One Square, of ten lines, flrctinertkrf $1.0 Each ubfMquemt insertion, f o0 Court order, six weeks, $6- Magintratc Notices, four week. $5; Admin itr tori' Notices, six weeks, f3..K) in Advance Transient advertisements VHyable in ad. vance; yearly advertisements payab fjuar tcrly in advance. Marriages and deaths will be insert free ; but obituaries will be charged ft r it the rate of 5 cents a line. J The Register guarantees thelargeltcirou lation of aav paper pnblUhedip the wunty. .nUlX YriIi!!lK. ls " vr a-1 r. " CONCORD, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 1877; NO. 47. VOL II ll'lcif'l'VH f A U 1,011 ' . in. : ;: imu. i:i.r.;avr.sTYi.r:i.-iivi; l. . ' " . ti Ki; orI lllr-.M. t. 1". 3t- i Mos.r ' .ant a n i i-a vi:v . " . i . r.i,MM)Vi:i. . j It,,.. ,. rl !: t'.V I . . f A t . . .r i t : . . i wt; it i ...... A t i! : I : - lrJ . a ' !' r-r r9 pymr, hM 1 ' ;.:'.' - I , .. uf m,, .B. ' -. BR OC ACO 79 Droadwaf.M. T. . i mi imrh r.iv i- DOLLARS. BRIOF4tC3. Btosamr " ork. a wU isAi.vAY i.N;r:i:i;s; W-U'i GViaiUI TWlc.7c-: . . t... r, .n.. iv f..r ml;!!. I :.!M . ti- TJit;T. IAN. ;!;:. i--i Mi;nts m::m i:::ank. , I - r. N rUITI MN l I'll jf Ttlth Avu-t"-. -.r V- i i A LUCKATIVKU!"SIXKS:. ty-.V.j kt .1!) -ii ( Ff : 'T CL S-'I.- S:n ."rt. -t I VP r.tcii f nr-jr fl i ability ! ;! f ' I. '--r , v iftiri- a . It- . Ari'i'tv. i " , f.T an I itr:! rt- A-- ru l-.-r r,rtU.Ur...l!r.. Nan S:wlu? Utrliiiio 1 o , J , v V-,'A: v- .'7 i. ! N.-W -i. -t .-.v ? I. C. "l.v riAGTS WANTED FOR HISTORY R I I riJTrfM rVUIDITinlXl UENThJlL EaHIDS I lUlM In thiir-i r.xh.i ,t, ..,.. - .!' -"r ! rt.-f. It t-"tf '.hf I'M i V. rr ,: 1 - I A it i-l H . i't. . - .i;. ir t:t l- rr . t nvl : f th m A I Ir. :. . vtiiin . rr ::u-. :r.! CU'ITIV -V ! -'.4 . , V . , . . . '4' l;- II. Ol. i m i ;'- r i I . : . - CAT I l. Ii 1 1 . v 1 1 ii I :'i i :i V v;x r. ' (: .,;. , :t, : v a: "pit: 1'7 iii$ f- WT JA tiLpit U hk'i, k f-r m.r. f i itt v- r I. i ' ni'- r,fl-!l.v.v..Pv(V,.fllt y.u,:. '., . -il' i-ii . .-i.!v. -.'.t?'r- Mri i t .? -..! !. -St . .... - '- T irif--r-; n I ..I't-J t' t. I I. e: i .. ' tlV.a : It i: ( .-If 1 1 j i... .r-M-ti! ; .-. -f tn. ' i. T It ' i;. -. t k-tP C1:; iMi- : r. "!'.! rs:U. ft.' , : (,. x . tr v lto.v ! . r- X 1! m r. I- j r.-:i 1 ' -1 TA'O Its VKa?:. : ' r , , ..... ' t f i, ; I'bi'i -t-1. ...... tv. V. It.--'i - r- ..-. t-M&t tl.-. I ,. ,'..' '? - r Kl T. A r I l If. J. A rt- i . c.- c-- ;!, t rv rr r r 3 it id uu V fc n J. V. MEHAFFEY, 1 . . VrilM.KKU iC J L lV LLLu- " H "'' -r,r! l'KIVV!i:S Wa'cl r. CI ... .."... I. . I.... ..Ire V. I n. IVt"i'-f "i w ttIV ! "l J f.- .fn.-It I'mbr.-.a ai i I'uriiI-. all,j seating the long chcished doc rUVKYIN; c-r.r in an." art ef lhejtr;lt. ,,.lte rjljls :i?,jtlt.. Jts liberty O- , i f .... -1-.. I Jewelry 4l2:n Wuti hr, ( J ttk. r-J " ' a,,u . !iv - n ri-mt .v. i lr ri 2 - E. r. DAVIS, Watchmaker and Jkwf.ler, (X-Jt lr t t J. AVr.f ) roNCOlil). N. ('., i. ....,1 fivn to n t irin " v. I p.lJitn!rv. AM work j t U'l-t-l t l - Mill . tHI- l , ,t.i,, :n 1 - rS.-. t .:;fi:snti'n pwrmtftJ. II . . i -.i. i- Will. m. smith, A T l .i ICS KV at w, ryrnitih A. (.. . . . . . in. ' I 4. ' i,.ir ! U: V Hill V, ru-'M !. v n.'iir- j o' i-.i I rl' :,rl't:. M;- Wlnl...r;,.n,nty. people. If this were all it wererdcH,on the members of the (,en 31 .r.... t .. e..u.i!y, Hl-l.,ry, j c,t to provedec t l,e ration, tut it j01'"1 Assembly, a Registered Deeds, ". v. I H. M. l. M. II. i:All.r.Y, MM. S. KVKKIir. SHU . BAILEY fchVERITT A I IOIiNKVS AT LAW, .... V . II. in t hi- StHlc and t .Hl, r t c-urts. C i.ioii ri!t-t-d in every j..-rt f the atnle. J.v. ..l77.:;- PAUL BT MEANS, A'iTOHNEY AT LAW, IVii"hi in hit? and F-l-rl Courts C!;ii:iit r-Il-etl in any part of the Stat j.romit Hlti-alii-ii tjivoi t. ull hu-ine?s X- Otl'ic at llic Ameti'"!n Holrl. OFKKKS Li-irofiional Mrvi.vs f thc;,l0 ,,ca(.r l,t it is the peace of a 1 ivti' k " mi-l nfini.M;K iilw tl.o! slumbering volcano, just before its lr..t.i.riii Chureli. 1 eoi: ti lied ti res burst fort h . fl.OCKS! CLOCKS! CLOCKS! WATCHES! CLOCKS! JEVELRY ! u. vki; rh.x Ti:n iva :::, AXJ) at the h-4 C-A:i I'iilt'K. at W. (i. 1)011 LAND'S. AT'IIK, ClJK'KS, JKU r.I.Ii 1 , j U M'Mi 1 A( hK UKi'A I i:KD t U. 4 xii W..r-K, AN3I. 3- llM xvn .", . ii. I I S I . A N I. - - JKWKI.IiV, D I 1 T T V P I A f J O ! ! fi fl ( I I '"-' . Jri"r 1-I r-J UIIiMT. r - .j.... L- T ... tt-... l .. - , i i.' v n-i 1 Wii k'.v 1.-i!.u!m-. .1-1: n: or it vit in h I die To i niitn'i:!. mi : J?n-. i ri -i l-- u-i in g.- -iinIitiiti 1 ! i v.- I. j i r-.-i-" : it I w ' U" it. It i' all re i IVMri I !J. niiirtt-.n Fur :i t -r r-ti iu ! s'TtH) pia-io . r-y " r- .-in-1 I h in-tt-nt, all I -in-' Inlly up t vi'iir r";ri- ur xiM-etatioic. i u j:i I r- ii: tli- i- t: : vr.-it ii ! ;t ! i .. .. .-.-y -uu. !. j-l.-uM-.! ! . . : ; r I'.iti . mid fr.iili i i. 'r.i!.i.-l K. U :ttty!!. .th !.:"-. at'.r :i t.-t tri.-il t ! : ' '. . n :irr-ni'i- I for ix tnr. ' - w . . ! S. .. f ;", - eaialouo. Ad- i- M i:mi. ". Jri-..-,v. I". ?. X Jill I i Plir.-ly n -w in - iicj. imen. j 1 :i :. It t- ,j .,j .-H .-- i more pi-u- j In -"M r i lin.i is tlVrfil nt ; 7 ... .' .n! l...-r pri-- tl ..ii :oiy imilar now m. in iiiirk.-t. It i .ItiraM.-, with a ti:iir it ti ..!ir .,... ;ril! .'in. mi. I v.-t ... ini. I . : i r"i.i ttn.l . n u rit'wi:!, I rt-;t :i ... TllH iii-t ruiii'itt ha- all the; irn-s.Ti :t;';'fiiv.--!-.-n:. iiu-.l'i'linir tii- eel.-- i Axrai!.-" in-M--, I'f.d i-.7i.liv war-1 rant- d I' ln:iir.'.l.!:s new scale pianos i .- Ii i- -.'-i-tie :iTol . . :na: !ei !i iva i roxf'Ei, ;'f( a i':-'AXS ;n: : ti-i v rt.. Sr..., a ; : !"y . -tir. j-t '! C . !. .! .t, .J,.. n.. ., y,.j ,. ; ' i. v. f !i. -in- ' ! !.V !!- ; ...-. ... ; t.. Vto ij" -.v; -.. .,. .ir.. thiy :-w.rjr..l Al:;i-r- A. r-. t ti ' - m eli-.l. W AT Li S '.-:. a v.;v N..w Y. rk. TEST IV oM;. I.s hk unitr v its ti Crgnr y ,t. . ...... . ' VrH.. :,?:,,.. : t, x- v ,:" as- I ii-iv- lhnr :.. ,,.: ::;,:: ,: .,. ,.: . i . .. .. Y..rk Tic' " " a - C r...- o . ::(. i .' a t.. ' t to rieh v..!,. I., . u:ri. is t powerful t- t ... h -fkvf. iC- - ... . . TIio Aallonal CnrKC Tin- I Jenul lican l artv came into w power iii 18G0, prior to that it had l.ven schooling tho government in ,h.Lriis of desnotism. It first teach - . i , - -i IU'S were uenance 10 in? nriimiioii jc, sl,ing policy I l",lt triumph it - m m . . i:. ... ..:....,.. I. , 1 K jCrUSUllig polity ii iiiiijjin.vj itu mi tnmpn il inaugurRieu an era. of bloodshed and t v raiin v oui ot ! which gr'-'wit- ponderous power.and (instituted the despotism that' has ! c haracterized Us existence for six teen 3 cars. The outrage on south ern rights, thai prodm-cd the Tour y.-ars tf carnage has been followed up to the present, and now lias ful minated in th grand outrage upon the rights of the Slates, and the peo ple, by setting aside their over whelming verdict and declaring r. k hayes president by the voi e ofpar- ti-an dvmai;oguisni, in thelaceo.l the o!' the niiL'htv voice ol the niassvs . .. . . .., . mi ;i . ir mi';, s who c leirinir It no's.ts with .unerring tinjrer to another era of blood. It had its birth in treachery, and its juggernaut car set in motion over a holocaust of human victims, and the red hand of war and its myrmidons has thus far perpetuated its exist ence. Itsjast and crowirng outrage has been the infamous majority of the Electoral Board, that has just con summated the Florida and Louisiana outrage . J II -I . i hat does all this fore- bode? Democrats cry peace htm! submission, the voice of honor and manhood .cries shuino. There may Ibis party was born in Mood, it j , ... .. . . .. Sec. 4. I he iusti'-es of the peace will die in a vort.-x of -arnage in ' .1 , . ,. , ' shall be ele'-ted bv the deneral As less than tour v&ars, the scenes that ; , . , 1 ...I . :sonllv. The tieneri.l Assembly, at were witnessed in hngland, hn - , , T ... , n i- . 1 . its present session shall elect three Kim -iinl I'.-ii-imurnt wa'ed war ' - , , .. 1 1 against eah other, will be seen 111 . , r, , . land. Our Cromwell is now a 1 this fiiU .frnuii mnn. nd will bend the . - r .. , t .,, ( ongiessional ( avahers. In. two- I UO 1 It ' ie Senate and House of to perpetuate his imperial pow- 1 " l8 us'.rpa , mav be peaceful, but it will end in j the horrors'of battle. The Demo- crals counsel submission now, but. The oj)ening of his usurpation J cvlj ! n re null- iir iln 11 in Ii tf I lift J ci o day, this irnublieaiiism will i ' i - - - - i s blood. The - t I'lcCtOril ! in ' in iuinn liia finlc flfdflVRrl. not ! ' ". . .. ,T , A , averted its iieatn. uaa u not oue been created, Mr. Tildcn would have been inaugurated next Monday, it mi 'hthavc been'at ths head ot 100,r 4T 000 armed Americans, and it might have been by battle, but why avert tho day of trouble. Better, a thouau 4 times better, se ouestion now. than in two or four ears, because a struggle must end j t,lCe pe;i(.e compromises are 1 . on!v averting the evil day. r. b. liayes. r.... i k iini.uiil on tli. ini t!iil that declare w nat ne is eaneti. Guilt, shamelessness and d'shonor. . i . i .. . i. i .-. . . . t ; . .. 1 1 . .1 areiracen in nis cououei., ruiuo, - orniptiiri and infamy was tht i that gave him the presiden-1 eptre.if he ev,:r wields it. and j - I tial ; three ji.di;es of he Supremo Court j of the United States ratified the act ,..mnntion of the forever - - . - doomed returning boards ol Florida Louisiana, that gave him title to the J" s d. rry. Let the names ol brad ley, strong tarn! miller ever be written with the irdtia's of contempt, and let the fet x.U galaxy headed by r. b. hayes :ni.i with chandler, morton, , . , , . ,. . eameri'ii. gai iieio, ueiingnuysen anu h ar. and tailed with the disiused '' ial'jH-vjurei-s, ro down through the long 4vista of futurity .buried in ...... .' i i ...i men oo ui''iMiiiai:'.;ij, uiiu v iieu thl i iiisinai uavs oi lueir uisirrace t- l n jl t ? ... .1 :..4-.. ..... are ended, then AI- ; mighty vengeance sternly waits to 1 mil ! 1 If there he hells, and the souls of peijur.'il jurists do not enter then, i then what need were there of hells. ( There is honor in submitting to ' imivrative whon it onlv r-t, ! I ------- - - , . . . , "hort abandonment of prnciple j whieh will soon bu Corrected lv - ... i ti'ne, l-nt iu this thing submission is .... .... .L i - - : i name il ie trick was well and keen- years more the Senate and House ot j cVVVSVuUiWv:, ,0 Democrat ic, :u ,vsi'1 iVc and r. b. haves, with the army of the;01 " " tK,s?-' ' United States to back him, will strive j -hall he electee ..... Uenil lv for the to perpetuate his imperial pow-i' . ly played, and a democratic' natioi ' said amen ! honor irroans, and sweats. ! and cries for shame ! - and justice j with her mantle robes herself, and ! dies! and ignominy reads tho last tw.n i.,..o t.., .i:!w.r, . tuv, .mu iutn "ei uiauwu- ored grave, and on her tombstone writes, murdered lv the ignominy riT tvt ii vii i ti ir wioi'i u riii'iiiirii mi in jj .o, j j . v v. j ..v. ,s " CMU.TY OOVERXjIEST. AN ACT TO ESTABLISH COVSTY GOV- ' ' . EKS STENTS. - The General Assembly Xorth Car oh' tin Jo enaet : - Section 1. lively county is a body" politic and corporate, and nhajl have the power rescribed 'by stxttue, and those necessarily inijdied I y lavv aiur no !her. ' . Sec. 2 In each county there shall Fe elected biennially, by the qualified tvters thereof, as n)vi!cd for the liiii.i Siirvevoi- niul in Kiicb counties j as the majority of the justices shall so direct, a Treasurer: Provided, however, That a majority of the jus tices may abolish tho office of the Treasurer, and thereupon the duties and liabilities now attached to the office shall devolve on tho sheriff ec. 3. The townshjps heretofore created or hercafterestablished shall be distinguished bv -well defined boundaries, and niay;be altered, and tilllilllOIIUI IVJ l llUIII.I ULillVU l IUS . . Board ot t.ounty Commissioners; but id township shall have. or exer cise any corporate powers whatever, unless allowed 'by Act of the Gen eral Assembly to be exercised under the suptf vimoh ot the Biajvi of iustit-ts ot the peace for each town -" shiiiinthe several' counties' of the 1 . . r,, . State', who si: ail be divided into three "classes, and hoi i their, offices ' 1. . u .1... . ,.t f..i ul V- i-.lOr l.JV '.CI IH I'l l, l'"ll ti4 ri.x ' y, lii the successors as its term expires, I by the General As- le term of six years. In addition to the justices of the I , ' bove provided for, there shall eeted by, tho Geneial Assembly h township in which any-city or incorporated town is situated, one :.....: ,fiU,.,w n cn nm ,r (J ' - ., I i I t . : . . . . m-. n .....tlC .11.11 1YlllOI.1I.ll.IU 1 II onu luuuoaiiu iimiuviiiiihd who shall hold their office for the terra of six years. . . . . to the clci ks of the Superior courts of the several counties in this .State a list of all justices of the peace elected for their several counties with tin terms f"i- which tin hu!i have e: appointed ai 'i t !ii- sittdi i he tl.ieir eoimnissioii ; and the ciei u of the .'iit'erior Court' Khali notify said justiies. td tieir ment j WilOSli:til theie:"OM le n : 11 K U lO I en ter u j-oi the di.t.i s oi their office j ,u pon taking letoie the s;V Clel'K the oath ol the office r ow prescn cd by law for justice's of the peace. But the terms ol thoe elected at the nresent -session ot the General As- semby shall begin at the expiration i of the terras tor which tlse justices ot the peace now in office have been, elected, and not before. See.. ?;. The justices of the peace for each county, on the tirst' Mon day in August, 1S7S, and on the first Monday in August every nvo years then after, sball assemblp. at the Couithouse of their respective coun ties, and a majority- being present, shall proceed to the election j of not less 'than three, nor more than five persons, to be chosen from the body of the county, (including the justices of the peace,) who shall be styied the. Board of Commissioners for the countv nt- :, ami shall hold their ' offices for ".wo rears, from the dater of their qualitication' and unjil then successors shall be elected anil qual ified. But those elected on. the first Monday in august, snau emei . - . t II A. - f upon inoouiieso. me.r .nee .m...c- diately upon tne expiration oi- iae - - term lor which the Board of County commissioners now in 'office, .have ; j ' . . . h.-en eleetei . and i,(,t before. : I liev ; .- , i shali be qualified by taking the oath j t .rfice before the Clerk ol the Su- i . - . . -. t perior Court, or some judge..; or j . . . ....j - . . k. . a t.ce of the peace, as now i rest-rned y law, and the Register of Deeds dial! be ex officio Clerk of the Board of Commissioners : Provided, how ever, That the Board of Commission ers shall not have "power to levy taxes to pvtrchase real proper :y. to removi; or designate new sites for county buildings, to contract yor re pair bridges, the cost of which may exceed nvo hundred dollars, or to borrow money, for the county, nor alter Or make additional townships without the concurrence of a majori t "of the justice of the peace of the county shall meet with the Board of Commissioners on the first-Mouday in August, lS78,"and annually th6re: after, unless 'oflencr convened' by the Board of Commissioners who are hereby empowered to call together the justices of the peace when, nec essary, not oflener than oice in three inonths. But for such services the justices of the peace shall receive no confpensation. - Sec. C. The board of commissioners so elected shall have and exci'cise the jurisdiction and powers vested in the board of commissioners now ex isting, and also of trustees of the sev eral townships, except ts may hcie aftcr be prescribed by law; and they shall hold their session as may be prescribed by law. Sec. 7. All the provisions of ir tich 7 of the Constitution inconsistent with the act, except those contained in section 7 and 9 and 13, are hereby abrogated, and the provisions of this act substituted in their place :j Sub ject, hoiceier, to the power of the Gen eral Assembly to alter, ahiend, or abiogate the provisions of ibis act, and to substitute others in their stead, as provided for in sect on -14 of article VII of the Constitution. Sec. S. This act shall take from and alter its ratification effect Turkisli War Items. i London, Feb. 28-. A dispatch to the Pall Mall Gazette from Berlin! says : It is believed here that the Russian arm will shoTtly be demobilized. Loid Derby's suggestion- I hat a 3ar's time be granted the Porte to prove the sincerity of its promises of reform meets with increasing la voi. The general aspect of affairs is decidedly pcacable. , The state ment that Russia is pressing for an answer to Prince Gortschakol (Hilar is without foundation. "s cir The powers appear on the contrary to h.tve pohtponed their replies with her approval.' The Czar's government-is believed to be of. the opin ion that after the issue df the circu Imi an uiilkvorable reply 'froin anv of the powers would recur to compel it to a course of action, which . might to l e now be prudent and it is sa.idj desirous of com;ri'' to a resoluli "ii unlettered by such cotisidera hi:. Davidson Coli.kge Pn-ri FOK t 'OMMKNCEMKNT. The X erury societies ot Davidson uiv n aking reparatio,i s I'H f h'-;r an o uai unnmuiu-uiuu in ..... ... ' . ' of Elections held at recent meet ine lo si;en Lies iin jej-resvujw.ii -. and marshals, resulted as iblious: Jlepreseiitatives of the JJw Society IJ. A. Iajisley, Ah' II, W.,.Malloy, Norih- Caro.i P. Ramsay, Alabama. tnenean I ama ; iU F. Jicpfcsenfatives of-the Philanthropic Society J. A. Hodges, North Caro lina ; J. T. Mm phy, North Carolina; W. 11. Xeel, Xorth Carol inu Marshals Chief, Vs., C. Georgia. 'ease, EutncneanJ . W. Toi 0., J - r M. Moore, Tenn ; T. G. Hard D. C. Mebane, X. C. e. ia - Philanthropic V. W. Moore, X C, J. V. Osborne, X. P. M. . ' ... , ,T -n Brown, N. C, W . J. Bmghani, N. C. i ' ' ' j 7 Lhariuttc Observer. About twenty JIaduals 'frtanv the j South recently met in Wash:nt m with a view of strenirthening Hayes M. the South. It was agreed that in the distribution of offices in th e South it should be 'lec'ornmendvd to Gov. Hayes to select men-iij whom" i t 11 li i,;e j.eoj ie coma course as lUwitiru-u j wun uiem, any as men or character . anu nonesiy. - h was fur as one essenli th'er determined that, i hi fit ? 1 in r. y ii t: 1 t 1 1 1 - i - I huii linr un of an admin hfctrat on n . . - . r i parly in the South composed in part of the nropert v and inteliirence . - . " . ' ! T. j ip.jri ilia rci inin, eai pui-uag- . . ........ . t 4 : . ,i . . n u. . . ...... . gciii must lo ign i d." -Tried in Court. August Christman's Courtship on the Ocean and his Inconstancy Ashore. ' New York Sun. In the Essex Market Court yesterday Emma Meyer arraigned August Christman, a fresh-faced young man of twenty, for breach of promise. They met on the er Suavia, from Hamburg, and on steam a two days' acquaintance became matrimonially engaged.; On arriving in this city, last Friday, they went to the Park Ilotel, Ho boken, and registered as husband and wife. Neither could speak English. Oa Saturday, when the trunks arrived from the vessel, Ghristman sent his to 88 Second Avenue, where he had a quaintances, ard soon went there himself. Emma, suspecting treachery, had him arrested. Justice. Murray asked Christman whether '' he wished to Emma. marry . 'Nein,' said Christman. j 'You just hold your tongue,' said the young woman, in German. I . . vt....v .. v........ v.. ........ .j . Did 3'ou not tell the passengers that you were g"ii g to jnarry her, and did "you nt pledge yourself to the lady to that effect? asked the Justice. i' Yes,' said August. 'Do you then wish to break your faith, honorably plighted ?' ' Nein.' ' i i' t Will you then be married to her right off, here ?' - ! August assented. ? ,Tnen go into the next room, and 1:11 marry you. 1 " The girl tripped into the room delighted, but the man was less frolicsome. But said Yaw,' without understanding a word of .what was asked, and the kuot was tied. An order to August by the Justice to kiss his wife was interpreted, and complied, with. Tliesntrsfactio'n of the girl on being assured that she was married was shown by frisky movements and broad smiles. The pair are well educated. Programme for the 4th of March. Washington correspondence of the Phila delphia North American, says : President Hayes and his wife and son and two daugh ters will arrive here on Thursday, March 1, leaving Columbus on Wednesday, February 28. His resignation as Governor of Ohio will be promulgated n next Tuesday, Feb ruary 27 He, with his family, wilt sojourn at Willard's Hotel, now kept Colonel Cake. There are two parlors and five chambers, as a complete suit pf rooms, noWjbeing pre pared and furnished for tnis purpose by Col. Cake. To these, will be added a, private dininr room. President Haves will call on President Grant on Friday moVqing, tho 2nd of March, to pay his respects jand ar range for the proceeding of the injaugurar tion on the succeeding Monday, j As the 2nd of March will be the lait Cabinet meet ing day the members of President, Grant Sl Cabinet will be officially and formally pre sented to President Haves. f The Southern ;1Iayes Movement. The Washington correspondent ofthet. Lruis Republican (Democratic,) on Friday telegraphed to his paper as follows : .'Evi dences have accumulated to-night that the movement todmw th Southern Democrats over to the Ropublican pmrty will nowibe pressed with the utmost possible vigor. It comes from a trustworthy jliepublican source that it is definitely settled that a prominent feature in the new policy of that party will be this effort to conciliate the South. On the other hand, . it is easy -to see that there are many. Southern Democrats in to than '-ready t meft---jthis' niovement -half way It-is not; yet .jtime to mention narn'-s, but it may be sail that a goodly number of prominent Southern members i-nre niarked men already, while not a few of i .them have come boldly out of cover. The movement will not take shape, of course, unal after Hayes, is seated, but after that it will not be long in being brought forward in fuU fonn.' . , . ! - , - -- ! Fatal Firk iv Gaston. Mrs. Francis Tisdal, aged 70iears, inula widow, wjiile alone in the hou.-e of her son and da lighter near Cherry vi-lle, Gaston cunty, was burnt to death on the 19ih of ?Vlruary. Mrs. Tisdal has been subject for-pome tone-mice, to something like fits, and it ;ahought the fainted and tell into the fire, which con sumed her. The body was di-tcovered by Mrs. lteynold,a neighbor, who was making and dropped in to see Mrs. Tisdal, when upon entering the house one of tin most shocking and heart rending sj.e.--tacles. presented itself. There, lying in the tire was the aired ladv burnt almost" into crisp, and still being consumed, the blaze V- -i ,Z r w " reaching almott to the ceiling above. All I o! the fit.:'u was burned from the trunk save la little on, one leg, from the khee to the foit. The skeleton was burned into a coal, 'd scarcely recognizable as that of a hu- raaa rotn. Iincoln Progress. A bill to aulhoiize the commis- I sioners of Cabarrus county to levy a ! special tax was taken . up as unfin- ; j j i,usill,S:j oi Saturday, hv the - aousc cf Uepivsentatives aud out lipon iuecond readiio The yea and nays were called, and the bill passed. by a vote of 85 yeas;' 1 nay. ' iiomu ummTma., onprororiw t .a . . i. i . ij ' i . ; i-d one of the medal. which he jreenU to i lhoe who gallantly save life to be sent to i ' M'coun. de Gontaut 15iron, the French intjassa- aJor at Berlin, who imperilled hU liie by stopping a runaway horse. MR. (ItAtVI'OKI)'S HILL. ; i- I . mm A Bill to be. Entitled An Act to Amrn I ' Section 2. Article G, of the Cnti. tut ton of Xorth Carolina. The General Assembly of Sorth Ct r- lina do. enact. three fifths of All the members of each House coneurtinj) t That section 2, of article G. of the Constitution be amended to read 'as follows : Section 1. It shall bo tho d;Uy of tho General Assembly to provide from ti mo to time for tho registra tiwofttll electors, and no person sballjbe allowed -'to x-oto vjithout registration, or to register unless ho shall exhibit to tho register a l eceipt showing that such erson Irvs paid a poll-tax for tho preceding year (if liable for sach tax, and not.oxempt by the commissioners on account of poverty and .infirmity.) Sec.. 2. That this ar , i i i to bo submitted to. 'the qualified -ojcrs of the Stato at tho next regular elec tion for members of'thc General As sembly, -and said election shall bo conducted in the same manner rnd under the sanao rules in all rop?l as are, required for the election for members of tho General A3tmbly. See. 3. That tho shor t! bf tho State shall certify Uio results of the election, and transmit by mail tho returns to tho Governor of thojStnte, at Balcigh, within 20 days after the holding of said election, and it shall bo tho duty of the Governor 6n the first Monday in December next, after rsa'd cleoction, in tho prsoncc of tl 10 Secretary of State, Treasurer and Auditor, to compare, tho votes for and against a ratification o ' paid amendments, and if it shall t ppear that a majority of the votes are in favor of said arpendments. ho shall j ( i ' forthwith issue (lis proclamation an nouncing tho rcjsult, and the cupott the Governor shall cause to jbo en. dorsed on said amendment a Lerlifi cate under his' signal uro, declaring that said amendment has bee i rati, tied by the people of North Carolina. The Secretary of Stato shal coun tersign the said certificate and annex thereto the Great Seal of the State, and said amendment so enrolled, with tiio certificate a foresail jj shall be forever kept among tho archives of tho Stato in tho office of the Sec retary aforesaid. . L Seci 4. This act shal! tako efTjct from arid after its ratification " Petitions from tiif. SciiooLiinu.s. A portion of tho young ladies of one of tho educational institutions ot tho' city have placed i ri tho bauds of ii bachelor Senator a petition pray ing that tho law givers of pTrlh Carolina enact a law by which, a a' you 1 lady can get possession of her paint brushes when shq ,'hoci them in the hands of a sister urtit. Also a petition for a law making it a .misdemeanor to wash a pai'itibruHh in a basin in one mile of the ijititu. Hon Irom which these, petition" came. The petitions will be rieeeiv ed, lead ar d referred to tho coin nit- tee, on Education. NVkv. 1Tk. Tilden's Position. it is ait- Ihoritatively stated that Mr. Tildeti : neither advocated the appointment of un Electoral Conmission, ii rdocs he indofse the co:irsetof the weak kneed democrats who are di-posed to abandon their present righ i. Ho has not advised in these matters, be cause; he believe it woSuld havl- been, an insult totth'e Democrats w li tu. ported him, arid, to those congress, men,; to have even intiiiiated that their: inteligcnec was not .equal to their duties under the circumstance's ' and that they did not khow b had I ' ' beep ll'airl)' elected by the pe jile. Washington Union... Though Hrotlrer llayei jii tt Mi'tb'Klit and doesn't believe iu lent, we advice liiin to devote the tifne betwetn now nti.l ,th 4th- ol March to fasting and prayer. cannot, it i. true, thin nUne for tl e fraud which1 puis, hi th inthe "White Hoiimj th only way to do that is toTtfiiMp to t. ike tlm stolen' god but h tnay chantn h pirit tliat it shall the better endure tliie -.ecu- liar .trial which niuht Ik-sc-1 the pith of a Frau4uU-nt President. Pi member that in the las t elec- !- -r.n ri. lion the white citizens: of this try gave Samuel J. Tildkn a ma- jority of ono million votes., AM yet there aro fools! who jupposd that Jlutherford B. Hayes tan get u'oug as a Fraudulent I Presi lent. 'i ! 1 My'' i . i