yMht e true fo Sod, fo uoulr &6vtf)iii;'if)d o 'goqir Jy." C0EXTtXJiOfc3?TI353? N'. C. MARCH 25, 1862. NO, SI, Itof i Si : 4 iCttf ttiiftft:: . iffilii a : n R S. T J. H0LT0Nl; iDiTiiti and niopaitratis. TERMS: J&V.?tT DOLLAR? AND FIFTY CENTS if payment tw jtiiTtU Hir inreainonuisjana 1 11 n r.r. ijuulaas )t tlx end nf the year. Nper w ill be dmcnn. ,ued eutilaliarreeragee are paid .eic.pl at the ; . . , , , J,rl 1 nijli la. fi.r Ii4 t fin fllf.lla i,p an it, r ;- , ... :, .. 1 ,.' 'llin r le.a.thi. .lied type) Tor the nrat in.er- ,.a..ad 85rnt.rore.chcoMt.nu.i.ce.foortd igu ana iiFnii lurencnconiinuaiice. ooriaa rtiriiieota and Klieriff'e Salca charted US per cnilinhers anda d.dnoli.n nf 33 J prrcent.will w.derrBi ih.relaUraricca.ior.drujr.oy .7.rirt.at tl per aou.r. for each tim. Hmi aunthly 74 een ta per aqaare for eaeb lima. PcrMina when aending in their adrertiaamenla myl mrk the number of ineertione deaircd or , win ae in.erieo anui loraia aou eoarg.u ao. i.rdinjly LTP.etaiaelera are a athoriaed in .el aa agenta Tbe One Mystery, av jattaecLaaeftce auaea. T a idle! we eabauat and equei.4er fba g !!("nf "" th-of bt ia vain AH i..mU leaa ' : wander. B'fut herchaio. Tie Ii of Lfo rn..e dark dark"cl&Cle M.k-.l.n.pl... n gbt ar,.uad us.nocfi Tk 4aat. ai. era ara ihev f In llif ahfunda Htm tsavi ma mure. It-.km Imm anciaal and lha (.sat. Will m illuoing aur arie f Or anil tha tint fruiu fif.t U Ual DVrapieatf tlund ayaa t Whra lila. Iae, (try. beau'y, whither, Will wado'a f(a. or alienee enrtv Maa nl lr I. mm lha rejiao whith.r Tlir shudea depart Idppoae.t lhaa tlx wuitderoaa swwav ft Mg inixf isi'tiuff JHfl, Iff. a ul wuat absll vl be oars, When earlli ia bcavanf W bta Una lcr.))U .li-rll ia Sold, On ! saye.t 0o ike muI sh.U alimb Tt at maeic iii'.ual a.ia trau of old, H i ciiildtina'a tins. AdJ tba aaered fm'to thrilled Tui.il anec (! la f ly'e naaaa I Aad I' I'm que M.g Uee teal fci.led A I rrla Wilk fl.u.a, S raa.ei, rraawed, (moxxUl, Rrejm HI M n predev might, A b oi.o theeb purial Ui drain sal mght i No aur. n a are with aching bri.w, A ra.ia hait, and keramg braia, W ..k tb V) bea. the Haara, tba Haw, And a ia voa. Au all philuaopliy, all faiib, A i e.rthir U ealcalieil hr. H.ta but .m ta-ee, ab.cb aaif aailb t. a pi a a -a aoe a t IVlisccIIancDits. tiii: air viaotMA B( FuaaiaT. I 'Loudon! Wbat sash a body as yoa geing to do iaLoodoa? Have you aey In a small aottava oa the eatatea of Lord bo v to go there !' Grahame. in room de.litate of all furni- Wr aave Ibe bed aad ooe lew ebe.l. lav a .;. . . .. S,.ff.,,n- ..mil and aip - bad etanaped aaeb ia rigid impress iae oece fair new painfully wan and ! . I. bad b-en one of tbea round. bieming feces, w e e beauty eoe-iaied ia l.,r eoinilrkion, rosy oneeks, daodiag sis., and rnrliug hair, mere linn in rege l.Mly of feaiu'a. Tak ng a w ay these, and the merry .sieh i.re.ion, it ass almost h'Bl'lt io ih tbin outlier. "-'ba waa aioa-, la hrr , ye. aare fii.d upon the door with aa eager, longing 'o k. ahioh plainly alio, aba r'apea.vd aoma one ; and, abile aba til ioake for ber visitor. I will draw a k.teh of her history. ?". be former owner of the bouse, came Ada Leslie waa the only child of Lord ia Grahame, the pet darling of bia bou.e Halloa, Luey 1' he oriad, al be eaaght liar mother having di-d al .an early age, 'bt ef poor Hector ; ' ahere did tbia little the became her fatber'a idol ; aud i e indul- 'P on,d frolu -' gsnoa of ads.ai.ee that aaaoey could pro- ' ' foar '"I orpbao, Jamea, who vide waa denied ber. She waa literally a to beg I akould like te keep bim, p..lel child, v.io. wilful, impulsive, but Jmea. See what a Ittvle bey be is; aud leneroea. frank, and laleated At aa ear- be has auch a frauk, good faea, and ly .e.be waa batrothad to Gbarlea Lealie, "peaks aa prettily as auy little gentleman. )oaeg artist eftalant and standing, band , " keep him ; he eaa take RalauJ a , wealthy, aad aeeompli.bed. She lov . olothea after be outgroaa ibem ; aad one bim fervently aad fondly j aad great we;"o-b more ia not rauob. May be atay !' ke ahoek to her bsart when ber lather oaej J"" df" lo, -0 -" itj informad ber that her lover-ber idol,! I 'J I"1 J"' kind heart, Luoy ; I bad almost aaid waa io tbe habit of . d 11 ol Jur ",J -b tttm - risking deeply, aud be (her father) cocid tad itberdaly to break off tbe match, and ktsp bia darling for a wertbeir men. Ada, Iter the first aboak waa over, deicrraiaed r to abaadoo bar lover ; aba, with tbe rsftaaoa ef aiiteea,- declared ahe believed bar aaitsiea waa ta reforaa Charles; aad ka kaaw, at ber bnVaed, he weald leave bie out viee for her sake. Had be not laid of Remonetr'aocss, even threate, wire ram to Urn her from bar resolution ; tnd finally, io anger, bar father lold bar lo da- aide between himself and nharl.at far en forever, fcbo did decide and w--n. ivigr jrin after bar marriage, bar hu.band dird, a! poor drunkard. Far two yeara aflar that,'proa hia gratitude for the meniee granted upported bereeir and ber little boy, jinuiujr, iu vain ior lorgivjuek. 1 , , , , .. f,,br ' bow, after a long i) Irom Lit ill .... ik;. n ..-..,....,,..., nuuui i i p ""' '" Biontka, during wbicb time aba bad lifed by charity, aba lay dying in tbe nieane.t oolt.ge on bey fatber-a eatala. , . Qr 0P,nca. " Carua in, I be door opened, and a woman emit iu, tba old an an refued to ee, or iu any way hapr. He prai.ed hia piaturea. lie, the leading by tba band a ittile boy. Tba to aid, bia daugbtar'a ahild ; an tui tarwer "jTreiT .jndun ariiit. praised bia piettrea, aalid'a breath oatua abort and qoiek, and returned witb tbe uewa to Lucy, bo, bi aaid be wae a geoiu, encouraged bia ef abe fiebly raiaed bar bead, lifting ber ojen, bceoue attaobad to Hector, wan oer fort, and propbeaied glorious future, if witn a ajoururul inquiring look to tba wo- tua iaoe. J bo farmer waa what la eahod a I to do b correoted bia faults, lent hini eopiea, took "Sara, aaarrn,' aaid aha, witb ft atrong ij tbe world, that i, hia farm )ielied liiiu out akotoniiiu witb bim, gate biru tin Vragua, 'tbe ould giutli man waa in the very enoti(h for him to lira eomfoi tably. and inerou. iuvaluahle biota about hi family wort of limpera; aud I wouldo't like to re- aeud hia boya, Ureter inoludi d.io (be fir.t pioture and, when bo left tba farm, prom pate bia tuer,a(;e1 marui, biu 1 tould b'aa chool of tbe place, mhera tbtre wire firat iaed to return io a abort lime. Wbat a ja d be wiabm' to ee him.' j rata teaabera and mauy intelligent acbolarit.t flood of happiuea ah'e bad opened for our 'iea yea, Hannab, tall ma ! Wbat did, Hctor early aboaa a panrionata love for hero! Two weeka after JJr. Aahtou left my father aay ?' j learning, and cutatripped, in a aiiort tim, the farm hou.e. there arrived preaenta trom 'Sure, marui, be aaid ya bad gone to live both George and iUlaud, though the latter a London from bin and all the family ; and away from Liui aad be wouldn't coma alilitiea were by no tneatu to bo de.niiied. , Heetor'e waa, io bia eyaa perfection. Save- ;and and and' I'Vea, ilannab, and wbatl' 'And ta miarbt ta without bim ! Ob'U sore, woat nave t dona I she oned, aa Ada fell back aeueleae on tba pillow. 'Sura, be didn't believe ye were bad Ucb, jmylaHy. dnn't take it ao hard I Arrab, , wbat II Idol It'a off on a feint abe i 1' j A deep, faint Ada Lr.lia waa dead ! J I She was buried by charity j and bar lit-' (lie oa Hector. Lair at law of all tbee jlroad landa before bim. waa turned a beg- , gar en the oorld Feor little fellow 1 Too ! )' to reelite the lull misery of bia eon- di.ic?, be waa very a. naitive at the lo.a of l .1- l i hia mjiher'a lav, and to tbe panf e of bua-', tgrrhehad often tndure. With a bundle j j eontaibing one little abirl given by some kind hut poor neighbor, bia mother e wed-, ting ring, aaarked on tbe iuaida will ber initials and bia fathers, aad a little book of religious aaaiinia, preaeutad by tbe eler-J gymee of the pari.b aa a reward for reu- l.r auendauee at tba Sunday reboot, Ilea- tor Lelie left the eottage, a bare blame- tbar breathed her la. I, te try to Ind bia way to Louden. . One afternoon, weary and hungry, be aloppad at a farm bou.e oo ti way to Leg a ntgbl'a real in tbe bare, and a pieee of j bread for bia supper. Ha timidly entered itne k'tebee, and, with dowaeat ), and Hector waa, u pdsaible, still more warm- .ly ou sons have never been mire duti I law humble tones, be lord bia leaebing ato- ly cherished that It fore, after tbia event, tul aad flections ta than the ahild rf my jry. aed craved reliif. The party iiaicned ;ia ai'.oee Tbe mother elapsed br mfanl eior to ber breast, as ha f.uoiad one of j bar little eaae Irfl so dstuiete. Aunt Mar- tba, a neighbor who had happened io, stood waning for tbe eonclaiioe lo erge hi timid r quest Volaud, tba eideat boy.ahi.aer- : ed to bie mother to rive tbe little boy bie 8aedayjsakri ;ahil George and E la alood , ar Aaat Mariba ; E la, aith bar cherish- ed piece cf esse, seed from some ahild- Irea'a Irast, pruffred it to the waidrri aad George, bia baud in hi pocket., try iag to hi-- hia piofouud eyuipalby aub I aa awuaip'ieo of taiiiiae.s 1 IP.A. l.. 1' ..,.1 A ..n 1 . 'veunf lo be ao ornhao ! Wbat did toe ,aav year iame si.I I Hector La-'i Father died long ago ; mot bar died only a little a hile ago. Here'. tbe pit-tare father painted of mother' And be drew from bis boroia a aiuail oe con taining an ciqm-il utiniatura of bi mulh- 1 ar before weal had marred her beauty. You're not like hr,' said Aunt Mariba. ' 1 Her rye aare kiea, .ad her hair yllow ; i your eyea are black, aud your bair i broan I'erbapa yau are like your f.thrr ' I Mother uad e.ayao, P.ea.e. ma'am i bow far ia it lo Loudon ?' No m son.. I have nobody any ahere, dew mother a dead ; but 1 can get eome ihinar to do there. D.rbiDs. at least. Mra. J.nkina aaya ao.' 'Mra Jok oa ia a aimpletoa! Wbat an yoa do !' 'I ca" make a fire, ma'am, and make tea. and pat op the pillow, aad fi mother in bad nicely, and pui lha abert over ber aotowth, and and O dear, I ve got no mjther lo do it for noa !' And, aiib a deep -ah, the little fellow sat down on a lw stool, and, laying bis bead on a ahsir. "ept biuerly. Mother called tb ahildrea i end Heater tubbed bim.alf to sleep, waa anil e-ieep ahe a Jam. rotner-iiong Yew have the right to fill it, my ewa warm hearted wife Do aot aaaile, rvader. Jamea Fothergill, at thirty-eight, the father ef four children, waa aa warm a lover aa when eleven yeara before, he bad asked the blushing Luey te be hia wife. Truly, Hioter had foaad a pletiaat beese. Tbe gee farmer aed bia pretty, loving wife were thankful for the bouetiea Heaven bad showen-d upou them, and were uo niggards iu sharing ibtm with those lata fortunate. Tba children bat it,;. h-... ...a r.iu..: ' baud . Hecio ken into ,b- baarta of all, aud aooo filled tba place. i iiui, luicingem, auu aU'OUOtlsie, ne strove, by aver meaaa in bin power, to ; buu ; and, aa time aped on, all forgot be ' ' r ' e- an not born a aon of tbe Lome. Jainea i Pnit...r.;it i. .u. i -v ; mother bad died, and found oat the boy'e ; high birth. . Ha went to Graliaoie, and told bim of grand. on'a deatitute eoudifou : but tba old aaan refu.ed to Me. or in any way joyed. Ha waa alowe" than Hetor, but. retained all that be learned, and aaa tberoav b eorre waa an active, manly boy, whose animal spirits were' more prominent tliarjj hia love for study. Toere was one atudy taught at the academy up m ahieli Hector fastened witb eaijrr dtii;bt thi nan draw- iag. At home or at Kohoul p-mi and pieee of paper ere hi p. tfeci pi. aure ; and bo w never im-u ol .krtcoitg tba scenery around tin- farm, and the facta uf Lis benefactors. Wbm llretor waa nearly fourteen years old, there came a great griof to tbe farmhouse. Id, tbe youugent daugbt-r. waa thrown from ber pony, aud i j instantly killed. Mr. Fothergill waa aealed in her own room alone, tbe day after ber ebild'a foner- al, wben Hector entered with a alow, sor rowful i-fp, aud eyiupuby atrodgly marked on hi baud'oma lace. , ' Mmber,' be aaid, hireling beide her, 'I ta been months paiatieg this, but it was not finished until last cigbt. Will you au eapt it T' And be placed in ber bands a likeness of the lot one Perfect in owtiioe and eolorini;, mud the m-i of life, the faea aecmed amilliug hope lrm the paper to tbe Oaieaved mother, a ho. thr.u.b lha building tra looked upoa op tbat s.ir face aba bad iboagbi bidden forever. Two mora yeara passed away quickly, to two at tbe farm bouse, Ella and Hector, m be loved e.ob ether after tbe ino.t approv- ed manner of barces and beroinea frotu time immemorial. Hrctor waa now a tall, manly boy, witb a good education, fine man mra, and great' proficiency, for one of bia age, ia langesiea ; but bis ruling passion, bia love, bia life, (bad almost aaid, waa for his art, aa be fondly termed psiuting. He bad goue to tbia far beyond bi master at tbe academy, aed praeiued perevvriujy, eigh iag for epporteailiea to travel, and atudy Ihtf eld maatera of wboe aorks he bad read ao much. Ofieu uiia-ine him at uieai times, V.r.m .A.lrl ...k tr.r l.in. ....I fin h i ... i the field or barn, bia easel before bim. aork lag bu.ily at hi. pet art Ureal s li real hi delight ahto a ii.-ij.hbor, taking h .1 be eouidted bia m aster pieee lo hiii'lon, old it to an artiit for an a-s irnur nt of colors, bru.hr. can . ami oitir ariuie. Jr hi work, that .e-m, d in He.or i nii-t ei.d less. H. aa uow laborin in .ecr.-l to fin- ib a group of hl benefactor and hia fa mi ly, his firat effort In oil eo or. nver ahioli hi baod would so trcmhln, and hi- ciiek fiu-b with erciteiuu .t. thai he alien oh iged lo lay asidu hia pencil to .'ill ihe beatiug of bia heart. Eila, the artist's love, a ahe sometimes akirpt-rad to herself, had grown fruiu the child who had offered Hector ' - to a lovely girl of fifteen. Sheas ) Iio.UM pnjlu tul; ber dark brown han, aiou of aofl curia, wa loued t. c in a face that might aell ouim ih --m- p i a poet or ao artist. (Jal in lo. m. g, aoft, brown eye, wiih that p.-i.si.e , ip siou which sorro would have m.de m.ltii eholy ; a pure, pale coiapleaioo. only ou rare vooa.ioue tinged wiih a f tnt color; reular features, and aaeat eipres.iou, ber faeo waa lovely. bather m repoe or am mated. Her term sa tall an I slight, aud her wevimeuia graaelul. Abe had bar molher'a loviug disposition, but a refinement iu ber manners wbieb did not seem to be to a larm noes. Kolaad waa a tall, rather awkward boy of eighteen, aot handsome, very aby and reserved, foad of books, the best mat bums tieiau a bo bad ever left the academy, and already a-sisting hi. father by traoun all Ihe hfurl worl( of Ibo farm, managing tbe seoouats, keeping the bank nook, aud oiber business which Ihe farmer a a. very glad lo transfer to bim. George, Ibe young est by, bad left borne at tba aga of four teea to go to aea. He bad made oue voy age of two yeara, and bad again left horns for a longer eruise, just oue month previous to the time am uow writing of. A great ohajga came ia Hee'.or'e life One evening, a gentleman aloppad al tbe farm, aod req lasted abetter for theaigbt, aa a ,storm waa ootaiog up. He waa re eeivsd with ready hospitality, and taken iuio tbo parlor. He had not been there long, before hia altaation waa attracted by the ouaeerous drawiagi and water color paialiaga haagiag ea Ibe walla ; aad ia an swer to hia qeeetiewe, Mra. Feabargill, ia Taeter'a alssnse, gaaa bin akatab of tba boys'e life, omitting to mention bia high birib; for Hector bad implored than all ever to apeak of bie grandfather unkind- ness, because it waa hia mother a lather tbey would condemn. Mr. Ashton, tbe traveller, listened itb interest to the etory, but made do commenta. next auorulu?. be asked per- mission to stay a abort time at tba farm to make some aketcbes of the eoenerj. Sketob a I Tba word fell on Heetor'e quick ear, i wore isii on uca.or a quica. ar, forth biae.g.r qae.tiona.. W.. itor an artist T Ind.ed be waa, and drew ,t..;. .;.;.. ni.u. -acd no mean one. aa tba boy oon found odt. For a woutb. be remained on tbe farm aad during that time Hector waa too happy. He prai.ed bia piaturea. lie, tba bu persevered iu the courae be bad cboseo j ral books on paintincr, t number of ateel ' olatee and liibesraobi. for eoDieit. aud a loop letter full of enoouravetneat and ooun-el lime sped on Hrotor waa aiueteen when Mr. Aabtoo again visited tbe farm boue. This time b oame to bid thean fare well ) be a going abroad, to Italy, aud be flVred to lake Hector with bim as bia urc e sry, and five biut tbe coveted oppor- tunny of atudiog tba old mailers After two daya' stay at ibe farm, be return, d to Loudon to prepare for bia journey, prom a ing to return, io a mouth, to takn his pro lege, if be Waa willing lo go. Heetor'e heart ' and braiu wcro io a whirl of doubt and de li- t. j i: i . .L i . light delight at the etichantiog pro-pect opened belore bim doabl aa lo whether it would be right to leave hia frieude, aveu for this. Hia warm, irapultive heart seem ed bursting with love aud gratitude as he thought of what they bad been to him ; aud then came tbe thought of Klla. Could ha leave ber, bis love, "bin promised wife, whose aorroaful e as seemed reproaching bim for tUiukog of bappiuaaa apart from her ? j -t. Fothergill aettled bia doubts by commanding bim to accrp tbe offer. ' We ahall misyou aadly,my boy, 'aaid tbe farmer, kindly; aud there was a hu-kiues if. hia voioe a be laid his hand libllv on Hector' a curls. 'Wa ahall niii.s you sadly. adoption No father could bave.loved yoe ; more trnderly than I have, of gueveci more j at' pariing with you ; but it is besl. You I will learn much, Hector; and, when you ' return, remember, while I have a roof over my bead, there will be a place for yon. Pabaw 1' he said, as Hector threw himself, : aobbine. into hia arms, 'laara ate for eirls J ujy boy.' I 'May God b!es yon, my more thin fa-1 tber! ' ssid Hector, with a broken voice;, I 'and may he ahoaer iiK-rciea ou you as you base shoa o them lo me ! Yeara and year , of gratitude cannot repay you; but God will sure tie-s you for yOir kiudoess lo a ' , -. k . - . A ' Tl-.L-re ere mtnv aore nartinir. Mra. ,.,,,, , rihernl lis I not wept more over George a r ..i r . i i 1 lit I d.p.ru-e than over Hector's. And how can I paint Ella's grief ? 'You will fnret me,'sbesaid,aadly as tbey I that they lived very comfortably with eaon wera taking the last walk together. j otuy. Mra Fothergill waa reading an id- 'Jlr Albion is rich and childless, and . vertisement of the return of Lord Grahame he love. you. will b.couie a gre.t artist,1'0 hi u,if 1". d eriticism cf tba and I shall De torgotlea.' n ir..,.s.J !nt,;n it t,. as if he doubted her sanity. 'Forget you, Eilal you, the angel of my childhood, and noiv my betrothed ! forget you ! 'Nay, Hsctor, do not look ao reproach fully at me Live me always' ber bead tell upon In breast; 'love tue alay; for your lore i my life. Oh, Heotor, bow oan I Ui you go 1 It ia beat; yoa ma-i go; hut t leel as if it ere tearing my heart oj my artist love ' IU teut over her witb promises of never vsni.ig love and ontncy, aod again anJ aaiu aweariug never, uuver lo change, until .he grew calmer; aud they talked hop. fully of ibe future, when he atiijUl re turn, a great artist, io ol.un bia bride. Ii was over. Hector was on bis way to Italy ; and there was a great gap iu the ! (arm house. Never bad tbey rea.iud so fully as uow what tbe loviug boy bad been toibem ; tbey missed Dim at all times. Two years more passed on, and agaia we return to Heoior. Sealed ia a beautiful studio in Florence ws a grftup of five parous : Mr. Ashtou ; hi nely made wif ; her daughter Nina, a young, beautiful Italian girl of sixteen ; a hue-loosing Kuglisnmao Niua Cameron s loer ; and Heoior, our Heotor. 'So it ia your twenty-first birthday, Heo tor,' aaid Earnst Grant, tbe young Eulieh maii I have mentioned. 'Wbat pr.j.ul have yoa received V 'A bair-ebain from Nina, a kiss from Mra. Asbton, and this book from Mr. Ash tou. Now, if I could ouiy bear from En e,lrnd, get some answer to the many lettors I have written tbia past year, what a hap-j py birthday tbia would be I Ab, fairies bare beard me!' he eriad, aa tbe servaut catered, aod handed bim a letter post mar ked iu England. Hurrah I from my friand and your ospbew, Mr. Asbtou, who ia the omy person in Englaad who answers ins new- B I what?' j . 'What ia the Bailor V aaid Mrs. Ashton, , aa Hector tore opea a letter inclosed in the I firat one, and after reading it turned dead- ly pale, and etnk into a abair. 'Head them,' aaid Hector heskily. hand iug them to Mr. Aabton. Mr. Ashton read aloud i DiAallac: I have but few momenta to epara to anawcr your lat ; ao muxt eon- dense tba important news I aen'l, I made . , . . , , ..1lij for 1"" farm a Id 6 nd old man ,. dead, ,h. farm .old .nd wia leiunj .o.iuioo. h vjoub Uoma in a great hurry with tba India aa aeoretary to eotnebody, 1 forget headache,' said ti,o boy, returning whom: George waa lost at ea ; and the Hector got her addrena from thu-ob!i.-in2 widow aud ber daughter have left their niilliuor, proun. e i to call am ar.om'n.o home, and I can jet so elue' to tbeui. bonnet, aud wim a fe oru of vipoma Now for aay great uewa. Lord Grahame ,i0O( pat Mm. Amtou a..i .N.ua iUiu iho ia dead, and baa left a will making you carriage ami ton twJ Lua. heir lo one of tbo finest eatatea and iargeet Mra. Foiberili sjjjke lon.l orN of com. iooomea io England. You were Tery aly fort to ber daun'Lui ; but IMa could ouly in concealing your reUtioqsbip but tbe think aud aay, ' He has I jrutseu me !' lawycra advertised for you ; and I went to ' lJow I loved Liui, tuoiut:r 1 lijwlbave them, and ao learned tbe great news. I j ei jn tbe hope ot ai-tiug buu on.;e mure I inclose their letter, which accept tbe bear- Jlecior ! Hector .' ootne tj ine, or my heart livat congratulation of your fiticero friend. wjij break I is uut false; bn n.i.d 0 us. Ashton. The inoloaed letter waa from the lawyers, verify iug the report of his fiieud, and urg ing immediate return to biogland. 'So you must leave as,' aaid Mr. Aabtoo, handing back the lotttcra. 'Why, Hiotor, man, what a face for sucu glorioD tidings!' 'Poor Ella 1' aaid Hector, in a low lone ; Hb'u ia why I have never heard from thorn. My father and George both ued ! Ub, Mr. Ashton, I have do heart forjoo 1 news ! Yes' ha added. FDrinvinz to bis fret. 'I mut leave you; I must find ber.' And be left the room Poor boy 1' aaid Mm. Ashton ; I know his heart. Hia love aud gratitude swallow up hia aene of this good news. He for- gets all hi. own good fortune in the sorrows of bis frieoda.' One week after tbia aceno, Hector was on hia way lo England. When he arrived in LonJsn, afit-r settling hi buMus, pro- ving bis identity, aud being installed iu the poi.ses.ion of ki inheritance, be look rooms in a fashionable quarter, and commt uced hia aearcb for Ella. Mr. and Mrs. Ashton returned to Kogland shortly after himself to purchase the troussean of Nina, and sea bar in the new hotte Earnest Urant waa preparing for her. Hector vaa very busy now, helping them, taking tbe lovely Ital ian, Mra. A-l.tou (for Mr. Ashton bad mar ried an Italian widow.) to th most atylih Loudon shops, and makiiii? his artist's eye useful in the selection of colors aud fabrics for the bridal array. Id a small room, in the suburbs of Loo- 1 don. sat Mrs. Fothergill. She was dressed to widow a weeda ; and tbo appearance ot I tho room betokened poverty, though not grinding, oppreacivn want, ibe furniture was neat and plain; and ber own dre's, though of course material, waa well made aud vt-ry nice. James Fotheril! had left ! bis wi Jow coor. for bia farm bat accliued during tbe last two yeara of bis life, oi ng partly to Roloud'a abseuce in India, aud bis father's age being in adequate to sup port tbe burden then thrown upon bim He bad insisted upon li s iou's acoeptanee of a good offer as a aeoretary to a gentia- man iroioe to Iudia, aud bitterly fait his l...r.u.kA . II. A... A nnnF , an.) I hi" widow was now living ou what sho earn- i . , i . ed as a aeamtrcas aud hua a wages as as , aistant in milliners store. Ajlaiid occa- j aiotially sent sums of money or presents, ao pa-uwug. u. u.u ar... i..a She waa comz back, in fancy, to the littlo boy who aiood with timid manner petition- log for anijfhte lodging and a pieee of bread. Suddenly, Eila eatered, her faoo flushed, and her form trembling with ox- eilemeut. ' ' Mother, I have seen hint,' ha sad, as she tbre herself down bsiJe her mother's ehsir, and then starting up asin, began to paoe Ibe 'ootu hastily. ' He came iota the atore with to ladies to buy a boo .et for was ta .en in hand ; tLs bur ten d r was ur bis bride. She was with him; and he so- re-ted for the off.1 tie j of in.' or u'iviu leeted the hue bat I made thi week. My ta soldiers li j ior, au 1 tu.' :i j i ir in t !i bar baudiwork ou bis bride! Strange, is it room tuJ ou ilie premi-i-s -ts eupiieiiu not! She ia very beautiful, a brunette, the street. Wa havenward tnatoMier p' very lovely. Mosher ! mother 1 he is ureal, ces have aio been visaed Miyor Purse, rich, uoble, and ha has forottou mJ' her'ore whom ml olT u ifr are brought tor Tha touching pathos in hor voico brought trail, in tliots a iioavy tiui- iu sueu n.-ti teara to her mother's eyes. Ella aauk up- l'be oiT.-h'liiig patty is i,,..t ;; m.t.eil to o on a sofa, and, laying ber bead upoo her to jail aud be ted at ttje putfiie expense, arm, inoaued. Tbe great exoitotneut was but 1 tarn over to ibe military autumu-s, over tb. sorrow remained. ndoextct from hiui ou dav hard w.uit Muber.'ahe aaid, ia a low, haart-bro- for.cn dM.ar of the fine. r.irai. Ve keu veioe. as Mm. Fothergill beni paying- P""1 un lllh !y over her ' mother, ha baa forgotten me. j 1 have been true. You know that I have, f,,, ElKMTTlsN or Pit!TEiii.-r-The refused a wealthy marri... twice for hia f.sLture hti reTy pM. sake, D.-fore.'.b. ...d bitterly ' before fr0iB Llj er'vice knew of hi. great fortune I hoped and . r o( longed for his reiura ; and now-! Thi , th, account., loo for bis long silence. H;,, bo,or uaver auswered tho letter I wrote after I i vi " " , , . : to be iudist'eiielf tor iue coii'iuciiu-- the left the farm bouse, when be was iu Koma ; . , , . ' . . . " . , , ii- ii- t , i . pun toatiou of a daily ueaapar. and I thought it bad missed bun ; bul ho ' ' was false He loved this Iialiau then ; Niua he ealled ber. Mother! mother I bo has forgotten me.' She did not koow tbst tbe letter she wrote to Koine missed him becsuse he was in Fiorenoe ; aud hi leiier, leliiug her of , the obangj, reaeued lha larm uouse auer . she left it. Uector, meanwhile, was atanding in tbe milliner'a, with Nina, admiring tbe preiiy white hat, aud noting aa in'orpreter betweeu the ahop-wemao aod his Italian frieoda. Tea, yea,' aaid ike mill iaer, io reply to loma question, ' the maker of that bat ia my moat tasty apprentice. It waa a lucky dy I aeoured tbe acrvioea of tbat younjj girl.' ' If yse will let bar taks an order,' aaid Hector, at a req iet from Niua, ' the lady woaid like lo give ber particular direction about auotlicr bat ' 1 (Jertaiuly, air. Send Eila, Fotbergill nere,ana aaia to tue boy. w.-..B.., i UD ual u , , ul , Heelir'' h"r bl o ,.Ued the boa return. hlla f oiberwill; II ...I 1.. I, .L. t my letters ; but oh, lh a Lriue, Niua 1 Hec tor, I trusted you as my life, and ycu arj false !' 1 Lull' said a lot, deep voice. Ha waa there, living before bur, witb his eyes fixed with a woild of icndt-ruea up o ber lace. Niaa waa forgotten ; aud, tviih a sob of joy, abe apraug iuio bia opeu ariua. tie bad beaid her last wuida us he enter ed ; and he wouid not rt'l.a ber uutil be bad told her ail, and ahe bad sobbed bar Borrow for doubling him. They erc anil lb room ' mi oso, tun raoe when a ,uan entered. The wido. a cry of ' Ko- lsU!j ' eltaiid ha was tins ue arr.v.l ; more embracing and ords uf welcotua followed. Mother, aaid Uolaud, tailing ber hand, Jou have had much joy to nint; can you bear wore I Liteu. i was .unug in my room, aeveu monilis ago, wneu a umi ruler . ur, uo na i nen auipArecmi on ue of the islands in inu Pacihio, piulted up by a friendly vcel, bioo-hi to iudia, aud bad fouud n.e out.' ' George 1' grasped tbe window, ' my boy George 1 be is with you I' 1 Before Roland cou.d reply, George waa ""' Aud ao we will leave tlieni merely ad ding that, io his prosperity. Hector did not forget tba f'ieuus of tits cniioiiool. After his miri'iage itti L.Ij, Ucorvg rtJS placed as Captain oa tin a v- I a- ic.v iu lUe me robaut sericff : it-riaini .1 placed as professor of iiitiilif niiii'M iu a 3 j r i U -inj; aoilega ; whtie Mrs Fjiner'ill iiad a pieoJid ho ui with her duuur uud tue ' Mitberle. liairn.' SacbilkqiuL's. A gentleman who has receutiy made hi ec.p-j fiuin Na?bi'iile, tai.es mat the Yau.ee 'audais ahoiiuw lure.-l that eity, Lave beeu com milting o-it-rageoua depredaliou Oil propi;riy. A few uijihts since tbe Caiho.io L'buica was tr citdy entered, aud every amo e of vaiua stoien from the bundle aud carried cff. Among toe articles Here mauy precui.s re lies geuerally bold suured by tue mo-it iu corrigible, but it seems lr,at there is uo act too despicable tor tie lanugo nu-rleuiries 1 'i0 are uow invading iho iautrj. The ; cumiut.'ji.y were uu y -uuj.ieu uuu m- ! , ' . . ... , , , ' , , . ' . ,, . , ' a u ma'jo cuji.i -u nt u iue .'jnuiry uov irujr of tba city, but obtain? I no re liefs. It is said that me Cthciies iu Nasbviiie are intensely Southern in their foe'iu, aud have, wubout exc.ijjiiou, treated tue Lij coiuites with ibe most auprmne c )iiteiunt. This, probably, may htvs excited the ire .J ... ... , jl(teisi Eiprw. r ' LtQUoa Emptied The military order of M jor Geu. Usury II J ickson, reUti ve to t!ia sa'.o an l disposal of ii nr i-i cue county, is ufin very ri-iliy iu:orced nurd iv fjr-iiorn last, . b ir rami m the ...m .1., ,i.;...;.i .... .i .. r;:i..;.. viciu-ty of Fr.ini A Balloon in Uurks Oiuntv. We are informed that a bulioou was seen to pasa over a portiou ot liarke County, G e or- gia, a f.'W Oaya ao It OesoeuJed on pijaulatiots, lure out a lot ol .an i, aceud tJ Qlj disappeared. V e ulto th report las received. Anust.t ConsUtuiiJiiuini. General PiX informed a Svutbarner re cently that tbe Ysukces would bs iu lli'J'a uiJ Iv the i.b or C' ia.t.