r ,- ,.a -.-. e i0UU CL'tirDiUlit UjQ I DIR. C- - 3 CHARLOTTE: Tuesday, February 18, 18b 2. CTR. R. Wakefield, Eaq., of l,eniir. h.a con. aerated la act, and ia our author. ird .cent. He l aeeeivr o'drtl for Ihe Wmis. bl.n or Ulcr tieemrnte, una receipt for Dice. me. Any pe.enna enSicriotnj who pay in him witnin three oidbiii. mil receive the VVhio Tor two dnlUn. Remember, 7'hat tee take all kituls of country pro duce in rxthange for the Whig. Butter , lAiidy Chickeust in J-ict anything that it in tht matktt. Wood. Tbe?e of our eoantry fiitiiJs f.o inferJ paring their subscription, in wood. wiJi confer a fetor upon u by bringing itiu as aoon ae possible.' ITaif Sueet. We ere compelled through nee-sity to i-oe ooly b!f a eheet e can't get piper tbia ire bope a ill be fufSciect excuse. Thanks. We are indebted la th Met. V. M. Ken nedy for tbe Minute, ef the Melhodi.-i; Ccrfererce for L;cb be i!l p!ce ace-'pt cur tliL. i preretit tlie.e and the like injuries, and by Cur Next Governor. r j t , .U0U..1 tbe a ii u r aud tenner of ardent ' . aptri:. be permitted t poiaon tbe bole eow to eer'e tbe ?eriou attectioa of tbe peo . , . , , . r . r uut.iiy u!i impunity I la tbee remark. P'.e of Nertb Carolina; and .Lii.t -e doje hv( onij eoluMO it.nti tot intcud to aay or do anjtLinj wb.cb ' u cf ouf ,D(oa MI; .bo ,ook would he ce'euuied to oi.praje tse j'ii claim, of bi) Excelieoey Governor Ciaik, er those ef aoy other ge&tieuian wboe ice baa been tuectiosed io tbia connexion, we catBot di-uie tht ce pride and per aoai! griticei.ion that we bare recently ex perienced upon teeing tbe merit of cur es teemed feiiow t lacuna, Wiuiaw Jobuston. , K-q.. io Lonorably advo!ed by .ome of the leaaicp jourB!s of the State, irre.peo . tire of fist party predi'ectnas and a-.oci-I atloa, or aeetioaal prri j.iicei. No nuo in j the State ba. a bibber order of edn.ii.Ntrm , . , .1 f I? .IP,.J live tuenta tb;o JJr Jo!iD-too. ii.tl usaoa , , r ,- , . .. ,- , . i the mij't icorortiat iotere-li to ti.e St te and ; l.e .hiia... : and i. tbe detail of the- tbe S oind of do roan io tbe State ia better vera ed.orn.ore fully trained than that of .Mrj8'1 ,a btr tUli Prt"ui lh tbeo t . , Ti - l i; i; thre.tened war iu Ejrop, would be to JobuMon Ut capacity for public ba-t j i e. i .i.. :..- v b ocka ie her port-", ana tliu oper.ie ro hr ", aod L'S cr.aecnl ability iv. been r t thoroughly :.ted bia aucee.afai manage- awe ut ef large aad eaxp'.iiAted iuter-t ceui ; Butted to bits a. an attoro.y at law, .1 a tib c2 lial in tbe f.irka of tbi. place, and, ' Bior reeeotiy, at President of '.Kn l.'br t... . . J C..,l. C. . It .,1 !.,! ' 1 "" '-" - pany.aud as Comn.Lry Geceral of tl.e Slate. In the dUebarge cf all tbM pertatl trni'.i be baa iann.biy dap'ayed tbe bi-bert order of practical taieut.a, and for roaoy years pas', aot too a b.if a Biiiiion of dollar. Lav. atiuuaily piioed Ihroua Li. bar.d. io tue perform ane of,ruor 00 1 ''J ,0 I Ma'ea. and at th-', ... , . , . . tbe d.u;e mvo.ved la taeae ituportatsi i c I I i t Bier. saeinj the eterlia q la'.itioi of tuwd aui ioaI mat ear country . .. . ... i,b , ..... .1 , t c,, mo. now look to eiecr to. .b.p of Sate ile.y itroaa to. in.C,y it,r:. i-.ai pew: eov.rotn her, aud 'i.reattt.. to wreci aui deitroy o'ir foni'at bop?a foa the Cin'.inu anee ef cur oo-xamtld .oeial at.d poiitiea civiiitation. When tbia neboiy war teriui ettei. North Carolina wi.l be riiiUd ait: a pjb'ie debt rinine from ten to ofierD tn!!lior, of dollar--, aad it i.:l rt-q-iire a 1 I 'ue an'.l of oir L t 1 n.o-t tip. lieicd tus.:ie.er. to txtri:.te and di.ei hrl ber fcijb a iDaa i. Mr. Joi,; rtn, and '!a acu a di'b a be ia iu t'.e ex'." j".t r' .. r of tie Sta'e tie coontr ta wo. a! ' e'a eafe ; atd Lav.L ry Lu tjf.i.ot t i!.b;., energy ant j,raeeiai.;. e'J.a'itri ia e.ui'ctt.t .e for- ist.e, Lu wojid u d i-jtt i.i.n'j iiiak" the tjteea.ary e.er 2 :e to c. .j..;y w.'. i the of Li. fe'.lwW ci X-Ua fcf St.:., it ike lepuuaio.. i of ae-p:in or lot ir p ... f tt.e truat ibCw i be teuicrei l Lio. by tb voice cf tbe p'-or'.e. The Covens "jae tat v.-rsua Vhiskcy. Goveraoventa ar oHaiaed anion n,-u for tk prole etioQ of tLeiriive,iibrii... and pro pirty.t'a prrrtrvatiun ef their individual ji p tia'.u n, tsj eoneenatloo cf t'.eir L- i '., end the ptoiu- t: -n of tbi ir accial and poim a?al a fare ltd La'iuaa; ,J iMbtul eey of tbeae rijf bta aie ti.rtiaced, w ti-ib-r Ly lie atron vioh ne. of '..u'.iJe, o;,-u ei.na.ea, cr j the ii.a'liou. pra-I.era of u,v ro.l fgra. land aLrrk.. or rl.yloek;', eitt.er 'Ufn- j or iu'lirn-ly, it i ti e par.ii uet oo'y e.f ov. triiWItlt to 1 j uall.ir tf t lijr Jll t aff.CirUI T'tiiiirce, er ci, wuialo it pwr. i'.l,irin.r the ru-t twe rp rnomba a bountiful I Providence be. aho.ered upon a of the I i, . i . .r -ii .l .... t I' InecoutD B auperao'.oo.uoc u. iiiiucimi r . I necer.arie of life, enough almoat to au.t.irj the country for two jri, app.rrmly te en all tbe people of tbe Confederate State j diction over tlia districts of tba Stat oeou- el th Yeoke military priaoo it) Wa.biug to work out tboir national dea'iny and po- pied by the Federal army : jon ity. , . :. J.. ... J.. ... . I llllVa; lliur auweoir w at t uin mum a reck!., mint of rDccula.ion. fostered aud eeour.ted by tbe foul ....cl.in.tiotu of lb. po.cr. if d.ntue... i, r,.rin, u h,dr. ! i j . v j .i j i i brad to abure and tbaari and detroy threo o.ewiici i7 couveriing in. gram oi me , ciuDtrj into witinkcT, to ap the moral of i our country, deMroy our toble aru.y, and ; Kfr jjr' T,,9f( wh9 rrpreutvd a a rob tbe wirva and famine, it our pour noU 'POrt ot P.r.u Jirotilo, w clioscn (ior Hiers of tbo bread of hf,- ; and finally to 'ernor, ud hr. i ttm ebureb iu wliitli be preripit.te our national de nuy iut. band of our enemies. 'Jo avert tbese tlirra'i'tied c!auii(ie tbe ' ' lria rn. nf ih. .,,. r .,.,. 1. 1 nn. bi la I. , j- e raiffd at once to erunb tue di.-uutiou i of tbe Eratu iu tbe country. Tbe prra!ut ! vulgar idea that a mu b.e a rigbt to do wV.ie?er be piea'c. wuh hteer i. bi. on must b.ci.eum-cribed end qaalified by , ..... . if0-e. aud ;ood nioraU, that every uiao mut so use aud employ wb.t i bi. owu a. not to injure hit neighbor, ruber iu bi. per. too, property, peiool liberty, health or repu!aiien. lie ba. a riht to have a gun and .munition, but if be kIioois at a crowd of meu aad kill, oue of ibem, be t. a lujr. !de rer j if be kil!a aootber e bore, be i.guil' ' ty of a trei.pt?. A druggist or apothecary j would be fuiliy of murder who would ail I lio'.y nla.iui.-ter poi.on to another who wa. titbt ou commuting lu.cue. ..ry imid ba. a light lo ue bia ou tongue, but if ne eUod.r bi. Diihbor be i. liable lo I hiui for limutJri ; or if cm man create a nai'ance ou b.uwaliod ro near iii. oiigli iior a. to inj ire bi. health be i. li.ble to bi actieu for diu Le are m.de to nnx.oui.y to tue proper auiuoritie. lo put a atop at once to tbe wa.te of tb grata of tLe couutry. The Lcndon Times oflSUand cf 1832. Wben th Editor, of the Lid Jon Tini'i a".erted a frw day. ago that England would nave doie at luucn lor any to ueirreca a. u . J : . e - M l i j l t . ..'on. r.al au'x av L'iuln .at bj 1 rmwiii. ,. . . ' ' . " 1 18 ',nu'le 01 l ltt Jiureal toward, tbe j Sauihera state iu tbe- year 1911, when Sa"l0';rQ ante w the- year 1 5 1 1 , when a aaranoiueo unci jiaiea ia imiuaut au the Oregon q ietioa. rreaj an article in J the Lo.id.m Kia.ninero F.bru.r 1I.H51. li" i ct of il5'' a enfK0 thai I be mo iff eiu.i wiy to briiii Rj. ni.iertai l.itere.ta no tiiU-tro j-.y a. ! in.- br .-ue for peice befor. a ii effaiju of blood, we q tote e f.llo. ; Hut le-l 'he coi TC'ee prii ciji'e wl ieb " prep?-- to api iy 10 IL'-h may be r.-jiid r.1 .4 a oril Ih .ii r ... I i'i lur ,a. n.t at ha 'Iir.l. Irs u. darii npn.! it litlir n, tr.e . I. ,.pi.. It Iltllr In t,' a ay ot l id-tta.Kili tbe I il;,,-if r n nJvuCa ir'i io I he l ai i Br i fj.n.-r in n.e ar I - 41 , iih r. ( re ce io i iir -r li,c. i l.rn j a; pearnl imuiidrnt i'h th- Ut.ilru Siatrf. ! t tb.re rl.oiuttial KnKn l, by s lop t'li t ra uii'J-'J at plan of rti.-in In C pi aar ly jiu.or lo lii.. it aHin.l, the; o'.i n- 1 4iur tiB bl'.ckadtBi! h LOtbrra aea biatd I , .. - , i frcm New IVnfordd.wn to t b; rjiemac. i uouid eitii-l t o p oaerf ii iini.-rial iu'erer j -j, her uie.ub rr umird enrr.'ies would ! e.:ber e itp. I u iu.-i,e.iiie p. ,e t.pon our nan !,.,, or lu-e . m-peratlou of ihr L',i I K!1 w:t,, f,,,, h, v c,.f0 ftn tM,.trM m ,h, 1 , SOii.tji a.i t ranvf i ui r the C irr in trade 'of me .N-orilii-ro rtta to our rhipa. Fur the HTaie Of tl.ial a. tbia; the COftOO I . . 1 1 . -jaera aa uai mue .ryniiwa iwo tui.iuill .Il l Up.ar-Ja ot bile, ot raw i'.tmtl, of at.ic1. ''.'lit ere worked uo hv the N irJ Kuiand l.e orie. and the rr-t by tb Hi rope. 11 .ud ci.ieflif t,y the h,i i h 'I bf G 1 o ' era it-;;.!, i-t 90 . 'i a r,o. i of 1 hj rr ai.. '-riiai.re of tbtir i.eroea au i II. e up'.o din of thcr etat"-, and Kniii"! u i-t eiiher have th.t co t"n. or all it i nm. n- capital ine-ird 111 ot:ou fac'o i-. w uld be ai.nl nila'ed. K and wo.ifd, tt.er.fore, l.ave'ed bi n beol.e wa. KOtnr b'1011. "Vii.-o ..i s Me i-r ac -pi ai.. SI 50 . ju'h-rn S .'e'., " H h ill i.ei .r nu j , 1, nor war; it a e ii' tav and piy lorycr j't'.u a u- n pi n o! Cur j "ai r. h a.l no u-r h o id for K .rope ; ae a 1 i i.jt tii.lr-turio.cbyojrctiiv, yo.tr .'.ii, or yoir -l.ip-, m.'ier any pr at ocai ,01. , we i.' lrc.t you 111 all it-p. c. a j yoi w - re part ol our .cliea and at pi.ace a tu u-.' l t.. iu fi oe. ee of tiii. ci' ir 00 tbe co'too pro 1 jc-r-. a.i 1 !. i:,ci. iir. ct' y or iud.rrct t i.'i -c'rd an'. i cm Caliii'Jl t. doubled, I I. tir t r --t uu 1 cliijitl liiem to be e-,111.: ij ir rl.-ia ly al 1.-. I U-J w-.U'd wii to u-. ai... -o 0' ai-.it- ; lor t -l.ip ib-ir cott .u o.Nea Ki.j'.','l -,iil xp..a 1 t.e.u to lb. I;-., alu.o t e-rt an, .f ..-, y .-ni,iiu til fr-i 11 our l..o. k a'te ,l lo- M , th 1 11 n ,rr. ai d t n t-aptai ilivt-.la-d IU tlia. Ne Kll.'i.lld taot. ri-a wnu, I t,a parayiz d li,.it, ae.l ,i-,d.r ttod icatimi of the prmciiile . a lioe.'e wetid Lave fore -d t; U iiied "'.a'-, ly p-acr on Otr oau l-rn, by l J ' I ,11 I ue 0 trtna.ru C apil.it. 1. ano'd l,av b-!i ruiiied, an I the Lu' be. 11 ft'ata-a aojij tiav. .rp.raied t'om Ihru. it tlia t-i.ir.i j. vt. I hai teuaalajeal ob.il - " Tilt Ptt(jVINA- GflVIRN'OR or North Carouma.-A Hetter.e correapoo. j u. ... t'-. . .l - j . i umi gi ujmdo jniniitr iu ue.eiiuer : lb perauit of tbe Governor Kppoiot!tl bj the .and bar Convention lo exercl-e inn.- IV - .1 ...J . it L L !. .I!.!,1 v . , - piTil a eaaaeil VHllsn I bareh in wiieti told the Governor of Nnnk t.W r-ai-rij. O.rt uo, a .n VTU!! f'V. "n " 'i . J ' . ..... ; bertd that a f e k aff a bantitul of . " ,, , , b , . r' ' J "J" r r - - " w J ' . i c . 1 tjj 'omeiatfa. it m a Ofe tory unpjiu . !, at-ll.phiat-d lookiui; .ffiir ai w have -eeo I tor tiiiny a day lUI' lt panes cr i;on, b.d o?e.No..iy rou?h t.o.rd .. the ' r 1 .. a hit a coveroil v.nn Oltli. lieivrrno. itjr iuf pvaaiTirriiii nut m ill fi I "ij ; . ' iv l o I n ,!..:,.,,.., ailH.,B.i..,i. ,''' 'ir.r i-frpniJ to be iu exoel had not lti ood loituue ! uit. It hi. appe. ranee corro-p ni l. iiu Hut of b,! '. eould . oou,idr ourlve. One nilt last week, villant Cpt J.iliii If. Mjrau, with nine pi.k.d turn and a good guide, pas.d beyud Green lliver! into the dominion, of old Abe, tor the pyr-j po.e oS burning .u iii.prrt.iit bridge ou trie LebitHon and Campbell. ville Ro.d, nine', mile only from the fvrui.r plo. Tut., it done aucoe. fully. The brid fired aud wholly destroyed. Th-B C Morgan turned bi oour.. to a t erap ir.p .ie Y Jeiwe.o . . , omoe lu that vicinity, ou the Im. b ...J t:-..-,.i ri,.-..' a:...: t m. F.d.rel .r.,i. K,..i. , .k.. .1... au'pris.d tne ffuard, ai. otfioer aud t. n uueo. ahum thy cp'urrd. Tneu h. ent a uie. .ge to Gru Bid!, it Louisville, iiifonmo' tbt dl'tiuuubed eulleiu.o A bi wlirr. about, aad apotoii n tor eirryin tbe telegraphic apparatus be bad clX.-d iutc LXie,' a. 1,9 tliteiided dom Af'er abieb. fir,t remaviu, the b.ttenea aod oih ' . , . c , . cr r leierapbie tuaieriaU, be fired I tie othoe and reiureid to.ia p with e!evrn prisoner., two Utroe?, takeu iu the eu.-mt . a.p, and j.ccoieeD horse., branded ' U S " au J all aiihout tbe loi of a man. A i.of Jbutou waa in the r nit. Ulori-i. John .Vle.gau I Lou:tetlU (A'y) Countrt ott. Camp DrstASii H Vt TO Avoid Thi.M Joid.er. la eao p aulf r froai three dia-i ea.ea diarrl oe i, r!ieauiiian and fever the eoiniacne.t eaa-e of diarrl uet ia bad , water; tl cure, eotnplete re-l aud ab.ti- i ueiie- fiora every kiud el food exurpt plain boi.ed nee. All ordinary di-.a-.a will, vivid to tbi trraiaei,i in laen'j four hoitrt ' r leaa. ikh-uuiaiiui i. u-uaily brought iay io wet elotlie.. tlard driuker. are i.r . i,.bl ta bm.i .meka. To a d ruiu.,.. .,.rfl.oB, an I keep ih. d. ii(i ou loiigg. reaer. ar. fruafi, y r I ! , e jalli-r uai x iu li.e open r. A ut an jiu; P"" " -' ' "OTer ' """i ' I aoo neaei aiai.u an . lonjr uiau a.-c - ry. (Jjit lot aud .etive e ri. ai.l L.neral.t kern a man li imi i .ir i. uue..niUOi..y d.i.t. r.oov lo w. a c.-e , very aev.ie le.er. no.btn ae.ma -o !.fio.e.)u. ach.u.-eof .k. It m raid I . . , , libal tbe reiu.valot . pai'rni ooly a U j IH It.K 0I., 1U1..., i,provrui ur in 1 b coi.'tiiioa I.. .jini oi.ji th. ed.e lot me a.u? at iuj ., tn.re i- o danrr 0. uUf a- lb p.ny rrp. oa tbe all 1 kple ut II, I nr.e doetr.ti. are laid d n ; iu the art taj, of auny fuiiaaui, and of pnvneiaua who have givt-u muol. at'ei.lion It tri' n jct di.e..-el, aui 0.,'it, itwre f .i e, t . tr j,-lwoi t.iy. " 3fiVEMKNTS r.f ( I. FIr in Gen. J. ff Tin. iup"n. afttr a Srirf -j ..ni i.-r-, f.r I he pir p e ( a l.e expre.r-l u ) of In' ro d .icm J . ff I'l.oiap-ot. to J- $ lvi." irf. the city yrafid.y iwri.i.u for the ec-ne of hi. active tlu'ir. Mmy eu'tou p-r-om . . . V i i link a'i vant ( of the oppm funny ..an.lril hy bi. vi-iv to at"' a aibl ! the brvo of rhe Vet Co. Jordan, A--iint A'lj.iint Gen-r.l ; Cepi iVumii... nief of O.-d-1 u ai.ee a nd nj Dal off; : T ; ' ' apt II ar f ia a it I .lUc,..d ,, Ge... It a-.r.. x,rl . .faff, took Ib.f d-partur yf niay , tor tlo! umbdi. At I eat sceodii'. G -n I a. regard i at lJiaiin Gr.sii, in c.u-uita Hon al'h II. A Alduey Jor'a-itJl. iiitH 1 ;. 1 .A . tii'iiti, a "'. WntN iJrAtaiDAKD nGoiNq FI.Ke Djriu tLe r.c p'iorj of 0-a K.'.ureard y Hie ei' EC ot Knxville, on bia pa-aa.-t ironn to aaij-:i ih Dew coua a-and aa rined him in the iVe.t, herl.fei that be ha t ii) t a .rridier f 1 0 u Ivi'ii-i.ua, who a-k I l-.ti horn-," and the Griier.l, "I did not, ' rxpeel to be ab-t i t atore tl.aB l t eek-; Lai already nearly 1 day. or year baa ei.p-td, and 1 do not int-nd to tura my eyra licriie. ard UDliI tbe li-l Yankee i. dil ' v-.u frotu our border." Ts South im the Woati.b'a Fair or l!i"a? A portion of th if r j.jnJa rrl. et-d (jr th Grand Ii. l itrial Kxhibitiou of 'at London, ha been art ap.it f.r thn '!ou re-rate .talea. Wilat at wi I have ther t 1 eihi'.it i n: n i ; b it il la -1 ti.; ml fact 11, at tbia i pr ,priatinB to the . ..1I1 ba h.:; i'o!o'r. been raulsd on'y to recon:ed n.lion.. j TlIK lVtii1 t't M .X ICO TX T t TUB I'JcVl-llit Al.l.avU I at a a T Y W ara in f i"ii-d t,ia( iaat leau.i.')..a re-i.i fro .1 M'l ro b.vr d-cided It., alli-d iiiio . to ado, t h n al 1.1. t ura aa regard e i I'i'ry, i I la n'Mvnr II. racud 1111I1I a n-. iuiu. 1 an I rr'iil ,r i i..-rin-ut 1. .-.tat, .i . I mrr an n tun fr.a e 'ieni of ih - pp.i.t;wu Pi'. La 1'utne, Junuaiy ill. Lati from Washincito.m. Captain W. D '''J. rwerly atteobed to General llonbani'a ataff, uu woo had tbe ill fortune . . .ji.it.' no ni time xo to be captu-ed by the la- ;-, arrived in tbi city on Sunday la.t, gf,r bating bad an unpUaaat.t experience . .v,lln.n i,..iU..I. k. J -it. . ...-. v.,.. ............ ..;, m v.r;t. ..... .... ...... u,r.. Th Uve h,eB un. d" lb" ch"re- Feder.l offioora, Cptxtn Jurm-r, Lieut Kauo and Ltut. ,, r ... . r .i l)eiidiot. arhoft inaiiaveuicQt of the pileoni bad beeu ino-l rijioroui' and iimullin. On oue oooaion our prii.oo'ra wee called, and one of tbe in retanrkin;, we thought we were priouer. of war," wa without a word ef teply tbruxt i.ito a cell. The praotioe bad al-o been adopted ot iuul'iii our prii- oner, oi war t, eomng la the . ..rut room attu tbfin deserter froio the Cootederate irfe. Mr.. Ur.eul.ow bd beeu reil.oTed from pgMofif MvroumfDti aii o il la o iter conk iciuiiut id oua of the upprr raoii.s of tbe military prixon. 111. .Northvru army in W aihioton and lent condition, and to nui pt iu all point, of ih.ir Unit "lb Grand Army " of la.t .i miner Tue eiieiuy, however, are very drtieieiit iu e.valry, and ahattbuy have i. cciuiemp' ible ; it n c bein au uiifri-rj'i.-m p. ei.ei to e the Yankne rid. r t.iiiinling iruiu tti.ir q r- in tne .treat ol v atui tuu itch Exj.ii.iner T ... , . ... , a pr.cuoil iu.u riling to u from Ala aula, ia. : 1 uavr jut .old lotue corn, and nn there by euabird 10 pay tuy t.aei, aud y u two a'Ur' &0- 1 .v ul a-laued u and ddu I intend lo, uuul lb. tiovka l i , i . , raided. People tbrou'h tin ero.uu int r.ta. i eop.e bev. bee.. p.)iU proper a.le.U.ou .to Hie ceru and pork er.ipi n. a pl.-nly to t, but there are oilir. ato are not able to gel uie.l to ferd ih.ir negroes on. auJ 'U(J .j,r.d. and a lbd ennplrd, abeu aab.i iiutnuj iu Jia-x... of aulul) arnoi tber. ; ' i . . .... ttirv all rtt;re I .1 o deiuoutr.no i wa. M plruty, but in ooi;.-q ienca ot tli- hloec ,"r " ado beiweeu Mjbll ud .N Or.eau., It co.l. prrlty liili. l'vopU bar hv pji ,u a''.f """Ur-m. -- loi! Boe : Bat in ejui. qiauj.ot the war.u k t d wet fea00. atbaal ba. tfeuer.llV vOl (be bUde .uil, wb cb ai.l, i tear, rulu U 1 in olng la Iced i no do au, I lui.i. il , tbe only aay to .f It it. Iml cJ tnal I .1... v .. .i... win uo ii i, K-.iiieiui-u, iu. niouaaae I-. bearing preKy bard upou u, but il will uliuuil.ly woia oue o ir .alvauuu. Af:cr Hi). y-r e ran tini the Ifauae.a tliruah ' tne n. xt :", aud e uae O jV of tbe "ar lue uio.t m i. p. n J.nl peop.e iu tbe world, lor a b.ve u:iiu oure.te tne eieu' a. or. weal IB tbau any otuer people oj tu taeo of the globe iu f.ct, aimot ery nation ou eartb la drpeudui upon u tor our aia p.. produee. loathe a liecjiutr, I5..0NVILLS TAKIV rilnM THC FfDxRU.i. C"l bovur, a valULl enllrUaao, b..r ,r of d.p ueue. to ibe Confederate tiov '"" ivcauioad, airiv.d lu tuia city ye.ierd.y. liy me .am arriaal, w r rril6 id to ! , ' ,. i. . i. i l-.ru lOat (J.ii. t'vio K'lter an 1 Ujraey, : uu ..i,ur, had iu t..rB. e..eiiiter. met ! lb. ru. in., and eoiaiu-d .inal auceea-r. i e.en. A.tnojn ene . j .tt ru. rop'rtor ! l-re.a t ne p . d i U Inv a ie r. ot n out n 1 ' r . em ..-,! .aieiy, and tailored lua loau ! oi n.ouvi l b .nuy pf'-n. Prlc. v- i it be ra pidly ino ...11.4 11. uu imet", end la a.u ai twu't-i q upped aui toil of r...ii bop. A l.w day. aO, C ! Fre m u, wbo I well atylrd Uo aw.uip t t ot Prio . army. j aloie a uiarcb upou a lare t .ree ut redera,. atatlOued al II ill. II J bad umlr bMC.ot iu.u i but 1 ail loid, yel tu. cul.rpri.e aa tuvillH, and COUat.ul at'llaliy ot ID j ,u,..Ai. I.r .. .t Xa.r i.t tlia ..... i To jrdat rva bee hondred: o.r laeo opportunity, tie touud I he cu.iuy qiieliyj ' h.ao.aeael in tn to.n, and eiita ba eo u hylic Pi' lo comoi au la t bo tort Fieyd aa.aivrly iua,i b taJ giaucod 111 tso "in and iijckur. w.re i comni iud ol the l.ud ....o. tne -l.er ib-y er q natly j forta Jt iLc u.o-l t.riifii Oule.l ol r- (,'J -1 11 ,).ua.il a. at Ibe ulate, a. l!.' ' ! tue war. luurde.uua U. iH ra Mil Inro-ara lu. f.ne., j and 10 11, 1 dfvaml ol a iu.rr.iw eiept ! a lo..ja. .reji in iu .,!... beeu barji.ii.rd tor. Il I. him.lil 1U4I a. ,.U.cf a.au l.ll bl liiaik, aud IU Cotulvruallu Ut.y ba IU.- a 'luvd. pit uht WirttDiMWri Hi IIismxa ' . M-. - I hr 0 -u-r, - 111 be ple.a, 1 .0 .ay. tb. 7i-bili C"io" & A ue iv in. lua! tbe Valuable a.r'. '.ea ot lieu G J I'.i io to the rio-jih, .r. to by retained by ibr alilidr.aal of b . I la"i al ion, 111 Cub" q .. uce of a cbai.je cf the cueuu.at.uce. wLieu luduocd u. I a'. EM'I.IH I H I M P. ( A l N TA ') 1 the 'i "l II ot JaOU'arv. t'te alalil.-a 9t M f M It. 'tillian, of Mill Point, P.icat.oiita e.i.aiy, aeie c in-'iniro. I'll v.-ry vlia',l bu-, e, a e.na'il.ral.U ijiantny of r-, oat, and o'h-r arii, -I., re t. iin . II. ri la . ippi.-d lo be ahool 51, T.'.rre ia 110 do'tht hot tuat It i li.e Wnik of .0 lu ' - w.-ucli ry .t mnt ti .!. itur. j J Maj (hi.m'r SArn The trlejr.prne , i re pot 1 t ii at .! j ir tji.wir remained iu t ot I . Il-nry aitn o uera, 10 coi C lue r-li-.-i of j Hit t, tnled-raiea, and aub q lully aurrri. j d -red IO Hi. e'.-llljf, la a Ut .-a . aj far aj Ihl. iailar pari e I ar I. coiiC-irne 1. Adia ) pate 1 tioiu Hi) .Vl.jir lil.a.1 If, d.l d atj Claf.-Vli.r, Sal .r i ij la-1, aui - It -u -a atC i t 4 j ma a.'vty, Ii ta beeu t -cirfed by' Itlatamiiy IB luia cay 3i0. Jirjjiil.'i'.ut. j Canvi I'.llHD IM AM Il'.Ctt. A Dewj moil, of titling ean'iou ba. be.u iua-ii'ed 1 iu Nw Voi., aiirreby tbe lrfc'rt calinr. ! in.v be r.ti-d in aiitvaii lii uiile ihe' poaer u.td beinjr hydraulic pre.-ure. Thi.j nuproae-iiroi will, u la .ai I, aave lare au n. 10 lb. Vauku lioverUOi.lll. I A le'ter from .Venndri. Virginia, aay I 'nit th- -iFije of Ibe Ihe old Svulii ru ui-Mii. erin. Ml. e.etl ani i ny ine i inv. ...I ii,. p.hid.i.ou ol a Lincoln , r , , -t e.aau-j.d i. lot. la lb. .ea.ud at- HE WB. From tht Daily South Carolinian. Occupation of Edcnton by the Federals Norfolk, Febraarj 13. Tbt Federt I . ' . ' ... i foro" ,ook po"e-ioo of JiUeBton je.ter- day morfiog. 16. iuD.Dttant. D.Q uear.j I all ift. It U report.d th.l ih.y b.M .U nroeoedad ui tbe Uoauoka to P tmouth proeeeuau J u Tlie Killed and Wounded at Kuunokc Island. TIichmond, February 14. A flag ef trace from Koaooke Inland report tbe Confeder . M tvhie, 8 kiUd ,nd 3J wouoded. , ... . ! iDe lo" - ! eomtuUeioned officer ted 175 pr.tate. kill . .) ....I Jill) A,.n,lit Tbe bod.ei of Cpt. Yi.e end Cole reached Hiobiuoud tbi eveuiu. Interesting from Fort i)on elst)n. NASnvtM.1, February 14. Tbe enon.y't gno boata opened fire on Fort Dooeliou at half put three o'e'.ook tbi at'i-ranoo. Tb.re i. only ten feel of water oo Harper SSoal., thirty five mile below.Na.hv.il.. The r.v cr i. f allium rapidly. O.r pilot aay that tbtir uu boat, c.uuot put over to tuor row. A p-eiil dptch lo tbe Union and A ' dated Fori DiuvUo.i, 4.b, , . . . . , . . , thai fix uo boat, attacked toe fort tbi. af ternoon. and there wia a teinne 9 -Ut for near l.e hour, 'ul mm or gun ou our id . b'.rt Two of tbe iuii boat, wet w J by lb Infantry l l y n eneiuy j la beil-e I le b v ree -ived ruiufjrouui. j vV. xPeei tl mil .reaul to morrow Terriblo I5.mlo at Fort Don ilson! TilE CO.NFEDKItATES vu;run'.s! fi Confederates htill in I'omes- iott ol lite Fort! XASnviLLt, February 15 llj o'clock a. til Upeiett Ja-t rrc.tvad Uoua i'oil D.n.l,.!,. .lata In.l ih. fi ,hl D.:..d at 7 o e oct tbi. oaoruio. aid t.rnoie bai lie ba. b.eo r.in :i t'.e tnroio, with ; great .!. ihi-r ou bath .iJea. b av b u dn vo e aok pl bi. aapi. VV'f . . , . . have eapiured two of ilia eoemt batterie. r A Fad.ra! priaoer wi waal.k.ay. thai JljJierOatiJ tl C r a 10 liu f, aoltb.lbej b . fi 'i. thl.aaal tu n Oaf troop ar. . . . ,l . . l , .. . . . . i id I drivia ' ta eajny bux wu? i. eoid MfMPrm, Fro.ry l V MiLiw'aeaval r fna.'iil the Lmoglo tea in SiMi C.J.i'T. on tbe liio, av l i ii .i .,,4,;UJ aiBetren men, beiiJe. many horaea ud gaoua I n. Liu.o.nii.a fl d to lue tu 40taioa lu dia ord.r. The for-, were about eq it). Ou i ly three CjDledera'.e were wo j.id;d. Tne Federal lo. at F.rt Dju.Uod tu - I,nI,., riant 1 iiirlli "tiiCL-. from the 1 ! I't. Richmond, February 15 Io'.ellieoce b.abeffl received ID otfiii.l o .arl-r. ol th.- 1 VI -oro II bat'la flO'lll l Foil LMi.oii ou Friday. Kibt Federal jren-boft .ppro.ei.- ed within a few bubdreil yatdt T Fort ; Doticl-on, au i pojeed in a treiuendoua eol 1 l-y of .hot and h-il, ebieb were r. p d ! to by our b.ttenea. Tao of ii.ree ajuu boata w.re dama.ed, aod tbe Feilrral lour J lit killed and wounded II. .-I bat. beeu cob .idrr.ble. Tbe t'-nf. drra'e. bad liOtrr , "; k.ll-d or wounded, nor av d.rna,. !- th. fort or jun. The ill boat wer. fntfed id rtlt Toe vie'ory dor tbe l,'-u,ld. r .tr. a-co up e e, bnl it -aa ii iiihl the Fat P eral. would ran. the iliac, tba Dell dai GOLD! GOItDI! GOLD!!! 1'ivi; m;.M)jti:i) oopjcjes WAJifllO At 3. T. BUTLHR'S Jewelry IS I o r c , OjijM.site Krrr Hotel. N- ' Tlie iiict tusll pr.'C paiil fi'r and ,ilvi r. JullU.jr)' IS, 1S02. tf School Notice. t J 1 M A. nt.V 111 IV SCIIttOI, ftpa.ad , a.1 m M.cid.y th. I3iii mat., in iha Muu.e neat I i ., !,,, tlia Lull.ar.n Cnarsu. v .TRIBUTE OP RESPECT At th l.i Uuarl.rly Ceufcrenee of u'o Ck lutte Slulii.n. lur tbo va lwK.i . . ' " "nnjiti,., pointed to urov.re a Dream lU m,.A ... . . .l. . . r. "luiion. ted the lolluwiny, Via . P'CI, WHttaeaa, It ball, p'ei.ed the rc r. . the I Imrrii to renrnva lruin nut i,..7... L 9 alter a long career ,f b.elulue.. n.l , venerable aert tuleoni.ii trmlier U.vib p i ' ur who lor full ll.rty year.. hlu an ffi ,.i , to Ilia L'baroli in l.li.rl..... ' r,-'Uio ld .ariiHll...w..uHli.lUn.ilr ,x: J'"": nu .u.ly devoted to III tru.t eoui,u,i,'. 7 "' liter. lore b it. . ""'imj K.a..lved. I. Th.t in lha dM,hof DuinLaf tin. onfereiioe h. au.Ui,j n " U R lo... Ue(.nyd tiiertby 0 ,. u.lk'""" xaniile ul on.ol ii iuwt urudvjit i.i fo.l iu mlara. r ' "luu iud l(e...ive.l,!ld, That h Me.lhodi.1 ri.. fh.rlollo detiio.C. in l..dtth Ihadeua,," one who trniii it hrat i.riKiuij,! . . ur f the liv.h .l in ii. w.H. f,. -micaiug i.-.Vr.i. U, TU.l i per;iu. ,),, ny el our aun,. c..nn ,, i . Wurh 1 """"). ot In deucatu. . (.a, , ur u .Her.h.U will. hi. ,. .d d.ulc.u,! lu K uie.nury. w "n K. .ived. 4lh, That enpiei of ,;t p. ,, .ymiU,. ... ih. tr.v . f.,,,,1, of 01 .... b ..II. .r j and .1... ih.t (ht. i. pu. ..." ' .,e tn iuWu .no in in. . ..... ' .." .' lam Ac'Vui'ate. - ...u iii i ue BnullUifuCliii. R. P. FRANK, Prea't. C. J Oi.ivra, Sce'y !5f) Ilhd Sugnr now comirv in at nrices from 8 in n i... I au UJf f: the Illul. i 11 400 l,l! M bt t tjuulily G. ctrnts per G;,. lv l!iu lib!. WILLIAMS 4 OATEi iBUary 7, l6l. 2XTOTICS. A S Xr:t:t' TO-C f th. tale Mail Mtrct i Kr.1 IMVUd-eM, 1 W.llriit.. , la il li.r n. j. i.r 'J mil. al ul h.i,.. , OB W.Hnc.y ilia tau uf Kkru.ry. tba lM t. pr-.tj, v. : 1 TWO NIXKOns, one any ano .. . irl lao ya.ra aid. oi n, II heal, 0if, tod.it f and tl,y. Trk. ui.tia ii, n ufl J. al s., IUA VSlilii,L.Ktr. J.aaary S. ItCJ .NOTIGIi I M TLf.l)AT rt u.ry laih, .'it ,N TtMlMY t. i c" . r,i!,"r 'a.,t. Jv,..a v . M.'fv. l-.. o. TWO IIOKSLS, flieeutruvjl l"t I'uUnt irr (JUi u!h. ltd iUortf S -Jt, 1 CV'f KrTiewr, 1 1 .atfl.rj I ,,,! AV' en I'uKllurt, Cora, titt OtU, rUi,rt U-y, jr, ALSO A I,irgf (JuantUy of Straw. 1'AVID IIENDaIUON, Adnr. t'tkra.ry 4, iriii. 1... . illtir:il raiii ii li 4 a r r. 1 .,.. ... in,aii o. 1 H o tn ou t ri u lur ! a-irl I a . a I luu'l II u ..h ."-tor.; .Jin JiJ f va ry, al III u'li ,A H. A lun aiiea-i.a t f- 4 I... li.el.u.i ..f O'ti. -T. . aud otrur i.iw.lfi4 hu- . irn A U OAVIU.O.S, '' r.b.4ry 4. Ida. n M BETIIEI REGIMENT TO EE RE OKOAlNlZtlD." KXKCUI'IVK UKPAKr.MKNT CF .NOHIU t'AUuUSA. Ai JUTAsr ijKMtKAle "r' frt ) lUua.ott, J.u. atllb J Oir: nitvr j.luI.trNf n r. v t r.KIn b.m aiabti-ad, . ri.f'niri I V-.iunlao-a ler lha war Will b- .r aair.l l-i l t K, a i m urain a.i t -t Kr - --ri: IT -ar.ar. r. H .r... r. jw.t lo l. .la lnn wilm t delay. '" 1 " i ,,, .,,.. n,l im. Keeiutaai. w irb I W( ra ttan t ....' Au..il, . ... Vo -i.a-ti r..anie lot I f ' will ta- .ne. 1. 1. . I. l-a W.H..O a la.unt; "i '' ... at. f. r iM.n win b..i..iU t,y tli.-uaie ' Uy it., t ...I- ir..lr , . a ' W'M a 1 .1 I .P'"f i. Ir..rrai0 ..uf . a.c.f will bo -...i a... ' a Mil a l. lau.li-.ar, a ,.f .ill I ill- U'a f '"' i.dM.aa a I .fUtn I. I I til) I"' r .' - " i ...I lilt-rl, T..e M ll" who have ty. -fd, r.H ... ''. .aaiiu. in r.(inaa., ran a i.l i;. Ii.i.f 11,1 tv ca. a..d tne i.u.iiU-r m ifiof Uj uf-i u ,,,,., . I I I HM - . . N. ' Id t.. t.aa-.l f,. a-CPV. l .' A j.l.tll r.r ( jj- All the pape' Ii.h'. fay von. r.ixi-' i . A I.ta prf...na oim m ''"" - , A 'd F-y H IH- a-.aa ,..l .i .V. In i'V lo U'e tie r (i-ti . Kiin.i, but will taatl U.l'e l" ' oe a y ..... I ''I- J '"' ' ,1 k.rf..w . ...ty and tray yuf lal'a h.r J but a riii.tl aiaawunt W al. 0. J" Dacciaaber 10, H6I. 3'" . WANTED. Ik ta..r4ct..l rux euru-r-ur f",,n. ,.r I n.n.H-ii. lance. j Hnn.iy eS.M. pmbbiy i " P 'J ft. rioihai. am. til Uu ft luoiii" i.r..,.pj.o joilS M.TATE. February ll.lf-- .Hl.l Olilv. .-at jjcl,d mnH . Y. P.VIIJKV writ r. "P' M .?! .. Ihe fir.l MnndiV '' all,r. .,o Irrr. ..e.. - Hie ' "J 3l leitipl ot lual .oil. Jauuarf atl, ICtib January 14, 16..

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