Slorifc Cardinally. v ? CHARLOTTE: Tuesday, Mii 26, l$rj!2. JTR. R. Wakefield. Kan., of Leamr, hae c :ented lo act, end ie our autheriied agent. He - recede ordera for the W his. bianke or aiver- liermente and rePtirl f thesame. Any pereoae eohacribmg ho nay to hmi within three will receive the Wiim for two doiJare. BOUltlf Hemeniber, That tee take all kinds of country pro-. 1 duct in tich(trt for the Whig k-T Butitr, Laid, Cluckcns, in fact ar , that 11 in the market. Wooi , , , . , . .j friends who intend! Ttose of our cour . , .,, , . .cnptions in wood, will r.jine tneir r . , . : v 3 , , , noon as by triDgingitm confer a fa , aoon - Vote cf Mecklenburg County. 1 e gire tbe rote of Mecklenburg oountj in fu 1. roa govinoe. Win. J-bnstoa, Z. B. Vance, 1335 425 Col. J. A. Young, Pr.H. f. Priebard, J. II Wi-on, B. W. Alexander, COMMONS. Jebn L. Brown, K C. Gri-r, K. L. Iermond, Di. J. B Alexander, tHiiurr. R. M. Whi:e, A. I Hacd, 61 001. 260 233 1054 3.33 271 1 I 656 643 Cil J. A. Yourj elated :o tbe Secite. Col. John L. Erowa acd Mj E. C. Grier in :te Comiuou. II. M. WLile, Sheriff. 90" Vi e see bv ;he papers that one coub- i terfeiter bj been hunc in Kiehmond for Is-( , , , , mm? bt"js K3ct, cn tie CoMeuerata iia'e We Kib tb? g9Tercment would sere scae oi lie rcilicj fj eca's'.ors the same waj, it wonid cause ercrj tLinj to gome uiti to iiT;30' f riles. wetk hi ajaia g'.'.ded cten k, iLe vea.'uer Las been very Lua it in- ' merit, ma bare been liesseil with genie ki.'jers lJ Lio::iit meatier we h:; tie, wi.l h' V.'c e: . -rii j effect ca tba sp-ec- List: : ioT of them toon b -.'.u ebrhes aui old ; :-lc';Lg tie poor people, t '.9 Ltar cf ticir goisj p :o fp.;eu:u-. tluOf., tbev L4 Evil li Lio tic L-.E-rc. tV Tt'e see it m tie LieLatonJ Lupalck cf Aorun the li'tii. that Hoar i' 15 in tfcst City from $1(J iO'to Sll 50, ter'. V, cartst rcc for car! wbj iiour ebovid ie to i Ler, if yoUn-JloLujuJa-reiheretLeyaadjotiue moderate sum cf ?!9 or ?2J and with a . . , . J 3 J a farour to let y W't would ari a cSTtrttje. It at tii! i rice. i tiers ie such wcuid j that theee :-sre f ii.jurc tie i. zl lj cue n;aj ' drae'iLi tLo ttry tid ? wtuid Ci j e of lie 3 i.'.j a-'j j.j.---, for tr cry te eo ;r;iry a d ee.l :cn i iaoe tLne men ar...y, ,r I hej are 'it'iiil iiii-t Le lis u Lij '.$! wriits .:.. t .'tirviri fjt l'. it (s ke:c te on 1 ' je MiiO fptculate ';r joj a p. see is ' '. ' .- ot I read , jo a . r rei'b, piri'i 'ut yu ly tie Devil' and Lje at.f : lo r-.,t M'rir g figbt ta ' ' : ' " if ri of during u!ntJ Iii-'t '-; is f..o-i-nt to rtin Ire J... J' , t.a i.iu. 10 tan ; ii cjr.te Je'i t j tLe ; 1 ca atop fl'jtl of be .rniu Uvzui, or ii-asbinettiii C,l, l'f i a riifi.lar I ilt eaweri aud Stone,,..,...!,, luji, w leafr !:.Lt Mr, Vs.: k, 1- eH-at leaving Suf- f s Nvff..k a!.-i I'.rt-.u.-.tL aui that sec- i f c-ui.ii ,, i ..r.ui t.'. it wiay be; a,, tuiy naie ..... ti.- ie aul lley ; late lu!,d n ut to their cor.t.b'a pri- j v- kt. r ho U u D that tbe Yanaeea are . , . . . , . . v f ' ' i a -t' at r:e in U alts. 5aee r i"wi"1' 'ttalin . jii'ts aiid icbbing bt"j-a taaiug off eili- gene as prisoners, breaking op tbo ferry beats and doing eTerj thing that lb. lowest Hottentot would Wash at we oaa Mpeet so moro from a net of people, whoso only pro MDiitj ii to ge. H J o matter how jot get it, but Healing ii their great forte." Visit to Concord. Well hero e are, again safely eseoised in our own domioil, after making a flying trip to the little Town of Concord oar first visit there, we Vera -ery much pleased with oar trip, it ia a'very quiet plaee in the prinoipai streets, we hardly saw .v Je persons, no noisy boys, no drunken " molest jou, every thing lmi, P"" sible. We sojourned wit- RfiT' L Wood, we really .boo.'. ,n lhe eountry, his astim.'-a'tl drors out to ee . Factory it really was wor.n tie r il in plaee! Jir McDonald kindly took us thrw'1 boildiog to see all that was to Vs seen, there were many persons there waiting for cloth, the gentlemanly proprie- tor of tbe establishment trying to acoonimo- jgte ,?if wi,k 4 ghr( billing to take a rea- jsonable price, rather than, to be extortion ate, he presented as with a belt of cloth, knowing or feeling that noae needed the 5 article more than we do, he Till please aa- ...... . l 1 , t eept our thanks for it and the beautiful Bo- qaet that his Lady also presented its when we left, we wish them a long and prosper eus life with their interesting ftmilj. Pkisonkks Eichani; id.' Official notice is giTn in tbe Richmond pipers that the following officers and men hate been duljr exchanged, and are sailed opon again te take up arms against the iaraders . 1. All the officers and men who were de livered at Aikens'on the 5th August, 1662. 2. All officers and men oaptared at Roa noke Inland. ' 3. All ofEcero and mi a captured at Fort Mason. 4. .All officers and men eaptared at Kieh ! Moaxtain. 1 5. A1J officers, eaptyred at Fort Jaekeon and St. Pfailiip, Loaibiana. 6. All officers and men dslirered at Ai- kens' Aagust 10th, 1862. J 7. The offiears ant men delivered at Ci-i tj Point, Aoguit 8(b, 1862. I S. (Jffieera paroled at Fertreis Menroe, I ! May 12th, lb62. - j j U. Pritatee paroled hj Briga Jier-Oener-j t al G. W. Morgan at Cumberland Gap, Ja!v' ! V3d. lsG2. I 10. Captain Van BcatLajson's Marints. I R H.rlij.m.Et in In. r.nn.ra I . , . ' , ,5. i 'the officers and men in the 6th aad 31t N. T, . . . v. ivigiLutuu ro uouueu 10 repair 10 u- j leigh for tbe "purpose of organisation for immediate serriee. v I C I3TQETCW5, S. AosUst It -Yes terdaj, about S tr 9 o'eiock in tbe fore ncou, we espied one gun-boat coming lei are ij up 1 111 bay. Abaut 11 o'clock, tiie boa; anchored off the town at the month of liiaik Hirer. That nigbt, tbe one that came np t in tii a morning was joined by tbe little stea i nit.- Treat ie, and earlj next morning :he; procecdod op the rjrer, Ao nd the stea mer Nina, as afterwaras understood ) Aleat tcir! miles op the rifer from Georgetown, thej opened a tremendous fire cf fclit'ili, grape shot and pieces of larup- 1 pote, twei7e t eighteen inches long, on ; Ward's Art. .lory, wnich was placed tbere , t) itittrcept taem on their way np the rirer. 1 i i.K liigbl J Iktir n,.lJ . r. . ,l.n r.r... of their ra aaau mlltd thm (a d,l.. Jlr't arti.ierj from their posuioa. bJ tat UP oaiB three ia five aile .ink., I..,W...'. ' I -. a , , , ' r 'K'J ' i its .wo boat loaJs &t troops, tud coniuiei.- g,d eo.Iebt turkevs , caieat ens, waUrmei- '011, ic, aivnS with twertv u tbirtv. ,t v t ' ' ! ! eSr3S' theJ CMmd ! ir; - ,1 ,1 j v. V tue tLere, tie. we;e altaciced uj Loia-1 . .!-. 1 r . , f l Lid's sqaadron of eavalrj, or a detach u.eut of the same, and wet fiaailf driven ent;re;v out of tne river. Our loss was; two ahghtlj wounded. The Yankee loan 1 t,,,m ,rw ! 'ii t0 51 u0 P" lT b viyjnll have Leen from tbirtj to!fr "rQ " th Pi ,n- (, zs J ' azures, up to tbe day Mr. il s wsuon am Lai.naer. srsalroa was artued with Eq'-' "d at 00 cent- a bbel Held ,;es. lie, did a good d.v's work, l 11 klTC '.at -s and'm,,d tbe Uh mM fal Pd, ,,,. ' Tiie New York HeraUl announces tbe i diabanduient of the First South Carolina Nero Ungate, taiacd by Ueu. (labter io the eaunc ut Hugrn etuancipaticn. A very aLcirt trial, under the most favorable con- iiitioLS, proved that I'fjinpey was utterly' ut'iua.ified to play tbe tart cf a aorJier. mi ao this F.r-t autb t'archoa Ncsro Uri-1 gaae baa betn c'tabaniJed and dieu.iased. j Jatnea b. Cts.enoeb, (white tuan,) Coiouei 1 wlj,le everybody else asked from $1 'lb to jof tne First Heiaieiit of this ling ad e, tai'1 ' p' hushwi : Friend," said be, " I ; jgireu Lotite Utl " free papers will aoou . 'M extortioner ; I take to advattage of' j bt jstt,d to these faith! ai soldiers wbo ttl8 atil eiioLs of PrjviJence to wsko iuo-! , ba.e ateadfaatly etocJ by tueir Cvlori," ic , ' vtJ tiV cents a huiln.-l pays mi for my , and Gen. Hunter has conainebecel tt msu ' 'J1 trouble, and I am aatisSed." We! ,.f f,.. ;., . . .. .. . . in,,.!...-!. i. . ... i : ... f vi.i4ie tuei io urartr, rnum ivera, a Serjeant iu t!.e lir.-t Kefiifceut of Suuiu Caroiiu Voi- an.-v n.'f i;i.tiii ,i SuuiU Varoliua , oi- ui ik. r. l.i. i - .i ii .. ......... . -. . v .ii.t.. . . iiiTc, t d-u:ared Ires lorevi-r," aad that bis ant kLj ehildreu are also Iree." Itu w aceoi- ,ula l" '" Ael. ! : " ' I A-SUS Skilled at the battle U I j tM lat. Lie at. A. 11. Xudd, of thai !,5t Ktl,;y t.'..;tT I.iut. Todd o'.Ur of Mrs. Liuec'.n, but from tbe be- iS "a. a warns aupport.r of '0 oulii. ILie is lbs secai br atLer Mr.. ' Lltcf'. hi iu ''evdoui'a eauae. Uoti i" " me batt.e or 3ni oh. 1 u, t , . - i , . - i , ii - i'JUJ brutaer now lafl ae ULeVe, la Capt rio-id, now in eemtn.ud of tbe water batta- ) rJ below Vieksburg. VOTE FOR OOVEKNOB. ' Johnston. Yamci. Alamance, Alexander, Anson, , Alleghany, Asbe, Beoufort, Bertie, Bladen Bonswiok, Burke, - Buncombe, Cabarrus, Caldwell, Camdsn, Carteret, Caswell, Catawba, Chatham, Cumberland Cherokee, Chowan, Clay, , Cleaveland, Col use bus Craren, Cnrrituek, Darie, Duplin, Daridsoo, Edgecombe, Franklin, Foray the, Gaston Gates, Guilford, GriBTihs, Greene, Halifax, Harnett, Hajwoed, Hendsraon, Hertford, Hyde, Iredell, Jaeksen, Johnston, Jcnes, Lenoir, Lincoln, Mscon, Madiaon, Mortin, McDowell, Mecklenburg, Mitchell, Montgomery, Moore, Nash, New llano re r Fvrthampton, Oraoge, Ontlow, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Person, Pitt, Poik, Rando'pb, , Ilawaa, Kicbinond, PublSOD, Rockingham, P.atberford, Sampson Stinly, Stakes, Surry, Tranylrania, Union Wake, Wayne, Warren, Washington, Watauga, Wiiiea Wii.oa, Yadkiu, Yausy, 173 115 71 000 000 oco loo 319 204 140 ooq 504 000 000 000 269 555 119 313 000 000 000 575 449 000 009 132 951 162 504 378 233 417 000 74 19 144 607 193 000 000 oso 000 161 04 143 000 000 000 000 000 ' 008 000 1241 00J 16 114 264 1237 t 00 308. OuO 000 000 COO 000 000 4 5 97 3jS 2j 2r 6-6 10 00 102 OJU OJ'J COJ o r,: (00 00 66 OOi) L-i 000 072 749 756 000 boo 000 522 2S1 316 . 641 1006 m 536 000 OUO 000 . 53J 605 1427 939 000 000 000 523 225 OUO 000 726 100 1363 113 '525 13.ri9 372 000 1977 1.24 334 427 377 296 m 943 m 139 m. O00 1513 500 939 000 000 000 400 in 3U0 u 000 000 421 000 675 1020 315 SS7 90 m li;51 ono 000 010 U00 tu 0t") 000 1275 1324 6;it 940 533 133 4C3 9U9 .'i'53 m 632 COO 003 0l 22- 9 7 '2 H'O (JO 1470 c.-y 110- 'j-'i 00,0 '0 Am Mas We shl! r.ev.r f,r-', 0ui.if)rd eountj y-iaker. lie i- i,n in our Sersp Book as an L'ni'fit a nun with a "con'rieni! '': ii naiu : wis Uant It wia in 1-3, that there ci:ss a crest droujb, wbicli dried op all tbe cr 0 . a i a , 9,re?,,nVDd ,0" f,1 ? 'V'" C.U"1 d' e 1 v l. Oreenborcn;h at the time, and puo . -hed th, Patriot' Farreer, had to .end : f. I . . :l- :. pi "n ui it anu nmj rol es 13 pet 11 r.., J . J . , 1 fcfi men of n eonci.iics and ar i.vtd t aa , V T j I a.-n aa-. . .3 ' 1 ' V u"k e'77"7 " u' iKl 'over ' b'lLslt. remirkin- ti tho's nbo ' wanted .Tom tLres to bjihcl. 1 hee ii too grody ; thy &tii:hL ri'i - Wf'' St'jo as thee, and tbea mist put up two Lufhele at f resent.'' Now tii.i tnn koeT Lo Cfuld have f&M his taeni at Per bushel with as tiu:h e a at i-U ents. Hat be bad a onicien?, and pr fed to be an booeit and a ein-iiir, he thought aiore of L'eitin f llenvcii than he uit of money. We aied biui bow he could afford to !1 meal at CO enrit,' " , "' vai "l ' wonu. 110 n.any like biin can now be fouti l ! U waa a cbn-tian, and wan -i U n to Ilt.ven he knew that a big er inj.iey e-iulj not sen! bim tLtre.- r... .. 7, .,, , W., . ehai, u t. . tue"imort.l V,'ahin?t1o, and wb.eb tiae been in tbo Lo- I family for years, was preneniid to the ! oanleT, Cap. Cra.kahaoks, ot lu , Cf,ari.,tL, by Mr. Ltn.u Lev,.. If t bat city . ' j l'.t-.IJirD The re'i'naiiin of Cjlon! jZ J?. Vance, of tbo 20tU N. 0. Kejrimeut, ihaa been teeeptai to tk .rf :n jroia .e,.' j terday KUhtnond )VUig, 2if, NEWS. From the H tstern Democrat. ; From the West. MoBiti, August 22. A despatch to the Advertiser i Regular dated Jackson, 21st inst., says : Tbe enemy bare taken Haynes' Blaff on the Yasoo River, which givee them tootrol of the mouth and furnishes a good bast for operations agaicit Vioksburg. ; " " Gen. Breckinridge here this esening. Also, the Confederate sick from below." Largo numbers of the Fort Bonelson of ficers hare arrived bore toieet their corn mauds who are daily expected to arrive from Western prisons. Tbe Federsls continue to ravage tbe Riv er plantations, but venture no further than from 8 to 10 miles from short. Skirmishes oti the llapidan. Richeond, Agu4l 15. Tbero was k irmisb on the Rapidan, on Voces day near Raccoon Ford, between our oavalry and tbe ensiay's rear guard. About thir ty Yaukses were killed and seventy taken prisoners. Pope has retreated t B aady Station, about . six 'uilee below Calpeper Coart House. His poiition, at last aceouota, was about midway Cupeper Coart Heme and the Rappabannetk River. An impres sion prevails that he will make a atand near that stream, wbila others think ho will ; continue bit retreat to Manassas. I , j Confederate Congress. j Rl-..-, Angnst 23. Tbe Senate wae ; not in snaion to-day. In tbe House, bills j were introduced, authorising the granting of medals for eourage and good oondaet on j tbe field of battle A resolution was pasted i tendering the thaaki of Con-rets to CoL ! Thomas G. Lamar aad command for tbe I defence of Secessioarilie, S. C ; also, a rss- olition ot thanks to Gen. J. C. Breckismdze ' j e ,f .. . . , . 6 and command far tralTani nJn.i . - , : : m,at reoinon 01 taanxs to Uen. Earl Van Dora aad tbe oitiieas of Vioks burg fur their defenoe ef that ploce. j mi A.a.Tuc&T has ores aoai in ; tde Saddle A.ioTHia Ohdii moM Mor gan Tbe following doc isoeal -read as if Morgn waa about to start again oa the war path : HlADQUABT ers Morgan's Cavalst, K.nvxvillk, Aaguat 4, 1603. iU'UKd : Your eouotrj makes a freab ; spii to jour patiiotmu and courage 1 j it has been decided that Keetuekj must , be freed from tbe detea'ed Nortbera joke, . - J k . ... .. 1 T T and who " u t Barry out tuie orasr SS yourselves r 1 be road is well known to joe. Tool have already taugbt tbe tyranta at Tomp. kiltftViile. l.ahanoi. and f'vr.fki.n Ikat ber' Jlbern heart Kvr.a Innth.r. r, MV.o f,.?. nr. . . S0tttb,r' arn, oar ao.-ltara are niv.ns.b,.. be as t-t era . lo our Southern Dremrcu a ui:jo. rrotct tnair l how ; ri 'piet tbcir botues ! Ia it not that of jcur luothtrs, sisters and fr is !''. ! Sjldieri"! I feel aared that vol will re turn with fresh laureis to eajoj in pesee.i tne Iru 't of jour gleriois victories. In! tn uieaut.aie, let juw avenging nattta cty Le ''Jiutlv-r!'' but shout" Kentucky!'' to jenr kiudrtd end fri.-nd JUiJN H 31 ORG AS, Caioaol t'ava!r C. 8 A. New rM St. Acoptib --We uo derviaud that i'-A. Louis Hell, the Yankee commander a; iii. Augustine, wbw madt btiiicif i.otoriou fy bis UD'natilj peraecu iiou ot tie pie-.-) aomes and children, has t't-cu arr'-'-.l, aui baa foun North to stand I h' trial by eo irt inoriiail. We did not l,.rn li... u. i ! IV! I sle,r uo, , c,1BI4Mla of the Fedetal fjicee in a. Aiiu-uiio. t jr iii fur ii. a i.i !( that there is a great dp i! of auHir.iijf aiuout; families io the cii) , oaiii ia the rearciiy of prrvraiaos and ibe iiiiieuit) hi ojtaiuiuAheai. Many are aid lo "iiur'.t ji oiib uieelprr day. Istkt ( tt'j i iit ) L.luiublun . iV.OK ArliANHAa O if a f jrm atioa from Arkau.J l. ra.h.-r mrirt, y-l cU-eneir ! Tun, of the I'edfrs ,n ibeir p.l j laya tiiroij'!, III,! .".flLM. Iimh. arn.I t U I e . . " ! ' y.e aiiu j'l to a waa. aui a uuuteiotae aiui luw mjalr l o diKputO lb fur ther aliaiice of Ibe etewy. Ilcitifjice n..iit4 from othi r .Stale bave alae arrived, ', i j( in rai Ilulmes bas aiaumed eornaand. Tbe ordbauce ntore bave been teplcuiabed 'o the neceaaary extent, aud Ibe eomcaissa- ry departtuetil is well supplied from the uJ ranariea of the West. Owr friend are now sanguine of their ability to heek and finally drive Curtis' from tbe stnte. - . .... a he Kiobmond 1,i'juircr, of .MonJay, savs : iue infoTmar.iuu received froui the U(i 05y0ifl. hIUiu LCar the IUeidan. fetd..r st;,.10;t c(;rUia ,bat , , u oa Lt) CTe of w fo Lt Wf ,boul(, fought not be surprised if n has already eemmon cei. (ieu Lee cou..?.aud on one aide, aud Geo. I'oria bu the other. 'Heaven crant ns ' - SOlt Lat Mscuisi-Mr. J. L. Hudson, of (,'ijinunng, Krytb County, (Ja., has e Li Lit J a very compute and ingenious caa ciiino fir ttraing aboe laats, g.iu, stocks, waori apokea, h. He secure a patent right, whea the public will ha duty advined aad greatly hsue tilted by hisibgenieus and sinful invention ' Killed near Richmond an the 97th, of June JOHN R. McNEELY from Bownn County N.C, a member of Company, D 3th Regiment ef a tale Troopa. Title brave Patriot foil in the Bald of Battle and aaerifioed hie life for hie Country in the Flower ut hie youth. He wow aleepa ia the ailent duet on tbe Baaka ef the Cbiekahoiuioy .1 Strangers treed iifht the ooil that Cetitaiea the cola remaiae of ear beloved Friend and ehed a tear for Lovinf (rieoda fur away Cora. Tbe Iredell Kipreas f lease Copy. Diedjef Conaumption Aogaat5th in Purtanioath Va Mr.JoNKGaovta aged 84 yeara the deeeeeed wae a joaivg man of fine Arlielio lalenU, he was for e long time Draoghtemen under the U. S.,Go erninenl and alto She Confederate Government atUoepeit Navy Yard, ae eketcher f life like tliaractera end eceaee he had few aopcrieie, ae -man be had en uiiblemiahed eharaeter and tried to lead the life of a chriatiaa. Bulletin, Raleigh and Richmond papere'pleaee copy the death. . , , , ,. Cliarlotlo ITlarket, Aoooer, 33, lb62. We bare bat little abengee to report in prieea thie week. Flour le Mill celling at 117 to 118 1 Com 93 to 91 i Cotton II to 10 etc; Bacon 29 I, 33 ct. Administrator's Notice. All peraone indebted te the late Dr. Joe. W. Caldwall individually or ae a member of the firm of P. C. & J..W. Caldwell, are r quitted to make immediate payment, ana tboae having claimt againat hie estate are requeelcd to preaent lham wilbin the time preacribcd by law, or thie nottee will be pleaded ia bar of thair recovery. S. P. CALDWELL, Adm'r. Aogoat.19, 186J.' If Charlotte Female Institute. rajlllE Winter 8ten wil' hezin m Moadey JL the lal ef September. Terme per eeeeiva of tiatecn wceat ae inliowa : Board and Tuition . . . 1100 00 Mueie 00 Piano or Uaitar 20 00 I'ea ef Inatranteol for praeUco 4 00 Veoal Mane ...... li tii Oil Painting . . . . . . if 00 " Drawing pencil or eriyoo 10 00 French Latin eaeb . . . 10 00 Krnbroiderf,oe oil it or velvet 4 00 Tniliuo ef day echo4are . . If 00 The Moaieal Department will be ondar the charge rf Mias (lammarakold. One belf of board and tuition ie payable ie a A. vance and the remainder at tbe ead of the eeaaien or whea tbe pnpil it icaiana from theachool. In. terretwili be charged vi all accoueu not Milled at I lie cluee of tlte aeaaion. Mo deduction mode for abaenee on leu in eaeee of eeriuat end protree.j 1 d xkne. A.r..t ia. 4t VINEGAR & CIDER, -cakks & 9 E A It A e., L c, . AT W. W. WOODEL'S N EAR THE DSPOT. CHARLOTTE, N.C. Aagoal 13, 16C2. ,it School Notice, ISS SALI IE ( OI.VARD will retnrae the nereiaee of her ttcaeol oa the ll ef Stp. teaaber. If 63. .otoi ;a. ia63. nr ai m:m.i4 oi r. ' fP"K '' aora of Al.i. rAIIR Wl.T. " aae.w. 1 IWMIAIiW.Uaii. TASatli. a..,:lN a.d .tier No-d.y .... UU .,, f ,,,,,.,., m-il a.d 90aya. U make j J P...,., a.d M.'t Tr.H. a..i U r.. ,. 1 r , ,rr aMineaa. n... t.i d.. . ,. ., II thj armting bargarne had belter cifl anon, ae in the trade w.l) do well by calling oa. J Tboee w. ii. sciiurr, MrcU l9. 161. If OnfoeiU Poet OAHe. tjj ivrptv t.PVft i V liLAlNiUi!l lJlJiNLnil. f.'oliiiiibi.t, . "., (Farmerly of Kenfvcky) ie prrpared to (ill ordera In any ealent in tjifritmr ana) Printing PtNbj U Hii.e of t.ieiiaoge, dkc, KngraViega npun Steel or Stunt. I.'rja aeppiieeon Bank Note and eher paper ill be kept.' Angeal 4. IKW. 2m Ailniiiiivlrnlorw ,"! icr. HAVING obtained letlara of Arfniiniatraliow en the E.uie of .i'l T. Wriatoa lee'd. all pcraor.a having elaime a,ainal taid rotate are hen-ay notihrd to preeent I Urea duly authentic, led, and all pereune indebted will eom rorward and lira lie eetllanienl, aa il !- deairaftid lo alone the bueineaa at the e.r'ieal day M. L. WRI3T(3.S, Admr. Auju.ti.I8GJ. 4l Fresh Medicines Orit 'M, Calomel, Blue Mae., Morphine, Caa. lor till, Caatila Soap, Old Bruen S..arr, IHack Tea. Niirale u( Krleer. rnd, (cook. '"I ) i'"eh Braudy ld i..rl Wine, Ionian "yup. Epeom Salle, Mulfhar, Ve. K' HUiCHISON i CO. . . " a t harlotte, July I , An Charlotte, July li. idfiS. yui rnu I'ti'cit. A''ier eoppty of Commercial, Note aad Let ter Paper joet received, and fr a.le tfy J. 11. STEVENS & CO, Oppbaite FoA OlUce. Jane 17. iro'J. tf . nUfl.Oi.O Envelopee on hand and being maeol'ae lured, lur aalo by J. II. STEVENS k CO., Ctppuaite PottOirice. June 17. 1SC2. .if NEW MILLINERY. Great and Glorious News for the Ladies, HIE MISSES PfEIL have coatmeneed the Millinery and Manlna making bntineaa lor theinarlvea in Irwin e ( or- ner, imni'iii ti-ly ovet the M'llu wra eel Oflica of 11. C. 1. oi. They prepared lo rxaco a work in their line to pleaae every taete. m every alyla and faahion, on the wl moderate te mi for CASH, keitping eonelanlly on hand all aorta ef material or tbie parpeee and aa liiey eipiel to deaerve, they hope l receive a large and liberal patronage from the ladwe of thie eeelion. May 13, t. (if M idTlik av State -or North" Carolina, Raleigh Jane 26tb, 1&63. In parauaeee of en Ordinance of the Conren tion of thie Slate, I, Henry T. Clark, Governor of North Carolina, do hereby make knotfr. that all oNecrs end eeldiere ia the eervice of the State or of t.;e Con fedr rate Ptataa who are of the are of twenty-one yeare and who ere citiuna of thia Stale, or who, If witbm the State, aball be ebacnt frem their respective eonnlice atelectiui.a hertaf Icr to be hold exigeaeiee of the ehall prrimt al(j be enUtled Ie vote fur Bheriffa, fieda of the loun ly and Hoperior Courte and membcre of the ti,n' era! Aeaembly in their reapretive couittiee; and alee for Goveruor of the State, Electnre lor Prei doat and Vice Prkaident of (haCdnfclrrale Stalta and wem be re of the t'nrederata Congreaa lr their reepeetive Dialricta, whenever eucb eUctu 'n is required by law." ' And I do hereby further make knewn, . three free boldera of their rcapeolive coiiiLur. under the direction of the commanding ufliceie of the Regiinente to Which they belong, thill OMe. nolle uu Thureday for holding electione in u,,. State being the llalday of July fur th:.i .Cir. and ,hat eaid eleetiune aball be conducted ir, ,n reapecte according to the lewe ef Ibie Stale. - Tbe three freeholdere aforeaaid ehall preu,t a fair copy of the vole a pulled and aheil trentm.t Dm eanie, with II. e lit of Volere. to Ue hr,fl, ,f of their repeetive eountiea and where uflken and eoldieia of tlie aame cempauiee aliall vole in rfif. ierent eoantieeerdiderentCoiigreiaional Dulncu lite eaid freeboiaere ahall aueoily accordiuglr ,nij' ruabe retutna to the ahenfl'a of the Oiflircnt c,uo. liea above relerredtu, wno eliall Cuunt the of the eaid tfficera and euldiare If received wnlun twccniy daye after liiey are caat on the day 0f election aa afureaaid. The election, fur tuie year are for Goer-mor Members of the General Aaermbiy and foi Shtriff,' of the reapeetive countira, . Done alUrhce, in the eily of Raleig lliaiii. and year aforeaaid. HENRI T.CJ.ARK. ClIAKLOnK 110TKL BT mmm .nv c rsai mn iiiAULtirn:, . , . raj III E Proprietor of tine IL JL at till at hie poal reaov ( lu Hi the duticeof" mine boat" iij , treeeliing public end utht'i m, may call oa htae, end be Aaltere himatli i.r cowifuruble qoarlera caa be found with imn any where in Una T.tibiiy. liing aiteaKo ly in tbe eonlre of Charlotte, tiuameea Men e,ll find thie Hole I a moat eoaeeoieal aad dtairak.t localioa. lie baa been engaged in the aeni at tbie eland neriy eighteen 'year, aad ia time he baa made aeveial edditieoa lu i.i i, uaeee, and il hae aoen greatly enlarfre ana in. peoeed. preMntuig ia f'rva t a two atory V Kk A ,N Ij iW leel lalei glii e I a teal in width, band ;. abaded by treea oa Ifc-au'e alk, affuraiaf a f,w. aant pr'imenade al all hnire of the day. Tbe tloaaa bee boon taorooghiy'. oat, ead ia every part ol il cr.loe are abnndaat and tangible, eepceially in ibe M.M.Nd atLMJM. wnere the "inner man" ie "rantata" day by dey. Cnaaoetad with thie Hotel are hub!eafnri!ii w rwoaa fur 100 horeea. abOndaaliy lurciahee enn d provender, altanded by laithu ! aad o. MifPg bneliera. The rroprietor fe-eiaevrrt ideal thalwilh lii:,-f ipenenee and many new advanlag eeaddrd o deaire to pteaae, bo ie aveoared t oSTer bia lfat, abd Ida " reel el maoaioa," aa wtuj cui'.iuiinii aa mach good cbeer as will be found an; a rr, perhaae e little more ao IT At aay rale rev Ibe Cherlotir H. . I. J it. KKKii OriaWr 19.18:8. 3Ju W iluiingtou, Charlotte and Kalbrr i i ' itru hait oaa. UOINti tXT. Aaairi. , I hlrlotte. Tuekaargre, ? J A. M Rreterd, S 10 " Khar..n, H 37 - l.ioculnlaa. I lu " Mt. :AtiT. Aea.ii. I.ineulalnn, Miaion. 20 A. V tlreeard, il I. - Teeaaarare. li I j P. S Charlotte, I Oil " V. A. M..LKK. Leave. T 00 A. M. 7 4J " IS 4 I.aavs. II 0. A. M. II s3 -il " l i U P. M. By order, At ling .Mjaiar of Ttenapoi uik l.tnciaiun, April 4, 1(6I. j tt J. S PHILLIPS ?; fi lnralri( rhille, rrfK i! m 1 V atieiU a ahaic ol jub..c alronaga. j A enmpl'l ai'nrtn .r.l t af t lollia, t'aaaiinrrta ami Yealinga alaaya on htws. I which wtli he mule Uiot- r der al the aiiurlral n. l.r. I afler the lala at faehmn flbop three ow.ra fuli' f of the Maiiamn IIi-um. StflemUt'il, t1.V. FftKNCIl .MIIiLIXMHV. rilllF onderrigned takea Ihie rtird"-! t ' ""''''' JL the Ladiee tf I h-rtmie. end the aerf-ent. tna- manlrt. lhal lliae Late rnraeol M f Brown lo lake foil charge of their .Vt 11 1. I N Mi V III- PAIITM KNT. and ava ouuld alalelnat ' have received a aplendid lul of LAl'lr- f. " a a liable f"f the aeaann, lHirr.l,n,- ,f FICIIXCII AltTM I' ( 'I 1 I.S.I ao lienor in voire ol ii'ium I. K'"1" -' aieo H iiinelB of every Variety, Straw, ,Meiri""" Ian, Urab. and iilaca Itunuel Malwia.a abedre, ttiond lUeea, Itouehea, anl fuid '",', Aa . Ae. MlsM BBOWK will be plceeed lo r all who may wall apun brr, and will tu.n 1 ana anliro aaliafao eon. in ur.ducinf l'e faahmae frr.w fane, and A'la 1'onrr.WiU .1; ' t.o would aleo return eur beartlelt iii" j all who have favoured ate with Ihe.v I"""'1' and we will do our a lornenl c nnce. ewd moat cordially invite ' " eliangera lo ViaiV oor eala Wiehnnnt brl'rre n mg elaewhere. KAIINWKILLEtt AIi'wS June 10, IbGi. 11 The Corner DRUG Store, IIAItl.OTTi:, .1 " I . V K 1 1 L I (1 1 1 SO N & 0 uld reapectlully e.JI H' , ....bin: In tneir ,' and eoinphle Nlfk muW "'"t fur Ihe Spring Trade, ron"' f lrua. ivledicinna, Chrmicala. Perfumery, Arlielee.Oil, TeraH-rlinn. Bornniif ri"' hoi. Pore Medical Wimi end ta Teae, Field and fiardau Heode, etc., e, Janasry 17, U0. J" r

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