mm Sc'frue io Sod, fo uoulr Souofru, qipd f o uouir VOL, XX. NO, 82. 1,1 RS, T. J. HOLT OK, iDtTii and pptraiintis. . . TERMS: r. P1..urlli.Carolina Whip will bealfordedtuenb- 1 ' . i luM I A D a . . ,TU I , , ,lb. .t TWO UOLLARS . nYil 1 4US AND FIKTY CENTS if payment be w)LI'7.?.Cr.i-.. ......... diiiHi.Eii,l.ARS f tl.. n.i. Noier will be eiacon. 'mocd yiiiilH rrfife are paid .except at the ,ptun of tbe Ediiur. idertieemeutineeriedaiune uoiierperequare (1hihium.iiiiiiim ijrt,,i ... j j spite ol uiy astonishment, , ,, jnd cenle for each eonl.naeiice. t-oert ad , .. ' . ' . V: h.,j.5 m, to ek him whet be meant. ,t(triitenla tad bbac ill a Salea charf eti 40 per . uoifherj and a deduction m33, peveent. will "'lfear jou are uol honest I waa Lie l"r" therejelai prm. for edvertietrs oy reply. i!k tear. AdeerlmeBienta inserted monthly or ' Heda thunderbolt fallen Upon Die. I ,rUrly.el $1 per ...nre for each time. S""'coui(j ol Liru tcrn ,llor, Hl)ired. Not 74,..r.,u.r.for.cht,,.. . r.imMvhtn eendinf in their edvert.aeiwenta ... ,. , . i i . ' . "! ihe n.n.ber of .naertinr-. dir,d or MaktU It my chl. f au.l ...J aludy how to ,, ,, will be inserted until forb'd eed charged ae .ord.nfly- lyP ietineeler. re a uthnriieit te arl e jen Putin). Lines. r .... Iw Ciurr it f "t 13. I6J. bile etia l.r I l.ajer, la lit kMted piuaa wall, lr fr.m fiU ( h..lty e.fef. L ! tmj bied mf roualr y Cilia ! Mora.t( ahaduwa afrry ke.-hld. Oat.l.ut ht.rta witH jrief ip". frotl lyrartl irrml iarnrl. Ou a b e.dii.j jfwalnle Uod: Hjm t y f !ur. watt. Ihe d.Mr-l rf. Wlft, la war on hcli-Ica i'i l .ataa fclft p " ,!' S' Iljtkwatil lin-l tS l.iul m4i!a ! - Spam h'lit (ant yoaf aaortd x.d! r.r'.M Ihr knd W'1' b!id Mi a. lira, 'Vhrre ba 'I'T f" ""l" " ' Kb mr c-WMiry '. craahfd and bieed'Bf ! T.n f a-iny Solitra fkiral l ! from a. lira rd 'r m raia. ' T ly tb!ar fte) af ! .f from fl.Ma V-t ",,r1' Bxa amid t'K katiU'a r, KanahallrtM a ahoat rsellNl, Swlliaf opwarda la the f ! I.. 'Ud frtn drf.l anrf.w, ft r !' noble aod ih bre, Jl .h'b-,t fiaU ta-paal, V.t lit li'H'.W.d t' ahall IM ! And fr- el h tl.lalr wttan.a. An. I fruit I. ill awd date, SUnelt f Ireettiia fl will f reel it. Iirne ah.ll ow emy (la ! !' tbt b!dy Shauaalli, ! la - lla .' fory baJ, i,crc nrr (t'.ina '( Uuf J aaoaUnU, Km navii f.liiw.T ."! . Atii IhV ) tieat ilralr. f aial bural'a i'rcduiM'a 4m, . Tynnl. tat witl learn t t'nb!e. At lite mafic thy ir! tli$cfll;uifous. tiii; LKiT-HADSD THIEF. " Wow nint vounf men have been in- jsr.d aod perhaps ruined, by fate se.pi .r." u,a.krdn.y merTantil. friend, a. 1 " ' a erre ecnvf rsinc "P0" subj'Ct of the 'tsoie 'afew eveomga smee . -bui-pieion j (fee bj(k , all, during that time there has i like an asa-in iu the dark. " i hetu a leakiu.' of over seven hundred dol- it victim, aild be know not wbeee ':,. flj sSow o ba access to that drawer, Hew come. Or. it may be mire like the , (j leo froal which isi" upon the ear, the, I ,..1J ...,. eheika, or tbo ao freeaing Ibe Blt ii driving back the lif" blood, end Jet leav ing tbe poor man totally ijinoraut of bia situatioo till he eeme iu eoutsct with beat. anJ r,al the atilitfiua? paiu. Hal loe motif I believe I never told you ol tin- omy nme r -r Id-.ih ntial tnstru.'tious be that suspicion of evil was ever fastened up "C l ..... .. Henrv is the oulv left bai.ded prrjon K'YI- It is utiJers , , ... I. .,n ,1. .! r. vv a tion, oeuiu iveiuaueioue- . . . ' .1 ou ma. It has nothing id particular to do; .' , . . ,, .r.,.,i ur,0u ihe premise 1 'he groaned, yain up- thai they are to with the subject under eouslderation, tboiljU j 1 b .,.,. 1 ...j . ,.,,, a thou -h b wished I would deny and assess t axes on ;. ...-.1 ,-"w- kn. uarabants sometimes1 J ' 0 .....,., ......... - It..... ...,, ,1,.. Stm If . I feel the a t ... ,(.d inlnow feel. Ibere mit ue a tbiet soun- ben a mere youth I was placed , .1 ... f W ..... tr ft tl f .,e store woo.. " - -" , f , ebant doiBB a ifood bu'ines. I was irugai, ' , "j , ... , ,j ,u. at and faithful, and at the age . -ent, ou. I ..a advanced to tbe poat of beck keeper, ...U a good 1 aat.rj. chares of the hook aud the safe, and ilia ana me ssie. enu an ths money left over after baukiug hour as alio io my eare. I tried to do iny du ly faithfully, aud I think I succeeded. Mr. Wartoo was a close, methodical man, with a quick eye, aud ready understanding of ba-ii.e., aod aa 1 fancied that be was satia fitd, I fell much pleased. "I had been bookkeeper a year, when I thought my .employer's snanner tewarda aszea te ahanee. He aeeue4 to treal astre eoolly, and, laally. I wa sara'h watched my movements with distrustful. Sometimes not until the next morning. In glances. 1 became nervous end uneasy, I lie letter esse I generally pui the money for 1 feared I Lad offended him.' Hut tbo drawer iuio the nfe, ami lucked it up. ibiug came to a heed at length. Oue even- The key lo this eufu was kept in a muall itig wh.-n I was alono in tire atore, etijfeued drawer to which there were two keys, ou waking up my cash aeeouut, Mr. War- (n CiU,e wjth . ... Pok. Hie voice ' troubled look, and in tremulous, and I oould see tint ho was deeply affected ; 'George,' Mid bo, 'I a:u aorry for the coovicliou which liu been forced upon mo. (ear you ere not treating me a you should.' rervc him mot faithful! 1 1 do not re Die luLrr what I said at firt. I only know that tear tauie into niy eye thai my lip Ire Hilled aiijl that my ultiraoce was al Diort choked. How loiij! bad he hold fucll au.pieion! I aked him, and he told uic for more than two month "'Good God ! t'a'i have fipt clfd mo thu. and still li ft me in lb dark I Alter serving you o lonjj after ivir to your inter! all my n-rt;iei. ali.-r t riving fur faith and honor that I miiflit aiu vour love .t. iv ........ i ... ..riM i : 10 lock upon me m a ibirf. aud y. t not tell me! Oh! I aould not have believed it I' Let ui talk (hi matter ov. r calmly .' j aid the iuetehai.1, hi old kind lone com bck. He y touched by mv atony, I aud I could ee ibat he wa wareiinj;. j 1 r.i, .1 ... l,L .n..,., 1,1... 11,. 1 1 ; .1 ...u 1 u .l:. 1 . i . 1.... 1.. ae,m.d to reason uow'l found no more fault. "'You bava spent considerable money of laie,' he began. now : 1 a.-eu. 1 11 1 -i. 1 I Uartoo waa Mrifpered for a moment, by uiy fraak and ft-vliig reply : but prelty ii e tow nui 11.11. . nuu'O . tvuin ui utin uiauv i'i - -o t 'r -ju t-Lr l "Vea. a"ir-sod paid for it. too, and ! fore he took ! I felt more ,i,ple .-aiiiy amptou county, a. These tumors give it I viaiied tbe scene which furnished xbe sub have giveu my uioiher a comfortable 1 than before, for uiy uuaelcome aui-picion that the Confederate had been badly wor- jeet for my reflections of ths evening be home' , jweio b. inK eonfirmed. I had gained newted iu the affair, llaviog been so fro rore The old. oaks, the solemn mementoes aoon he aked jfctnl 1 wirhed lo try further, j "What did the houe co"t you!' j "For to iiijjb: alter this tbe safe re- 1 " 'Ju-l bliern huu irrd dollur. My luo- ( maiued uadiriurbed, but 011 ihe third night iberoeued I he land. And t auppoi-e j ou . 1 uiis-ed seventy five dollar ; aud I bad 1 aeald kuow where I got liie money. You, unw ret uiy trap a.ore carelully. The red ir. learned ue bow to save it. ( have been ', pigment a as not only utedlut I bad put (lib yea six yaara. The frrt year 'y ou a p'iat mat k upon every lill iu ibe draw 'paid ui fifty dollar, and I I'id up laeu'.y. , el. The poekit-book and Ihe cash book five of it. The arrond and thiid year you ' were fingered a-. b lore, and the mirks 1 -ave me a tmndred ; nd of that I laid up aere clear ami distinct. jUliy dollaia a jeer. The fourth year you ( When the aeek wan up Mr. Wartoo 1 made mo a elirk, and gave we tijrti bundrvd. came aud a-ked urn 1 Had lound. ' My Uioi her waa able to feed m', and a our "'Ah.' be anl, as be uoiiee.i tbe nt little old eot anaatred for the time, I jjot ' ro ful cxpuaMoti upou my countenance, alon that year upon aa expense of seven- ly nie dollars. J Le next year you pai l a. m hunzted on cndiUn that I aou'l 'be'p kei-p jour book- I aed fire bun drcd of thai. 1 hit la-l year you paid 1 me eta lbouand doila.n, aud I have spent ioniy the in-ret of what I had previou-ljr !iavried, ao that the thousand aa not' touched. I'f course my uiother hi wsrk ad, but she ai'lit d lo do it. I bare paid ! fifiren hundred dollars ee-h for Iny houe, ', land have over fie huuired in the Saviugs lliank. That i a plain elaltmeul of my' IT.;.. ' My employer .etmed more puxx.ed , than In fore Now.' aaid I, 'I bate given you an 1 "'.ow, cam i, i nave given you an !hon.t .tatemeat, and will you bo i frao. and tell me all that ba happened J :.o ,x-it. these .upicion.!' be re, Led. taking a feat Pear . I... I.. i ..r I hie la-t ' " I K..i. ,.k. fro... the -tore 1 1 know thi. overiwo uununi a mu-i n. , - - for I know the amount of g.od. ha been .eld, and I kuow bow much ca-h I have reeei.ed. I began to be w.iehf u four month aKo. Tao ii.omb sgo a mau paid to h. io the afternoon, live hundred J .11 . I a-... a as It a si rn m .r mil nil jdillar I put it in ihe dr.iwer, and ou I the next morumz, before you eame, nok- ed at your eh areount, and lound only two hundred of that wt down. From ihat time I have tern very watehfu', aud have deueted a d sen ca.ea I have no- -" b.i ... iu a.ut .he; bank waa made up, aud have also , , r ... ...,,uu. rniered unon in ami l.ave alao my employer that 1 knew nothing of it i aud I saw that be wauled to believe u.e. I ...ed him be had apok.u.o. thl ,0 any fclOl IQ M llTlllj; "QUI UU HIW perf 0 the money ! But are you willing to let , 1 n the matter rest for a few day! I will 1 d J d , , "... del 'tin!r lhi tncif. ,1, prouV,.ed , , . . , not to lisp a sy'taine upou toe uijci to auy one tilse, aud also to leave tbe uiattsr wholly in uiy baud for una .week. Ho gave me a warm grasp wbou we parted, and said be hoped I should aueeeed. "Ou the following morniu I entered lUaj atora wit'j all my enerie of mind centered upon the work before ma. There wee fo-ir clerks, or, and coe boy, beside asyaalf, ia aooatant aitsadaaos, and alluoo- d bad to aias through aay h.a.s y reaei of which I k'pt, while Mr, Wartoo kept the other. Iho only other porsou woo ever helped u in the etore w.a Heurj Wariou, our employer's only aou a youlb tweoty year of age. lie was prepanug for ool lece. under a private tutor, found lime to help ue when boioess tu driving. He wa a kiod-hearied. generous feilow. aod a roDg mutual attachment had grown up between u. At ISrit I thought of getting him to ait me in fiudiog the thief t but a Wartoo bad promised to apeak to no one elo upon the aubject, I concluded to keep silent also. Ihat night I counted my money, but mde no entrv of '.he aeeouut There was three liuodrtd and forty odd dollar. I put itinta new caif skin Docket book placed tb.t in the money drawtr-.tid locked the k.i.. ... .i.. ..r.. M.. I. r lniu.:i '. . ii tuormng I loinu any i ,..,.......... ....... ..... ".., v , , ,u' iiniinl...! it. .i Minna u ,.r I' :1 r . f .1 1 1 V lull Wll COIII III tld . d lllCOU D tC B llCe S . ISCUSSIOfl bvlfnO. With ll It Stately Oak CUU 1Q tOCi Ii r.. I ... ...... ..ii. inn ii.iwi a it ii. i nrp.ii . ';. ly mis,iciou took a very uuaelcome luiu " Djiuirf th i ! I poi.ili r.-d upon the ulj-et. and liuHy hit Mj.on the folio ing iXpidM-nt: W ln-ii I bad locseil the le m, tnr id. .i..ln I .nr,!nl h.ioii ilm knob of jn.e door, and upon ihe aotue j red led.' hi-iiv careful not to (jet on noug 1 e ea-ilj i.otic.d 1 l.a.i U It ibe c.h account ..pen. lo b ; ci.ied np .11 the morn- iiil. W'.ihi I next op.-tied 1 h 3lr, all a a. I had It-It it. J lie neit m -ui I Bx-rd ihe knot. i:. vh.. :i..Ui.,r wi..i r 111 j. u rn . 1 1 1 ...,. .i ..r. ' , Lu .ho pocke. book firr mark, jot ihe red lead ; and a ben 1 s.ui to open j J my cah book I found tnu me kiud. of tuaika tber. ! So I had learned one ihiug : , mt niui anew quuu"ii i no ... .m. ...j 1. ..1 1 .l . ..r . !.-... ,.. . i.. ilbl ihere . a prcu'lartiy iu tue , bilker tuaiks which told me a sad atory. j' you have iaiied to di.-eover anything. j Ala! I ai-h i could aay so,' I re plied 'I here diseoiertd too much. Io the frrt place, the inoiuj has been taken from the aaie, aud Iho key left iu its proper drawer, and locked up as uiual. Also the eaibbook has been examined each tine to t-e if auy entry had been made of tbe money There has been one ouu'ircd aud aixiy live dollar taketi iu all.' ' ' liu I bow dcTou know tbe cash book baa beeu examined ?' VVartou asked. " aill ho you," ( aaid, producing s is i.r pee. .a. Y are t'ieu im .11 it it". t u- P ,' r,t UV'' ,he r,lfe-" ' ,"' mout-y-drtwer. --- -r c M v- ihe di.f ''0 -pff , " -d . I 'ut'uu.d 'just esaraine litem carefully. See boa-the leave of the ca-n-uuua -e.v tu. u I,- iL.Mt.n of the pocket book was tuck - na rv ",J Pu " iou nJlalu8 - , i , ou ar afc ou it . rcr . CMy tb.t tbe u cer marKs very P di-tin-ui-h the thumb " " ' , ' ",Z ,, ( m.rk from those tbo finger. . . C"1 1 f 111. I "' Then Ull mo tl.i.' I said : Which h.t't Jui ike thief vte most Azttrously sn W.rton gsied upoa the marks, and fiual.y lieg 1 "'boh fiual'y be gapped Larr 1 .J M u a. 1 rciurneu. n an iu. i:jir.. j . t . j .11 u . m.ils have teeu tbe ame. Ihe llii.fisa rt hudrd one ; aud be is aeqiaiuted with the etore. and attli our book-., aid ca tain easy acec-a here. Hut I have je another utk The last bills that were taken were all uieiked with a uill red cro- upon the liumerica. n.-urt- m m. . -1-( coiner Y.m eiu fjllow tho-o up. fjr 1 " I " 'l To m 111 i ss i on V r ' . ill 1 that hi oau sou was Hi.- paity. '. ' Ask me no ...ore,' I said, with tear, i0ey.-for tbe father .oy deeply iu ...j . . . . , ' .risall andneii;;;;; .,0.,, luingbe.n, -ill I evercal.the .meof.he ,' . , . U" j'ne'atricken wan graced my hand, ... ... i . moved me. ' I he aeeret is taeaen up 111 my and. with sob and tear, lie lie(ged iny pardou for the wrong be had done me, aud blessed me for the assurance I had given him- -ht m- fir.. Jlla, in eiht diffreul bill. !1 marked with tba red cross. id cross. w,' he whispered, io bro- kiad to me, and let ibis ' I know all now ksn aoocots. ' Ba I ga out to the worlo V " ( kepi ray pfomi-e, and lived to see the old man smile again; for when Ilcory aaw the deep agony of hi father, bis heart was touched, and be not only aeknowledjied all bin wilffioe and buuilly begged for par don, but be became a true and good iuid aud an honor aod oroamcB-t le eeeietj." TaipRPLB North axd Sootit Sob j cct ii j ii c United Stitcs. 'Citizins tx THC Uosfipkbati SrATBi lo toe edtfreee of twelve Northern Governor of Slate to Preaideot Lineoln, the reault of their late formal ;eetiii at Altoona, Pa , we find that tbey donate the people of United State turrets uiug deliberately tbal term, applied in monarchies and deapouiiui to ,n people, a cootra-dia'inguiabed from "h'at of citizen, by wotch the people of free uepuunc are, aim nave aiwaya oeen omen Lincoln, peakiu' of that which hir-'tofore was called the Government of the United State., sd cf its armiea, now my Iioveriiinvnt ' "ni ariniva .lel;lrllan. :.. ..i J ... . - .l. . i.. i.:.. orhnr utiH anldier of niaiir dil ar.'d u neieriiiinea jupou uy ino uorernioeuv, 'ho n.y Gove'romeiit " of Mr. Lincoln, t.-lliiijj theui plaiuly that the Chief Kxeeu- live ; nut i ,'ir. jjiuciin, i me -proper and oniv aource '. lor them to obtaiu their iew of Government from, and that any political view conflicting with his will not- ue pcrmttied, a it lend greatly to im-, pair and destroy the discipline aud . ffiji- eiicy or tne iroop. oy susiamiog me "pirn f political faction." So we see that the -orth, 111 their endeavor to fasten tbe chains of deinotiaui on tbe South, have sur- rendered their own liberties. F1011T AT Fbankun At an early hour j - j B j - minora ot a aevere h ht at rraiiknn. aouLh. M Jeu" J "" J 'Vt"t ' iicauquariers lor correct luurinanoa, uui were icld that nothioe could be made pub-'" lio It was eouceded, however, that ttere bad been an tnceeroent, and, a it was not considered disCTcet to cive tbo result publ.c-.y.tbe trre.utible iulerence is, that rumor lor once, at least, ba told tbe truth. ' audtbai w bav been .ouudly ihrabod , I he public o construe it, aud will cou.iuue to eo coo.true all attempt, ou the part nt . iniliury officials to keep from tbe people ed. aud the auppressiotl of whiaii eu.iot in up at Ihe sumniOUS Ot tbat omuipoteut voica prepaicior recnauon, mai ueauiiiui e auy possible way subserve the public good. : which sb ail proclaim that solemu couimau J- loguc of A ir-il begiuoiug with the follow W bve good reaaon for believing meet, Awake ye nations from tbo dead, and ing line ; ,iVlbl Y"k" Jr V U0 n lbi4u ' mb. frtb to newness of life : y. tb.t have j " Canaruua paulo, m.jra, io " of iilaekeatcr. 1 heir ultimate aim u el- . , , , ,., , , , ,. dou, of course, where tbey can effectually d" Kood 6lor7 LcB" nd ,erB,i "f' ' . W L,cL wlun tr"'Uttd ,ut0 LnK:ish, Mg cut off the Confederate Government from bat those that have done evil to abame aud nties, Let us sing iu struius a littlv aio're the use of tbe great lines af railway which everlasting coutcmpt. Where is the high- elevated. Whi.c wc wore waiting to be concentrate at tbat poiat J'elenburg Ez- )y gifte(i u S. C.,) a giant in in- caiied io to recite, our c csiujat L , who P'- , tellect as well a many who survive, arc was Tcry indolent, aud invariably uegleo Indian Troubles in Florida. Tbe balanee of Sam Jones' tribe of Seminole j Indian io South Florida have been persa- j aded by the Yankee on the eoast to com mit all UMUuer of depredations upon inoo- oeut and helpless meu, women, and chil- I J rclli jT1Dg neir Charlie Popka, a branch of l'eas Creek, id coutb florida. 1 be , jT den0UDCCJ iuiauiies of a corrupt Fede- ; A uu mbt-r of the class, through sp-n, traus Gain, aville (Fls. ) Malts says ; j ral Government ! A aoletan voice from ' lated the liues which I q toted, iucorrectlj " They, it ia said, bav murdered four I -ra.e replies. Ho uow slseps that .-Icep ' ihus : Canoamus. Let us caiu msjjra paulc. aiJ ait wm- wvw.w v tutu - 1 lof tbe tarbirou marauder employed by a l. ,, , v- . . .. ' P areuymg esgtriy oeiore me vo.u.n.wa toe equally cruel. uw, men tu ihb acuio- ' dnes ; one is to make, if possible, a treaty , , lodi,Ds; ,nd if lbit ' f-il'lhe is to raise five hundred ! Florida "row boys," as some call tbem, to f Florjdt ,. i ; . i . i : i .1 '' " lt,e- , )hey hate about cue hundred warriors. a 1 10 gci tueaavaXc. uw Fr lion of thu Stale to iturder as mauy as pc sible, and run off the batauo of the ci ixeus, ao as to be able to get all ihe cattle they need." South Carolina tc be Sold at Auc Hu. The Ciuoiunati GaztUt gravely pul'li'he iho following despatch, dated Washington, October Oth . lr Win. Heory Urisbane, formerly of ... . . j .1 ..t -r w: W I I I" 1 1-r awauing fore sailing for Port tood in aotue qiirters proceed to opeu office the whole taxable prop the planters through U.e pall ot tbo Clate uuuer reeei couiroi come forward and pay their taxes, all will b- '.- '"-"'" w"1 ... in ihpir estate for the taxes; . -- . . , . ... ' .--.i- ..-l.f .bar. MUS ... bidder .1 suffio-eut to p., -"-. " f"" (cu them to tbe Government, lfthisplato is real., to be adopted, it is, of course, but . nntl.r nam. tor JMU-eitlOO. : Gen. Ewell, we are glad to learn, is grad- ...11. in.,,,;n. frr.m his wounds reoeived u-' r . o be last baltleof M.nasssas Usn t.. i a modest man, but wo have but few ofieera a modest man, but wo nave out lew ouioer- more cotiile- to promotion than he. We judge be waa Sianawall Ja.ksooa right hand asan- 10a, WOETH-CAROLINA WHlO. 'TATE8VI..I.B. N.. C, - : 'oiober 10th, 1SC2. Mas. Editress .:- ' Charlotte on the StaM Bth ". I and arrived at tbU beautV ,rin of 8 o aloak.P. tl. Wo bad aCi!!fc' bout yere and several clerg'jraeo frourt ,tw' tioo of the eouotry who wert returlcc their homts frctn the Fall Seation of'? Conjord Presbytery, And among them, tl Presidents "of Davidson College, and Con cordCeUege for.joung ladies. We had a p(aot ud social journey. The railroad is in eood runBing cooditioo) aud ibe Con ductor is as polite aud atieative as could be dtiireJ. As we approaohed near States- ville, iny miod was filled wi.b the meuiories of by goue ytars which, although they uuy L often mournful to .he soul r ' ! The Acidemia irrove seemed to arise before . i t t. !: . f o.: 1 ... irenu, green iiTerjr ui upiuj,-, .u. us pui ling brook of pure, bright, sparkling water ! u"auielur rtrsc' u" B,c' which the oaks covered aitb their evcr!Be tbo mosl diffiuah Usk of CTcr lJrro.,U grateful ahadc. Tbo enchanting rcenc thus , nreihiited to mv ioi iualion. forcibly re mo of the fjllowiu-beautiful moral1 ,.., i.,.:,' . i ' . v ly gifted, aulb or : - All Mature li au opm . tooE ; tnere a a lesson written upon every 0B6 of jjer green. Each purliug brook has tongue ; there are voiees in every wbis- pering grove. There are scrm ns ifl i atona; and good in every thing.' Ihey all epesk of, aud show forth the wisJaio, love, provi- de0(Je ao(j gloff of lh-lr gfta, anj bcneG- ""- v v " a o' of .l. Dls, Bl00( as ilatelf as eter BUJ ( Trlog itiox wita its rippung waves glided oi as merrily as iu day of " Auld tan- ' hut the niriu that animated . . .j .1 . y.t .i... ulu,u'' "u ofle0 walked through tbia grove, have gone, many of tbem, to " that bourne wbeuee no traveler returns," aud their bodies shall tni in their r,res UDtil the moruiug of ! the resurrection, when they shall be raised occupying positioos ot uigb l:ouor iu this tea 10 prepare ins lessons, uii.ti a luit mm aod Deighbotiog States, iu form aud statutes before thu hour of rec taiiou, ulw;- are, who efteu walked through this grovo giving as au excusu for his i liu coaduct, while a student ia tbe Academy, aud whose that ho was ticli, aud it n tiiorefjre co thrilling voice during many years alter- titcly utiao"esary far i;iiu to learu Latin, wards, was often heard to echo in the U. came ruuniug in a hurrieJ mutiuur, at.d ii- ( g genattf jB tosej of mauly eiori''-uce, when ' iJi9 gjje w joun q (J.lbouo, ho bold - .- . i. ; ii, i;r H.. I in order tbat my subject msy te more ful - , ... . -..I... iu. , - lv understood, I must recapitulate. Aboutiwould have it, .Mr .Musbut aaed hi m to the year 1S'.1, tbe lesdiug citixens of the , translate the first five line, which L traus Counly of Iredell, aod tbe Town of States- j lated as he had beca taught to do. ville, resolved to contribute funds to erect : immediately sprang from hi chsir, st ixed in Statesville, a large aud suitable buil- diug. To this bcuevoieot cuterprize, J. I , and J. N , two weaitby merchants in Stales- ville were the most liberal contributor. An edifice beautiful in its classical piopor- was thus creeled iu the ceutro of the HUMS, HBO tl.U . V -.v ' " " - - " j grove which ha just been descnrcu.t . competent Bard of-Trustees wis thcu ap pointed, aud a Clsicl Institution of a high order was org&uixed, of which tho liev. John Mushat was cleoted Principal. Tlie high character of the teacher far Classical atuitioiects aud tho rcup'CtaLiiity and in flueuoo of the Board of Trustees soou attrao ted to tbe Aesdemy, a large number of stu dent from North Carolina aod tho ueigh- borio" Slates of Virgiuia, Sauih Carolina, ! Alabama and Georgia j a majority of whom iturA ,ron eounir ceutlemen, tho sons of we.llby well educated aud intelligent pa Irmii ..In. I f . . . , ... j,:!. i .i... to oue buourea siuaeme uaiij visnev. .uw Ac.dcmv to receive instruction. Many of thrso have, siuce that time, filled high pssts of honor iu our Southern country. One of tbem has been twice elected Governor of North Carolina, once U. S. Senator, and for "four ,'.ara, occupied the office if Secretary iu tbe U. S Navy Department. Anotnar ha. besn .lcctedGoveruorof,,. na. Among whom I must not omit to moc in our Pr,... Chief Justice of the Su- rem. Court of K. C, oho illustrates the igh office which ha oc.dpi.s, b, bis dis- ingui.b.4 ta a.t. m U , A. j..lio. and impartiality of his deei-iona. I could enumerate mauy others who have occupied, and who now occupy the most prominent po,iiions rt the liar ami in the lV.pit, but I niost hatcn to close this letter. ' Our teacher, the Iter. Mr. Mushat was a strict disciplinarian, and hud that bappy faeulty which few teachers posc.-s, of inspiring hi pupils with an eotlu&i atni for the attaiu me lit of clas-iicii lore, fiui'lnr to that ni h (ijh be endowed. Ho permitted tltv bin sbad8 prepare tbeir recitations under th upon lliJ'e beautiful wide spread io oaks, pass bcjouM'ioii iljat none of iheui khouid was iujpo.-siblo jiuiits of the yro-c It the Notice of viii'P' without attracting pondciit was a mcuibcA'Cs. 1'our corrcs- of" six, one of whom wii class composed Justice to whom I have alretorthy Chief I have just viitcd ar.d beheid I'.uded. bio oak uuder which vre daily prtpflera ' V ' recital ioos The tucccsfful Eoaouinr ' la,s,ca' lorc- 'e" do recollect tbo dajr 'when, having committed to memory, and reeitcJ lhroh the. Latin Prosody, wo were rt(iireili i" addition to our ordinary leci- tutiou. to bean the first six line in Virgil's first lJicolic, tbe Grat Una of whiaii is tbo following : " Tityre ! tu reuu'j 1 ni sj'otc ui:io p.i lulais fjji : which is '.has rendered into English : Oh, Tyrusi rtcliuio; under luo wiuo.ajircauinf . beech Irtc ; and is thus scuuneJ : Tityre ddctyl, tupaiu, dactyl, lac rccu, dac tyl, bans sub, spouuee, tegmiuc dactyl, fagi, apoodec. After aludyiug three hour, we accomplished, success!' uiiy, what was to us a difficult task, while we were waiting to be called to recttilioa 0:13 of the members of the class proposed tha; wc should chvai i.iiuo words iu the li'u so as to adapt it to 'be circu!us' tbe circutustacces under wbicn we wera plsced. We substituted Pueri for Tityre ; edenlcs for ICCuQibacs. ui qiercus fur fai;1Qd ,huJ traujiateti it ju!0 e-a-IuI, : Bj ,eUl(1(r undl,r Ihc ,lllldu ofa Wlj(.....,fluinjf oa. On atjotiier occasion, we wero required clartiied. Fellow, do. some of you, trauslate ' for mo a few cf tbe fird litres of lb loison. M;, t ,i We imiudiiiatelv went to ro- ' citaiion, when as L' i.l luck, or evil genius 11 1 M. M...I.U, . -1-..A I. . the rod, aud Hpplied it fotcibly to his shoul- dcrs, cxelaimiog with each blow of the rod, Caoanius !t us cain majora L. Mjor L. 'And L. was caiied Ly his fellow stldcut j Mnjvr L ovct aficraar-Js, as he ccotioucd to 1 te a stuilcct ia the Academy. A few years sgo, I read in ooe of the AiabaiKa newspa pers, an obituary noiicc cf tbe death of our venorsb'c teacher who, at tho time of his desih. had tbe charge of a flourishing Clss sical School at Ilayn.'svillo Alabama, com potd ef forty Classic?! Students. Ia the niarjy vicissitudes cf life through which I (.have passed, I have uevcr mcl wita sucu an sccurate Classical Scholar; or such aa cc...mpiishtd instructor os tho Kev. John of the S-ctd.r Ciu:oh. Peace to j his r. li.-.tns 1 L.f-' liiful f lie 'e-j . in He t-ll ;" J K.-r w ..ust i.. .... K I AL.MUt .IQ laltOrof ei;. from tba sito f ii,..- n.,.le.iiV winch Ihavo desjriteJ, . . f in a Wc.teru direction, stands Coocori Co,. fjr Yoi:)4 I. i ii-'- Is n msgntuccnt edifiee. surroauded by a large grove, inter- Fersed with tsMetaliy s.-eored flowers and abrubbe-ry. Froc the dome ot tt.s beau- tiful bmlding ihet. '-c.a-- .e o. t.v , This College i of the Concord ty five you.g a iog induction wttti-n .u - lb. est.bWsb.d worth Pros.. - -P f 'rS' X"

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