" . . ; - - - I ' - - rr irurcnr,:; the pdm- r im ' ' Ti , . : J TD l . - - - 1 ' " 1 , t ' f 1 : : ,. - .1! . , l i : OmcorJ, Ni C..jWwv. June S I, 17 W.VLTF.:: J. 1. YLIN, lwrsuToit. Milr!pl! lluio: Kite r-' f l'..V 1 4 1 2- . . . . . ? . p i; ... wilt rr- iv. m f , ? gratt. OUR TICKET. HI VAl" rii I- STEEI.E. .in !:!ri!oNI. VOL. II. CONCORD, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 1876. The Tribune a estimate w r.oi ai all too laiorablo to Tilden- it in cludes only six vctc from Alabama, whereas the Mcoile Ile-istcr says it U not unlikely that Tilden wilt get twc.lv. It includes the soild v-jte , of only Califama, Ooaucclkul, fUorgia, Kentucky, Maine, Minnc-.t.-iMassathusctts, Nebraska, Ne vada. New Hampshire, New York, L'XoleWand, South Carolina, er- . . T ... niont, Virginia, and A isccnsin. -cw Jer-ey i not given to him. Nor n.jrMasnorLousiana, nor Maryland, nor North Carolinu, nor Oregon nor IYxas. He is credited with only 12 in Iowa, only 1C in Michigan, only lo in Missouri, and none in Tennes see. Ohio, rc;iny"ivania, West Vir--ii,u,AiUansas, Indiana, and a mini 7 ..i rr States. In a word. nhiM a lew votes too many are credited to him. f';n certain States, a number ;:itirely too small U cred ited to hn f.uta other .Slat .. .. . . i i . The 'inbuned!tril.ine-: me w ' v.hc U5 IbSVvs : '-nlv; 217.(dele- ..:..H', . e!ecl"'.ul voUv-). 11 ?i 'VhlO'l; Alien 11; lmyard, J; I -i.,kei-.;i:i.knuvv:iJ JV. Noloiie,it en. is irivi-n to lloncofk, nn- ZKUULOX 15. VAXCE, r :.:i:-i.KN!irr.;. K..!:tl.lKlTKNANT-(.oVi:i:SOU; or hit. i-ot: r-K :;ktai:y statK: jusiit n a. i;x;ia:iiAi:i, - or :. ivW ii.N f:u.. rot: n ri:NK v i.r.xritAi.: llhvA s. KKXAX, n::srAT;.-u"A--r:::::t: ii:. J. M. woUTll, or i:an ; .riixi: -!;:.'. I.. iavi:. or' iiAY'V' . ; i. .."ri vrit Tiin I'lil.IC . wiil be vv HU.-i r t . ...... .i -i ?.o 'I I... ... .fi1 I l.vilU t II. -w 4 i V" I " - is there presented an array of elec tors persistent' devoted to their chief; as would have!; been the case if Blaine had been nominated.., Ausu5UCo3Utjitionlit--. It remains to bojsieen whether he shall continue to bo the favorite of Fortune, or like Bekenridgolafl at the supreme hionjent. If the St. Louis Convention a t with wisdom, in its platform ana selection of a nominee, there wilj ict like' be -a Piesident Ilayes. jB.ut it cannot be denied, from, the lights befori us, that the Republican bly presented for the people their best able man. The sefqction'of a Vv'ca 5arty has proba the saffrages of tern candidate b' he Republicans i.ri:r t:ns : 4. r. c.iwli", oi' .io!INTo. u ,1, .,n w m i - - "' 1 m ".T'dT i;i.Ai.l-Tll.Ii--TIe fat-t that Mr. IJ!ainc, the le:;.I cr f tho I.'eputlitan arty, and by aU oMthe most popular man in it, wai d. -teatcd at Cincinnati, suggests .. VJi T rni '"iiVi'tition s to meet i;i .nat ,V.ei i.;u!;e interesting the fol ! .v.ing extract from a St. Louis let ter in the New York Times : 'TLere arc 40,000 'German votes in the .State. PAC,lT gcr; editor of the Anzeigcr, a loading lemocir.tic German paper, says the; maof thcfcCerinan vote will go for what th Prow r Abut the Uepub- j pr;ncipic at issue on ;Hheir side ; . nor HrK4, omlPM for the Ire-ideury. 4i on irmv of elec The New York' flerald says : As it now stands tie ticket is a fair one. It is no such ticket as Washburnc and LoL'an,Ccuk!ingand Ilayes or Jorton and llarlraaft would have i been. It means nothing but mcd- ocrity. uoveruor man. He defeated Thurraan and Allen in Ohio, which ehews how strong he is at home. His personal character is stainless. His rec'ord, if he haa any is, calm, X'HeJd? un-' eventfrd. He has been a quiet, sen sible Congressman, a inodebt general and a fair Governor. If elected, he will Lring theso qualities in the White House. There are, wo Cave no doubt, ten-'thousand Republicans anv one of whom would make an eomnetcnt a President as Hayes. He has no eucli hold upon the coun try as lilaino or Morton, Conkling or V.'asburne. . He happened tq have tewer edges than any other candi date, and the ' party took him. It may be a choice as .wiso Jis that of l4:;ccdnor as foolish as that of Tyler. Timo must oett nr.ino this.. Mr. ... . i if Wheeler, the candidate tor tne lce Pro.idcncy, stands' well in this State, ilayes and Whcclcr will poll the party vote. They will call out the solid, sober-minded classes. When wo see the work of St. Louis we can then estimate, at its truo value the work just achieved at Cincinnati. Baltimore Garctta. Peru. .- Concerning, Mr. Hayes, wc havo , A BLOW AT POLITICAL PATBOX A CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT THAT . i ' . DEMOCRATS TAIK OF PUTTING IN THE PLATFORM Washington, June 13 The pro posed amcnamenttotheCoHStitution introduced . in the Hqusq yesterday by Sxiott Lord of New York, and re ferred to; tjic Committee on the Judiciary, nieets with so much favor. lamonff Democratic members, thsat substance will be recommended tor incorporaticn into the Democratic platform to ibe adopted at bt. Ijouis, and probab( in the language of the would seem to compefthe Democra- cv to "ro East," forltheir ..champion, .....i l.im in Tildon Bavard'-or lir.ton. A Man Construe! a piacbiiie for He heading Ilim.HcSf. 'b;.. ;,-iint resolution 'wbbu was a.foi- aud most avail- r ,,r i lows : - L U Ca- I " . Under the Constitution, I IS THI TIUI III! II On To Subscribe for llic j CONCORD REGISTER pW. THE CHEAPEST 41Vi:itTlSI ItATKSi One aliuaro, often lines, flmiiwrtlon, jt.W tacn ?ui?equeni iuhtik'b, i Court orders, six wetk, f3ji Mm:Wrte; Notices, four week, $; AmimtnUr Notices, six weeks, .uO in idvance. Transient advcrtiscinents HvbU inU vance; yeirlj advcrtisvtnentt Uyatle tjuar tbrly in advance. Marriages and deaths vril bo ii'ortr l free ; j buti obituaries will be chari&lor ai the rate of 5 cent a line. I w Tbo IteHster guarantees thd larjrt circu lation of any paper published Id liieHnnty. i i ' CAKOLIX.A CENTRA It. W. 1 ii . U a Q urEtlTKMJK yr r ir.: AYilmington, lXvomwr io, i?t j. ) CHANGE OF SCIIElHLK. ana aucr minuuy, -v n ' t i 1 1. . ..... . rim over inis roaa as iouuwe; itiS ln'!f, 'Sunday ExcqittJ. COUNTIIT TAPER IN NORTH CAROLINA. ; -,,1 ! ' $1.50 a Year, or 75c. for O Mos. IT CONTAINS AVEEKLY; Latest News, Best Short Stories; rolitibs, Sketches, Humor ahd Agriculture. Gites l-ticular attentiori ! So that St. Louis may not jba aj J iHifavurable a place ir V.ldeti as to nar3- miiJ the rojsibilily that l.'uvcrnor Tit teti. w ho .. i:pie a Haves if Tilden is not nominate 1 . . . -. 1 . I.. .... t IikJ poMltn in ie I'viniTiiiiu -.n- IV "may 1 defeated at M. I.ui wjtccianyjn view .f the prul ablc re- L "hK-inati vti icrXteir.C V'A '- : m-.. ... i Trr. i.'W . wio iv l pviiU that lie ill hi iutl. i lk-v v.:.! I.-,...' i K.. , , v i i-t. ' iu.nre l.i. i . miouWrn. It they lJm!:'c Kow,yd rcech at -lhc Xalicu; teutly UXirx itmv V. . -upwrieto Uo cCort of - ...! t!. only l!,:iU ,;,r . xx;u. Mr. Fowde mnrtc - ' I . ri.Ii.t ef iivuicnduiis iuree. He held 1 . .1 . .. , - Mill! I . lo re-aa. j.i u.v t - .. of who Lo!J,v slct.a be- m ' . A w f not a great deal to say a .". He certainly will not make so strong a. candidate as .Blaine, and he is in finitely weaker than Bristow. 3e has no great services, no great tal ents, no strong personal following to help' him. The only votes hb will wi arc the thick and thin partizans A P.utke man said yesterday tl7alp-v.u, luusyovt . the , nominee wnoevcr no nni'ui oo. i ... , . - rWcshinjrton Republican', 'Grant's Organ. . . !d!v stepi Lominalv bi,. ontne iunu ua..y. lwi,c UC ConfiMicfalc army and our. i;tifthvy.tlunuan unKiioun "u tirm and untliiK bin- ..... , ...-- - m j v. nerve prute ted the right of habeas niniiis. A iiriii earuiiiiuiw been, wise .and judiciouf. and v hail -n its good temper, good platform and wiuiM run a v-Il a r belter than the Ureal lM-mm r, and are Willing l, take the t i-k of what may be proved again -I i.:n whose record has to be invented alter his nomina- then let them adopt the two-! - thirds rule, or, what would be ttiH i ;t iltrn- i anv irood not bo dragged at will and Kirkcd alKiut the country at the end of the bayonet. It was Zeb. Vance then io times f war. But it was Holdcn in times of peace who exhausted the reason j ...,. ,ravn ,, writ of habeas . 1 J "" n" ' " " . - . ... . .-i , I w - U r the . xisiei.te o. ....... L.., r..r ,mii. waddin-Mo Kirk and rule, them adopt a .even-eighths llK.irt:Utcrrag followers. l,lU .oriuler,,uin..gaui..:u.mous 1 .Jy . waP la now t!lo peo- to make a l.oimnaiion, a.n. f x -Mrs certain ' . . . . i i uiiiOiV L lclvU.orr. nun lis ine iw at the door of the Kxcutivo h.'.mv. atid he kindly welcomed her in and listened with sympathetic and ;.tu utive ear to her wants, and not a man cr we;:.aii or child in the Stat. 1 -t cl.s ii. d.es his nr.me ns a um..u thev 1. hg ago learned that Yam wade l'.e best Uovcrncr we vote thiivby remlcr absolutely . nomination ol a nolnwiy. It i..tit le in.n.lrri!, howtver. tl.al -.ioi-t Ida::., wii.' t trinein-i.-.ii u a 2 A v..ii-' his known rival- v.oit wi1:!. a larpr I u v v re onu'.ne . tl tl o to w hen th ".: P.ul T,i !en t uis with a ote ar.: i than livaN. l.i.ov. I .?. in;. 'I . r .." t . t . t.ibiio d Vote rtejtii. the irat I n- rw ur! Inl in e i"jn: of eat Ii t at. Lae en the i r-t S ai t in t.ie M. La,.-C- :;vef:Joii. It ur.:ma iv is ..,:.ris- : 'i i.ve ev er h A dispatch fi urn' Lafayette; Ind., gives' the particulars of the' suicide of juu.ts A. Moure, who resided ncir ihat city, on Sat urday aiht bst. Mw caxaetatho'LaJir House in Lfti'wyctte on :Siiiiirt3ny, he Was perfecting an intention and. .would probably stay a week 1 but wosfd visit his. hotnc Monday, and prepaid, his bill '.p to. that lime-, lie called it a machine, shop, had a large new broadjaxc and. two.bari of three inch wide by orto inch thick, .iron, sixteen inches long, wllich he had riveted. ' rt fb hcAd of t .c arSD. On euner siue, ms- tened to those bars i .tliaihupc efa-hanaiQ to an axe. he had u -ys .cm of -vvoole:: bars eight feet long, the ext -cmc end of which was fastened to a croks-piece, secured to the fi.wr bv hin-es. The axe was raised and held to its nearly perpendicular position by a double cord, fastenedto the waU- Between the cords stood a candle, arranged o. th?.t when the candle.burndl Jov. h to ii:.eorJ. it would burn them of unci Hhi X3 i'U. Where the ate would strike he placed u box. open on outside, in which when found was his head vih fotne cotton which 1 I. . 1 4nr1 kiia hl.vJ.ft.nind PtHnretToi ror-t (rrorrrcntiort hns f ir thh-n)itteiirrtt hi Load firmWir4x?ii He wasstrap ped t'ighflv to the.fliij wjth tvo 8trap:,-oae i i - h . ..kli,t 1-tL. m e rt n rl final unanimity as harbingers of.yig-, Th jraiIll I ire b(,tlv srre.cd to i lows : Whereas, all the officers of the United States, numberingi with dependents, about 100.000, penetrating. into every part of the country, and having charge of 'it transmitted intelligence, are com missioned Uy the President, and are, through thf "power of appointment and removal; subject to the coercion of any administration in power' arid required to act, vote, and contribute money in Jtccovdanco with the cen tral 'will, whereby both the caucuses and the elections are controlled, and, TFAeraJsjSuch relations between the Administration and tho officers of the. Government, tend not .only to defeat, the will of the majority, and? to. - degrade the independence and r. . o A. . fd r. hut tn vn.lnT nueiiLy, ci sueu ymcci--', the rules 'ot the official accountabili ty, which it isof .supremo .importance not only tcj maintain-j and to extend, iand, f ' i ' Whereasl Securing, the indepen det.ee of sijch officers from such cen tral control is.j the only ; method oy which the! evl . can. be remedied -s therefore, j. JResclvetti Byjjtkc Senate and House of Itenresontaiives -of. the United States of America, in Congress as: I Kemenibcii it Kr tatc News. Brini ire, Instructive aid Amusin no. while you think of it, cosjsnly On6 Dollar and a Haifa 1 car, - ' :'!. ': 7." t'ents for Six Moutiijs. - r ' I - Size of p per lweijty4 reading matter. Address,- AVe can sell any Instruments, (warranted in instance to ,- be Leave Wilmington at Arrive at Charlotto Leave Charlotte at Arrive at "Wilmington Fast Freight ' and Passed jrr Train -- r l)a,hj.- I Leave Wllnrington at, , Arrive at Charlotte, Leave Charlotto at Arrive 4 Wilmington. k m Shelby Division Va ill, ccj'ted. ' to Local Matters and Leave Charlotte at U ., W......L; Arrive at Shelby ut , ml oi. uooa Aujugs I Leave Shelby at c..i., Jun. Arrive at Charlotte ages vveekly eighteen cpWmns of interesting j o.ilous. i Cloi-e c'jui.ectMu lot'a wavt, and on to tne -orin. i S. L. ITU eight columns, avr- Seni for ifpecimen copy AV. J. BOY LIN 7 Oft a in ,7 GO p m r. SO a in 7 Ut) p m 5 00 p tu 10 ';;o p i fi !i0 p ni 10 40 p in Sundays iV- 7 00 a ni 11 a tn 12 ') p in u.C p M Connect Iwith the A & Charlottfc at 7:.'5( p. m. and i;rnne-t8 ai imiingiwi AVi.l.l.n l'vuilroad : 1,1. .... j .... i . Columbia v: Augufta i.ii.irouu u 7 a.-in., uiJ i p. in. BrtuTlme from ilinnvj; K Air-Line in .to a. in. iith XVIImiii". nfl. with Wi- Chief Engineer and Su For any one wishing to buy an liiejf Engin W.C. mi t Atlanta F.MONT, rintctiJvnt. nnRUAlMD A GRANDiOrrCUTUNITpr Keep, on hand at U time. .apply ol WATtpUCS, CLOCKS, JLf ana PLATED WAIIE, v arid does ell nraiilnp in LVi line. ,J.wclrj cleaned free of cbanic. All ork wirrantd. GRGAl OR PIANO r V m- t a, . !. . In. . .:') lory. Richmond "Whig. fllaycs has thu strength of his pirty simply ; he can make no tn ilifoads upo: the Democratic hosts, nor can he command tho support of j the great body of Independents, who arc resolved to sustain the party of reform, provided the St. Louis Convention will but present a ticket with a. record so well defined and long established, as earnest, honest, practical reformers, that the country- will recognize. in it a guar antee of tho aecoi!ip!ishmo!its,of,.the reformation so urgently demanded by all interests. Pctcriburg InJtfX-Appeil. To-dav Hayes has a thousand ar-1 dent admirers where yesterday he had not one. ; Bicliinond State. ' IJlainc lias individuality, brillian cy, dash; Ilayes has neither. Biluiv.ore Sun. f?t : . ...... I., ,.ii.it. r llin Pr-jiel. the t.ei.i! iv.ing w iiei. u say . ... , . . . . . I .i,.i... ,.f .i foni.ir:itivelv unknown -VY,. riic nhased to know ti.at . v ' . ' W. II. Cos. who defeated '.r thy lo.niinatiwrt of I.'.uUuant Governor by a very small majority, if.. f n Chairman of r the I loar years he has Uev ot- tho floor, rendering t It is supposed. tliat ne candle and strapped put his Lend-in.. the; impossible to move. sot his axe, lit the himself to the floor, bx . with the. chloro formed cotton,. and was probably insensible when the axe. fell, j "fhe axe and fixings would weigh iibout fifty pounds, and would fall aditsnce of ' frond icn- to fifteen feet. His head was 'completely severed from - the bodv, and the axe biir nealh. cd in tl:e. boards bc- The following is c pcaring in the New Rak-ig!v: liUl': fleet let. What a heroic : ijioed'from.n letter ap Y irk Observer : The Ch;;ii.tU UetiHK-rat t-Xpiv?svs On the 22d of jjulf , 1581, Sir Walter bntered Hatteras Jn- l ' ... . attempt was ins toco- 1" -I . T i.le this magmticn nt domain ; wliat a sau late was his ; hi.s crinia was bis patriotism. Jli-iory liuir -tr.3Cf.tc4 -liU. avenged him. No name asi-lie ir"m astnngK'ii uc- itili:-d wiih-Aiucri-1 that-the loveliest . V - f -: .... .- -rf-T- . . . amendmcitts to tco, institution oo tera g-onVindnufaciurersJ -regular of the fol ecrves to be more iUe c:viv historv. It is we eitv in North Carolina jperpetuates his nahie and honors hi?' incnijory. r VcVv.tf ,1. city, rc ft3 New Brunswick and New Haven, tihdugh ia nf.turul beau- tics, in lhc grand olJ; onks and towering elms, surpassing any jtlueo we know. As the capital of the Stur it is the centre of ...-.in;. ! inlliifi-.eJ Its State llu-e, of Raleigh is semblirg in some, pa To It. ....lit. . i A t man lor in n:s j'uum; .yaiwi .i.. ayes is cTHefly knevvu Ly h occu- j granite, i:: th3f.l..rc nation of the Governor' chair of t best in the country, kr Ohio for thrte terms beating at the ill l contest, and that only by injecting the school question into ths-can-vab. j Albany NeT York Argu. . Kntherford D. Haves William A. . --.t.-- t rl. t.-l i-zA votes, not nutnler of; I him-ili" to the work of promoting . ...... . i f :he ueees. of the Ueiitocnatc.p&rty, i.;..lnel:;. ked on the fir..; ballot -d wc knov lhai r.ll the members .7 ..vl.or.l votes ot a it.aiorit v. ' f 1 1-1 t pivty wiil appTwCiate the pa- i ,;,U', wiM...-!; or.lv rl ol a t..:.j ri- tii- tic motive whieh induces him to. . .... .1.! l... ..I ,.iii,i'.ii.il.i.h I iii ff'i I! I . it I.e ct- none the o ......, 4..i ... ... . ..v ... r. .w.. A ncticr. Jiuese ar ins caziuiuaies ot i h:u:i...4n o: la'-e J-Xvcuuvt or prjjeut and .Vicc-rresident. What do they- rejnvsent? What personal following have they ?" What energy of rinc:p!-.do they ajpeal to? What enthusiasm of personal stvle, is one of the nti is surrounded a beautiful enclosure Jf forest tret and ever- grex-ns. A tine statjie of Washington, by nale . SeniinTiries utiJ are three lendini' Ifci the State Deaf ind i)ii:nb and Insane Asy lums. There are teh kupplied with an ab crnnient is building Post Otace of solid i,i.Uvil to be vlevtid; whiNt I- , -i. l.u :, a jrojHrtionate lv-r ot" tli"i"i a he has of those" . o..i iii.it e. t.eji. Co:: .4 wiihv man. and t.-.I. i,e will have very ''l-h vaLn!:e i vice- are i ppreriate 1 The I v tue lo . i atie C o.rvativc par ts a err 1 i br twelve churches., iinistry. The Gov Custoui House and nite, at the cost of i. . ; . . the .irt ballot T .. t t - v editorially : ; ty ol Nort.i t.-ai...r.a. Loubtivs l,o jbUowing do they t. rouse? The T.o- ....ti'-.'i :-t Si. i. ui after a has work.-1 ithout refcrer.ee to :e-! p!:ilfcrm is l egation whittled down vr :.t etf- r.te of tl i :. t . i,tve e prvh reiKv- ward, which fuel increases the re- j lo tbe invi&ih!c atom which c'onsti- ;.vcii.t rJTilden ; i d eslcel.l uuo him, anu j u.cs ii5 cerstcr. Tho catididatcs are Ut : tt e :;; vote. JIc vill need j makt.s it reasonably sun- that he wil! jbI1.aUcr tLan lhe ,,ialform. Hayes i..J: a i.iativ i:vnr to secure the f yt be very highly Lonoivd by the j bears the cross of the administration; n,e u.ution ; I ut there are IS voles j people of the S:ate. ' Wheeler waa the. Chairman of the What B l a i n e S a i if. - To-r.ight kesaia: "What else could I ex fiVht the whole jwwirs tin and the tombiied I other candiatcs. nn.i : are 'lierobv rjroi?oed to the uu- ( J j x LcirisktnrQ.of itho .several States ; : " Articlo-4-Section I.; .All, postmas ters, marshals,) assessors, and .eollec tors, except collectors-of customs duT tics, shall j be Chosen for a -term of for j-earsj &t' a! general election by the electors of the district, city, town or village in which the duties of their officers are to be. performed. . Sec. II. j'Thl Congress shall enact suitable laws to execute tho forego ing article5, and to' in sure the faith ful, discharge of the duties of such officers, alid fr their removal by President j for official, misconduct, and in...ca43' of p. removal for an ap pointment! iinjil; the .net general election, afid for filling vacancies in such office. 1 Article-iSccliionl. The Congress shall enftctj suitjible laws for the pre vention and punishment of official misconduct; :an to insuie official ac countability 1 . Sec. II. pct.ioji i:i(i:ctsd for bribery or for converting the public money, orpaueu as w linear w .v. tion thereto, fijull be excused from bn the ground Itllat his will tend to criminate himself; a: id 'any person cortvicted ol such bribery orjcohverfeku jshall not be pardoned, add shall be disquahfi- '-, . - i Li I . . . rt . testifying testimony trust, or pro lit under States. the L a ilea A Mi.nnessoU- editor, who lives where "the mercury in the thermom eter loves to distort itself among the forties and fifties below zero, punishes a! rival; by haying, "about .cet ? -I have had to i sjx inches of his right ear was ivozan of thejAdministra-! stiff yesterday. 1 jrheri the frost WALT ulac- ouing every rieW and ; fir'st-class .. - . '.... J ,',1 ...1..1, nro little on toe terms iiauiw, nuitu .v.. ... over half thoroguJar.prico : 1 ' i Prineo Orfian. ityle 7a; manu Hirer's price, $2pQ; our price, l l Wing & .Sdn'4 Thrlor Organ, style 9, man. price, Spo our price io. Gem Parlor Orrfan, No. 58, manii- facturers price, S3pU; our price, ?iuv lAFatchlcss Burdbtt Organ st) c 1 man. price, .175; tjur price, $100 ; B. ShoninrertJrganr io. ioriiu:.- ufocturerV nviee, J320 ;'. car -price $125; v No. 2-f, pr?cb, 3275; cur prie, i - HAYS RUMOVBH Til Kilt FAMILY LGIIOCKHY ..VnD'-CONFKC- ; ! f TIOSEUY, To Caldwell's New lluildirig, doors north of Cannon, Wadworth ii'Cu'f. i . ... i . . .i whttre they aro selling goous cueajK-r umu evr. Ai TlTr1VT 4 T G lUCENSBOIcQ, A. ('. milE )NLY MASONIC WKKI.Yub X dished in the United fijlutiw ! Kijlit pge,, thirty-tiro brd columns. ' Treat of aUUpKof intent to th L raft. . T.:ii m wire; ar.d . Ut n ll-.u.-.-hmu !. 1 panion ijf .fhiclve-r7 Masn in the e.-im. price, 8450; ou i picO, $2C0. Any of the Mco. Woods' Organs at a small advanciovsr'half-the' regular price. For $75 w( i can furnish one of his $110. Organs These prices do not include freight Most of these orgins are excellent for Churches. Ai y person, Churcli or Lodge, wishing to buy an Organ would do vvell to correspond 'with us. The prices, wcjbclievc, are lower than Wer before ofTercd WANrD--3U3INESS M.EN, To engage in thejsale of a Uusine&s jlJook. iHOF. 1A1S5XS SEW' LAW BOOK. The IcrnAl ! Vrperly . Of a citizen 6f thb United SUitis ; Iloio to Exercise aM J low to Preserve Ev TH E WORK IS ESS krv Voter in tl e Uii Paver and , Magistirate bu Vs, sells or ox eh Justice of the V: or fyelrctman ; to ory Tenant ; to JJouk-keeprr ; to law or Legatee ; i v'i'ry or ipays interest ; property to take c uctj, ci.vi 1 duties malintain.' ."' riend fr Ci.reiil Th( in ir evirrv to Ire 1 1 ko i irs, St JI 5R J. BOYLIN. 'E.NTIALLV TO , ion : to every Tax ; to every inHn who prM-erty ; toevrry bt-Hif, (.'o!i.i!)S'!"n r every Landlord and ev- .'oi arv. Clerk r I- Executor, llcir-at-t'rv man who r-cf i ven f has tra n-' rform, or ;rihts to iivinrr term3, NT'ON A: try imajjukly faeipnid. ;) r I 1 TeTtrw; One Year, S2 ; s l VivHVffTf--' - ;tWu4UUi'l' ,l".r tnier, ami .r -vt.0 ciuo. Aaa S1L Greensboro, N.'C II I IllllllkalWl. i l . mr . TTTE SELL tho Geiscr SepttraU and V the Chamjiion Mowing Machine, two of tlie best laoor-pavm iiiihiuiics in iik ountrv1. at the Hardware tre. S2-; m ( -YOUNG &' WHITE. FA P-LATKD WAItK. Electro Tabic IMuIod IVure, AND OK.AMi:.TAL ART 1VOISK, IN (lit EAT VA KILTY, anufiidurrd by the MELIEN IiKITANIA COMPANY, j 50 JJroadway Ntw York. The letj I'latf (I Spoon and Fork are those til a ted hniii.st on thd part wherM: csriiy t'ltt-ionVt .Wfur ;oniu!i, and leriig tho trad rr.trtc, ' I ii7-itou:RH mtoriii.iis-.xii. ' N. B.j Thi great lViVnroleim;iit in Silver Plated SjK.ni and Korku is nirlied alike to each gride of Plate, A I, ami 12 .., ordered The. prove on manufaJtiirins the, gxnii aro patintid The E?dtra or o.staft'laol tlii-4 o-:ij-ny U Wnpfl . I., plate. 4J' er rent inncr rv inurllet Undurd lute" iiiudu by 1, kiuij.ly, an I than theoruina- whre e to Aiii'-neari lntitute pnir tc. CO Ti rtford, Connicti-cat J. T. REDW1NEJ k'jitiiti-!, from Wor AC I.ST KATIES" I Practices in all the eoun cialj ; District, and tlit North C'tsrolina to all hosinesVentnult 'strength of all the Uive reason to feel . :r,.. , ;t u.ktrjwti at.d Ionics Tiim: am- I!i ivtw. The r.omir.&tion thttid. and it . f Ha v- n-i S...kr by th- Cincinnati ...... ... - , - - t rtlvr a fiiio" cirv?initance i.ut ttivc t;r. !v.vr:aincd vote, il ..-t t'i ii-r.ri.or'iil l.-.i.wouM ju?t gnt- inm ai-.vo tuirdt majority in the : C. uun;.-!;r.i it. t!. outy i ! the r.Ti. ratic J n-.v -t it- Iui " t. x.W.n at 4 re. Let thm ..J il u i. m. " I'.nlh t tk1 vie- i fH'-" t.rt .uiUrthe I .r.- r . f Tilirn ;a.d H;-! bodied in the candidates. And noth- Pacific 1 Jail road Committee during all the timo . when its jilunder.ng schemes were being organized. The usurpation and corruptions, of the Administration, the rottenness and of Congress these are em proud of the f ghi. jN man ever had such devoted friends as 1 -ve had." It was impossible o tutirt jy cpre5, however, his bitternesa toward "Cp! Wing's eandida.ey," said he, -was the grat'-it farce I ever saw.. The idea of a man, wiai the whole force of the Administration teliiad him,- being able to rally only twenty j-nji.e votes outside of his own r?mte." Wtii.toa teleirraui :New York Worlai iv ti- s i f the otl! Suircme CVflirt of ' 1 ru iir.t attention L - . to him. HereaftCT no Li j wi!f be delivered strikes within a foot of a man's , brain in that vlav it makes him reflect on the uncertainties of life. i ' (.. .will; tell cheap to hose without need A cook of a prominent citizen of Nash county rccenUy'attetnpeed to murder the fantily ; by kneading pounded glass iu he bread, but was discovered beford any damage re- suited. :Mv dear." said a wife! to; her .husband, "won't ou just stop again and get me soimi more worsted, as ors, without the mor.cyJ - Yre I J ti.ii'- trt .....rl ! xtx a'.t cr oil . c- f wii it- j . those ;with the . i ' not apply. nipfey tied to order. SatMUii-tibn gu v .1. IiHKD DISSOLUTION. lifer j i you comej home 'With pleasure,'' lliia respo nded evenniir t the rnilE firm of I cons? idi.olveJ a Jtulv 1st. lTG. bv irutual w.rt . X.uS . xi.i i'l iL a, .1 ! t c: 1ST fr ! husband ; tl like to trade With, that pretty girl! who tends lhe: worsted ! counter." Jie wus never asked -to i i i . ' ? stop again Jor worsted or acyxbing else. ! ' ! I - ' -A : i ' Tbe.nuniber of visitor, daily at the Cen tennial may be fcet,d)wn..aa .yarjing rrn 25,000 to 40,000. . j 42 Si inhl ,Lrt iiruiiium awirde 1 atnll'J'i ) RICH AH - ript Jadgiiioni, Siate Warrant, I'cace Warrant1, , Search Warrant Sul ppna4, 1 Machinery for d . Fair of 1K7I, iiirii-iv . LANKS. V d cxnd for aL ttt;IL!eiL;h pric- at thi p. Al-o a other kind of" lilank print CA$H. -All person oWi.bg .tu arei rk ed to i at-? nromptlr. :i h-f - -- - J TQ COTTON PLANTERS i VY! Sweeps audi SoUU noes. - TAIKT3, Oils, Brufche, &x. cheap as tL cheapest, at Cb.non wiJI bo htual Tfor i treat-. I'jvvonr Mucrif.' xcculioni, Ac, Ac, Ac. ;rantJ. STfllCitFR fill, L. PHIFRRJ F. CANNON. ull SUx k of Cotton Shank Handled OUNG & WHITE, r.EEbb Corner Union and lhyot St!., CO N CO 1 1 D, X. 0. . IEALERS IX into ckik i us, pi: o vision s; and coxrixrr : CTIO.YEIUliS. tho public is tftr The attention of respectfully called to thi QUALITY of our (joods. AT Till: llOOK NTOKK. A H SjTAPLK fND FANCY GtiOIM XL in our line. Ordi-r pr'jij tiy nttei. to, at'?! asticiea Cvlivtrtd ut. si V'. ( lfA tor;il v t I J"r m. Norfolk i: j ing else is. There i s no aggtcssive

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