. v, front fA Daily South Carolinian. Jrcnch Vessel Fired Into by the Federals. Jlonn. January 1- Monday last, French man f war approached Ship I- t l m a . . ,Dd oudcr oeoirai nag, lor to purpoae ,f )ttcBJing to iodic business with tie frtoeb Conaul at New Orleans, and ii into and aotueabat crippled by the federal licet. Tba Frenchman did not r(Uro tbe fire. Tbe Yankeee appologiied, ul the French Captain rt feted to accept ipoliJ- 0m t0 aj St. Loui Li boat, and telegraphed at one to y(l (Jrleau. Oo Monday, there were ( thirty Federal eeli at Ship It ;,td; but, after tbia affir, kit but five left luj ' rJ luiel- Latest Northern and European Intelligence. r.iuiMO.NP, January II. Mr Zicharie, ifw Orleana, who wee arrested on board , H,nib veil by tbe Federal Steamer CiintC" Cuba, baa been releae'd by I , Yankee Hover anient, and arrived at jjrfoik jtrdfcy. P"nrr report three gun boat and ;Vri( I' iren-porte aa having arrived at fjr:rrn Monroe yeterdy from A'inapo Thtre li great activity at rortreae The Norfolk Day B'jok bat received a , rjf the New York Ih'raU, of tbe 9th,1 f,-;a ab;cK it makea tbe following eitraet : 1 ILe lderat Houe of Representative U irpointcd a eoturuittoo to report a bill Yrn f.T ruling for haadrtd feiiHwo dollar by 1 fft : Ti J ! ft CI IIIIUDI, mtn la au upiil ! in pld. Kiebeoge it q ioied in New Vk at 115. Tbe Jltrald aayt that Wail treat b eouapired to defeat the plan of ci Uot erameut, and the Treeaury mil he mbout a eetii ia aoather wtik. Tbe, 1 sie!phia bank refue Treemry Noki, i ul ihe public begin l cry, " dowa with :.i tubki !" aod to call for a national cur-1 rttcy. I H itcaojer Canada reached Htlifei on; jl ib, ailb mere troopa, aod 90 ton' tannics of war. The Iliberuia it to fel .. up auk more troop. ! Ice Lobdeo Tivift tiu.t aghntio coo- j Ua;!atioo of tie tremeodoua aod niagoi i ot proportions of the Yankee debt Pruiie ha addreated a Dote to her .Via-1 jm it Wibiojto, eondenoio tbe erreal :'. Miioo aod i"'.id!l. I W.aiiinQTON, January 8. Tbera it ii activity at beadqaarter. Geo. Sic- ( Mitaeart, bat tendered hi reatg-' I HIE N. C. SALT COMMISSIONERS. ' A gtstlemio inforraa the Fayttin'l'e Ob Hrttr that travtlUd oa tb ear early taat -t with I'r. Worth, who wa on bu way " the eont for tbe ereood lime. He bad tia to lb Virgiuia Salt Warkv to faail i i i ti liiin.f with the whole proeeaa of u l makiB, for which parpoao tbe propprie. ' U'tibrre bad kindly g'rea him ery fa-, t v.i dJ infcraaation. He think he eaa v.ios.t iiiiprm. ujenta of the wo.i lit difficuliy i io grtteig the weeeveary i pan eal for wbicb ho ha applied ia t"r; aeceaa.ble qiarter ia and out of the. (:!;. Ai he could not be i Virginia and' f. ib foaudnoa aod on the eoa-t all at ooej il ibe imn time, be had prevailed opoa aovfih r ttierjii gtntUmao to proceed bitn ts tat rot.i i o auake ike uc-.ary ar'atigi &tat prwthju to hie aeeood arrival there. I it 1-ipins. Tn Phil a Delphi am AriAio or as Aru'K-lHtr A i-1' a a a rua Aid --To Mayor of ;the city of 1'ailadelphia baa re-' ''-j w t it o a letter to ibe Attorney. '"ralof . nnaylvaaia, d-frmg aid lor troi.c'ian of that place from invaaioa' 'be 'rebela." Tbe follwiii)( ia tbe Con-1 i-eeir.g paragraph of tbe Mayoia a appeal I AiHuu there mty a bi aay writ . -u.MirJ at prebeaaioo that our eny will he 1, J by a rebel army, or by foreign i( ! '"'"or, nd aueh la a. alway been and ia 'o my individual eoavictioo, it ia none j !aa ibeuiuheat upon thoae ehrd ' ib it intereata, t tee that every prudent j r"M'anoa a'iimt aueh evenii eaouid be '"ly and fully mad. Tbie ul j-ct now "gil'.i tbe attrotioa of tbo oaiuual ait I " '".'lea, tad ii i. la be earnestly hoped the ay.tpui jof defence which I'eouajl ahall adopt for th proieeiiio of it f,ttitr and it abi.f city, thall he baruao i)a.y nd vioroualy promoted by the '"Ural (ovt rnnifltit. I am, with great 'tct.Ao , ALEXANDER IIKNUY. A Good Pilot. A gentSeaiaa ioforma " bat the aolilary pti.ooer takea abroad I i lebooaer Sberwoen laat Sunday mors y y Caplaio Lynch, troeed to bo a pi K ud one of tho beat, probably, is tbo YiLkee .ervice. He ie laid to know more '-'"U Virginia wttert thaa any other man fiiiida of Norfolk, aod io depriving tbe "iktei of Lie aervieea, w have eocorrw r"bed much. Of oour.o he ia tho laat "n the Confederal Government will al to ba eiebaoed. Wa ought by all Brm (ahold on lo that pilot. Pet. Et l""t Uh, "on. Alfred Ely, the lato Coafederate f"nuer, teema diligbled at hi releaae, j ackoowladgtt tbat hie treatment wbtl B Htehuaad waa kind aod agreeable. Specie. 'At tariooa point, in tbe South, em Confederacy p-oi i celling at en eo ;-oii premium. nfiy per eetit, ia charg Tbe Richmond ! anxiety of p ,h it i. oing to the ? , it for the r- - - - s-. io uwiii ii u": from the Yankee. wLicrl .to obtain nooda ..l.,j :. .1 li . . . H' uiiv ine ouiu iu lare qi. are uiU)( tbe tgovernuii ut aware of tbo -xiV. I euch aui'jxglinjj ! Df it connive ut it ff ; Some men would rink the navigation of the river of Styx to make money. Tin-y abue the Yaakven, were warm advocates for bringing' on the war. no doobt, aud jet will not pay a dollar on rik liiub to promote it, but will rik every thing if omk money out of ii. Who are tbev ? Tbeeo aaine people will be atron advocites for allow. ! n)t l'aokeea rqual privilegea for trade, &o..! .... "... r i i . 1 -im vui nu uiiisau, wnen lite war la over Men who tbu (fit "aid and comfort" to tbe enemy, ought to be known. liut. Stan dard. Drawned Tbi morning about 0 o'clock Mr. A. li (Jtley, wtnlt on tho wharf in the lower part of tbe town, fell over into the river, end via drowned. Ilia bodv wat recovered iu a abort lime, aud every effort wa taacle to lenm-ciate life, but with out tff ct. Mr. L'lley, we bvlieve, wa native of Chatham ejuuly in tin Slate but for neveral jeara pant had been a resident ofthiaiown. lie w.a about 0.) year old and leave a family and a large circle of ao- 3'iaiutatioua to uiouru bi death. H i. Lturnut. Hun the UluckaDH. We had the ptea aure ul a tut y -(. r -J ay trout llub Mai tin, of itjUware, Ule U A. Ceuoul at Maianaa, hut bo reiued tiiat put io April lt ahuii tbat (ovur nuicut declared war u ooii tbe Sou'h aud ita iuniuuiiou j lr. Martin cauie pa-neuter iu one of tbe recent arrival through the gap iu Dr. Lin oolu'a blockada, from llavaua. lie i heart and aoul with lbSutt iu br etrulea, aud goe to Sew Urleati to make tbat hi home. Multie ItrgUur. Niw Orlea.n, Jan. ti The name of the v..e which run the blockade a the A'anderbi't Hhe waoot fren ivilanl, a 6it reported, tut from a Cuban port Sti bnu' aoma uiuiiili(i3 of war, hut Dot it large qiautiiy a biat rrpoit au thented. v'apiuh uf a CtriZEH or mv.. i - It ia be.lved tbat Captain A. t. t-it r, of l lii city, hi faliea lulo tba inu l f r , Oiiraiy, a be wa aiuan tbo p .--i-n-. , -Ike iininb acbooaer Yricioria, uiiicu ia i ed from l-tauiorait for liavaua, ai.i ih taken by tbe U Si diea'U ahip Jian.iti .!. Cuha, aud aubeq leutly earri.-J iu iit-y Waal. SutUrtaA UtfuUjCUH, Caonoo can be heard at a grat diatince. The gun at Feiiaaeola were beard hy ne groe I JO miiea tliataiit, wl.o called the at tebMou of tbeir uaatera to the nu io l. 1'be inn of CiO'iou at Port Uoval am heard at Jackeuilie, Florida, a duiaace oi iJO miiea ou ao air Hue. Mas. IIJUT it t Ton will p!ea aa aouuee tbe name of W VI P. IMiKE.t candidate ai a delegate lo tin Stale Cju veiitioa to fill the vacancy caued by tbe rcigoatiou of oar worthy Repreaeutatira Da. P. C. Caldwell. We want men of firmn and merit, now ia not tbe time to be electing youn ttiea to office, who if tbey bad any piutr or pair loiitw would not be arpiriu tor Citd HuHourt at bomi bet would bu ia the Ar my battling for the defeuee of tbeir Co to try, air eaa aucb get tbe cupport of M AN i' VOIKR3. We are authored to announce the name of D It Sl ltUNliea a camJidaic for tbe .State t'oaveaiioa by A FUIKND. xunci:. A" N ELECTION , h. on, R-J and held at th. frM-iui in (rt-l, nb if i niiolf , on M.I.VUiY llie Jd.ii Ui ..t J .nu.rf , mat. lur a IJ KI.KO I K t I lie Slua l '....an, ti ,n ul N.jflb ' a,ioiio I., fill I ia vacancy ooi aai aiioil by the raaignation ot Dr. Y. '. 1 ii.Mriil, W. W. OliElH, Slitnf. Jana.ry r?h, Ib6i. Klccti.m Xoticc. I .,,.1.1 CLE ,.tla in 1 l iOM .1 Iiib a. fral Ei.tii.in I. Meehlenitiir t'.iu itv. hif a D-I..ta I (.'.invenlion to aupp y le varan.-y nt,) oy tne rreifualiofl ul lr. f. C. t'al.iwell, I- wit ! I mi."TT vt hi J ll.yte, t.q D.viJ far., P M Ho,,i N nNT'a ToBC W S Normenl. A F Sat'lti Lo. l aeaa. V M B.rry. E-j R D W bill. y Roit'l lleiioei.oii. Uawa.a, E U IJ Sloan, E.q Two. E Pott M E aniwell till La D T Th om.aaon, Eq D F D I ar., N 8 A..ina. r. laaaiaat ao fl II Oa rion, F.-q T M Ale -inner, A t, .M.-rria. ilt.r. D W M.llrr, Eaq J01111 f Drntna, J wi l It M fta. hai Arthur Oner Eaq W P II mi. on J U W nit. ... u. faoviaanc. II ,:l People. E q. E A M-K-, , DJ Ilea. iTEi.( Itt. John M rolU, F..q VU Q-i-ry J S .Nt,y. W. W. GUIEU. c-'i.- .y. January 14 lt-6 J. ' - to Ircihtors. raHE e iparluoralnp nling bitwten I ie "in. B duraigned etdi'i. by I la'io 1 0,1 1 a, 1.1 day ol Janu iry pr..x uio. ifb'J, but ll .a bi en ei.-o,. ra ino. riii.lely lor Hie purpo.e o.' cl..nig u; our btlaln.-ea. W lirlllefela.re, that all p. rMina in. It bled lo ee will come forward ami pay liitir C. .00 ii la (lb laiur are all maila oat ready lor ael-U.nia-il) aa aoon aa puaaible, at we are In need of all iii nii v due u., to comply with the rt q lira- nieiiia ol our Uoveruiuoiit, alio to aiiawer iu.ihiJ Sal purpoa. a Uratelul lo our ffiende and patron, for pal f.vora. w. nill be? hippy t . aej ami a.rve Ilium, fir t'a.n oni.v, at 1111 raicae aa our Ho roaiTiv.LT c-ivwao. BUOWN, TATE & CO. January 7, IrHil. 3llf (Notice. 8 EXE( UTOK3 of tbe late ISAAC 9. HEN. DKKHOV uec'J.. we will efume to pub- arte. lio anle Inn late rr, iuei.ee abovt ? iiiilua North of ChHrlutie on tliorad;iy I lie 3lllli of January, Tlie .... folliiwinr uroBertv. vi Ma. It?lv?? ltU 'g'l, Nulrs, L'utltft JJogS atirl 6irfp, 'ti,teat V"1 u'"1 I'wtder two . "loolt one Cotton (jih one J hi. . , , dutch inn V"' ot,,pr article, ome Houachold ar.s "";ttbcn ' " lerina i inaile knnwn on the div nf ale. D. M. IIKNDrfltSUX, f I. UfclNidiKSUN, L'xtclrs- January 14, 1 S.jJ. 3 , Police. II ISS 8. F. DAVIDSON will reopen School Ilia, nu the first Monday in February. .11 u aic Lenaona given na tbe Pi.-ino and Uuiljr. January 14, ltilU. 3t I I "VVM, .1. 1 V.i . ! 1 , .. 7 " ' - K-"'"f rnm " --...v.. o.-.o to tiiuurna .i..i.inix j "11 iiTMiing 11 ll eonlcr a fovor by itaniii? 11 at tbe Wbiir of. fice. SU&J&M, 7 150 f I lie! Sur'ar now cominr I j y in nt prices from 8 to 'l'3 (he llli.l. 11 400 llbU Molasses, A. O. best quality C cents per Gal lon by the J3LI. WILLIAMS Si OAI'ES. J.iiiury 7, 1-GI. 3, it 1 he Udiik uf luiloile. miuTti, N. .' , ll.c. i", I8CI. ' H l BANK Ii j. i.. ..nn-.i at.m anon at-- M t.o.i.l Uul)..,;.. rMi:r.,il IjiI Ik- nj. u. Ii. u r ,te i l rj ,,.r t. i.l. p, r am. uin, y y .1 .lie ll. 1 .. M 1' I'l.'.iKAM, i'Ai'A i, I UiiS SAiai.. 2 nii.i. . .. . ., i.,. i I'C.nL W on.!.-.! ,- ,1.,,..... ul t h ir.ol .r. o.i i n ii. I. , J -. u i . lui. ii.ii..n.g pro,.t-riy , v,i ; i ,.. , r ; J i.i li or it ll. JO ul dUli, n,u .i,g 1 1, i I.I ,Hfl .1 iiihc-Ii i.va; 7 htf.ii ui poi.. ii; I tlli-iie-i lor baton ; j ur 1 urri-uu g . " -' ...I I M ui 'i h.igr in i.( ; jj la u .u uu.nei torn ; 7 fttaea tooer ; 3 iMt hay, .nucha mill o'.utr proVtUUrr i I lour liorsi: wauii ao.i geaauiy ; v. tr.l pi 'Wa .lid oltlrr lafuiiig t.n.ia I liifraiiing inatoioa anil ge..rio( ; I wiie.l Ian ; I miuw cut Ul aod com aiitiitr. Ala-i, .i,ul .i S tl. a rn,l"ii a of. WbCat and uai. ( logiucr jit.ef arlM: ltiui. in.,. known in it.v of aa le. SAM L. J. LOWUIK. lU r of if H fOLAf, i. tCt. Dtc. 17, leei. I will r nt al the d url ..u duxr, on the Ul J .'.U .l-T, I.'- f4a l.l.ition lalily U.,ooKlllglo aalU urtiimil ly ,ng alwul 111 unit. i f r I U. W . l ol t lt..r lotit, en ln li-li k' ttd roaa, lor enduing yr.r, Ihe pUaialion i in g,. repair, aoool lioi ecrra oi i.ii.l ril for t Uitiv.li oi. '1 lore ia a small b-jl toiolorlable bou.r on Ine prei.nate. SAM L. J. LOWKIE. Dee..ltr I", lefil. 3 S30 UKWAUD. 1 W ILL pay tbe .bnve reward to any pt-raon wii will .i.prrhei.d f Orliti r lo ii, e my hoy SA M , or fine h in in .unie jul ao that I 3L gel l.l.n. lS.nl bnf ran Kir about tr.f 4 111 llllTi. .n,k... ,.i , he may cmie.ivnr io "V "V " f" V. " ' ,' a.i.. county. N. C. I bouglit hmi of Silepimn N. WiU . orhn iieea in.rc. sa. Had on wnn lie lal, brown Lin.ry r tat anu a black w.h.I Hal, am baa a aca" on bia forehead aOout 31 year I A.Mreaa me at Charlotlp, V. C. ! JU1IN WOLFE. December 17. t 3sif ft, B ai'l B y eaeanrd from the Kail Rnid near Cilunibia. M C, and may lie larking aoiue. where do art. there. MERCMT AILOHINff Pri.LIC, PUMG A CO. ! a I AVE alao a.ldtd lo tnrir Ready made Cloth. I M ine i..rli. Mere!,. .nl 1 .1I.01 e leo.rl. ' nirnt, I1 Whil h tl r call Hit ram-Cial all. ll'lon of Iheir many Irieo.ie ami ruloioe,.. Tney intend wikiug im iiep,Miiii-nl wirnn t 'none in Ine 8uiu, eit.ier 111 .lye anu f) u 1 1 1 y ol I t. wla, or in ih- manufacture 01 ti .r niton. I . a. inra will Im ton ,rt a gouil l.o-H of B01CH and tailored I'loina, Engluh, I'tenen m.i American : , Caaunerea, and a Vanity ol Vveling Alu, ii ' aa.or Inient of I I HtKU M.tI)Cii.MMi:itt: ! 1 Tney led eon ft it nit of tneir ability to underat-ll I any ..atter houae ill the Suit, from tlie ailiatilugea lin y h ive in gelling tlitir goona. I Tneir gou. are b oinl hy the qa.intity. hy one nl Ills Finn who reaioc. in tlie Niirll.ern ni.iraeta, 1 wmi 11 girta hue thu opioriunity a,f taking aiivan. I l.ie nt toe prico ol g.ivOr., llitretiy aaiinir at ie i.l : s;--". Twenty-Five Ttr Cent'Sil T. t.o- looMiii.er. U Duma auei are Dollar' ll So ii 1 u f. n i.Li:s(.;.'t, JN'.i. M. I'iMVi 5, I .!. Uramle Mill M. jils I UO M i HE CLOUD t-UKEiv Lj U A li U 1 L6 j EDGEFIELD Dt I i. IC l S C. JMIIEE ' o k are pnu.i nly uOanle,! for M l' L, puipo.es, b ing anprr'.ir lo ihe Fn ncii Bun (iir grinding rorn; uiol eoeaper end ui .re easily kept 111 n p ur. Toe au iambi r 1 prtparen lo . luroiah a lew act tlie ab.va roca, of lull do-' red .ne, if erder are vent mioiuuialtly . B in Ilio.'tU a practical Miller, (at prevent one hall outr ol n. well know.i -t lahur M,l in Columaia,) and knowing what 1 wauled, ha I fttet. eoo ri.lan I he will be blutofil alloinei.i aiib a... lira aalial jcloill. Will deliver luriu a .llhtr of III Depot. 111 Columbia or AugueU. A Jur... E. W. McLen.na. Oct. 15, ltf 1 5dpJ. I.vi)lut 8.C. 1 OHiiuoii Mriiool Notice. EKSONS deairing eartificate ia aohonl teach tra in .Mecklenburg oiii.iy cin be examined Hie t nuil uoae on Saturday tlie iblb day of UtCLin btr J. P. ROSS, K. NYK HUTCHISON. Com. I . . M. D. J(HS Ti INI i )eeinler i 7, 1 DG1 . ' 3w IPissolution. t t II E copartiieeahip llial her l..l,,rr r xialid on. ,M- dir Ule ii.imu ul J. li. V n.kiNauN ol I u. an tin lay niarolved ly muiuul t..no. m. ah lnoe Midibieil to lilt: an iu hr:.i will iiiui- i cull lit ilie tii'Ti ul J. G. V ii.kiM..n a no iii!c ; It.. v i n if oluiiti ugaiual lue tirui will pn acul tliem lor .UU-,..e.il. n,ninv,.,(iv J. G. VILK1.&0N, THUS. TKOi iKU. December 17, 1 KOI. 3 WATCHES, j J i:VLAAlY, &c. rjUJE tui'aci'.W reapcciTully announoca to tbe X pu'alic uidt be baa puicli.mcd the entire luca oi n u-i,ea, Jewitlr. (.'locks, Silver and .-, unci, ranty uuwil, Otc, Delung. l' mX l" wikin..n Si. Co.. wliitli ,b now ol- ibiou uie pui.Hu low for ea.li ov.ly. iJiio ui.r uiiuiitioii give.i to repairing Watcb. ca anu tweiry, J. 0. WILKINSON. Doetwber 17. 1 SI 0. ! iCgrocs lor Hire. fi &2 HIP likely ae. iCJ llft & W Ol.OKS for hire . ul January of privately before that SAM L. J. LOWKIE. December 17. I8UI. 3w I Notice. I WIL', ..ire out to tbe lilgheet bidder on the v7.ii ! nil. oioiilh 14 or l5 tgroea belong. tug to 'lit aii'ior li iriol Jo. U. AitiauUer dee'd fttrv..iil oi..ii kiima li W. ALKXANDER, Guard n. I) c iir i 7, lfol. 'in Sale of Valuable Property. STEAM ENGINES ASD MILL' No. I. I 'will i.tii lor CJib ! the higncat bid. j i, i,i Mi tue ibcr, ! ' :' ( Slt'.tlil .(i.;i( -j liutr M.iiu ri.oi t: 1 1. ia".,' t iVh.' 1.aav' J Flour Doha I i'uuit 1 upil-ht Saw Mill.j anO ilaiicra ; Jo. lata' j I' i jit : lul Iron Otar ' 11 HUH. It llOifefK, 1 4-lti.fSt I lw hunt Wagon, I Uiifr I I arryoll, lot of ' Hal l.faa, J 1 rim ., u t . I c, f a r III I l.g I OulM, liWU. j i.olu an j H. until t ormi ure, an J VarioQj oilier arliClta t-w ..umtrou lo intiiiioo. j ISo, si. ,lo, ou tut firel Mummy in January ; Kit, 1 Win v,l lur ca.il lo lite lugtital b.Ouur, at . me luuil llouaa uxor il Montoe, tvin m:c;ui)K.s; Ben, aged Ai year.; Mary, 40 ; Julia, i-J ; Wil. i I, jih, to j l!i -i.ry , f ; barmi.aO ; Mary, I. Ann Ihe 1 loi owing Iratlaol Lano, lying in l"t couoly of t in. ui on Hit aU r. ut 1'weive M'lt I ri-in i O.it tract, liil air, .rfioiiiing inelatiuaol K. L. i V lull auil oll.tla, au J ; M.iit. " lUe VV":""'!1"" No. atrea, !wie 3 -A ' J "" n, andher tncl, Containing K'O i.g lai.ua uf A.J. Clark, Wui.ti. Ui.-ri.. Aiko, anniner tr.irt, eontaui. , mijuuiiiig Unua ol F. L. V lalt, Ine to tain il. ami oil.tr. Alan, aiioll.tr mug W7 acre., aJjoiuing laud, ol ,it, K. Ilcwar.l, alio otheie in g 4o3 ac- big Survtv ir.tt. Co;. I Win. li. t Alao, aaol i. r Uact, coiilaintng illn acrea, uOj jiii. lug lauiia il J. (-'. Aoalm, K. li. Howard, and ' oinere. Aiio, anotlirr tract, eontaiiiing 'a1 tit aciea, adj.iiiing laiiua of J t' Aualin, V n. Jut'ta and utli.-ra. A,e, anoiher tract, containing 10 aerca, oj.unn loud ut iVlartin I hapiuao and i oilier.; uiu iriotfly kuuwua. the iugraliain: Mine track AU of li e foregoing properly levied on and : aoiu aa llit pr,'Hily ol li. I. MmkUiu, to eulleryaj auiiory triOna .11,11 film iu uiy liaiioa, leauiog lr. an Hie 1 uuniv unu fiuptrior Courla of I 11 ion inly, uvaloel It. r . Mocaion, iu uvor 01 I . vv. Dt.. C. AUSTIN, Shrrif. Drceinl.r IU, 1&61. 1'AV VOU u TAXES A LL ot ixoiia owiiitr ine taxea are hereby noti. , f . up Ucior In ial JauUary. 1 ,oj.-i o.rt 1,1. ii.My lo acme oil tue r and cm nu-ii t-i.uu, uul wui nol be able lo to 11 wit -out .ou ,.j ,ot. 1 nope you will not torce me to Our.ow ui,,,,) and pay your taxea lor you ; it ia tbt a a 111. , 1 aitiuUol to eaCll olio, and you an ea .,,y ,...0 ,1. GRIER, Shertf. D.eeu.Ur iU, iPhi. 35-11 liCAU THIS, MiiiisoLiiiKifs ur.iairr. a .vVl.Nti cio.id cut bujineaa in tne town of' fi. cliariutte I hereby give you due notice liiat ,y lor lX),l.tl Ull ) to 1 .on t (. X. ,.1 Hit a.yi.j.tr iu , ,u ly ano pay : W 31. liiELOAil. ,v , n.l-ol. i" MiiAii aM) MOLASSES. (it) It.'la N. O. M illse, NtW Crcp, i, lima. ?uj;ar, Vt. Kit. Micktrtl. 7'j Htni aud J or tale Wholttule. 000 Bbla of New Orleans Molasses lltpecltd every day. Ordera from nie.rch.mia will be promptly atttn- i J1'1' to. and pri i Cu 6 bouglil 111 the t n .rie.l,..! market. OATK3& WILLIAMS I LVoeaBbar ItK Ifcibt, Mi) Hie iflarkcls. C0R&IC1ED BY 0ATE8 & WILLIAMS. CHARLOTTE, JANUAKR 13, led. BACON, Ham., new lb ....lb lb lb ..-lb .....lb lb ...uuaiiei, 'ai.... ib lb.... lb.... !, lb... lb... lb... ....bunllt'l - S3 - ..ao (.( -jfi & ,..ai ...3.1 t.9 ... 4 ..Ui (a) ...'j to ...i (uj ...lull ...rij (u) i " , Hog rouuu, " - Sliouliiera, . Bnggiag,iuuiiy, ... Heel, bnf.tr beeawax, I ISuuna, ' tiraiioy, Apple, " t'tJCII, t '.oltoii, i ....... i ... , Java ! Candle., AuumTn'tiV i ,.,, ...bO to t to iu to t u to a5 ...li) . ..ai ....liU Taii.,w,. Corn CbiCkuna,.. JlotiiCopii;ru Lnioacy,. Kris. Hour tt.it licra...... ... IJidea, treen, ... ..iU to ...1.) k;, ..A) (."-, ...U (.i ... ;j to .. 3. 1 (.., ...yur. .. .....yarn.. ....j.'.t,t bUI... ....b.tn.. Dry j lurii, .. j .Vlutlou, .UaCherel,. .. ool ..N ..Kiti.... ...al ...gul buKbei... .MuIasatK, N.O ... W.I Meal ...hi) ...Lit ...a ...IU (i. to to to to to to to to Mul!et( Wilimng ton) ...btil Nail, Northern, lb " iiou t iiir n, lb O ......... . , bul.cl I'ork, Jb U fids, bunlii 1 7 j 1'otuloea, trihli, bualivl 15 " isweet, bu.hcf 4U tj, Itice, bu.liel fl to sugar,Loat', lb 'io b Ifrown lb -15 to alone-Ware, ga! ID to S-lt, Skl;K J0 (a, Tea, lb lUU ( Wheal, wlule hualiel 140 i, " red, bjhcl 15 to Whiskey , JWlliuru, gal tl to " JN . Curuhiiit,...ja.' 7j to Wool,(buatUcorgia) wualied, oO to " " " unvvjNl:eil 4) to Vnrn, bait IUU to REMAKKS. COTTON. In deimimi. In i-oiim qijcr.ci the a. 1 Vance in price it la mu i.j i: n... mi a good article i. now in dtui.. no ul fee. ItDIOYAL "H" WOULD yive notice thai I nave EL my r iclui ti'-c w htr Milil.try : Irtiiioma cun lit iu.i ri. :!. iiOWilT. C.fl. p.. N ovcin5 i,l for hiri.. r i. lo-,:. r,BlLjmiiiiOUaui.'-ji;ii.irjUxi i A Larue -Stock ot NIX.RO RKOGANS. ALSO BOOTS AXD SHOES, A FINE ASSORTMENT OF GFaNTLKMENS BOOTS & nOK, ALSO LaHie. acd Ci.'.Urcn hoea. For anlt bv JAMES IIAIUT. Ibrii. 6v Charlotte, Oct. I , COTHW ItlVlib. L1.1AS 4.V ViSkaa WILL J'LKCHASE COTTO.X. (.KA1, FL.OUU COl.'.NTRV PRODUCE Df , , na for which tlie bigheat market price will be paid in CASH. Jiict received . large lot nf BAGGING AN ROPING and a fuil .apply o ELI AS & COHEN. September 5, 1861. TAKE XOTNX IIE accounta and nolea due Mr lame Low. I JL eiiKtrin arc y handa lor collection aim I ol a lllottiled vi.; pitaac ! , aeiiieuiriit. ah fo." I come lor war j anu .tll.i tue eiine witiiout iie.ay. J. tltt L lil A. 1 Ort. 21. H'M U. I state ok .Noirni-c.iaLiNA. .MtX KLE.MtUKU COUNT.'. (,ut t 0f J;'f' S aud (Jtfdlir y.-j'JM. .aaaijy Term, ImJI. J. A. Ei.lt., 1 Original .::a;-iiMf ,, J. M. Wrail, 1 Levi. 0 , ,,,, . Jamt. Colli, Jr. l'.. A. I . ,, JoAtp1! Love, I. j HOI''.. , ..(,, n . 1-' r,. -rl. I S upiiearm to , 1 , . I J4. llial J. ,M. S'.r 1 ,, . I. . 1. , I ...veil tr.Mi.-r . . .1. , ' , .... i 1 o , are 1 .. j. -. . 1 . O-.yo'.ni 1. c In ... ,1 .. . . , . , .. v.' ..I uUjlK'f'1 l't ".- 4 ... : i.i.i.ie I. r a.x an. .-iv. v. . . . . I.na tttij a nt ,j , . r .. , . j I a , tor Hit i.iij ill-!, in. .1. I , : .. . .' 1 liou.t 111 t'l-.a'!, Ut on Hit -It 1 M 1.1 1;. i l : j uexl Intn ami tntre to .nw.; or ,;...,ni , - ,- j . i nienl procont, ., ill he t ,k, r, a , 11 n t t ; o. j Wiliiea., W, K. Rtid, 1. Urn ol ou, ...iiii'ii ,rl ' orriL-e 111 Clurlotie, tne 4lii l uuiay ul J u ,y .ii j rblli year of Auicrican Independence. I W. rv. KEU, c. c. c. j Aug net 10, lfc6l. Priialtra Fet tb. U'ri L CELEBIt A TED SKLF SEAl 1NU CANS, of all tlie oirl'trtnt auea, at TAl'LORS IIUTTO.V & Flii:!.lCUS TERMS ALWAYS IS ADYAXCE. One Copy per year J3 t o 'J' o ('iipita, to on 0(.,e. cr l uai L.iu, . 5 no Six Copi.-a, 00. ci 1;, t,o Eleven t fier do. en 'J5 'i'inly 01. c Cupica, no. d 4i Ul) I Jj In onitridi; I"- parlirulnr lo wr it ii.uiea of ub-cribti. I'.il I'llicc aim Slaw, uulii.cl una lltar. Alittl ! UiriUN i FHKL'CIf, i Ml ir HIS, 1 INN. WIS k l'OSl 11 VKLV CAM1 ! CN AND AFlLIlTIIS21s,tIKSTAKT. I COCllU .K S. SAMl'LE. Anpiihl 'JO, lf-iil. vt V,C,tL U, HAIL HOAD CO. V . -jC. K' S- Ui VI 4l Ikittil.tM Its Ja t.l. I H. imr. RKGtT.AK ANM'Al, MEETI.NU n M. oloekl.olJiTii vf tin: W iIii,imK., ,,, (;, .rl,.it, 4i. Kulherforuiiin llnil tt i Cmiip..i.y wnl bu htid ill ihe 'I ii oi' ll,.iri..ilt in u.e t.uiin Uul,,,. nay in October next, the .nine bring lin.- ;ili.-i ,y Hie iiiuntii. Couniy Agti.u uhhih i.. ti t-i.ii aboulu not fail .i 4e 1 ,: 1. 1, s M,,. , rt ,.r, te-.! by proxy lo itiure (.i ,r .,n. 1', more m ctan.ry u. viy u...i.y m out M.-Kii..ii.cr tin vu eo tetcd Hit iir ny ami i, i L.. ,.. c. ..r..y jg Btllt. II. W. GL'ioN, J res t. Sept. 20, 166". I,,, if of ice- TEKAUKh'K'.j LU-D'ICE, I AticiMie, Tc-un. n Ol.io li. E. s ( I ! - !; I oTTL', X. ;i- ;,i. IT, m;:. rg tUE I II in :. ; , . . t ,, .. r '. n :",t I I.; I .... i! .... i..' I! uootr ton,,, he- rigiiia iu All.litlal Ttl li. ... ..! , emit itnii.-.. A a lit -' I'.lla ttsir.l tut ir rt-MCtin aeegc I'. O.. .M W All wor .4iiu 3 I -I l.UUJI'Jfl I , m i li, t A j;i ! iii-irntlioii, bTATK Ol- SO JJ l.-L.-.J.l Li.NA Jitt KLE.Nbl llii cut. Of J ll IIS unit (J'lul Court Johl The ' Sessions, Ju.y I .S.dh.m.!., 1 ' i n, t:Ul. Or gin.ii A'.laCoiiitnt, If i .1 ul.it rp. OB ..f ll.r I'jll t. , Ji apptano to Uio .. .ti. ll.11l.-l 11, li,..0,.tll.. !!,, lie', llitu uii.. I .1 rt I., i Uif-1,1 proCulilffcao will W aiita.-, V . U, Ktiu f fltt IU I nariul'.t, lilt -ti. 4i.. ol . uull at 1, .ay ol J a,y a:,U KhiD, c. c. c. KtSu. Ub Ai, Cblli year oi Au.tr, tut, l.i-.;. U . K Auguat aO, K-bl. t'iii.ui A In rd. 1 T A K E p!eaure in 1: g n y frit'ids ana ti",u 'ri.uuj i.i..t i.u it.u.i.tu ,.,y 'S ?"-. re '"t'. j ilia ol In.. L ily urn! 11 1 .lla.t ,'tlUflud lo t. i.j former bua.neaa. iu Coll. I, :tf alli.il ol tiil-ti-.iit. 1 .'i...i 1.1.111 toy t FijIIO to ajjll, lol I.l . $1.1. tor lot l,a.. .".--.-n HI. to 1', ulcs 0. vwi: Otis JiA,v,? Hoi ice r thr I' , r f..r V fBiriF. Wiruena r JL I'UUiity Will llifti at t ie I'oOi il 'u--- ..n " urday l"e Itith mat. at 'J o', . t 1 c. . t j Si. ard and Pniiiau for the ci.a-.i g year. Li;' 1 dtr 01 l. iu bo.ru, E. C. WALL IS, Ckma Ncveaaee i IMI. it