'c ftqe fo 6o9. f? yoi owfi fo'joqlr Sutj." VOL. lO. NO, 49, SIRS. T. J. HOLT ON, niTiui arb raorMiTitii. TERMS: w.V.rlh.CtrtiaWi willhafrdedtb Striker at TWO DOLLARS is UuieijTWO ruVlXAB? AND FIFTY CENTS if p.y.cat be rliTd fr tbrealhijad THREE DOLLARS I ,t ih ed of ) year. Nppr will b ieao. J tjautd untilell arrearegea are paid, except at Ibe , ,pua of th. Editor, j Adrti.meat.iBMrl.JaOal!l.rr.rMur f,B,i ! 55cm roreebnliuene. C.erlad. . jo, n.u.i.. verlistmenia III oncn " r ..ihrhri lad dedue (ton ofS34 per tent, will ,.,.e fremiti riol' prices, for edvrtiereey uerurly , l ! per e,oer for eh time. Sami- Pertont when lending in Ibair advertieoaneaW ami mark tbe nainUraf ietrrtmne dttirsd ar thr will maoriee) until lerkit ana eatrg.. aorrf'njly. l-p.ilnatere ere a etherised U act at egent( OctLaamanr ar at. a.c loouio. Grthwroaaa wte dceoltttj 'Twe midnight' aolen hour, Ana1 huahad iq !p wara be aad hit 4. Ami ry liny fiwer U.i h'dti up it prtale fair. And bowed it bead (a ret Wn.lt f of daw war toftly laid Oaaartu'a uaeavared breael. The lonely alara a kapl With rrr waUbfi'l, aya, E.;cry n.f looked eiluily forth I turn al ta far off aky, . And brir fraKl with ptrfuma raia, ! ria Jadt a'a wy buwara. Ciiaa with :ir aofily iiiurmurm j . Aad k.aaad tiia aUcpinf fljwcrt, 2n Init alill ksnr af cilrn rtpoac, Thira in llliarmaaa, A aaly (ram atjotic mnaad '.N.illi thuja sf f.ae and trac, Till in tl (trdta'a dtpt j!om Ha knau apon Iha aod, A w.tli cUaprd biaiU and alrtiminj efta l'fjd faraantly lodi til lia kntw lia Uaur waa Came, tr:a! at.i a tan. Vt: bowtd i,t tinra a-id mak!y praad, Tky will, not auae, b oi. ! Tit agf binria, k all untra tr hour m o'ar him tlif, I mV. ord thra ib r (lntcria( wiea And kra I., htatan Hie iJi But pottiata koeJ t ,a aurTtiiof an la pia f gny, Anf t fur bi f at dropt f kload, la lt irinaaDii. liscclfancmiSe I tin a locksmith by trade. My ealliag 0ttrga tt a strange ano, end possesses a certain f,r,bad. and leo'aed ua auriously ia tae el f ftitiaalioa, rndritg it tae af iba fate. I did aot drop the candio, but I ao m.rbleefaurauita. Many who fol- kaoaleda lo a aertt.i.t.. aa I hurriedly il te Dothiag ia il hat laber; Ihiak soibing b.t us retarns ia ge.u eat silver. e il baa other ebarms tbaa the meaey ''Pradooee. I am called tpta, almett It pa door, and pter iale lo.g neglected " !Mtn:cr.l.; ta spriag atubb.ra leek, ef fee, atd giott npta the Ires. are piled libit , too Quietly eater tbs apartratnii of 'i.ee with mart lesaly tbaa di.cretita.l 1. 1 - l .i i t is piek Ibt lotkt of drawtrt etalatniag ' ?e dttiroyiag mituvet, tbsl tbt dsagtr-j svidtnceeof wsndaing tffeetiot mey -.. i-tca lae eye oi a aueoeau, or lamer, ..i, f ,h Blii0g k-y te foroe ' fa. etiiogeef eetb-boxea aad depotite- of rteorde, tclliagtf mea made suddea- itti ..n,,, or j-r Ubor," was tht rt ' 'ib, tf torporaiieat platdercd. tf or .j. s robbed, of hopes trashed, of families ln'd. Ie thar a abarm ia all ibis ? BO - .v. Kptauiauaw i -p ir ... ..ue. ' p ettaal fancy ! Tbea who woald not s loektmitb. tbeab bie face ia berrim- With lk mat af lkn fare, aad hie are slaiaed with rest t t I have a atory to toll aot exaotly I'110', either for t siery implies the eeiu- "ou tt well at tbabegtaeiBg af a aarra --tad mine ie soarooly more ibaa tbe;tj '..iica io oae. uiiib wuooiiiiii t af faaey, write the rett. Ia ibe ''il? of lk.'iit T tkinV it aitia Auril Maed a little ebon oa Kearnov-etreet, Ki oon worked nytelf into a fair huti Late one avaaiair. a lady altteiy I' l), eatortd my shop, and paliiog from ptb a eloek a small japanned hex, re- '"ed me t odob il. The loek was ea- 'ly couatructed, and I was all ef as '"m fining ii with a key. The lady ' asrveas at the delay, aad at length ri qaestsd m ta elttt (tit lotr. I wii littlt aarprittd tl tht toggtttioa, but ef eenrst etmplitd. ghatting tbt dttr tad rtluraisg te My work, tht ltdy withdrew bir veil disclosing tt twtst fit at taw wll bs Imsgised. There wat a restlessness J" P " . ... D0W' "r ' P''J H " IH at till, aod in a tueaiont every emotiea for hr bad g iTtB ptet t that ef pit. . p.rbapa jaa art net wall, mtdim, aid : fc, if o, chUj , j4 j ; inquisitively 1111 i niiti I bir ritlf i mi. ... I - r y - 'Boosting yoa te olost tbe door. I bad Da ,,4,, 0,jM till u ,tespe tba attealieo ef aasiar I did al rtpljr, bat tbaugbtfallj aantil ad mj wtrk. Sht reaaajad : " Tbat lit tla box eoaUin valuabl papers priftlt ptpara aad I bat lait tba kaj, cr it bai baan atalra. I abauld oat wiab ta bar joa rmajbr tbat I er aaaaa bra oa taoh aa arraad, tba aaatiaaad, with torn ti- talior, aod giriag ni a lk wbiob it nil aa ditLauli luattar ta audariliad. ' Crtaialr, madam, if yoa datir it. If I ao at foruat joar faca, I will at laaat at- ttnipt la lei tba rttolltetita af tYraeia? it bra." Tba ladr bowad rtbar aaldl at what I caoaidartd a iaa aanplioiaat, aad I pro tadad a n ai aa work, aatitfiad tbat a tad- lea diaeovered partiality for aaa had ing ta da with the viiii. Hiviar tateaad- od, after snaa ffliag aad f tting, ia taraieg I ise iosk, 1 wattsiisa wtta a aariatity to ; look may be picked without bit taterfer- gel a glitkpoe at tbt pratioaa taatoats efjoaet. I hart searehtd bis pookets, bai the tax, aad aaddea'y rai.iag the lid, die-! Ctvered a butd.e ef letters and a Daeaer reetype as I alealy pasted the hex tt in eaaer. a'. a seised it hurriedly, aad pie- oing the Utter and piotoro io her peakat, loeaed the tea, aad drawing Ik vail aver her fate, pointed to tbo door. I opened it, ae the paeaed itie the ttrsst she merely whispered Uemetuber 1" We a.et agaia, aad I have beta lhae cartieular ia deaori- biag Lcr viaitt the sbap ta reader proki b' a aubaoqaeot recat-mtioa. Aboet two o'tlok in tbt ntraitf, in the latter part of biay followiag, I was awake by a gratia lap apoa the wiaaow of the hi ll room back of iko ebep, in abieh I lodg ed. Tbiakiar af barrlara, I epraae out a( bed, and ia a aaeaitai waa at tha wiadtw, with a heavy konaaar io cay bead, which I vaaally kept at that tiua wtlkta eaavaaitat teteh of my aeaaide. Wbr'e tbert!" I iaqairtd, raieicg the hammer, aad peeriag oat lata Iko aarkneaa fr il waa aa dark aa bigjpt when uaaer the ears af lira) a 0d. " lint !" oiclaimtd a figure, tteppiag ia fraul af lb wiadw ; "pa iba deor 1 bare bctieeto with yau." "Rather pal taaiavte hours, I should lay i bat who trt yta ?'' " . aba tbat would barm yoa, retura ed iba voice, waieb I iaegiued waa rather Itskluiae fr a burglar's. " Nr aa ano tbat eaa t" I replied, rath er empbaiioally, by way af a waraiag, ae i 1 tigbietttd my grip upoa the baam.tr, aad j Eroetded ta tba dovr. 1 pabd baak Ike elt and slowly epeaing tbt door, duoovor ed tbo ttraeger already apea Iba stops. "What do yaa want?' 1 abruptly ia qarad. " 1 will tall yaa," aaswered tba eame soft voiea.lf yaa dar apea tha door wide tatugb ftr mt I tater." Come ia," ssid I resolatsly, throwing the door ejar, aad proceediag to light a aao de. llavtaif sueesaded, I iurad lolm ia tba vitiior. lie waa a smalt aad neat ly dratted genilaa i d, with a heavy llaglaa ereai'd Lis eboil'lurs, and a blue aavy eap drawn autpiaioualy over bis eyas. As I ad vtr.ted toward him b teamed to hesitate a moment, tbea raited the eap from his pitted the light upoa a table, aod eilcntly ...J.il t. iBiiil wataftlf wilk twa or br, 6ecoi4rf tnieloe of elotbicg As the lord livetb, my tUiter was a lady, ani Ihe tame fer wke I bad opened tbo liu! b. ahoat a an.ath h.fort I Having ....I.J tii lull luilrlla. I llltutliu ' 1-er ' iB.a, for ml r,d.ne... kot ,t,,rj f.ij.J. Ito faol is, I wat eon ftunded. Bu.iiieg at my dtscetsfitare skt said ivieuiat ia utoieta i i prcigtii jvt n- . ... ' r eogniio mt I ' ., j btit ul ,,U( madem, I should Bl (0 fgrft Jtf (aM ju Bt wgJ t40 i itrt J0B j ., yf ioUlg btf ,D gonr, tr before . kl tl) morT9m , aaa reciitiug five baa It It aot traiaary work, saiu i, in i. itial etmaaadt ao muniueest a etmpeasatita. " Il is a lobar eeosmoB (e yoar ealliag," roluroed tbo lady. " lhe price is tot so I much for lhe labor aa lhe eendiiiaa uader which it must ba performed. "And what it tht ttaditita !'' I qairod. i iiai vou win saemit viua cudtct- fr.m gMj returned to year owa dttr Li... f.u.d." Idoae af marder, harglary, aad almett every ether erime to villsiay, hurriedly pre sented tbousolvos ia taetetaita, at 1 polite ly bowed, and laid t "I matt aadtrstaad something mere of the ebaraoter of tbt empleymeat aa wall ae tba conditions, to aeeepl yoar offer. " Will Btt five hundred dollars aaswtr ia list of an txplanalioa 1" she inquired. " No aer iva tboasaad." Ska pitted her foot Bfrtoaalj oa tba feor. I eeuld tea tba had placed eutiralj too law an a tint ate ao ay haneaty, and I flt torn gritifitatioa la aeiaj able ta eoa Tiaee her af the fact. " Tt'ell, tbea, if it it absolutely aceeuiry for tua to aiplaia,"tha replied, "I matt 'tell ye tbat you ara required ta pick tba leak ot a vaalt. aad-"" " Yaa bare jene qaita far eaeajb, mad- uerovt faaaily. Ooe nigbt ba was aroated at, with tbo azplaaatiaa," I iatarrapted ; franf bit first sleep by a knocking at tba I aa sot at your eeraiea." dooa Ie evened it, aad behold befaro bin ' Ai I said," ek ceaiiaaed " joa are ra- a tall neagra, aadaveraus-loakiaf priest, quired to piek tba leak of a vaalt aad rea- " Hark yt, hoott friead," said Iha atraa oua frui dettb a assa who bat bets eta- for; "I hart observed that yaa iron good fined tbtre far three daya." Christian, aad aaa to ba tranted ; will you ".Ta wboia daet tba Tialt bcloaj-I" I ia- uoderlaka a job this very aigbt?" quired. i With all my heart, Seyor Pidra, aa " My huibsad," vat tbt tomewbat rs- coadiiioa that I ara paid aeeardiagly." laetiDt reply. I " Tbat yaa shall, bat you auait suffer " Tbea why so miah sctreoy, or, rather, ysartelf to ba blindialded." htw etna a aaaa aenGoed ia eueb a pltoa I" Ta this tba matoa made oa objeetlea ) "I secreted bias thsre ta ateapa the eb- ao, being hoadwiaked, ba was led by tba servatiea af aiy botbtad. lie saapeated prietttbraagh rarioutlaaes aad wiadiag pas as niaeb, and alased the deor span biui ufttil they stopped btfara the partal Freaaiaiag ba bad left tba vaalt and quit- af a haute. The pried tbaa applied a key, ted tha house by the bat' 5r, I did oat turbed a creaking leek aad opentd what dreaaa aalil to day tbat he was tm9aed appeared Ij be a poaderoue dear. Tbiy there. Cerlaib tapioiaus a't of say bus- eumrtd, tha deor was sloped aad bolted bead tLis afttraooo coDvinct tat that tbt aud Iha in so a wis oodiI acted tbraagh au aaaa is there, beyond banian hetrirg, and echoing corridor, aud a spaciept ball, to the ill ba ttarvtd to dttth by ay barbaroat ititttier of the building. Here the bandage butband aalota ioamediatrlr reteatd. For Botb-iihret dors b has act left the home. I dra;etd " hint lots thaa aa bear iro. aad bt it atw sa ceraplaUly atup fied that tha aaa not find tbt kty ; bene uiy epplieition t yaa. om jeu kuow all ; will you ao- eompaoy nit?" "la the ead of the world, msdam, en ar 601 ,Bt0 hi nana, ana banag again such aa arraad. i blindfolded Liin, eeaducted biaibaci ta his Taea prepare joarself ; tbere it a eab jdwelliig. waiting at tbo door." " Are yoa willing," said he, " ta reiara 1 was a little surpriaod, for I had aot ! aad eompiet yaur wrk " board tbt sound uf wheels. Ilaitily draw-1 " Gladly, Staer Padre provided I am ing oa a toat, aad providiag ruyeelf with ao well paid." Ike rtqeiaite implemeata, I was seta at the j " Well, ihea, to morrow, at mid eight, I deer, There, sara enough, waa the eab,! will call agate." with tie driver ia hie aeat, ready far tae j lie did to and the vault was camploie layiterioas joarney. 1 enured th vehicle ad. followed by the lady. A aooo aa I waaj " Now," said the prieit, yen ainst help seated, she produced a heavy baadketchief, ; me lobriBg forth theaa bodies that are to wbiuh, by tbo faial light af tn edjaeeei j na baried ia this vaalt." street laiea. she oarofa.iv houad round dii eyca. The lady sealed kene f bttid m. sad the eab started. Ia haif aa boar the vehicle shopped in what part of tbo eity I sai eatirsiy izaarsnt, ss it waa evidently dritan ia aaythiai but a direet course from the point of ataruog Eiaa-iuing tba bandars, tt see that my viaioa was ceiapleuly obfeared, the lady handed tne the beadle of loole with which I wat provided, than taking me by the arm ltd mt through a gala iato a heue whica I kaow was ef brick, aud afiar tak tag me along a pateaga way which ceaid Bet have been lea tbaa fifty feet io laagih, aad dowa a flight af stairs iata what waa evidently aa aadergroaad basetaeal, slap pod beaido a wault, aad removed ibt bead kerehiel from my eyee. " Here is the vaalt cp ta it," said she ipriagtag tba door of a dark lanitru, aad threwiug a beaut of light upea tha lock. I eeiaad a buneh of skelatoa keye, aad after a fow trials, which ibe lady ateuied t watch wiih the aiotl paiaful aox.etj, tpraag the bolt. The door swung apoa its hiagee, iti jt Wlt M;f .,fcligi ,priBg it ,u. vaait. 1 did aet feiiow. I beard the snur roar af low voices within, aad the atlt nio mrat the lady rs appeared, and leaning upae bar arm a mil, wua face so palo and htrgard, that I started at lbs sight. How i be mut bare sufltred during tbo three j long days of Lis eoufiaement ia the vault 1 ! ,"' u... -u. ..... iae iaici i i win urn tici a amiutut. , , i ..v: J .. . 1 ly grew ap aa gaaut ana rabid at a erew The iwo slowly a eoedsd the stairs, aad 1 of gyp.i,;,. As lie be was ssated oae ovob I beard them enter a room Immediately a- jDR k, dor 0f his bevel, be was eeeos bevo where I waa ttaadieg. lu less thaa te(i hy , r;98 0;d turmudgeea, wb was to a rniauie tba lady returned. ted for owoing many bouaee. and being a ' Shall I elose it, madsm ?" said I, pit. 1 griping landlord. Tbo ucan of motey eyed eiag my bead upon tba door of the vault, kim for a uouiat from beneath a pair ot " No 1 no l"abe exclaimed, hastily ssitiag ' eaxious shawled eye brews, my arm ; " it awaits anatbsr occupant!" j ' I aai laid, friend, that you art vtry " Mtdam, yeu cerlaialy da dot iatend P'of1., . , ., , . a ,-p. " I here it do decyitg tae fact, Sstef "Are you ready!" tht interrapted, im- it speaki lor iteell." patiently, boldiag th handkerchief befort "1 rreaurat tbatyta will ht glad cf a my eye. Tht lhojht flashd tcros my jib and work cheap " miad that aha iatendtd te push uao into the " A hap, cy maetsr, as any aeasea in vauil, and bury me and my seoret Ugoih- vjranada." er. She aeomed to read tbo eu-pician, and "'Ihat't wbat I want. I have an oi l eootiaaed : Le uol be alarmed. You art bono fallen intt decay, tht tosts mt mors aot Ike maa I" rieuoy than it is worth te keep il iu repair, I eould aet mi.uk. the truth er th. fear- 110 0,6 "m livd ia U ' 1 Blusi ful meaning of the remark, and I shudder- "' 19 Patsl "P " " ?" od as I bear my bead to the handkerchief. My .... w.r. a. carefully bsndadged as before, a?d I wa. led la th eab, aad tbooce driven home by a more circuitous route, if pctmble, tbaa tbo oae by wbio'u wo canio. Arriving iu frout ef tLu bout, the baukercbief waa removed, and 1 atepped from the vehicle. A puree of five hundred dollars was placd ia my hand, aud in a moment tbo cab aod it uiysterioua oeeii- caul bad luraed tho corner and were out of eibt. ' " A peat upon him 1" tritd tht landlord ; I entered tbe shop, audi the purse of gold i jt mtt ,n oU rnntrly priett, wbo eared waa tbe only evideuco I eould summou ia f,f B body but hiutsslf, H was said to my hewildenueat tbat all I had jutt dote itnmcnsaly rich, aad having ao relations, aad witaesied wss aot a dream. : ( WM thought be would leave bis tieasures A meat'h aft.r that I aw the lady aai to the eburch. He died suddsaly, aud tht tht geatUmaa taken from tht vau t leisure- priett and friar throned to taka possess ly walkiag aloui .Iut);omry-ir8t. I da ion of hi wealth, but uothiug eould they aot keow.rW believe th sleeping hus'htnd find bat a few ducat in a leathern purse. auoi'it Uithin the vault, and hn bones art Tbe worst luck ha fallen to me, fer siaee thete to duy ! Tht wif U ilill a rttidtut bis death, the aid fellow continue lo ee tf Saa Fraaeieoo. aapj J ""heut payiag rent, aad A LUCKY H&S02 Tbar wai oaea spaa a tiaaa a paar aa too cr briok-lrjar io Oraaada, wka kept all tba Saiat'a daji aad balidaji, aad St. MaaaAj ia tba bargaio, aad jet, with all hit dayotiao, be grew paorar aad poorer, aad "Qld aearoely aara bread for bii nil wet reaaovad from bit eyes, aad he fauad bitaself ia a aarit, or aourt, diialy lichled by a siagla lamp. In tba centre was the dry baaia of aa aid Meariah feuataia, uader w:eB tba pntat requettea biui to Isrta a small vaa't, bricks aad aaertir beiag at band for tbt purpott. lie aoceraiagly erkeu an Bigot, but wttaout cuiauing tua J)0 uelr uay-treak tae pruat put a piece The niaton'a hair rote en bis hatd at the. word ; ho foiiowod the priest with Irembimg steps into a retired cbaaikeref the mainioit, expecting to beheld some ighaatly tptctacie of death, hat est rtliev- ad oa tii:f three r four portly jars slan d ar ia eao corner. Thev wort evidently full of monry, aad it wat with grsat labor that he aad the priest carried theaa forth and eomi'ued them to their tomb. The vault wat ibea c'.oJ, tae pavsuicnl rrpla eed, and all ihe traces of the work oblitera ted, Tht mason was again hoodwinked aad led forth by a roato difTtreat from that by which he had coma. After tbey had wandered for a long time through a per plexed as axe of lauea aud alleys, they hal ted. Ttt priett thoa put two pieces ef gold ia bit haad " Wail here," ssid he, " until yta bear tbt tathtdral bell toil four matiai. If yoa presume to uneever your eyes before taat tiust, 'l ?::1 befall ytn;" te saying ht departed. The aits en wsittd faitblaJy, amanag eiruteii ov weicBtna mi fh huh h ul,,i,. -.,i.;-r.... r...i,.-i !. ,.,, hand and eh.nk.ag them against oaeh oih- u , d icjsfioiUiT ihe er. Tb. mouteat the c.ih.dr.l b.il ru.g ( 4 ,f ,hsc ak, prilutrBJt ai it. ..t.. peal, be un.over.d h,s eye. and , lc,ud a taaiaiu.jietti h,:.cfn citi found b.m.tlfo. the bank, of .ml from ;eM ,h- usoners lL, of wnort no w.oe m ! UJ aud ravelled wua h't fani:y (or a wbo o furtai.hi oa the profit of bit two nighta' work; after wbioh h was as peer a ever. He roctineed to work a little aad prey a coed deal, ard keep Sainta' daje aad ttlidav. from year tt year, hue his faroi- " P3,,l0'- , mM ""'J Urk' ttaduottd emei go lug to ruit. .ratting inrouga eeverai emp ty halls and ohambors, be entered aa in ner coart, wbere his eye was caught by aa old Moorish fountain. Ho paused for a n.oiriMit, for dreamy reeoileotione ef lu place very diaiiuctly came over biui. Fray," said be, " wbo occupied this hot-e formerly I" thtn'i ao ttkiag the law of a dead man. Tbt petplt preiend It hear the ehiokiai; f gold all aigbt ia the chamber where t!i old priett slept as if bs were eouotin over his aataey, and stttimes a proaniuj aud totabing aboat tba eourt. hather trut tr faTie, these sttiies brtughl a bad name on my house, aad act a teaaut will rewaiu ik it u'v. u ..M J,4 M..n .tnt;u, j i "let rae live ia year htast, rent-fret, uu til eemt bitter ttauant preaenH birofce'f aad I will petit in repair, and qaitt the troubled spirit that disturbs it. I am a good Christian and a poor man, aad am not tt ba daanted by the devil himself, eu though he should etme is tht shape of a bkg af naaty." The ttl'er of the honest mason was glad ly atetpted ; be moved with bis family in to tha Louse and fulfilled all bis engage meets. By little aud little he restored it tn Ita farmer akita iKa aUftkicfr af tffild ' , . , 7 " waa at mors oeara ai aignt lu me cuaui- i bar of the defanet priest, but began to be! board by day ia the pocket tf the lirin' maison. In a word, b increteud rapidly iuj wealth, to the aduiira.'ien of all hit ueib-i bora, aud beeaue one of the ricbat iuau ia Granada; be gave a Urge tuu to tii; ohartb, by way, no doubt, of tatiafyin his eonseisact, aad atver revealed Ihu se cret of the vault aalil aa his death-bed to Lia sob aad heir. I.NTIMI'CSAHCl I.t TBt AitMif.-Ths Rich- mead Whiz has the following weii-timed and pertinent remarks upon the ruinous! prastice of intemperance acaoa the oJien ef the armv i " Frunkeonett in k military edi?er, ii tot merely a viae, u it a crime, abq ii we are la naeasare the atreeity of eino.ee by tuu evil eenseqaeacts which flew from them, it is a crime at tbt darktat ayt. lhe mur der of aa individual is, by tht decalogue, aad the laws ef astieas, elaned amoeg th? kighertotTtafei ef which a maa may be gaiity. But what is the inerder ef an indi vidual, compared r,ilh the wholesale slaugh ter of a company, a regiment, or an army, ...i.n.il Vw tltn niianiiiAt .f AiTiai-rii. caoitd h v druakesatxe ! Tha safetv aad welfare, net enly of mea who eoit'poie thai army, but, of the vomit aad children, aad ! ef all wbo reiaaia at home, is entruMeu to the ofiieere in ttnsaiaad tf the a.iaj. 1 La proper ditclarge of this trait re'iii: sieepless viilatioe, UBtiriBj ecer-y, wix luiu ia tcunoil, aud promptest in acinic, 'fir r" ia ao petition in whiea a una on la (laccu, id which il is sa i.eenry for him to hsv ail bis iattllaeiual facuilies, ami pb;aica! eaergies, uaebseartd and uaiispi.;rd by aay extraueoat iufiaeaees. Tba oSoer, Ihea, wao in the bear ef daagcr hecloudi bis reasen, and eafaa'les hit streagih by intemperance, is a traitor to his country, aad forfeits every just olaim ti ceahdsuoe and respect." Fa-iiONtRi Dktaiskd. Wo leara frem th Uithoioud lLtquirer that Col. Oarcoiar and one hundred other Yankee prisoners of war, who reached thatoity on Friday after neon frm Fiei'barg, have bcea detia ed. TLy were to bare left for Newport Ksws Sunday mornin' ander fla ef tnire, , . R,km.nJ Upon reaehiug llichmond from Peters bur, tbe prisoners were searcued, and ia tueir nostttiou wag found mips of liic'u- tiiond, irgiaia, aaa of lieuaas, together with several let'.at oi a li eatonaeie cuar- actor, obtained, it is thought, seye tho En- uuirer, froia parties in F;crtarg. In that Motiving aad lesreting thia treatn- able corrttpoudenee, the etfieert cpoa wham it was found have Caraatly violated tbtir paroles. Petersburg Lepras. THE MAN "FOSfER" AGAIN. Th Qemwittt en klleeticns have nearly anaaimeaaly agreed to report agaimt tbe admission of auy ef the Daw memoers wb) re applyiag fer seats from the saeeuad Stsles, wbo are not rtu'arly alecUd ac cordiag ta law. Tbo man Fustar is Lcra aaiu with a few tomiis JUials cf au ci.e tioa, alleged te have been held joiue where, by somebody, dotva ia North Caro iaa -l'be touimittee will report agsii.st allowing him to take bis Mat, aad ttie Htut veil!, bo doabt, eadort their action. Thia ia th fourth time be bat attempted to gain a seal, and eaok time be has mt wiiu a dugrass- ! ful rebuff. Northern paper. j ; A Catholic clergyman of New Orlssns has : j ...... .r . !.. A.t -.;,, . ik.i receiver t iciki, i. v,-i.j ..... tbe Federalist tiitre have desecrated tii CtboliO Churshet iu a mian.-r that car.iiui be deeertlv desoribed, aui destroyed or de faced eaered objects of ej,t, katiues sua. In,; tha tacrtd vesiela. Loa-lta papers, of tho 0:h January, au- aoantt taat " liviuens on iae oouiu wm- j liaa Bod are payable at the office of Dent j Palr& Co , Kings Arms lard." Two very destraetive fires, euppased to have beaa the work of iuetadievhjs, have lately ettarred in Helena, Arkansas. Tha latiti art estimated at fully 100,000. Tbb Nahviixs and iikr Cargo The Naabvillo avbih arrived at IJjaufort North Carolina, oa FriJjy lmt Lr'.cgs lo arms bul a ver)r 'a''bla assortad onro ; amoog other articici, largo supplied, vrbicii wul be ' appreciated, of bauk tola caper aud j. eatiga ; glta;,jKa I 1L Niilmi.la coalwd at B':raiuJa. and made too cutire trip serins ilia Atlactio without .ocouauriu aay l-Vdcrnl VKiael uf ar. in th vlcitiiy oi he t.;bn.-, uu tua Njrth Carolina tost, a Vuikc-e war stua war w'r.h a very foriuitiabl a.rmtueut, was espied, wheu tue Na-uvil o au...-a directiy toivard her, dl.-j-iaji.," ii. iare aud stripes at hf r mast Its 1. lu . -u.ii ItiKt-i-u the blockading steamer and inn h-rbojr, llp. tain fegraia, tba c :-a,i,iai.i-r of tui: Nu.a. viil, displayed tne G uf-'-tr ' il ir at fre, main and feak, p.:: :.-rai,nj tblt di.u.ut nioveraent aiaiot v. itiiii urisiu' rana of tne Xabituu, be biO'-katiir iiasi.-r iro- mcuiatt-ly gave pursuit aud i aurinM ! to have fir8i soijc ':'.) cr ;;) shcts v niiout ef fect at tha $t.ii.r, wiiic'i, u.j-r a lull head of sl;arii, wsi booh v;ir.::i lus ul ibe .rotectiris: una of Fort Mja -n. Capta.a Ftram urrivud bferu Satuiaaj, and it ia sopyoscd t a kC tue c u i i re euio of tno NubLvilio, Kill ba pat at tuca a; the di;poi al ef lb governmant, ji'ca.ly to i:s riiisef snd to tua dtti init.ut of lic.uaaiic tpeo ulatara. IUcnmaii.1 U TL I'oieriburg ilspre; ssjt t " Capt. P. er.Bski ia Lij; u-rmt of the cordial reception extended Um in Knland. JJt ays, that wi-.L the exestu n of I Le Fxa- ler ria.i .'UDmMa khcuj woeiaa ami cL:iiiii. i thtir praia.s cf lli.; iyj i, ui ; .t&lu, Uitl, a tiiiuiis,jne in ur t Vu'tUcracy. esar. Mason a:. a M Ue'.i ui-t ,i;'i a very eors-o! rccepucn, aua M rs. c-udeu o. i. 1 bar daughters ite'e e..iJ mi by ibe Li ret indies aud -iiileiuvu ot ti,j ini.js j reaim. " L'of p.'.-; tn rr'.lier ui.iV, ui ,o insciii ftenou v tilth l; rcren-! re ii.-i.-d beta ti-rough. -Nort.i-rj j.-irru.. t'ru iluii.i'a pea plo e;f it-i uo su tl at i. aij t-ariy tiay lii'glat i, 1- rati?-j and luiatiu wiii Tct tt tua iaJepi:.itiee oi the Suutbera Con federacy, ai'fl o-c eij tae tlockade et oar Ports ,u" U-su-Lt. au l I,.! The Impute 'bs ai. lrc3.iit aver several a;iiiion dallari v.or.'u of Poft diioo stamps, bank-note paper, di.'-, c-io. 1 he report tbat ii..i-t,i utu'aiij ttiud ci arc:t wtre oa Uird i. u l - 1". i ..- :asu- Vi.li wis u.j j',-:.l: -d pjrt i v !. wiih ptst eca &c 1 iiiuoi.iooa ou board i. io Litre -u -t breavU of . i'e.-raiu. i. hi 'U on tbo; . Ar,:, ef v.r iiuti ii . o b. tu iu viu.a-.a o. iL 11 ,r received twtsa foal i L: coutiasy ou lli-; pait o. iha Sauior, Cap, was at tlibralter. au i ba 1 t ee-i v rv active in her operaticoa a in onr the I-V-lertil bippiaj. At la-t ace-jt 5ba had capiurad aai ds;j;roy ed 21 l'aukee ve8s." Ataiti.vr.i)'i Sacai-ht. Alitci.ai3ni ei3rresuoulent tf the iNmv Ori.aas CVto ti rciAtet tua fo,l9wiu: aie,;alftr in ttueeit toe aaja.i.y o. tu4 brave Lean rtr1! s As tor C Ci'.IJ hi I. . nbn?, i rreat tnv ror.Sjeact -.oi 1. t v 1. J t..e I'uce 1 ,.U, he ii.'taiuoa, ' i i-:-. 1 jto .'j on i e- v ill h-1 i it. '"'o ' 1 ii! t.jl i yi a f j cr ly i:iM ii.it Ca ,r i of tuviui.tr a b.o. iu ii lulsrvavr o i.we ojic, aud a tiiini ptrtoti, ui ..'ie i not naa T i .' , .. : trap be bad laid to c ton a aud 2iuns-ju" ; ..a i , . oj j ot thi ib oar for -es it M .ii, auu tid that il .cs-.-tU.d, lu: !ji tht .-..u w'ao ta ew uo mast !i.--itwiiy have iacs-.-tU trencher v vf s.-wi! ;i,-,.u ' rcci u .j -,.u u i.ni s v. 1 lu t.Oid jiiTsOlli,'' p.aa ; o. 0 is r.'JUi." -.: t.M or tn:.i auot.u .'letLi.Ab, 11 l Uj) acn, I . This olbT r hii:. . :V -J t ) U II Aojjtaiit Uet.eiitt 1 uo u time, lot Lis in. i p.- Stales aruiy. i ii l: u I luas j at ui.-.oci-t: it U..i bab.-. i , t , V. oa ?i,..motr li. 1 b--. t jro :i u. t- v . s i, i j i I ..Ilcd JV ItlJ- ;e up- t re Vi c-i, ttsid, tcii r . ed his C.iict ot Lr l.i bj.. t . AieiaaJer, to bo w ak4 u . ai. t tvia i:!.a t ,;, Lt.o Lo waa tiiuie.v i-.. ... t : t-i L.eat of these r -c Let. 1. ha li i ii.;. t outul I t,t tbror uu rui-keU Aiusjuer tiew up ta rocaats, slj ldaic uifoied foil ' Viav. Ltcioie a.ituijU. ai. t t o tue b..ei liaeii ll . ut' u, ; :oiy e.i j- ,JJ vt lliv eietid Ly' t iu Cult A bw hirk-mlth in Wnk' : imii iiOird t i m n, u , , rr -t ,J i IV , t j tap- I piy an j rvqji.-, d q ia., pl tosa. A O 'U ilv f " Caariatie. War :j 11. 1?' uuii-.ib, Lieut-

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