DAMAGE TO THE LICK CRREK MUDGE 11KPAIHL.D ACCIDENT ON THE souni-siDE UOAD. ; -. J Ly.nciibuho, Djo. 4. President Brenner, ,f ibe Kaet Teuneeaet railroad, telegraphs pere lht tkt bridge orer Lick Crek la nil ,igbt, anil that the traine arc paaaing orer. Ho will ! paekata at Union on Thuridaj ta carry ' paeaengere arouui tbat bridge " lb Sooth-Side Iraii fkUci to connect wib tbe Weeteru to day, la eoneecjueuce of is accident about two iniiee below tbia cit j. Tbe enjioe ron over a bull, abicb emml tba mail ear to be tbrewn from iba Iriok. Tbe ear waa nieeb damaged, bet no penoo waa burt. 1 T',' ;, Thi E.Naur in Caillou Island, We ,ofj tbe folloeine- from tLe Lalourebe 1 tubodaui, La.) Uoioo, of tbe 23d ult t Nut wore tbao a forlntgbt ago, Mr Doug 1,,, who keep-e tba IibiboiiHe ou Tiiuballnr i-isod, reported, it it eaid, that be had earn 10 or ibrae war veesele taudiog off is tbe li.rieiiou of wbal ia geuurallj kuosju auioug gar Sibertsieu t Lt Bull Pase. The ueas (1uiti to u tLia week tbat a camber of Liucolniteo hate lauded ou Caillou i.laod, kii'tic 'cattle aud eowiuitting oiber depre daiiou'. For eoma week, paat to one baa roided od ialand Mr. Feut, who baa bad tbsrjje of tbe property on (be lalaud, Lav .', ,jr prudential reasons, deemed it Le.t o pel iiio preenee tbe aajfing that " dtscre t;uu i the heller prt ct !er," aod n.i jnted uub Uia feuilly to taa Uiaiulaod. J as number ot cattle reeanug about Caillou .iL,d es large, and owned by lUe Tnibo :iui tsnt:ly Judj Uarraa, a bo bate uin-,.-r rasideiicee ou lb ialand. M.3 IKO-M KL.NTUlKY-MOVii. M Y.yi'i OF UL.Ni.KAL ZuLLltoF r KK. L'tivii.i-, Kr, Nov. 33. Tb Earn :g Dulletib I bit a (ew daja aitiee tbejakuuia b lo.l aud Ui uieaua ueglceled Zjuiccfl.r waa at loutiea Ua;t.e CouLiy, ittt 7,tOU n.in. A.i tbe lit tor tiara. are cioaed till Moo lit, ly olCer ct the l'ioert Maitbait. l.MI.IiTINl IROM ILCrrTOW We lata bttb fataitd (nja tbe Cbarlraton S.'ftury) a c.py tl a private letter, , lUrt Noteu.ber otl. from au cfljeer at : i. uffitb, frim w Lich e lake ibe following 1 flrrt . I ''lire tbe Pol! 'a ialatd affair, fkfl eoe r y hat been keeping Very a net. Net oue o' l.i. loata baa teen aeea, and I bave lea- cu to lt!irv that bia picketa kava teca inio it ll.e Ittk.-eatart aneiaggar aird ida of the loice tbat baaa at iL.a t'omt. Same of lUta toid the olb- er d.v,tb..6ou.for-..ab.d landed on; iria ir.lan.1 n.d einie near fiptunug Col. K!w and .LooL 75 if.J :.T. .1.- j , , I i.abd about two boura before our foreee 1 Uuled. Ibe lael waa. tboi wa bad only ' at lit. moul, i.leul Bhaliow, al lb I Jih Ar 4 i meo tj tbat oceaaioo. , kaui.ee iti.iu.ent, bad bia aerfaotjack iu " Wt are aiakiig plan le bar aoue of, the Iankee piekcta.' STaaTLiN.) DvniPMtiT Trora tbe Nc w r!en Creieeut, ef tbe 2.'d ultioie, e ttke tbe fjiioaia : Yrtierday moriiiB(, Lieut Morel, of tbe father, wh abot al tbe enemy tbree lime a Third Litrtrt 1'olice, upon ibforuation re- ' after Le waa upou tbe ground. Jack'i aou cued, arrritad a (jeroiao aimed Frebatl, bid babiud a Ire, end abtn tbe enemy i.o uvea an Char Streei, ia tbe eooud , relieeud tbey took bin lo Cairo aad re I trii, cnaritig liia ilia beio; aa mean fdaed lo lot bun return. Jack waa taken d ar) at.d traitor to tbe Slate aid houibcru from tha field io great p'aiu and brought C ii. edaraey. It appeare tkt hrebael, to tbe 0.nioa llo-piiai, wbera be bore i- 4 .lie an imaliigtbl it.au, bad esa.tad iatrut. ' tie auff.iina aub ((real forntude liil deatb u-icivi,a acmeliiuaait.ee by n nlitwl biiu ot Lie paint veaterday. Ue u.atki ibat l.e wil rrpsrlirf lo bate ruaiie 1 eaautpla n.ay tiiruw a flood of libl upon in faior of LiLeelo aad bit djui.tj ; beiine luueied pnuautbropy of al.oliuoLiaui a aaiebed, lLa ru.l of mbicu aa tbat! Jack waa a biava aui obedttul arivant, be aaa laard lo boatt tbat there aaa a poar-1 and deaervaa all prait-e lor Lie berone ei u.' organiiatioh in tbia any at leaet ! eonduvl upon tba bloody field of lkluioul fj.'. 'O itrong abieh Ibe moment t bat j Hemjitn Av,Uu)tckt. ie i.illu.u aitLV u.ioa ila aiiairauta here, or on our coat-l, aould riaa and help tkem te tba beat of tbeir ability. U fiiitLer ie reported to bate eaid tbat bia toiieiy wouid be!p Cut tba tebela' ttroau, a uil tbal aa no one knew, wr aua peried ua eiialebce, it waa ail Ibe more ; owarlui. What noun Mian ? V (od tbe fol laaiuj in (Ba J,;ttf Koek rotate Journal, of tba '.'d.k : ( o-.ij,trticy We bear of a aeeret erg an ilanoo alteb baa betu formed in Searcy La au liuien cnanliea, ol tbia iMat?, and H.e r.-L'litklior.a of wbirh may citcnd lo oth. r a miiiita. Tba naiuv of many ludi ' Caa, paiucipaola ate kaoan, and, ibanka to Cn. Jerome K. Laaia, ol Van lij'ieii couuty, wbo baa aclad iu a prompt ami decided luanuer, quite a cumber of tba eoui-p.iaiom bave apprehended aud are now dunned, (bey ai.l be acut to tbie eity for lavrrtigalion. Ibe eooetiiutioa of the aociety ia known, aa well ae ail their aeeret 'f be of rreoattioa. At another time tbe publie ibaii bave tbe btbefit of ibe v. bole. IBH EsiIigLI EVAtXATID. The steamer Iaa.wbich erri.ed yraterday af terieoa Iroa Fort Puiaaa i, lepotla every tbibg below profoundly quiet. A acoultii. paity viaiuu iybie Monday ni.bl, and "e. t lloroagN eiploratieu of Iko lalaud, d, to tbair eua.' aurpnae, not a Yaukae eou'd be found. Ibey advanced lo ibe Maiteiio Toe.r n.d ue Ligbt bouae, but found all deeerted aud alill aa tbe grave. It ia difbeult to eomprebcad tbe taove ""ata of the enemy, eseepi ou the bypotU tbat they gel an inkling, from eouie "leaner, of bt waa prograa.iug on ibe main, tad inoiniaioualy fled Irom tbe wrath to come. Ibey were wiia, and we advitt tbetn to keep, hereafter, off Ueorgia aoil. In view of tbia precipitate retreat, we ap prebend tbe North will euffer a auddau aoatcment ia ita jollifieatiou ever tbe aou re of Tytee au uureaiated moveueui vbiub baa been iniuitied into triumph bvanHk tUjmbUcan, 4ih. NAVAL FIGHT AT TYL'EE MOVE MENTS OF .'niK ENEMK OFJY SA VANNAH. ' Iwinediately afterthe arrWal of (be tea of Monday morning, tbat tbo enemy bad wade a lauding ou T)lee lulled, and tbat eeveral of tbeir war veseels Fare anobored iu Tybee Roada. - Commodore Tatuall got bia iiule Dioaquito fleet at preaeut com prising tbrce biuall atoamere and ooe gun boat ready, aud ia tbe eveuing went down to bU aueborege, near Fort Pulaski, wtiur be remained during tbe night. At about half past twelve o'eloek yeaier. day, lie Cctuujodore, with bia Hutu siesta, era, aailed out aud gallantly attacked tue enemy e fleet of eix war teaecle. Two of tbeui being neereet aud ia reach, returned tbe fire briskly.- During tbe engagement, bicb latted about oue bour, aooie forty or fiity abota nero exchanged with nmy a fraxia. i be aliol and beil from tbe ene my flew thick aud fat orer aud around our i little eteamera but without doiug any injury. No one aa burt on our aide, l bs diuio to tbe eueuiy u not kuowa though it ia be lieved by lb ode who wiiuensvd tbe affair ibat aoui of oar ball took effect ou tbeir veela. Flbdiug it impossible to draw ibo eueuiy in rauga of tbe guua of Kurt Pulaa ki, our gallaut and iutrcpid Coniuiodore gave up tbe uuequal eouie.t, aud retired to liU aucUorag. W(lrru tbat there were, laat evening, aix large war venae! iaiiide tbe bar, one of abieb a very largo frigate, waa lowed iu over '.be bar yeatcrday afurnoon. Tbe rutin j have eatablubed tbeir pickaia til arouud Tj bee aa lr up aa K:ug'a Jjuuding. '1 be seucral iUipratiuu bulo la luat tu Yabkova art couarutraiiug tbair fororr, aud I'j.t a touu aa lby grt a tear mora vavla our tba bar tby tuuud uitking an attaak u toil 1'uu-kt. W bear it reported tbat tbey have alao iaoUt troops on Vvartaw, aud bave piisb e tbe ttnta autbe llaud. If tbey bave taken puaaoaiou ol War.ewtbev will be ui to Out t,8 our alr CwUiuiublCallou lib Fioi tua '1 be ujoveuieota of tbe enemy during tbe peal taw daja Ibdioale a purpuae ou tbeir liart te ga eoutrol ol tbia port. Ht time putting our dclebcca iu tba beat po.aible eobdujon. Now la tbe liuie lor prompt aud cUaidcd aciiou. Our t'orcrt in the Hullle of Lmburg- t tjutul 1 in K.cbmoud Wbg,oulbe au- ! ti.ui:ij of Lieut. Loi. Jcunitvr, wbo eutu uiand.d ou tbe bv.ld. vlvoa tbe lollowtui! ' aa lu tiuiuber ot Ibo Cuutaderat ioicea engaged iu tbe batiie of Lea. burg : Cavai- ') u i h.igUik Virgiua Uniiii;iit, 375;, C-igbtcau li.-laaippi, ovU Savcblaaulb .Mia- J.LI OlW j IblltealJtU Mtaaaaalppl, (una I laiiibaui ) tU : ui.kiu in all I tnu I 1 La : loa oi tnu enemy waa ioll killed, Oiltl iOudad,UUO dioaued, ti'J privalee and &t olticere priaouvta uiatiug lu all, 1,7161 Iba.e 6Burea abow that tbe eueuiy bad) a larger lorce put hott tin cotiibut tbao . I. . ......... .1, !..(. I v"u'" "O0P SB- i A Haava Naoao. Ia tbe recent battle; lie Okt. b.tb Jack aud bn ma.ter were woui.ded, but not lilt tbey bad Bikde auoal I ceioio tSurta lo drive baok tbe itiaoleul in-1 tadara. Kioailf, alter Jack bad bred at1 tbe eurrxj twenty trven lioic(, be tell aeri- ouaiy wouuuea in tbe arm. iek a aou waa up-o tbe 6ld and loaded tbe nfle for bit The fi.'ocLttde, There were two iteeru era aui a b.irk off thi poll yeaterdav lore nucn During the afleruotiu a ateamer eame ftom ibe Katard and auobored off the tar one le abcnoaed to be a ISrm,hl man of War, but aha arrived ao lata Ibat 1 Her biitanie Majeaty'a Consul waa not ablo : to coaiiii.Jiiiitaie aub ber yesterday Ck.iT. ( oufter, th. Tin IinATTi!e Ibe Norfolk Day Hook aay it baa heard tbat tbe Vank-ea did not et ibe di-patoliea of our coifioii aionera ahen tbort euileineo were arrcatcd. Prior lo the arrel, the diapalehe., togeth er aith Confdi-rale drafu forlar'e amouoti, bad been put into the Jlrm-b mail ba aud ware hot iuo',etfd. Tbe Day liook doea not pre ite authority for the aiaiemcnt, w liicu we hope ia true. Some Confederate aoldiera were lately practicing near One of ibe Kentucky eampa, wuli Colt e Navy Piatola when one of tbe belli mining tbe target wounded a man at ibe diatinoe of 478 yard. A Dm Hice'a oircui, in Cincinnati, lait werk, a girl aged len yeara daughter of Mr. Lake, fell from tbe bone aha waa riding aod broke ber arm. Major MeCluiken, of tbe Thirtieth Illi ceia Regiment, who waa wounded at tbe batiU of Bclaout, died al Cairo on the Uib all. Tbe eottoa gin of Mre Dr. Frank Nailer of Viekaburg, Miia. waa eoniuaied by fire a few daya age destroying twenty-five balea of eottoa and all tbe pleugba. The Home ."Kie, aa eleotio journal, chiefly devoted to agrieulture, mechanic, and domeatio economy, ie the eaiue of a peper jait alerted at Little Rook, Atk. Tbe entire militia force of Prairie coun ty, Tesae, baa been ordered out for tbe de fence of the Slate. .t.lSrZi'.l ..Saleon-aluable Property. ooniinand of the Federal invading force, off j HiL AM KGJiES AND JillLL Pert Uoval, bat aebt word tbat be would n m.','KL T aa dive in SavaniieL ;n tbe Wedneiday follow in-. .. .' ' ; . . - ' Tbe August (Ga.) paperi give tbe fol ' lowieg quotatioca a tbe priece of Augusta fao tory gooda t 7 8 abirtiuga, 10J eeutrj 4 4 abeetinga, 12 cent.; drilla, 13 otun; 6 oi- oanaburga, 14 eeula. Dr. William U. brown, of Columbia, Ten Deseee, abot and killed Dr. Jeniei N. Car penter, of tbat vicinity, on tbe 23ib ult. Tbo diffieulty originated from an old grudge. Salt werka have been eatabliabed aod put io operation at five different poiute in Siuiib county, Texaa, witbiu tbe paat few weeka. W'm. h. Eaaley, of Hickman, TeoDeaaee , a highly rcapected aud proiuiaeut citiseo, died at tbat plaee on tbe 7tb ult. A Texaa paper aaye tbe Government of tbe State of Chibnabua ia giving $350 for every Indian icalp taken within tbe State. I'KCal'LE'S TICKIJT. Opposed to tub Hail-Road Tax. FOll MAYOR. WM. A. OWENS. r'OU COMMISSIONERS. Wasd No. 1 S. M. ULAIU, S. A. CO HEN. Ward No. 2 II. G. SPRINGS, A. 3. GRAY. Waud No. 3 JA3. II. CARSON, S. W. DAVIS. w V A lrinv f omitvro p WABD NO. 4 JOHN M. SPRINGS, R- F. DAVIDSON December 10, 161. tde MARRIED. In C'liailolla on tl.e illi ii.al., ty tde Rev. A.' Sn.cl.il. tlia K W. H. WA I T" to MI-S MAL. Vl.NA uaiia-lit.r ol' I ol. U, VV. Alri.tuuar ol Una' twn. Wa .Cknowlecge Hie Ice and wi.li liiv b.pjiy p..r iur bica.ing Una a.illi c.n bcaluw. j I DIED. In Chari'ille on Ilia Bill mi at.. DR. D. R. DUN lit a.ao .re I he ucao I-Af. agraj tebuul n6 ye. re. alw in in tlia i.jru. FOIt Till: WAIft. fllllR eitnana of Meek lenburg ciunir who 1 er f..r tl.c i .l.nr. nl Ni.rih fir SoOll. I ..oil... . .n.ud to attend at Marrow ' Turn Oat on S.l. a-aay the I4h, m.t-, at IU e iloca, A. M. Uc. ruber IU, IfSI. ' " 1 iM'l I II 1 - f ll I.VMli MUAIt AM) MViMZLOil i Bbl. N. U. MoUaaea. t r.p. ' W0 llnoa. - Sugar .j k.u Mckerai. To lnnd and for ta'e II k'Mitilt, 300 Bbla- of New Orleans Molaeaas Uxptcltd every day. Order frnm ti.trchanla will be promplly attcn. tied to, and prtcee lower men Ilia eame articlea t.u be bougt.t in the ( hrlrato.. market. OAllbS & WILLIAMS. Ikcembrr 10, lbl. . lAY VOUK TAXtlS, LL paraona owma; ma taiea are hen by noli Xml bed tu pay up a. lore tne lei J.nu.ijf 1 H.uat li.e tne money acme off li. Four and iv-iio-.i 'aiid, but wi.l not be .nlc to Co it aril. -out I on iJ ma. 1 hoe y..u art. I not l .rte toe tu borrow m m y and p.y yoor Laa for you ; it ia but a em ill .mount lo r.cb one. aud you e.o aa any raiav It. W. W. GIUKH, Sher,f. Dece.iibrr 10, Ibb"). 37-11' this. Tiir: soldi Kirs uclief. I IV, AVING e;.-ed out buvneM in the town nf h.rlolle I heiebj g.ie you due notice lli.l y..ur imlra and ..cuui.la .a re.uy lor frit, i r,n I ahdll exiKCl all p' r.ona (except ilia aoid.er in the ir.njr.) lo con.e lorward iimiivdiaUiiy and pay up aa 1 am cmipelieat lo h.ee money. To aurfYr i aay man that would ke. money in bia ;: I at.cn uu luailv due hia fellow mun n aninrr in Jelieo to l l ii.e't and hia country a.'ao any ,Mjn ,h" ",e l""rai u Uw 'Jr WM. TRELOAR. liu Penihr 10, lfCl. Brogans ! irfflDriuaiaiii!uiiUiauB A Largo A'lock of NF.OUO ALSO BOOTS AND SHOE , A FINE ASSOR TMENT OF GENTLEMEN'S BOOTS & SHOES, AL80 Lathes acd ("hildrtna Shoes. For aale by james HAinr. Charlolte, Oct. 1, 1861. Cw Motive fllIE Warden af Ilia Poor for Mecklenburg JL county will meet at the Poor liuuae on Sat urday ll.a I bill mat. at t v'clooa lo alee I a Slew, ard aad Phestciau lor Iba ensutag year. By or alar ol Ilia board, E. C. WALLI3, Gfcmn. Noeambar 6, 1861, St at.ll (at r..k i.. .i.. u.u ... . . iter, at th. n .... Y. oia. luw,e Min, tll. 3ll Mlh o) I lib IjIIdmiiik er.anul ptup;ly, . , G Men in i;niu, . . with lioilera, 2. 8 and 70 liur.e power j 1 ToWu lar lit. i In r J 2(i ll.H'a Ainalgi.iii.ior, j 4 BfluU.. uuj 4 U..ubie ci.ili.ao M.I;.; 1 l-rg uOM Lain I larjjiron fan; Sub II iel ul Uitr l,u! I l-it uprivut luilr. ol Uuiwr Iron: I 00. ul cut iron I 1 large jtf imrae W IngaiKaiia ululiato Soua 4 BrieK Pfaaata, lace buck; r 2 IJuir Salone FI.OIU .71 ILLS, 2 Flour Delta and R.tl., 0w,,,ht Saw 'Mill. iibw j lot Miattiug. Puillea and llangora ; Juiola' M.nn.g Puui,i j Jot On Piue j lot Irvn Gtar Wliecla 14 Tlulew, 3 lloixs, 4 4-1Wm aj;it j I twn librae Vfnn, Bagfj I CarrjM, Int of ILimrae, 3 Cui, 3 t.alvta, t-aruiing Twn, llauaa-h-ild and Kitchen' Furnii ore, ana vanuua oilier arlie.va t-H nuuiernua to meniiun. N, Alau, on tin: firat Muruiny in Januarv nrit 1 will . for anali to tin- injur. I biuder, -I His I uurl iiouaa dour ir Monroe, fTfn 3fi-:c;Koi-:.s) Ben, aBd 42 yeara j Mary, 40 ; Julia, ; W il. Imiii. 10 ; Hmry.H; i-aruh, i j Mury. I. And Hie following Trie la ol Land, lying ia tna county ol L'ninii.oii His walera ol' Twelve Milu IJree : U.in Iract, 1 ii ain-, tdjoining tlia lanoa of f. L. Wutt and oliicri, and known aa the Waatiington Mine. Nil. 3. A ao, another trsict, cntninii.g 00 ai-rra, . j in.i.g lauoa of A.J. CUrk, Win. H. Howie, an I ollira. A.ao, anollinr tract, Coi.tHin n g 4bJ acrt, aioioing l.iida ol F. L. rtialt, the K g urvry, ao veiled. -1 .1 ollira. Alao, aitollier trct. coiiUiii.ng ao7 acrea, ailj. lining 4i,,ia ol Win. II. M'jwie, R. tJ. Moaru, anil uthcra Aim, ao ilher lrci, containing 59b acree, adiitm tnt lunua ol J. C. Aualio, K. O. Uuw-rd, and ur. AIo, aiiuttirr tracl. conUinir.v i!li4 "C"' riJ""""l l-ndaof JC Aualin, Wm Join. ,,d vluwe. Alan, .nou.er tract, conuinme 40 aern, adjoining lanoa ul Martin Cliapnun and a"" lrmor i jr known aa the li.grabam Mine tr.cl. j A l of the foregoing property levied on and a.l aa llm pr.i.eriy ul R. F. Stockton, to oa Italy j llu l.iUm , n,j lunua, laauing Iraai Iho tunly ano Sunrrinr t:..urti of L nion r.unly, again. t K. f. Stockton, 'U laor of T. VV. lA'.ry an l oliu ra. G. AUSTIN, iikrryf. Ivcember 10, lalil. w Negroes to Hire. femVO ei,l. r- IItt n-rvant men, and one A. g.d fitid liand. Alan, will bn lured low in ir country, good c.m. and waaherwrnnaa will lKoain.il ciii.urcu. ppiy al Una effica. Itceinuer 3, 1?6I. 3Cll SOH4, OODMiLCII lo. Ap v at Una olfica. , Ure. 3, H!6l. 36if ATTENTION" ( iH AKLUI'l K bEAF, j ra lirtby auinnno , Company No. 2 you j . lo appear al the. quipped aa ... 1-w ui. ... it alroay Dec. T II., I luir -yard, armed and ri ci l.r inuier and on! t JU o't..ek a. in. I! J N : 1 1 f N I kit, Certain. S II. LII'SUN, O. S. I). ten.lh.r 3, iCel. H N. M UiNuiuti will be dealt wild eccor d.ng to luw. A Card. I TAKE pUaeurc in info.- mng my frienda and p.troua of tn.a C ity and iieii.borliood that I .na.e rilun.id to i. harloile aou reaumed u.y loroirr Duiiitee. in coii.iucr.lion of the cx.tnt.ng preaeure of the Ii lie. I aliatl I. nut my ti-rma ol tuilion on Hie Fi.uu i. iU, for Ui 'ull &a.oa of 4U weeka, or a, I A. t.rli.rl.all eaaioit ol wetka. 1 h.fe a tine atock ol eiiecl mua.c on hand and will .Hern! j'Uiiclu.l y lo ail ordt.ra in tliat line aa alao lu 1 uiiiug Kto .irit.g and ulc of Fianoa ItaptclJul.y CuAaf.LES 0. PAPE. NnvemScr 26, lt6l. ii AVINtj l.keu apici.i leltira of Ailinin i- l .l on on the EaUtc ol Jno. V. Moore, iHc'.l . I Will (l".ilul puDlic aale on tne Ian j a ln-nuber next u I..I.-I llo.a.a Uowa, Hoga, j I .until It n.i.a e. liruia niade twait on . te "a ol aale. I ' D. HENDERSON, Adnir. Nufr inbtr Ibtil. Id: . - TA I L Ol iU L l H-LAI.t L1A MkCKLSBL'ltO CliU.NTY. Court of J ieut and Quarter Setsiont, leei. Joiin $ nipon, Original Attiicliment, Same as the olliera. Tl.c Mecklenburg u Copper Com- j 1 1' appearing to the lattalaction of the Court, mat ilia oaieiidaiit la notan iniiabi tu nt ol line C-I..L , nut reaio.a beyond toe liniita ol ilia aame. It l I tf jn Uidttrd. tv a.. in Court II. at public- j liu.i ol a,x .ULtixiir .eela im Hie orlli Curo- i liu. ttn.g a ni.wp.iper pruned in tiie 'lowu ol j i ,,.ln. ,..t. aani ill lenduiil to he and I ip-.ar Oelore tne Jusuc. a of uur I url ol I'leas anu ldurter !tasioiii al Hie lull t'ourt to be held j mi tnu cudi.iy ol Al.cki. liUurg, al tl.e i curl. I llou.e in t ii. r. otic on the 4ui Monilav in October I tiexi. llicu ano l-.t re to .newer or demur or juug. ,cl procoiiles... will bo taken agatn.l h tViiiitas, v . Ii, ueio I lira ul mlJ I ouri at nr. fire in Cnarlotle, Inu 4 tll Monuay ol July and iu pbtll year ul 'American I i.o. penornce W. K. KKl.LV c. c. c. Augnat JO, I 01. i'rltilira ttt-to. I'.'b bTATE oY .NOKTIi-CAltOLl.NA. MKChl.a.MtUUii tOlMY. Court o J leus and Quarter Sessions, July Term, 1&U1. J. A. E.Ua, 1 Origmul Altaclimant, M J. M. Mniil, I Levied in Ibo In nils nl Janice t olns, Jr. I h. A. Alcl.nl and him Joep'i l.o.ctl. J euiimioiicu aa Uarutal.ee. IT appearing to the aaliaiaciion of the Court ll.a I J. M Sir.nl, James Col its. Jr. ami Joseph i.ell Iradera under .lie tlriti of L ivcll, Colli At o , are not iiiiiaoitant ol this Slate, bul ,'eside b, yond li e linitis ol the aunie. ll ia OiOereu anu adjudged V the I., url ll.ul puUitc ,lioii be inado luf six auct-.-tve w.eka in lite Norlli Caro lina VV lug a ntiM i-pip. r pr i n loo in I I. url. ill,-, i.. I a , lor tl.c said or iel.ua Ills lu appear a I Ida Court liouso in Ctiarlolie on tne 4ttl Monday inOi-ioOtr ui ai lot ii aud intra to anawur or demur, -ir juug uiciil proc,,nla-o will lie UKttt again. 1 l ictu. VV Hue. a, VV . k. Keid, Clem ol uur aald Court a I oBice iu I ti iiii.iie, lite 4in M .ouay ol July and ir Pbut year ol Au.tiicau li.depKiidvi.ee. W. K. KEli), o. c. o. Augual W, 1861. Prmtora Fa la. Vi6 N.. 1. -I win The .71 a eke Is. COaRICTXD BT 0ATK8 & WILLIAMS. CHAKLOT-t-E, DECEMBER 9, 1961 ?A(;ON, llama, ntw. ...S3 (g, ...au (; ...a i i.u Siaea, .ib. nug muiiu, ' Simulacra, , agg'ag. unity , .... .Ivei, .iutlcr Iieawi, tteaua, branuv. Aum. ..lb.. -'5 i .6 ......aj M ... .IUU - 7 .u lb..., ib.... ouau .....21. " P.a.i. i 1..., lor C'.tlee, , i " Java, .lb. Caudlea, Aumiiaiilina, ...ib " aoerm., " Tallow lb Ib buahei... bu.bal... -oacli... yarn... -yaru... uoxen bbl.... buga... lt Ib , ib...... ib ....bol.kt.X , K.Ua... gal...... -faJ bualtel.. bJ .....bU U 10 lj 4U IU Corn uw.. CUickeua, Clotli,l'oupera, " Lltluaey,.. Kf. riuur ... b .. 3otl (, .-.id i, .... b lo, ...aat . J tu, . 14 , 4jU (gf ...7o to Keatlicra ilidea, (irccn, Dry,- ., Lard i M ulloa, Mjcfcercl, .'.o'aaee,M.O W.l. Meal ...to ...t'J .IU Mulleta( Wiluiingtoii) ...bbi. .lane, northern ftoutl.ern Data Ib lb..... -bualicl. .... lb bueliel.. ..bualiuJ., ..buahei.. -bualiei .. lb ....lb. . .. -fl ..ai.ck ....-35 7 7J 75 4d a 5 13 ,d 111 fork ft-a i'otaloca, triaii, " 8weet, Ifict Sugar, Loa.1', brown,. oione-H'are, 611, Tea, Wheal, white , " red, . Wtuaaey .iNorthtrn,.. " N. Ca.ro! 1 1. (it ....Ib. IUU (; -bualie. .140 .builml U5 (, gal- Wool,(bi.-8tUcirgia) waalied, unwaali'j ...4'J . IliU Od Yirn bale... REMARKS. t'OTTON. In demnnd. In eonarquence nf t tie a J fa lie iu price it la coming in iiioic tree!, good article ia now in oemano at Be COTTOX JSUYEUS. i:i.ias aV ( Mi!: WILL i UKCHASii COTTO X , G 1 1 A I N , FLO U H a.SD COUNTRY PRODUCi: of all kinua for winch the htgheai market j rico will be paid in CASiJ. Jut received a Urge let of BAGUIJ.'G AN EOf INU and a Iu .1 aui.ply of ELIAS i; COHKN. iiiu September 5, I'-bl. iii;m(ivai. IWOt'LD tie nonet- that I have removed Ir my .New Factory next door lo Hie VS pi j Ol. I l)c where .Mil.Uiy SaJ.iua, !l..rne- and Accou. i treinenla cn bu had at aiiorl uoiire. S. M. HOWKLL. l'ah paid lor I. idee. I Moveiuoer j, iBol. liu ; STATE OK -NOliTH-CAKOLLNA, Mat. KLk.NUL UU t uLM V. j Court of t'leat unU uailer iesiionst A I jji iI Ttim, lotil. J. W. M irrow, . Ui,ki..ai aiuchment levy I ta. 1 II. A. ( u p. y on hud. iT appcariog ta tne mli!..ct.on of the Court, thai b. A. 1 uip, II. e cticiiduiii m tnia c.ae, .a not an iiiiiaoitant ol Hie elwt of Surtn Carolina, but rc.tuea oroi.d tin; iiintta ol tne- aunt, it te I thtrtjoit Ordtrtd, by said Court t.ial puu.ic.itoii 1 i.l ail .u,.ta?ivc wet-ha tll luc S -i ,n Carotin-. 'Mi'tg a in a , er printed in tut ioo.i ol Ciiar 1 lulte noltlyi',' tne atu oeleiidaiil lo Ik- alio up. ! par belure ll.i J Ualtci a ol our I. I'tirl ol I'.edM at.u HuarU r Sea.ot, al luc n XI I ou t In ot lic.o lor a,ld CoUIII) Ol Mclhtt ItOU.g, at IIIC I. OUT t I lo U'( tll tlinriolle on Itie 4 Hi .Uonoat ot J.iiv licit, ' t ue i. and lucre lo plead uuawer nr ucuiur or Juug. loeol proco.1eo will oc Idnun aaui.-,. tiiiu. j V .llleaa, W . h. iic.d 1 lerk ol a,.tu I ouri al ol. ' lire lite 4in Moiiu .y ot April A. U. ICbi, and in luc Milti vear ol Americutt 1 ii.tt'pei.oei,ce. VV. K. Ur.lit, c. C. C. M..y 21, 181.1. PrtnUia Jre. t). 1J i STATE OF .NOllTil CAUOL1.NA. tAl.UWLLL CUUMV. Court cf Plvat and (quarter Sessions, May Term, 1;6I. Janice Harper, i ra. I Wilia Uatlher. Land Lcxj. T appearing to the satisfaction ul tne Court in H W iitv I'-.tlier, Hie ueleiidkiit 10 Ltl.a case re ea bi yonu Hie liiiula ol Ibe Male ol lurt.lCaro- I Itltu.ao tnal notice ol lite It y cai ltol Do personal. ly Hinil Uk.lt hint, oruereu tnal puti.ttation be lllace lor a.X .UCtl'.Mte WceKS III lllc iNuitll CuTU Im. VV li.g, ool.l .tig aai.l uetelidulil to Oe and up pear al Hie lltXl lelm ol our aaloC.nirl .o ue Itetu lor Hie Louitiy atoreatd, al tne I uurl tlouae ,ii Lc-ioir on tot bin Motiday a'leriltv 4 1 it Al'it. .... in Juno utii. to allow vauae il an, l.o cau l ' . ,u.llcta JUog,.i ,a,l not be continued ' CUH4elulied ,ur p.,ut,rl. ueUl -i.o due lila land culiociui.cu lor pi Co.-t. VV .tut as, S. P. lula. Clerk of our said Com t st Ulhco in Lenoir tt.o bin .M, tiu.,v aitr ilio 4. It iVluuuay iu Maicn, ictil. 1. DL'LA, C. C. C. June 4, ISGI. Print. t. Jtc ab. US Granite Mill Stones FROM 1 U i' LO I U i ll hi LK gU A UU I KS r.LUlaFlt.Li l'UllilCl, s. C. 4 ti II Ks-lv rrk are peculiarly adapted lor M .. a)a purpuscs, 01 n g anpor-oria I lie t-r-iicii butr lor g.-iiiuiog eojni-ud c.icaptr auo nt.,ra .-ai, kept 111 repair. Tna kUiat-llbet la pi.parad lu luniiali a lew act ol lite 4'i..e rotk, ol a..y dt-.i-red atxo, ll orde.-a are enl ..n.,,tu. i y. kt.iiiK Iiiii.i.II a practieal .Vliut r, i .1 prnsei I o.ia li.it ouur ol Lie well know .tier .tl in CwiUti.u.a.J aud kuoing ttl ia l.tia coondoul no wttlbt ao.c to h i . Willi aiiiue aal.auci.on. VVtil dativar Sllllar ol thO li-pota iu Cotuiltloa or Ad Adore. a Oct. ii. isel 5-lpd. i . .VicLc.SA A. L-tatr.liv. S.l I'l LOW'S CELKCRATED StLF sUAl ll.Nti CA2VS, ol ail tue dioVreiit atxta. at TAYLOR'S llerdaMre Start, ffotUtUu Humtu Hf I HUTTOSiFKKUCU'S ;outI;ei-tt libntHir. ! ij -o I TERMS ALWAYS IN ALVANCi: One Copy j,,r j,far 'I V ..y..,...-., l o,.u a, c.tTtaH I'oal i j',',', bix ( "p ia, 0u, (J() Kir mi ,;. tit"" Tility c.nt l'oiira, on. tl O jo 400 I b.a u BJ In nrnnur l' nirliri,!;,r tn ani-cnbera. I'o.l OlLtt ,,, si .i. V r ti i ilear. AJrii. HUT ION A FKKLii.lf, AJ rma, I knn. LMI'OISTAAT lN'O'iiU;, our Tmrnms 1 1'OI'J -1VKLV CASH! ON AKD AFTLRTUi:21.stn..vrAlsT. c Jt'ii Hank & sa.mi'li; j Auauat tO, JH;i. jw.L'.&l!. HAIL WIAlJtU. I "t c t" r AjVlS, lib l,o Illi ti.J 40 jrrjuic iir.oil.Ai; AN.Nt.M. .Ml. Ill: , .at. .-nick no ll.il-tUB l.f III,- , Ai. Ituliii-ri'oruiui. I.'tait Uuj,, i. iu tl.e Tvwn m i ii.riwiie . .t day in Dcioher in xi, tl.t- h.u.h ti.e inuiilli. rotiuiy ,, tu, ani.uiU not Utl I., line t , t. , , led by proxy to inaure a q.i nmre nic ts-rv , cty nuny have entered tne army anu wi it." i. 't uu I (JO 6u iiic i:n t:.,y e li uUcnu ' :'k ri -.r- -. ii. 'I ...a ll4 i i !te live- ecu i. II W. GLIuX, Just S. pt. 20, ihCl. Notice. TEtiiislJitA.rv o Ui J;'IC", I AtlHimc, 'i'ecu. & Oiiio ii. K. ' t il.AUi.Ul 'i f:, N. i ., s , t i: rgUlE HUH inna.i .i,( i i..., 'a lh" M. t..e A T. A. U.K. U.lo., m,!,,,,,,. ,, too 'I men of Mateatnie, ia out on ;i.c .l,t uj O lol.cr nrii. "I'l.e Srir pth Int.l''ni!it of h S'or-lt .!. ;r! ' eu al .Vlot.ni .Vor, i.-.W,,, f.-unly, u I, Lyl.,ii li..iaiiii,tnt 0: ;: m(.k ,uk , M;,t. , IM-Ckiennurg t:-ui.l,, u o tie i.u tj ..ok oi. ... (il.t O.-lobi r, next. ll tne Moc.iiuiuura lii.irc the work loi.ninu they MLftT bt in ... pr.-in:.l it; i . i i .wi.t . . Tl:l i T.j iiilc I., k. '! I' i .--. : ,.. . Y.. MO.NKV. M. I S(p(cnitnr 17, let;.. UaOTilLMi E.UPOiuni, DEAl.tlla IN AM, KIM1S ct Wil isli i (;oui)s, ll.t , AC. i iiiiii, UL LU e.i. t.i a I'l it 4i k i. , N I. VV I j -ZZ I ,uctl j,r,t, , , MtK K OF I'LOnilM. n. i .it a t i i v c.i. . h , r : c u ; tj ale t-iJr.ii.g nit V.VNl 'll.lil. M i IS a.-i.',ii.i,i. I'.t ii.M ,tvi iii;::c, nii.k .VAl.lLAML AM' Vl.l.Vi.i 1..-1S, U I.K CU.i 1, U; ti:i i .e-. ac ty;e. re C , r. i v i ir-. I u.i'.i l l'Ll.LNl.S, jfill.N r i.i, icmi. tv CO. A b. 1 1 t l " s ' rvict.-tu tiieuili. illlH III ti If !. K. ... r. At. Ilttll all. it.-, ru d , It is II i-,i tiat.Uj; il u;, jtr to. econte p.illjf .1 Art.bcial 'I'eelll anu Ire A..i,iUi utio j H.j m ill atau give it.slrucliui.a in I. to ail i trute itrniti. Aa i.e , ljccts to do a triveiji.g Du-tr, sons desiring oia none, ct.i Oe itt mi, llieir resiiient-t s, bv ailiienMit;; nun jl aetKe P. U., M cca I-'.. uur i; I u., N.C. tLf' Ail or warran;ed. Ajini 3. iSt--n. 2l MERCHANT TAILOIUm I I I.MC .ti'si I A It li.eir !; v in , t t AVL' .i ao auin.it It ft at. mg Stock, a .Mo n.enl, lo wl.icti H'ey .a. I 1,1. , I II. u j Tbey hUn.u 111..M1.1, A i . . ti, I I , ed l I.. aakurnii-iit ol ltJ( Et IM Tl:. I... .!.!! A.I n "ii i i l.. k'1 '1 wtr.ty-r tv-a Ter t . I'n tne ennaumr. JJ Itiie a-veil rc l.u.e to li) u. i-: i r i.i.i . J.NU. .M .-i'KIN" Srytemhrt C, I Ml'1. -' ' 1 ICOttT II- COM i , - I VKli.vL t i'M.MI--slON UK HAM n V , . . ' ij 0:hfc, South Corner M.trki I ina Waicr 3 ff) t

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