T f.. I " I'-OMXCfi . I '1 I .".I - a. .-v-st ?... .v i -. Tuesday, IVcrsibcr x 1. 1 S U SJrli, R. Yaki-h!.(, I,.,:)., t.f Lenoir, bss cn. rnlrd d acl, aid : mr nilliiirir.. jl n 7-11 1. lie "tii-i.icrl, ami rfcetjil l..r l.,tr:iii. Any fifnom hriiiHB win. i.iy ti him v. uiiiri liiri icmnHn mil rcei ive th Wk;& kr f.vo d.i!! j:. IvL-mcmbtr, Thut tiike till .I'.f'i eonntnji.ro. Ju.-e in rxhai:e !vr lit'. V. hi-'. , . . , , , ,, Ilulter I mil Odr.f.J in hid UHttkti'i ituntr, Lain, .ir.r - 'I' i, tf our c -ut.iry fit- t: l bo i r.A.ii iu, if tuLscriDiun iu wood wi.i I r , ..... ... i - i . ;. ; . . m i"-""-- - , i ' 'i 1 . 2 -iLii , ' I - . g la, La' .r r. iy to riiiJe.-J, t !, . I, iu!:. ' :i tl; i.o Yin r.s I were f. :i . .'5. 'Uer ".l-'altj-. 1 . I. Tbe C'.:.J:ra-.- li lt le. a u! .'..1U au i. ii.ii, ...U 1 4 ) i.ii an 1 .!. -t th 'V nr'j e'.' tU,::i i:i I , . . . ;i ri.-ii v,:. , .1 : t tci-b ' .'-lug L'i'i'.: .v a iri pi. Iu :. 1 thai the Yaiilet '.f:- 1.1 Vi i ile Hail j lr .'.'j ti- 'tUutv ui eiiiil i 1 1 . r r j ;i 1 f j a u 4 , i ' ' : j t'.-.- road i - i V, II ir. Icr,-:b, it, - I'ratu it, i 1 1 1 1 r o a i d ti ll ir v j a u ui! er rr por'.t t road .'u-ti'ued fitui lbs c.'i no r a.rc.l tb two days ac'1 tb- Id i4 Urido in iil i!s(. .vtVa FROM THE w .-:t. : 7 lii ill t , (I f. 'larks o.l wiln his u j '.et h r-.ute'l ti.s Yankee trooj-i. '!1 t ir I'ri.i"iiV,ur' i.tecay n l.c 't'.i ii , a, l'iacton, Kft.iuoky, ' t.J Via:. lii . j y.l:. cou.;...tcly I'jii'.kI by ' -.. I'i-. J i ;-d L-s L; a', c aOi-'Hi-rs at.d ' i ;i au-i j-ravi.;jat ctj '.-ifei in largi r'jr!iau o. l!i l. u 1 ii .Jl n-i.i, ere n, iitar Marlictb b;.tl'. r.:.UkJ. A A ...ry .'ti i'. ''td I.)' our tr ioj , ;.roi.j to l'j an )rU a, d ,,b 1-. - , .i en cf ill- r( of ' j--v,y a..:.ii a;. 4 t'..H ;;m!). " c ir tur. a. ih bafiio ti, hit ."') '...!. fell r j i ' c J , iit-v r; eesapj iiv Kin- i: . of j:. i ill tlio a li-. Imii.; 1 -I Ii a '. p.. i 't .i d aul,t madly : t lew- 1:1 our Tie '-Gaiarv iiw if r .. ,- , I up tue li-'ci il hn e. rPr, ry fUijj , r.:: m, lo the 21 ' A sc. j; tin to t,, f-i:u U. ,hc ysn. : Cel.. R !.. . . ., . . ar o i..i c Mn -cu itie oasc kn i ; ai. cr iu o:b.r wor-.l, bai ol U 'i y T 'jt '.K 11 i'.-.Y. i i. ) ! if : ;t! v seonpyis,; ,fi. Je: t . L b ,u t'. i ' NartU'. ra t. a.-pa i-t-ft i.; t:o tbo V:n'.i lo.- i'i tlu ir-ctui j;re-t i.attic t.t if' : itkabur;,', auixunled to -'','. lur l';:ifv 'or.'!.. ! " U trie u.!y inima te 1 ,i' j- . -. - i !'' tlil t: e 1 1 - Vi i:.a- , t...-.e .i U-aMJ j,' cur t;- -,. i.-r .i .: !'.r .. b:uu .The South Carolina Conference Trip IV to Spartanburg ! Iireakfnrf iwit from tbo tiresome routino of tho newspaper effioc, wo mdo a flying visit to gpartanburg. 8. C Tbo Sooth Ua'rolina Co;ifrr neo wa he'd- iuj: it harmonious !nd pleasant Scsxiou, not withstanding the trouble of tho times. uidTtiti on hundred preachers wcro (jHHitit, Uihop Karl jr prcsid iug. The bust uP was rapidly transacted, nud ao early adjournment was lie result. la tevetal plaocs tho Holy Spiiit bas Iceu poured cut duihij; ibt year, awd the f butoii has eniargod her bordore, and sta ler Makes. J bu Mj.Mou.r .olleetioDi f,r tie year , . , 1 . i amouL-t to about aixlecn tboabd .ciotlars, a part of, wbiob bas already been u.ted by tho MUionaries. 'l'bs cJ'Uctioo for the woru out preio' cr, atid tbe widows sod orphans of f" Lo have dad iu tie work, was c ?"''er ably lsrgi r ibau usual. Tbe ji" cf liuruets Stilled with cUiuoi ' t1" tounl of about tan.ty tii 'll ceut' , To inrmber. of 1- ,( , jit-v s. a. i. Martin .... j- i l .,: . i jcar. u reatiiot' bavo dleil Uurincr ' i - . . Ai)lis wai au oeaion ot i ' . i; ... ' UB(' ,uosa Servauti of (iod .pe.ui .nte.ut U iljo 0.lU3d() lst,,o " '.'datid Satau. ' out 01 Ibe Bppo- , " I j. io'piiality of tbe people ef Spartan Laa been unbouuded, bftiwuL.-Uaudioi . w-vm .vvUJ,u1u..1BUU;uuiuK prtetui icarciij oi e vt ryttiiug ;Lat u at. e tLtrvea tbit tbo eoujjrct'fctioa were woftly composed ol ladies, many ef tbcm being rtfj-eea from tbe low country. ll!to a;e tf.i'!g U:uei cu the uirls poor ereatnr.i l.n in a. it r,f i!i i.i r.. ,n.n,rl to a life of tip '!e L.-.ivd nr n ! WoQ.ld ('o,,ei'e. aul il.e IVu.ale CoKof. located at ibia p;e are Loth iu sucees.Iul 1 vperitiou. Tbo number of alu.lrnti is not ' a. l.rt'e a. it ban beeu, but the present coh j oitiou nui luture proajeeti c! tus$ iaili- j tution are eneuuraj;iD;r. Vvd-id College is a nolle buildia, its ' to era iuouiitigup t0 4artil'tb9 sky, : d i'hi ' pr-'fisrs Lou.-fS like ssotioels, surrouu- u;ng H. 1 tic l einiio Lcl.ee i.-o Lai four , 'iXcli.l'Lt Luiiuiis. j e t J w.tli o jr qundiiii towui- ' ruan, Mr. A IU ibune, lie p i,i,iinn!j aud i ' b.cirtit 'lews.'d t iLe C'Ji.e-o, vibwae find j (.ttntiot-s and tLue tf Lis p.vatit atj iu- ; ttrt' tin, faiLiiy, e aLall e.er ritneu.ttr tt Aci.g i. uao tj;r. eaL.g inc. debts cobbee tid wiili ear vim. lo the place. Long may tu-y live io e: icy tbo cauii.ieaec if lbir .tt hi. i t it- bf ail t:eir aj i a r i i tur U.iy, we ti. I.-: .1 CcJar' i'a.f and !.ju,lM!tiid. TLi U ; a I vl ia.li.sl.tuiibu, at. J 1 du.l.g U.UC .1 g-jS 1 'iVe L.u a.a at ite tLat a very kind lovi ta! .U 11 j r.ivti. ua t3 tllLS at tie i.outu oi .'in. Jjij.u i'. lu.i;b. - 1 in (aua.iy were, vry kit: si. a' l jave u lliiil irToubd to; , , -.n i ali? to Cc-air Bj.iii-t. We f.n fa--t tt.ir k.uJ all.-: luui. .ie .i .-l D-t ljrt., I) a..i.ii.n tail iu our rou:.- we p&id a viMf t liie tatijiiy ti Mr. U. C. 'f'ng, iu c-mpatiy witn a l!if:.J. J m y were very Liuti, and gate u . c .'roiai icvUat. 3U to 10 t;it ibrni. Ilia Lidy prcavbttd ui ;iti a Laudiotne i.illtf ba-Let. , We nturu to Cli.rictte with nkole bonet, tbabkr lo a kiud rroviJtt.ee, aud Lope la oecjpy tbo tripod at 1 1 it more r.ii,ci i lunccsa for our niihr' Letu tj .par t:,ia;g. (Vi tbail- certainJy rrctivt io e r.rtl u.M'aLi .-four frieout al.cr our is l.iu rots ao long a journey. Lirutinavf. Ve.grcit our readers with a merry .'briatuiai, aUiiO'ih tbe li.'nti nd t!. .ii-ationofourba'iii'gcouhtryaronotfavora-bi'i to tie fvstern.g of feeling, of hiUnty. I bis V u t -r it regarded at tbsdaikeit lio-i ol o ir revo. j'ton, and l-nrga with it iuauy sad aul Li-r.avel boartt; but tlie ditkekt of the night is jutt before day. So let u h?pe tuat aucU ray le the casein in. 'i iu y . i i.in tiUr jss-i'ig lititory. Ao all )iio 1 rovt ii . a rt' ue va . iltLev ovcr-r ait all ibini and ul eeriaiu 1 j totect tbe right. Therefore if our caue r-r, who travr ' is jvtl we Dttd baie no fvars at to tbe Cual i.'iu of jit. We tope, at any rtj for the benaili of tbe ebilureu aud jooi.iieii and m.iJjsi of tbo coui.try, tbat tbe Uaual vi-,ta- , ti-.ll. -f ,.,,r olrt frl.ril S'.r.. IM....;11 r. .. 1 be ucgU'ctei. fbej may still cnjjy Lis ' v.cita with couiiiteiicy, tiituh ks wi.i p.-ub- ft -li . l .. .1.1.. . . .i . . - t a fijr cai ue et'ic .-a ui-'vuiu eti uiauy ia,vort ai UaUal I L-il JcU. ('IVoticc?. I I. p ,... .lit- Vapt. ' IIMffl'-lli iii... l,t d I., the r..t..!e in' ll l u -hin II. liri i.l pi-am ii).r-..nt ami luu.e havn.g nl K-litn wit! priaenl Ihem .1 .te av 1 1 1 be pieaO in bar of li.sir Fa. NYU. I1UTCIILSUN Adtu'r. .rl itte li c. 17 I "i.i tt A l i.ICA I 1U.N v.,! ic mad-i ! M hi k l rl.fn: ti- .No H I U Hi liie ( rlntle i S i li pi.ip. iy oi in-.t. ii lieirymll. . A. II. M U l IN .M;noi;s to iiiiu. v; v l i,." .V- a.. M. A i: r d i tlie S'l'l I l J. I). Krrril ". I.i I "-K ' "-at t" Hie .M.n.r lUa.ra I i.r Twelve im.hliia. li. W A LKX AN 1KU. i I.",i( l.iba1 iiAi;!)W..i:i;. '''' ' Miliaer.bif tm vi -.jr ptirch'i. . toc ( If .r.iwar.l iM lni.ir.ne l Ali-sra. l',K.,rtfl, A .on. I. . will sell thi s.mi lino ra..,ii,,, ,,,., I..' il at. re til Trail hi f -i t. LLI AS .1 COIIKN. 0-c. IC. V.-ri tt Gutting Ulood out or a Tup-nip. Oo Tuesday, two' soldiers, doubtlese up to aharp Iransnelian, prcsoutod tbomselva ut the nloro of Leopold Hose, a Jew shop keeper on llroad street,-on oftbeni having injbis possession a common looking ear trum pet. Tbe'posses&or of the trumpet purchas ed about three dollars worth of goods, and akcd to lcevo the truripvt and tlio goods in tbo keeping Of the stovt keeper for a few minutes, until he could make an errand down the street, nud the two soldiers left. Tfley bad scarcely gone, Li-fore two other . . i:. 1:- " m il... v........ ........ J i oiu.rr, ' ... the Mor. and the eK of ouo of tln tu light ing upon the "bfantiful trumpet,." as be CAikd it, be t- mod anxious to buy, and ctl'i'tod Uoc uly dollars, and fiuully one !:uudred d( ir. for it. Ilo.ie said tbc truui- r' iid 7 .'' " 1. the in wlo I6'1 " tun, and try what j bar10 b(J couia strike with Mm for it I two soldiers deparfed, and soon the 'jmuvr of tba trumpet oallud, exprns-ed ao- jlicitudc, ivo., for bis trutuput, when Hose, nitb an eyo to bis own interest, offered to buy it, Grt offering twenty dolUrs, and af terwards City dollars for jbo trumpet and (bo (rood that bis cutotur bad previously purcbaed. The man demurred for a good wbito sid tbe trump'. t win imported from tho "ulterrnost part 0 T J t hn eartb,'' was a . ,r ., . . , uaoii sue. ue ai iai couseuteu to jari : :. . i tit. a tt ti j i t "lib it. received fiftv dollars and dioared i w . ., , ,, , , j We icam that lbs enttrpriaiog hopdaler i U SXiUmOU iU ,0.k jor8Li, 0lul,cli "one bund red djllar' customer fsr lue trjui ; Pet, but, be bad toi called a, I.U acoou,,... , three ehe.r. for Jetf. U.vis. when .be ... I VriVX ,n Ibe trumpet iu questiou is worth about i pliuse shook tbe buildiog. The Abolition- i.iu (m our bordcra are to be confi.tai.d to twvntv Cl cents. I;, , i i ? . the ust of liie Slate. . , . . , i ista ILco cs.it J jX luree cbtsrs for Liocoia. i- . i r .i j r- . , , ., , , A bla?t from the trumpet of tj allic I ' I ntil forlbar ordtra ibe toloo lof Mil tia in isould bardly Lave atarlled tbe parly ".old ". "L,cb u'lli '"' 'e-pouac. l our d.tTereot count,., are enj .imd lo ace tb.t more tb.u the deuou.ment of lh. above .r.d rioters were a.re.ted and aent to X fl lra:i..ctioii bas done. Uirii;uW Juum- iorl Norfolk. of our aialer Mate, from eiiar:ng with our own '"' ! ' , ! An ol(i 'Jy. 'en.n.ea Irom Unoxv.l mJtt fro,n "b bopper," b.ieu repeated- ''" tlJ ullQ frou ''n j wortb t'f saltpetre. j 1 j- Tublic Notice. I' nj to I lie pmaeiue cf .hi. I p. X in l'i'. I I.. is 4U4 t:.e ttf'jMii.in rum,ti, nj f: cut aling .irrllfrei: in t"o, I 3 tlHrulKl I'V Ihe hat ' ' '" f,'" er j it i'.'oirmaa'woers I. tu pubucry iu b"ti!y .uii.il., II, at iiu mg.l i.ii.liii' m.a ii ue. It-Mil l .c f.u.t'u v. in bv pit.iiittta to e mv a : :i, Willi -ir .f i u ' . p. oii! im t i' I He r4-.n aiiec.! bii..-n mm'... at.. Ii H l;i r it Id g, c (.u.i a W nl be uluc til Iu tin i-l a. 4l t-.ti!n. all l..u W..I if I.O.I.C J Ami ! ria l, r n j . cf '"'"' l" " M I. If I(l4li p. .i; Ul. liul.r V .. . P. . . ! DAVlIiicN, Mayor. I - hi v . lOlMirLNCliiSiilP. WILlalA.MS ,v ().vti;.s V. Y. lLLIAMc, A UATK8 Co. in j. uicl t j I! . I, i i VV i. ..ia.. A. O... .(.' i b -a.C nil.LlAM.S.VUAll.6. 11(3, ! 5-.J i;i.ort; : j .. ,11 U KueeU-pe ,.iii. I t a.. a ut j. n .srKv::..- .v c a itn pu ! iri;u. f w A'.utsr aoppl rri--ptr.M.l r of IVminrr t it, N Iff an4 1, anu In ,le Hi 11. MK K.N.S A.' CO . Ujip. atla ui i in.- June 17, l -b?. tvTVlPi: Mi NU I A lia , ut I ii a a i . Dec 3.1. lab J. The -J in ioia oi i,, is bUiii. Ii. .... ..t,. an .i a . i- i ml ol ta prr .li ra p.; it ,s on and a:ur ; lit Wei.n.n'av r, Jiuj.it netl. JNU. J. JuLACUV, onD, I',t. I lie. 'j I -(..', Ji .TATK ol' NOUTIi CAIKH.J.NA. MH Ki.IMIUP.a Coo.STV. 'u nt uj I le ,i i,,i (Juji cr .enio'is ihti trr Icrm, tOi. In I'so nmller ol the Kiiit- f f Kan A.ia....ir. eUe'tt. P A I I.. I VV.,1 au riling. p-porliir t. be the I el inn 1. 1 ol l,.ii Aleaail ui : ; in l iiurt by J. I'. ,i. d.. w lir n 1 1 a ppi ar ing to I lie sb li ft f ie. ui.i of I if 1 liul William r. Alex iii.l i a i.. I M.r.-sa.x. Alr. aiioe-r, two o4 Ins I e.ra at uw mn i aa.e del J , at li.iil ria.iicnta ol I. -i ui a n. oi 'e.Nuie. ilia on'ifel Hi. t p ibiic. lion beh.i.le tor a. t wea in llu N...H. a ..line lug, I ,r h ir. lo .;. peir, it the mil let.. I ui II.-. 1 oil t., l-e lit;.' 1 1 r I 11 ruill) . ,.(i aall at t ,.- I .lir I uav 1 1 I li.irlt.tln uu the ajin . omiiy il J muary n t ' when and li.r re lai.. imh .uii'.ii u. llu ni.'.tt a. the ( ma v ..,..,: V,i,,.,., V,n. M-t.ellrlrrli ..I our .11.1 fourt, at I 'line, ihe lourlh Mm.l.y iiillbrr IrhJ ui.i 111 tin ll rear ol our I . ir ie n.le i.ee. VM MAXWMl.L, c.c.c 3. I'rinlera lee 17. l. e, 2, I- .IMKMMUS c riiANTKirs : ALMANAC roi; Tin; v j; a IL "2? THIS 01' I'I CI'. atM! ft. Lute From (lie North. ; Northern parw?ropto the 1 6th have been received in Richmond. 4 Tbo Washington 1'epubiican, Lincoln's oigan, speaking of lluruside's recrossing the Rappahauuock, says: "Tba failure at Fredeiickeburg has token the-public, and j possibly infiitary authorities, so tnuch by I tiirnii that onniior,. .r k.rdl. ,.t frm . j - ...... ed as to what ought either now ie done or what is likely to he done. For ourselves we bope that, aa a tew weeks will terminate tbo winter of ih's tableaux that the army deaigned for tbo defence of WaahiojMon will go ai tmeo int' winter iaru-ra.'' '1 bo Washington Star says : " Tbe fail-' ure to bag the rebels bas atricken the whole country with feelings' tf painful surprise.' j It adds baroa.tioally, that perl.aps ibe army ' r ' 'I Was not gu.'tiu up,' afi.r '', ii anjillilnte the tobcls but to guard iVaabiuCtOD, and . we advise that it go into winter quarters for tbe fenariuiDg wiutcr months. " " lulclligcuco from Norfolk Stattl that a ... TOOTLE. oefperate aaray occurred 10 tnat oati on'. ,. ' . 'r ' iranaprrlUnm, and nut for re ailc o profit ; a no m...i.w i. -i i-- . .n . . . "''; u,b"'i iigo uuiturr Ol . , . , f i " p. . i "lere sn the of tbu 1 rovost Mar- - fr9n,e "e io ll,e ibeaire proposed Cobf..derl l,.l ,,,.d. a ...A . Pl. Vllie, Marylaod and captured . about forty , Yankee cavalry. . lianas' expedition passed Hilton Head on M I6ih. 1 From the Vc.t. Mouit.X, Lco. 2(K A despatch, dated Jacka'O, Misa , lllib, PS) t that 1'reaident Jeff. Uavis and (itu. Jo. K. Jobuatoo ar rived Ibi'e tbia morning. Tbe Ttibune s.y, we learo from what w couaider g-.. 1 autb?rily, tbat eavalry to V ao Lvj rii's diviou got beyon l Tbe Ya , kee vau-'aU U i iim.e a raid ou the Mobile and OLij iiarroad, a taw d. aiuce, cap teiii.fc' the eu'irc party. A aptcia! dopateb, dated Grenada, Mi.i , '.'OtL, aayv ."'tarke'i Cavalry Lai Capt'ired tino w tf; ju load of oi er aiort j at I'i iar's l'o:iil, oppoiitu licians, at.d brought ll.eiu tiftiy'brn Th-j iiiriny above ii repotted t Lc fa.ieU baak to Uxferd. LnU.-i l-'jinu !t!sbtrof S.C (i"i.nB'U, l'-e l' A rtcr nnoiaunee lent i.s.iii ty a 'j'j .drr. of the 1 'bird North faro fi a i 'at a lr , i! l J r Cap! a;u t 'ar roa a y , ' faun 1 i l,u r ..r-uy eii.e.uped a '' Ut I il 0 rniial t, !j- iVi.i r if aii, I Mr ritifubK represent tl.tn: II Cal,0, aba OUl if food ttld aoi inumt'.Di. A ru .-.cr on the ntfeeU tins iburuin; ) rviu! jc -m.-ui have paired Klll-Ii'll I'll Hi - SilSIl Hide' tf the Neuae, to iuccor their aa . t ad .J ii n fricud. As tbe iihtlr bf t)'h- rieari ay,t rela a , couaideial'l..' . n. I.ter .Hinpg lb. Yankctf at S l.i'o Hall tin I'to.diy.ooe huadrtd' of tbeir dead '.ere I ft ubbured ea tbe field, ai d a t a huiidrt4 rd long fi.led ilU dad, b t een l-.i.U'l. Oi jy three CuU idiiioI tin' I'.tiy inolli Nt'illi t'.renoa and i tie l,.tviu .Njnb i'iri iui were en- .ed. t oi l'cittbee;, of the Fifty niath, e.ia eibteeii uie- of tki) Kieventb, foug bt tbe ciK-tny, teveiat boar, until reinforced ly li.reocf bu tomftuiM, who sin iube ijuttitiy relit ta by tbe l..e.Dtb, Colonel Lt'Sveuth jrpe, unHt-r tlio immortal lietbel' Fls, who ultimately drove then; from tbeir 1 guns ir!) the wujdi. Tl' 3)fjn!atioii' nf iiu; Mne- in v on ihe Wiliu X. WtUIoii . Kailroiit!. 1 Vi'e, copy tho feilanin Wilmington Journal of tiday ftem lie ! " C.ar camo, taw and e jtique red j Hatikl at.d FoslOi- CIIIK, saw plundered, pot whipped at.d skedaddled They caiae up ; like bunery wolves, milking tbiir path by J. .!..;.,., V..,....A I f...... t., t bridijt a, to!n iiegrun luaik ibeir track. Tbey piuivlenu helpluas uoiueu and cbii- litaii Ih.e inm I,(..i ilriern beell h T far . I infeiior numbers bf arnit'd men. Tbey have . ebon II tbetllielvct tobu robbers and vandals,' i ,. ,. , t , - O ' I cribes to those eCOUrtet of tbe IloiUaU Km- , j piro, or poptiLr opinion Couneot With the; iwaeeof tho bold hLhiva ymau, i The cnomy burue i tho two eul vt ts ou , eacu ide of tbo abcu Swamp trei-t'o Wulk oil iLe Wiltnioi!loii .V Weldou Kail- ; toad, seiiousiv damaged tbo ttealle-WOlk 1 n its-eif, and tore upa Jii.o two hundred y ards , of ,1, .nek i one puco snd about s.venty 1 1 J yards ill an ilht-r, or ralhor tbey made tha , ra.'.roail nerooa do U. Tbey bu.lt Cie. on1 ' i the track St Moubt Olive and Million, though . we bate not learned tbo amount ot datuago , done at ther-e pciuti. Tha Yankees susoced- 1 ed in burning tbe lit idf o.er the Neuel o " j l.iver, ah. mt two niil'. s fiom Gold.iboro'. .1.1 l.n n.l ..a r.ini I j i.l. llll r U . Tl.. V.,,k-.. ....I.at.l,. rfl,,l, i,.jln,, to Wiliiiii.jioB from tbe aoa eoaat are lained, ' or Clod wilh masked batteries. They pro-j , I po to get ovir this by pott! tig t onMer- j ate prwouers in f.-5nt and niakiug tberu poiojl out tba situation of sucu puces or otber works, orat any rate run tho risk of the explosrop or draw the fire of the battery. A PROCURATION liymiht -Govtonor of Noitk Carolina. Wliereia, in order to slop, if poatible, tlio wick. a Vd.ni o' pccuidlm.! whiuli ta b'lgBtinr lue I kmw.eogid .uiiiTnor. from the fact we nre land, anti preeiil prodnction of famine unu dn. . di.iij rcentine nriiari from tiic priij eiliaa tr.a it; tha mid.t of plenty, tho lKi.l,,tur of , of ine t nlt.itrer. Our Head Mif (Miaa North ( irolina, br joint reiolution tlieraol ratified Krr, of l ,...iikt.n1,) if Udy of lt)jjed on Ilia 9'Jd. d of tin inoath, (November.) Ii-ve rcfinrd t i.lc, and our cuaomera Unilly and etborized nit tu ity and 'intnrgo upiii the tx. ! unmiiiuounly jvni in rennermg l beat meed pollution from Hie SUte of ccrnin article of ol'prui.e which lur rti'irtu to pleam: ju lieicrve. prniia neneity, eieept lo ceniuin rron and for J With 10 ninny eicclluticiei united itKdepart-cerlan.purpo.oa.- inent ol our bum.o.a we. cannot i Ifi 11 w Uh ow.tlierefi.re, 1, ZbULLON B. VANi E; Gov. eruor of tbe State of Nor III Cb ro.' i n a , do iaau tlua, iiij proclamation, luruiaumjT an pcraona, lor I lie pr of tfti rly da ye from the iisie licrcuf, Irum carrying beyond tlie linnlf of Hie Stale any eait, j ! h"r Cur" H"ur' H'. coin, 'i'lie lollowmp paraona are a!untobuix. "'Tn?.'""? i'" t''oU'l',l'"a.' tU! . All vjuartcrniaatera and Coninilaaariel, Affcnti of Ibe ( oiifcrirrate (inVrrnment and nf any Stale !tUt r"nf,-'l"ey. exhibilinj proper ev.uonte of thi-ir ailiri character; elan all Agtnta ol neiy county, dialrict, town or corporation of otbrr .Sut... ho jall eah.h.t ,t,.faet..ry proof of Iheir authnritv lo nurc iae aur h am rl. hw. ! half of audi town, county, diairir t or corporation, t,.r nuhim , r... . y. n...it.,riiii, who may iveoougiu I sued irjiclra beforo the t'.U hnaof. The ricep. j ,lor lt eslen(j tlJ .jiuhjiJii by aan rcaiOenia on , Ibe aeaco.ai and in the. r owu work., und lo rur. "' we e. .pure, but lo r.rr.. pt-cuUl.ua'ao far aa may be poaaiblo, I iynally appeal to all hj4 c.l.Kna to am a '" "" '' " und auaia.n me inatiuti lor liie common good. In wilueaa whereof, Zr.tLo.i ft, Van a,uvern. or, I'aptain General, ui.d t'uui.iianuer in hie', hat. i, a.gned IKeae preacnla, andeauarii tiis great aeal ol ll. a Stale lo ue alliied. lone at our city of Kale. gh, Ihia tifith day of ovnibert A. l , I St. a, and iu Ihe year of our Independi nee ar.e 7lh. it . ii.. r:.,., ....... ti U. IA.i,L, K. II- Hani-f' I'rivale Secretary . i. Lie c 1), ItbJ "a!i . -. - ' ' if J'ilOllCC. Thee .Save b..-e ,'. W.tel". anj Jewrlrv lea ,n li. Iloo.e lo, ll,e ta.t 4 o, i y. a,.. anO b.vt ba.n repaired. TI... .. M k .ve ...d ee Iu Hie owner, tl.at ,f ly do r,,.t c.,e l'..,.,J ov Me I. tot Januarv. I5b3.aud prove llie.r pror r". ty ami la.e Hutu up, 1'ity wi.l be lurttiud lor tlie cl and din ir'a. T. I KuiTKK. io )m li. ! J.U. WILkl.Nvl.N Si. IO. tier. I, litl. ; J.t. Wll.KlN.-oN,..n. I. ler.:i. Ieo. 2, IfbJ. 3l HISS K. STAiMOX, rull.O r.aji Ital y tor. ii tiis I ... m t prt pare J with M i liarhallc, I e';t;.e ll.rfad and a it , lo u.i every variety ol ma. J tii.'.e Mi'co.nj. ; !. wi.l aiici.u to ihs ma... , . .. ... .... , nrWelvlet. p.vim m V I rwKi a snaru.ng noua MaineM. Mew Manufacturing Companj,- (lPPOITKaC NAM WllUKX.) a I l. l.S lit I I a Mtl.k. i, I BU! RllTwt!9. ate li w uiar.u lactiinne by s'eam niw uiar.ulartiiriii; by s'eam .ii k..oa ..r m.D.iKAU.'. t v . I. V AnllsTA.MlS, aou tvery. Hl.KS, HA IK" p.rUiniiig in Hie I L US: I IKL and t A HI- .N K I" El MM-v. ! Ue . ai n.aUiiif a qery felly, durable. a ml auerir (IJIM A .Mr,r..i, lo w.uth w e '' "'"' nJ l Irorra fro liieftrade ami p-jlalic gensrally are respectfully solicited, aa we a. e eo i rr irni in our ability to pleaae Ihe inwa laatiuHii.a. V'lUera prumiilij hi. en, j. ii srnvKNS, W A bCilUlT, J. A. Ale LK AN. N-jven.ber II lffil II. The Corner DRUtr Store, Il klll.UTTi;, c. I;- XVX: HL'TCIIISO.N AiCO. j C atSa k ou'J '?' ctu".r c'' """ ,l'n- j .j'f and compl-l Slurs, now being oi'iiueO ! tjfc.. lor Ibe ring Trade, n nutting o I'. n ,lti!ifin:, '.'b'-iHn als, IVrfumrry, Fauci Arli.-les.Oil. Turiwrline, Durr.ing Kiun!, Alen. ' j."'- :.' M ;;! -" leas, r ieio and t.-irden wep, c, Jr, J"u" 17-1H'"- 3"" p. VMKNT OF STATU UUl'NTY UL'b;! KKCKAKD SOLDI HUS. K.er.aiiv. lrg sriment, N-rtl. 1'ar.ii.ns, ( Aujuuut liei.crala Utlie, Ualin, U. Oct. i i, Itb'J t tienrr! Orders, No. Th following rejjulaliona are pubii.hcd for the 1 informiti.i! I'K.ao pi-no n a wishing to draw , bounty ol ik-eeram anisiers, in aconril.inee witn an onii.ianee of the I on veil I. mi rati lied tlie .'Jd i uny nl Jtbruaiy, III. I -iti-xa'i.ATioNs. I. Tile pi jinriit of bnnnty lo r'le repreienta tive of dece.e soldiers is bared uuun the terli "cal l,,c c.mmanuing rllic.r ..I Ihe c.n.pany, win. will SUlo Ihe ll lie ol Ihe rnlwlanrn t ol liie suiuier, i.m ". w in- "'"i '" '"i', amonnl of b..untv already pid h- the St. te, and inn ruitpanv onii rejniieal t wlneli lie liehihfed. a. Ti,0 ci'ain.ai.l will make etUduvil beloi. a n..g.atrate I....I he or sl.e is ll.e Hi.xt of km to tbe tlrreaaeal, according to Ihe provisions of the ..reg g nroiiieiiee ol ihe t'ouventmn, and lht ' "r no ouur peiann u.iuie.i io c.aun bv that oi ine -3iMima.il niu.i ot- suaiainrn disii.tereatrd witiiesf, that the ''' t,u'' are c.trct ailhia hi own knew. leuge. snd Ih.l be bas no inlertl ill liiociaim. 'rnP magistrate ail.ni.iiilerii.g the oi'h will eei. '-' . V'8 " "-'. ' ' cluik el liie l-ounty Court will cerlily, ur.ter suai, u.ut ,.. i auth.irned and sell... n..,., itr,ile. 3 " '!' et-nia.r H m.n,i be .nl,..,.. p., . mn.l sill on iu.de lo li.e guars. an, upon ll.e pr.id.irliiin of tho pruper et-rt.l'ieale under the, ot ,,"'lV""rl.' "V": 7 ", """ liciency nl hi bind Ilia claim lo be pn-veu by . inm a ip etner nn.. . 4-f lr r. ,ln'Ut" "'S ' j b'liiiity thai may have burn prev mil ! V pml, la I duo to ail b -,ne wim mry h.ve volunteered lur ! lino .. .il I ...re I, . ve V .11 u 11 le .Tell !...- ibrre ye.raor lh. war. ndl...li per.on. maaler. .. ,c,. , ,. w... .... , 'S Hilu or coiili.iuo.1.1 in ae.-v.ec unoef Ihe pro.. vi.i.iii el ilui i',iii.iript..ni Ait. By oed.-r oMJ.v.rm., Vaue. J. U. .U AK I IN, Adjt Uen. v4. 1KJ jt, rV( TjP 41)11 ' ' NEW PARIS STYLES I ! NEARI3 : '.. j .. - STYLES !!! WK would ea.'l tlie mrticuliir itton of tlia- citizen ti.'our MILL1Y DK. VAU I'M EST. We" flayer ouneliniat cur lock in th.it lion will vie nuccmnful'ith an in (He Souliiern ('(.nl'edcraey. .Oat ilea and Mn'iriul. ani i.nii(.' und Mdki H are r-ft-iil imperial jon, und jot up in the . rtrent Cl.l ...,.1 .ll... i P., rim k I uiauatvu mid entire aaiiafar.lion lo tli-Jira any j orucra we limy recrive from ilium. KAHNWEILKR'JHO. Cliarlotti , Oct '.8. ItSte. . IILA.M'ON DUK(N, (Formerly ol" Ktnlocky) ia prepared ill oydrra lo any extent tit hug raving tua Pr. BANK NOIKS, Kil . of hic!...nj;u, Jte, gravinge upon bteel or fitf.nj, Large auphl.n 01 fiank Note anuer paper w ill be hi pi. Angast a, IfcO'J. tm r-J ni'. l ,rK.-l aio. k of WALL TAR wis. A UOW .SH.VUM, liU.S, TA:M, etc., in llictite, mul be aoliTin U tl to make roum for oilier bUMi.cn. Ail HioKd wiiitin' bargain h id bifjill soon. I lioae in the tf.it. t w il (lo vii by iug u... W. II. SCiiM, Mart-ii 18, Intl. lr 0,p..a;te 1 ( :!K e. (jiJAULUTIJ- lltR, f ,'.J m B2e ffta. BO H2 C 9 til AWLOti :,. t. ' r tllKI'rouric'tnr ul't: flute-Ti ' 'jjfi ') t t bia po-.t rf( t. iu' j'; J j'lii.T S t:.edul:esof " mine h." totnv ' r" i 'j' tilJ1! " " " !'"r' public and i r hi inavcaiion mm. 'mil lieflniHi-a Inn,. .. i ,.. j cmiiurtable quarter, tan br tuum; -w i Imn as iaij' w.'icrein Una Ticiniiy. tleiii j siti.c irt.ir.f ly in Ihe lo.ilrt ol I horiottr, )jui!!ie.'t!i i.' j Mio litis ilotel a ni'.Ki cunvi:rtiiil onil-sirii tile j location. II boa b.- ii enjajrn in th.uinif ;( !"1 U". '"-"rly eigUrea year.,..,,, tl.eC ! '""c he "J "I"1"' 'rxe"1 'M . "s " bnusc. anil .t h'is .ten f.re,t. v chlr?e u imrf . p.e". l.,(r ,u !ro,.t a tw., .try A.N LA, ' I '" '" ';,,'Ui fc-v ' ll ia vvidili.h. ,.,.,ejy j "i"'''t., . an a ecu ny u er un i.-ie u e. w a IK , a;:.irO a pii . f Hh.l I !iroltl(-ri.fU- a I ail lirl lr. t.t tl,.. A e j Tiie iioiire haa Im .: Uiorcii!),; I, iy I urn lid t hn'. , "Ut, aud in every part ol it ercatuie coi.rl aro iabumiant ano lai.gible.espct.aily in th IM.Nij ! KU! M , w.iere the "ini.er mai. " ii. "iceu" t ciy by day. I I'niinrctrs with this Motel are .!fibietfordiiis; run in lor lli" hi it-en, abundant: turritn wiln rauiaiiU pi-i.vi-iiiitr, atlei.ucu uy fa.ti l ane o. i bti.iisr n..tit rt. ' i he l'r..irieit r ii c.f :,iiu,li n t tint wihii. : -j expcrirnre nn j nisi lir iii:riiiilfrii4i! t. Ins di nre lo pieaae, lie ia prepared to ori'er I Irit ues ai.ii tlie " real ol ma v cfri.ri "i il iia mueiiKOod ihter -a periiap a ..tlie irn re so. S J A I an v rait tr r li. i! be luund j w lu re .'ilar!. !!. Hi) . 1 JJ.KKR 2t: Octi-iitr 13. I i? " t . ilciinstoa, l'harloil and Hiht r forj Kail c::d. r-- r---- .. i i - i X wl."Uii: i'it.siu:i as .no alter J.. y ll.c i.Mli in.t.u the Jr !' tiger and Mail Tram mil lien ou 1 1, ;,Min can y (uaC. ts exeepieu) aa loiawi : (iUi.Ne; W KST. A a a ir. t'i.nrli-l'.', Tucaaei gee, 7 4.' M Mievard, 8 ID .i. t-ii. t 37 - l.ll4e!lilll, 9 IKI ' A&ki:. Lincoln tun, fnartiil, 1 1 iiJ , M lirev-rd, II 45 a Tucl.V-eiM-c, 13 15 I .V l" arlotle, I till V. A. Ml-BKE. t.n; .M ifler i! Tranapnrtatn. I.r. ve. 7 l'l A. M. ) 7 iJ " I.nvr I on a. M. II V3 il So " i IT P. M. ly cruer, A iiniiutun, Aprii !, lsiil. J. S VHILLIPS . TI tl liSt.S.YT itlB, O . J O B Fj A V I X U H.ca :d in ;--v 1!"' iiS t'liariiit'.e. r.ix liul- ; i" f- I aolicit a hliart ol' u L I . c ' ' J trnnage. c. f. if' ,Y A complete a.si,ta inl ? l '.' of ('loth., t'f9ime-.aial i .'''- ' . 4 tings l ii ys en iBm-i j ' i '' i w'"r" w be ni n e I ol I'M li"" d-r at the sliortesl ro tcr fl U 1 allfrllicl.lte.tianhi.il f J Simp three uonrs Si lib aasiNaW-aftssia of the Mali.iun II. ute. i'e-ilffsi.'rr-a'i, IM. m 3Un statj'. oi' .Noirni-cAnoLi.N.A- MKi'K I.EMlURO COUNT V. (J. Burpniaii and oil ersl iijrainst. 1 Oriti".'! Bill I' t'-H Hiiania 'I'rrrn nnii f Term, 1?$!. W. Ilium It. Myers. j X Ifla I'Ue.irniv In ihe Master. I v I K i i-i ,i .. v i t i.l the Miliiitor ol' i i'i;niiain..iili. lb it .l:..ni l. M ii r. i.uo il ll.e ilfiemial is l i'--sent lr mi tii l Stile, so that I.o ijun.it In pe' senaliy n. rveii, ami lli I hewiil probahiy r. in 1 " ah, nl in. I.l jtnr the next Irrm t the leiurt, li is niil.ee is I'm re fore p.itil.ai.ed liir six week a in live Niirlb 1'ir , in. a W bit'," be ws paper pruned at Charlotte- m .ai l re'inlf, cmimaiimiis; bun per- s.iialiy to b.i 'I'I'1' ar at Hit next liourl l . Lquiiy I- be li.l.i f..r ll.e eounly sf.ife.aid ...i, ths , I lib .M .ndsy alter ll.e atn .i.-noay in Atipnn ' If-uJ, and llii ii Mini lliei lo plead, niiawer, i.r m 1 "' ""'''-'; "l...':?'!1 U' 'X ken as conlesaeil, an.l the t olirt w.il ina.o Hi.J d.eree Hit-e.ui a.s i-huil be in nied ju.t. W.'erc.. A. -- in on' "' 1 "Utl. "I ' qui' y at elti.-e in 1 hnt,. tie ia '.' ilii day ut SeiniiUniber laii'. e-A. 0. WILLIAMSON, c. entembrr 30. I 'ti j. Prs. lee ? Oil M. E. ' nf irf. . i . 1 1 a a I , rn.u a i i.i.m w.i j . IMM.I, AI ,il i ,1 ., . -...i.l. ... n u.r ii.iri.-n is.,,,., - toek m t V- t'h ir I.. in- .t. s,. a I! K. ! o' , the p-crti ....' IU, i ,e,f In . J ll.ili'n. - i; I. i ll :il ISi i.N, K.e. ...oi. inrlntte, a.i-ju-i :m. i-?nl. 4 ii i t t t I si 1 ,:i I

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