TiiCsJiiT, May 20. I SOC Kfn.. ..f f .rr.tir. ! ax ton. -r .f.r;s'!d e!. f" '1 rrcf i Bruer. foi Ui inrnu, unii rcccij,1. mbjrriljliij; lu y i recite ihf Wmo l ,An' i i u'.i.n iiirt montbi .- :v, .'.-.:.r. - - FOii ut'VtiiNuR, ). JOilXSTOX, ewer . ex:Uu.t'C jr tut Whig. Hg Jjuiur, Laid, Lhnkti.i in j'nei iff. I hit that u ii tl,s matk't. Tboie o our couir.ry txiend paying tr-vif subs"ripticr in rood, will c:r.!cr a !iv.-r cr;a u r; tri t iu as !"C TLe Lsiie-! uaJir the direction of a.'irt'ae direction of JVC. II..:.: rr.; crrt Lr ;L le:.ta ;iv:tg a tad eon i Ji-ifT Aid So- cic:y on Tuvsaay y.-iiiog May the 20th, t'l.-e jrjjraruTEe ia tL.-tLer ciutua. Kuai.l:atioa. It tLe dzj orders i iy the Preji-d-u; was tuictiv &b.-rT.d bv iLa citizeos of the rUef, by si'm iiu pravcr njsetio? t!i:S is s li t'uJj'.J !. j if ever we teeieJ iLe prayri o; the ilhuiosie i; coiy. id. vt... u.tvivpe tu-i 1. TLe a-tajc-ii-e a'. UliLaiond and and oauil retreat ' i ;o wiiieh'Tcr j i r t.i cr re-, ji trruivs staJ rase ;j i CoriL'.B in ii.i sircu: v. iiuo'jt Jij;tsr sal i fiLt at or. .e. or It IrS-.Tfl ta oiL'i Le- Lcalo le tsr.iji'3 tioa u-j w gitLerir rvr.-e t!;vi.. ucsiv! j.jV.tic! i t.. : '- u ::-,,.3t tj its ia oi" p'ibiio iiiJigua it iLe Nvrta t j ub- ' :'i v .(ri ?A ci r'.i and own ateamers, aud arrived in Wilmington such a scuo ? The powers f Europe . Mountain, aud had for.es at Franklin. -:.x'..tv cf Eirorc Monday Light. 0r loss in th action has, will se that there is n saa;irasht i re-; p.ndi.tou county, whereby tt. eaeui y's re rn tb r-:5. ue ts. oe' td at aeven killed-in g-rd t the old flag-that we fp'" fh tre.t UQdfr Gen M.lroy. had neett ot off. wh.ah, aii aree ana ewnteen wounded, r. ani wucn we witbh..d or destroy our . ' . v..., r.e-.:t.o.r i.-.- t.jaie ttJ .ie,Di) tW9 of ..cm otUiij. , property, they will Sad thnt t;Biouis u . They ar. r.presented a. being in the m.t :Li u:-u; a -cvi.op Vr'e are glad to bear, that with y.ry f.w dead forever. . deploralle eonditbn, utterly brken op, ad. Vt'-a iakUi tit rei iaj. TL; tti-2j h- hi i cct, ad tl-j tid ' -. f uj c-wuth. Ijc or (lis cJ gase ij.'.a '. i witi. tie prav-.-r of our p- Jul fio.3 wMnr- vo'jjer dy of tie yof rn. now torn .iju te cssaier Ieya, mingle J ve, -bd, ia an- wer, toe j J?.: n ot t:- r.rij.L.-.ia pre:. ar twin i3i i5 of f-;ce'-s t i'.-aaee ..res :a us .asce aui Ecg !v cf Cotton, by fiiti'.sry, in it':a ia".j tri- t V aa.paiM toroug.i t;.i u. iri.-M of tes-u o-iaTtri.a, cjrke the fcjrtmscr : a'lc!-rh dIi' --:.i. a.iii' iu i.i . f " iv.m Uottoa. row wi! eatvfied Fnr.ee a...l ;j invo.vwi iVi :Lc who! of en : mar?. ,o a. ler s.liJ re .ur r-rc:iye ejji kri's Lut thi i of our :ul-- .a and th i'a bleckaJe V I '! i e Uaru from - 1 jf Jti-ruay eveniag ,'. tus b:atrd:iiect ' v's-roUiiy t. here J.lf. Thoiijpsen bad i i.1 iLiiiA pri para . r J tie kidwral zau- At ;i . t i US tO t. fc m.i'.il rnt it 1 wo-i! ,c-t at a force of 25 ), irg wa. going .a were tasta, i cu tt. .art tit crdr in re j i tx r. o v had i:'. ere t.' led with rjinsfi t of the Mo'blt : t lUvi rdt J proving li e a', j i-hu.ir .ia- . r cji. THE SURRENDER OF FORT MACON. The RIe5gh 5i tate Journal furnishes tli following particular of tie ant-render of . .. Fort Macon wa. surrendered to the cnc- , lan Friday niglt, aft.r a bombardment .-. .-.Li p .hir,., K,,r. Th, ... , of some twelve or thirteen hour. The en i.e. behind ?be largo sand banka which th. I island afforded, and mounted guns within 1 1,11-0 y.rd.ol the fort. This wt. unknown ,to Colonel White, the commander. The I enemy, ready U commence the attack on , Friday- morning, summoned Colonel Whit. .to surrender. This w.i peremptorily d,. : eliued. Another .unpens wa. .nt and 'declined, and finally a personal interview l i' u-i u'Hi ... t. ti,- ... wanted, bat the valiant Colonel nlsin - ' ly told tbew that the for t could not b. tik en by talkiDg, and that notbins but fiht- by talking, and that nothin? but fiiht- . " ,.n i", . . - r i . ... FB fi.re J h' fT ,l, i:w o clock a.m. The boiubardmcnt ooa , liuued throu2hoat the day with terrifi. des-, itruotioa to th..f&rt, but fortuaately with !iiuie loss ofl.fe tethebrav. little garrison. ' '"7 ,"v D'ou"u' o'ea cocu - ! Th. eaemyiuland were directed I by sis-j,1?" . "hoPrP,:ed ' mong U!.from the fleet, w Lea the ball, fell oyer' the fort or abort of their destination. ILus1. , ,, , , r r. . J !w.S g.iL.d great aeearacy in firing. The B ,he Fuud are proy.ded ' .!.!! xv.. r,:oW.d nn ta the der,th of m.n ! t0 W fF ,f rM'"d M H adverse- feet. The B1n43ne Va literally den.oii.h- i .i p i? i . j r.L j l .... id, aud the moat filled with debris. The ccuiuy kuew exactly wnere tu. magaaine was loei aud soli loeated.and dropped hundred, of .hell solid hot shot .n the .pot with the pr.-l them be hand ' Th;n k.... t il,v ."nr,.:!,. Th. - .11 - I of the fort w.r. not onl breached at sey - eral'soicts, but literally torn to piece, eve - aad fronting th. enemy, exeept three, were di.--iio.uted.acd euly tare, left whi.u could e i,roa,; t0 i,ejir poa hiu. Half a do- ' zu more thoti, which eould be fired in a children the eseutcaeu . of Lojisiana n...i,y uiiaute, would explode the maga-' uuataitifd, aiid her fla ha. bee u dejecta mi,. Ahout" .even o'cloalt r m.. th. pol- tel. but bv her ncii,im. Win.' . -in!.! b. ' rj l .i . .iAir . ri. ur.i J Colonel White would aurreud.r on eondi- i tie that he should be allowed to march oct Li garriou with tie heaori of wu, taeut. the cffie.rs wearing their side arms,'. It become now the Jjty of all planter and that private property would be spec:d. . re- ibis was rctU'J. "len, said ti Tjea," said tie (!u'.,i:irl. ' (e niii.st shl it out on no other cci:ious i!l I surrenaer; We uiui g ; burning aud destroying ev.ry'b.l. of cot I 1 he steamer Tubal Cain bas left Liver to tlioting again." The l'aeke elueer tn, upen the rieer or river .i.Lle to ap- pool with a h.ayy cargo of arms and am jocosely reus arked he didn't like the shoot- . tare, as well as rcta.-iuj to ever a:p or .uii j intuition. in. Colonel White expnsied hiunelf as a bale of oettoit until peaee is ueoiared and . t .. . . , , . . , r . . l j .,; i i- i t ... . A weekly journal, which ba. been est- Living no great leve for it, but he had no our .atio'iaaty is nxei. Lat tbeir cuquet , ' J ' a.urB.tiv. The term wer. ioally gran- be a b.rrco oi.e. ( bahed to abvocat. tbe.Confed.ral cas, ted. Th garrison retired to rest for the TLe uereuaal fleet of Earepe ad f j will soon appear in London. Light, in the demolished fort, and ea B'at-. YatikieJoni will aoon he fcricging their rich- Te Ledon l'i:Bt, of th 23d, says that uiday luoibiug mareked out ia aeeoidan.e , cs among us ta traio with u. expecting an j ,bu btttU of Slliiob btd jMB roaol for with tk Utah set forth. exchange f eol'.on if eomsawre. i. oa. . Captain Poole's eowpany, and such of revived we are eu.laved forever. Ut ,s,,c PPreh'BS!on the garrison as did cot live al a distance . rope bowl at th wa.te, the barbarity f -'Ortli. from the coa.t, wer cut on board a boat ; th North will bay hr.ught oboii the etna- j - and c arried to Eeaulort, aoe poiBt adja - cecl. Colonel White, with, about on huQ- dred aud fifty-five men, wer shipped o oja as our port, ar opeLed. If we are j The Lynchburg Republican says that in board the United Slates gun-boat Le.t-.wpe- true to ourselves th.r will ba no iraide . teliigonc ha. b.en received from it0 wa, and sent, under a flae f (ruee, to the sad th ouatiuss millions of foreign pro- ,, i i. . . . .. . i u Ll ! J f L- . ,1 It L .L ! J -Ml. L . L 6 II " 1 JCKSn . ttttij ( tb ffCt I U ) t J..k- acigbborLood of rort Caswell, w her they'doets will be without purchaser. Howl wher they r-ere received on oe of oar , le wlii they reimia id, eoectatcr ef:,ob" "v'1 P -bat ex.epiions every iaan iu th fort laughs; -psrtaa. V, ar alu glal t be , J r.vjr-. .nr w.fii.iu a w. a utmm, r t J. j i j j from WQOm so many tcoundreJs Lad diier- jd lUl lh Qot itlbi th br in tae aetion. Ulcers and men, a.i ateod at their post throughout a tremenJons iron 'torsi, lor upwards ot twelve hours , iwio- nci Bite issuing iuen at every gan, u-i reiLiading th.ni of their duty to the Old North State and their comsuau csuolry, whose eyes wer. then upon them. God Lie., them, tbey proved worthy of scch a Colooel aai such a eoiBtry; and on- ly surrendered -nio tbtir lt3t gun was sliat'.ered into fra.U;entf, the tort a pile of "j-nd then,, npd lhJ iuagai.se cd i'o; Tiry e? of exp.o.soa. Tu ELOCKALt IM Euaoi-.. The x- Iraets whieh w have reecutly utde from ur2peia Bpgrs go to show th.t the ct- ija f atbine is reachmz its erisis in EuzlaDd. The tide of destitution is rising fast. For th want of eotteo, saya an English psper, "tae in:... of Lancashire ar closed ani , the hands who used to work theia ar star- ing." Th. qeeation tleis become, a yery aenou one, and'the Euliia papers have aga.t taa:o to urging the raisiug of the' bekade. The Loudon Standard says " every hour of ,ts prolongation offe-s new ' viotinis to the twin demon, famine and pe- i.ience ; that it is a - Hetitiou. " on. ; a fraud upa ueutrais j "entitled to no r- copeitiou on tLe part ot the oloer na- tois eity caturuay night, iem .eoerrj, '" vj.-..v , ... liou.;'' and that "by recegoiziug it Eug- that oar fu:cea attached tb enemy near tcniuts, twenty-three pr'isoosrs and eight land m eoaderuning tbousands ( her ciea Ciiles 11. H , and succeeded io routing them, ' .groe,. Tb Confeeierat loss wa. 5 kill toatarratien." espturirrg thirty Lcrse., and rueepturing tne I eJ M( 7 waultj9j, Thi. int.llig.nc. ie .. store t'l.t It. int. Il.e luinunn of th. (IF thi; Concert to a: vtn fi,r the Ijenefit of lii ios.4.t-rs Aid ryx.-ietv in TKELO.UrS HALL. 'i'ucs'liv .Ni-'tit Mv yoiii. I'iirt I. Oi-i'.j'' to ti.t ) ra ut M J.sinie J j , J .y, ' u ru, Sji'i. V.oan, S-juaai from Hunt a-.?, ' 0 i I'm Sumner Scj," 'eictirt tion ol Muring, 'Jibip M' lo,:..n and Viatm, Vocal, Duct. l- 2 Pi 'ii not JWt. II Tn J iiphii',- I Pianoa, M i Al. leon ...... V,..,. .- n, J. Man: .at i, U , p m i r.a,w, .'VIoio. dr.l il-'ii and i'jIiii, I- l-.'o -i.;llaa, YJik iv.n .1,1 V,.,:,, I Pnaoa, M.lo- AN IMPORTANT DOCUMENT. i HiADiiUAKTERs LicaiT Artillesy Uaa'x.', CmP of Instruction, noar Jackson, May 2 I VniTftD T ll'tL'dnU W Ui tot ana-.. . . 1' ?b"? ' J ' V Bictioo;Lioh I wo new ; Orleans, b-T ?Pcoul messeuger. It u a document that should command tlia attcntiou of cro- ! r' ""." P."t and . true patriot iu the , , w ,lhe dcl,brfs expression of J probably th largest, and wealthiest and "04t !" of " of NaW J.'1."- t J'" , ! ",,nl? W""?"" '"J"?' but with j ih,d thu mals that of the patriots 1 of t.he ""J""". lLeJ P"f eicS beggnr. v" '"n " ,1 . . No truer ientinifnt as over uttered than ' th"' " if 'nuli"! jy our .. tr,. .. . l .: "'"'"e T'" "- P..ui.vu. t aaaioDian me i anaees ana iaa world, tbat i.otnuiere. ta dead, until our liberties aval established and our beloy.d Confederacy t0 lL. Uver.i cr d.ted Coriath Ma. 14 has taken her atand among the B.tien. of! !u t ' i Iu k lna arli, - . ' aya that ikuuii.biug eautiuued iboughoat ., . ... . .,' . . . Ith. )af withoat result en either aid. of . . , , ! ,n?I0B l.n ' "J low the seal aud devotion of the natriotn who i prepared tb. document, fer I feel sure that !".'". ' " "T ?'l.n lbe,r V? W gl" Jrca,Ut,on tn, ! PP0,t ,rolu our ereiuren wno ar. now m ! tbt PrescDt BDder th hl f ' e?ot 1 KP""J J". ' WM. T. WITULHi. ' has laileu . not degraded or etiMaveJ, but ' yialdiu to armed sbics with l'uj kvel.d at the homes of our defeactiieti wivea aaJ i fnund ...n,lo .,. 0. ;u U- .1. as to lanet her national eosiguia. We hare yielded t Erute foree La; t'jr the mo- U dbplay luoie than evcr"heir patrietitm ; and d.rouon to ihcir country. They hare ; 'ed taat devotiou upon '.lie kaitefiold". ; ea tut uevotiou upou Hi ft let U Ehl our .aeiijiiiJ as wull 1 try. The Uoiud Stales UtfyertiOieut has . preoii.ed renewed trad to th world eo ''haying thrown ay their arm. and ar Thi Vi'ak iioiii days ago, when we wlQdriDg about th ruouBtaia wubout i- .uuuuaucu is evAgaa.iou si loraiowa we T """"" "e saonUuasd laat bitier important ljjvb m,nU Wrd t9 0 t tharaet.r of which noaid beoerue r u s.ta in d j. t.me. ' One of tuesu, we run t j yUk now, in say- ' ing uosa it ha bo.u aceutp.uaea is toe ; evacuation oi .Nor;o. lae lal oi ear troops 1 j it that city Saturday, and it wai iuiui'.lia;c!y oucupiud by a f-ri of the enwy frcru U.d Point. It wilt doubtaii oesur to the real.rthat this is a part of a. loiporunt stra'.tical p'in. The enemy refused to staad fire at Or- ' inth. Halt i portion of Halicck's arrnv1 had advauced ca Ueaureg.rd'e position.- Ihes executed the bac step in a atvle it.,.2,,i v Zn.u.i the Cniekaiuaeoiui.3 race. ' Jaekou's vietory over M Ley at Melow- was of the Mau.jsss order with the iuiproyeiuent that it was followed up. ihe laukee. Wfl five hundred of their dead an d wc-un led ou tho Gel i destroyed taeir bag- gage au'J stores, and toad tracks lor tj;a; Meuritain. or sjil ether place of refuge Jackson w.s hotiy pursuing at th ls'.g.H aelvioes. iu. Heth reports to the War Depart - ment that he had " attaekei and di-pers- d " the enemy at diita Court House, iu Western Virgiaia. The Lynchburg ir. says of thi. .flair : We ar. re- iiahiy inforuied taat iri's.iigeoee renehed eiiesay when our forees evacuate Giles C. II. W wer a liable i ateert.iu the naeaher of killed or w.uuled ou either ii'le. Aosonv the woandjd ou nir .id. is Col. John M. Patton, of th 'ill Kigi naeut Va. Vols." Ihe V'rztni'tn is Drobahlr ia j error as to Col. P. His regiment is the 21,1, and beiengs to tae amyorStonewall J acku. A d'jspato'i from rtn. i'saurevard stat'.s tLitto of the uuiy's gttu ioats and n iito.ur boat nave b:en fuuk at Fort Pillow, i above Memphis. lUcUmowi Wkig. The gaiiaut ti-.t. MIuteb, wh wis so drsatifuily woui-4'.d in the Ight of the gun boats, new ii. in n very entieal eaditien ihe Charily Ho-ipital ia tais city. Capl. MelntoaU occupied hm mest proitiiiier.t and ' 1 expwd p.silion ea the eater deck of th ' Louisiana, and whio he wa i-tr iL', the . iihia wf.icu tue l.iauiina wi lig'i!i:ig near- ly touched her s.des. II was thrown by !tho fwr. ( the eooenaaion t. distane. of , r . . u . i. .. . .1 i luriv or uiir ii;. ojiu u.t aruja were eau- i i . i ii i ly Iraetured ; osu hat bc tuHVvX aui ihia knee p.u no it off. Dr,.ta these turrit,;, weand. the gal.attt offi jer hear. jbimself with gruat fortitude and excellent I, t . i . . r. . p.ms.-ZA.tv, .i'tUratti Lientng. HEWS. i Vow. r7c H estrrn Democrat. ..- From Richmond.. - v Richmond, May 16. Tke eity ia yery quiet to-day. liusinesn ig mspended in ao eordauo. with the Prcsidest'. proclamation. Federal ' gun boats bar. gone down th James Riter below City Point. - It i with great pleasure (aya th. Riok rueud Eza'utiuer) that we learn tb. GoT.rn tueut baa determined t. bold liicbmoud with unfliuohing reiolution, and that it has eomracBoed to aet with great activity and J J ".rgj I.' r?..-;..tl. I w. Mobili. May 15. A eoeoial desoateh M : in. n r i - . - - , v-.ou.r..0. ,.r tared tod a, 150 beete.. Tb. adyanc. .apt.r.d 70 Federal, n.ar Pari.. XIobils, May 10 The following tpeeial j despatoh from Coriath has been received by the Advertiser : The Mineouri river - bas fallen two feet wilhiu the last twenty-four hears. Nothing new in warlik. movements t'.ii. eveniu. The eucmy still besitat.. in hi. threatened advance. Sixty-one paroled prbouers were sent off to day. Tb cseeit . . ! ' Pick" "'.luia flJlir "f Corinth. i Late Fitiropcan Intelligence. Ku'itMxD, May 16. European in telli i gene ot the vJTtb uit., has been re.eiv.d. The London Times considers tho check of the Federal advance at Sbilob equivalent to ; a Coiifuderate victory, and fiuda in it con- firoiation of its opiuion that the Biilitarv L dffieu!ti. of ih. N'nr.h K.. i..i ha-,n -im , . . ..... V1 .u. o.,v, ....... From Jackson's Command. Jief food iher fool or an... Larg quantities f , , "uoil,oa llkcD frora M31J ave been sent 19 ijfauuten, From Tcnnes&ee. A gealiuiau from Middle TenotsK as- sures us that the report that an entir. F.d- , . ,.' i . l ii l l cral refluent, stat.oned at Nashville, laid wn their anus and refuted to da doty aay longer, i. true. They entered th sr- tn fi t.r. f-,r th. Ilnion A. maun a. ; ,fc Uirnd lL were deceired, they eon- , , . .... .... eluded to nut and did. . 1 he regiment was j ituui jdiately diabanded and th men sent North, fr fer the defeeiton saisrht spread. It is oiiGdat!y believed the Federal will evaeuate Naihviile iu a short tinve. We iiope they will uot take ihe military Goy. .riwr with theius, as there is a goodly nuus-1 ber of brs oii friends over this way wh would like to meet upjwitb kin en Ume were. AtUent (Tenn J J'tl. j . . , . J ! M"m'f' A' ,3'" U ,0th' CoLj . Vrojdnard, with tho 1st Kentucky Ceval-J ry and a datachuicnt of Texas KiDgn,t- j Uake(j tn, ,emy on E,k River, Tunnessee, i t m f . , . .. i 1 official. - in j:jOsotice. TO MACHINE MAKERS, GUN & LOCK SMHIM, BLACKSMITHS, FOL'N IEltS AND OTHERd. l i e I.rB.j tor of ti e Mecklenburg Gun F.c iory dcaire Ui ki.ow Wiio are pn parrd lo work on tn--ir own preuiia;. on hu e.., locktt, an. Oun Uirn.-ta. Aa . uh a nrran.cineul. ar mad tlic coiiiu.ny will rfi-.-ive ofT r fr au:h w.rk and I uti.iii.Y of machinery and matorial. L. 8. WILLIAMS S.-r'v and Tr'sa. Micklenhurg Oun Factory. IT ii order of ihe Hoard ol Director lb ll .'i... ni uii.'Tin ion to the cap-la) alack of the MtekUnljurg (.tin l'ai:lory ar re opened. .All wno w.n to ail line uudrrtik ing will apply al once to L.S. WILLIAM j,Se'j & T'r. k May 6, lnhU. if -- - ' V . It I 1 I I j I 7 I ' ' i , , i . ,. . , ' want i. puichaae l.eilher in lh reufh j r '"''' m d..p ,.e ol tl.a.r alck. with. ;"' fi''"nr. . B1 I " M It TAVIOP P JAIJiUr.. j A,.r.i Ui, iiul lm. DIED. Died at Abbeville. C. 11.. 8. C.Mof 15ili.SAL LIE WHrrK,cI.ughtF of ilit K. A.G. and Mr. C. F. Staey, ajed tiMi year, four inontht, no i oaji. - Lilt your head y joldca jU, . Let the little traveller in," TheMarkcts. COEEXCTID BT WILLIAMS & 0.&TKS. rilAKLOTTE, MAY 19, 1SC3, IjACOiN.Hiun, new Ib.... SO Side M.lb li5 'V' Hog liimi, Ib ,...Mi ' Shoulder, lb UO B.eaiKl.Uennj. ve.............36 (iS 31 u (4 UO (1 UO (u 00 (u 00 t!$ 3 US , ItiO W 0 tteel, . lb ...15 31) ...tM .;:.7o ...300 Butlar, Deciw.s, bo.u., Ur.iioy, Apple, feck,- lb.... lb ...bushel,. T1m.- ...lb..... lb..... lb UO (y DO 7 ( 8 Cotton, .... ....-75 00 -00 60 ..,U u 11O 30 5 .IJ i 4 j r iVv.; " ! lo.Mdl.., A-ImV.V ,7 j . M Spurm., i " TaUowV.'..'"."' to 00 10 25 . 100 60 35" t'O CO 15 900 n '43 10 so 3tl 00 00 000. .lb..... ib... (; (a lb.... -by.bei. ..bo.hcl.. ..-each, .yare. ...yard. ,. -dozen bl... ....b.... ...lb.... iCera " nw Chicken,.. Cloth,.:opper.,., Ltiid.er,,.. t f lour, r'e.thcrt, II 1 dot, iire.B, , lr,... I..rd Million M.c-.rl, ..-lb. " -Jb 14 Ib... ,5 lb - i ..bbl.NoS...- 00 ..-Kills - 450 t,it 160 (.y -00 (a, .. bulitl....-lUO (, w.i.... Mr. I. MuU!(VVilulinflun)...bbl Mail, Northern, -!b.... Southern, lb.-.... Outs,.- - bu -!.. Pork lb.... Yif, -bu.hcl... I'ol.lot., Iri.h, bu.bcl.. " SwmI,. bu.hel... Kic... -bushel... ugr,Lot', ..lb Brewu,- lb. ..... nloiM.W.re,. -gal Skit lb - Tea !b Wheal, whit. .. A -bn.liel... " r.ct,.-, bushel.., Whi.kejr , Mortli.r. .I.... " N. Crohn,... j.;.-... Wi)((be. t Uoir(i J w..hd,. .. ' " " nnw.ibed. Vrn. b.l ..-3 ,...;5 .. 8 ..-50 -OJ .... 150 (j ...-I50 vo, 5 US .--00 W, ...-a to 10 s 18 .... (.-. ...-IW is, 1(0 to ... l l ....75 to ,....5d to ...40 to .950 to MIMTAKY 0HDEK. SricuL Oaoea no. 3.) lla.o Qi'ttTiii 65. h Rt , 'i. C. M , I H.aLTTs, April Ui, libJ. To the (oinmiaeioned and ,nii comoin.ond otti -er ami private of etn Kegnnenl: Y'eu are hereby ordered to ppar in Charloll un J'uwlif the Mlh of May, at 10 'cleeh, A. M , armed aud (quipped a th law diiecla ler rtegimenui orui ana iit.pcclivu. TbeC-eaimimoicd nd non Comm.wnd effi. eer win appear ou in preceding naiuraay and i MomUy, at IU o'clock, A. M , for drill. , A atvginKBiat Court M.iImI will ...enible on Tue.d.y evening fur lb trial of aueh aa may be brought beloro it. Notice-of detail fjf Ihe ( uM will bt(nu on Saturday, the 17th, ader drill. V order L. t WILLIAMS, t oioael t5ih Keginuat. John D u.will, AJj.tanl. April wa.isu U. Tailors Wanted. iWO OUTHKKE Journ.ymea Tailor, can JL. find eon. lent employment by applying l.J. A. Caldwell, No. 1 Hp-mga Kow, t'hariotle, j J. A. CALDWELL. ! April 5, I 5t2. if Delinquent Tax Payers ! A RE you aver goiag l pay your laie sr do y.A. you expect me l pav thm for you, I a.-w am barr..bd wilh cl.tni. agai.al the L'oeaty, j j and ..Ira. pay up your hont due. i I "oit liuae f ah.ii proceed tu culiol them uer- ilBg io ,.f, k. nwM, J,; u oia ii out of, yo duty io your cocitiry noneei men uugni ui prouipi you io pay four W. W-GRIfiR, Sheriff. M.rch 4, If.Ci. U6i( Tan iiark Wanted. 1WANT t purehaao larj quantity if Un Dirk l.ii S jaii .nd will pay five lij'.iar. per card oelivered at the Ta Yard or Kour 1A. tare per erd loaoVd on the ear on any Kail Head J sy disun. not tacecdiug 40 mile, M.li. TAYLOR. Mar.b 4, 14C1. WANTED ! A BATTALION or INDEPENDENT 8 KIR MIS HERS. lKK.Ml.vsi(N ba been granted C.pt.WM. JL Lhfc UAVIU.SO.V lu raiao th above rorpa. Ciuaeral Itanaoai ficauaa auch aa orgamsdiun at tached Io hi. llrigaiie. Three Coinpame of the above daamplion ar mure r rl'ccl v than on whole regiment ef regu lar, it i tli eame mode of warfare Ibat wa (arried on in the revolution. Let u Imraa and annoy the aneaiy ia ihe rear. One more appeal ia nnoe to old M cckiei.burg and tho (vrroundmg vountie. i us ionacription act requiring all men between 18 and 3i yeaia of age, lo enter lh aervice, ha piaaed lh Confederate I ongreaa The laat appeal la mad to all witmn tho.0 age to promptly reapond to Hue Call. Eapecialfy of our own dear county let it be (aid" Many bav W....- ... l.i.l ... il . I A ixo iinmeilialnly-elect your otfjeer. arm with (not gun and lo the field. April VI, 18 f1. at Iredell Kzprc, Col cord Flag and baliabury W. tclinian coa llirce lima. NEW MILLINERY. Great and Glorious News for the Ladies, rwTrirBlllF. MI3SF..4 ITKIL have JL comniance. Ihe Millinery 'tft ,ni Mantua making bnt-ine -V. af theinMlvea in Irwin' Cor f r "" 'mtwcdnt.ly ovt the Medi- 4 . 'V im'r' r J- " Y mA 1 hey ire arpreil lo aircaie . . . , . . work iu their line to ploaeo every ttale, in every '..I. ,j ...,M,, u,..,,. r' (;A;JIIi .,,- .u.il, on hand all .ort. of material fu, th,. purp.M ; and . V.i.y e,p3et U d.aerve, Ih.v hope lo r.c.iv a large .nd llher.l , pntroneg from lh ldi-of tin acrlion. May 1.1, 16.. hi Tor tsalr. 1Y virtu of a Seed of Tru.t to me eaccut Jon the th of Keb'y, I860, by Job,, o. Kin for certain purpose, therein meiitiullld 1 -S', proceed to (ell at Ih. Court Uoum door in n (it being lb. 3U;h iy of th. month. 1 ... i"!."' ble likely N F.G KOKB ous men, three ,,"' JOIIK A. VOUNQ, Trustee By M L. Wrj.ton, Atfy Apitl 8. 1863 41. C11ARL0TTE HOTEL BY " ' f tilt Proprietor of thi. li.i.. i vyi v . " i ni. post re.dy to fu li 1 61 the dull., of unue hii.i " u ih. Ir.velliDf pubh. .nd other. ,o ui.ve.ll on hiiu, and h. tl.llvr. hiimcli n... eoinlorUble quarter, aan be found wuh Uiu . n whore in thi. vicinity. Bein( ..lu.uu near ly in the cenle of Ch.rlolle, llu.m... AUn w,ii find thi Hotel a met convenient and e.i,.b localma. He b.s been engaved in 11.. k...... al thi. Hand nearly eighleon ye.r., and iu that lime ne n.. in.ua .evnral .ildilion. to in. lormtr hou.e, and it ha been .really enlarircj n, .. provtd.preteutinf in front a two .tr. Vt'KANDA 100 feet in length by 13 ft-.l in width, h.nj haied by tree ou the .ide.walk, afTording a pjtl. aanl promenade at all hour of the day. The llouae ba been thoroughly furnithtd ihr oui, nu in every pari oi ll crolura ron,rrt, r abundant and tangible, e.pecialty in the LINING ROOM, where the "inner man" i "reucwe'o" day by dy ton nctr? with thi HoUl .re Stable atfordir. room for 100 hor.p., abundantly fun iihed , frataand pravender, attendee by laitbrv1 Ma 0. biigrng hnrilrr. The t'roprielur fcelaeonudtbl thai with ln;v.. experien-v and many new advantage amird 1,1,, dt.ir to ple.M, he i. prepared to offer hi fnrui: and the real of Viankisd," a many con. furl. ., 4 a much good cheer a will be found anywhere ptrhap a little more so. ' IT A I any rate yav tb Chai jolt ilniel. I li. KEKR OrfoW 19.l59. 3,, GOLD!!! FIVlOHUMUi:i) OTJKTOESS WASTED AT J. r. BIJTLSS'S Jewclrj Sure, Opposite KtTr's Hotel. Ii. Tl"j lughest cash price pjiJ fir ulJ mij silver. January IS, lhGJ. tt ii-.i . 1 l L W ll 111 10 jlO II. tUarlUlIC aild KllttlCf' ford Kail Koai JLakZsjU nlsltKA IllIO.N. ON and aftrr Monday lh. l&lh m.l.n, ( Faaaenger and Mail Train will b run vi (hia tioad da-ly (.Sunday eiceplee; a. luilvnai GOl.SU HtvtT. I.aavB. Aaait s. 7 43 A M, t io 8 J7 - 9 W - Aliir (. II 2') A. V. ll 45 -U li i V I oU - Mc 15E K. 7 00 A. M. 17 45 ! 15 1 8 40 " Cheiktle, TueaaMae, rlrrvard, ttharna, , I.ioe..inUn, COINU EAST. Linefln Uio, Hnrofi ifravard, Tuekaargeo, I.aava. II 00 A. M. II Hi -it 50 - ia 17 p. M. C harlotu, V. A By order, Acting Matter of Traoao-w t.tioa. Liaeolalon, April 4, 1861. 2 ll IS PHILLIPS f?l f If BT A T I N G located i If lf 1 1 ( harlolt. reapeelfol. rJ7rK le aot'cit a ahar ol puD .e A enipll aeaoflmral of (Tlotht, Caeaimeri-i toi Vealing alway an hind, which will br made le r drr al lha iHnUat. tmtict, after the lU-t f.aiimn Shop three dor rs'li of the Mmaiun ll-mee. a-jti 5- Srj-tnnlxr '.'7, iBj'J. A M. peraowa imirbtad to the eatate of I- i ltndare.-.e. de'd.. will make pajmoet -And all pereon. bat lag claim againal Ihe fl' will prer.t Ihein dul aoihenliealil th preernhed by l.w or tin no.ic will be f'i bar of their recovery. D. M. HENDERSON, 1). HENDERSON March H, ltM f Atlantic, Tenn. &0. Uallroad. T(a. Orrice A. T. A O. R H. Co Clnrh lK. M.rch 17. If -!- j A ,,' ,,,t inatalliucnl of fciKich uu.rriw" ! Menklenburg county, i rlu on tli 'ait of A I"' ! all Block bol doe. in arrear ar rqtld 1 Aa the laat inatalliucnl of Mock uu.rrilee immediate payment. Contractor have faithfully pern.rmcd Iheil ' ' t.ca ..al null Sa rwij l l,- .moiliil la dd I'0' ! Klck holder. Com forward, TAY IT and J your certtftcata. M. March lMil L. WRISTON, Trsss. 4l The Corner DRUG Store, :ilAUMTTI. X. V. ' NYIa IIUTCIIISO.V tVl'O- l(lLm tlJ OM,,l riictfglly call lh. " 'Tf-Y H t.-n ol tli. public lo im ir U'fJ yfl nd eomplrU Hlock now being opt." Ui for lh. Spring Trado, eonaiatmff ol Iruga, Madicinea, Cheinical,' Perfumery. 1'"' Arln lea.Oil, Turocrlina, Burning Huid, Alco hol. Pgr. Medici W'inee and llran.li Cant"" Tea, Kiaid anJ tijfdi-n bi-ds, Ao., A'-. January 17, I Bli'J. 43tf WIVri:i mar llf I.HI.I s7'f' H .tnisssnk:ri,,. ;!l al ii. Fraiikcnthal A Co' t-trr, u '"-. JOSISPU UUX1UUM. Miy , IbtW. 11

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