JUrfb Carolina tjjig- CHARLOTTE: Tuesday, October 7, 1862. CTK. R. Wakefield, F.aq., of Unoir. ha en. Milled lo act, and it our euthoriaed ent. ti.emcnt.. and recr.pt fur th...me. An, per.on. .. - i . i k, .-llimlhrM mouilii ; -J receiae orocr. lor me will receive the W mo for two doilure. . Eemcmber, That ice take all kinds of country pro- duci in exchange jor the Whig. . Butler, Laid, Chickens in foci aW I thai is in the tnarktt. J, Wood. -'eada who intend Tbo of our countr-' . . " wood, will paving their suba' ... . .'. 6 vb ua ky brinemciti confer a faror 1 6 fa to as I oon as no""". " ! burS Mr;lJ, " the 17th September, rsm i 1662. ettcr No. I., aihicb is Tery iateres- n motion, Capt. Richard W. York was .g. will be found ou the outaide. Letter jei''d 10 tb Chair and Capt. V. H. Alex 8 , will appear iu next week's Whig. er appoioted Seeetary ; whereupon i Lieut. S. P. Hill offered the following reso- 0" The weather seems to be at a stand till, jut at ibis time, rain is wanted ?ery luueh in tbee cigina, it is certainly warm aod ery dusty, and tow terribly ebarp the mosquitoes bite ja-t at this time. W Our country friends stem to hare diitermioed to starve us out, very few wa gons comiog in o." late and what do bring ery little nd ask enormous prices, we hope that they wi 1 oj-ea their storehouse's and Iheir hearts, but extortion seems lo fcao taktn stronghold of ererybody. We see tL.t tk S. C. U. Rd, Su- j rriffH.... . t. k;;.:..,l :. l i. , u i iHiwtkou ii. (vpivcifl, itsiu ayeejlatiDg in various articles onder i tenaity of dismissal. Tbe Legislature a'lO'j'li till. lr.,l . Ua ,rmr.r. .k. .k . . ! ir-ii'-.'i t.rtfl 1 rjrfi . r i....' v.. . j ui muu vm ; ti tie ata-eit done is daily in this place, ' tiili t-it-v icoow it i rojititclt a alr.st Is 'A e k; p - fiov. Vice wiil fay par- t;cj.ar at e;:;iu to them. THE SEiVS. -! ri t:.e war daring ths last - t,::s, citfiietiog and ofter Lt we have feund it utter ' . 1 .m the reaiers of tc . j .?urate report to make i-:T "T Jitljfaetsry. F:r three L ' c-tt.u acy ejrrtet iolc; to ile local position and tra eon- Jim. .ii cf the Con'tdera'c Army. One day ! we Mar.! that Le whole Cotftderate Ar- ' my had re e.-osstd tbe P&toaiae, and iaod ' nl u",mi. i,.,.,,ii... .1 c - eo ur .n t.,e true Jtbcru to.l of irjinia ; fc ' ano ae rea.on assigned for this sudden , miirary n.otemec, and apparent change 1 in the features and ctncral a-peot of the strategy, ia that tbe Union spirit prevailed i , . . . . i to auc an extent 10 Maryland that ber in- ! Jl 1 habitants refold to earpiy the necessities 01 our ciOier, an l tnertfere toes had to re turn to " Old Virginia who never tires,'' ordrr In niii. r, ,V, I - .j 1 : proviaion-. liit the text day, however, we read a Hatemett fia.iy cottradleting this report and a-urir,g u that tbe Cotfcdtrate , tSctre and soicitr never have fared ttt 1 , , , , , ter, or iiTed tuore fomttooua v etrv dav ' ' tierj uy, o., Kluce ielr ,agre,, ,al0 M.r;Uud; for the liber.il eitisen opened !Lnr pm.celj hou-es aud supplied them! ith cot otly the teee?arits, bat even' the luxuries of lire. T;. ,t r.r.n ' we belltte to be true. We also think rt p a atrong probahiMty, if Mt c-r , . .1 ... r- 1 , . , t.in J, .hat t:; I-d-ral Army L.l return- id 10 ; ai d that McClelian i uow on iLte of ti. it i n the aceond at- lempt of I,,, " n(J to Hirhmcnd.'' May the rt 1 1. ,i f v ,-i '. .... 1 .... ,u. . gu .i .n or Dj!,I.i -rarit ttiat tbis S;cou1 aa-.tti-. r.ay.ne t'n..; as ihsaetrou a ; tt.e iei, ,t i. ,1 dure 10. It is said that 'j.--. Lee aa, M.t.i.u. f;,cc croaaing ' t, 1 e 1 -, " : l-U l,:' ,,4" lt""1 "eeaynrou. vur tuhJi-ii'e tfutti bear upou them 1 ,1 L t x .'or k asooa bert lo ticuut, tru!- Latriotitf, k 11 j ' i-if. er, Le d;J 'iciiaige Li batteries turn If. lL,Mefrc, the adajje be 1 '.it " ctrnii. (111,11 oaal their a had hi f'.re, ' we fi- ou the eve of a great IIU' c a s in -, j rornUy t he iij'ist important that if livn fu;.t dun.-. the vrttftut cam fin Ve neard (La te-son the 2nd ;, . i..,ler n 1. 1 f I IM Us" rt tuinii I- !, tl.it Jeff.,,ou C. Dae,., km.d 0.i..LD,J(,.&BiBL: Ji-j.l Nelaju m tB jail 11ju at Loais-: It is U eia'.i.i ty a M arylander j l Ate L neolu retir-e fioio Wnliu'tja ti i n . r r l iu e nee ea.ied "lb 81-j o. r . it,:,.., fri.rd.d hy a Cvapaoy of " ' ' a a.ja ,j B'd oienaueuoiej near biui, II. .1,0 ;d ,h.t Seward asked Lincoln bow many sol-i idier. are in th. Confederate Army, and .l.. t : t e.i;r1 I don't know, but if I (Ul imvvi s v j I oor General tell tb truth tbe Confederal u. .imiilo ana million and bait of rebsi. How is tbatT laid Seward. -Oor forcas are eonquered in almost every battle, and our Central invariably report that in every fiot, they are opposed by double their number. Oar army contain seven knidred thonaid fighting men, the rebel army must consist of a million and a half of nolo'; . rs. Seward replied, bcui. Up to the 3rd io.it , the Confederate Ar my were reported' o b. .till Winche.'. and the.., my ,KBDker lm'tg milca from Winchester, V The Richmond Enquirer b 4th .n i . . l ..., were in force jsUnt, states iu " " ,. I M ,rtiD,burg, with V Urt "teDd,D8 10 , n,. Lee, with a Strong .... r--- . . jjy moving low.r.ia .u.ruu. 1 r k -1.: ;. - . k - I e.,.e and lr" W" Prob,bi;i,J tbl , ,.i battle is about to be fought, a deep' Tribute of Respect- IK Nxa Mariinsbubo, Va., Sept. 23, 1&62. At a aieetior of f th. eni, : Regiment N. C. S. T., beld this day in camp, tb following proceedings were had in token . , ., n 01 lBe,r re'Pecl Idr lM memory 01 uapt. ii. B. Lowtli, who fall wbile gallantly leading bia men to tbe charge attha battle of Sharps- lutiona : Rttol'd, That the officerf of this Kegi mentdecply deplere the loss of Capt. II. B. Lowrio and feel that by his death they have lost a warm and generous friend, a bold and obifalraui officer, an educated and high toned gentleman sod altogether one, who hkJ so borne himself, that bad it pleas ed Heaven to have spared bis life, there was ope a before bim a path of bright and great usefulness to his country. Resolved, That we offer to the friends and relatives of our fallan friend our iuq pathiea for their great loss, giviog tbem tbe assurance that he fell, as a soldier prefers , . , .. . . . . ; law, ii ne nas to iaiit in a cnargd, at tne ( head of Li comnanv with his face to the i f0e ! L , ...... . tvsoivea, x bat tbe Secretary transmit : . . . . . . . i eopy ot tnes resoiutnoa to be sent ta ni ; reituves and friend at Charlotte. N. C. .n,t . ,. V- th- ' wu T-peavtoat aae ii- eigh papers publish tbi came. Un sasliwo, the lueeticg adjsurned Rich. W. Vosk, Oairman, W. II- Alisa.nier, Se. ! I'K '.uvallv. Aejordii , to the U.oli 1 tiioiid LttjJu'cH, cf the 'S!ih, tuo earner of this man bas been r-rouht i) a ciaie. pferajs: j I1u.no. About two weeks tibcc, the Snulf.rB rtrtdri a-r. (aliiprl an firvi"t r.i tit .rrtst, in Mobile Kay, cf five men, -ho Tioau iudieationi appareul, had attempted to tubark io a tea: for New Orleans. LjI- ter from suspected Umoniat iu Mobile , 1 .1 ji 1 . 1. . were found 00 them, a-1dreei to Du:!er BBd other Federal o&eial in N Urieao., map of Mobile od p au of iu defsuce. ,e citJ tepapers, bis of golJ, "cd 'D "ortBent of both Federal and Cou federate 1 reaaury scrip : aiso, aeveral tits, 1 1 1 .1 V- , - 6 one of which represented tbe Lnitcd S;ai.- fiag on one side atd the tJoufodtfratc- u lbs reverse. Uther euJc-tses of lutein! ' cd treachery were foutid, and the whole party, though they prouated they were on- , ly on a fibiLg excur.ion, wera eouvtyed to Mobile, and eafeiy locked up a, ,:,,;S. A mcn tbe men on hoard the boai'wai Lr Marius Loui Kossvaiiy, well kwswu in tt,i c,t'' lu,.e"'goc reicfca yeateidy at Lieu. U iuder'a oft.: Lv a ccntiuuiau df . r t 1 .1 . i ,, ... f t fr Mohhe, that Itosra y had breu bung there a l-;w days a-o, but whether by i miut.ry authority or tbe populac aeii.j ewumittee, we uii not k-aru ! j Spoiui A .rln.r it.i. vi.-, ., enumerates Geo Price spoils at laaa as fU!" T ," Vib f W 0W ''er ready to drive oif, but the i atee teamster dilJ Ml btM tlulfl l0 Ljtch lbo ,m.( bul tbou'ut it wiae tt aave the;r on b-a3a by leavinif the wagons and riding off uson tbe u,u''" a'Itceu nuudrtd barrcia ol fl j jr remained iu one pilo near th (laltou bou-e. 1 , . r , , . ' SeMiea what 111 found in toe couiiuiry . Atout eight thousand sacks of Krio wrc piled un ou ibe eJ.e of the town. beide u' tUou.and more upon the pl.Ua at! iie depot. Ciite.e. Urd, c.otbea and v. ' fbM j u, ; fj4Jja ,iQ , (J4gt,. ' j A Sami-l o Lux at thc uttrll ihe following extract ia cut from tue Al bany (N. Y ) Arg-ts : i WLite ohiid, who wa huod ot to a i i;ro ttiiiiti by tht Pniladelphia liaard of i j tjuardiaun ... -. .ur, vl lor 4 oor. nas recent die'l 1 Itotu Oornble treatment iu bis amreutice- ' "L'Pl 'l"1 1,11 rel(l" diaoortrio tbd hoi.: up puoas Opmiou Tba CruarUiana shvuld he ' reaponaikle. bale personal Th CineionaU Commercial ,t.us, at, rj,.h(.ri pop,-g re.,Je ,u Lis 'report of Ul oisaatrous cauipaio ia iriu:a vr.i t.;jb:ihed tbout Lie au'boritv or alio al ' eijM. and eeotr.ry to hi wuh.- , Fiiom thk Aumv or No V,.o; tA.-.Ve r.ce.veo. ' ins Irotn our eruiy - Kven 'passoDgari by the Central irwn brought not a rumor fact indicative f lD ab.ol.to dearth of now. jTho Lynch burg Virui w" but ,iW, IUOr fj"U' nate. I: J'S . , We mould get nothiuj dthJiito last cin from our army por did wo have any cou firrnation of report that Jk'Or. f.,u ! j !llf..e"e.ht StuarCi cavalrv'had a kkirrn'ohi 0D .Monday, near Hagerntown, and furtht-r, ,a McClcllan falliug back towanu ingtc-D, but these are mere rumor- From. an officer whose opmion is cntitl a to samu reject, wo heard the idea advanced that there would probably be to tnoro fighting for aoine dsys, it beio persuiued that'our commanders would await the ingathering of the straggler, who aro rejoining the ar-; my rapidly All concur in rpr..eatii the moral of our army to te excellent, ami usi spirit buoyant to the highest degree. KuA- f no nit hzuminer. During the day yesterday we heard of rfa new developments of our forees on the Pj- tomao. iu its prcseut position, wo unn-r- staud, tbe army is iiuproviu in the eotidi- tionof the wen, and accumulating by daily l accessions of stragglers aud coVcripU. Whilr may b ib tui.uJoJ riure OptH- j atioos of Gen. Lee, he is certainly most bucec.-sful in kepin them eonceaied frcui' the pubiio. No iuatrial iujury cau result lanu large lorceprouaoiy raw recroua t the pullio irom this retioeuce. What in at Fredericksburg, with the view of re concealed from our people finds little chance ; urding or operating ajaioat the movements ot making it way to t he enemy. Tuer. is! of Geuer., Lee io th,t diree,ioDl .ad thus general confidence felt and expresMjJ in; , , j tbe management of military affair, ,j the road b.msalf to adf.no down whatever movement is made will have the the Valley. Wo are confident, however, sanction and support of tbe people. . j that aiup!e preparation has been mad for Our Utt accounts concur in tbo report biuj eftn ju th,t o.iirter. thai tbe Yankees have not attemptc J to re ! . . .k u . .i . : I (jf - Lee bas already civen too many as- cross the Potomac siuco they were merci ' 6 ' lessly slaughtered by Ueu. Jackson, at, surance of hi ability, aidad by bia gallant Shepherdtown, on Saturday. Uur pickets army, to thrash tbe invaders of oar homes, as iate as Tue-day extended to the neih- jo,, taT tn4 ererj'fielJ, for u, to entertain uornooa ot iii.rper s rerry. it i not pro-e oanie mat tney mil attempt to cross again for tbe present Winchester is repreenied a btiu,; rapid ly disgorged of the t-traggler who have made tbe town a kiod of reuaetvou-i amc our army ti r-t enteral Maryiaud. VUch- maud Dispdlch, 'i'lh Hah thk PLtKKADt: Yesterday moro - tbe steamer Kate ran tba blockade ana! anchored near S:uitbvil!e. SVe learo ahei left far town this mornipg . (Vir authoritie,' ve;i0w fover on hoard a. an, n - rt i :. ,w i in ': . . ' . J ; . aue is irom Nassau, wt.ere toe li ter tna br0e out ' t-t report, and wo trj-t she wiil be cimpelied to roiuaiu htio h IS I Ii e U 5C A,8 on b J i r 1 , I e t 1 1 . if she ; it j'iou! 1 Le or o ,r lo u. COu,nj utioated to our .oLitcr ... . . We aio learn tfcat to Pf r bir 1 "l (Cliori,.r ap U cf t'..eiu i c 1 or f01 a-rou:!'!, t-Ut -OVOu .-.-U tbe teach, h"'ie a ho aiiu rtour i, ai'L tU8 jocka.lvr firoJ b-r ffu ..-. 'o'clock this tuariiiu H.l r , She lie lii-joLJ tii-i r acii of oiif ; ' ra'.her tno o.ocia.i.jri w i rs ic j tar ; c ir jjjii to reach lin.-ui. 1 ihc'jfi-r n'lijiirr 1 M.UI bir l, I i! a-J'-Ci-y tit jt ' ai, V, -ill' Jj.i.1 Hl Trr.- ' ) l3 t'-'l' I - . . tt l. -ru ! ,r l " at.etua-j.!, al-j.iLt vs- i'k- i Ir-i. at Tu Liiioin l. Tii-.-y -ta ibtt th tinif'1 a: that place 0 1 t .n -t:..- i C" iT;o, bin, e.'-i. ui: k , hi'.' w.tii tool lo 1 41 n. Ir in: tSitm cf gO'.d cJ t ' 'j r 111 -Lt. . K. i.tv. They 'f-.le from bwt i:ifor:n.: ,i thev Ciu obtiiu, tiijttiicrc rt row v ;j fi;W Sjuil.ri la Nl-!iTi.l-, :in l Le.i:VC Lin .t ijmik.ii0' bis way towaru l'.: O-io : 1 i fj tt i ij -. v t . 1. . Tm-y ar of opinion t ..t Ura: ii iu p--iv.-i ,ii of Lui viilo by ti.i t'. 111 e, cr that he will Lau it iu a iljy or to, if r.ot uow. I'. S .S.i,Ci! the fore jo 'n was ij t y r, . our dr-patcht-. have corn 10 lund. h u e",J':,'t ''-" '' t'J Cars-Mvuiv. .-.u 1 weui vy raiiro.u whii ti; army ironi ::irrc to 15j;i:i' j reuu. The dc:ruetia c-f jr. "it river brid.; hy U:j 111 to pre- w. lii- ii from cro---;n uii i cjjiiti upon l,n resr ii.l liu lioii: i Im?c taiieO L'a!r!V!.:e. whieb wc hv to doubt liai beou acco;i i pl.si.td. Atliu't (J,;t lti.r.y. j i The Steamship Ffiiimi, Mix o- Wau 1 hl. llHVf (;,u:jttrjli .team.liip. which recently h'oa ihrojh tho l.locmie cl Mouie liar, we i.-.ve rciwii tt know. bu'it ol ija" of .'reat tnicirio-'. and. asmo'jh not iron clad, her b'!er and :ti4 cbiiiry aro peilec ly J rot, ctt-1 fruu ahot or ihi',1. S.Hf h Ion.', ii,d eet lo iu lUu Wati.r, of k'r'-t rfie'i and inoJtl ot eiii yuiar heu'y. Iler in ie nni-ry 1-. of !.o v ry biMl that hi b i n bui.l 1,1 ho.-Urid li.-r ariiiaii.ijijl 11 a i-rl il ow, and with a pripcr ere, commanded h ia, Ii.j i.1 b ti laky Care of her-t.f aud IUU enemy. 10 BM y" ",01 ,ulure '01 b,1,t ""l tl(P';''-" &' "ar" '"h:T !t UUo ",MbU b. fr the eontiiaul, no ctdiciry 7ii' t ( ment. ; To hive KtVfd, fjr tiio future Cnif d Il r?8--ct erudit on tlm eervlce : and. as the t-ni iny Liii all about her, wi m no , reaaon uhy our outitryiien al.O!j:d tiOt hear tin; at'iry. piitu air) uiivariii.h..' J. I Uifi;i-r. iiii.eheJ to O 3. ateanii r i it I a oj i;,f 'tin 01 frpluiiitiet : J. . .Waul',, 1. . , c jnji iau-.ini;; J. M. Siriiiiin, tj.iahori Imiu. A venl ct waa rendered in ae N.t lJ-:uinMt ami Ki'Ciiiivo (iiuee cnrdaino witii tbv ttoU. LharUston .i . ..i . . i i. . , .- i j l , ...i a...:...? i . . li'i Il A.-i-Unt l-:iiucr, ( n cimi.-,;) J C ill, jtu, i .t A-llai.t J..,,ui--i-r; la. 8 .S,:,..liir, t,o, Jj U.-ayiu. M i J -hi in,.: n; L Vo.;, Cjp.aiu'e Citra; A We.ltrnti, Paymaster a tjlerlt. General 1'opo telegraph, fr,,i ti, that the Indians aro a,.,,, fr.:ia'. be antic Jtud, and aki for lout iS have I j n--miiolN of voluntter. i . . . .... 1 t0 ptra, tu UJlan .ar panic. Trom thr Army General Lee Athuncing. Pa-isonters ly TUo Coutral cars, last veo gire aoiue-additioual iuformatioo in re gard to tbo iiiovittiieuta of our army, and lho.o of tie fuemf. Tho atraggleri had all rrinriiAil to heir different oom- in cclKnt eonditiou and spirit. Tbe enemy, a force, waa at Martinsburg, with bia lef , pending to UarpBr' Ferry. Gen. Leo w mof. ' ..... , . L k-r towards Martinsburg, and there probability that a defperata battle was about to be f0ui;ht. Persons of intelligence from Win- flbesttr eU,a ,hllt MoClcllan eaoaol avoid . .. engagement, Mies, he withdraw. Ii. army across me river a niov wuiou n ia next to iiupo?iblo for him to make, a he was evideutly being urged forward bj the Yankee Administration and the clamors of the abolitionists. For him to retreat now, . . , , t.r.n uu U8 gu" .u,u, ""un4 most ai much to de moraine his army a W0UJ t defeat. . . . , , , , . . i.r n. 3 k ars or doubts uow, and we therefore feel warranted iu aaying that, wheo he strikes, McClelian aud Lis" grand army " will again be beaten baek in u;ter diasonfiture aud eor.fusioo liichmond Enquirer, of Sat urdsij From all accounts tbe condition of our ir01 - ' ' excellent. Tbe barefooted have been recently shod by large arrivals of sheas 0d the coniiniMariat is cow abundantly TLe itr..,UM hav. all Len d up, and tb ahole iruii is buovaut .pint aud coi.S Unity anticipates I , .. , . .. , I another victory j.uninomi uisptvch " h ilcst i'Viun the Xnrtli. III- UM All' 'cl 4 Northern papers 0 ' th, ! ).IV brtn rtcrired Tbe tews fit. (.?n. Html ha been rein i, i aod at Louiamlie. An im .l n.o.eiuoM is on foot at llil rt.i' ijf tiaifd avanoab aod c .i u I of Cl Luiidare I I', c !. II 4 ,0M : 1 oi tlie Fcier aU killed ' 'r, i.jf it X'ijutl 1.1 iaii woauded, is 1 r.-l ii,. i naval attack was .: Idr; al Noflo'.k. A ! ii . arii.el iu llauiptoo i r r:i inf, of luteuded re- j .! .1 Cthiiul tjold waa1 1 ci k on the ii-t. at I 21 1. J ;0i-4tioti iu 1. J 10 ill ., The I'aktizvm im NonTii Cakoi.i.a j IV Irani troiu aujree entire, y reliable, li4l (.' tji l a or'. company of l'artasan Ki-'i ii. 1'. rr l ee a K- viu.r iit. attacked tbe ! me my in lh- ir ri.eampment iu Camden' , , ... , , 11! 1 C..l.ly,N (,., on lue.day l,t, . itb Goe 1 fl ct. Capt. 1 aylor e eonipany numbered I only i-i Hy veil, but ni-isin a lavorable ' orportttiiily, ( lavu of day.) they iahod I ' r ' v .. .. . 111 mi , 1 nii.ir' , c ir ililhini, lh teller iH troin tueir alu'ubera, and drlticj; lhci;i through ani out cf iheir eneauipmeat, L -.' r many of tbe raacala had lime lo com prehend .fully Ihe 1. at u re of the attack Vie killed threu. wonmlod aevn. tojk cle- .,. rnnrTt, loO aland of arinv, one brass ix pounder, two barrels of ogar, three h-i of eo.1 -c, aandry" other atlicies, and then burti-.il the cmip r jipagc, etc. The e in-my i. 'jppo-ed to hao iiuiubcred about H.J.i, but ihey ran so fat that the gallant tin i-n could not aterrtaiu with accuraey their i'hco. Wo brought c ff all the arms niri proviaiobi captured, and paroled the priiom ri. Cat iii i Ta)l)r 'et not a man, iaii-l ii.nl bit on- onndcd, and be alibtly. U'e arc gratiGcil lo hear lhat.all Kaaiero C.'uiiia 1, roar ikorouhly a'ouaed. Kve rj man un 1,-r tj) ia m me saddle, aud a so ii.-111:1 vo,!iaa beeorejftatercd, that oe io va.Jvr ahali Q'ld no re.t.uuiil tho laat vau (ill f)u bis bt-eu driven from that noil sa cred lo liberty only. 'eltrtLurg lupitss ' ataI. Art itvaiT. An at thv Savant,,!. K.ilroa.l day Ut, by Coroner W An inq ieit was beld I I lepot on balur-1 Wbitin, over tbo; body of Thomas J. Graham. CotiiDanv it. I Sunt h Hittalion, Uih H 0. V, It appear-1 i:l that il.n di e -aaed while on bia return! from a ,ck lurloj'h, wa walking on the! trae, hei bar wa run over by the train ann D liailiy nyireil aa lo um In a Very w. ......... G i"PS Tlllf.LQI 1 II E liLXKAUt An olln-r ol (ho. Ir'O aiih-a of imported mer chandise whieh neeioiilty reach our city through thy Lincoln blockade, took p'ace y(..-ii rd uy . Ii was the iinprcadou of many before th.j elu that an important reduction oi!J ...cr in til pncn of many arliclea in em-ieii ir-i,o.' of our lato milirary aucoe. e., I,,,: ,,. T,t tio fall worthy of note! bn o.:: .11 1.. I I, nt. on th. eoi.tr. r. ... , -. - - ,,-.,.. .T t'l-i iiii.i u'eful ariicbi bare in.ta. 1 tu!!y adiaucsd. Lhurlttton Courier. SurOLn A gentleman wh is a resi dent of SufFork, but now exiled, has aotben tie in formation of the present strength of lb enemy at that plaoe and vieinity, On Tuesday latt, three re at or near Suffolk, thirteco regiments.of iufantry tbrse of the new levies and full, tho other ten from MeClellan'a forees and not full. Tbo last tamed went thither from Harrison' Landing. They have also 1,500 eavalry, (1st New York aod 1 lib Pennsylvania,) and twelve piece of artillery. Geo. Ferry i ia command of the whole. He ha for hi headquarters tbe beautiful resideaoe of Nathaniel Uiddiok, -Esq , a memtsr of the Virginia Legislature. Tbe enemy are reducing tho f auge of th Norfolk and Petersburg Railrod from! nve feet to tour teei eigoi inones, -lua oar row gauge" a it i called. They bavt eompieted tbi work up a far a Antiool Churob, tnirteen mile Weat of Suffolk. They expeoted to reash Zuni, fivelmiU further on th Ulaek-water, by Wednd) night last. Zuni is forty mile from rs tersburg. We learo further that tha enemy areJ eommitiing great outrages, i bay 'are seij ing all tbe horse and provisions they eanl find aod exteud, their operation to Isle o Weight, Nansemond and Gate counties, the last in North Carolina. First IUlx or Cotton. Tbe first bale of new cotton received in thia city arrived yesterday. It ,waa from the plantation of Mr. Mines of Crittenden County, of Arkan sas, nio miles from tbi eiiy. Fifty sents per pound was tbe priee it was held at. Memphis Union, Sept 23. DIED. At the Raleirh hotpilal. of T? nheid fettr. Mr. JOHN III L'KS of Mtcklentiirg cuunlry, a mem. twr of ("apt. rVR. Alei'nder't compao;, filh N. V. Troopa. la the battle) of Sevrn Pi oca, on Ike Sth of June. HI.A1K L. RANKIN, a mrmtMr el i.pl. Siawe'a Company frum i.loo Kth Hrgiineol aun of Joo. I. Raokia of Glon, aged X3 yeara. STATE OF NOimi-CAitOLI.NA. WaCKH.NBUXd COtMT. G. Birgmao end othera agamat, K Jw.ro l arria and William R. Ml-ra. Orif im.l Term, b. It lor. II IbCi. N thte csm, it appaariuf to the Metr, by Ihe Jl amj.vil ol mo aolicilur ol cnmpiaioaota, Ibal W illiam K. .Mer,ae of (he d.i'cndaou la att aint fron thir Utate, Ibal be eaaool be Mr. aenall re d, and that be will probably reiaaia abarnt ootil afrer the sail terra of the Court, thia nutii-e la therefore oabuehed lor in ercaba in the ' North Crohn. Whir," a aeeiapapor printed at Charlotie iu Mid count j , eainm.nuiog him pwr. Hy to be and appe.r at Ihe neat Court of f;iu" ("' " '.' n tVe I . .! nr mi nmi.j in nuoai, IfljJ, and lli'n aod there Iu plrad, .n.wirr. or de. J mar lo Hid bill ; olhrr ia Hie a. me m ill be la- II ken a. eanfcaicd, and I,k- Court arill tuabe aucb urt rrt liie eno aa aliall be Orcmcd jwel. WiHir.a, A. C. W ilhamwn. Cifa and M.t.f ! . ' ''" " nv "'d I'uarl.ol fjquii; al office to Chariot , In i 'Jtilh d.e ol iiiBliM1ir A C. WILLIAMSON, c S-olrn.'r 30. leti. Pr. Hi 12 0) a rn.h A im.M ,U b- mad f,.r the Renew. .1 or' Al.k Certibi-.Ki No. S3 lr il. fittii S,iiif 6s h.rl. 1, Ai S.. ( a. II. K o , le pfop'rlf "I Ihe K.I.I f I'ltua. J Hollo. K N Yk. II L IVIII.0.. Kaaolor. 1 hart.tl. Auu.l 31. leb. SOL'TIIKRN CfTlCldllAN AUVOCATK (XXV Vui.I'mk ) A Rclifiutta Keiiii'T New.paper, And an M(a ol Ihe MKI l'Jtl-r KflHUPAL Cllt'kCli i Tnc .Mi nna coiaiaaat i, I uuO; i.hr.l . t AU-jL'it A. liKORGlA. AT TWO IHUJ.AbtA fr.ll AN MM, laVtaiaBLV i. latiKt Any perann aenmnf 'twaarv tN.io.aaa for ao. ecnptiona ia emitted I" epy u1 tnj. je f .r one y:t. K. II M VMiJ. fcd.Wf. Adiiiiiibtrtttur INoticc. . A;l V"ont '-'ebted to ihe hi. !,. ).,.. . t aWweil tm'itino.llf or a a in. lobar ol tin- firm ,l( :- 4. j w I-.,:,..!,, . u ,,,. mui.e.ii.io pv..eni, ana ihow' h.tin oUhm. -jt-i"l h.a , u are rcojocalsd u rrrw,l incau " ,'" P'ikhws b; law, er Una aehca will be oie.drd in b.r f ll.e.r i.,i,i. - , 8. Y. CALDWKLL. AJmr. Au;ual 19. I6f,i. " u Ciiarlotle Female Intitule. 1 lllfc. Winter Sea.mii wi'l lin n Mo;,d.v tne al ! fepl.inbvr . larma er ataaioH of ait U.n aiii aa foliowa : Ikntd and Tuition ,00 Oil i!U U(l .iu,ig un riMiio ur uuii.r t v ul' liiairurncDt lor practice Vocal MufiC t)il I'.iirt.ng Draw. rig eiicil or cr.yon frtncli t,. tut oaeli . - . Kinliroidery, 011 aila or veUel 'i 'nil l ol da v ac'ioiara . 4 HI) IB 01 Id ou IU lU t M lb Od under tbe Tli Mn.it. I Department wll Se under the charge j-l Mi. a llaiuiMr.ki,ld. One h.11 ol bo-.ru and tuilioa ia pa). Lie 1 11 ad. e.nve aud Ihe remamdar at laa end of Hie a. i.i.in or uii ln pupil ia irwuicil I'reiui llic aeliool. In. lere.t wil, be en.rged on ell ,Kounla not aeltied ot tlie t looe ot Hie .e.aion. f'u acdiii-tion ni.ue lor iie unleee in caeca of arioe). mr.-i urolrac U-d aii'anea. Auyual I.'. 4l VINEGAR & CIDER, ft Ii ii A It !, Ac, AiC., AT W. W. WOOUKIAS INfcAK 1 lit iii.ru I. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Aujru.t 12, lob'. ' it rmriMj i tii:u. A iol'iir supply of Cuniin.rriil, Note and Let I'. per ju.l reeeiea.l. kii.I lor . ua bf J. 11. 81KVLH3 4 CO., UppoaiU t o. I llrUoe. June 17, ltd. if Jewell. "IMlil! I: Vl.l.OI'IlM! i,00' 0 t"Bl"P l"d and be f n.nelae. ,,,,- M " j. ii. arKVBNd ii oo., ju, 7, Uppu.ite I'i lOrne.e. If NEW MILLINERY. Great and Glorious News lor the Ladies, fllUE MISSK8PFE1L har. JL euntniv.ieed the Milliner! and Mantua making buaiiieaa fur th.maelfea m lrwin'a liar, Immediately ovei the Mdi. eal Offlc. of Lh, C J. tux. They are prepared to Hecii . work in their line to pleaaa trr taate. in atjrl and raahioo.on Ilia Aioot muderata tc tna fur CASH, keeping uiiaUnlly on hand all aorta of materia) for thia ptirpuM j and aa-lticy expsel to deaerva, they bnpe tu receive a large ane liberal patronaga from the ladle of thia acuiinu. Mar 13. iPn-j Ci 'IMIE largeat atock of WALL PAPKR WIN 1 1KW S1IAUM. COKUfll, TAashLS, 4.0., in the 8late, iiuial be Bold in tl date, to nuke' room for ulner bu.tneea. All tho wanting bargain had better call Boon. Thoee in the trade Will ou wall by calling un W. II. SOU U IT, March in, 1ACI. u Opjwiilto Poat Ulfiva. CIIAlll.OTT' HOTI-l f glflE Proprietor oflhie Hotel i, JL It'll al hia ptit ruaj io I. Ill thedotiee of "mm hni" tiflh Uavellinf public aud of here a hi uiar can on mm. end be Hatu-re bimer 1 1 that ta comfortable quartera Can bo found we i lh bin, aa nj where iu link Vieiiniy. tiring eituaUo i.aar. ly in the centre of CUariulle, Uuaiueaa Men mil und Ihia Hotel a moat convenient and dtairatiU lunation, tie ha br.n cn(aed m the bu.ii.r., al Ibi.fifind nearly eighlrta year, and in i.'.ii tune be haa luada aeaeral addiliona lo in. ivrn.tr houae, and it haa bee a rett eiilar;rj and in,. prod.pr..nlin iu front a iwoelory VMKA.MiA 100 leel in la., Hi be 11 f.al in widlh, haiu.'aun.rl abated by treae on the .it'e-waik, afTordn; a pica, aont promcn.de at aijtm ire of Ihe dry. I i.t nouee nee oeeninurooehly roriit,id thro'. ool, and ia every part ol it crc.lure eomh.ru are ebnndanlend tangible.e.pecMlI in the lJ. IV; KtMIM.witrre the "inner nii" ia "rentwto" J y day. t onnerln.' with lh ia II, tel arr Slhbi Jlf-ru-i g "in lor I '"l borara, abunoanily Ion niieu b.'.ii fr.io and prurenaer. aliciidCii by IjiII i. ,ko c. oiiinj li..i;er. The frurrieinr f elaeor. firirnt ml with hie:i-f-elprrienct and many Bvw.oa.rl.. ia.icnl I., I. a daaire to pie., ha ia prcp.rro tu orfrr l.ia frirn, a t bd I he rr.t ot in.iik in.j," hi. r j f on, l,,r l . i , aa murh good enter .awiil be luufi aciy.l irt, urrli.p. a hlile lii'T. in lAIojralrevii t h.rh,H ll.il' j ii nr. Ml (Ulfk,r in. h!t 3'.'ll W iluiin;loit, riniriollf aud Ituihrr furtl ISiiii oad tt-T-i inj-iirt tf.xst W Ir.K.H WIMU. M..iio.y li.e Ijlii in. .,rfi ai d lj J rin win I. liiwd 041 J ',11,1 4),,H,,H,,) I, t.nl.NU W Kl. 9X SI Be OtL BCII t II A It I ti l 1 1 I I 101. Aaaivi. 7 "V A. M. fharlolle. (1 j Tvk.,rt, 7 4J A M U tlr...d, t I II 1 8 40 hi.f. o. J7 I 1. 11, e, nlon. J OU ; t.oiNu h.r. I I.a.ta Aaaitc. i ll U"J A. M. L-iif ilnlon, I II v3 nii.r II ii) A M til j - Hrra.r.l, 1 1 43 J 17 P.M. I uoka-fee, UliPX I b.lloUe, - I liU " I Ry trder, V. A. MtlJKK I Ai-l nt Mi,ii r of I f.ii.p.Ki ,t 00. I I.mcilotun, April 4, IBol. If if I S PHILLIPS . r ; c . . v r '. . a a IB,' AVISO iu.ird m inrloiu. rerptcKul. Ir .olicua a .0.1. ol Lwbne alrun ,r. A complete a"oilii.l t I 1 lolna, t aaaimerea aud Ve.linga elw.y. on lund. whicn mil he 111.de In Bi ll,! al lli all., He. t lo-licr, alter the laical t..liioti Mln, three uni'ii f.oBti'i of the M.li.lol ''iioae. 21111 lOHJ. FRKXCIl .MILLINKHV. I 1 1I fc 11 m'e feigned lakea ihia me I hod I f Ol r- uni'rre.gned lakea 1 hi. me I hod lo n li'r JL l" I.idiee of h rn-lle, ami toe aun.,nr..:. .nnlry, Ih.l llieyh.ua tn(ril M r. ) K".n ' ll lull tlmji )l tlinr Al U.I.I .N f.li Y J I'EPA HTM KNT. ena we woo d Slate in. I we 1 bane nci i.nl o apl.niiid lot of LA Ji r.fi . jjoode I awitabla for Ihe e....ii. i l.'wi0,l,if mi 'J-.f; Altl'lrl j S .1 l.i "I"'"' '""""l leomi. i. j lo K.miela ol retry e.neiy, Mr .w, Mi-iri. h.Ii- tan, lra. and lli-c ll-.Mict Mlori.ia ad I .li.de,' B. olid l. ei, Itnui-hea, and I'l.nl M aa, ; eVe . ,. ,MIS mUlW .' will he ple.aed In wall u'" all w ho may c . 1 1 ep-.n be r, and wid ciM, '" (ivacnlif a.t,t,i loin, in .r.,iln in( Ibe l."t l.abiona Irom I'.rta. and A'la t onl, n-ralv if r W would elan return oof lie..rlell lli.na. o all who hate l.eoo'e i gi wi;n tlieir pj!r"'i''. and w will do our n,ot to merit a c oit'" o.ncc. aod inoal e.ndially moil. ril'S alraiiera In viait our eal. bliahinent betore buy lug elaewhcrn. K AUN WEILL KU & 7une 10, ItHi. II The Corner DRUG Store, ii iiti.o i 1 1:, x v. ! 9 j orHtml XVK llli K'HISON kV( 0- TateVS V nu,d reapeclfully e .ll the alien T"y W In. ii ol in. public I'i t'" 'r i"r ajtjyl and cmilpb-le? Stoi-U II. . In Mix 01 el rd Ujsy f'.r Ihe Mpruif Tr.-le. r, ri.ir'H V " lro., .didirine., :-rn lli.cil.. I'i ffuiier, l"'1")' ArlieUa.Oil, Taruerline, llurnme Fiuii. Alco hol. Tare Jtediail Winee and Hrandire Canloi Teaa. Field ni.l (iirilen heada, eVe , At e, Joaaari 17. Iftli 3Jti