THE SAMPSON DEMOCRAT SUBSCRIBE TO THE DEMOCRAT It Publishes the News. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: , a firm hold on the people. ha like it. and read It. They IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN IT. One Year, $1.50; Six Months, 75 Cents CASH IN ADVANCE. STANDS FOR THE GOOD AND TRUE WHEREVER FOUND. VOLUME XXVII. OLLNTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSD AT; APRIL 21, 1921 NO. 28 St VI w l VI Sif 'M VI VI Your Credit is Good Here Is a proposition that should interest everyone not 'having Elect rie Lights and Power in their homes: We will wire your home with every convenience-- furnishing chandeliers, flat-irons, or anything else electrical you -may want to brighten the home, and do the work at the same price as if you were paying all cash. When everything is complete just like you want it pay us one-fourth down and take three months to pay the bal :ince. This oiler stands good for 15 days. Work will be done nromptlv smd in a neat and workmanlike manner. WRITE OU CALL ON US AT ONCE Foster-Vann Electric Company. W I li K FOR US, A N D W K V I L I V 1 1 : E FO 1 1 . YOU, IS OUR SLOGAN EDMUNDS PREDICTS BUSI NESS REVIVAL:. Editor of Manufacturers' Record Fore sees Marked Betterment in Conditions. the definite turning point in the busi ness interests of the country at large and especially the situation in the South. Secretary Houston vigorously fought ; the revival of the War Finance Corpor 'ation and when a bill for its revival was passed by both Houses, President Wilson.under the leadership apparently of Secretary Houston, vetoed it. For far below the cost to the innocent bond buyer, resulting in an enormous enforced sale of bonds by small hold- pra Whilf Spnrpfarv TTniictrm nnH thf Federal Reserve Board were breaking i tatelr OT country his veto was To the Editor: I am reminded by an editorial in this down pries of the bonds by making i overwhelmingly overridden by a great morning's "News and Observer di& the banks call the loans on them Sec're- "'"J"1 lu u"1" MILLINERY. cussing business conditions and the i tary Houston was buying in two billion cotton outlook, of a letter which I wrote you last November from this point. At this time, as your readers will possibly recall, I stated that if the de nation policy of the Federal Reserve Board was continued, we would have a continuation of jthe drastic liquida tion and destruction of values which was then in evidence. There ' was nothing new in that prediction, for I had been saying the same thing over and over again since 1917, when I re peatedly warned the financial influ- dollars for the government and boast ing of the amount that had been saved by shaving the government's obliga tions to the public. In private life, a transaction of that kind would have entitled the, man guilty of it to a term in the pentitentiary, for., the govern ment was guilty of what, in private IJfe, would have been justly recorded as, a criminal offense against society and the innocent holders of securities forced to sell. When this campaign was inaiigurat ed. I had a letter from one of the lead. ences of this country that if, at the ling bankers of the country, def end end of the war they should undertake jing the Federal Reserve Board for its to bring about drastic deflation after several years of rapid inflation, they would bring about a fearful destruc tion of business and chaos in all busi ness interests. It did not require any special intelligence or foresight to be command to the banks to call Liberty bond loans in which he said that it would be an advantage to the country when all the small weak holdings were forced out of the banks, and ' into the strong boxes of big institutions and able to make these predictions, all of big estates," and this voiced the sen- which have been literally "fulfilled. Ev- timent of many bankers from whom I pry man who has followed -the course beard when I began the vigorous fight of financial operations after great wars against this dishonest practice of the has seen that whenever the banking! government. Every pledge made by powers of the world bring about a de-jthe gpvernmept, and by the Federal tlation, they bring about at the same Reserve Board and by individual banks time panicky conditions in trade and Mellon "promptly, put into effect the activities of the War Finance Corpor ation, and the result will soon be seen in a very marked betterment in busi ness throughout the country. But it is not merely in this particular in stance that good has been done. Every influence of the old Federal Reserve Boarfl "and 'of th government in break ing djDwn credit and business, is now being1 actively reversed. I feel, therefore, just as Safe in pre dicting a marked betterment in busi ness; as last year I predicted through the . News and Observer the chaotic conditions which have been prevailing since then, unless the Federal Reserve Boad-could be induced to change its policy. There is hope for the farmer, hope-for the business man, hope for the workman out of employment, hope for national advancement in the pres ent situation, but the burden of wiping out twenty-five billion dollars in values must be carried by the sufferers, and It has been said, "Let the eye rest, upon a becoming hat, it matters little j to the beholder what the gown may j be." The eye lingers at point ofj greatest interest if point happens to J be becoming hat impression lasts. j Hats should be analyzed and the j peculiar defects should be exactly j noted. Hats should look well from every point of view, shape in har-! mony with contour of face and style of i hair dressing.- In selecting a hat the arrangement! or the hair, shape of face, its coloring1 and the relaticn of the hat to the bead and the head to the entire body should be considered. Possibilities of the hat ' in relation to different costumes. Good ': not numerous, simple not severe. I Crown, and biim in good proportion,) also hat in good proportion to head ' HANDS OVER HIS POST OFFICE BOX NUMBER AND SAYS "TELL 'EM TO WRITE TO ME." When a Man Has Really Been Benefitted and Knows He Has Been Benefitted with 40 lbs of Increased Weight to Prove It- Why Should Not He be Grateful? This Han Is. Cemetery Jidct Won Choice 93urial jCoic) now open for pale. . H . sit WE KNOW YOU LIKE THIS WAY OF DOING: BUSINESS WE TRY TO SERVE EVERY CUSTOMER AS WE. OURSELVES, WOULD LIKE TO BE SERVED. WE ENDEAVOR ALWAYS TO PLACE OURSELVES IN OUR CUSTOMER'S POSITION. WE BUY TO SATISFY YOUt WE PLAN EVERY WAY YOUR COMPLETE SATISFACTION. YOU LIKE TO BUY GOODS YOU i AN DEPEND UPON THE KIND YOU KNOW ARE RIGHT IN PRICE. RIGHT IN STYLE, AND RIGHT IN QUALITY, SO WE OFFER NONE BUT THAT SORT' OF MERCHANDISE. WE K VOW THAT THE BITTERNESS OF POOR QUALITY OUTLIVES THE SWEETNESS OF LOW PRICES THAT GOOD QUALITY IS LONG REMEMBERED AFTER PRICE IS FORGOTTEN. SO WE DOVT SELL ANYTHING THAT CANNOT BE DEPENDED UPON TO UK A SOURCE OF SATISFACTION TO YOU AS LONG AS Of WEAR IT. il' YOU LIKE HIGH QUALITY 1GQ0DS AT VERY MODERATE PRICES.' YOU'LL LIKE THE GOODS THAT WE SELL. ''li' 'YOU LIKE' A PAINSTAKING STORE SERVICE THAT WORKS TO .MAKE SATISFACTION SURE FOR YOU WE URGE YOU TO FIND OUT ABOUT THE ADVANTAGES OFFERED FOR SATIS FACTORY TRADING AT THIS STORE. L SLOSSBBEG & BRO, t VI l M M VI v 3 commerce. Our bonded indebtedness of about twenty-five billion dollars was incur red under high prices of farm products end of wages. When these bonds were issued, cotton was gelling at 33c to 40c per pound, and wheat at S2.2C per bushel, and other things in proportion. By bringing on drastic deflation in the value of products and of wages, this bonded indebtedness has in reality - been more than doubled to the benefit i of the bondholders and to the loss of :the producers of the country. It will take two or three times as many bales . of cotton or bushels of wheat or corn tc pay the bonded indebtedness as would have been required under the high prices prevailing when the bonds Iwere issued. The bondholders, there fore, have seen their investment prac- , tically doubled in value measured by i the purchasing power of their bonds or of the interest thereon, as compared with their purchasing power at the time when the bonds were bought, while the producers have had a dou ble burden, added which must rest upon their shoulders for many years tc come. Moreover, it must be borne In mind that the first movement made in this campaign was to break down the price of bonds and force"the small holder to sell. There is no blacker stain , upon the financial history of America than that by which the Fed eral Reserve Board with Secretary Houston an active factor in it. forced the banks to call loans on Liberty Bonds, thus breaking the bonds down to induce the people to subscribe for Liberty bonds, was violated and tram pled in the mud and mire of dishonor when the banks were forced to call these loans, contrary to their promises tc'the bond buyers. Under the defla tion campaign, of which this' was but the initial movement: the decline in value of the products of farms, fac tories, mines and -securities, has been upward of twenty-five billion dollars, or more than the total cost of the wai to this country. Moverover, the money spent on the war stipulated ceitaih lines of industry and increased employ ment, and therefore, was not wholly lost, whereas, the twenty-five billion dollars, decrease in values, has been completely wiped out of existence. Mr. J. N. Rollins, of Hendersonville, all the medicine I have taken in two N. C. handed ns his Post Office Box vears. That, was nmr than n vAm and entire figure. Crown fairly high Number 378 and says "Tell 'Em to ago and since that time I have been makes broad shoulders less broad. ; Write to Me i they want to know taking it off and on for a year and brim should be fairly wide to balance anything about Garren's Tonic." have gained 40 pounds in weight I hips. In selecting hats study in re- . Mr Rollins is a very popular man know that Garren's Tonic fixed me up lation to full length of figure. in Ms county and nolds the personal and I can't say too much for it." Toque: Too large seems burdensome esteem, confidence and admiration of This statement puts the propcsition too small looks unsecurely perched, al, who know him therefore any state- directly up to you. If you are suffering accentuates large face and high color, ment that he might make can be count- troin indigestion, , dyspepsia stomach designed for delicate features and pal- ed on as authentic and reliable. It ' trouble, nervousness, biliousness, lack lied complexion. is for this reason that we are nroud o! sufficient biorni suimlv ni th kin. Hat with Brim: Protection for eyes of the statements that he has made dred ailments coming from poorly di sides and back for balance sets regarding the good that he personally gested food, then its up to "von ti; i face somewhat in shadow and retrieves derived from taking Garren's Tonic. Garren's Tonic. . and unduly prominent features, viz: His statements are as follows: ! Garren's Tonic' contains just the face with prominent nose trimming. ,it i, ..h nimKure snii vhnm hp rirtt iLmnnnt nf -.tup.1. nrn n.n..Hv the burden of doubling the load of our to lengthen line from nose to back of iita that T recommend Garren's to aid the digestion to a point of per- ,u uC tt.ulucu u .ui Blood Purifier and Tonic as the very fection in its work. In this one feature bended indebtedness must be carried by the producers of the countiy until we? can once more bring about rising prices for farm products and steady employment for every man who wants to work. To that good day I believe we are hastening. Yours very truly, RICHARD H. EDMONDS, Editor Manufacturei s' Record. Southern Pines, N. C. WHY THE RURAL SCHOOLS OF -SAMPSON COUNTY SHOULD BE CONSOLIDATED. interest at front or side front to break best medicine that I have ever used rests the great and mysterious secret jfor constipation and indigestion. I lesponsible for the wonderful success the line and divide center of interest. Size of Crown : Neither less than width of face nor greater than con- j benefltted more from them than from ' and aid to health lour or nair. ij nair is punea consia- erably at sides, elongated crown may be placed cross wise on hat. Hat should be large enough to give appear ance of being placed squarely on the IN MEMORY OF AUNT HELEN BEST. .1 brim tilted. Crown should not be set so low as to cover eye-brows.. Line and Form; Do not exaggerate, features. Heavy downward lines around mouth the brim should not repeat this. Eyes stand up toward outer corner, avoid hat with abrupt upward curve. Effect neutralized by By Henry Gilbert, ninth grade pupil Harrell's Store School. The people of Sampson County are engaged largely in general farming opposing lines though not so far as and stock-raising. The majority of the to cause lack of harmony, w hich would farms are well equipped with modern .produce same result. farm Implements and home comforts, Square face: Irregular brim-straight There is a constant attempt made to ""e i " unm empnasizing contrast o angles, defend the Federal Reserve Board and rural children have not kept pace with" Round face: Requires opposite treat Secretarv Houston for this deflation these improvements and are unequal ment. . from square face, a -evere policy iiut I defy any man to sive tu: tne demands of the age. A high-1 straight, brim or upstanding crown a satisfactory reason for such drastic, type oE rural sch001 is ""PeraUve. jmay be worn an oval crown becom- our dear mother, Helen Best, who died one year today April 15, 1920. Death has robbed us of our mother, Whom we loved and cherished dear; It is mother, yes, dear mother, Can we help but shed a tear? By her loving children, W. H. BEST and MRS, W. H. COOK, and others. The Democrat is glad to publish this item of remembrance of a good old colored woman. FITZHUGH WHITFIELD ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW.. CLINTON. N. C. Phones: Office 11303; Residence 11" Notary Public in office. Hours 9 to 4. Offices in Johnson Building. A Surveyor in the office. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. deflation as we have had. It took us four years lii fact, in a county in which cond:- of rising j ton are such as 'to make better or- prices. due to the war and inflation, to j u""- "u- mountain of It hh iucnaie m.-u pcuiJic DIRE DISTRESS ronrh tho npfllf of thf T,rW sn,! ins.Pan" nf taking a- imirfil a right to . ex'pect for the educ-a time to crawl down from the mountain Ig2 elfare , of heir children The top as we had taken to reach it, and V"CI !"" thus come down in safety, the Federal Reserve Board cracked the business in terests of the country on the head lth a club, and threw the body down into the valley below. The situation reminds me very much nf tho old r.torv so often heard that I beg pardon for repeating it. It is said improvements have taken their place. that a child was Very ill with a high 1 ms Pioneer system or our fever, and the only physician wno-t also be improved. v ! How is it to be done?" days when farmers reaped wheat with a sickle and cut grass with a scythe: when, in this section, they spent a whole day on a trip to Clinton and returned home to eat their supper by the light of a tallow candle. These conditions have passed .and modern schools the When he reached the house, he admit- telligent farmer is asking. What can It ig Near at Hand to Hundreds of i Clinton Readers. Don't neglect an aching back. Backache is often the kidneys' cry for help. Neglect hurrying to the kidneys'aid Means that Urinary troubles may follow. Or danger of worse kidney trouble. Here's Clinton testimony. Mrs. R. M. Hall, Fayetteville St., says: "A few years ago I was down with my kidneys; for" three weeks I lay in bed and suffered terribly. My back ached and pained and no matter what I did., I couldn't get relief. 1 ted that he could not diagnose the , "uuc lu c""-u,c luc case and tell what the trouble was, al-j Sampson County-to give the clul though he did know that the child had ;d,ren the education they need to ht a very high fever. He said to the,the,n for future citizens of this great mother, ' I am hell on fits and l-wlu'iold count"' Th's is a vital question throw the child into a fit and cure itwhe w cns'er t the great ma that wav." Unfortunately, however, a Jont' of ttle children now growing up combination of the fever and the fits,"1 this county are going to leuuiin did not work out and the child waslie,e- l ne county s future standani about to pass out of life when another, wort w.H be determined by tne l.hvsiclan took hold of the case .and j educational i advantages given them. , .t I Then snould we not have the best saved it. , .,,,,.,-. w that1 3 avauauie- 10 no Tins, consoli dation is the only eftectual remeay. mg. ! Oval face: Needs curved, irregular ling, long cuives most suitable. These suggestions necessitate that the hair be arranged to suit the face hat should suit customary and not a special arrangement of hair. f Color: In harmony with the other outer garments costume striking in color hat in neufrai tone all black hat most youthful, if costume . be somber then bright touch of color in hat. Trimming: Slight changes in trim ming often adds to becomingness. Should aid in emphasizing good points, and mitigate any unfortunate. By ad dition of a how, a feather, or other ornament, the lines of hat .'may. be changed and adapted to wearer. MRS. W. B. LAMP.. The undersigned, having qualified as administrator of the estate of Marian na Colwell, deceased, all persons hav ing claims against said estate are noti fied to exhibit the same before him on or before the 8th day of March, 1922, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. This March 8th, 1921. ROBT. P. COLWELL, Admr., Wilmington, N. C. . The Federal Reserve Board sai there was a fever of speculation run ning through the life of the country.1 It did not know bow to diagnose the case, nor what remedy to apply. It. therefore, foWowed the example of the quack and threw the business of the but its remedy did Death would have In the mattei of consolidation two important questions present them selves: (1) Are the physical condi tions in the county such as to .permit tl-e transportation of the children who live beyond walking distance? (2) Can the county meet the expense involved? Our roads, while not the best, are passable by wagons or other convey ances the entire year. The plan ol transporting pupils to consolidated IF YOU HAVE ANY Tubes and Tires that need' vulcanizing bring them to the Turlington Garage. You will be satisfied with the work and price. We also change tires. All work guaranteed. F. H. ROUSE. FRUITSand GROCERIES -AT- Wholesale and Retail aiso connected with the Clinton Bakery. Hot Rolls, Bunns and Bread every; day at five o'clock. Your Custom Solicited. Next to Turlington's Garage,' S'amp son Street. . R. I. HERRING. THE STORE THAT SATISFIES. Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. It is true are ortnrrmi III Bought His Fordson in 1918 Read What He Says About It yj used different kidney remedies, but all Vl in vam 1 often suffered from attacks ; country into fits. W of blurred sight and dizziness. Doan'sjnot lit the case. f Kidney Pills were recommended to me . naturally followed, and the business by a friend and it was surprising how J interests of the whole country, chaotic quickly they helped me. Before long, as they are, would have gone to ever my back and kidneys were in good lasting smash if there had not been -a W . rnnrtlHnn nEraln." rhnncp fn nlivsitrians. Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't sim-i A new element has come into power w-'uuuns is worning in. counties wuere ply ask for a kidney remedy get in Washington. It is the new physi- conditions are worse than here. It Doan's Kidney Pills the same that;can selected by a majority of over coull he easily and successfully done Mrs. Hall had. Foster-Milburn Co. 'SPven million American voters in pro- 1;eie. And our county is able financial- tost ae-ainst th nnlicie which were lo meet tne situation !tw .rii y thia ne.w nhvsi- that the effects of consolidation cian has already 'changed the treat-, "rdly noticeable in a school with lew. iraent and given 'some signs of life t0j" than four well trained and efficient 'business interests. . Governor Harding teachers. The best American expe-1 will no longer have his undisputed I ,ltuee maKC mai piaiu. voubequwu nw, th orPrtits nf the country. ! ly we should strive for the six-teachei j .1 v ' I He has been given a lesson which will !ne helpful to the country, and in the very near future, we may count with absolute certainty upon a marked im provement in business. Secretary Mellon is a: competent, intelligent bus iness man in contrast with Secretary Houston, one of the most absolute failures ever in public life in this country. The old element which con- ITXI-j II il li ll l! iiinnnrnire u iU uu BUDTHERi OS3S3& SI&3B35 CA "I purchased my Fordson in October, 1918," writes J. M. Thompson, of Mapleton, North Dakota, " nd take pride in writing you that I have just finished pvenauling the engine and consider its condition equal to that of a new one. "I have ylowed 950 acres, disked 60 acres (10-foot disc), harvested 800 acres, using an 8-foot binder, and dragged 600 acres with a 32-foot drag, hauled 6,000 bushels of grain and 40 yarns of sand, threshed 8,400 bushels of grain with a 20x32 machine. I have used my tractor at nearly every kind of belt work that I know of, viz.: I pull a No. 41 Stover mill, have flawed wood, shredded corn, and operated a 12-inch rotary pump you may not be familiar with this kind of pump, but this I can say, it has a capacity of 1,200 gallons of water a minute and is a real load. I have done considerable road work for the county with a small road grader and road drag. "My repair bill I consider very light, considering the amount of work I have done, and my fuel consumption is also very light under normal conditions." Machine power on the farm is of the .utmost importance to you, and the Fordson comes to you, we believe, as the best piece of machinery that has yet been devised for your work. - See the Fordson at work. Let me tell you about it. Ask me to demonstrate It on your farm. HENRY VAIN! IN Clinton, North Carolina. j trolled the Federal Reserve Board has lost its power to dominate business 10 . US own uestrucLiuu auu c now have an upbuilding, constructive policy which will bring about a return to normal credit conditions. Against deflation of credits, there will cprae a marked inflation due, not so much to any actual change that has taken place in business itself, but to the determi nation of those who now control gov ernmental affairs, to build-up business rather than to. destroy business. In 'this change, the nation may well be 'gin to take courage. The cotton far mer who sees his crop worth scarcely one-third of the selling price at the time it was planted, the grain grower, the cattle raiser and the business man ! generally, who have seen the accumu lation of years wiped out by a wnony unnecessary and unjustifiable clubbing jof business through the deflation of credits, may take courage and thank God that the sun still shines and that 'prosperity will once more come back to the nation. j The call to Washington last week of Southern bankers to consult with the War Finance Corporation, becretary Mellon and Secretary Hoover, marked school as the smallest type of schcol that will guarantee the proper instruc tion for our country, boys and girls. Yet the tax- from such a consolidated aiea added to the county and state ap propriations would maintain ap effec tive school of eight or nine months with a capable principal and excellent teachers. The influence of such a school would radiate into the utter most parts of the consolidated dis trict and make the whole district a strong educational unit. Merchants count it an invest ment where returns are actual and provable. The expense cf maintenance b comparatively jarigniflcant. id To Cure a Cold in One Day rake LAXATIVE RROMO QUININE Tablets.) It stops the Cough and Headache and works off the Void. t,. w. UKOYE S signature on eacn dox. auc KRYPTOK GLASSES The Invisible . r- - Plies Cared in 6 to 14 Days Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fajk to cure Itching, Blind. Bleeding or Protruding PUes. Instantly relieves Itching PUes, and you can fiet restful steep after the first application. Price 60c Affords a comfort which- is appreciates by those who want near or far vtslii i in one pair of glasses. They keep your eyes young in looNf as well as In usefulness. No line, seam or humn to blur th vision. Sampson Motor Comoany Clinton, N. 0. EYES EXAMINED FREE DR. VINBBERG MASONIC TEMPLE WILMINGTON, N. C