SulidSilvir Hated Ware, 'a'HK iir,, r has I Klicre l.e iu iy e-lurr.eU Irom ti i eli-i.rd a iif u II. a pari-h it to aeior. i lSle I ...ppiy ol H e al,.. ( e. b rrn i direi liy riiaij su to are warrant, o to b what He rep. VV.i. i... ai,.i t l, receive my pri.ona i e.ref uli t repai 4 ss.l w, tlrbUofi. 1 Jl. . DKCKWIIK. I aHI - Ori,rr 9. I1-!.!). ns ii i.i by h s.k sc. ........ J. III II I'll-. I UK- I I till III : n, ' f, ( I l( n as li'Ooi;t..Cu"! he t.-u .lni ., I... n,, ...ill,....,,. J tt. I i.rr. nl Hie w.iiih, t'. I f .11, tty I..M or Una Iluin;. will i ,.I I'.. ,r r. .-Mi. NU. ill ieiMNSON, IU tf. J lhti.5. J. lltiLlON. i, I 'hi. Si ,..,,! ' ' aNolici'. . M 4 I L p rao... 11,01 liUu I", ll.a e.UIr In. ,1 . , i '.l.'-s. Sei u , ,,, ,.,,, ,,, , f A ml re w . le ,y. 1.,. .. i ; .mi ii r I jfer'Oli. basil if ri.i in,, i tale. Will pie., Ill lrB ,.uj .y,,,,, ,1,, ""' '"" pr.-e.ibrrt ky )w in li,,. miii wiii pi. an in fur ol in, ir r.e. .very. . 'I. 11. JillKM Lz'r. ),tlr .111,1 ftr.0. iin I nour roixs, h'I'AN t:.S AM) COKI) WOOD, n AM Kll at tl ntAlilJiTIK sTE-i.M . , , JOHN WILKKS. Oct. 7, t be 1 4l LIVER IMfSSJ;A.C;' TI, ifrei r1B1 ami pfna.i-4 l alf ll..rti . ,Nw.i V''-" ' , sni lea m lib isiiiaac.iut I'.i ... lu- uui..' ai raiBiiiii5art. 1 ui ? in ,i 11 ha. cutJ li vml .:!,,.,, . , , - wa,i aacis "iiia?- !ia.-i..,r ,,"LV'" '' uua iJ.. 'isir.,i-ami,,. . , '"'Sa-n a 'Hiamu,ilh..Ml..-.i' 11 li.,- ,, ' IpJiiii UI...J M. u. , -t l, j lu . ' m tm art cul! ui 'toe liuw-l.. ',4 1 I1"---... las "ha nebias al .mr- 4 I a4f,in-u' -ir UMSl llMl.IV Itll gSJ-jHU I.,l!t . . ,11;' " ' willsur l.lver t iun- O 'plni, i. ,, , '"' 11 (. k., Uyspf pat,' p i,,.,""""' a si in in . r Co i.i - M ,1, , , J. if, lilri Haur'S,.ni lo.lvr....e, f l.i- , t Mt rJlorli..( lilral M ".. tun,, ' (." .' " lenre, a ail 1 1 sy M ! u.ul. ',(,", " ., sail mar taj aaM ,.,e ' . ,. vl' ry Family .. , i,a.. II M A It II K, e. i.,..,.a, ; K tiremy nili.nt. . I f j mo,. ih.i 'i , IKMHlUl Itt K iv at tuBw. tuit I iu'1- in a I who um II are Kl, ihv Omf ir,.. MIX U ATKIt 1 TIIK Hint i n -,... THE IMVMOK AIOU, AM) Ai.u.l! unill TlXiKiiikii, , ' I'l In Oik Uul ar ir bni(,r, a. a-' A nil. V CATHARTI . vi m Mn.ri nt lre Ve aria hi i:lieia, nn Ut .... . - - - (.". .. Iu u..r ale. Taa Ksnnlir tlrle Pu t - tn n.l hlaom ll-a ave'.niU.'iM la . I IIAIIT'I Iii , , b.,a wssflM vf) --..--.. -- ..... 1. L.o.'W. wl'-k l, 7 awu. a i, i.,,,, ... li, urf.a.rjf r.l ua-i r, M nli-,n!-, i( l .. fj i-.-h-a a , .. 1 ranter Ml . ' H fcZ Sli, Ilia, I, i,.. 1...". Il In Ihe fJ Hn.W H I..,' ( imIIii I'alMiJ iil Si,,,,,,,.. , Ik. Mh-.le ' ,' afil i . - ..i . ' ..,.. mi . 75 J .' l.f tit - H tlle.-fe, -Ht. - , .. -i ii .i.i i ( p i.ei,..a,, vt. S V i'.-V.n.-., , h ;inn - ( liHiln r r ' l i la, ?J !; I. .. ,'n.,., ," 7 Mae IMrat-. I la 1 !! K Tlfl'F: ffWI- TWa 1,1 v r l.l r noil I- a. . ii, Iiaitlr I'll air r- . -a . In. -, . , , , , mmi aa-aaMa l.f ilw i raa a, ui a , a, a I.lV.ilkMlMII, II II,, 93t Sr4i). b. sua Hi; i cu., IVni J. Kerr I A TTOUSt: I A T LA U i II tit I.Of I . vj. 4 ' II I.pract-rr in tin I nirl.. I,.,lirl. WW t Lion and t'a bsrrn, c ourih . Il'(i' in the Urawir Uoiioinr o; , K.rr'a ;. Jt. 'a. m.II. 4 j -, r e'RiTtokes1 ro k lliiidin KMallb!i!!:!i 1 Ittr- i Uit Km nib It hi is r , iaf in iti' W. i. M.ali) It biulu.., 4 CI I laltlit.t. 1 i . ab...r s'. l.u.l li if.t i. 1.,-w I ..... i.,.,1 s, .. ,i .1.1. ,.r, ...,, . ii. .i; , u. i. .t hank iamb .. iimu v It. ill A I. a. 1 1 .11 l,n,i nn) u i .. Cu. in my in... rod ai He aaiur i i i , Ol bail ....aj;,-. M J p. r ..,.! !e I - . fivi n lu all on., r wiift sti 'h in. i I 1 1 . v l I h.i l-.or f'' lie.l ,n li, t , Vlei lurrol Ms fclM ih. ana iii ii. b io i ... w sua i hl.S 1 Kt' tUH.Kb. I II tnal I sn, i it a.) i..r, g.s raluc .i,. , i.. J INh L he, . r.ii Liii.t ,.iu'i,i, i.( il.., i ; . f . r.rl.', ( oc ii .i i '. sue, C n -.. . i . i i. I. ly'. l .a ks. a, I h i I r I st e 111 l Mi ; , , III!., . Ihe III) Irl'l Sai.lll, 1,1 i,tnt., sti r'agvil sliu l-i"l ai en iqi(rg. VM.ii.ks. M ua Ilia ka. I Ouaii' - la. ai rl, i ,( . i i stjo 7-a ks ol s t. ry ,e si.i ..tiv .., bviu.w uf ;i . : lo r.rry r.ri.iy ol sly -e. t . AH offers wilt tw rieCuit,) w.tfi sad a irisj a r. fi b Cud. fc. H. afi'Ki.?. JKmty 17, J"l'l. 4 Hi ll I ltC,4.Iitll S.t riutual lilt lnsurjiur- Qomi.j ct i n t.. n ALHIOli .N ( 'lit l1 I . i. psny insures the !:- ' - H. ass lor .,s y eat, tartti ol . n u. Mutual K'iH-.;t, II I Miniii MMS p.l.i.f la li,t aiuliK ul toe . i: . i ; . I fit. gl.l.tiu lot II, I.i ,r (.ill, wmn iii. jiiihiiusi tlir:,or in.- u i. ! I"' nit nuj ti (io lur nil. ball t ..'.: pf.inmm, j rif.( t a pvr s.i.i a i j uaf.nly. I l.e pro.opl mai.m r .u nincli -. I ' - to-... 0) ti.ise..iii.aiiy,toj,-rt!ln lie . rtr ol pfsmiuni, prtscnl riai induce, ' I. as are u.a.a. u t" iliisit. e.n ale lulurta Iol lem. ol if w lilt y a's. lor lao t .inii. tin ii ..-. A I aie .aiu with.!. Mi nays a:i . si lory pcl (.resetitr. nn: ii rfH t hsrles y. Jo. .. Vt to. II J. Uulolk. W. I tl s. J. O. ri.., -I. llusl. u, t.llt 1.1. lit llU-lne, 1. t 1" II At. h... k . I'. I an e, t 1.1.1. ' h s. t,, I., I,., ll'u II. -H OrrU-Ll;--. I... char.. i:.J. iii....i.,r.-.-. " VV. W. M. n, Vire 1're.imH. K . II. Hsltie.S.ei. laiy. VV nil. il. II. J'rcssure'. h II . e . Mo. I. .i. Ail I. . W o ir(u(l ,. ii. M. k... ,M-o-r.: r:j,,.. '" krr, I 1..I.I.- U. boot. f f rfrjir.fl .ie or ' J.,l.i...,n. M. I , Will.'-fls- !' MifM - iki. i.'u ii. iu,w,i;,.i.i, 'H f,,l fufln.-r i li Ion... .in r , tl e ' ' i ,. J I.. II,. p...,phl.l...r..l In i. ' i l'f , , ll,.,y tie ..l.taioeO al III (!. sal ' -t any ol it A' fn ii. , j I irHlffi.HK al nn st.'!' l'r" , " ... y,.l,!. II. II. I Iff i ' -r S,f,l'mhtt P. If..!. l!i;iml;ers, liarncV l-aclorxainlilciifMl l oiiun1" Mi;i!CIIAMS. I H iKI I VKl'1' -'- l? ':...-- ;ur r au.t t iwss. . jr. OH rKlNTtMi ,.l all " - s- ... , - -SI. - - eiiM.ii i. isty fft i..g nil....