u EeTEJWS. ' . 1 " :.- Caroling. I Extracts from Late Northern ' ' 1 UperS. r.icDMorn, J.n.trj 30 -A flag of (ree w v i. ii u .i i 1 bring, lb. Now York Herald, of tb, it. to Ike agent of tba Peterburg Ht-prea.-" lha War Mepartment at Washington, ca the 27th Jiouiry, appoioted Her. Btabop Anea aod Hamilton Fieb, of New York, i CoBiminaiooeri ta LU tke prinooer cid ' Ur.d and eoufi.d io Kiobm.od and .1... j , j i. i ,bere, under lueb regulationi at ire pre- leribfd by tba autbormei baviug them io custody, and relieve their neeeaeitie at the expeoneof (bo United Statee. Iu pursuance ..i.. l.. ..r . . 4 i i. n f an order b.r,lofor. w.d., both Com- miMaoere have aeoepted and will aeeora- pej aoother q iota of rebel priaooor from fortre-a Monroe un ler fltg of truee. No advioet have been reotived of ee jBeota of treepi to Keatueky. Grneral brile'e reaifoatioo hr.ibeea ao rpted. Tba candiiian of afTiin ia Mnieo it re garded with bjoiH iuterrat by the Federal Government. Ia tba Senate, (ha Commit Ire on Foreign ltelatioae dffirrad aotion en iha lata tueeaage ef the Preaitleiit, eub oitlini( tte prnjVel ef b fvatj, ao aoeoint of aebarqueiit oiaterial chaaee io the a ftct of tlo iltaieno qiiratien. The Con bj it tea 00 tba District J Colum tie bate dteid-d to irj,ort adverael IL tcatttr ef aboliliiui( alavrrj. A (inati itt baa oeurred in lijiton In f ) Ilvj'e,ll Commitlfa ou Koala fij that the railroad facilitire Letwreo Yerk tad Wahio;too eboaid be in ertaned apeedily. Tudir the preieot eya tt, en , tke army ti i'J ring far the want o' ufi;!;r- Aa Irraoaiar ot ia being uiatle to corup'ate a new t ailratd liae. A 1 5 . 1 1 baa beea offered, waking a rt1'ie lion of -'-VJ,OJ( io the auuaat vspauaca of be-b Kraaebea af CoagraM. The Patiieb bark Jargue Lirentt n, from Vie baatid for Havana, with 4 4 0 tiji oLtor' fff, wa Kill oa the '-tU a't, by the luiied State htp Mjrtiaf Star, aod or ( latest Xorthcril Ulld Furo Jered ta Phiiadsltkia.. Tkr.a Coofederala officer from Nartb ! Carohe. eaptered at II atterae, aho were jta'erday t oming oathera ta be ei rb.a.d, t detained aud oel alleecd to una by J toe Sag ( trace, oelaithataoding argent : naifinair aue. There ia great paoi io Wl.igtea There i a report that tke Federal tr.ooa ', lave asetaterrikieaad lloady Shtat Ujl ii -Graea. ilia autpoaed that tL Treaaary eet loan j to recemie the Southern CoBfederaey, aaye ar d bid i I p.a tbe IIeu oa the '.'Oib.i'bal if pe'f.ct free trad ouee be etabli-h-ft.nif led by aura ntcaa.il. Orpo.iliou . d wttb the South, Kugland will have a fiue ii eiprcird. ! m.ra.i for her ru.Laf.ciured good.. The M-tboi)it Epieopal Caoreb?jutbj Lord Derby conimuva to advecat re in Alexandria ia oceaied by la Federal : cognition. forcea a barrack. j Tbe Upiione Xitionale uya that the riliLASKLfHlA.Jaouary 27 -Urea dituff. I Emperor ..) Kuglaed will make war oo Cat, awi ing to tie fereia new. Jh (Tmted Stat, aud ware tbe French L against it. V t (' iflrnu il 1 be Freneh jiornal verly denounce Ri bmond, January 31 -Neither tbe Gov-j M..cutt. i. tuakiog ooau defeceet t'ia.ttt aor we-a itl kaa reeened any j MofUliao i wail. tee about lb battle t Howiiwg t.reeo.j .lf k cf )Jol! h tl bee ippro. eia.pt tbe p.n.a report, about it, fattid.t j fH-trd hj f.d.r.: llou.e for heavy eu li.e Neribera paper. ordnance. 1 Go.erntuent ba no aw about tb j , bf ,Joo,t Committee b. reported ad ver .Ftur ol St. Louie. Tke latest Norther.. , .boluh.ug el.ry iu the LWict of piper ae no rtier io it. or I mere oy : Anal eobErui.lion of the balUe oa Jauiee I. .and, ntar Apalaehieola. The Jiiirnidj Fx jH'diiion. ttc. l'l IIMOM), Janaary HO New York pa ft of the '."J.b have beea r.iv.J at Nor h t Ruru.ide, io hi official report la the Fed , Iioveruauenl, eaya tbat he has reaelnd l!.tier, aft-r a very fo'gy lad stormy and t)it of hi .mailer ve.aela ire anchored aefrty in the harbor beljr tie fvrel porttou of the gale u etpiri ' c.J. The propeller City of Nw York, leaded with -uwiier. rifle ai.d bcu,b. "'i vi...., ncked. Tb- ateaiaer Louisiana i. a. bote lb" ri beat 7,ll.l. I.iailad aillt 17 I III il rid.., 3tt0 btea powder and 3.1 boia re- ! ... .... . i i i i i , 1 v.i.r; tb drapeahol, leaded null tiouiba; . ... nAaw lirun.w-ck.witb tbe rourtb Maine: Lrgiinenl; the I'ueabonlaa, with the Uboi , Lltbd '. alter); the Kastrrn Qiu au i be j fern .ti,., and for,, other I ar aui- ,-probably lo.l. Uurnaida baa tba lar - ' . ' . ii f'M pottion of hi fleet luaide iielterai, eaiting reinforeenent. la New Y.ik tbe Uuraaide expediiio. ie lai.sw ivk, mi uuianiu. rifruuiu. n the them of eoav er.al.ua, aad f.ara aod peoulatiau areexpreaaed by the capitalist iizardiii: tba viet lejieaot lraitiea.lv ei- p.ua.d. Tbt ibip ruereheoie are piea.ed t the idea of a auirkei for their old bulk. Col. Allen, of New Jer.ey, a aargeou aod to other, were drowned tu (heir effort lo li.e tU te.er City of New York. I d I B.cr.t.r, 8t.ub.eu ha. .rohib.t.d the aiving ol letter oj Bag of truoe, except o priaaaer of war. in Waahiagleo, there are indication tbat the Secretary ( the Navy will eooo renign.. 'he tiuaU pox ia raging iu Georgetown, A bill ba paued tbe Federal Seuata, aa- tboriting Lincoln to take Doie.ion of all i ..I ' u l: i ... ' asuagrapo iiue woen n.Cea.ary, aou liuprej 1 bt -genu and employee., and pre.eribiog death p... ,or iot.rf.,ig wUh tb. " ot lh lioe, Tbe Senate bi paused a resolatioo an- tboriiiog the Government to takeebargo of . ,o,ton Lad, aud employ negro.i to tul- . . i ,., thetn. A petition has Wo presented in the Sen- ate, from Illinois, taking the expuloiou from tbt Senate of all who voted io favor of the abolition of elavery iu the Diatriot of Coluw bia. CniCAOO. Jarr-jary 20.-D-Batohea from i C.ir. report that an expedition had left Bird Point to a'tack J. ff. Tbompion. It i ao reporter1 I bat alter a fiht, Thomp- ecu m taken prisoner. " ' , In . . Report prer.iled at W.l,iDgton of .kir. 1 inib en the Upper Potomae, and the kill-1 ia of tbirtj 'i.'ezau. Arrival of a French 31un-of-Wur. Niw Obleamh. January 31. It U repor ted that a French luao of war W couiing ap the river. Cotiiaiodore Ho'.liui bae rcori- 1 ved a despatch to that iff ot. From I ho West. NaSIIVILLK, Jeuuary 3.) - The latent ad vie- Tom Mi .for.lvi;l etate that the ! b, ! aubmit to the Southern Y alike have aeiit back their aiek frooi that ! J0 plaee, and ere boaily engaged bringing ap it ;. .. r vi ,i r n u Til B Battle at Somxriit. The Lyaeh ttieir anillery from iNoliu aod Uacou Creek i ... i, :i ,i . -i , . burir Virginian aiy that a lady who It ia aai'l thry received maroLing order 3 1 early la.l wttk j reached that city on Wdnedty evening, Four Y.akre K-pimenl ere.n.ped .t'drefli fr'n W,ocl,e,'r. P""'1 tba bind below Woodaou-ilie. tbi aid. of T'td ,U B'll,uor PP" ' P". Green Ilivrr, under cover of their hr.vy gai.a the other aide, eeud out picket d ti ling the day toward Hone Cava, but draw tb iu in at iii'bt. . Nauii VII. La. Januare 31. A nrivita da. .D.'eh rrom lli.lin, Ii ....(....U1 rem.iua of Zjlheoff. r aud Peyton were re- e",tl "P,nrfd hJ Yankee, at Selda edv.,1 by our out po.t. (hi. eve.ing, and lU' 'Miouri. "'P"'1 fro:u d-rano. vile in -ill ra.at. kera te day und.r Ui.l.t.ry ae- b' St Lou" Prioa ,,t wttk- nd ' ,ia Pel,n ' I'l'lll'JCIlCC. RiciiMonb. February l TLe Kew York U'ftM, ef the 3'Hti, aya : , There ia nothing later from the Bjrn- ide fleet. 1 be atorto had delayed i.a ope- ration. On tbe 20;b, a akirnai.b oeeorred sear; Uccoiao. iu which aiua Tciau were kill- . led and aue taken prisoner. Tb London llrtuld, in orgia Knelaad lh atone blockade of Cbarlaaloo. (Jlajmbla llainiliou F'.b depart it Comnii'vloner. Io VVasbiuit iua, deubta are euieitaiued whether the Coaioii.iioacrt i.l bo pjruiil led to iit the 6outo. Ftn.nei.l aiatier. eoaiiuue to agitate Coo- grte auU Well street i 1 ae ateauier PiiiUde'phia ha arrived at N, ,r Vo,k ""b a c. airy company from Fort I'lCksb. No laler European real. DoCattlb Nai Salt. W. Prie, V d , of Kaveona, q tetiou the BeCe.Mty of, j ,.it lor tock. lie a nice a follow ! .. i l . . -.i I onoe kej t a bore eeven yeara withoot 'a!l, einl all turn lime ha aa pereelly heal-)' tllV. Uu kl'UL hi!. Illual-le ati.li Will. mil i.ralli "','d work mr. iurly well, drank but little aater, eal hut little, aod w i,eer , . , .. f . troubled Willi worm. 1 have aieo talleurfl .aula aitl.iut .alt, n.d found them to do a wi ll a ll.o-e that had it, aud that they had harder tallow. 1 know ot several per- oui V k V f-' ' . , ' ' " . ' ' alalia Ol k better, aud last lauger without th.a sub it. 6ome af thtN experiment, were ol uuarly twenty year' ataodiug. Ex "' tomach c.ue au i-ri-1 !l,w" "", r4"r" -' " utiJot ; and ill tiol giveu, a Lied dlaeaae re.ulta. No hM u.lur.l appet.te. when , tilled with a atromr briu..' Uno Furnur. WoaT Ntxi! Wa learn that tba Fed- rl lioverutHeut ha noittied the aathori- ikl1 ,h,'J Wl" receive uo ninre sop- p'r ii P"""" of P-'S F-.rt.e., therefore, alio eaay hereafter aend letter Ntfrlh M h, ld pr,0(jr, ,,,. , 4 pay potge, or thy will aot be lorward ad. Norfolk Duy Hack. KditokIaL Cumvntio.i. The 12th day of March baa been fxed oa a tb day for tke meeting of the Editorial Cooreutiou at Atlanta. Salt Wa don't ihiik thre will be l J'! ! I moon more aim,-ui 'j experinioun .. an j'fq"" "P?j . ouf P'"HU V."lt .luV' H.rdiy day p oa wbieb do wot g freih innpU of sail Irom iow per- J0 watering upon tbe miking of it J'a dl W b" Vw."' " one hi t, made by Cpt. , W. Go, at Liu,e 8 Q M,rifll, , any body Dead waut. Wilmington Jour. M"' A Gallant Ofricta Co) Oeontt ration, of the i'ii irgioia renueot, ""IV0 ,h eity. l1 X Vefjr "". weit i accoiiipmnea omeer, ana a native 0f Richmond. 11. .m eeverely wounded at tba battle of riearey Creek, and bat jet '''covered full, liii re;iiucui i from the Kanawha Vail-,. It i to be hoped be will ,00l be able to like the field, aud yet lead Ki, hr... ... K..k to .h. h.. fro,.. which rhej are now driven. Itkhmond Dtiputch. Mokf, Hloodt Battles Expsgtid. The New York lhrulttv: We are entering upon the mot exciting period of the wai. in real work i only jui-l oonitnaiiciDg. Tie victory ju-l obtno ed by our troop at 8oiuerei.t baa been a nio-i sanguinary tff.ir, and will be tbllow td by a ucciaiou of othe" coi.fli la of a miliar chanctrr. b. ie-ij tnia aud May rball riiiirr have to nutidue the tebela, to deal mih Iheiu ae we pleaie, or we aliall bicb los,, of ta'vt r '' buudr,i of the enemy Ii eoocruen. J bey am not jubilant, atid admit that tbrir loa it kill ed aod wounded ia greater than ours. EOAIID-Col Maprffin, who W ra nu i rice. iui ie in areoni tun tne gaUant "trbel" Colonel hai outwitted the Abolition tbievee. The Yankee Coo-rea ha pasaed a bill wrealio tao additional Aa.i.taut Secrete tiei of War. aKKanBBB.HasnBBa.ameaHassaBai S IXKiH'TOt if tbel.tc M KS. MARGA- Rhl l I w.ll n....e t.. .unite aaleet Iter resnifiiee 9 miln cal ul' ''Irulutla on V,-,ln.-j .y ti.e I9iu uf Kbruury. the luiiowmj peu'tj. s TWO XFfil.OFS, cne b-.y an.f one girl t"i yr ra nl.l, lam, Wheat, O'ttt, iutlier and lliy. Teruie made Ui.whihi d. f S.I.. IK A PARKS, EzecU. Jinary O, iNOTICi:. ON TLT.DY K-bruiry Ihih, n.-et I vi I aril at f eniic Kile at tba late reaiue.it: of Joi.a W . Mo .rc Uec'd. TWO IIORSKS, l Fine Patent Isver Coll Wutck, tnd (.hum, I G)d Head t'atte, I I'ire I'toof S-Je, 1 Cois Rfl'o'vrr, 11 lutflioUl ami Kit' hen I'm allure, Corn, Whe.il Oils, Fodder, II iy, ij-c, A I. SO A Larg Quantity of Strtiw. DAVID HENDiiUSUN, Adm'r. Fcbru-ry 4, Iftii. Uit tfi it tiltiir;i I ut ii-f . VM h. K I I Nl ui' tun inrnilii r. ni' in. M -eklen bU'U ri. o.liir il Sic.rly will lie lil,l in Hie 1'i.orl li..uee uu S.lurC .y t e 2io at F.biu ary, ul III v'cl , A. M. A lull allenrt .uce la r. qui-.teo, ... t.. cUct .... uf tiffij, pui anJ other nnpuriaui bu-n..a f t-tiricera will take A. Ii. DAVIDSON , rest. F bruary 4, t6i. iit BETHEL REGIMENT TO BE RE ORGANIZED." EXECUTIVE DKI'AU I'M EXT OF NOKl'H CaKoLINA. ! 1 Al'JUTAXT GIKAL8 "fflCI, JkALkitiil, J.u. J7l0 1 11 K FIKaT KLGIVir.NT N. C. VHX'N. IKt.l.a bung u.htMi.ue.l, a K. (.illicit ul I ..... , .' lake It. pi-ce. A.I me f ""ul l" 1 ' ' ,r 1 n ih. I lu till. Omcc wiih, 1 ., ica ul li.e ulu Kcgiiiienl liiu war, are req.iraieu to l.oui uelay, witu t.ie v.. w TJ.Z" - Ao.nito .al Vo u t.er wnl be accfpie.i, l.. ZlZZsuxl ol ...iiiif n.lo line Kcgiiiieni, wi icll will receive tier Companies for the wir ilioui . bounty ot tiilein p. id by IheMatuan.i lilly e"'.rcd .,ur nli.ccM w.ll be c...i...,,s. t.,: an Ua iiumlur, a,.t ton uia w.ll o. K veo a. lulluwe i a I spUiti lur loity men, Kir.t Lieuun ant tor tiiiern. 'M'"" "hfl " been -rdere.1 doty ami lu be in ro4Uttiea, can lil a.nl tlieiuauivca , . uuuurioi.ny , ,,., 0 V..,..,r e rvice, and ll.u ini,ob.:r eu Moiug will be cieui 'u l" "" reeispot... Cuu..i.r. "J ' vi.. J. U. Ma. I IS, A.ijuimt Uenrral. IT All Ilia paper in tne Siata cuj.y four tune. January 31 iHb-i. 41 School Notice. MISS S. A. 1'OL.V lf D'j SCHOOL opened on Mond .y ttiu I3,ii mat., in the nuuae near Ihe Lut.ierait Clid Cu. January Ul, I ml. f rliil Police. rissa. F Dtvii).oM ,u r. .P,n sewf sic Laasune siv... o lb fi inu aad, Uuitar. J.auary U, IdW. . 3l GOIiD !!! FIVE HUNDRED WANTED AT J. Jewelry Store, OjjH)iile Kerr's Holel. iN. B. The higliest cash price paid fir gold and silver. January 13, IS62. tf WATCUES,- JKWKLUIT. &c rflllE tiibcibiir reapecil'ully announcea to the 1. ulie Kill he hj puicluretl the eiilir; aluek ul Wjichua, it) Ciueka, Silver aixl fulnl tViia, l'.in, K.i iic jr U.jicia, Jlc, belong. mi; Iu J. . VV ii.Ki.is .N A. Co.. which ia nuW. ol li tei. tn tne pa .lie lnw tor cuaii o.ily. i'rtn'ulii a lleuliun give. I to repairing Wale Il ea ana Jewell jr. J. 0. WILKINSON. December 17, lilt. 3w Negroes for Hire. 18 OU 20 Gi.Or.a I'ur lure t priTiiaif be lorn lual lime. SAM L. J. LOWKIC. LWniber 17, I Slit. 3 Notice. I WILL dire nut to tlie lnglii-.t bidiler en the 27m ol tula imiiith H nr iu iNrrwta belona;. nig tu Hie luliiiir liciraol Jua, M. Aicxaiiuer ttee'u bcrvnla ui tit k unia JJ V. ALKXANDER, Guardn. Dtctitiotr 17. I Bui. Urn 3 Notice. A S EXK' U I O!! of tiie !..! HA AC S. II KN. X llKMMJ.M neu'J., we will u ... t u iub he a ile av t i UIk re iiience u..ul 4 miiUk Nnrlli ul Ihnrliit'e nr. tnuraii.ijr I tic J:. Hi ol Jjuurj, l'lio lotlownK rupcily, vii: JioiS't, Mults, Cottle, lJi'3 and Shrep, C'irn, H iet, O'lts utid Fodder two Vitigont, Carriage and Buggy, J arming J'oolt One Cotton Gin one I lutiUcr uulck Fun j and other article, .(.me llou.elinld and Kitchen urmlur". ! l eruta n.a.'e kii'.wn mi Ihe H:'y ul aale. D M HKNDriUSUN I). HHNDLKSUN, Extclrt. J inuary 14, IS t. 3w SIUIK AM) MOLiSSES. (it) H:. N O M .iiK.i., N.w Cr. p. rtf II. hi. Uj;4r, . li K l M ieacri'1. To nmd and for sale W holesale, 300 Bbls of New Orleans Molasses Ilrpec'td every day. j Order. l'r. in me reliant, will be promptly . lira, j ded tu. and price. ..vtrr Hiau tiie .4i.ie article: cau be .on,; u I in Kie Clii.ru il.iii md-krl. OALES & WILLIAMS. I Drcembrr !U, IHbl. tJJ . I'AV VOU It TAXKV. A I t. pt r.ona o whii; u.e tuxes re hereby noti. . i'm. hiU lu p' up before tne 1.1 J.mu .ry. 1 mast n ." u.e iiioeey lu ecllle ..ti Hie Pmr sad bolivil htm. i, but II not be able lu do II wit uul .04 uy me. 1 hops you will nut ..rce me to born. in .n.y anJ p.y yuur Uxra i'ur you ; it ie but a pi. i.il au.uutit tu eacn one, aud yuu eun ca. ' ally ra.ac It. ie.MT.oatim.sw-. Dcveii.ber 10, IfSI. liCAD THIS. Tin: soldi i:irs ukliicf. UAVl.NG cl.td eut bovine., in li.e, t.iwn of I i...r,..Ue 1 Ittieby give you eue notice tiu.t 1 y..ur iixii-. an- acvouo.a is reauy lor reiiiemeoi I .lull expel all pjra.ms (except ihe auluier in the arii.V.) t cume turw.ru iii.ii.t-ui.luly and p.iy up a. 1 'in cumpelieu tu huve money ur .ud'. r. Auy io. 'i In .t w itilJ keen in mey in hi. p .cmiI wiien ii ia ju I y due In. ftrllow iiiuii is u.iing in. ju.liCe' lu i.l.uae.t and Ins country aiao any iii.n Uul w.oui.1 plcao the pre.uul alay lew uny Want .uuie crcuil Ucrealtei . WJl. TEELOAU. fU-eembcr 10, IfGl . 1m iVotiec to Creditors. rwtllK e.p .rt.icrshin cxiatmir b.twern the un- ncr lined expi'.a by liuntatiuii un me latl uj ! J "ill .ry prox m .. i Pb2, but h .. been extend ro im. ttiit. tt iy lor im purpose u.' closing up our un. no a. . We ncpe tliereior.-, that all puiM.il. in. ... hied to us will come forward ano pay their ac. e,,uiil (Hie l.itt. r are all ni...ie out ready lur set. !..ine-il) aa s.H.n aa pu.aible, a. we are in nead i , : ..I ni'.in v uur uf, tu comply with the r. q lire- i,i, i t. ol our . ,i,i.i i,l, ana lu answer ni-mo j u ,i purp..a, a ,.. .lelul to our fiii-n.i. and p.trnns, f. r pint' !.. we ah. .il be n.ppy t- sou and -rve luiu, I ,r i M OM f. .1 i a.h raic.a a. uur Lio ks amk ' r,.i nvkLi iwiii, LUO'.VN, TA1E A CO. J . ii u..r v 7, I in I. J.it 150 Illni Siiijur now coining in ut prices from 8 to 13 by titc Uhd. MOUSSES, 400 Blls .Molasses, X. O. best quality Go cenls pt:r Gul- Ion t!ie Ubl. WILLIAMS & 0ATE3. January 7, 1861. 3uf 1 tie HnrUf i CORKXCTCI) BT OA TEH k WILLIAMS CHARLOTTE, FEESl'AKY IACON, Ham.. Btw. aiuea Hog reuti, .. dituaiu.ca. ... a (King ,tUMIiJ .bci, .. .ullel, . ueeawaa. .n ittAHl, H, urum) , jtppic, " l'acil, Colli. ii, , lafate, lit " Jv, Cauelea, Auuiuaniuie, " SpcfHl " 'luilllW Corn nww ClllCKOl'a, Cloliitl'UHfcra " Limisey -tf t lour, feathers, Iliuea, Orosu Ury, Lurd, - ilullou .vla-cKerel, .Ja.. ..ib.. ...id . S3 Q .& if is Kt I ti t JUalis i ...iB.... IS.. . a . . .U ...7. .... Ii tii MS, ( t van... ..jar.. .. "Ji'lUlt , ...bol... .Bt... ...lb.... ....lb 'a ri in tm I & ,......IU.... io lu ,.eti.u; ..-tiitia.. I" i:,aaa..N.O al. iu W.l. 'pal , Iiualitl -vU Mulleta( Wiluiintuii ) ...lit) tf .Naila,Mor(lierii, ill lU bbutiiern, Uala, i'ura ftaa .'otatoea, irieli,. " Sweet,, Itice m Uuanui. lb ..uualiel . Buslivl. uualiel. uueliel.. id 10. .. ai.ua.... !b ...-JO il 7j ....7a ..5 ..-15 SU(at,Libal, ilruwn, .jlone-W are,. 6.11,. IV. VVlmal, wmle ' reil, ....IU 'iu ....tit i .. .ilU (, ....I4U Uu tu laU I 1 J Iiueliei.... 15 (;) biakey,iortlierii, fal i -S"l M.C'ttrwIinu,.....; 7o ( f W.i,(bc.tUc,irlfi.j w.i.nc.1 ! to w " " unwamieu 4 to 00 Tfi oaiK li.l (; bl lii:.MAl( KS. COTTON. In demand. Ia eonsrquence vi the dvm ia priu. it i. cuiniiig in muie lrt:ei. a juid arliuie ia nuw in dtuuuil at 8c. KDIOVAL I WOULD uive notice tliat I lute removed tr my New r'.ciory next floor to the Wlnj; Ol fi e wlirr. M iht .ry S i iillrs, II ,rnc- una Auewu. tremenl Can be bad ul .hurt in. lire. S. M. HOW KLL. Cali pa irl f.,r hides, .N..i inU r 5. iBul. Im BROGATS! rogans ! A Large .Mock of NEGRO OKOGaXS. ALSO BOOTS AND SHOES, i A FINE A6MJIM MENTOF GENTLEME.VS BOOTS & SHOE: ALSO Ladica and Ciiildrene Shoe. Fr ai!e by JAM Ed H ARTY. Charlutte, Oct. 1 , 1661. 6 j COTTON JIUITIS. la!. IAS tSa: COIIILX HILL i LRCHASE COTTO.N, Git A 1 X. FLOUU a NO couxTiiv rnoDUCE nf all Itinua for which the h.ghesi market price will be paid ia CASH. J l-t received a large lot of BAGGING AN KUI'l.Vli unu a full supply uf ' rim ELIAS i COHEN. 2 in Scpiember 5, IfcSI. TAKE IN'UTICK. fgHK aecuunta and nolea.iue .Mr Ia ,e I,nw. JSl. en-l- iu are In my iiuiiu. tor eu uetioii l rllleii.enl. A,l pir... a in.ieuied Hi,i p,eac Cume lurwaru ailu aelllu lUe ..u.e without - ay. J tlUt.NbKLN. Oct. i. I s-; i it STATE OF NOUT11-CAEOL1.NA. ' Ml I KLtMIL Kli I OlM V. ' Court ol J U'-s uuit QuiDtir iessir.us,' July 'ltrm, I Mil. J. A E.tca, r J. M. .-ira.l, Ja.l.e. I . III.. J. J.l..tp'l .. oK II. Orig.nul Al'.aehiitent, ! Levied in the h J i. A. .vleU.,.1 a h..n,i. of nu luiu , aa U .rniriite. I 'I' a.,K.ari.i r lu Hi. . tIM.iC' loll ot I DC i '..UT I j J. lu.iJ Al J .no. loll... J r ai.u J .., pn ' i,..veii if...i. r uou.r ii.e hi .not l ,vimi, l in A. o., are uul lot.aoilahta o llu. l..lt , tiui itniur b. ynnil lie llinila ul llie aaiue. ll la Or.lertu i ..ltd adjudged by llie t ourl ,l, il put, ie ti.ni be ui.i,ie ur a.x .uceeaive- aera 111 lite . irtli I am. una V U g a net. ti ,(,( r printed in t. lurlotl. . S i. c a , lor lue aaid ueieu.iuula lo ..pp.-ar al t tie I ourt liouee ill I lurlotte uh toe 4lu l..nu ,y in O.-u.b, r u.Xtt'.en an. I t ieru l . auawer 01 .le.our, 'T ju ij- 111, .. I p...C .lll. a-., wi.l lie l iken .i.illat t ..III. v iloe... A . K Ki.i, 1. 1, r ol our said Courtat olliee iu C...ri..iie, lite 4lo Al uuiay ol Juiy and.e ebi.i year ul Aunruan I VV. H KE1D, c c. c , r. t ee . Ub Auguet 1). 1B6I . Priol ULLOA'S 1 KLKBUAIKI) SfcLF.SEAl i l,M CA.Na, ol all lue ui rtcr.-iil iiea. at TAi'LOKd HaruWra VreyeW lA ,V.aaiaa JaW HUTTON k FKEL1G1IS' TERMS ALWAYS I ADVANCE. Ore C'npy -fier yer '1 O t ..pica, lu una Kfetf.n f Ml UUlii. SlXtl.,,!,,, uo, au t.n-vi ri t Kiif. . Qu 'lv.imy uiit luj.iriVa. u 13 ro .. j lit) no ii ft sj in hibi ring m porlirulr ta riU nan ca ef uu.eribo.a. loi OH.ee anu Stale, e.atm.i au4 Jaar. ASartaa LUTTUN k FRKLIG U, M uraia, 1 in. I lMrOHTAiST KOTICE. i 1 OhlTlVELV CAbll ! CN AND AFTER THE 21st INSTANT. Adeoi.1 VIO, Icbl. W, C, & i HAIL HOAD CO, pHE KtLiLX K AN.SLAI. .MttllNu" ,i :i.lmilcl. ul III,- V I eV lluil.r iu Hit T lnrul.ii. Kail 1(., C'.,i.,,,..v be l.i-i, ll "I t li.,r. ll; i. ii the I.iliUi W.i.i... May in tKiut.tr neat, ti.e ..me Leing u,c Uiu c, . II. e liionln. t uumy Afc. nu u,,.ig,c i ,, Ul:; alti.lilu Ii-1 latl tu live ,.t I i)U, rC,rt led uy pr-.XJ Io iii.ura nj,IMillli m. re i.uct....ry a riy many ul uur Mm kl..,ic, I. life eoltrevi me ar..iy am; wi.l be in.tc..riiy , II. W. GUION, trei-t. l;u Sept. 20, 1S6I. Hotice- TKiiAia tj ixjiixt, o yjujt'lCE, I AUdiitic, TfciiU. & Otiio K. R. t tAKl.UI'J fc. i. L.. S, 1.1. 17. , Mil. 1 lilt rir J II inauil.mnt ol I uuiia Sll.l k IB nbcu ia A I. 4 O. K. H. Co., auli. I in, 1'iiwii ol Malevnie. i ouecn ll.t 6:i ul lie. tober Hell. 1 i.c ;l ntn Iti.taiiiiieiil c ' Ihi: Stock subaorib. eu at .Moil nt Alouii.i, Ir.teil t'uuniy, aim li,e t..Kliiii liirlallii.tiilot ail Muck aub'-uribeu hi .Vl.c. Iti.btuj; I'l.oiity, ie uucauo pay able oil the Octobi r, in xl. Ii Hit ioCkiiuiuvra ikirc the wurk to continue I hey iVlLal' be moia prmnpi in iiirir (,ay iiim.la I'll. a la nu iuic UU. 1 i.c Trc-dau.er lui.al l.ave .UO.NtV. M. L. WP.ISTUN, T reanurer. September 17, K6I. aj.ll" A. V, ALIJXAMiJU, S LIZ a l. OA Ii . Tlx '', , - -- . if fcFFtKS h.a .ervice. lu the citi. Ii ul tula mil aujuliiiiij. touil in Hit ireaiiueiil i ir.-t jj ui.iri. lies ui uij Il.Iu, liacaea ui Hie inoulli. Ktlu b.i.u in aM.ituI ai.u au liiiaclory uuiiiicr. Ar liitLUi ncili maerlcd on tj .lu ur ver pi.iic, sl.u iuuia tKUObcr vuu'diiiKcu bAbc. 'I'ln. hlyle of utf i.ua mai'y auviil ..gesovtr llie &w nju nur. it can l.c uUdiaU tu 11, c i. tut I u Willi lta in lU Lull limn lite avtugcC turK il i. aiu cut.ipLr. ll i. irie 1 1 . . ii i .uij uiipno.ji.1 uui r ur l-alc. il inuy uccuiiil .iti.l r li.c Amviic.ui Hard liuuL.tr cjuiuaii) lie wi.l supply lcutin.- wnn ul. bccrijjota lu iiidi.uiuclurc 1 i..lcs ai.u t-uiua i,.r Arl.ticial JVrtli ..no U.e Aj juralua ami .Vl..lerial. Ile in di.vi ie loairuulioiis in tut or I uii mud-tral..- irruii-. A i.e x.itcta to uo . tr.i.eliing biim rii per. ...Ha ucsir.iij; n ..i a cone, c.ii lie utunutii to at tm.ir rt.iutiiti.1, by auuiciiMiig i.im ut '1 ucau. eejje f O., McwhiciiDurs; l ui, C uL' Al. .( warraiaco. l-jjril J. IM.II. J.f SSTATE OF NO J. 'J Ii C AI.CLJNA iltcKLt.NUL UU CtiUMV. Court of J itus unit Quarter Sessions, Julij 2titu, Istil. John o niji!...ii, ") Ongnul AtUi lilllent- 1 lie ,vu Cu,U allu i. e klei.burg f. pi.cr 1.1.U1. -Same a. l.'.c utliera. p.o.y. J e. T appearing to the aa liHactiou of the Court, jQ. Uii l U.e lie ,l.iC., nl 1. Iiulali li.liabllul.l ul In, a ci.ii,-, Lu, rM,,t. t.ij, nil I ne lnu U ul the ..ui.s. ll it Uirirjitie UiUrieii, u.t a,. .0 tuuri lual ,.uiiuea. tiuo u. o x uit,...,,c neek. ia tin- .Ni.rtn t. jro una rtin,; a iit,.upcr prime.; m t..e Town uf t .lur.ultc ll.-tl.J nig Ine aa,J Uelei.Udlit u lie and aip-dr u. lore lue J ua.ices ut our I ourl ul Fieaa aou leUarlur a. a,,jni jl tne next Court lo be lieid ..r ti.d couu y ul .Vle.-a.t-iitiur, ul lite ourl. Ilou-e in t'ii.i,iltu,itiit -il.i Alund..y in Oetuber next, u. eo nu l .ere tuji.Mtrr ur uviiiur ir Juug. Uie.,1 p.'uCUUieasu Mill L.C l.ktU UJIIIal UI..I. urn a-, V . K, Keiu t. Ur ol uiu I ourl at nf. rice in Cblll l ..arlolte, llie 4,11 .M iuoay 01 Ju,y ua IU r ui Ao.ericju lu,.epei,ueuee . 1. Ut,lU, C, c. c. Aujru.t i'O, Irbl. r'ru, lets 1-ee u. i.e A Curd. iTAKE pleasure in iiilurming my friend, and p.ur ins ut tin. k. ity unu ueiiiburlieou that 1 nave returned tu Cii.riutle unu le.uiued luy lulllltr UUa.licaa. I ii uuti.iueta tiuii of the 1 1 lat ng prr.sure of the tiuiea I l,uil i, mil iuy term, ut luitioii un llie ft.uu lu aJe, tur llie fuil Se.,ua ul 4U v.. en, or $1.1. lor U.e I, ail Scs.lull ol 'M Watk.. 1 lu ve a fine slocK ui .ucel iiiUi.c un hand ana uui .iteuo pui.ctu!,y lu aiUrutri in l.iai line a. aiau lu 1 uuiug Ui pairing ana i,,c ul t iuiiu. Ue.peclid..y CiAULES O. TAPE. NoVkiiibi-r 2G. lttil. Ootiee. r a V I V 1 . j) I u..t on 011 fec'-.,l ..i tXp l ) ul U, ,'eo.Uer 1 f an. .111 L I - n... pecial Idle I a t..t, te ul Ji Adimnia . Moor,, ol. I Hone. C leriua lliade 1., Hog. I.UWII ,ue, ui) ul sale. D. HE.NCEiiaON", Adm'r. Nuvember vin, ibol. ids Negroes to Hire. 1 ?,rv.inl uteri, and ona bo, wi.l be hired low juk and wa.osruumaB .-pply ul Hue efface, uull g,.. field In ,t.y,a 1 tiOOU Mii CII d. A t.pi y a t tin Lrc. 3, 1 00 I . 1 ullice. dblf MllE W.rflrn. he t in. ir lor Mecklenburg fuor liouee on dal lr (j,n mat. at 9 oYloc to elect a Mrw. I Pnra.riau lor lb. enaaiiig year, by ul m r j 1 y der ut U.e board, E. C. WALL13, Ckmm. KmaMf 5, ltfi,