AsIIC AXD TA XCI- j Thcc two gentlemen arc the only j CORRESPONDENCE. Tiirrnnrnnn rfcktfr !"J -- prominent candidates for tho mmK J AVfjr r.f the. Jlijuter U request- Concord C.,Tu this Ii- H to Contributs to this CUumn, " . ..." " itrict. We !o not credit tho n-tKrt; " rrs--r -j WALTER J. BOYLIN, K4ltr i4 Ir-inlr. LOCAL MATTERST trict. e Io not credit ino-ivori that .Mr. .Who docs not want a ie- Hanl ricaMtatrl. . . ... . ... j Mo have taken a "ruralizinc" an : " . ; Y .jour usual look about the biiiyh late- i .. 1 rn'aiwL tC Ii7 mil! 1 1 ' . 4. . ... , . I v. and vh fturpricd tojfind that i ,cv arc not aware oi n u uc nai .-, . , r ... ri i Mt.fl leasanl wa us larre as an ex made anv Mich declaration. 1 he , t . . . ;. j ... J , , ; idoration showed it to Ik?. We found I. f.. tnukii -nnitv n:i rw i-s Lave iIC- 1 ..... i ! i .he Bo. Try f..r .uui.l.,-ol l,i,.1:ircj-,.r ,,;,, a tLv Nrt.i..l, .,bo of ",e ' it it he i not a candi- . f a . a. a1 . x mm -v ft i a k ar w w mm am a nmm w a"w- llirui h ii t rv v u j n.-4 njr juiiuiii;.'-', in u tnd two are unaccu sed Kronchial Tro he s are all hoarse tic, fce. Only 25 tents. . - - ! wriM know The WdcUmprNa.- the prvt- A- The fuel that Gov. ncci so tit in the State. Kx iH-j t universally ?fwken of for dovernor. Havin" tl i 25th ult. N04 3V ilr. j AVilliams, of, Stem the CnrrcBt r Fall in Willi li. Thi tvo iM he correct if it watt : will materially damage his chance hus far looked into in. uv t..rt .. .t v , -o -.- tthe privale concerns of the town we J-ir their I feet. V" felt a desire to know its population, t fur the average Wadehoin girl. ination. 'While In Stanly last week. which interesting research revealed, Montgomery cbuntr, to 3Hs Pattie Crow ell, of Stanly. Ooiil for oW Stanlj. Mebope to heat of hakdtiuu no more. Iltirrah, Bro. 8nugj, jim are making the pelf. How juat listenfour marriage in one week. Gold, more or less, on everj hundred acre tract of land in the eountr : t-orn in abundance at 80 cent per buebel cash ; money plenty ,-and every body happy. More good new, n?xt time. PHI LOS. ' 1 rr I ea frwm CblnA 6rfc. The wheat is vcrv nromisintr in this section, and every, things is "gay and love The ladies gav Friday-, the 28th lilt., near the origi nal China Grove, one 'mile froni the i , . 1 . . . v village. And we would state here e a grand pie-nic on ! 1 . . ' Tho t )mo . .. , . . niniii iiiiiiioiin oi ivi kiivu. i - , ( 1 77. wc converged with many prominent ; t : . 7. . 1 m- ! for the information of our readers, i.j Con-rei o the Alpha Tau , 1 . that there were forty-eight families,: i a . ' . A . t 1 1 c tizens on this buhject, and founI . rt that this place derived its name from ca Fraternity, meet- at Halcigh j , ' and a citizenship of two hundred ! , ' , f , . , ir Jul- next. Our talented joung; J . . ... andoighn'. Ten months in the year ,. . J r . . J . - . v r .1- "or and Ahe tort ongres and tin- , 1 ... 4 which grow fbera.) The pic nic was fnVn.t fIo. II. Hrerett. Lo.. of this .. . our; educational institutions arc in 1 . . 1 .a perlect success. Tho young ladies inVnd. Geo. II. Kverett, .. of this place, is the orator for the occasion. is no doubt the feeling in all the Iast-; ouri educational institutions arc in which adds a! transient t j ! fl IAIIO . I - I IlllVllttlUII.-, I . I . ( n lAiil aha 1 . t , t-t . I tkrl rt r rl ' .. . . . . ... . ; IIIUUIUUUII Ul ilUUIIl VJIIU, llllll'4l.'l UUU r - - - . I mtl .. -.In il.tiifu t l.w.V. ,1jI-1 A flirt larger amount of grasses havubecnjWe have been n. several counties ( , ftdJcn mjikc8 a n,a. .,wn in this section Chi year than recently and everywhere we find the ; hund.cJ rson9. ttcr before. It always gives u, feeling to be strong to run ance for ,T. nn . f ltliacor. i. 4u ro tti notice imnroverucot of ' Governor (as he is conceded to be i t , , j. ibia kirnL i IIJV Oliuilv-i" . . . . . then elect lnm to me Fmm nnr ntni o!ri? nnlinn nud I w hat we can hear, we arc inclined to ! As lo lhe fIin' i,n tbls countics we the opinion that quite a resectable authorized to say " hi i- j. ,1 A Individually. wc are lor anco for Iruit crop will be realized in tliMsec-l J . ... . . !. . ! nn nmYn li nm - wnnty If he wnntn lion. Jlucb ol the Iruit did not put! J J ----- the parM) and ' Poriilio eight dwellings, making fif U S Senate j O00" residences that hhould bo out till after the killing frosts. A Hickory corrcfpcndent writes : Tho livery stables are miking reat prejwirations to accommodate summer visitors. If that's the test accommodations Hickory can offer tourists they will tcer clear of that place. The North Carolina Synod of tho Kvangclical Lutheran Church meets todav at Su Enoch's Church in to go to Congress wo are for him and if there is no chance to elect him to the U. S. Senate we are for him anyway for if any man in' North Carolina is entitled to, or qualified for, a scat in Congress ho is tho man. If Vance and Ashc enter the con vention together, wo think there would be bat little doubt of Vance's election, as after the first ballot or two all the loose votes, that is, those freed from instructions, would go to Uowan count v. eleven miles from! him.- I 41' Concord. We hope to have a full report of the proceedings for our .next issue. There uill be a Sunday-School Concert at the Methodist Church on Sunday next, at 2:30 P. M. Aftet the Concert exercises are over, Geo. H. Kvctitt, ji"-. will deliver a Sun day School address.' Tho public, and r-jxrcially tho other Sunday Schools of the town, are cordially invited to attend. The IIain. Wc have just had sev eral welcome ehowers.of rain in this arctic n. The ground bad become so dry from tho absence of rain, that Since tho above was written havo received tho IJockinbam Coti. ricr, containing tho following arti tic, which bears us out in our opin ions fully axck Ton Conor ess. o-me or our Wetcrn exchanges are urging the nam of Got. Z. B. Vance for Congres in I hi Dis trict. One of them, th Concur J Sun, was the first papar in North Carolina to raise the name of Vance for GoTernor. "Why it h as changed its base it does not say. He bare taken some pains to ascertain the feeling of ths people in Robeson, Montgomery and Richmond and we hare not found a single man who desires to see Got. Vance nom inated for Congress, but all even the "sand hill farmars, say Vance mint run for Gov ernor." He is our, strongest ipan, and if a majority of the people in this District see fit many farmers were compelled to stop plowing; bat now thejr are paahin-j to nominal bins fr Congee our party is their onoraliona with vior and all lalmoit sure to be defeated in the State elec -, -o . vegetation it refreshed and qnick-rtiel. included in the make-up of the town, and adding about fifty" to our list of" people. There are but six negro families in the whole of the list,,and within the limits of the corporation there are but three colored house hohls. and but one negro owns real estate in all the city and its surround-1 ing-j. It is needless for us to recapit-l ulatc our religious, educational, busi-; ncss and social standing and assotia-i' lions; they are of the highest, unsur passed, and we think' unsurpassable in this State or any othcrj Our po-j litical asned varies bul very littleJ our friend is still lonesome, though I wc have heard that it was probable lit.-.. t.i:....i :.!....'.... T...-: dent might get two white votes in Ml. jl'Icasant city next fall; uncer tain," however, and we doubt if the colored vote will be solid for the A publican candidates. Wc are ready to m'ovo a rcgl-ar Democratic waVo from Mt. Pleasant, when the cam tuiiirn onrnn tluit will be almost unl i e i - - I disturbed I by a ripple of opposition! Trade in awful dull down hero! Esquiro Misenheimcr and Kin Cox have gone to the field lo exercise themselves ploughing and planting. Thco. runs their mercantile ustabi i r i i lishment alone, and gets very wcary waiting for trade. Wc heard Major Ueilig tell a customer the other day that be would put off a fiabing trip any j time threeda3-s for a chance to sell five emits' worth. Ksouire Shinn gave an excellent dinner which was served, after some lively exercise had been taken, and jben to play again, which continued until umbrellas were in demaucLo protect from the shower. We don't think wo ever saw so much beauty', wit and grace together in one) place. And we would suppose fm'nijthe rcmaiks of some of the young nicii that .they went home periectly heartless, and some of the jladips with ' more than they can care foij. On Tuesdaj, tbc 2d inst., tho Lu theran Synod will commence at St. Enoch, six mills' from here, and great preparations are being made for the entertainment of those who will attend, To my mind this question hardly admits of an argument, but as all men do not think or act alike, we find the negative numbers its advocates by the thousand. Upon ex amination we find this -world of ours inhab ited by a motly assemblage of people, hence the old truism, "It takes all sorts of folks to make a world." We have the eminently jious man, and the contemptibly Wicked tJAi,: iiic luwim uiiiu iiiu liic iijiixi'iai uiauj, theout-poken, firm, decided man, who, der spite all opposition, leans to Christianity an 'stems the current," while on he other band we have the timid; modest, retiring milk and water man, who from fear of giv ing offence, injuring his popularity, or frord an innate and uncontrollable timidity falls in with the current, right or wrong, and some times is the cause of immense danger to sof cietj We love and admire the bold,tranki independent and decided man, wbp hists his colors aloft, confronts error without ref serve, performs his duty with a rim and in the face of Satan's artillery, leaps upon the breastworks of demoralization, victor of the field. Oh, for ajegiment of such men in every community, men of nerve,' men who?are willing to make sacrificed for the cause of morals, Christianity and fufferin' mankind. Men who are. willing to "trus , God and do the right." In speaking of firmness and decision lest I be misunderstood j-I, do not mean to say that while opposing error we shoulc employ harsh language, ostracise or en deavor with a rod of iron to whip into the path of duty - our opponents, but rather bis kind and engaging in our disposition, char itable enough to accord to and respect then in their opinions, while we cherish our own Yes, that is what we conceive to be the rigk spirit, but while we concede that point we steadfastly maintarn that -the line of de markation should be distinctly drawn be twecn religion and sin, I between morality and immorality, and that we should grapple. with and oppose all evils that have, a ten-j dency to demoralize the public good. iScareh ihe annals of lilafory, either religious or The Charlotte ington China Grove fluiins tObnve the oldest Station, baiid ri the line. He profane, and see who our reformeri have ; fvr Uvenlv-fbur vears, has never lost one day lie often pumps all night, and we luivc loften seen him correspondent - .. t rizes the political field ; 1st. That Davis as js candidate is univail able and is practicably out of the race. 2d, That HcnJricki pr. spects are not 1 1 ongni n mcy were iwo weeks ago Observer's Wash- hus sum ma- 3d, That Thurtnan tie strength as first choice, bint may col as a compromise candidate. 4th, ThatTilden 'is, 5th, That Bayard's gent upon'thc failure bf Tilqen's.' ahead of all other competitors and is gainiivg rapidly. in bas developed bi lit iT now sit lcat a week nomination is cintin ft, yield more readily, to ithis great BdTAyiCAl. remedy than any other medicine. If you would avoid disappointinent'and be speedily ggist (br Dr. M orris' Trial size, 10 cents. an4 One Dollar. perfectly safe, extremely physic required. Costs 25 For sale at 'Joel Reed Be pres- Words or WARNifioj During the ent year, as in the pait,. the grave will close over thousands, simpry because they neglect the means which wjnild restore them lo health. Meet the j ft-ll destroyer ui the threshold, and dispute his invasion by that more than wonderful medicine, Dr. Morris Syrup ofTar, Wild Cherry and Horehound. There is-no cough oricdld, case of As Bronchitis, Blood-Spittingl' weak Croup or W hooping Cough, which w thma, ungs, 11 not 1076. SPniilG 1D76. .. i -1 1 ' large ami r!ff Vft hare just opened aj stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, cured ask your Dru Syrup of Tar, Wild Cherry and Horehound, J tRcgulslr sizes 50 cents Prof. Parker's Pleasant Worm Syfup is palatable! No cnts. Trv it. b what tbe-v weakness has been he I inu says uej by sickness pum pi ng. ' while. i is a faithful and He evening Ad-3 ,,u,,u,,a,v c im-i i.iw, m r f r i I Congress than G-vernr, but the interest of Iter. C. M. Pep-1 , n , ', ' I tho Mate and uur jvtrty demand the latter, lell Ciiunty, (t. i j therefore we h-po to ec the present tuite an interesting temperance mevtin; was held in the Methodist ii k i.. c..i A.i ! Individually, we would rather have l.iin in i rvsc wens made by Her, per. Dr. Fnl, of Irel t . s m IK nventl, Jvq.. and Jir. J. w .uoraes. i incumunt or n.o other gentleman in the The.-o Sunday evening temperance J District nominate 1 at Wadeboro on the 7th .raer mcctings have been kept up -of June here fr aotnelime past, and have no! timit exerteil great innuencc lorj g.M.I in the community. All denom- tion. Tbtre may be othsrs who might get miiiT vMm ma Vnre. but lhe ncoiile throughout the State have centered o'n him! m? in from the- country one day as our standard Uarer and f.-r that rea.n last .week, the only arrival in town alone he i the strongest man in theSute. 4 1 , T The meixhants actually hal to smoke cigars out of their own stock or hnTe trade at all. -Uut the farmers sound asleep. trusty 'darkey. Messrs. Patterson & Corriher have sold sixty-three tons of Merryman's Dissolved li no this; spring, nearly all of which S to be paid in Cotton at fifteen ccntsln November. .):' Casper k Copkjseem to be crowded with woik, an I everv few " days we see a glittering buggy driven out. I good deal of iin- I m a m 1 here win be ja provement liiadeiiii tho village lhi The lumber and shingles loiv building mini in or. ro now iieinir seeured and rebuilding A LEX. been, test them and see the kind of metal out ot which they were forinod. Look at a Luther, a Calvin, a Whitfield, and a Wes ley, and who were "bolder to take up and firmer to sustain the concentrated cross,' and Who passed through greater persecution j Look at our statesmen, our patriots and warriors, and who has been bolder more de cided and more firm than they. 'Yes, char itably, steadily, but firmly "stem the cur rent" in the face of all opposition wheyoU are right. Steni it through every difficulty stem it over every obstacle stem it all through the rough journey of life and you will be better able to stem the cold Jordan of death, and finally enter into the port of bli'as. CONCORD. fiiKtne. Drop fre-m Cold M iller. The recen refjvshing rains were welcomed bv:oi r farmers irenenillv. some of whom bal been compelled ou account of the ination unite in them. Prligious services have been con-' ducted at tho Lutheran Church dur- C'onrortt "lretjrlerT. From the Salisbury Watchman. Thi body met iu Mocksvillc on lat Fri day, th -tMi:i.t. Nearly mil the ministers and m.lof lhe Ruling F.Kler were present. Rev. J. Rumple wa rlectiil Moilcator, and Rev. B. L. Bial, and K. M. Stevenn, clerk.. The r .it"ii ; of btiincs wa in auuition some ing the pan-week, Me have not had an oprortnny to lc prvscnt, but! rapidly trnnjuttl, md i learn that "the congregations have j i'.ni of intere-t. Uvn 'hI. and the services interest-' lVur viz ing and imprssive. le. Dr. Pavis. I . ,, , , . 1 , .. . x. . ,. ,, , nerc revived fnm other Prcsbvtcri". tl i vi .iuiiii vtiivmiii 1 1. irv t .i I r!"-,r'- 'I' was present and preached on Satur-, two lay auil Sunday. His sermons have . Ihcii highly sjvkcn of, and from ' what we learn were calculated to do much gd. Rev. Messrs ton IU! iv number of Ministers to 2.1. v Candidate-, viz: Mers. Ram.av an.l Mclelian were licensed to preach a , 3. Rcort showed that the average sal- arit- of latring Miiii-ter were raised lat i year from about $700. to $800. thiKshowinir Wc have been in four or five Coun-' a dpcr interest in .Ministerial support. . ties in the last tw o weeks, and al-- Conb!crablendditiofis were reported to though it i rather carlv to bein tothe m' ,'frhip ..f the church. There are,; ta!?;aUnit the rrosrects of a gHnl ' n,,w "vcr ,,urch "-'"berin the Pres. .i . .i i T ! bvterr. eryp this year, vet, we think, from . v. . . . , , , . , . .. ! o. A New ehunh was organized . at what we coul I sec and hear, the in- j Mrcvil!e. di;a lions are that very tine crops r,. step were taken with the view of will Ih maL thronghout thin section JraUingllOuothe coining year fur the cause of the Stata The farmers have well f ,f fUutatbui. reparv.I their lands and are fully! T llcv' -V4'K " n. 1 rr"r- J-.K- i r-.. mt" I BJftkc were npiinted (intniioners to up their farm operations, lhe' . , . " ,, r . , . . i . . . f th tieneral AsviiibirT soon to meet in a- w heat has about recovered from the ,(, no are all planting and there's a good timo coming, which hope cheers us. Personal We wcro delighted with a brief call, at the burgh, from' Messrs. Henry. Montgomery and James .Jenkins, jolly and popular halesmcn from Concord. - Long may! they wnve. Prof Lud wick was in town last Sunday. He looks well and ,il tie would marry an accom plished lady we think he would be happy. : - ! i ' j Albritinrle Item. ; Pence end harmony still reign supreme in our little town, and the sound of the taw, to stop plowing dry weal he ri Fiost on Cold day morning1, 20" done. - We would! ca'J attention to tho election to take idace at Mt. Gilead the 9lh of Mavf Pence law or no Water on Wcdncs- Uih inst ; no damage IH a v Township 'No. 5, is the will turn out as we think I fence liiw for i . i - question to be decided. We hope that the' f'riciidsi of tho measure niuJ secure the lence. i ... . it will ho a great ad vantage to the community. The followrnig noliee vas handed to your correspojidcntj',- by the citi- iislnpf respectfully ish ii : zens of this tow asking you to u Mr. ioachii3 EriTor. w hi if axe and hammer can lhoard "from carlv ( called upon t udnilriKtc candidates county offices, we morn j until dewy eve." lion. S.J. Pem- i-erton is having a handsome, residence orcctetl nT-arthc Methodist Parsnagc. Mr. John Mvres is the builder. There are also r. : other jimproVemtnts going on, such us rc- rmrin yards, gardens, &e, Our, farmers my that the wheat and oat crop 16 likelv to 1m h failure to some extent. Wc'lcnrn that Sheriff William II. Ilearne . improving, and will crhaps be at home neit we?k. -He is now in Salisbury receiv ing medical attention. ! . t j W c( notice the return, to-day of Juli.-i A. Turner, Ksq".,' and lady. Mr! Turner is a voung lawver,who has just this . week choscit the 'letter part." lie married Miss jlxach, from iear Trinity College. Wc congratulate 3Ir. Turner on his success. There is ctnsiJcrable anticipation'of the ; match! came of base ball, which is to be etVcCtS of the cold, and if tha hCason P.' Arranjrement4werereiri thtT,rom. continues gootl an average crop, wc I iselhat cverv church iu the Presbvterv will P,9.TCl( between the Zeb. Vance club, ol Al thinU, will be made. be supplied with the mean of grace in the " course of few weeks. Tbw state of things DrATl! or AN OLD CITIZEN. ire ! has probably not existed during the present rt grvt very much to hear of thelctncration. h'ath of Mr. James White, one ofl The subject of beneficiary education the o!det citizen nf ihi ohcitcd an animated di?cusion. The Pres. - - - w s j y M which took nlace lhe :ibth ult. Mr. ns oi the county, I un in,! 1 rcs on last ircdnesday i by,Ur-V rc,,reJ to "tinue iu present plan, I . J 'ly arranging to uc greater watchfulness ; r. irhites age.was;aicitabu . bemarle, and "the Gold Hill club, on the grounds of the former, on Saturday, 27th insL jThe Zeb. .Vance club is a .new club, and have never bad but little practice, but tbey bid fair to be as good plavers as can be foundJ Long-may they prosper,!- in emula tion of the name of our Ex- and next Gov ernor I 1 ! . 1 Hon. S. J. rcmbcrton is absent, attend-; be Superior Court of Anson. We ..MauuumomDJ. JtC Wft UlO 10. One candidate for the ministrv wa r-- j t on of Hilliam IThite, one of the! reived under caro of Prebvterv who will t learn that Birmingham, the man who shot band ot -blat k boys," who destroyed C to the Theobgical Seminary thi A. Jwrs sometime ago, was released, the the llritUL ammunition wagons three j Tho n,Cvtin5 w harmonious, full of in-! Grand Jury finding the bill not a true bill. miU from Concord in the year 1771 -Urrtt' nJ U U hoIJ that much K"J ! "5s n,,or' udge Sche?ck u mkinS H lKj. i.,nn ' , . .', . j result. The sessions closed at noon Tuesdav, ! Iwelyj for mc of the negroes, and will, the history ol which is well-known tk mi n,..... ! nrnikw swsir w.n . t! i iiivviiiii-i me & rru ivrt win ! i -j - - - - - to mo?t of nur readers. He is thought to be the last one of: the children of any of this patriotic! tui.u. uc ii vcu ionr miles .outh oi Concord. aad was the futherof Mr. II. IF. ITLltc. wLo is wrll-Lnown in this place. I j lieM at Hickory, N. C. PLERPM. The delinquent tax-list in New Orleans fills sixty columns in the Republican, each column averaging OTer two bundreti and fifty aames. And yet men spak of the butOTermcnt the world ever saw. ii is I'ae th time is n oc::nty w IU I The "favorite son" has rapde an ex parte; statenient in regard to his connection with, the Union .Pacific Railroad, and his receipt; off 64,000, which proved very satisfactory to his friends. But now comes Mr. Harri-i t son, the Government Director, and makes a cttteinent, in which he reiterates bis former: charge, adding damning particulars and. I giving names of witnesses, which tends loi convict Mr. Blaine and prove Rollins to be eruiltv of falsehood. Mr. Harrison was stopped in' his demand for an investigation at the time because a disclosure wculd defeat Mr. Blaine, then a candidate for Congress, but he. was careful to call a witness to the conversation between him and Mr. Rollins, the Treasurer of the Union Pacific Railroad, who now denies in a letter to' Blaine any knowledge of the facts in regard to which he confessed to Mr. Harrison in the presence of .Mr, MaUard, also a Government. Direct-, or in that railroad. .' ' I It is a pretty kettle offish. These are all good and loyal Republicans, and Mr. Blaine j seems about to be Killed in the house' -of his friends." , ! ' Any way the ne .v fact's brought out in Mr. Harrison's card, in which he invites the closest investigation, requires something more than a mere exl parte statement from Mr. Blaino. No such cloud can rest upon Lhe next Republican candidate for Presidor( Many ladies suffer fro ca 1 1 4 ' k i d n o v co m n I a i n 1 4 . ; . . r backache, generalfeeliits of debility aim languor wnen in reaillVJ Hie real cause of tho. discii!so proceeds from the liver. By taktnir a sinrrlc bottle of Merrell Hephtine, Which contains fiftv doses, and is chfahcr than pills, they, wojuld finjd immediate chef, and become permanently cured in a reasonable length of time. Fifty doses for one dollar, two cents per oosej iree irom cniumvi.- ror ctue ni J. Pecd's. I . " ' There are Courts and Courts, 4 The following announcement appears among the "personals" . of the"day.: . j "Nellio Grant Sartjoris wi 1 pass the sea son in London and be preser ted at Court." There seems to be a growing probability tpat ner iainer win Deppreseniea at vmrt," also; but wo hope it Will not he quite so bad as that. New York Sun. Shocking accident. The Ooldsboro Mes senger says while Mr. George Deans, who lives a. few miles from that place was en gaged with a colored man in clearing ground,1 one of the tjrees fell and he was struck by a flying splinter or limb, which' penetrated-his left ear and through his tongue, inflicting a fearful and painful wound. North Carolina wall be ! represented at Philadelphia in the Centennial legion by the oldest corps, Faetteville company, It having been in centiinuous existence! since 1773. "Tarheels", to. the front is correct. That' just the way it was with tham la the ate difficultv. Courier Journal. . SHOES. We have a handsome stock f . "i i 1 DRESS GOODS, Mi-. ; co'sutixo or GRENADINES MOHAIRS, BRILLIANT SILKS, j . ' " BLACK ALPACAS, . jtc, Ve., Also a complete lii. of SWISS MUSLIN, WHITE and COI.- . I. i i ' ft OREDTARLETpXS NAlNSOoKKj VICTORIA LAWN, JACO. - . ! N ETS, C A MBRU'S, (JR A SS ' i . CLOTH, BLEACH Eli , I & UN BLEACH ED ' , DOMESTICS, Eic , Ele. II : ' A Ijre VnHely mt II " Pique, Hamburg Edging, Trimming Silk. Ribbons, Ladies Nock Scarfs and Ruffling a complete assortment of Alexandria Kid II' GloVes, and Spring Styles Miles' Shoes. , assortment of i kins. Cotton. i . We also have a large . ... . Cassimercs, Does ades, Etc. Wc will bo pleased to have tho publ-; ! r ' v : I ' ! , . i generally call and see us. Whether wishing to purchase or not wo wi I trke great jdeaii- urejin exhibiting our stock. ' j .-. :. M I Goods are very CnEAPi and weexpevt ' 111- ": 'II ' ' to sell at the very bottom; dollar for CASH. ') I - ODELL, CUAv'KN & CO. April 18th, 1876. " . ' All of the leading patent Mvdi cirics are lor sale at liccd s. 4 '- COXCORD MARKET. Concord, N.C, Saturday, . - April 24th, 187(1. f The following are the rujinir Wici's for the articles nunied in this place to-day: Cotton oal2J; (brn S; Me170a85 ; Flour 3G0a3.25.; Bacon, i 112J 15; LiirU, jlCa , 3Iolasses, 40aL00 ;J. Kice, IU ; Salt, $1.40; Tallow, 6;' Sugar, lUalS; Coffee., 25a28 -f Soap, CalO; Shingles, per thousand, $2"80a Nails, ,5; Kerosene pi I, 40; Candle. 20; Wool, 25a40j Chicklens, I5a20; Xfegs, I2jal5 ; Butter, 20a2 Beef, 5a8. Country produce gcnerallj ' is in demand. A FULL STOCK at . IF GARDEN SEED ETZER'S. be i -Onee more unto the breach,' ' Mr. Blaine. to fill the various) would recommend to the considera tion of the Colu'tijy Convention, the name of Mr. jc&i'wford: Walter,' of Township 2o.p, as h suitable person Tue Lutheran Synod. The Synod of the Lutheran Church in North. Carolina will commence its annual session at China .Glove, in Kowan county, on Tuesday, May the 2nd. St. Paul's Lutheran Church, in thiscity, met in council last week and elected their dele- THE HEW UHltlEHTr iodide of AnnorJiA Cures Neuralgia. Face Ache, RhctimatUrn, Goutf wisted-Feef, Chilblains, Sore Throal, n Frjsijelas, Bruises or Wounds of tery , kind in man or animal. '. . At Barnunv's llippNlrr.ioe ; I)r. Wi-j, Velerinarv Surgeon ; C . MrDanit l,u n er jf. Harry 'Basset t; Dr. Ogle, of .1 lO W. 251 h street, pronouncet (iilen' Lioiinni.t Iodide of Ammonia the t nly icm'lv tdai .' I . ... . . .i . can; be renea on lo cure iamene m nrM ;. flidd bv all DrucrgUt. Dewit N. 4.',t Sixth Avenue, New Yorlr. Only SOe. w:id $lpcr bottle. J. Reed, I Agent. F1GYPTIAN SUGAR j2j'j matures jn cninctv : :o s and niakr u lare yield and superior! qVrlily of Sri; p.' 1 (TANK SKEli. fi'.tzi:I: for Ilcjrister of DJeds. Having been Stes to the Synod. Mr. H. J. iiiers was ,..f.. i..,;.. elected delesrate and Mr. John ! A . Strauss Ulll IlilU!' W IVI1UI j 1 ; t him and can SafeU' trust him. He) t 1 i was disabled for life during the late war, and is deserving of the suffrage of the people f the county. J F Miscnheinicr, W R Black wel der, C llAlexinllcr, I) M Lipe, U A Bla' k welder. T l Sapp, F M Neis lor, W R Harnhardt, Benton Earn hardt, J A Goiirljjv 1 , j ; : A' friend writes lo us thus from China Grove: ! . Dear Sir: jFjcase send two cop ies of 3-our paper to tho following addresses, 1 4. I will be down before long and pay for them. Your paper is a welcome visitor to our of fice, and its readers arc well pleased with it. I am sotry I have not more tp its interest, j but I lave more subscribers go to Ealeigh soon. j There have been three marriages in "old Stanly" this week. Marriage No. 1, last Sunday, 23rd ult., by Rev. W. W. Russell lr T XI rnir.vtnXi;M Varntiardti v 9 jt it;riAM! "-Vbnroe has the finest WaUh-maker Brvant, widow of R. R. BrvanJ, on the ! in the J?tatC timo to devote expect soon to to it than any Otljcr papcrthat comes to this office printed in. the State. Hcspcctfully ! J. A. C. Two or three Inonths ago wc had no shbscribers lat all at China Grove; now our list there numbers nearly twenty. Our young friend J. A. C, has oursinxrerc toanks for his efforts in our behalf in tiat neighborhood. w.-is elected as alternate. Mr! Eihors.'we learn, will leave the city on Thursday next in company with the pastor, Rev. G. D. BcrnheiHi) for Rowan. We have no doubt but the trip will be an unusually pleasant one for loth these' gentlemen, j The Rey Mr. Bcrnheim having been long the pastor of the church in Salisbury, has hosts of old friends in that section, and Mr. Eilers has a daughter living in Salisbury who recently went there the beautiful and accomplished bride of Mr Heilig, a citizen of that town. Wilmington Journal. -m- Yesterday's Raleigh Sentinel says : " A telegram wai received in thiscity this morn ing from Durham, announcing that yester- dsiy the body of Calvin J. Rogers was found in a millpond, near his home in jOak Grove township, this county. The body had ev idently been in the water some time. , It is rumored on the streets that the drowning' was accidental but.up tol o'clock this after noon 'no definite particulars , had been received of the sad affair.! Mr. Rogers was well known in this city. He was postmaster here during President Grant's first term of office, and was succeeded in office by ex Got W. W. Holden in the early part of 1872. ne leaves, we believe, a large family. Mr. Rojrers has been well known in Wakecoun ty politics for SO years. , - - 1 Score 100 for Simmon's Hepatic Compound. It has left all others behind. A positive cure for disor dered liver, 6t6mach and bowels. For sale at Reed's. ; 1 A Double-Thread Lock-Stitch I Machine. t --r . ir r I i : f .. .. . i a k t . - i aBaSaSWaMMaSalVala-aa, . innnrnsmtnu' r . n r l m mt a a ajai bl mm H MM . M m w M7 II II ll'l U V 'I' 1 1 JJUlUIlOHU J r l I I II I'M.' 1 I :! 1!" (inM1 IH -a R. lite (VrJO fei'-. ;li . ... ;KSr-ii, V' ?ls - ", a. a 5 i - .- . 0" S f " - --- -I'll . , ... - . .-. i i i r THE LIGHTEST-RUNNING IIACHINE IN THE WORLD. AViui our printed directions, no fostroctioa or mecnankal tklU. Is required lof operate k. The construction f the machine is based apon a pHnciple of unique and unrqiUd ln t4:city, comprisinjf simple levers working upon centres. The bearings fS w, and tkry tre hardened and polished, j-':.-. ' ' l- ' ' . ' ! I The machines arelmade at our new works In the fit y of Newark, N. JJ, wk oew special (patented) machinery knd tools, constructed expressly to accomplish what m now offer. Juvcrjf iaeht fUy ururr anted. ' j-j '' t . i- New "Vorlt and OliIctiR-o. . I ; - i U . I I ' a1 aivtani - -.-- per Faalkima the wmnt atjUah ami prriect-fittMMt cottme can be produced, at a large aavtac t MONEY to those who cbooM to aaak,or urtuv. i I tmrl li makUur nr. meir own rarmenia. ua mi highest talent anl die best fceffitiee fa all dervteau; and the be-t Ideaa of ih mo skUlfal modistes, both at home and abroad, we are enabled to atum rrmdu the re-cac average dress-maker, uur series are aiwaya "V'7!rLTr catalogue Basiled to any lady sending are cents with ber address. , Agents waatod sverywhers. FASHIONS " DOMESTIC " GEWITJC MACHINE CO., Ntt York and OIiIcmTO. ' V