jUrtli euro linn oittlbig. t,. Wf VU sit.-. 4 CfJARIOIXl: Tnpsdav, November 25, IS as! XVR.T!. Wikif.eld, Et-j.. of I.rr or. Ha. con. ten tec? tn ;, .no : our .utnorized .ijecl. He it receive oroer fur ti Vt hk, biarme or aavrr- t seme nto. tn.i rece.p' lo I' e.atnc. TUEMUBDHROFMUMFORD... Creseent," tbe author of "Sketches of a Returned Prisoner," in the Mississippian, gives the following aaoount of tho dub cal ct: s The deliberate murder of poor--' oru by Butler for being connect--V ' 1 " haulm down of tho United fl' frora th. Mint, before the AbJ"." u,uo? y North State," and embark for parts un-1 known. Wa publish a part of the Message in tlis week'a Whig the remainder' will appear next week. v ' From our Virginia Correspondent, i Camp Fkisch, Near Petersburg, Va , ) November 3rd, IStiJ. 5 Mrs. Holton : Madam : Our Couipa- Dj is at home again, that is, we are back to Catur.. tho only home the soldier knows io ... tUCWC.HIVt'',. . . . . . y. I lift . p these days of darkness and gloom, ""jjaitj l0 :.ef tbe iiruto to inierceau lor v p. m. nunoui positive imorraauon a ?pe- her uofc-:"-1"0 -"6 from Fredericksburg, it u oeiiefea no Dstit- o r " j 1 . j x- n.l,..,. ;.! aoowu by the orld-but aoiue of'' circuit.., - "SliKMainfofd.nii.ifn went will be shelled. Leo refund to surrender. For two weeks before From the Western Jjemocr at, . Threatened Attack on Frede ricksburg. . . Richmond, Nov. 22, 3 p. in. City paper say that Burnside's ootntnunioatioo to Gen. Lee was to surrender tba town of Fred ericksburg by 0 o'clock this morning, or it . I I.,..., i, ird duty at Uity ro.ui, - uK . j.nrt a k,,,. iosl to .11 .en.e beautiful Hlie, but now wdeacr-, r ban.jri But!er ha(j , it i eaid, bare concluded te await the re- cr' u i., .ti. m tiui t m ill tjtuxr the Wn for two Jo!i Eemerubtr, That itr t.i'iC a,V vj-i 's ' conu . Juce in : '. iui-re jor i,tt ii Auf i i the viatktt. Y.'QOd. Tfccse cf car egrtrj friecd pj:Cfc" ttfir tut scr;pncci i j:. :Vr a fa:r ,00 ir.teta wood, nil. bnngic' !t in as OBITUARY. Died a the residence of Willum Tatso Aleian. dr,in Mockluuburf ?ouniy, N.C., un the 3rd October, I86d, at ilia advuuca aged of b'4 year, WILLI AH ALLISON, a ntiol Irtddl county, N. C. The writer ot Una abituary noliea, n Willi 1 1 i (ft during tho iaat duy of the truly nillicliva diHsnaliga ol Iitid PrwTideiic which rcuiottd luui from cur lb, and can ay to rclulivea and friend, and during, ll wliolecoure of hia iu. tractad iicknaaa I'.e bore liicjmotl mceiove puia with tli utiuutdegrce of Clirittiau fortitude pa tience, end rceginatiou. On on occation J wliun fttod at hi bed aide, 1 said I'ocle William, you re ieciily puaaing wjr " to tlul bouruo whence no traveler returna j" and 1 aliall never torget tit picasunt tiuiie w bicli apread over hia eiMinttsnaiicr, ncn ruiaiug uie ivvuw iiceu iium 1 know it and lee! it, and tuiiiiedialaly added, in tiio iniplietie language ul tlie Apetle to llioGen. tile." 1 mu rcirdy to go lienoe, the time of uiy depar lure ' nigh." It ie greet eonmUlitiii ta me under tli trying eircumtUncca i which 1 am placed, to knuw tnai t lieve not Ilia ill wilt of auy liu man being, and to frel irout toe but taut of mj heart tliat 1 entertain act the leatl ill will agumel any one living. When eee you my reUlivve, till litem Hint I could not dcativ tu be with kiu er lrind than ail the members of Ihla family are un. uer wliune rout I aw ly:ng lliua etllicted. He hue gone where earth.' caret and truf eaaee, To 'tie pure cliine of ccleittat peace. Dird in rh.rlotte, N. C, '... Clh. Mr. SA. RAH 1ATIIAIUNK JAKRETT, wife of Wm. J.irrelt, in the Vetii yc.ir of her gc . la early chiluiioou he protcia fjitti in Chrltt end ruiiorcttd heri-cll mlh the .Mrtno. itl Keca (j I t hutch, from lit prrHU unul lie cnu "f btr Hie liii-t irrejifi.jeh.i bio i i.mi.lriicy ch j rc- rriieo ell hi r CimU0 I. n htle treeomg the tlip. people do osueraiieru..UTC out j i ...... v. v. ....... worid tailed to brauiia brr from lr Havmur'aaiUa. to relv upou tUir own resource for susten- " uen oraTe ruanyr was aoout io ' i ttim1 Ui, ,f -u u( 1I1J(ufcf ,. IM ,1;.,r.u, ' I tnnni'aroit h alrtA.t fnrtW ir. ,.ll I k. r.rnu.l I 1 V .. - U .. ; 1 .1 - - - . . .. U .,f . 1. . . 1 , I. .... I... l .1 .1 1 a n.l an..nrt Ii t!l La a liar, I.,. . T. . .' : -'"u"" ""K '. J " c.i..,Mcua-.y u....r. ft , , . , , . dijiiity of a man conscious of Laving done j R jeucratii is uitliiu twelve Uiilee of that tjr uur j eojuo iu iitm, tut ucu i. a. u- Cotblii( to bully bid gOQi niUJO tite only have bee u alseut for on:e days past oa cial gua I in; and ted acd desolate waste. Ilre, ODly a lew B0 ear tlieJ 0f sorrow no heart for the moral ef tho woman and children Delore shorfmoBths ago commerce and trade flj'V-- pitiful pleadings of the innocent and help, j instating active liotilitis. Soma families ;'i.bc and the river wm white with tb' J3- Not f." werf tbe poor wife's p?ta j ,rriej l0 j, f,-ou Fredericksburg. Tbe ... oraduots for mercv disregarded, but she was treated ! . ... . ... at busv suips ireijbtea itu iik." , ... - ,y . ... t . iiiuieiliotis ate that tigbiing may begin lo- of stber laud seeking here . .. : .....I. - . U r. I ..nt nf rn.nl fr H.ll.ir inark-rt tor ' ",,u " ..-..v. ' , , often laughed at her misery, and tauuliug- morrow. ibeir mcrchaudixa ahd ?', . j j invited her to call again. 1 he guard on ( The exauiitier thinks tbo 1 ankee demon . don with tbe iroducu-'iir s0:i "Licb , duty about Roller's oriice in tho Custom ; stratl0U 4rt'r5J,.r,ck,burg a foiot to ooe'r l w - i .. iud wuioh proved Hou-o were moved by Mi. Mumford'a, , .... . c ,, tceu takt u in exob' , ,, I i- i . u i i the trsn"portatiau of tlie ir troops to Suffolk. ., v4tito them and us. Hut great distress, aud wuoo she appeared Iai- , proataoie s"J.of war moro disastroui, ly, they knew her at once, aud rrectfuHy j 'In- ye.tcrd.y brought JUO tie deaoUtiw r , allowed her to pis into lue prtsetioe of the j paroled Confederate prisoners. thuu the r:?rnct; """:tu " uuuu u ivrant without restraint. Hat all her f.itl,. T ,i n'"") teif, his swept over our f' j dcfo,jor, nu,j untirius etlaris were una. IIuumunu, Nov. -'3 Uo the lCib, a , f r .i ............ i. i. i . 1 .lri..l nn th. f...t.ina f I r ..1 !-.;'.... It.. 1 ,.. , l.i r.f r fn r I h K I nH rf I V ' vuuituoinc v.ianj, uuue. t'Ufg I'jf,.- . , , . .'j..,irH - Cfitcber, mude a dah iuto Stafford and nery putba of ynoth lite attraction ol tba giooy We have' iuheriianee be eould leave tin hcurt broken cd it atii be ot priceless value beea two jrone heretoiora to fold our hands fily. Mumford etubraced tbe opporiuni- ,, i . . , ,t , i u ' ty given him to say a few words. Nou'j toi:tLer aud trust to others to furuit'h ui J. h , . . . 3 . . ., a.iu '.jjie arlici shou.d ba'o mad s wti.cj we on; witoiu ourselves. lin iiparil him fan ivfr f-iriri.t thaiu. au voice was ctrong and clear. Ijo.'kii Had t the eur and. strirJ that rjj.ite 1 i bo atteLued H. Misirtby' week, asi tbiiik tley f. woitby tLe patroLa.e cf tie rbl.c. ; I ia o:,e of that large this iavaijame lesson been learned years over the scene before hist, and pointing up- toere had beea oj war to dir. Uat ". e greai armue.s ana oe- . . , " , , ' liberation : ussieti to rpeuiattf upou a theme hie ,. , , i . . . I t "I ouce loved and honored that fli;. 1 Let by ouea be by-gouea aod let us, foutht under it t-ice. ifat it has bee Jin t. iLin'a: ihe crjwds tuat aUcuJei wui.e ho oce and ail look earnct'y aud hopefully hateful to ove. I helped to pull it donu, w here, enii freak u.ore :ban 1 eio say, forward to the future wbeu peace shall re- (T'' in lie dust, and tear it in. piece I hor-e be unyrjiceed iu draaiui a lull turn and commerce be stored -nd tl.c fi.der the ejrcuui.tar.ee. I f it that I n I ax .c-icted aaiu af our vcs-U w bite a every sea. 'iuii e,dcr', mv miUDiT 0f death wii; te no city. Arniv AldVt'intnl in the South west. Mcbilc. N jv !). A k-tter in the Adver tiser an i H tifv thr I'linetian cl arartcr. Aunrecialinv th v.ilue ol" rt lijf uue prlvilr;ee, the avtilcd hereelf ot every Oporu uy In enjoy tbrin. The mean of grace, o (.lien on renamed by prolnnng C'liriaii .na, Mere pruptrly eaemrd by our iiep.r. tnl 5itlrr, and niaur Irtbulary to hr gronlli in pittv. Fur "ir. the ha bnn tohjet to' peri uoicoi uttacka (.I acute aorlerinf , Inab aerved to u.tpiay her gtutlroiaa and patieice Inovgh lliry rre eilin ng.. tilling, they pruvukcd no uiurmur. let, tav our army has been I ""lui'7" oul ".'l'' ' J ' in . CiiiHim? In.m a (ficmyi r jlher a hand cn lit' y Vil" !'jr the week pant anlici- It w lh- privikge ol tne writer t. be wiln hel patiu tiao u-.on thtf euemy. To dty I '" ''"'tb.uia.ana ilne t tutuin.iig power ' ' 'mil bieMCil t liflatianly. On I He h.g hi prCecrllg lltforuiiilOu tin bieu received that tho the CV ol l . r .i.all., a e.'i.uJ ncwil lor a lio.a ro 1 ii.iii.iii tci ..t, iiiu ii,jw ,ui. i'n;n. i.uio win lajuiu auu vc pray uou tiow Boon, u ?racc to uj y wi.e ana child. .ly C 'in. th It i. li i.a '-,, rs r ' m 9 n . n n.f j. tc.'. Kit 1,1 mlnm Ii nci Inn n.l nrct. trv Hill honor I hp,n I jit" in a hoiV fail-,' ' itrt perr-ra-c boittioui-te I. tve retired ttoiue distance Fr. ui their movement it i difficult to ca't jt'cture wbfibi r tuey nitd tale an attack up ou IVuiiM rtcn s r'ii) o-iiot lttaei r.ain :i iv ii.c-1 llirit foices fioiu Jl sad Mrs. M?artby, to be it good time of it and hava returned l-.-.l , freweit to ai. . . .. , . . , . f .... .... , . - jjet i:io ijaittc !! .uuiLi jf'i, iur tea to citizens cf Li-L:.ct:e. are ten caioa- to cause us any unasihcs. loo rout u lated to improve tee tiiectai and n.ora! situated about haif w ay between Petersburg ebar&cters of &!. who ittccd th see j ret is.ly. SueL performances as tLcy exhiii-. tew VtLtccs tut tlej wr two Ur wy tt, beside tuat of the noble JacK.-m ; and oo the truthful records of tie factory of ibis war, their names will be honored and K.cLiiiond on iha Ja:iiet Kiver aai was fjtcitrly a place of couiide.r.iie iui j pcrtaLCS. Ua the return of peacu tt win; bo a3.m retnodclied and r.buiit and we' PaxsE-NcS or Mi.nd Lope shirs a better fate in the future than Utile autLo i; has is the J;l. , !at,) tie g And iu-t here, and I Lad iike to havo 1 '' Lli can P 'VbaU'tT tie tras D.-aaia isjpires. My o ol acst rdcntiy adaiires. fjr their acts of pitrictie devotion, witiie th ir nieiuone wi.i be gratefully cheri.-hed tor lutir Ltrotc self sacridce ! II. -We learn f.'oui re nt the br l.'htiii ta of rirr proup clt, bot It a-M.n p.l-ril away and the tHke wilk Imly cottliuet e ef i cr hiiote in lletvcB. 'I boug h lur trail body wa h rtured itith pt'1. her mii.C- vra char, lief Bout a. it-i.r, ami unuituioed aurTirii'g tMrough fie i. in lit ud grtaii r put ol 'lie ni It oay the rr. I Ijui.cI ine tn.e pracrful toniHaure. Aioul 3 1 .cn ti in Ine t iieriitM.tt the renirkad l licr i v i ", ah J a portion from t'oriuth , M .tntr, who mil bee emuUiiU ante liar now i . . i. .i I .W"lnrr I wt.l tlerf. Loan g bar ejra.ane eaiw'V ; p.aard it y . I itug u aead tn?-yet at-taelh. latter place j rant u at etlabli. bed bit head- ! tli r tiiuiy f.nmpli will long ttrrr.filien ih..a I aitutt era trtit v tu loliow tier to her blitalul Our sruiy occupies a petition of great uatural ireiib, we. I forsiUed, and hat t been aaiiifetia' crest not atieuee to advance 1 ..... , j M'OtLD rrpnfaily inform the It. nee ibeniiilvs iuvihtillo. Our aril, V will not rl"" thread and ; TO THE LADIES, N15W PARIS STILE3 1 t-REW PARIS f i:?JS 8TYLK3 III " would "' the particular attention of W tho eititen t v MILLINER? DE. tAKVMEHT. W '?ltf ourtelve that our lock in that Jine will viO eccafally with any in the Southern IVnlederat".'. Oor Kroine and Mtrlala and Ladiee' and Mi.,e IIAT8 ar r. cent iniporlalioit, and got up in (D timt recent end approved style in Pari Our atnek i ae. knowiedged aoperiur, from the fact we are daily receiving order front tbe) prmaip') aitier of ma Confederacy. -,Our Head AMhncr (Mttr Kerr, of I'bai lealon,) i a lady of cknowle.Sett' refined latle, and out ualomer anifonuly ai7 unaniiuoue'y j'Hii in rendering Io Iter that meed af preite whuli her elforlt to plettcjutlly deterve. With e many ciuetlcMcte united in the depart, nient of ear buiuet we, cannot fail to fill with diapalch aud enlife aaliaUcltun Io the Ladle tny order W may reeeivn IriHU them KAIINWEILER & HRO. Charlolle. Oct 8. 186J. . J3LAIST0N UUMUN ' riiiiitii, t. f.'., (Formerly of Kel.tucky) l prepared to f.ll order In any talent tu Lugraviiig and fruiting BANK tOlt'., bill ol t-icl.aiige, Ac, Lugraviiig upon b.eel or ttluoe. lAige aupplit ol II .ink Not and oilier paper Will bu kepi. Anguat j, I fcCl. 3 in .m:i.IiI.x. on . rpUK largeal etorh of WALL PAt'tR WIN. 1 In.m HAU.8. filkU. T.:M,S, ic. I in ihe State, mual be id in lid day, tj uike 'room iir oilier buaineat. Ail lhoj want.ng bargain ti ! better call aoon . I liuac in Ihe trade Will Uy wall b, calling on. v. a, eOuun, March IS, lot. I. It Op.atle foal tliliee. CIlAULUnK 1101KL, BY . BKa ItV HO Max Bex, t tlAULtillt., f. lr. a fii ine oolit e ol " nunc ho.i " to in A WW. Tropnetur ot Una i!.,tr, , .till at bit pott rea.ly to lu MISS I-. STAN TON, irarj.ling public mil i.t?,rr h- 'may nium i. un. and he Natltrt hin.ari i that at i fiu!ur Ij ol o,uar ler can be Insno wan lunt aa any where lu tun t.cui.iy. Itcmg ulujua i.car : ,y in III irnlreol I nurtotte, Iluainrea Men will j tin a Hut llotri a ino.t ronnint ana nrairabie .oration, lie ha. been engaged in iii hu. nrr. .it thiettand nearly eigUlecu yetra.and tu llial il.iiie he naa rnaoe aeveral adaitaont to tut former houf, ana it hat oeet greatly anurgrii ri-,; im. pre (.raaeut.n j i Iron I two atory VI.HA.MiA ' ;oo teel in ie-iglli by I at leal la wittlit, banda. n.e!y f aiiaced by tree on Ine .i('r.l,, !f..diiij a pica. THE NE7S, ;et of rjewr trcai tt tc ica-tfi e-t .U ti.e 1; e a ar, is u.ci ; U, .o ly it It it i-is forouea it, I lojui in cue of tay ramllcs Gal lit; tic Ceuotee, on a tiur of obiTV- i.ODgtbe nvi.r ido too 1 oiav tie grave piratCe of a Urge lorco of the euctny caus-1 f a Gercaa caigraut marked by a tsry cd Lis comtuibd to retire from it m l leave Lit aud utrt.teaat02 board, wuli Lis ago it ta tba cueuij'n po-sejsho. Sajrily f:er, t.d ni.ee f u.t.v:tv, ruaat-a .ia. at.h. rB. WUJ vre f.i uniform cfaFolrr-, a; cui.'ir, rjuriitj u ntu tiu caiiip tuui, cesupied, ai.d Limscif turrouuied by the Abditiou sold cry. Nothing daunted, tL.iy i irr uarcd win M ..' al prijniBae al til lu. ira ol ilia oj V. d evert Vintty of ma. ' Tn ll-.uae hat been thoroughly lurniahcu li.ro". . 1,1 i 1 n,n. alia . . I .ll,rl 1.. II.. -...u ! Bill, ill n CVtrV Uri Ol II rrtilBII rtlllltl.fl. a fa.l l4CX Ul,!eS luo enemy attempt flank a ,,!,,, hui.ueaa. for wbieh an h.a emu. .buimanl and laogible.eapeeially to in DIMM; rity that reoetit! j , ( 1 'i. art lay i pjoveuient from the weal upon Grenada.- j new at vice. Kovtn in J Tiuttx' biiumg bvwae R'HiM. where Ine "inner maw." ia rent td " a..ant Oca. John 11. ia;o i,wTer j, 9 no fuprobabla the eoeiny ' M's" w H 3iif I "'t' .nweeVId w .m ti Hotel r Suh!.. -..rd,rr 5, wt.tch was in Ihe Vicinity of ' i . r,.m n IW b,.. H.cmn.kn .,! . lc ;o'.t.i. ..,-f,;.ta jiie.i eriti t-.ti.v e-t tLe unc-Seu-n jji'lsot C3J piaj-.- i a io t-c Uri.-.a. Tit 'I.ck--,i i-i c: war's tic- :u:j a to tru.s, asu drove ..... M..;:e. 1-. f .... to -li tr-ae N:rtL g t..t :zj Mtt . C, oa tie 1 r.h ibst , tu i fi.gl: letwita lis Abo c :, tin u,t r-.-i!;, Criveu ever the rlv- .it ap:r;ncf cwr troip, ive iiil.es cf New.. em, at-c-t "t u'Cir.ra, drove ti.i.r cii.p. It :j ij'u :.IUeJ l- ut J l. ..tr. -b'J - ' ig: Lave b-.e O'.crc; i J iar voters eie utder bdow of a great tree tbt oteibaas tie bank." TLe tjouglt -.rack tue as I enat uuxpLC'.e-ly up.u it tuat Le Dad prontbij started to cjun try wiib the intention of be':enc bu ou du:oa in lif?, and tried to iawagiaa whv Ui-iii Lave Lest, his L-ei'iOg as La fou J L s ifj cLlitg awy juat as he Lad e-tered the aci of promise. We stood ad gix.d at Lis numlie grave atd f.;eiij aaaale to fatlita L:s f-.cltc -s turned a.v7 at.1 K-ft : a'oae in Lit lambie de:liu. , Ii.'.re ia bo'.Ling of iuiportaace tran-pi--"o tiller io l'elerourg or io Camp Oar toys are at present 'j.iite bu-y boil : cit en-.r-r.ej to tbsir Iviti f.o & to r'i ier '.fltuj cetufortabie datrlag the Winter if we' citooid hive to remais here. due Leiiili of ta Regiment is telerably ,- jod at.u tue Ch if . .tte boys ; far as l t5J, ure g5tt:::5 aicng lin.-tv I .. by ih pipers tna tbe oft repented taio of LtUrvei-lio. ha ajaio gained cur rency aid cre'ie'.ci t'j - -Vic" rj-jarters, but I u;u m r opt-s uat cur-peo- ie n i be a .JB deluded by it. ibert ts tu Old adtg' (I U.nt retfieuilc-r who wat is-; au'hor ot ;t, but Lis oaute sLoui I its La'i-i'-'l diwn t pc.:tcr:ty,; tuat " they who would be free, ..t-i.-civ-M must ttrike the bioar," that I --in; peculiar. y sppaesbie ti our pe-opio at. '.L p.e o-t. It t lule a ltd vtiu to UcS! fjr bc;p ii-u other ua:i.i., we ti jt iie'p our-t.,.'-. iji the tooier we laru this impor tc: U.u iijtU't it wi 1 o fjr u', as a '-' u aud I'.zp'i?. Lotus snow to the X t;.a. -.v are wcr.riy o it. ! pen Jenc iiA we may .: .i nitj on L pe of 11 hazard ar. t D aremt r.t. i'rm Charleston. j CniRLisTciS, November ad Tbers Las' been an ioereat of th blockading tcjuad- rnn eff the harbor, and inuch activity, is! mauifeted in thn mjvetnvnts of the vessels 1 aod tav'iibition of iigbla wnd igna! arc rei ly. tNtw MaDufdclurin ('oliiuii). (ftPPOalTX C 5ANT WoBKS.) ST I V !:, III TT W TlcLi: 11. iicraiiTbiis. KftiklliilhMt. are me mar.uf'aclurinf by ('earn power ail BUa of Hr.UL A !. T Wa 1 CI.I.S, t IIAIU.H, N AmImTA.NUS, and every. In in; w rt.i.i ( to lie 1 1 I. .M I L KL aud I Alii NKI Bl INK. We tie mail in j a were prrity, dorable and auprrmr VSIi.JUt ANILLSa. lowttieh we ibviU lic .jieial iil.nl. ,n of .:!! :trt anl t. H- jed an order to oitr. tieni i. J. noiuie, eonatvan'iia ine ... . . .nch.aai mi trau-.Mi.in-ippi L. prt:uent, reialiv l the abil.t lo oUaao Hk niatt latliaioua. Oiaer reported murder of leu Confederate Citi sen i"ou,VilJ ",J' SIKV'KNS Heaye.j W A. JjCU IM T, j. a. McLean. .'.'otni-r II 1 1 6 I II. V no; rc-c oguii Lg b-m, Lis ut.ii'o'iu, to?, de Cei.itjg ttii uj. us demanded ut they . d-ing there, wucj tu-.- d d ribeis wtrc f.t advauc.ng upou t-tii from the fjia.e.' to whiCU he Lai approached l;.e.u, acid gave them an au'.uoritativr c J;n::iati J to re tire ai ctce in an opposite direction. Tbi. t It 7 ba.tity did, whe-u M Jrgtn bt.utc.f, with r.i l.a l..,ti. r.iira.l ',..- it . r.i.no.itu d.rectij". rale v reaclibz hi command.- j oiri by Genera! MaNei.l Vte hare, at tted, tlis iteiderti from good "yon wiii communicate by flag of truce I authority. Verily, Morgan is hard to be with tho Federal odicer eomaoding that' l:.e AboiitiouUts ic.t w pr.io on ettrttnont and ascertain if it bo so. you j ;- -- will demand an immediate surrender of 1 " " 1 f a m.MI ,. ,M .-, . ... . . f. i DKCKASLD HULUlLKSl tics. If tfii demand I. not compiled with, you will mforui said ocmttiahdioi; pftieer1 that you ar order I to i x -c ite tin) Crat ten United .-'tate .flii -r .li my be eptur-; ed Sfd Iti! I'iio v.''if .! ' grain and pn.ve r ar r , attended by Utli.i.l anu o ruling ii.iatiera. I nt I'rupf ,einr Ir r la contjilenl tba I with in a g jririrriteri ,nj many new advaritget''det li. h.a urtifi Io pleaae, hp it pre pared to ofl'r bit Ir i ma itbd Ihe retlol niaiiamo," aaniti,yeoiiil'orttard Ita ni uc i. j ,....! i liter a wiii be found any where, ' p-riijpt a utile ip ua to IT At a. j rale TV the Diarluttr Ilntet. ; Jt KKRK Oeari.r 19. 3Wli iiminstoii. ( lurloltc anil Kullirr ford ftiii! oal t-Bra 553 iiol tPT WtJi.i.N WUI. N ai.J 'Her Monoat lb IjHi in.Url. ... (II aid Mall I rai. Hill it l.n on lir.ad oai.y (u nifty a e acepir j lull w a i l.OI.Nti to tT. si.'U r.-frred to wnich tscy would .;!i in i?ii I j Lave .-cured. i hc iw wint they io-t, and LviW easilj ' circ ivcd, they will curse lon !. l.'i'i.if i Iii.itliithzer . !'- 7 ii J A. M. 7 4-J " 15 AttafbT'i? A'.i-.nrta At.i.K.iiD S'pr. Li..'j. H -nry l'.d. ti noroii j'i, au Kn i-liman, who Las b-.en ia U.cL'Qoad, ttopp.cg at the ."': t;WO-l Ilott', ba Len Cti''ied to Ci-tle Ti.u'i ) r Ly order of il.c aati.orines, on tbe t-L arge of being a spy. Ivlenbor o Ji-H, who ii a yung wan of prep -r.in 't.'ir-;-. r- r .--otiiig hl-.UM'.i as a L-wtai-su-Slat it. the l'l iti-L navy, ab 1 latterly pre ten J cl to Lave ohtaiiied f :, !vj War Depart a.er.t a cona.i-.-ivn coui gniug lim to Ijeo era! H i'ire' ird t' iff, f hit ,tory L ' x- pii i i, an J it ii a-irib'.ed tl.at the oilier !-t)r; of Li-i 'taiid.n abroad ould explode 1 " too if tley c ;ild no jrebel. KjfiiLoroub J',Nu ii kept a cio-s prtnri'ir, an l in sl. j.ved to (""' orn-eras will uj ll"'.i ' nl lit am. 1 Y t a r r r ti. ,t ti. I in-?rvtrj'! ju of t :,-n. P-" irs re'p .-et 'nil , HAMlLlON. ft me. -.1 . - a . i in 1 g trav-.i ajaiii-t teeei if.n paro..ji :.a .atciy bcsiir-r :L i-.'. al. 1 i,l-n j ly i e.rr-; '-j'lcnt wart.t ief. a.yL. li.c lines oi any c '-.uii'ji notes eta;c.. b-r.crai av.- r I t t.-j'.tt i. ti C j laeir -f Ilm rim-tioa. " What becomes of a. I la ..ua .' is pu.rtia'iy wred by cos of lis paper ia li; riinri j'larn, l,nliud. Aa i cd sewer in mat City, jj-t opened f r re-1 pair fyf itic Cnl time i;j r..ny yeait, wa l.'Juu t j i avc 1 with a dej o-it of c'.-diit-it millions cf p o-, cjtti paete 1 inn a uia-s a Lard as the siaj from a blast furnac-e. iav-.ry sewere-d lota sould probaKiy fur-; ana a eiibiisr rpectacie. . 1 rtM.g or a Uf.: rr.il rrivat I' jntK.iy , ot C .r.'.aln Fergu-oa'. Con.pauy of Artili-ry, l' A 0. JS , couvieted bctort a courTiiiarntl of dteriion, lias been eeu te-nctd : bo alot to d.-a'ii a Hit liiusaetiy, jh tii.? ff . nt beac'i of rfiluau't Island, at I'd occi, on M inday next. ALL Wll'.M IT MAY Co M IRS In -, ". a cinru'e preferred f;iost M '2 iinii, -oine tiireo moritiiit ajo, ltd l t ii-, ti.id ' A Fietldlsll r- i.'ppy ta y ihe young le a. i. aj.dy diebarge.i by a jury of ' ' ! i . - mi i) , I "-it la inntanl Col Lic u!.e 1 1. ttr menl, N rlh Can-line. f A ijiaunlt.eiieraU nOi e, Kalerjli. Ocl 17. Itb2 General OnJera. No. 9 I iowin rrgulationa are puhinited (or the ,.ii 1. 1 iv...' iHrruine wiahmg to dr.w c;erd eolaira, m ae"i.rdan-e With manc ot l.'t I on ten lion ratilicd lha 'a'.'j I relruary, I U . It Mil LATION-l. I . Tii- Biyuni.1 u' b-.unty to the reprrtrnl. tisct nt rUeiar.c aolotera ia ba-e'i up.-n the icrti- bealn ..t I he Caul. Ilta mi 1 II g f tTlC' f ol I ha llittipatiy. T. e f juunl y ay t'liw'ette, Tutkurfse, lifctard, M...r..n, I4. edition, (.Ol.Nti LAT. I. Aim . JOS.) 0 Id -e) j7 9 ho Aativ. I.t. I I '"I A M. I.ineolnt 1 1 Huron. 'JO A M il i'l Birvaro, II 40 - la" 17 P.M. I oc...ee,.. U la I'. X t .arluite, I nil " Uy order, V. A Mi IfKK. Ai ting M .a'er of Tran(ir1.lioll. l. ticinl ,ri, A,inl , leci. at II 1 ti 1 .1 In l I- till at'l rnl n I.. -t 111 at r Mate. id '.y tin Willi il ha lyrh.lifrd .lit lav.l b- 'ore a tin- .ii.xi ul kui to ,e j tin. , , 1 1 1. it . ji u Ii aliicat t.. Ti.:.. . fct ti-w ti of Pc: I' :e det ick-bur j ' J - A Ji ll 1 Ki 11, practic-i.1, nave lead for ' ; li 1 !'.r the i t'J the lyji .'a ".'1 Caroijaa. or Vat.ce. M-a-tige a (.ci.nl pcrun-i u v i.e cf ; .c butt f.li.u. - ut- 1. .:; tta'.e psp.-rt ny .ey If Lu pre .11. -n r-. I., r.i.Lfo.'v iave eoai.leriei'v i .! . t, -ji;f. in r t J ojrr- ,!. i t e ni una n. ai j i -.l :ii"t- tiny t i.-- ril y bi.i r' t..i i:i. i.;i 11 iijiy iru.;: the-n ti, ji.s iCi; elins are g'aiug .it;...I. i;,u un UU1I7 1. ' it A at'.iaiirr l.'t 'it .OUvtl.jl -m . j, . : a . .ion ot :u' perr ji. (re 1 . 1 atoned. , i .'l cd Jiy ta TV t ia;. i tn at l..c wr.u bt-r - r:n-; ; u" O i"'T s n -i of the al.rii .-.,0-! Princes nf Wale1 A yji.ii ic'.jria s -i 0! anroad. i'ne J'l a-- 1 yll ol luo IlieaiUfOl cUtit'is is the criu-.rj of t Jr:ii-ir v The f r:t I be I i- ii -i ,1 a.-o. Il- le p.-i , A f. mai ler Near Vii cu ovr-r her 1. v.il -Llias Tba naa, of . , V t , n bu! l.-iil buried '. r, .-it -it er:b, a I. days 1 1 i, it-.1 imo a wcli, f ir -. i .tfiifH Oil, wlteo tk b.uiily tint 111,1.1,1.1 i,i b-.ui.le alretuy I-ii. t-.iii.i.attv aim legiminlli 2. I ne clain a' 1 .. li... ni..g..i: aie ti.al he i f the j the e 1..1I, areiir-iing t I ..rririyitiK or.iiiisfire 01 in I tiu-re 1 no M rt-r peranr- ciilitu 1 to inaae cUntt ine utbiiat.l 01 lur ( iiimi.l in tit. I be eoela bed ny lltyl o! on., d uil'-retted wi'near, IL.it In. lacia alated are i,.mil ti'lim 1.n nan know. , and t't it he hut no tnti ret i.i Ihe di m ,i.ji.ir.il ailiiiinitiirritig 1 lie imii will rer. y to li'' '-reoiniiny ol tne witoeta, and lite iti ..f the l onbty I ouil ni ctrtily, or. Urr teal, tii.il he ia an aot ii.rif. il ai d arliug maL tatra te. 3 1 1 tin! c i . 1 ii. 1 11 1 . r ( i 1 1 in i i.la tie minora, p ay Mu 1. 1 i',i h- in dr to ti.e tiariiian, upon the 1 1 .(inrli.o .! tie proper rert (irate under the i.l "I the 1 ".iri , o. In .iiK.intiiienl an. I loe tut hen. 1.1; oi ilia i(.n. tuc ciiiii lu be proved by J. S PHILLIPS .tl :.. 'I'.i 1 i.o it, n bs. A V 1 .S ti located 1 III , 1t y rlldl- I V t ill''' l a tliala ol puhll. ailrimage. plrle aailttnent , 1 aaaimrri m .till alwaya on liu.d. Srpttmbtt -il , V.J, I I I..I, Ve.ting whirt) it ill In- niadi to dr at th timrte.i notice, alter the iatttt laahmn (Sti'iy Ihrte uiinre Snulb oilhe Mabtm. llnute. '."U HI i.ti b.nilji .1 t't "I jr iln.l.ra, dt rjir ling 'the .STATE OF NOUTII-CAKOlylNA. MX'.KLtMH tUI OUMTV. uuu I' i ni-iii previi.u.ly pant, 1 ntry kin voluiiteered )a ed ml dt. r.e I at Roche 11.; to ut lic-r pant 'c rci b) I ni ,n.ant.L: caie : or a-d O.d in : iintuu ta. be ob very retu!.j re ceiied I'riu. lJ- nac , fi jiu ii.ca we iourn tuat Jyiii:i . . ui e Farrttg it, Uoitel kt'ltlet .'t.t; wno a'tte.ei t jrl .l. I'n.i.ip aud i' jr', Ja'.-dsoij, feu too Mli-iefcppi ii.Ver, be a I e Olteab, and WbiCb ltd ta lie e-jj:ur- ut tuat City, it at prevent at Putna-t'-l ''ii a iare fleet, waiiiLg oi iert from Lie ia y 1 1 1. uit nt to opto an aita,k ou ria L i' Sr. u ordera wi daily Ire'.d. tt of eo'irae, in far-jr ot the iH, it is tsii f, ttke pia? p 1 I'l.-ii'- int. ly af.' r tn m.rn I'litics with tii I'liiit-t A'- ! 1 '; 1) - t. m ark I tic.'o it a 'von. in b'iw iivitiyf who ha J ut 1 a tout in Ve army. I be iiillet ono it a n.ab wLote brdlr.ary weight i two ; butidred end lot ly poubds, iLcub be i now aome what red deed nj agu'i and K ver. Not-witi.-iaiidii.g whieii reduction, Le it at pre sent, t afo'U, hardy looking man, and wou'd ' serve s an i-.-'.'.cut repreout .tive of lie ! " stalwart sob of lu South " li.dlJi'S j ALMANAC j FOR T II F. V K A U d bi .11 m r.i.it. ni'taler. I ar ei.niiiiui n-i lit irirn.ii mi.hr 11, c pro. 1. ii. 1,1 o( Ihe I 1,1,.. r i.ti in Act. I.y orui-r ol ioverr.i,r vaueo, J. u. Maui in, Ariji (;u. Nov 4. I ".ha" 3t; The Corner MUG -Store, 01 ut 1.0 1 ti;, i. c. 1; m i: III TCIIIMIV eVCO. b9 . . ' r - K -ft and cnmpletn tsloek now being iie.ed Ul.. h.r the Spring T I Or. final It, It Io Fall f lrm, I "!. I (. Otrgmtn and i.tnert ' I i( iM'll, K.lwtfil I'erita ad Wiil.airi K. Mr- r. t.N Im. cue, it ..np'iiri..r to lh Mailer. I.y the atli lavil i.l the ai.li' lint ul' entti p,a 1 n a n I a, that William Mynt. in ol l'i. den nuaiil" ia au aenl from H Mate, o llial hii iMPil'il he M-r-amially a rvrd. and ihil h will prnha hi r. (li-in thai nt ur, lit alrar ln n'll Ii unul ll. e I iuil, H"' hntire ta titerali.la iahiiaiii d lor all wn-ka In lh Nnrtii t'ar ilina Wltiii,". iietrapaper piini.il al Charlulle in raid Counlr. c-oiiimaniiing hint per amially In bi-anil appi.ir at turn M-ilt.ult of K.Uii In be held (01 lltu county .l,,i e.mi, mi th lllli Monday alter thn 4tii Monday m Anr;riat, 6'i, nl lhn nd llttie la (Mend, ntwr, i r de. -J3fm V''d reaneelfully call the .tten. i "u, 10 ",d . " b U' T-V tt l,..n ..Ml., puh.ieto Inetr !,.. ktn ronl. a.d, and lh. Courl w.ll Iti.k. au-h el , t . - - , Ueeree liiereon a Mini' bi Oi enn il 1 oal. U........ A. f ' W 1 1 1 1.-. It.arin lil.rk anil Mlllll t.iu.ial.ng , ....:,.,., Knuii,.! m,-. , Charlolle. 1112 RK.' Li .tlmlicinet . '.'hrlilic ila. IVrliilinrv. Fauev Arltelea, Oil, Tnrnt-rime, fuming Fluid, Alco hnl. Pure .vteiheil Wine an lirandie Canton Te., Field and li inlen Seetil, Su a , flte, Jannarv 17, lenH. 4.'Ur i'l n ' 1. i.oii,i 1 1 i;i;i.ri:w!i .'itHI.O'iO Knv-lnpe. on hand and being intnul'ae tureo', I ir taie by J. II. BTKVKN.? A CO.. Upoaila f'tal Oli'io.. J.e 17. lC'i it tin kthlb day al Seini.l.niilH r Ibh. A. C. WILLIAMSON, c M. Hevlcmher Jl). led. lee tl lid A H'LK AI ION will be 111. da for th Itanew j ul A'l'i-a ( i-i lilu-ala aSo, 5n3 lor llnlleen Snares Mnckt'i Hit ( hai li.lle A S,,, r 't . I! . R. ' o , Ihe proper IV of ! Kla l of I In.a. J Holton. K. NYhi Ht)Tt:il ISUN, tiecutor. t htrhittt, Augual 3D, rbJ.