- f vr( I Nothing of interest, ha. happened; New Orleans, a . " . - UN J ViUUUlia liyty ,.,.;.: .lnih., Potomac 'Ure.encc of a Union n.-nument in that city, - - L U I- which the Nortbero papers navo ! .r U aa usual Ail ouiet alone the Pototneo.,' Uenl. Staart bt maqe a mt uanog au CHARLOTTE: Tuesday, October 2S, 186 2. dating to largely : The Union feel eg existing there nt thev talk so much .bout-does do exist i i !'o.. ........ that even tbe woaieu end ior j --, . ,hls i. efer U B " . . fnii(i f :. !". i Ji rrccivf orders t tiscments. nii rrceiot i Lrri!nn! win- to V ' will receive the U hia for tvw. fluilars. thin three rnonitis mceesiful raid into Pensylvania went sear It arosed the enrmy'e lines after getting lots of pWier rttorn4 witbont the loss of a man, perhaps McClellsn the hero of the spade snd pick is burrowing himself for the winter or perhaps preparing for another j grand mote backwards, as he was never I known to retreat, the enemy wiade an at I tack on our Southern Coast, but bad to change their base in hurry, some or -W oa lu Mme out stroug op the Tjmoo Igjes hare been place! la bomb proot """ l" knowing tl at in the public school!. ! to lay tueir til! the last trump shall awake I befe woaj be many opportunities for those j , - wo0 would hurrah for the stars kud stripes, I j ! ind desiring to obtain the prineipalsbip of uf-bld one of the girls bib schools, ea.led upon Gen. Butler, accompanied by a "seoe.h lady, who was anxious to see tho brute without haiug any Linine ljurself to take her there. -t. , after eom 7 .. . ... .1... A. ,.w and "here U. b... " fe.Ho displayed, h.r..here was nothing o b. geir.ed. b". b th f .11 Unit feeling exhibited there j VZlM "I-""'. ToMo-rVetl.ie I . . relate au incident whtoblknow . t .-Urfiitio. A. Mr..- , whose - ' - i j-jr YVell. bers wt are seated r Ci-R. R. Waltcfeld, Esq., of I enoir.l... eon- , ! most j . . our utnnri.ea 1 . , w are urea, r tho mo. bunt or Any peron age, so sn... - , worn out, we u.t. u . . .. ,. n.. .. rwl ,h- ,.1lldi ur as o..w.u.. -r e . . EJ- i -A ! V-7 I lr,u biro and his .stimabia lady, : cared ljrjiej milah to say about Staten- tud we were well KcmemVr, That vrt Uikt alt kit-Js of country Fr- cure in tnhuh-e lor tnt tg. ;s'' ,, u 'we did not go around bat we ur:tr,J.uu Cuiclt'.s in Jxt anhtiwg j t thing u .f plice Mat is in the meruit. Qui frirnd lives in a retired part of the place quite secluded from the world and d Sti HEWS. From the Western Democrat. Army News. , ' From an officer who left Gsn. Lee's army Tbursdsy last, we learn that our army was all quiet. . . Since Msjor Oeneral Lortcg was ordered to report in Richmond, th commend of the Army ofNorthwostern Virginia has devolved upon seuior Brig. Gen. John Eohols. Last night the War Department had nothing of import from soy division of our army. Richmond Dispatch, '25th. Latest from Charleston. Chablistom, Out, 25 Tho fight at Po cotiligo resulted in a complete victory for us. We took eighty small arms. All so counts show the fight to have been hotly coututed and a glorious victory in fact, another Secessionviile affair. The enemy's gun boats this evening left Maekay's Point, going back to Port Royal. tiou of the streets and t-be o it v ;enerally, and tiprcin her dnvotvd alletauoe to the old flag, fisted that hhe called, actua ted solely by the prouiutinit of her heart, i to lake lb oat b ot alWtaiiCt) Uutlcr al-' , . f i ...,, 'I1-.., lowed her to pet that Ur, ...J no farther -lure ot Galveston, I CXUS " Get out, ma iam ! get out ! dou i ny an f by the LillCollllleS. other word; I have uevcr eeen the woman in the South yet. who would uke the oth The Yankee fleet off GalveHon, Texas, of alleianre, or even bear of it, utile attacked that city on the 4ih iost. A Fed- u' A " intend f ,'J0 resl niankiud, in a word Statesvillej tbey bad an ol jet to niu in it They are er ieame van patt the battery at Fort Ttos cf car coanlry friendf; 'js i thriving place, abounds with good things, j the li.iouedest reU-l. iu the wbole Couled point uuJtfr beJTJ fir-j ,od Uid to at . . , .-. . . .),. innt ,.. f our tnun. mn ni""J ivuc M-' rTirj tr.t1!.- tcLffr a f-or toec as ..o. yta p'i.iCi, l:.o fciraid 1 The Wt4 of a D3HT ' mi ! 11,8 central wharf. The battery was then in I Kr mr.d tf lh rrpllr cirll. nh i . . . .... , . . . ' i i u .. . l 4f..1 . , I, . ! I"r r. -otttiuo haa to go. inoi.ete.ttuaycoui.ini -wy.u uy vUO ..- "uu"' -uw ioevitablv recoeniie the indepcnJ.nee of r aeep n, juu mi vc ruic , auu , ni arcuca 10 irgiuia i oiuu 101 troops iw i Ur 0D3 e saw up thire, " farewell i Drake I hope we shall meet again. s . ' , . t . .;eracv oi reoeis. uei oui, iuuui .?rit.iiO?.-x.r, . ii ;t. c ana wdt uoui oiue vi our wuuz uitu ku - , , ,, 1 t U in a J i u'wnt 801118 favor under thai; go. wo tn jwuuj uj . u just iui vuo ;iiivu- friend 4 fruB) ;'! nativ.!.. Jan.V.rirf at h:s fcaea. JC Wl.liira-b'jr.-, Va , the vandals, not from the pejple their eoatpDt it:i a furcirarc t .1 . rerty, bavc war.: " Awful was the weather When we was joined together." Wbt an awful ugly, disagreeable keep it, you may be Mire ; aud it was no( marched to Virginia Point. The troops in tune betore tho tory wa out. Anatuer to ua:vesto0 eft ,Bd w-nt to the same Point oideni: IU lie our vessel was I fiti at tue p:cket!, the Yaukee seiiliuels picked up a j The Federal steamers lying off Galveston, little boy ot about six )oars, who was pUy i "Te ' numDer, gave toe auinoriuss o: ids near them, and tried tJiuduee bnu to;ton uur day to remove the women sue IK At Ji-L t; i.ogro y : a: t'.ns to rr : burrah tor L.iuc9n ! ri h, aud I'll gie you ouethil " ' I ' ann'l " Cs'chiii him un. auJ sucieinliii 3 :.-). is r.i.-. r Talus&ie pro- uul-.' j toe Wiie .;,io over tue cnai. tuey ni ; . . , n kartt ! now here to go, no services iu the Churches, I " Hurrah tor LincjUi, or we II drop y ii in v,. I--tV C'-ureh an a lew J0tt0t n,en eouia ce seen acjgio - - : 4.. . ; about the streets, but the Ladie were com it" l.Jic, auJ several otnr j r""-" j " j - j lijt -t-fo intaoces tnt I know ot, ie (i cf the ciT . hre shared j of such precious materials, that going out ' preyy fair specimens of the 'm:oh fc. In,,; 'in such weatler would sot ocly ruin thelttrere. A deary batrei tor tueir auxer . desr creaturf?, but their fiuery, our uuibrel i rulers au I tyrants burns in the hciris of ! Cih inst , sod speaking of the movements ' i i -.i . u ii u ' ld and youu, men, wouieu a id cmldreo, , . t. . t . . I 0 j wuh few ixoeptious to tue rule. , , , I to tav housed, wi.l some one make us a 1 ''Tbtv landed vesterdav a"in at tha (i. Tl.e cit.Ziscs of Wiiliaws said to i c its a t!utrtsing cou brl ; and, aith a ithoul. they st bitu 'i 011, ' saiu ' be was n tie; 11 uc to tue ct Cue children from place, at the expiration ol whioh ii oj- thry would shell tho place if it wt not surrendered The catje ' of the at tack, or rather th initiation of the assault, was l tie firiug into the kUanier Ilarr et Lane by the guns at Fort Poi'il. The Harriet Laue steamed in under a A of truce, but ent t;s fir, au I wa Ercd into. The la- t. i telvraiu from Glvctio is dated the has been teat to Island No. 21, on the Mil lissippi. to punish Joe rebels for firing into, two. Government transporl last Friday night. G. Sherman instructed then to destroy everything in the vioioity; lie also eat tho scessio"families from Memphis, in retaliation for this outrage of the gor rillaa. . , ' - Tbe guerrilla Morgan is still oontinuing his depredations in Kentuoky, qui report says be is actively pursued by our oavalry under Gen. Dutuont. The result of the election in Pennsylva nia, so far aa tbe State ticket is concerned, is still in doubt. , -. .The President bas issued an orJer direc ting that all persons, who bare been actual ly drafted, claiming exemption from milita ry service on aceonnt of alienage, will make their applications directly to the Depart ment of State, or tbouge their respective Ministers or Consuls. Eight thousand signatures have been ap. psnded to an appeal from tbe women of the loyal States, praying for tbe removal. of all negligent, incompetent, drunken or knavish men, who in tbe first hurry of ssleotioo ob taiued for themselves posts, of responsibili ty ) aal that tb PrsiJttt will ralain in the army only capable, honest, and trtit- j t .. ii-. i Tli wormy soiaiers. The New York Tribune is of the opinion that unless the Yankee arraias and fleets de somethiog very decided witbiu the next sixty days, tbe great powers of Kuropo will NEW MILLINERY. Great and Glorious News for ' : : Jlie Ladies. ' . HIE MISSES PFE1L have commenced the Milliner Msntua maltin buiitiesa for thamselves in Irwin's Cot nor, immeqiaieiy over the .Ucdt cal Ollice of Ui. C. J. Fox. They are prepared to 'xecuie work in their line to pleats cr Utle, in everv atyl rd fashion, on (he most jiiuutrate te nia fur t'ASfl, keeping constantly on u.nd all sorts of material for this purposo j and as tnry fluid to deserve, they hope to receive a large ails' liberal patronage from the ladies of this seetinn. MJ 13, 18G2. . : ,1 .... . . Clf ., 13LANT0N DHKCAN, e"llitiilii;i, . (Formerly of Kentucky) is prepared to fill orders In any talent in Kngravins; and Printing BANK NOI'Ls, Uilis of bichaiige, Slc, Engravinga npun Sltel or Stems. L'rga aupplica oi Itunk Note and oilier paper w iti t kept. August i, l60i. 3 in the Southern Confedersey, sod it urges up on tbe Yankee commanders with all the loqeence of which it is matter, tbe abso lute necessity of abandoning the defensive attitude to which they ba? been reduced, and at once entering upon ao active aggres sive campaign. Plantation Wanted. in authorised to ioareii.se goo, -t.ruiiag Liu, contdimi.g trutii 30U t 1 UllO JCfts. Willi iiiipruscmeiiia an I negru u uns ' Pi w in sniing ! srll. will jj cjm ird im wilb ikscnpii..n a their Uu4s. Ixiciiun in Mtcklebbrirg -fekrJ. L. S Oct 21, 1863 mxu.m; oi r. tlu largest stock of WALL PAPKR WIN. 1 Ui)W .iHAUr:3. C OU US, TA:vSKLS, At., in the Slate, must De sold in 9(1 days, to make All tlniJ wanting bargains bad better eallsooa. usa in the trade w;ll do Wall b Calling ou. W. II. SCUUIT, .Man.li l, 161. tf Onposil Post Ufliie. ClIARLOni- HOTEL, 3., & g2t;t.U.i3 iiL-2 'i3st b:ae valuable .r cf Li frie j i -Li', j i, -I ..iCer, i : c ' .. . t pre-eot of one, but we are not particular, I mt'U take all thee arnd. Ji attemji- seized by : " triform, taken , Catgut in tux Act Two Ysnkee officers nvro dresed i ca ,7ur PrlT1,es nave ceeo is:e'i prison j iujmeJia ttey bave LcirJ f.-.m. it is -:;ro-ed . . :. Lis been pat into . 1. i.c.wj.u Jvi ut spsdu i z . . r.-il ir grievance, we r jc 'j : r r- r u n-: 1 1 should' : -. T : . '. . .:.-:i i'i f., fires a i ! k Vat,Jai 'j.ftrumetit. t t;.. iates: news from both ar- ! GvB L;s -wis ad7at.c:rjg with -'."..a.-ltitt-wc. Vs., to gie Geo. . l o- : - rt .Lr.j i'jr u t:i-i. McCiei- Y -i . e :-rees t-raeuatcd Cnar : .-, :..eir r '.r- at, re cro.e J tbe I: ; - ; i :Lat the leading niea . . .'i '.iii.iit: atisu, are be . .; . yixi rs tlrate- . :,. ul:, ;..reit-;a bin with a ;::i ; :. ') pf .:;v!i wbicu he .'.-. t.e sbs.i v.ry cju lau , v ut.i ' jl o active opera te '. ;ruc-, w j iiiij, eves now, eve cf o: ; of li tuo-t in;rcria;it t..-:- civ. : ; f-.r. according to r- ; rt, a lar,e part of the j r.tre it ;b plerdtow,i i title s,; iLt I'tivfoiae, . near i'jrt oval Ferry, ander tbe fo!lo- iLg circ jai-taiice : iuie picet- from Capt Mannitg Kirk's Company of Parti sari Katjisr.- dicovred these fcaxpi steal fruit Irotu Mr. Chi'olai orchard. Tbey tuirouuJed t'utui, aiid 2 sv & xnem ir.e ai teriiaiire of "urrenderini; or being shot Like Cr,t Scott's coon, the Yankee thieves 'cam? i1dd,' on coniitiou that oir bojs "oj!jii t snoot" L'Uarltsioii Zlircury, 'Sid. :hfi commi's:iti ctfntniw-d to othT hip I bui'ders by the ftjuthei n Cooft Jersey, arii j whifh are bein pu-hed fo'waril with all : poihir de-patch, a lire irjti p!ated raiu : it Diw bin eontructeii on tli Mersej, Witbojt much attempt it eonee .imir.t VV I okhhoid the biuie ol tiio buiidor fjr pru 11 1-1 di-ntul renon: but ttie fact is wunout Tbe news from toe coast begins to be o: qicMiou, and the ra n, from the bih char i more fl.rria character.. It is be.ievea ettr of h. r baiidtr, ih be a mo-t for.i.ni by many that the enemy iotend rsakmg a able oppiteut wiieo i- lipped fjr e ; au i. movement eoon upon tbe railroad at Mar- ' holl tti block-id ui the Soutoeru coa-t de-vn.e. Several prisoners taken by our not terra. nan before her arrival before troofs. Saturday, say that au attacat wil. Caarie-ton. sbe will attempt tjpus the be ruade upon Savannah in two Week'; Federal eruU-r- with every cbanee cf im tium. Tbey say that General Mnebell has pjni'y In add.tion to this ram, aui otor a very large loree, and ccveril days ago' c;ntrcts held hy o if i.ipbui.dees bct. ordered piovisions cook4 for 6ve days. ; by tbe way. are L:iiy fiati-riBg tj ir.er Tba order was beinz carried into effect,: reputation, anl which l.i'.i.erto nave bu aud everything pr.-parit.g for active service fiiiancialty di-.charg.id iu tn-aa;ice (when and a long utarcb (IkixrUitjn Courier. C j.npl'-te J ) 'tb ter.jpuio js i.unetuaitty a j ve sei. no in li. uu-"i"k Dock, t:.e name CoNM-TfcuT Kr.E-TKN3.-A letter in: of oih.we- 0 ",,h 11 l,r. ""ou' the New York-i'ri givet the results of: P'""--'P7 ti.e-'iowB uiee.tugs.- as they are caiio 1. of ,r,i' f"' borl- rei1 uu rfly beidia Unneclicut. Tue writer ; th? of Soj! l"ra Ve"" U am" .... ...... - i arrivo.1 out at t-r1 Todi berttcfore llepubliosn have j;iven' tjAUI.urt K, .. t . te til K Proprietor otlhis Hotel JL wlill at bis post ready 1 fu' Si lhsdulirsol'min host" tolh travelling public anu others wh may van on nun. arid be tiaiurs Uimsell that aa ec-iulor UUl uartera cas he looud with hini a in; where iu tins vicimiy. Kciog aitualrd near. Ijr in ! usiitre ol' Cliarlolic, ttuaincss Men will hil Ibis llolal a inot cmnsirat aO desirable iuealiua. He n- beea engaged in ins businrse a Pianunsn. o t I1 this siand nearly igl.irt a y' r.. aad in thai wic i aa uiisi rii afiuiiicins 10 nis lornier hue. ad it bas besu grtaliy enlarged and ins. Iria, presciiimg iu ir..ni s two stnrj KU AM HA il'U icel in ieg.i by I feet in width, bsndsvmcly aUaCad by treca aa the an'. walk, affording a plea, sant prmnenstfe al all ho ira ml the day. Tin II ue has beta luorougiiiy loraisaes) thro', nut, and in every part ol it creator com tor la are t abundant and tangiM,aoeiallr in the I'l.M.NU j HlHI.M. where the inner mao" is "renewed" d.y bjr day. ! i'nnuertrd with this Hole 1 sre Stables affording buiu l..r IINl kmi aLaidanlll Inlliuiii aa.lh .attended b laithlcl sad ral. ana Host liat.ug elaiHi. t -, ... .,, ,, r.,i..MCrf.-i in.i.,ih l,i.i. mm ar rrOBf.lrd bl urer,. llieat new idlaalifMadaiS t.i b o.ution iu the ere.'ion or an iron Cin n I ' . ut b slradrs is b.ir rr n.u.n. i . .. .l' .. .. , a .1 . ,r. ...i: tlii. risa nl kjlt'.. Ir'" ol- WeU'eV, IU reUiOting SUCtl ma- ' - ,, ....r,,..,,, , . iMim- riaa.ia, .,,....,i,m,u,,... a it ha. ms'.ifed in tbcsertMorbatt.es 6 j &. P. C ALDS C.I.L, Adui r. ,or c-,er t be fuuad aay abrn, which hire tnron thf army f thi Po'.o- cninery and loyodry woi ks as can be got j Aagnst.IS. le6J , li rha.a a lti!e n.-rr so mac, def-ated i.nd broken, b. bind tl. snei-i 0p; .J it is not Drobable that theeneniv1- - - - i I T A t any rate va the Charlotte lli.il. terof ibedef-nrrsof Waarrinstoii. be.id.-r -,, fi,.i m.,h ,h. r,f,j f ! STA'l'K OF .NOUTi I-C A liOLl.N A. i 1 . . Point, but have not permanently occupied i A Ham nut tub Amricav Cio.rrtR , , , , , r, ! ATE GyvttKNMEN T. Itwooild teem juli' jj Lmv,n oleeoa. fear of a cavalry i from the contracts no iu hand of the ship ' dash. There are a -sufficient number of i builders and iron plit nniifcturrr erf troops on llie l.lind to repel any landing. : this country, that the Confederate (ioemi : vVmle ti.e eneiuv occinv the.r present nosi- ,m""' . ' .,n" mrnt i. ubit.uinj as n.uch n-r?y and res . . , , r" " 1 Col. Deli a?, in removing such ma- WILLIAMS. Admiiiisir.itor's Notice. Alt persona indebted U the bile lr Jua f.l.lwtll iiidivi'iually r as a tusiubei ol the film ).,,,, od pruveader ofP.C.i J. W.tUiwe!!, afai.sjiae.lrd U ... .k , . n.rfUere. ri.il St.1 V, a. . -i .... i---.- . "-- the poeple that anould our troops leave tke I-!aud. eomtnuiiicstioo will at once be cut off and tho.e who remain will be eoaopell- j i l to d pen I on their own means of sub-j J li. KKHK 3Wti u ""!T::::4aU'to,ru.tMlot.rl lliiiUin. Iharlolte and Knlhcr. "ence, as no supplies wiii be allowed to - wuiiam K. M)e. one of m. u, ....i.m. .'. .t, ihtTl " f-rler the alls I sent from tIKS State, so liial ht eaanul be prr ! , ' ' ' . , , . ,) ..H7 s.-,v,d. sud ...at he .,,1 profar.., rem.m i d "--" ";'"'. M-s-.ire. are rrnit on fuol ff t n'li ...i i,i .., i...,n ia.i iMi..u. i.. I ' l..rgr i M ..I I rsiu will be .n on r .ioe of the bay, and aetive cara'ry forces : u,,c ' pabl.snrd i ! ortii Carolina W lug, a M i:' e oiitini" aiijf scnur the main land oppos tc tue lalaud aui the eojutry aleng liuffa io l ajou, tl.e Tr.olj, Niches, and Sabiot. I he dettrn:nation of e miiitary author-;:i.-s -eirr.a to ho tocchGue tbe enemy la t'. bay cnti..oas to tbe Island. The lure--, before tbe city, while not very for- in iaoi. as a Boet. is vet sufficient to indi-; 'b , , I A. U. WILLI AMSU, C M I cat the future raovctotots of ti.e enemy on j ,p1tnjr 3U. i-gi. y,., ,.c gj jj It. I.iiai,ar .ri.i led at , t l.arlut'e Hi said emintr, commanding I hii pr- a-.nally to be and appear at Iimj Mill'ustl ul 1 . ()) t.qails Iu be held lor tbe e.iooty at..resaid. a.a Ir e . ' 1 1 in .Vlonday a..ter thai Sli. M o4ay i.t Aagaea.j I sC, and ll.-u and there lo t-tea-J, .ii'l, or dr. ( n ( inur lo aid biii ; otiifrwiae ins saute m.i be la. , ken aa confessed, and f'e Court will ina u. h uecree tiiortoa aa aha!! b oWcuied jaat. ( Witness, A. t . liiianiavn, t iers and Mid. f j I n ou' said oiiri, ei xj niy si on.. n i u.iivi'i, , j ln, ., (...uua,..n.j,.,u).,Mk,.1 uut.Nu V tJ f. - Absivs. U A. t lianoltr, l UCalK a''i lirrtard, . ..f.n. l.tnclalon, "I.n. i..r. e io - 37 Aaaiva. . .r. .1 cf I Li. t'j ji.ocl f. and .uc.tl, f.raijibifor--.rt cf C. II Wi- Coiuuicn Seboois ,e tuts iiJi tfc tho of tLU I v : d e rL,or; t'.e to. I this vrtel ate in. bued with T, ,:. :.:.:.. tl. . rn..L liuwuis : niii wij-iner or i; tor instance, which basueuawy given a ma jority of 250 to 'Mil against l&e ietno-:i act, eiiets, this year, Lemoeratte &2icers. At West Hartford, the Democrat supported Bi p-;" A roniuct t . ticket of ' Unioa Ami-Abolition Proclana- i Co..edracy, that la-.- -vl.. at t.ou Uepubiicans, ' and elected tbcui ov-.-r the rej.ar Kepabiican ticket. iT coast, and warn the people residing j ii-af.the coast of the danger, should the. Hat wud. ris, ra !. e fl ,,,, ,,r,il : ftl J U 1 II C l.tltHOltA. AUtUl.tW,. 1 1 a-3 il M lot 17 1 1 90 A. M II 4.. - li li P. X I t'ti ..t:,fjr CotfiPion School '.' iut.'lred ibou.and ' 3 tu wiio LtTe tbs care : j' -i tpt t-.i of tfcii tew . ;s.bvr t it J i camp of --t ij.portat,t of a:!. . -ir i.c fcs. ' Io every i'-i rc ii -ire to j ie, J iij'.rat poa-.-r ; ibd t'.ere a'.'..e " L' j j-.-jitied from ai.i n.r.y triumpb , - , vjiii j:iy.': Vi'e agree t t: : fricr.i VV,.ey,' We arc glad to learn that Pr. U'arreo, ti.e Surgeon General of North Carolina, i. makiba; bim..if very useful to tbe bravo sons of the State uho are sick and wou'id- ed in Virginia. Surely there is need for tjch ao cttcer if be wr:f detsceail from bis (iiLity stilts, aud contribute to tbe relief ol tbou-ands as good a he is. We are rc o.ced t( ieatn that our new Surgeon Gen iril i tbu right did in tbe riht place lie 1.-.S heeu vipititi; tbe Peter-.! ur- and liicb iiiwod llo-pitals, and ti.tn left lor tbe army A the Pciomac,' wan ampie tuean-f and sup 1 pies f.jr our wounded soldiers. ''jnut of i 1 I hci i at.kee force, hie b reCMitiy viiittdj ' E .is Mi. Is, on the U 'l pauoauoock, is stated : j by tbenaselvcs to hate conit-d uf Mxty-I elXL.cn li'hal,'.e.' petoii9 on o ir ide , miLiO'-d this luto a force of Un tkoui ind .' oa ners o! utneru sen . u jI. we are too neutral iu the yifautic coi.tiict facing across tbe Atlantic to ai u I jo poiiitrdiy t ibis tran ct?0ti. It se ;;n v.-ry ci'r, Ir.ju ti.e roniuct ttr; J. t ji tieril no Ui-tant . perlo I, wi:i pae-. i'i iro i,i. tl-. lc.p ! tie of copiOi' as .'ic-'---f.j iy wittj t.i il ol ! the North a it. arn.i- Saee tri.iu pv,ntij met thivie ol tho F.-U'a! 'ioveriitn-.tit, it ; but lha same isnitij .-pint that !.?rd th i arnite of the doijih ea.i fiund I) e";ii- maud it. Of oh thin. h never, w ; -think j e Cat) sp.-a't w'l'h certainly, i,d thai is, that io t tin ve--. -Is hui t oil t!ie Mer-ey the .Toutii i. I bate an idvantjj.- over the l ederals in -tr. nth " r.jiid, e'j iipmeut and ir)vu!i.crijbi;i y 1 hi rsj.t l'.-ir on courage will Ju. a id we ii.ay yet I. ear of ti.e (I 'l nt p-rfurinai c- ot iii-in- tb .ti one A Rt From tli; (UVVl)l.lHr:) gtous fa ill us .Nwapaper, I And an organ ol the I v.r;niotii Kfi.stufAi. ciiuucii! i.iiTTAMiiA, October 2 Wehtrej . oubii.lu-d at vt.g from tb 'isp All ri'iiet io the di- I AUU.SI'A, 0KUIIj L"., AT TWO DOl.I.AHS r r.K A .M .w , ivvaaiasi.v l U'i:i Any person awn-nn( I viiTI Li.ls lor sub. siripli'.t.s is tnt. lied to a e wiliioul tl.a.-ge f,r one yr. K. II .MY V.U. I.U-r. i."ti') of Na.bille. Pu ll's morerntnts ar. w t spoken of not.io, it known of :: tii (j.-nfrl lira.' bas pone lo Kiob '..oiid. and Po.ia is iu command during his al.a llCC, M I'.u., Ootober 21 - The Advertiser and jC Notice. No. ''J b- loir id aim j u n - uient of po r Memphis iu Considerable number 'laddeiv the h-art of a. I r.urop.:. At ail tnis, a if. autii ra:n- as li.e one now , , . . ... o . A rrLh Ail'M Will ls ik j .Is .r the Iteiirw uas.ue.ps. co oaieuiionycpr.nga,, , , 4l, k rtMin,.., s B3 lof lir(vC October 'ii i, which says ibai tbe troops of : r. ..r. Si .ckm lii t. im ..lir Ji h.,, ( a. It. U j , ,i I . ,. i O , ill pr-.iert "I Iho f-'lalt; l Ihi.s.J Ili.lO.n 1 th.. con,,.,. nd were reviewed lo-d.y by,eo-! I N V h Ht I'. lllsU.S, Kseoii..i. j eral I'nc. , pr r-tMii g sb tjjr jeabie dlr play ' i iiarUnu, au-u.i m. lot.4. j j cf ....!..., d.scipl.nc. , . , , ,,,. j li- i.ible iut big. nee Las been received Liiaiiuuc rfiiiuic iiiaHiuuc. ttihl iresh federal levies are amvioz at . M. l.inr.i!Hln, .,. lesrd, I". M. I ie.r I .' ai; .M, I5y order, V. A McllKK. Aimi M-aier of Tranaprt jIiou. nr.. ni.,11, April 4, l"ol. li-lf J. S PHILLIPS . 1: ai t.i. r i 1 1 g. o r, iff AVIMJ Ioe. I. d ta 3 I 1 t'liarlollf . reaiatetfal. Iv K.lir.Ia a aliarc ol pablie oilronage. A complete ss-ortinrnt ol I ...lha, I assimeies snd Ve.lings alwsye oa h.nd, wl.irli will be maile lo or. dir at Ins ahorleai notice, after Hie labrsl faai.u.n Mnop Ihrre ooaira r-outh ol the Mansion lli.uee. !(9t( if VaVVjWl Stptrmbtt t'l, r.J. KRKXCII .MILLLNKIiY. rHV, UK yu4qreign.:d takes this B.rth.id to n.itif JL t ici I, ...its ul t rli.lto, and the surmun-l bjl dlli On tbe Mi ram.ii of tii't o.i'h-ru Ll c i ta;w Liverpool lJntj i'ol. L-r 7 -ketch, 1 trj-al of ' (,--' -. :UU ur y rs it l-j , sua A geirtlemao who bad been deprived cf o s uiiibrt a posled up tbe foliowin-s no!ic : umnrv.us iib m i tue other day, ani ir j j;ot lo lrie bis '. '' i:-j-.U a lie'.- f.r M.a Ue ' ., j. a i , i L l i rev I a pr.ia.te leiter lo oa) . o.ra t .e C. H. Steamer ;.t . Li; syt a;.e is a -! CJ,I' v;'.t 6u r:2ed ;Ubs. - ;'U, i. ii iaft hi.,- aud ibey Jt iu a y ri hue bound Hi j Of.f !1 im. '' i. u iu rry li.ue, be is c,ui 1. '.!(,- lle'.atan, a brsrar .I I I.I I' A It v 1 1. i;. Hioa(.aa7ras eit.i liio'r, S.C. M. f O-t-.ptr, Ut i-Xi. f "1 t.'.n.p .niea, nelongii.g I i ii,,- n.ili, ltei?'l it IJaUa fj e inn i.p tinea, Oc.ongii u.r r. IJ. li li u M alcr tjr-.uri'J and i.n;i. rni. tiotcr reus, laaiu, from thcui their Uruis, )dwei!ioj;s aud dally avocations at plea.ure, j and for tbo :i0'ljt.-it caue. Wb'.-n tho hi j ter as wri.tfj there were eveIl hinired ana if'lecu citi.-r4 onlintd in t ' piioil-,Jci,we!i s Coiiee, i,d i oi lot.e iseie arrctcii ou mere I The l-tl" mr n.u'itrv, that Ihey have riiggel Miss t . It.Mwn to Uke full rhaigs of their M I I.LI Sf.H Y DKI'AKT.M KNT. and we would state that we hate rrrrirtd a ).. n.lid nl of I.A1IM goods an. labia I.H- Ilia ses.-n. Music ti f r Uuit.f . WW) ( ,.,..,.t.t.e ..T i' 1 1 I ' 1 1 Alt'l'll'I I ae ol I'.atru.iitnl .r pf. a. ice 4 I'll 1 A su;f..r nit.ilSeol II. .unit. Kil.ooiis, Vucal.Maain I-JIII ' ilf.i'lt .miria nl etrry tarirly, Mr'W, Mctriopoli- Oil l'anln.( ... ... lb 01 ,.Pli !(,,, II:, c D .' i.st .Vlaloria of all Drawing eneii or cr.ynii 10 00 i ,,.(, a, Hii.n.l l.ae.e, Koiic lira, sou 1'lnd Hlks, Ir.,.eu L.I.I.-... I,. . . . Ill I'D A.t. ,A.e. Kim. roid'-ry, on .iU or velvet I t MI-.S HltOW.N will he pims.d to wait opon 'laili.in ol oay se'ioiars . . 16 00 I .11 - i. , . c .11 ii.,n lu r. -nd will ed.l.-svor lo Muscat UcparliiKiiil will b u.Ji the rite entire salislai lion, in pri duemr the ltst I charge M.aS II .m. ..ajio. ( Jtl.i..i.s Ir' in fans, snd A'U t onled-rsle style. I- i ., , "in "J" i oo.ro anu luiii.ui is bayuii.e l i ad- W w..u d also letorn our hcartte I th inse lo . 1 ue,,JiJ far pufp' f roept.i.e ,4ltcr fei Kr M1. ,,,.,:, ,., .I(71(w hu. s,;,:,;; . .'. L.r p..r...4.. feOCI Cavalry ioroo UUder Cspt. lUg. 1 wnen ilia pupil is riinoel Irotu Uie achu.W. In. anij w.. 0,, bllr g oi. .a t tonxrit eontm. nee. and must e.rdialiv Invito cil.tt.ns "no Tbey ate , . .. h h ",c' I j si Ins th.e ol tl.u ai-.ai..u No .,idu-t,.,n inauo ,!,.,,, .,i ut il,.i,.al bi. lors buy. ajj uu. .i- j ii-uiiert were captureu, sua . ..iiiiiiiitim hiiu a.iu pioirae. , IUg t-iarwhrrr ' 10 killed. d tuak- ti.e 'I Latest Ifolll tilt; Wfsl. i i i e.y , Tni- .fw York and lialiiuiorc papers of 1 Wed no. Isy la. t the 'Sti iu-i., give tbe fol-! lowing items of Nor. hem news; An eip-?d tioii frorn the Lincoln arrny of I tbe Pot j.uao eut int j London county, Va.J 1IIU Winter S--i.iti w,i rj.-jrin on M :idiy ' I JL ti.e lalal I-. ptei..tvr . Terms :er sa.as.on ol iiik-.u wxsks as I-. Lows t 11, id and l'u.ti..a - . . llUll In) Toe j YaNKKE OuTK.A'iM IV MtitiOO'Kf 3-A , fr.i-nd in Memphis eiicio.es ti.e eilnor. of i tua Ajji'i, pj.)t-hed at (jreuatl.i, Mi. us I k ppi, a h-t it-r Irom a ge ut io-man of viuc- ty in at. iaou.s, X'Osirijf tt.-; outra-- C0ii.in.t-' lit t l ,i ! lerestawil. Iw cu.r-cU on ail ..-counts n .1 .etllad . U-I Kv t!,..- F.-.ltra. i i Mia-aori Tl, ...... B a.,.v. . ,t :, lf,w , lliu ,.,,. u ,lt.0u, .,, theueniismau a bo txcban.-ed Ibearir. . .i , , , ,, , ., ... .... ' I'ioers were captured, and iu Kiiivti. i he y unite Ion was one killed Augustll, U and four wounded. j A party of Lincoln esvalry went from! 1'HUMU t.al;iC it ;:i . .1 ..i ....... i wf "o icioivj vi vaiieit sta tion on Saturday, with tho ioteuiiou of eapi luring a rebel l raiu on tbe Orauyi) snd Alexandria Uailroad; but the eueuiy, btv- iU't.,-1 tsay: 'In an n i . oir l iiT been apnri.'ii of our atinroaob. took b.io murdered by bun ir-. Is, ! n,;,us to prevent tbd suce.rss of thi exoedi- t iry ' AallS .U-plCIOII .a I. ay , r, t.. I tltl"U. wi.i. ui. enaf.. r f.iwder and ball. T.w.s ... ; imprisoned hy thou-n,ds, aud roobed . l'. T, . , '. ( I'' e.inpiy ailli Una order wiil be lied lo r.,j.Uer -d ol ihri r . n v I . tit I I u'"- 1 "''!'-' coantry between Ccutrs 'U'"'"'' f, H wiLIJAMs. ' tboasauds. and ihia you may r.p.ri as ai ll" RPPOoek is reported to Cvi s.iu Hej't.iN. v.. M. 1 ';ulu, and uo hin bit the iru'b, to tue t;JU i be awaroiing with rebel cavalry. """" M jfe-erate aati.oni.os" J A rsinent ef iaftotry, wili. a Sa'tery, A'.ot'itr supply nf Comiuerrisl, Note and l.at t.-r I1. per jual receivml, and lr a.ile by J, II. HIKVKNd !i CO , Oppoaite foal ofliee. June 17, luM. if KAIINWKILLKK k UltOS. Jun 10, lliLi. V The Corner DRUG Store, ni tiu.ii rnv vi:i.oii:! i;hi M)i'i;ii i v.. xvk iH Tciuso.v cvro. ' oiild ri-six ctfully call Ihe atlen- V w I hi n l tl.e public to tn.-ir Urge il i-iin.i.l' t.i Stork imw beins- npenea r.r li.r Xi.nna Tru.lo ernalStinX i 011,0 U Eiivelonea on hand and bemir nianulae- , " j , . j...r...ra, Kaner lured, U, ,.. by j Art'olc-.O.!. TurV. -rl.ne. H..'r.'H f luid. Alco- J. II. SrhVhNi .1 CO., :,m ,,(lfw vl. 4,e .1 Wines an.' Ilrandies CaotoB Oppo.ils I'osl OHiee. 'iVa. Kield and (harden r-ee.le. e , e. June I;. IHU If j J,.,r 7, lnd. tf

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