Stortlj Carolina Seliiii J TLi.dce.airdTwia the osoupies feme 4j or 5 columns of the lliobinond Di-rja-ch. Wo bav not read it, and do not V- I ',vt'u Xur, aal tbis f 1? lo .hi, it cei. that ' . -' .C;fb V..-'iilCl4.v f..l ib.t w i.l b i.idu s 4 t-i leixn aid, and ask bi f& V iy'e i tU j proviMou to MJU Itiug...cj byfo.tifyiug .11 " CHARLOTTE T A svuopMS u a much as w we bare seen. - . .-r r. moirowN. S. C A lptrl IMPORTANT FROM Iv-- k,31, , ........... ..r . iMvctMil'i! l' k ' from uritm"i i I AVlUnb ur a vv.s a- - SCHOONER,-CAPTURE OF TUB FKlVAihER REAUREGARD-THE FliOM HAVANA. uuJr dale of tb ViOtb ult., received iu Uhirleston, fay I Tbe alarm of fir wu aouuded io Ibis towu oa Friday moruing about bait past io oolock. It originated iu or about tbn warehouse of S- Si Frsser, aud so rapid , . ,, I fl. ...... lli.L ISirill was III piosjieas i v CREW IN IRONS. Ii wad alatod in tho Northern papers, on the 17ib ult.. that two vessels the Rriiisb Abraham i. fear- schooner Adelaide, of N.a, and tut- , a, urn. .io.i w it. " oed to call io for- Coufedcrato privateer Ueauregaru, . . . . . . I . I ... ri-- uitet that con- Northern posts INTERESTING STATEMENT OP i)ESKKTKR--ONE.llU.DUEDTHuiJ . SAND UON FEDERATE SULDlEl'! ON THE POTOMAO. and cuks aud b arbor, 0.0. He reooui- ' tuenda tli instruction of a military Rail- t road through the loyal part of Keulucky, I Ya , Teutieiuee and Au'A Carolina. The Tuesday, rcceiabcr 10, 136 1. s " ""P1" ; ; ibe duouokiou of the anou aud eoupiioa- TK. R awutrd lo ac-i. ana ia car U rrenvr timers lor me W ma. M tiMrnrnts. ai.a rectipt lor Hit The Mexican LxjthttoH Ornnd Uevtno of the Troops - The Efficiency of the Th. il.r.ld'i Washiugtoa oorre.Dor.,1 . . Viclo'V upon the Fulttie JJovmets ol """"pondtot the Expedition, $c. . Y , Kro.u me Ne Jork lUtaUs fecial A deaertcr from the rcbelt, by tho n,ffi, M.fa.ia coire-pondenee, of November 2d, of William Wa.t, a aoo of a olerk iu lh' .......i n... inll.iwiiitf : i 'i'reaaurj Departmoot, wbo ai i,.,.,.. bad im no or ib. otlic-.uda.lj., to , M..lioM Spcd.i.on faae not yet sail- Bf UiOutb. ao at Wiucbu.icr, .u-Uui, Cougre. to make Charlestou-bad been ..p.ureU ,h.r.,, wllh ao,e 3.5aj J - "f ,1;: frii Co.i ' I, 10 on. of their Br:.a...0r.u"' United State tc-I. aud o.rnea mo -J . ,,, r. f Stores , bui.Jing u - j , u ,ere ,0 b, Uf ,Bl0 our liue. to day. H report, ' ' neJ af friavj.. -0 uie -j - - 'houia.i on ihf 2lUb. nu lheriore ougti iib.u4u. iC. . u. u vucujy u mil ,i i. . " iu,m IJ J r taia, .ii" usflupu-u oy luen laiui i . 1 l r. within 'iav of two. It Mir.m- tretrtlie, . and lint tde fore, iuittlpl;., ; tid coKnumrd, as wie Uq 10 .nl, !,., u?iecicd. arouod Ibat point ia 'aixl lbom.,1 I . i-.rui.ii 11 bv the Eutlin that number i auppoaad to b. oppo.itei ' balfofib. wboU mbl for.. ... ,. " . 1 ... 11.. ... . . 1 . ... . 'nciiier. . . . . m rmi. Wood bull, near v,pe w..u...., .-,), 0, ,ll0 b,rue. 10 you ; -..e l.U the troop, intended for w... Ueueral Joho.ioo 1. in com.uaU lUhWi. SLe.ilo.dcd ..IB code., lead . or d wlllch wllll - J ..Ih 10.HU0 1'. ovUiau. are pl.oij-iU.i U, Ureal .ud.word., ieer.t ca.o. ot lb-, ,.M!1,11)le f lbo tiiin-, pr-vcut.d ibe ; 'rri.ou hMre Wrre rei..ud u.e.1 ; ottfo. aud lui-.r Uvtioleut : ..1, . bv tb Capiniu tirut-r.l on tbe P.-o de .e.rou. Tb. troop, are living , iin;iJ proving out ot tlie preseul war. iu:ia iLt wumuerin ' "" ! itib sutiit 1.1 .nv.-io. ail to be liberated and i eargo a ui. prup.i.j, 7 . A Ute l.Ucr troiu Uuarkaion to lue l.ico i.- .1.1., I K West. Nov. : CllWl J I I T ' H", -v.- , 'ine Adel.ide w enptured byitbe Lui : ,jt.ig boui., . coopere .Nop. an ted dtate. .teamer Couueotioul,' -Cap"!" , slorvi,0J,0 aod cuuteuu ou tlie opp Uttr. The Bupercarijo, Lieut, llardoe, 1 ,.,r.,.r ...i-usiou of tue bue. kcfie!i Eq of Lmnir. 1 en. ! tid (lue.tiona, both douicstio ana loreign, rtJ;tive of V Tictic. ' ti.rdee, u u oino:r Ai ,..r...n ' CoLtr.uauis " are t un.t nbii'C pay Io hi ill r.eie the W mo fur ti ii..ii.r. lure, nuauii , cuioLiiid. The I.. 1 . . In Sa.liu.h. 111. iiiBssaro boasts of Ibe . 0 , Remember, TA'Jf tcf i' nil kifiis of country pro duct in txchute tor th' W lug fr-i-a;. liulter. Laid i htt krt,st in J'lU unijihug tltxl ii ttt trktt. uumbtra and jroes ot the U.S. Army Abe says il uu:ubcr.i B,6J,0Jl). If it numbered , ui.ny more, bu couid not acooiuplisb ojr uljuaiiou. AdeUide hw ui.u. .e.eral to 6a- inoud Kl.miuer ..J., v.un.b iiuoe lb. T lie Adel.iJe fue Y.ukee. have not been iuh 1,.. iwrii libelled b? the District Aiioruey, 1 lukeu iu ibe itfjcl of ibtir deseeui upon aud by Ibe Uuiied rflaiei Jlar.b... j Port lloyal I-abel Jl. About lli.OOl) ui.u ot all aim. ney are loier.oiy wen oioibcd an I p., .y were ou ib grsuud, aud in. ;, a very bu ..II armed, feome of ibeir .run ibey ,. ili-play. Tbe troops lor JI.hoj wore ly received fioiu Europe. Tb. troop,, i, liUl blue eoitou ui.ilorui., .ub atraw b.u, MJ. are iu good piriu. The; up',.,, and all were in lu.rcUini ord.r, i'.h kn.p- , lb. belief lb. I ly c.a umiut.iu ahe.r i,,,, sacks, bl.nkis, Jto ,ir.pp.d .rouud tbuiu. if o eupiuo. iu front of us agaim. D, er iroop wure iu tuil g.l. dress foree we e.u tribg. J be tioop., nt Wood. Those of our country tii.n.h who intend p.jing their i-utonpuou iu wood. ul eoi.U r . f.vor upou us by briug:u it iu as iOOU as pOsMblu. Tna people of tlos, ,uJ tue II'. otucr troups wure iu o- ---V; us sty, 1 H...I... w . . . . ,....1 .1... . WTA ,,t air imi a MLii tiicll CO.l. ua pus, uuvs . , .u. uiucers. iu,i .. "lr oi iu. .r,ad.r, cousc ' atone., lud tb events it, VirinU, Keu- ...ako, wbicb I beiiev. i. peculiar . tb .af 0. aub,. ., d.ra.t.uo., lLl!l. S . Ll itiiC... WoodbauIreitirn.Wy'.od M.s.ouri Uave b.c.iu, 10 ; ?p.ui.b .r.j. 11 r"1': ,L., .ben tue, .U l. Uk.u Utof .ccoudar, ,,-port.nee. ir'".""' "L. I . n.,,i is fmd . are .... Mk,., .1 Mtn. ... ..""! tied, tut uudiaui.yea. 10 ooum ono , ui.cipnue iu.u .uj . .r t - ,ua ,h. r. . ruh to innv ,Iu tis- S Tue only tbiusr I noticed I d.d not some heavy uu. lie .ays lh at u, ,,., oc,oclr,A..M.aud,w.sor,aU..ea nyu.ap. m.l(jtr b.BUMgBH1 lricl. , bad ..etued O b. stripped of like w.s tue cudut.u of tb. arm. . b,oh .ou. .ath-srU ia b,s kol.J,,, u, ..omnnentoflbellou. Heldo.iN.Ed.rd. c ' oi,beU u ... ; ti .m,, uiu 10 me .ru.y of tbu Poto- were n t b1.j5nt.nd n..t lokiej a 00..I op.reuju. 1.01 c.u,.,, J,.p,r,lgj fieut ThJ KIsctoral Collesa of N. C. TLu boJy a-seuidled iu the Coiniuoo. II. ,1 at K.iiii 'b. ou Wedued? last at l'i , 2se Jiork. ..... ... r. ,.i,,t... I hsihaan. larrI W 1U1 BBiuawaw. War News War news is wry scarce of latf, nn l not of much iLtenst. du the great lai.J tbea Ire of lie vr, tLe eouuiry i generally covered un .'tow, making it impractica ble to carry on vigorous military pptra tions. Il is not imrr-bablj itiat the ,-sveri-. . r.f ),.-. a.thfr wiil verv t-03U lores bolb arxits into iutr qaaiu-i. in irtuiss, 1 1 K.uiueky, i'tiiui-ssee au-i M.'uri, 1 .... 1 .... ...J Il Prm.n a K.isra.1 ., . .u. ii... 111. 1 -r I I. r.,..i 'tl.. n.t..hl km baa a. 1 tte Oi.O Uiarcu ei ivian. a un la eonirartici, a ... 1 iiiutui un - oauiure OD III. moruiuu 01 sue m, i ,u.o. a new cruu ui i wi uiv-u ...-r ....j , . ., - -J 'ury 1 miies E- N. E , ot Abacco, b, tb. U. 6.1 up i ,u. roil ot tbe drM. I bo cnas h.s very r.pidiy, ar.d carry their muskeis iu a oiber my lie brouja, i Mr EJwa-ds a.kuowlede.d tbe compii- .loop W.G. Anderson, Lt. W. 0. Rodger.. udde,.iy become a va, ean.p, aud t.ou, manner ...u. .bat we .re ae. is- go b.r.. 1 s well ,.0lU.J --IriVe .;j,a , Nr. hd.a.a ac.uoa.cug.u c p F d- fa lh, B,4urBJlu K,dc. ,0 S.f.Muab r.v.r lb. sea is timtd to in the I uiled cil.t.i, a til 1 be- ;, b.a.y wck-U '.ueuiu. and patriotic addros.. 0, tb .11B.I1WU W UuJ, ,re bri;10, nlttl U.JJU,t.. n.v. m r. .oiurt.niy. W b.U p..k,ng Su.-p. . r.fl. .d pr..,,,ud as I Tbe vote of tbe State was then i fu. AoUrr,u being .0 great thai it woui ; uieut after regiment has eoiue iu frjiu N-artu of these uiattsra, I may as wul iuc..n a app.araue. a. our ordtrlu.. gur...; iuou.v ca-t lor tUe present looumoenis ot uave (,een madues. to naeaaure twir ijarjuns, ami oilier, are on ineir w.y ui- 1 rumor mtu unu --i i're-ukut ami View Pei dent of tbe Coo- .ire.gtb. ! iuer trou. Alabama and even from W.i.u. ' in c. rlaiu, .bio was thai if ibe . ', Ja,.t. Mate, aud D.uiel (Jo'.eman E-o I bile tho Anderson wa. appro.ebiog You m.y jai,;. ibe of the aimy that United Males were to gam some v.ry di icdeiat. a.l,s, ud U.uiel Co.eman, e.. q . uglgod iu bas lhu, udaen!y coire.-.d o.. our sea ;dd adv.uiag. ovsr lb. fijuta. a ..ct,r, ot Cabarrus was ai pointtd tuesaenger to ' . , ,, ,. , , , l,., f., . ,..,ir.i .a iokIi I would urouii-e secetss Io tbe Nonb , - , , over euus, auu, m-i I ; uu.iu, Vj - ( - . . , cslu'T Hie rjta ta tuo CjuftJvraie Lou- ma.i of lha ammunition wa. I..r anwrd.v to furniau d sr. v. cimm- u- tra ar iu, lli. Mnu-.u expediiiou 0u, a be :ljse of tue prjouedmgs a 1ji um) podr, a tew M.-Mjuri, al- tLou ;b the L:lco!d orgau bold out tbe idea that sueli a curss i- UJt contemplated ou tnvir siac. We tbini it probable ibat tbeir grtst eff-Tts djntg tae Wiutcr will be on our voaris. aud that there w;il be very hi tie more laud figbtiog before lue tpi.'-i.' campaign opens. The Greatest Furce of the Ago Tue New Vors II-raid (.i a recent dt announces with gre.l gravity , and .pp. rent profound at:s;aaioa tb orga.Zatuu of a Piovia.wual tut. GsM'iLi.i.t lur N-tltJ Csra'.ina. at Wa.ter'-s inlet oa the lent a! U, Obi .r ., ih. P, ;. taro ntf. aud lb. P1V01 IdUQ 00 , . ,,ti. i Kri,a ' maium. Tbe ere, -i7 iu ouirber, were tUil Savauuah and pcrtiueutiy. Death of a good Man. It is iiu regret mat we are called upon ed 'crew, took charge of tbe eob'r, aud j, r o p t r at tb.s time to meulba r.piuiy brougbt ber u Key West. to .nnounee tue demise of oue of tbe oldest VQRAGING KXPEDITION iuuabitants iu Charlotte, Dr. D. It. . Dunl.p., TUK pq roM AO DISASTROUS RE lie breathed Lis last ou tbe s.b. Tbu. the, (jijjitjlSANCK. crcr of a good aud just man has been ended. Tut MiMtftAi, U'aALTit r i.u i'a, r: CfAr It would see in a if tuer ,. ., eud is tbe di.eovery of lis. .i,, .1 wealth oa lb Pacific coast, and bar , j , N. more ill. ramwr bmit t lb. d.i.iopmau; of ibj-s r. di.eivered. One t'aiif -r'.ta $ bave bad nw of the arrival of ' ........ i . Lcli.f ibat iL. ..,ir. , , , piiuis Spautb si-i Ol war leoJeriui Spatil'b ell . ia-j o uul b. ' 10 ibe O Jferniueul of 1 ueat.ti, 10 men an 1 , . nwu. j , to pul dowo tb. isdiaii. I , VS'a.biugUo. Oreg.o anJ N.v.Ja, t , menu- 10 lli. be nt f ibil tna men and wo in ctwployia.01 to tbirlv ibjj-n. 1;, . How Far Canon mat bi Heahu ) win De mhi pr inaoiy iu me uap. .i oarly ot wbou. aro ia i , t aloe. Tb. .mo.ul of silver n uiug lo uiorrow, iresn lutai lor jj, ',' noiii'iouta vj -ymiu irojns. Il ia u )t unreasouabie to sunio ejuid exist. has beu eailea upou atonue placed in irons aud treualerrtd to supply su eijial number. At what tbe .bin i'liae. Master Dan., with a.uek- ; tb-e vast fj.ces are pooler 11 woa.d ACBJSS IbeO.uiQc.a.m, .ulllf.of ,h. IHa U ' ' w.y to S.a Pr.CjOi.eo froji Nn; Vasiiinos, Nov.-'7. Two rn?iin.Bts of infantry went on to- , , , ,. i day under command of Geo. Wadswirtb'a Fi' We received last wttk, for pubuca ' . , . ,.. ..... 0 son, who ia an aid to bi falber, and pro- tion, an artiolo beaded " I he Uiidiug rro- , 1 w. ,.- , . , ., .,, , I oceded a. far as Devlin, and i.ub . anic-b bas Deen miM.ta. aoereiure, PROCEEDINGS At a meeting of tbe farmers held on unJer cotu Tbe reeouuoissauce jesterHai bv a iquadrou of tbe 3ii l'cuni) Iv.t.ia tegi f c nicni, CKu.itting ot eouip.o" F wd d"t s. milieu mi vein 1U19I4IV. . u . . w. . ' i l.rmt ami Krnii .ht ml all lb. reoiuiilll tin o. by ibe Yankees aud tueir fi.b cank.r tne author will please excuse its non-ap-: ' J. borbood pr.soners. ,ci.uoe. i Tbe lh raid, artu'.B state, that there were f 45 ejuLil n p restutei iu the Couvt-Ltue. Ibey elecud Marble Na-V 1 jior, Y.ii.ce we f-rt-um.) i Pri.iiJ:in Givtr Lor of lae S.atc, and pj.-i a -ur;e of ii ly orii.nabCes tj up-ct tue present Sia.e Government, if e sue a S;.a"peare we would foand a pl.y ou tli i! y farce, and ctni.e it J.ive o La-or Lst. Kew Advcra.s-.-raiiiii. See the Adverii-eiueut tf Mer. Gates & Wil.ia:n. in relerence to Jb a.-fi ani Si.'ar. 1 u-j-e interested io iv. ir line w'.ii do well 10 ?.i ou ib-:m u ti.e n tie " Fr tiis W .r, triOse U-irous of ea is ia t.rt,o u .on c u lino-ii bid b:lter alien 1 lb' m-:eliu t Mini i O OD Saturdaj tj-'X'., 1 1-ti i;i-t. Ueai Lie aJ of S Gntr, in rarJ to Tax-s. lnoae mJeoted wui confer a fiver by ea. iDg oa the aor S ani pay up. See the Ad verti-enicat of tbeSn:iitf of Uub-u County, o. cSsTt for si.e . va.uatle ijt nt property, kuJo . toe Sioentoo pr .p-rty. Read the a iveitiiDnt of Wm. Trelvar and take warnifjj; be speaks iu very plaio terms t mote ifiUui-l u nun. u tiie injii ieuaa, iuu!d di,..,. ''". . th. rllTwir --. force.. Alier reaching imu. i... !.o.aiiir. wtre a-upiea : t , . , , . . " " ,' 1 ln,.Ic II.- n ,1.1 ..nil II .... .. . U WKiAi. oar Country is now .avolv.d u bou, , tnJ t m war w.ib acrue, and ub.erapu.ou ene- , ben they .udJeul y found tbeui,..e n,,, my. h is incmo.ul upou tbe peopla of e(J Qu Utrtt Bd, by L0( oulJ , ku njr tu L,t S-uitt io band logaber tur the fdre9 0f CA,.lry( but .;.o of luU.try. pr.tecnou of our borne, and firesides not Jm dlt f lh, reUt u.i,kt-tr, uu.y a.n-l oar enemy but aiso tae b-...,es of our cavalry btV,n,. in, ga.a.i tue worm of a.i enemies ibe exiur- . 8ii,rt, of lheir nJeri lh, .alMlU b4l, , l!j tr' . been but recently bruutil iulo scrvi-e, an i ;,.r -urt re U IUvtd, That -e the liiereforc uu.CJUaloUJ,a w ,-oh fUj, cn.i.n. ot M,ck.eunurg county w.,1 not Tba otf)Ciri( ,ftr t,?eril luttf.C(141 . buy ltu:u or barter wui. ib axtorUootr for, u u (o 1Qj (j tj ll i arneie a bate ver. ! f . i .i.. ,1 . . .. lnat tne thanks of the commu , Llcb -M tffcCMj lo'ostd .rdil.; lUe to tuo. merchant, iu Cnar : eircu,UftMjCe, ,trujiUc1.e ere w i anu .mtm a. io Tb ,klfujj,u w bfi,fc tb, h , ,bof , j sacis of ia.t and retail it by , , , v . . e,;.T.i . I,.va lit. tiiat lbs caouou at Pen.acoia were a,.iwo- i , u (J( , , b,t off r ily b.ard iu that place by several tr.tous. ! ai Ui 1 bj Spam to Yuctt.a some 1 0 or 1 eli aled by weil-ioformed bam-n i; M lu Hi. county, i.vgrue. bea.d tbe report. ') y ars ao. But lueo aud now are dif , uiili.ns per annum. At the sane i ; u aud eallcd tb. atleiiliou of tue.r uiiini to ' f.rr t.l times, sni peop.. miKbl tbink pi,,,,,,, ,r. being push. I fe.a'a i . , , . . . i . . ihi eastern aiop of tbe Sierra, 3 , , On ine otilr band, 1 bav. b.-B laid l. ' ni.iign.t.u.. ...d .:.rm of lh. Su.ta Amen- ' t brought to l.ghl, i... can people meres, every day, and tb.i bell. f that only ao edge of lb. i;rsat ir-i .tn l'a. i ha? i-sasd a pfjciauaaiuu inn j d. posit b.s yet been di.oai i: tm4 lue Ve.its.felaui lo e...t !.. by Tb. tb.t .ile.r i. iwnd i , - i till) uieatia lo i.-l.l lb. t'p.niar i. Ibis , i . . t j .!.... io the placer. w..l of tba rau is s ii u may pontil) be true, but l bol cbease r 1 to 1:1 :t il without se.uig tbe docu- ;'" la cil attention. iJ'al ni.. t ' lu,.u. i proporlion by weigbt of ibat (arxer l .:i j P 6-1 UJ alinotl forgotten to mealloo , llllff i bi b OD, (b,,j t,fr, , grutiem.nwho.asinl.airo thai It.e Miauier oaou.o . v .. . .. - - , . . . , , " " u 'no iro -ps li j ba'l te-n in pu. mil i - -v... nf .t.T r,. i .or (jar nu-prcu-a . tbe sound. Tbe OmIsiic. from Euliula to 1 nac ui, .s tneerj. tic, mut b. at Uasl l:t) Ui,!ev Paottigei. fioui tho Siulh report lli.t iu. trui' at l'jrl K);. ai '-re beard .1 J.ea aouvnl: aud I'l.alSa, id T.Jflda, toe place being, iu aa air Una, atioul -''J muss ant. WaiTnr a had 3'up30 returned worn wnr .i..- .t .imj ' an I declared lliat J. IT .1 1,0) U-i'ed State- 5 Iu0, (UiU i il fpt;ie, Leslies ewe... Ibiu-aiid Millars rriri ot propafly eapiUM'l. Ilit-y !) said llat Ii. h.d drHivl t-fni ii.rt. i -, ni.-. a'ter bung hrm me 1 in a i!t, j it hall an 5 r t. Go it, Jil . t. ..iJ Iblaa i. a. i ii,ibar toe.'iy i.uo'i unit. 4 it.i, ;.n . it i, ' etoper. a aeco.ot of these o i,o r' and have cleared for Nortueru P'rlWbiv gold w.s found iu a Hal-ve t ibe ' but tli suIm o-U 00 i Ibat ibry are dis , , . , u. t,,n .ul(u,.u . . , q uriu ' only mrsb.oict! tnstns ti--tii tmsi lor uiuc I Ibe lilLcx.ata port, ei Hie ."ijutb " ',0IU l0" 1 l4,li. 11 " bJt sarpri. an ailver ere .boald bav etcspa i a i Hut treat tijt it wi,i t, e i. .-.v.; sajbl a'ler ia ii. various lorms, i,i r babiy be fuuud in irbaness. qiatti.Ki Lity are U ,i biile who i t-pen their lU'J fJ.a.l li nni prei 15rii,-h utonii.-r Treut, o:i brii of wiiic'i Ma-'.u and -S id-ll aire c.ptir. ..are t tne people at rcisou-! ,I0a) lbelr CafLiuei J ed. is oo-d ny a j ,n.t Mock company Tne number of rebels killed and vouni 1 't llS t,'e u,' ' i-'"if .uy ol l.on.ion ' ed is not kuowu. Jobu Rj.ny, pri ale in With tbu sine rirfpiioii of lim P.-nins-i company r, kuled a rebel smutr .is cap ( lured bis borse. Tue mark oa ibe .ad j.c wa. D. S Davis, Kidgew.y, N. C. Tnu up lo 3 o ii jck to-night amoml iu beiwesu lorty aud blly. That the Eiitsri of th Char- lotre bsreqieslel the proceedings of tUl3 U..:t.ling ULu.i EiRKPATRICK, Chman. (j. . M'.Dj.naLU, secretary. Yi.cti KAti I!acioi(I Tbe l.sureoivilie (v i.l ) ll'iall tbus describe, a new style i wbicb Sjuthero luenuily .111114 , ii. 1 t.y L ue .In s busier, b.s prod i.ed j TllK I)ivr.'l9ll P i.V I'll TntT-Tl. Vmi v ti.e bmek i ll urs.a wrii, and Ihe.grt I HTAtirr Of TH 1 in aiieii litu uuJrr 11, 11 1. ajtiig i.iui a i.iunii; s courier, ot ine lit- a p of goud ; nit Hay !at week, wo were CrOinki tbe 'H ins , ir n oiratlenliou was attriotrt t j . a r U a ero aid around a aiiu, mii, teiu.' 11 il 1, a, ' V rurious la e .1 tti-r ai.hta ol (tin ill-t i -i ' in si euuujf tbe uobie Ks.i' jcs i.t -bav been arr.slad by Iiiieu n s i.r... ( and takrn to NoilLr.B Plaits a r, J f it'.. ia bains, for us oibtr reason u --! 1 "" i'Vo..t ikf. liu'letin : The oimbt-rs of the Sjldters' Aid Socie ty d(rif, through your eoiuiuos, to return ibtir thanks to tu o-io frirn Is wb bav aid iar and Oriental Cuuipi.iT, th -y ara the1 largert sleaui.sliip OiBeraiu Gl- at li,',la,li, ihnr operations rxte(iliu to tbe ciin ol South Amris., Cantr.t America, Mexico, aid ibe West Iudies. 8 j.lCiiit. eu'.tnsr c . ,s a ii.ii.i-.-nu- n 0! :bi Ti-'-t To a r. in tne wora; iu they are engaged, anU aiihout whose assialsuce tbeir tS lVi. DJt cf tb- ab-,ve 10 ne p tb. wou.d have been great-' ol h-r o.aodary, becaus. tb. q.ieslioo-a. . , . r , , ' .... sHusi lei,.,, ta.i .,d ' ,,,,,., . , 1 , . 1 ... - 1 beaded by turueral Jameson, ibe pbo co.i l,ui lilt e o.r a d i ar la cut uo a i) i-.'j Rai. Ital lax ly restricted.) Imsed wub lue series of mea.ure cjuio.- r r P " We peblUb in t lot M a v t j r a u i l f Cuarlat'.e- 1 .. 'lio.el'are oppo-el We u;po-e tbe tbj tit of tbe ilnl Arnon the nunibrr to whom tbe Society tub-enbe-i t3 ibe A'lantlc, in Ou.o it feci, especially indebted, is ir. James J R , and 3 inmk tuat every ct.leri ia tbe Ca.-.oD, w no has kindly, aud free cf charge. Ttiwn of Cuariotte suju,d of pose tint Tat gramed tbem the use of two large and com- ve l'lekit for To.u cf5 fortab'.e roouii for their ineetiugs, aud they world,. luriit-d toward. Hi lb' pick reulbau that ihey we f in all I '1 : r 1 -1 t'i up a p.r.grepli, ID wkiel. - were not Ut. (i,0.t iol ,,mp.itea, KmUea-si- ui aj p .luird. On the Waco's was a bais of; . , , , . : Sjuibfro, ar, w are O.u, me " c.iiori ot purt.y iloiuc-ii uisuulct jrr, , na.'k',i,g. rop(. .,,,1 .1. U. tJna , g f je.n.B .ud Juit-uriy, . '!' t jud it a .ue, t li 1 1 1'ip' d 111 .hiuoak hi I ri su Cjuoiy b jih of t h . m m.u ''' ' nu.g am bajnd -nr. b jca .ry.op. Ii i.vuty and tigbly ye.r. of .,. A. u,' .as lUe enierpiiae ot our f 1 leud , I. a plain . -t .. ,i'i;.: .. . ,, r ' ' with olb.r prisoners, wer pan. l ti ll. N t.ari. v, sin bas a niacin, fji uia ' , , au,' me wnicu. re wo,. i.,l elalb ol , ". J K ' I I.u iiui ,m for each, tnu wml. ot , stepped upon tb. pisiform, .'' ' .i.u-b was male pr.c,. :y .4 you sso'iid by a ero.d of Ysnkres, ba, ' maka them to l.oop a ba.r.I or kog.heal m)J oBdilien, s v.,fclu.. WUUU..IC. 'Ji iui ""ii"m autigr.pbsol tue SjuIM IJa. enn. St cedars, ,, , . al,,. .n.l it .1 it - ,1 """ ,n' The OaioiAL BouhDARiss or Am Impvatait Muve. lb HousiouJ eie grapb iqu. refers to bill iutroducd in kit tl.nn constantly the organisation, 1 tUc Legislature of ibat State I A bill ba. been iul.'oducd iut 1st Sen- t A TdUOJ Sl'-KV. Th Tiiuos' Special ; sayn that lluuiiuod:ie Djponl I, as to tbe Navy D'.-parttueal lb original ft uih Carolina ordmaiee of secffsion, brauti- ' rii 6- 1 1 I ate by Jubu T. liarcourt, Esq, risormg fully engraved upia prcb:ueut, with the and vate for t ctrs tv aerve ta tu Idj ear 1-Oi. at t v: ry r. a j jii b.I'jw 'be Hard 7'.'m.-8, is tb ci Rjl .y cry thus fcs .o.ij x '. rt, ,t,tr to inn am Oar couLtry is i!.f.-; i w ho buy up etir itbiiig tbur itach f.-iin a pi;.; ,l'tii'Hiiut' up ! a sack of flj'.r. l ue prca-itaio!i ii--,ji i a snort time r:i,ee ly t'v: 'jjirrn'.r i i rs desire thus tnroub your paper, to testify gr.tefjl appreoiaiuu of bis kmclije.-.s ani nwtr.iity. 11114 tb. tue cumpreiaiiac of 150U. : 01 an in luer.nrr. weM also louud 1 bat Hie Lulled Slates ba. been ttiil'y ' 11 Beaufort witli tb. or lini'icc, aiid . largv of bad faith in aii the 4 ieun. ewnuced umber of ot j-r inp irt iiit daeuiu nil. iu tnu coiii of -.!'), resui'ing 41 a, di,u,euiUr.i..-ui of that Union, for lb. wake' KNtrv.rUK or P..tis.siis Cam At' of wnicu Kin wa. willing to s. critic ber . . . . . - t,. 1 , , ........... .... n ., 1 , tin lJridci.'urtfii .rsen.i, 10 rlnsdnpbia, imiiien-e territory. 1 bat buaily tb L nn.'J ' ".late. ba. broken and violated ber pari of lb re r not ,h:l0 1K', 0", percus.iou in c impact, aud therefore it is annulled ' mp. mtnufaCured daily. Hixty sheets of 'he n.v l expr.litun, says inal it ia m.nt cry rf ' K ll ib 'b du.o and lauisJ, sal in that whereas it n com two and a . of bis iib were broken. bait rto.Urs 10 put up a bale with bagging Aud Ibis ovsured io what i auJ rop. I K (lave bo Imaltaliou IB aatlllg Hi at tne cittoo was as packed a. any we ever aaw. tV1e New Yoik World, spra'.iog of bu a Christ. .0 aud rhu-ht-nfl '. Gal save us f jrever fr'ii "J c "' either eooial or political, wi:b sir-h a pe.f In and canceled. Tbe bill lime re-aaserl our ucii, tl;e Society wi.-b to iLankltnlu u tb- boundaries, embracing Nt Ota PhlrATEaMUsUI T Til' Novh Tlw Wx.liu 'ion..rrapod-ofti- ' more Suu writes . Tbj sr-sii;""' " III u 'L .and rLil, al e irnes wubm i.ct'm'.iiviiK ?,ciir mr'llt.Jo.ol " mv. . sue vauveii.or u diiUM. will vield ... I J cans he pre,, ' ti.y nave enjoyed, b.viug ibeir I " " u':llUrJ P-'sion. Our surras- 1 i,-uatl(!KQ 04p, ,,, b, ,a ,r.iu . ' 0 ; poudei.1 say. it meet. Willi great tavour aud , ,., . . , ''""""''"i p auusueu wimou. j. t iL,,f . a pounu i luimiiiatiug powocr. cojt or cnar ISlnlllQ, a. and e.pcnily to yoj, Jr. i-y i':r under obiigaiions for da ij favors, having used your paper more gar d effect. 10 pCCUiat'jf 9 titi.,. 'I't.tti.ka TLr f-a-iir. Ai l . ,c.rry fte tb.Lla lo Mr. J I). J' kri of L,f ..r;li.i i.r.t t. !' Hi a !, J f (..e-L inry (.'. Ve-.:e ii ... .1 A Ntiat Example. In this era of p ea'aiiou and ettortfon. it is a rositiv. r irtey luau any otuer, and lb. rt',.ets ot ; lief to b-Mr of a. nan who has re -'d fir cis Cburch was lately arreted iri ,viLin in Society having Lteo responded to by 6l fo'mw as weil as for biiiise.f. iVe are 011 the cbaro of uteaiiug a watch, lie you ou .very occasion, promptly, freely aLd ',)it';7 '-formed that in the couaty of ( was indicted, aud on bis trial ou Thursday ,.,q mull I w till. III"! OWUI.C 'turn tbeir 1. 11 mer jr a b as . I.nii a: 1 1 i aui;..e jishct Muh CbaiiO'te, Dt I S. Dew ev, zee y. r. Unii e v, iv ti 1 some of : be j;- t,' , . ciate tut ir rni. .1 ;i.r-, ibaf l'i'-rc-fe-.dnjis of r'n Jay. In a..-, n. r c .iu'un wi,l ne fou'. l pror. t 1 -,f t:,t 1,1, -ld c.ifi.-i la I ; .- a. 1.1 ;.t ,l? c,t x tvU.,(.g of Ureal aa avewu.p,i.nd. ElaV-LUcS .N.AE WliCHErE The Wii.cneater Repun.ican, of the Vl'ia u!t. says : Ou Tuesday !atl the extreme penalty of tte mi was n.fl.cied upon private James A M 1 er, for uiuiioy aud aUemptiag to Hie .if of Lle.d.rsoo, of tbe Irfl -r-.on Java!ry. Ia eouformiiy with bi I -, i i .as abol by a . f nun d. t.. ea .roai i-apt. Henderson's eompauy, a.d uied auboul a straggle. ijiiriii'-a owuiue a ; ... . . . . , - , j. , tannery, wlio refuses lo receive mire for; ' ' I bia aoi. leather than 4U e.ui. per pouii't. j ri (r" " hour, and a'nbuui;h (s.y j Tr.Ue.iueu bav offered bun ttl8 S' '''"J', P'P11") every ouu be.ievetl 6ei eenis for nis siom aioek, wmab he bas;',,," ' '' iiium aud efo- 1 otUu deemed, praft-rruig la aril i wiuwll ! 1 tnal lli'rj uy snpiltlnl bun. lot. to 1,14 weij-bnura aud country meu, .1 . ' fair probl. ll ,. .ucb wUu Tll, ,-,lA , (jf Cn .CAU.) -Tl,.: ' injunoiion it love meir u.;ihbors mem I selvee. How 6r.fuily doe. .,.0 .u -x ' r"" "'"'e ' ( u'u""" "'is aa.o.. bus be. ., ampi eoiupar with meu wlu a-, almost "".""i. The .eneipt. m Nor. 1 .lib alight- . I.u liuiea in. price, (bey paid for lUsir ar ! ly flare J .11 ,11,1 i.Ii'-m) nuhels of H ul .11 I lie. J tlenburg Luprtu, topper are th is C irisnmrd, weighing lb'. ' '"'' ,j0t ' ititeulion of lb l.'ncoln Gov- ioub'IS. It is sti!ualed that a .heel, wbiL fnuiinl to csplur yel any of lb. lare male by lb Coufedrrat. I."""1' outlirrn .aporia, ll thinks lli.i Nr w b.uir a u uiu oer of Fdr al p"0""' "' Orleans folii or Stvaaueh Cju'i I ba lak 1 . lb. auttoipated eomlsmuaiio" ani si"' en without any gre.t eip.'udit. ire of blood, tion of pri? l.c rsmeu as tu'11 but ihu retention of cii lea, or auy of liwui tnal matter lo a praencal,ls i would be a much eerious mailer. It cat. teer.suen, .t the 11 tna! in tbal a lo Jgtueul ou ao lal.t.d, r a series! w.r. rt found guii'y, h. jury h' u. of laianda, to comm.ud import. ut harbors, agre.d, ibougb tber wa uo wtu a view la fuiurs onoraiions. i. uiati- i dauoo as li ths facts. Tb L"iltJ fuatly lh obj :ct of th. expedition. A I'r.urMri l'lrm liisiwi Cave AM is Ac -t;irTP!D.--A m.n named Kt.n Ns V.-i. Di.lriol Allorney iotiiw.ted thai l' a,k for a now trial, b-t it i f"f ,L J lUH I iv Government to determine D,at or IUv. II ll. A,T-W.'ltoturtri.llL,r.wlfL..co1.. bate 0.1. y tuna lo say this luorulu.g that . ... . , ......ion of 1 '' tne R . Henry 11. died .1 bi. r.. j ",d U0,l"B U dr.m:,- iu mis place, at 4 ocooK, lue. Jay tiv ei.uieucy au .v tho " iii .iun. Mr D.raiil b. 1 reouily returu-! d Iron. Virginia, and b.s b.u ciubued to ln lious .i..a bis reluiu. Lurutlnn .s;i 11 1, in. Dr Griswold, of ;h 3-iib New York Ri gi, one of the priaonei sent to Charles ton from Kicbmoad, died io ihat city ou tk aOib ult , after a short illness grain. 'J'be commerce r.f Ihat Bj.i for ibis' a 1' . 1 1 , ; A ijeorgia voluoteer, who bas been aa- year .,,1 m,, an uuu.!l, large ur. ., y lu .e.ltuoi 0(, lb ,i( gf b : t pall cu.uc 6 Ui w,r 1'olo.u., a.ys b. b. got 1, U,,J 1, da'ii'j' I bor An .h.riaiinn took p'sc Ll IV i H' N.rlh Carolina, between Hr. den, of tb Siaud.rd, aod Mr. w of lh vSt.t Jouro.l. No serious d d. . ib 11. 1. ..!..;. if Dunnsn oo ' lumbal li can a...p .oundly i tL, brw of! .bano.llor. of fcfoutn Crohn b' A true philanthrope and a wall trained . 'tr....i, with uotu.og but a sheet of water I eleetad t th Appeal IJjoob, as A"c -r. al ways ,i,p at tb sound of wo. I to ov.r biw. J(,,ljo pU.a ,f K. II. Wardle, ronb-