if '... (' 4a t..A )...( aJui.V: E53E33SL"IQ, 1G6 2XTO 88, ti SRS. T. J. UOLTON, IDlTiHd AMD PRopaiKrans. TERMS.1 ... , , The North. Caro linsWhigwillbealTordedtosnb .bribers at TWO DOLLARS id auvat.ee ; TWO kit a o a a v M rivYif vi'ro ; a- - . i ' a v ' 4 l pJ merit delayed for three months; and THREE lOLLAR!! w. migno. uui ociora i couia giro ii the end of tha yaar. Moapei will be ditcoa. , im a roplj ba deaerved, our bouiawaid, tinned until all rrerjee ar paid,exce(i at epliua ot.lha Editor. AdrertiermentaiiieerUdalOne Dollar jmrequare ! 1 1 mee or loe.ihie aneu ipe lot me orBiinerr. tn. .f r , ." .uu,.. r.. ... .... thev wili be inaerted until turbid anil cltorgrd c LTPostma.tet' areaothoriaerl tnartaeegen HOCK MiS TO SLEEP! Ae .use bjr Mi.s Kixa Viae at lue Columbia V.rieliee, anl received w.tn edisbt on eatb rB.titiun - Backward, tarn "eackwa.d,b Time in yoar i jhl .Make me a child afatn, jeat t'ar lu night ! .Mather, eonm back ipnru Hie ecnoirsa .noe, Take nie again to your Ueirt a. ol'jore Kit frm tuy lerehrad the larr j a ' eare, ri.no.itn in. law etifiT thread, uut of mjr baif (ifer n; slamber. ynur lerinp waleh kavp Rack tne tj alnp, mother rock me to alec p.' Baca ward. Bow b if k w iil, oh tide uf yeara ! I am ao wear j al telle aod at' le-raa Toil without recom:Hiae tera a!l in n i Take theia, and j've me ay chiiilhood agaiu ! I hare g ruwu weary ut daal and a. ray. Wear al dinging my .oal. wc. Hn away Veary ol .winj far otbera t i rer Koti me la . ecp, muliicr rack me ti a.aep ! Tired of lha aoliow. tba baae Ilia aatrae, .Mot'ier, aa inotiier, in y heart eaila lor y.m! Many a .uinuter tr e graaa ha. jrutrn grrm, Bia.aomed aad-faded nor lac between Yet with elrung y.aroio aud Mii.Dku, f)at Ling I ta-i.ighl lor your prr.eoee Kin, Cime from tba tili-nca aa lung aod ao uif hock we to steep, uiutaer rovk at to aie.p! Orer my heart, io day a that are fl.iwn, 'a iot hka iiiotiier-lo" eer waa almwu N'o atiier wrui abiiies and Jurea, Faithlul, DtKitih, and patiant, like your. None line a moiher ean f-harm ia.j pain Froat tne nek atni anu world-weary brain j Slumoer'a a it calm o'er iny he4y hie cree Kock lue to eiecp, motner rock ue to tlieji ! Coma let yaur browa bur, juet I n ti ted w -In goid. Kali on your ahouldcre agaio aa ef old Let it 'all oeer my furebeaa to night, Bhadiiij rny faint eyea away from toe light Kar wiiltila ejnnj-adged aliaaowa, atice more Haply wiil Ihrong- the aweet riione of yore. Lovingly, eaftly. il. bright billowa werj Kock me to .leap, niotiief ruca me Io slnp ! M itOer, dear mollier! I ,e yeara haee hern long .Since I lal ho.hed to your luilaby .oiig Since tin . , and unto my aaol il anall e- cm W'eminbbou'a ear. h.Ve b eo hut a ilr am ; Ciaacd tyour arm. in a l..mg emuai-e, Wiik y inr light Ivah-. juat iit,.ii,j my I ce, JJerer hercafti-r lowaae or to rj iivrk me to .leap, moiher rock rue to sU-ep! ancmiSe BT MABf (JKilUM. " WILL, Auoia,' eaid my baabansl to me, one day, ee be tsm - ia frern viaiiing some j patienu, "tbe next bouse is reuted at lait; i o your wish to have a acxt door ne.boor .' . ..... it gratifiod. I ",.,,,..,,, . . , 1 t,.B..d23cnt.ioreachc!;r,uau...ce..oUrt.d.f wauul oeiauDg ! tue rrtitmen la and SlierKS'e Sale, charged 5 jrr j lera. ' the veai Adr.rVi.r, rnt. ia,ted monihlj or ' ' .C A fv, 7 " . P , " W"C 1 deromlory to the geaileuiaa'a ley alty, au f rrpo.e a ... Cue uurtal rea.u. , 1 ' monthly 73 ctnta per equarefor each time. ,) hurry ahe bam t bad lime W oeok at. atly. kriyjr him ii. . ' . . , . eoa- P.,. wh ee.di.t- in their adverti.ea.enU j J , , ' , " Wky, Anuia, what i. the mat.er T" dried Wbet. admitted lata ibe C.,f.., Urnk.y ' 8rU"0 " ""k , h f""k-U mu.t omrk the aumberof in.ertioo. urircii r 1 1 filled several platrt, aud put a loaf of I my hu.baiid. A1! :4 . ., ...l .,!,. .,.,,1 ' "d led the way, and wbe . xjU M.iiguua., a eawa.ui.o. "iff,; I never ta.ted any Ibli.g ilka II lu my ; it it I Have yoa teeo them? How lare 1 ,r,. ' 1 it tbe family ? " The ia a ma ia Norris. I h ave not siien ; Ibsm. The family cen-iau of a ton ,o j dtogbtert, aod two tervaou," ba tu.wered, j,riT0T I . I tailed very lacenic. "Aud aoa bow I did you Bud all tbia out? " Ob ! knowing that I bad a wife at heme j wt.a i. a hit at a irn.aiia I took Daia. to in I qm,lrt. " ya, ahaina Ifarr : but I will Cud Out -a 1- t all yoa know, at leat, so that you may nit Base your trouble fur no.Liug " 1 know aaiy oat thing wore, add that is, tbey wiii mere in to morrow." Te morrow eatue, tod brought tbe expeo ted family, bui I oould uot, of tuurte, find out auylbing about ibetn far awhile, I thought. " I will set call till tksy btve hid timt ta get teliled," I said to Harry, "but was mightily pit down by what I aid. thsjr are moving, we tuight offer our asais- . Harry, bowtvtr, deabted. Ilii wife's lew tenet, at people are uSl very certutouiout per wm baeotniug to irritabla. that be for io thia littU village. bore to tease bar ne formerly, but ha oould Marry smiled. "iott would like to know not help laugbiug when I told hiia about ow what tbey have in tbeir home, woulda'l tbo eoalut 7u u . . ,. 1J . a. a V II. the wko, Harry laid, bad bar laiatraaa' paia for aeoonjiiij acqaaioted wuk atraujjar, Ubbered ib(o the dium2 room a eraut. i i. . ..!- . , , . j. ,v. .u bread ob a waiur foriuualely Sally bad v -'-'-'-6 u.. . u.uj Karu4 ih.t . 1. - J 1 boiled. Harry looked at rue quiii elly whv tl girl hti goue out, ti.i Li.f eyu tuiukled j toward me. "I won I go l'J her a. be .aid, "A pi.ny ood btgiuuia!'' j, " I will ee wb.l be w.tiia. Aouie," fai J j Harry will Uase toiiiciin.es, ihuob ue uij busbud, ;Oiu guiu luto the uil room : is the but creature iu lb world. where the ecrvial w.a iiu.i. I For the ut-Xt three day. il ra:ued iucel ' )Ue antf i ouT Jiuiuj labm Mr Nor : faully, and we heard uoiliiiv more from ria bad jml beard llut aiie a a. to have a our ue aeiglibora, b n iu riul 1 inn to aorpnae party. , and .ua wnbed to uiake I lee tbem. 1 eat ii u nu a parlor a nouic pfi pr.'pn. ' crowded with f-iri ilur. ia.t it w. miu ' Vot cutout have it, ' aii cred my hue didieelty 1 ui.de uy ay io a ( , hand, bavn u l heu Ij ta " There an a hauJaoiue ro-cood pittu, ''On! .he tod lue, if jui n at a'lppnr. tfco .ilia!) .ttfar, tlx ibi j; malioaiiy onait , to ait lii! you g l thro ijh 1 .h'j:ut tan larje roeki eb iir and cue aiu !l on ., the kitoh -u aud y eau c i!l in it. '' to oitomaii. a iun"ijary ceyire table, au i " I t-It yoar mi.treaa iuat im cauiut batu ttauert biied with eurioiilie., audfour.iu.il it tM" emm v',' aai I Harry. 'erd tabief 1 bey are weeUoy, thought 1 A haul I w o eek a fter I bi one luor rji riji, before I bad ri.eo. our urt -hbor's tcrranl CU t borrew some Coffee. In Uu mm- ; otee she retjroed, s tyiu (bat br inatre. au te J I b p aro a d o fle Iate itra it Lor uulliiuly, a. I ait alaa). cxeee-i- j ia'ly particular about the roactia, that a ve ry ft aie ahouid ba of a by auti ful hro w o, 'and 1 tearrd tDat eeut b.ek wou.d be ual to drink J iu ibe ceurae of th da), Mr a ,.rr, l.eut to b'lrrear auar, la'rd, ai.it my acaira 'to vtetgb baiter I f)-iod eel ibal sue aoi 1 eu'ter, an 1 tuy acal a were IQ rtoj jiiiiou taice a week. 1 " I dou I think they rau be r tcvij,' said ; Htrrv, and La an sioirnrd iu hie otiiuua I. f.'j.i. .f,.r 1,- ... -.!:.,.. , - jatt.adoce of the youol.o.ea. J o. lar - l ' ailur. of tba bed-rejuia w.e f the fajtitieat J sfercriptroa. Kverything was aaeribctd to dating cty atitii;e. fua oeaa " I mnm i,d lLara sari, a i r .mlirl. Tf..ai..l mi idiIiii. lit III! D.oa II. Al 1 r! j 1 parler was alegaaily fra u.-a, and lua jkitehun iluMt empty I Things went ea anaeotUlv, hewev-sr, n.i ' one meriting wbeu I kad a.ti a e.'ae, aud. pat ilia the oveo, tbiukio I weuid have ; it baked by dmnor l.aie aud aerved for d- a- i earl, I waa about '.4 ii-.fe it te ibe eok, I when tne yel.ew aj irt o ur oeighbar'a ar Jvaut appeared in the rfsorway. "'Mtj.ua ta) aba i. gwiae f) have eooj paay, aod stiiie jou ie lead bar your ! oven " j " Tell her,"' I answered, "that I am u- I a reallv '.d ' f, bejinoiog to be tired cf ibis eou.taut bar hull waa nol to eaoape ao ea-ily I a a ' few ruDulea my tormentor returned I " J i a 'J a says eau'l vol tak? the Oika oat , . . i . t- ,. ,i and let bar have the m I hue will ana .... . . . ,, it ri'ht tsok soon ss she done w.d it. a a fairly api.' rated .. . , . i il sir 1 , can, but l wen t,'' I au.eered, shortly, ibe I i blood moanting to my face I b srirl b'.i''y relreati d, and, ea leak-' s , , ' ,. . ' . IDJ r Oil ll'l, I n Harry ettndllg ID the . , ' , mi' . " door, laogh.ug aitb all bi might. ' " Tea woaid be provikei too," said I, 1 " y """ l"J " H aa vifina io icii ia, tor t waa.., . yefcruay .tie iorroweo my aea.ee, an 1 iny in. last e.'ni aorua 11 tnii t'an.-raii j wafi-r irons, aid she has themy.t; thuia are evidently tne words interlined. Ilr.)j, j a tie borrowed o., lard, end yat:rday let,, have real lhaa; j und my lamp. Xiv she waul the eves " Yet I truil that in vir of iho 'reat I it ts enough te provoke a sain'.." j responsibility ''re.tiLg t. u me, yii i.. I " Aad iuy tit.le wife dore not jrct-nd to I preeive ao wntil 4 n-. act iu ) irn,v.. be a saiut,' h-t ii l, citp .ii v me up 111 lii in ' tbo little sior) niiiun i am ai. 'jtti ! ariui "ilirrih! it'.iiu ',.n.ii, 1 did uut .relate. uot k no you bsd .0 rn-icb epiril '' " There , onca uj. m a tune, a h ir.i The U"i tiiori.in, oor lit'le Kilt wa , " 1 e r joit. r .1 .artured in t . 1 -.am. f. .hi rose at the tabio. an I Uil not at lir at 110 j lha letter, SmtHV iu.-il u. 'lauaT r ol t tiau Harry, bui b 11 i ili.l, I .aw tiiui ' "'K roJ UJ"" hy 'i uro. r io ti, io.hw. Hiakinz snob arun ao-. o -r 1,1a ...ff-o, tnat 1 "A pr.po-ino u t th.t anirn-.l t " Ho! I pat down my km ft- an-1 ;-.-. m what wa. ii-ihtra J.;t u - iut Ij tr. id on each tbe matter. V.' ban be a tint I .M...r d, i other '.' Now, nt..'iii' ii ol in Am.iiou bira, be gave Ilia a ..- .- .... an-i ai t, I ' iunwr-a., iiko Hi- ro....-r 1 la tins aiury, I "What ia tbe ui.tt. r True enough, il wa- h .i nr.; Tn-: e iok waa ea.i-d in a .1 ,hc k""' "' ""; wa. terribly tia o r 1 1 u I rti.en I , . , " all, flatly , aam liairy( iitoi r c 11 "J a....rs...d ; lound ta ill 1 ihii It .f j " Ilia some tofle that. Mrs Morris Mill o8" u 1 "uuu jou uiuuaw.ua "'t I have kepi it Or turee d a " Annl xv' her xl '"" ' Don't It u J it if we era to gut back inch a miilare a. tbia." He an io iiaite te visit a patient, ao 1 could nol have any uijih mad 1 ; but I had noma leaiv wbau Be oaiaiu to .Jiuncr. which 'be prl-e'l suUioieutly to pacity Sally. 1 ! Thai day a tusil bronrht oir wrokiV "ID . ' .. . . : . ply ef bitter I It-It my i It, when, to my vexatioii, lha aualea serf not Io be toaud . " (jo over to Mrs Norris, Jan-, and a k bar tJ please le Und ui my scales lor a few uiiuii.es." Ibta oausad B siig'U rupture for a fiw I day., aud 1 thougnt our tiei'bb6r would give m ap, for, at Jtaa eiprttttd it, shs J Tare weeks passed, aad M re. Nerris seem . . , . . ea it na?o lorgoiteo tuo tnattr, lor b I paid m frequaut iait. aud borrowed more I aad more. J. lowiug One uijjbt the supper table was Ui we aat b the urate, io which tha il t , . ' .. " ooaie we tbe room loeomtortable thatwe , eould uot bear to leaf a it. I l io a good - - u1r, auu u.u iuj .u.io cua oi bit up, " .M alter euoub !" I aw. .r.d, .borlly It ri. : l . V . tuereie.ure. jorn. evrvaiu auaiu, p. - r bap. .ho waul to borrow Kite tiii t.tue. .......I.,. - - i L'n. " Mi-, uiaturaa," cried the child, luuiu j " ' rid , " he ty.d me to ax f r t ti U i.p t ,o " ; " Till b.r e are u.n dial he, ah'iuiM ii e .tuar aui lou liri lo iu lire i " Auuie," tad he, "Iain tut very bu-y J J-f lioe Wewiiijlu. iteoitrylT ale weeks aud ae.u J Jar i'tjr. Wo CjO 'thro arrange ebat ia Lent 1) le dj.,-, fjr I ' c s Boot Ii ve in this way Y j are uot the eama per. a you u-au to Ua. I ai.l u t , a you fretted n ' . lit tteut Into tne a mm ry , and tne nou-i- ioi d up for a ii:uitii Hirry tjj the o pifimuy to S r:ti, a..d e a bfj ; tbar ahewaF in I iiiio health j Al iaal wa rsturued, aud to our aalouiitii un it, aef iiiud oar Uui.l'hjrt g n.e tjr kitctieo, Loiettr, l oa rcf-tr- ..;.,. - J ta a i.dv with - toui l h.j"le!t the key, aril .M-tibatl had r.rei.i ber lae .e af .everal thiu,; ciaiiy uaraed.aad my aster iron t " I llnuk, Ao a," aid iuy baab.u 1, "lint . I Will l.uy tas Bext k'i, Bi that a may I iu fa. tre ss eiicfji elisa ae bate tot beighcor. A HLfaniM tJMira a $tohv It would saviu te ba very pisia from tne Oane.U'liii ' portion ef Mr. A liliukin e m-nip te 1-. ' Abolition Congress, that be wae a'siat l 'mdii'e in one o hiaeriars'teriaiie txiou.-, ;i ; ti. in,, a Mary Utl so.ueb-t iy, prib- r.iy, ex;iiraieJ tua ui-at Hilertiii let aeaiething al.e As ttt pr - at t pibiMLi-a lt r,4 i, ; .... , .. , . ., " I d j t,ot for t tins t-ravit v whiao -!i ia:l . ! , , ,. chsrsctrrn"! a pat.ur adJrrsaal to the ( ou- , , i i ,u i t ' fri'M "I 'lit uii.dk uj im i mil 'i iii.tim i . i l e .. ef the nation. .Nor d ) I fur ' it that souia of you are my .miora ; nor t:,t maoyoi? on have more exui:ri.i,ic tt, an I lu tbu ,.,,..i ..( Di.h!m aff.ira .tl cnunuil ul Rutins tnttri itt trail mat I , f re.nna.Vite ratlin. lovis.'oi .n peat r"pria-.uii,iiy re-uti ap, ,, yoll ,,,, p,fc,Ue w,t ,.ptl(.t no vouniitee iu any uudee t ai nc-im . I may aeaut fj an-piay. IW-i-r 1 e-p. ell uhy -ay r'l yoM! li- l til .i'ii.'i.oi 1 1 1.. ,J .ii 11 i-i " h r! " it i ci.i.j fn il k,; 1 .11 afpi-.pri it-ty I'll, lilt 11 ..lllkJ 1 tlio ) 4 .11) a 11 I i, ,t I fa. pilot I ll I li!.ll ! I . ' '('nil i'V IlllU't'll). t. The bit, sm or LlfK I at iu: cioe of hfo t in -ay. t. I 1. , .1. d and uou ipi 1 thu - ti ion to, w hie 11 I Io 'k- cl foraari ah. pr T'i-aS of lif. a hoy ! I 1 lli nil, i.nl lie tit'rn, Hi ajiiin -iray in i n. nt ol I i'j i ,t au i r .fl.-k'ti ji 1, '1 1 au not bli'l utirsoivoa itiij iinn : ' la this as I hoped have I euaclkd my dream V Tbe auKor is iuvanall) No We look fnwaril in chlidlnod - and on- 1.. 1.1, (,.,....! ! '" "' " hu.i.t op 'i .;.:)'! . ptl.c r.ll;c:i.a iV leer vi i.ie an iui'i n . In ue - a:e t il-.' J , aud lie 1 a aiu thoy, wuen y sooer ua ? One tt 1 1 il 1 ti liolliirs for th" v ii faiui lel have lieeu raiaid IU Ne.v Yo. k, aud tlio e rp .ration is li mt r. uniiinciti,; oa thu third approprutiun of c ttl,uUtJ. 1 h expeudiiuto it 8;o,odO per luoutb. Abebit or a MrNiBTtK. i. dfllaetiva f!ili n war from (ientri. "vi ' Wii- dar'a ftfliuo, lodged ia the Castle, Kav. w J. Graree, ef Uraaa eeiioty, North Cir. ov ( H('2, lioa, a a ebari;e wUicb ratuaioa with the I t , . autboritiea, The itevertad geutleuiaa uwb;th gra.eyard naar to the place the eauie, we keiiefe, who rsturned from (j, iJ t'ttoreb furmtrly aieod, I be the North touie tMoutba aiaee, aod gave Li 'uiliijue of the Uct. Jauiaa Jlall, exaerieuoe of iiuiaeaao reaoureea tad pre Barattou of the Liuaeln goTerataent to erueb i loved paator o , . . eat lb. doutk at all b.ard.,vwhiob eip.ri. ,lelublfd efery!- "nr'-l5""'u euo. speared i. a p.pe.rblUb.diaU,cb.!tbt( nm'u the Citurob, for ud, aed wbieb drew lorth a rejoiuder. Hia arreet, it ii eariuied, grew tint of tl ner. .f.l.i ' 1 ' facte ,,e,, eainBittn eat on. aaun.ed with ether . hlul lf b, , W,,B,B, k r - ,0, .. So." ,a rrDiied. " I am au amo.a- . ' '. ...r o, .oa, ..r..r. .. "f-" u tl. I lie priioattr l. of CJiitmauJia ares- aud a.e.fls t, po..aaa mere ordinary i. . . . ...i t :. :. abi il ea Ha was eiurlaed in the ciiitiu. ward -11 r,i,,it'itJ lU'iiiH'irr, - ,, , - K; Miriit A sutl,na of t ie b.(tt':l r. pxtatl it Or It.t.in .(.HI furea bt, reterae i ta ltla e.ly acme ui-.tiths (, Ircm a rr.iJi -i'oe or tit't vear. in l ar,. froui e.retba u.a.e-M.t. it, tb palit.o.l won i eu h'ih -t la of me An. ana. A tiara eui ef bi. obaervauoae, be preuiet-d e t weak .i that l ne Kuiperur of the Fiend i. ! iu a au.irl iiaut pruf o t j K"u; it. d io iff. r t he j tiul anlitu in of Kr ano a a 1 III at ti-iilM, ana lht via of Un.j n' abJul au ifun-i r, pr. aariirr to a jnil ju!jib'ui of tne li!ik' titles b'tea the beuuerenf parties iu the praetlaar He wsa sure il w e I e'r 'j-ol-d d ) r I K jioi! io I lie oie.evf iral Untaia. and he pitiiotrJ that the il.a-erer ai'i d tkea rroe. -d on hie o a n re-poniihlt r to u.ake tba oiftr 'in kia e.i tun 1: i lr lie ha prott'f h' hi v r hu arif to be a tr-t" prop). el, od a vtry in" ... . , ' . . iUiu ine at pointed Sao; lB htU arrived, luua il t -. rwifi blhae 'ir ls IbfJlJIl 11 ' out ' f -rr-e it w.a ued.reiied l y beio ,ut Bouipeuy, w.tbeet ibe ab.ei.eo ef a . la tum -a a :i I i !'. to whom a tgi that n'o indiVi'ii.al, '.i at ai La Ch ch , r;ad y mm- ' rre , nu ,IM 'II -Kr ' t htrte r.i.j,jfialia tji. i lJ,sjt i'.-it. j ' f h W ck H - ( riij ( H.ci.n, ...J J.t,tr,) wu ie i.t, j ' 'V1 l ' I f;'- j!M 1 "'I V ce atid at. oiai'i- -r f; ia eiia'a f a ain' j k ta d he mil ed bis eh ante aad a i'eked i i n J o The arpr'iei Yaute or,.-i inur .r arid t3rd i i one direetieri wnsia li.a L .j ahint ii rqiil ui jvi.ai' tbn um. r, ajii irj miri liia river DuaJe ni S aat .e Li."iteii.nt a allh ia lae aaoi- s'.ii.sr w ,.) by hia address aad ej.'iintrj, .;h a er-a,. jitad lat.uai.latad and rtae a lara tore of tba etauiy at Asmau i ia; -jii, m -r an .eeiuatof which w pab!i..d iu tu' its al tiie Hani. A Stuitij liii It his he;n ji'ielei. me the Ii r nutiiJ V in tiew of t ie !e?t Ilia! Hi A B'jiitiitilete ha ve "t-en a;ii ,arri' it mi) the j: J t irt h a', .nea at Janm teau, Hi l iua lii.l us oauu t J ba er rot i I uu to'' j t, at jui'; iiuia day, a luauunMiit inai it'ii i'a r-fjrd cf too air aa ious vamlait-m p.-r-rir. by thaia i,.i prol.-s te ba fi, h:iu lor a ' ru-lora-tiwu of the I uio't. " - a pp ieui for otboa of mora teau or .4. . , r. ....... i...i. -- ....I k . ....... ,- 1 . ynoa LtncU ,'luei in :i ' am j. Bar I 1 1 111, . 1 .r . . .1 tmi bis 1. U j! t acre inalr amanttl la ai a a mr u;J AUj 'rc.iJ.;r.l " Toa mJt me I'ia.t j , , a.j rii Li-si 0 "I 'biuk j Ut I. wae ibe .'aj-iy. 1 BOB a pu eioua m as ) l ti . ol ma into, lliai a ail," said Mr. LiDOoln, and t ofd the dt-cg-stoii Oct if the I, olid mi j jur i. , 1 1 al v. 1, l' J Abl.il, .'ii expr., a I. . ;, Lit 1 I not it'ti tnibt have M'nlij- '; in lie m- 1 e a .i. b ad lu ai ;ali. ,h 1 Hi,;, ho d '-li s.ery In !iiot, woifii h dorir by a proei iminn r ff t A 1. 1 101 It no.i.4 l.avv bui-u no iitillni fnifi'n in one ra-u lhaii t la 1 he Lou'loti .'titor aio 1 uliruv rti; A ; 11 -i.'livr, in .Si f. . army coi wril.-a ! : -1 'm haul tray t i. -j r ijal in it J .1 ii - in a ii. nil wa- 1 no pr-j. i.C "I tin- ' on!. -u 111 I ai 11 ; ir I. i " 1 i.i-i ! g i'a nt, "l . ,11,.. 1 1 1 I MiihuiiI ' M'lis.j n A a Ui I I N n.e iiiti'i', .'uru is a't 1. a M n.,1 ay I JIIIJ (MB ti .1 Ml . I. bo.. iy i h- M .... 1 111 lb" rcau' '.lllil'li'llOJ - 111 . .... 1 ... S it' t'li. i'-.i i'tuir.k lliiviitt.i Over Iiili.ii hi lh tii.uury fun. , iu a m y , is , Ism k i ) iib Hi; b'-V: I. - 'it o.d ii-ii ii, r. at 1 .in i o v : r y , is , rt hi j .111 1 111 1 ! 1 ale - a.: 1 ind - 1 1 1 1 no I : 1 ii . tin r in.-) iivo or iiii, reiia ti. ;, na al iV 1.1I.IU4IOH i'liJ n 1 , Io 11 man, are 111 titv' T tin r x.-eutt in i Mi filial. dint. eatr" K 1'. II i, I'.-'l . 1 v 1-ui-1 li It ill.i htulj r. -p. ci.i l i itix 'i ot A iliiiiiigitjn, IS. 1 (.' , died in that utiy on Friday last. Uk l man k Cuum;H. Iredell Ce . N. G. ! D D , wb, for bjif a ceutury the be' ,. . aevtiuiiy tui;t"'X loins reiii'ioui worehib r- " vr . ., j AlmiL-hty God. Near their houort'd pantor , ' . r rave (iiiu-i .tars iu his eroau of i -jute.u; iu tbat ;'jat.d, my uncle came into the room where ; dav when the Lord of ciory .hail, . x, auJ .D aa.istatit aouiraiKr. .r..t J.. .I,.n th. l.atd f t-iarv .hail u in J' a1 -j ; eolB, l(, ruak. up bt. j, wol. " 1 ae fot low- , , . : n "',1 b "J Er"J ' i Mther, fjroihly i.lu.trales Vt. Kail a cucr- and diSiiuu uf cuai cur : i ue Aiuuri- .eau ll-u.auau of 1170, iu pivgrva. : I'oeu, a. i. the ease iu lue pr.cul war, Lt ti.a iuj1 uau.Ui ud I .i pjrtii.t, w,r,. bcQlll , e jCa. Jut .udUcu Uee ut kia army, ad, ...ciog upoa CuatioUe, N. C. It wae treo that he iuimediasely f.,i.. d a voluuUer oa&iry eompaoy, com. Ailer lie had iu., afg4.S.d Ulr wuuipaii JT, wbiab ilri Hal taquira a let ter apaoo ul t:.nu :hu oi, e week, 3 t-0sr c.'ige in t .e iisi !,ce of in.; in ir e ji.u ) , a .' j or c J inaa. -i e ihoy to kClt.CS of La meet at iiciu any i .ijuron. oa tua fo,l jin haooaib, p-i'aiiU to eutar upia the ca.nriain, toat .l.j ii.i,'ht, lui u and tht-ie, iu wkv tie b cs- ui' at 'jo t a:, iu .oeir o.i. mL un Jtrtakio . Or laiiiwry i k h, ubau u;. tla.i ur.aatd tba ua.fara. oi a O.pla.o ef Ua.airy, w.tk iu a sword Ln.aa.eU ia Ut. aid tne j.o.j. i, aud abnou(.. aacauasd lute ma loiieeit. ' Uil : " the saerd of tne Lord aud ct OtJir.u.," al .ii laiae time, ut iatta' i . a i :la ..ialh aui t aeefu.iy wavi:,,. i,n anord tie lata ueiittred a eel u. tt aw.aati.e te t.ie eo'.iiou, iu a n . a ne ei:'jutul au'i oj.l iy Ue. jufceta the ly tanmi; n eouduct ol tuo ki g and a.it iiirtnul of h.-.'i it.d, in ua; ... ..i.., ... i .. l. . I . Aim. f b.e .crtitv..,, ut eacraged : tea e.i.i.y e..p..iy ;a iea.al uato b.ood ; Or, a.id. ha. - .lie Laid ol bu,ta ani La , wilb ua, U. rH of Jtwi, will b6jr fact def. ..ee Uu the i.m a'vta'.ng, they m'arcii- ad to .Sa.e.ti.ie, bastag ti.e Uaf. Capt. ilauj tar itfir ,ea.icr, aud tna;eai ibere taat , uiCht. i'dii.g the eamjiaio, tbey earned j on a kind of t'i-rrilie warfare, greatly an- j ., ., ; ... .i . . .la iro-a Aiian .ual --...- r- i leoiy and aBoipeelediy, ruutag upau, eul- imj ibeir Way throua, acd ueslioymj many of lb 'u in cvsry en cl X'Mt the . jhl' VuiiMit al uaa uataotiaa llidtpeodt wtv, i.r. llt.t Irt.') woi.) traveled on Uait-iooaiy lotra iu tbe ." JoioCru S. ..l-.-a, 'oiiif, on one oceaeien, le ii. iitv o. .efl 1'ii.ai.a. iiav- atiur lb ruta b al a aa tiie a oancd tue Kraal wi. denies, in pa.aiug over bub,l efisu heatd hiia isy tiuiui' my Ljvi.jjo, ta.t be atd hiia is) ti 1 IrriJ aeti.iy I oal vt in. i-a.ay, au i oil uia aat 111 ji, Ii lor .aier.i la.ies at a a) int. t.iuu, aith a liaiehet, winch be always Car- ti .! aitll Unn. a aajll l'4.IOI. i. lio UK au oj Jin,..! ji J in .ine 111 alio 1 a u, and al n had a pockit compa.a by wuiuli ba .te-ted litsoourau Mhea in tue pataas.. ail .l.'i ii vi.i. He a as ao ante, -afe! tiut it g t , )e m.-.toaarv expadituas, " iu ttarning many 10 1 iMileo i.niun.," 1'ial h. gained the hatior ed eoiiliti.) .tt of " l fce Ao-'.!a of N jrtii ('irolina ' " ll aa a mau, tk ia I tit ior all it, all. we no'er shall aej hie like si;aiit rived at tin- old hou.i-s lead. I m-t .1 1 clsui 1 , A il I voi ati'icr mi.) miu, 11 al'.-et.l tiv. n :he tloti- ton 11, iu cone, f,ancu im'. tv. d 1, ill.- fihtii jj I. il. raui A -I I 01 lid it. t.u I ..Ul Ill : " l e itji, uti I -r tlio ,,, Ii bu In a It'll il. 1 V 1' Il t na to a II Il II r . 1 ri- at 1 tt .:, t :i 1 -v 1 1.' ; 1 7 v r v ; I. I.t iiii. h. r. t tr-i 1 null, t pieai'd ap a Ut- tin which had n."ii t'.iro.vu away, nn 1 taiti m d it O ii) Ih'.I. 1 11.' YauiOes b. iu.' rvinfuro 0 1, 1 u ul . r a r .1 , r .:lui tie J , uur cuiuu tu iti r or.i tr.id .1 1 10 lane ad v ant . 1 1 t a Ot.ee in fr.'tit of U', ffotri wlii"h wo .r.-i"l. irt-,il d a liy so oU tt oir Im1-., Alii..', .i'a't.'Iy linn imd their rstilii, e i'i-iii;: ti.. m ii t-uiy to to- .real in U'.ii'f cinl 1 t.u, ioiuli t v i n r to liutibiT ol Hi. ir e 1 ti 11 ..1: I vvju.i 011 1 li u li-id. 'iVt.iio tin y vt'.-ii) th'i-i rljin.;, f!t a sin iro, iti i'iii' ji nn iu my iinklc uiul tiiih, and 'iij'iiii vx tuiiii t! iu:i, I d. oov eitd tLal a miuuio 1 . i j bail Ltd paused threegb the edgeaf the bottom of the tin, wbioh very ruuoh weaktaeel the fore of the ball which bad glaueed oa my ankle, iiilliotiug a aevere wound, and thea paused through the fle.hy part of y thigh. Our eouuaatider then ordered all the wouuded who were able ta walk, to leave the field aud go, if poible to a plage w litre tbey eould Lave tbeir wouoda dre.iad. I aod my comrade M, wbe wat alee ievuroly wouuded, walked aixty four miles te a plate where we could have oar wounds dressed. VV re four days eugaged io jxirfortuing the journey. l.uu we arrived at ear puee ii f deatiuattoa, a kihd surgeea dressed ear weutids. Immediately after tuy weuud wae ! who ! , " t tvtlded in the neighborhood io i i 8CMa.lBU; "J !'. he3 wae acjualUUd ' v my uuc!e and father, and tia rut rn v a . . , , ' and wr-elf furlfiu Au itiaUcl vto'ti'l a. J 'his tr aiu of cireuru- lances " a uriuito. Vint.,'1 a IrQe ebriaiiaa eoueateualiaa of an iw n.e aiuu llilirfo-iiigu v ' i , ii i i i "isc and itiurviiui i rovi'Jebse. Itiayauia. i . j . i-i - ' "tidier ha. fc.ns leturnad to lae Coniedera. my i be oldest iauinitant at tne eld bo , iu aJ, is a faithful eld servant, betweaa l;ucv tve and a hundred years eld, aeta ta Punch, be said to US, Master li , I it la bj ioi. .ii:.ee 1 last taw you, I was afraid Ibe Yaiikeea had aii.wd you. They are no LilUr thau a baud of robtiTS. 1 ou knew what a kuo.l itiarkiitiaii I u-.d ta ae, aad Low 1 broiibt tiaau the ijuir;i.U aud wi.et luikeya si siii) fre ol eld tua-ter' r.Be To nick ( r ti.ee? id iht . itrrakti vt. Weil, said be, my sight is d.iu bow, but I have beeu l'i',Ltii.k- l myieif, ibat if the irnito pi.fetiag Vankeas sLcud ever eajis prow img ab Jul on litis gaod eld planlaliea, as I tut beatd tbey aj now doing io " Old i i . . "a reier luuiat I "U" tbt old u, and t toioai t oouiu sbooi aowo a aoyo er two Yaa'aees a lib il, yet. Ia all probability, I eunot .ive uiusb iouger, and ii ia trying U .'..lie off the Yankees from the old fauu, aa I ab.jw oi l cianter aould do if he were iiiii.j:, I antu.d lose only a few y ti of try afe, 1 woaiu die eebUhted. You know old u.i-Vf, i iii n on bis death bsd, aui te you 4.1, Un c i.i. d 1 1 n, Ibat t.o matter whe bouSd I t ui toe e.d ii.nlaliou, 1 utunt be aiiowed ) g 2co fruit tree.; for tbey must h fr"" ba eala ef the farm; aad 1 tL ,lk ,ut P' r4.' U 'U u1 tUo V,e. ,rJ 10 f-ii-y ' i i-n. does not deserve tba ' f l" t!' :1 nevaiu.oit, I b boy - jUI uiaa years old, al cue of the betvis in SavatiB.ti; aud my buaiuent " t ."de lae travelere' heraes te aud If JiB ibe slabte. Weil do I recoueet Tar- j 't''on t.d bi horse, latict'.a was tall rn ,, I'-n a.ed, ii-tea looting man, with b.ack hair, and iaij;e, sparkling, t iack tycs, bin ij .u.ci". vivte of goii, be bad golden bri aic bits, and gcldeu spur, bi bridle lea thers ware p,n(ed i!u gold, aud bit indie 11 tun ef jld No, leating only fj ace enoagb . 1..,,.. ... I... .1 .n -,,l.i,,. I,.,,.l. k,. 1 ul !" ' ' utirrep were besvj , aud acre of coini goid, the fretit part and thu housing of the sad dle re ooverud with goid. list wuai I admired uio-l of all, was hia brautifjl , ao live aad spirited bor.e. He was the la.lust rtjuning horae I ever saw, and seemaii to k-.,ow when bi muslrr, who wa tbe best and west gractfii t i ler 1 ever saw, waa r i iliiio; btui ; lor h noitid autvett" ail the tune, trtas gaily pranciug about until far-I-tcu would say, " l'o.u, tir," when he wontd in a tin ine nt, btcotnu a.- gi et'iL at a Uinb, aL.l Mould walk along ijautiy. I . always trying 'o get pvruii.tiiou to li ie hi 111 , but his o.ilcr a hue .ervnt, t! res.ed r'-J epi-r.dtdiy as bin ma.sl.r, would ""I '-t 1 OI;o'' l"''"'. Ri'd tii-'Uhl to tny.-i.t', Wo'l, thero is the tu who wiil fiiil, bo ha whe Le tu t) that will tt. I'.ut, Bol aithstand.tn; all iLm, I .,.'" ss not a oir.'jin. lance to our bravo 'iemTal 'Irorj.! Vs-hiiit.iu, who n.iij.pitt vftil our it .'vps, O01 nwaliM, Tiir let"U, hiiI tb- iliiti-h Uenutale, anJ the . 11 . 1 liitli-iti m in j ; and to, he adtie I, Miii-ir .! , wiii villi. Liu and Uis troop a hip ail I an Y ankeo. Yeur, uioal repi I'lful. y, AN IKKUKLLlAN. k. t' liiinhiis pierkay ad tlio oma- 1 '"A ihvr , v l-initti, oottou yarns, wo-iicu 1-a-ud "!'. v.'a in -ii 'irli 111M ' hand, in that y ; rt;;, were soia :d for the tUatt aulbenlu , I j lMi'l..y iat. A hoh ioti-r H'.ielud t'hurle.toii laat Sal '11 day, Her a tt'dious patnagu from Nassau, mill I O-l sarkj of I.in ipiol salt.

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