IHECOIllDpiSnR. "MuWrlplloa Kate: h Year. : : ; - c Mi.atlv. ? : : ir ilnoUa, : ; : . rj b. : J n, urn- .r iUkl)T in r ililrTielfT5STt, I he 1 10 1 VOL IH j . COftCORD, NORTH CAROLINA SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20. 1877. ADVERTISING IIATKS: ' MMtn Hn,'firstlaart"nf t !. Court ordfln. six wnk tr. . fnt..... Notice., four wek., $5; AdmUiMraW Notices, ix wockt, $3.60 in Jv.k. Transient sriveiiiMraent tiaval,! in .' ranee; yearly advertisement .mvR' terly ia advance. i 7 Marriacrea and deaths will vJ !.,. 1 free: but obituaries will b charil t ,., v u nuu a line. NO. 28. The Reciter guarantees the laret , n . Iation of any paper published in tbe count KEEPS' SHIRTS FOR SALE . p. a Sl-trt A rra'.d it. ry I i r lie til " ilr qvt I t feS WAMSUTTA kV J I. , OXTItOL! ?-ri 41 . . - 1 I President Hayes has pretended : perfect indifterenco in regard to the Ohio election, hut in reality, is sadly mortificd. Ho has always been du bious of the stability of his official tit up to the end of tfce fiscal year the 30 of Juno last. V Part of the building of the Interior Department was" destroyed by fire on the 24th of lat month. Some itle. He continually dread an cx- j temporary repairs hive been made, ' and of the dangers whic iOe of tbc Louisiana iniquity. He for which application for appropria- j threatened us. lion win oe transmuted to Congress methods, for the general public wel fare: and it should be ydur sacrek duty to provide legislation 'which will render impossible a repetition of the wrongs which have occurred hich have po ngiced to recognize Nieholls, pro video lucre should be no prosecu tions of Returning Boards, but still a a ' bo does not feci 'secure, lie com plains bitterly of the bard things the Democratic speakers say now ir the jubilee f victor', and especially at being railed a fraud and a usurper, and with u whine that is full of Cannons Fetzcr & WaclMVorth. rJ; sJiame and remorse, ho declares that it is a poor return for what he has done for the Southern people. His Fraudulent- has got to fully HARDWARE ! LOWER Til AX JJVfEU!! WILL. M: SMITH, ATTOliXKY AT LAW, ; VTTI.Nl in lr 'ii t.Cirt in AUe marlc, Srnly nunty, tVnrord, Cbr- j rii . - - - j .Mnrr, Cr.iuo tuui.tv, .a'.ULurjr, liin ; r:'.!r. 5IJ ize what usurpers, in every coun try in all ages of the world, have had to realize, that bard it is to wear the crown that is gotten only a the re ward of criminal wickedness. IItKSIDKXTS M ESSAGK TO Till: XTIM h- U' J r. ( f r"n. r.l m m. m. nirr, wm. n: bailkt, VM. .f rVERITT. ,:vtt. -'I trU u7;CU DD. Rfl I FY & tVclilTT- !. N-n t. r ATTOIiNKYS AT. LAW, rox oo n i. x. c .! CIIKAPK!: ; aArTii .-irt tlt Stteiri l Federal Court Wr .'u!4 r- ! ('tink , ,.!!. , in evrr f art of the .tate it su v. ki. it us. ii:ks .-IliiVK!-'. i:i:ir.fKi:s i!.::iu.w:r; NOTICE. At f Ji. ition will fh maJr nt the office of Xh- N"-rth Cr.t!t !:iiiln-i Com puny in r. , a. . t.:t : i m inn1 i r iue or a .Ji Si f..e.f rriili- '- N'i. dated Julr I'h. I7. f r I:re of Hck in aid Thi a g;" 1 BOTTOM PRICES. f !U. ry. I!. 'r.lWine lojt -r mi- j tjon a j employment . and w dtr Srd -f Auyirt, lri77. ' lilt 13' ot oHict'th and m in srrcniofi cuu ifr. NVrch t"rl tirM 1 mJr. i K'i.H t'rcjv. 1. M. (-ics. et. l.t Ex- ltrtv. . Aijftiit nJ NAIL, t'l-r.l m;!I- IlM..rx- til!..f Jrn ....,..,. a. i'itiTL I Millar, ct. al.. Hvin at Jjhw ol ! CONCORD Ifiarbls "Works. .1.' " tr" ! r j.Iite t- f In tLi ca it aj'pearin? t the atifc faclioo f tl OKjrt. Hiat Cai.r Rurru. wife of BvirrV. Hdward Mill.-r, llorr Miller. Jua JlilW, Marv CIe. wife f - tX.U. MiJUr. ,IMr at Law of M'e nd Pilly Miliar, dfa-l, are nm ri.'mt tf tbu Stat', nd Klia Cre ard 1. M. (Vw,ct. al., ha'os: fill petition in th- atrTf entKlol cae akin fr di- -.!.- j ii..n of Urvt of In'l ti and Catrrin mai Urtif .r;us, t.llt.r.l TalVri Cr. the aid Chv .l .Wriuii.n. which - .r,.fM t S1 H-irm. Mwarl Miller. Jn Millar, ,trkatMCk hr U-.a t.tr-r.Mt ia tha H-nrr .1iller, Mary Cole ar. P.dly Mil 'v ,f th SxitVra mj -f.r. w lr iil take nitioe that unl5 theyapiar tl a rati irT ail f tH. d-itia t J at thi r.f!i -e of th Superior Court clerk t.- lrm a d UtiUr t t Jre j d aid cuntr within 21 day frotu the -. .. r upl. T Th ",-1 piratin of Ihi notice and answer r demur . r M m''n.i!. Y'i d w -ll t ' t ai.l j iti-n the relief prayed for wUl - a a ctU :re rurwLiti vU'h' tr, , h rranfst. Thithe 4th of iptbvr, 1877. . mn t..!l at i.nt.- ut th-ti-r.. . ' JTWt JAS. C. til B?ON, C. s. C. .tr rtr t t: t.n."r aW pay. J I (r jj l rfnn! ! u'a' n f ' , t r.orwhi h - arttl a-ft'l any I'lTirE ENER.I. 'I I I.RI r(TF.M't-T, ........... . . - - - , . .. . -hf Iron . iiiiHKf ! r . on an aft.r SCXDAV. the 17th in't.. train will run over thi Hail wiv n follows ;..- . A l"-?i ?."'" r..' rit Ion ; . I" lit". ui-'.rv L . t. w -! :r :-S ' ft- . . i SIN II A It T ilttV. I PASSKNtiKII and MAIL KXPUKS8. . . " .-ii r I. N. t ljrx- Vilini"trton at . Arrite at Cl.arltto at ni'i.i,- sc tni:y, ti.N i2f ii.mr.i.iMii i. ' "m-!- .."r m itr!-r. th-. '. : . .... li ... k ... f . I r.o A M oo P M Arrive at Sht thv at 11 lr A M f UatMi-lhv at I .an p M !-t Ciitrl.-tteAl fi.'.D A M Armrat U iliiun-.-tn at fi.Lt) P M I IWv exifpt Sun lav. j " V. 'I JHONSTOX, ' ?tf (Ienral Suiierintendcnt SPECIAL 15AHGAINS -IN- F A L L 0 0 0:D 8 ! on ntti : iv,-i nil I III) !:. i:--n Cor. l,,.M j , . A I UU f 1 Urruif. II. U i. f -rr s-n h Hoover 5c Lore ! '..... i ... -.- ! CALCASII 144 r I rn. wtk l I.I U- lanl(J i..re etw Ul . tvjr all our friendi and f a- kr 11 u in h rl t-ic-'thr. S-t I r iri. Lt.S(-oril. Ac . Ilrirtrnr Cab. or w POULTRY i!i:.nirn. in; is goods f-e Ij-, and Mi. wear. . rf-r I -itf.e lar-eSt.vk t f t;-nt and Vonth 1 manT renan i 1 1 nn In ... ur t lij. EGGS. -.7. I -MAllK FALL CI.OTIUMi PflllC wi,,rb rrinot5tl!J instvleorMalitr, uArilt.1 We and ce the NEW BARBERS' FIR.M. PilK uo Wu-n! h ihi. ,!;IV f..rn4sj I t artar.- p un4r irw fir,,; nmfti. Great Bargains we can otTer vou ia a of D JtTO JL JoiiNsruN. for! LAR,E sTtlK OK NET GOO D5 ' an iu rar;, fir- at th .,M Tara STAPLE DliY GOOrS, WHITK GOODS, . nd NOTIONS. GKNTS and YOUTHS 1 v i.v . ' rv. Tl, r, mtmVln of ' ",U:B t the ,1:;.. f H an l ,u H !,l,.a4uu 6tvrp v tttH;d. im io-lin. tU ol t 1 '-hnud IUl.ny.t. t.;...nUirCuttine ,7t Av-Ft!TRUNKS, VALISES. &0. . ' . 1 'rr.an ariit ' I t L l..llv...... I HATS Si CAPS Executive Mansion. ) Washington, D. C, Oct. 1G. 1877. j Ftllow Citizens of the Senate and House of IirpnsentativtM : The adjournment ot the last Con rres, without makinappropriation for the support of the army for the present fiscal year, La rendered nec-ts-arya HiigpeiiMion of payments to the ffficersand men of uniA due them 1 lorervi-es re tide rod after the CiOth day of June last. The dimy c.int !y virtue of Htaltite which proecrihe its ; umbers, regulate it? or-juniza- hieh tix men, ana declare their right to receive the mi me at htated pYriods. These stat ute?, howover,.do not aathorize the pa'ment of troopn in the absence oT fpeeiti'; appropriations theietor. The constitution bar winely provid ed that "no motiuy ahall he drawn from tho treaaury but in iouic(jii, of appropriations made ly law," and it hat u!m been declared by etutuie ttiai "ttxr tieji"" 1. . , m.nt shall expend, in one fiscal year, a iutn in exec of the appropriation made by Congress for that fiscal year." We have, therefore, an army in eervice, authorized by law and en titled to be paid, but no funds avail able for that puiM.se. It may also be said, as an additional incentive to prompt action by Congress, that since the commencement f the fis cal year the army, though without pav; has been coiitantly and active ly employed in arduous ami danger ouh hcrvice. in the i rt'orinam-e of which b.ith oMi'-er and men have j ili-cbared tlien: duty with tnlHity ;iinl loiir.ie, and without complaint. f Tln se n uiii lances, in my jmlr-iiii-nl. coiitil ile an extraordinary iNTiiMon, requiring 1 barl'ouress be convened iu advance A the time picM-rifed by law tor your meeting in r'j;ular sei'm. The PrcHdeiil here sucstfv ' the propriety of makino; the apprpriu tion necessary to pay and maintain the armv at its maximii'n niimbtr, L'5.0lM. Then, in t lie event of 11 re duction of the army by subsequent Ivji.-lalion during the fical year, the excess of the appropriation timid . imt be expended ; and in the event of its enlarmeiit, an additional sum, required lor the payment of an extra force, could be provided in due time, without doin: i njusTice- to tbc sol dier now in service, by withholding their pay, now more than due, or compelling new recruits to await appropriations of a future Congress. Kstimales of the appropriations for the support of the military ea tabb'shmenl for f he fiscal year, end ing June 30. 1378, require tho amount ot $32,436,764.98, and have been transmitted to both houses of Con gress and are mibmitted for your consideration. Thero is also required by the Na vy Department $2,003,861.27. This, 8L446.6S8.16 is due to officers and j enlisted men for the last quarter of 1 immediately. The Secretray of. the Treasury will communicate to Con gress estimates for Much other defi ciencies in the public service as re quire immediate action, and cannot be postponed until the, regular ses sion other than the army and navv appropriations The President suggests the pro priety of adopting 'at the present session, necessary legislation to ena ble the people of the United States to participate in the advantages of the international exhibition of agri culture, industry .and fine arts, which is to be held at Paris in 1878, and in which this government has been invited by the government of France to take part. The government of Sweden .and Norway has addressed an official in vitation to this government to take part in the International prison Con gress to be held at Stockholm next year. Aue probiorn which the Con gress propose? lo study, to wit : bow to diminish crime, is one in whic h all civilized nations have an interest in common, and be Congress of Stockholm peems likdy to prove the most importatitlconvention ever held for the study of tl is grave ques tion. Under the authority of ajoint resolution of Congress, approved February 16tb, 1875, a commissioner was appointed by my predecessor tq represent the United States upon that occasion, and the Prison Con-, gresa having been, at the earnest de sire of the Sweedish government. postponed to 1878, his commissiom was renewed by uief An.appropria tion of SS,000 wub made in tbe dun- fame) M Conly, of Ohio to the 11a- 4I assure you I will take no step backward in the work of retrench ment and reform so -auspiciously bet gun by the last .House, unjder a ma ture and definite plan of reduction of the expenses ot the government. It is certain that a still greater reduc tion can be made without impairing the efficiency of the administrations To have an honest administration, it I : sian preparation for tbe winter cam- :: ri j i t .l ir t . . 1 e I . . wttimu isianu rt o uun ijangion, 01 paign. Vast fitorcn havo bVen laid. the District of Columbia to the Re- jn at depots along tbe ftads'but the public of Hayti. . W II Wheeler mad is friVhiful. On tho road two Collector of Interna Kevcnuo of the mUc south of the Siranitraf bridge. Fifth District of North Carolina. it takes eight horses and j twenty Forciirn News. t mcn poshing behind to get a light French Elections. Paris. Octo- waSon through. The railway from ber 15; 284 Kepubticans and 195 ratC8lu to b,.mn,la is progreing i ? j k Conservatives are elected out of 430 raP,u'J- larrondissements. In 11 ckses second A i imes special irom jtapia, statos ballotings will be necessary. The thal tbo Port9 bM cnirei intclli- ... - -' " I . . . . r . . result in 10 of these uj xpected to ffe,K'e lnal tne "unsians ; attacked be favorable to the conservatives. Pu,a"a anu Qvstroyea part ol ll U is considered probable that the new Chamber will consist of about town. .j i i : i 'ton Qt'n should bo frugal. Never liefore vus . J conserv- w.-ti. thi allves- idc Uuke Ue Uazis, Minister. ofl it. more urgent than now. general financial distress, and labor ' .if c ; A flr, t i j depressed, when the ?ron w II of hard t "tv' t'M- uaa tu"B," June term of . tbo criminal bourt ol pia-.O 01 Al Wilminwlon and aonlanrAd hv ill I in necessity darkens every house the land, extravagance on jtbe part of the people's servants would be an unpardonable crime.- It ;is partly because. this wholesome policy was so faithfully carried out that I am permitted to speak from tkis place! iTi ... . i i i j -iioping mat connuence ana re spect will subsist between the House and its presiding officer, Ij am now from Budget Theuiwrs in Ueueral .w. The Wilmini'ton Star vh that fl M Taylor, a native of Mecklenburg, who was convicted of forgery at tha T.. . C . i ?L' t- Wilmington, and sentenced by Hii Honor. Judi?e Afnareft 'ln mnfiH.i. . - i o 1 ment at hard Ubor. for eorht vim elected is ;n fK Slat P..n;ianf'.a... k.. ...... Robert Mitchell, arid among tbooLnUj :r-.: i ' r defeated are M De Maupas and Lu . . ni. . . I that institution, and is now at largo. Lefvre. ' Paris, October 16. Among prominent .Bonapartists Prince D'Arensburg Both parties are dissat sfied. South Carolina is steadily pursti- The new Chamber wil consist or1!1 wbo hftVe befn P,u'" aw.' (Applause.) Objections . were 330 republicans and. 210 conserva ready to take tbe oath prescribed by tive8v Witb r this strength it is thought-the conservatives can con made to the lro1 on compromise. X - i I m a. A . i. i4 ' swearing in of Cain and Rainev. of lUe reault ol tbe election is un South Caroliua, Darrell, Elam and known vet- Rappel claims that 524 Robertson, of Louisiana, and PaehsoU e,eetU)ns ,ve 17 seats to the re- ot California.- and these bembers ipuwicans ana ivt to the MacMabon- wero reouested to stand aside: All is,8 arjd that 10 second ballots will . . r . . . ., tho other members and delegates be required , , were then sworn in. The cVganiza- ;.-Seveial Republican papers speak tionot the House was completeo by ' the investigation the elections the election, in one resolution, nlust undergo in the Cbambei. The (fforge M. Adatr.s, of Kentucky, as Siecle urges the .Chamber to use uu- Cierk John G. Thompson, lof Ohid. sparing jusuce in turn respect. as sergeant-at-anns, John VV. Polk, INoon -Complete returns, except of Missouri, as doorkeeper, James M.J from tDe Colonies, show that 314 re. Stewart, of Virginia, as postmaster, publicans and 201 conservatives and Rev. Dr. John Poisel, 61 Mary-J nave Deen elected ; 14 second ballots tfnni"rii r the experscs of the' commission. I recommend tho re-appropriation oi i t h.Hli.".r? .rr 1 Un- "-nt P'i rpoae. toe former appropriation having ween covered into the treasury, and being no longer available for the purpose without laither action by Congress. As several aclsot Congress piovid ing for detached reports from differ ent departments of the government require their submission at the be riun'm'r of the rcularannual session, I defer until that time any further reference lo subjects of public interest. CO It ESSIOX A L. N EWS . e can Vu is?r f in ! ...- '. -I l .-1IJ. : ii , t- . J. K JtlllNXTUN'. I"15'- Ai.llrlUIALS PAUL B. MEAN.S A1T0RXEV AT LAW, I the fiscal year; $311,953,50 due for the support ot the foreign service; oflor rni tin createt bargain. ! 850,000 due to the Naval Hospital M.-k .,f Ld- j fund . $130i000 due for arrearages ito oflicer, and 545,219.58 for the Tt:iM.!lXt;s. W.. Ac. support of tbe marine corps. 1 here !.t:M Ka'l t ai.d iiLiuu- x.- will he needed an appropriation ol Organization of the House. SamOt'l J. Ranuall, of Pennsylva nia, received the nomination of Speaker of te House, by the Dem ocralic caucus, last week. Garfield, ot Ohio, was notninateu by the Radicals. :The only Senators absent were Morton, of Indiana, and McMillan, of Minnesota. Randall elected Speaker. Vote stood: Randall, 149; Garfield, 132. On taking the chair, Mr. Randall said : 'Gentlemen of the House of Repre sentaiives: Elevated, for the second time, by your generosity, to tbe ex: alted dinitj' of Speaker of the House, I thank yon with a grateful heart. I shall endeavor, with ven temper and rigid rmHss, to pertorm the duties of the office, and "respond adequately to the conSdcncc reposed in me by conforming my action to tbo clearly expressed will of the House. Fully realizing the delicacy and difficulty of the position, 1 so licit your advice and assistance, feel ing sure of your forbearance and in dulgence. We meet under circum stances imperiously demanding that all considerations of class, section or party shall be subordinated to tbe loftier and more patriotic duty of doing what is best for tbe whole country and all of its people. 'Since the adjournment, an admin istration has been inducted into of fice which is obeyed as tbe actual government, regardless of the grave events which marked it birth, and this House, animated by a spirit of land, as chaplain. Washington, October 16.4-It isas- be guided in their action President's nominations for isiana offices by the advice, of Sena- 0f the Chamber. tors Spo fiord and iSustis. It is ascer tained that these gentlemen have -It m . win De necessary. The conserva tives retain 14 seats of the 158- held truhl if ik in a lain V47 BAiita ai' tilA ihaii I ha I ' der of the day censuring dissolution the Lou- not yet made known their views. .London, Oct. 15. It It is nown thatthe President's nom- hB well intOrmedj circles inations cannot be eonfirmecj without Austria is addressing Turkey with Democratic votes, and in this view a view to negotiations for a speedy of the case it is expected that the peace. In this, however, the Em- President's Republican friends wjll peror; Francis Joseph, is alone, for favor the admission of Spotford and Germany and England have not yet Eustis. The situation is curiously made up their minds tcl aid in such complicated. It seenis certain that an effort. They are evidently wait' King must make himself acceptable jDg the result of the French elections to Spotford and Eustis to retain his which are to be held to morrow, and Tbe Eastern War. is tbe belief here that place. . ' 1 " I House. October 16. -The which mav affect the question of question European peace to a very great ex as to swearing in the two South tent. At present there Carolina members; Roiney ands('a is not a sin 1 I..L- - Li.. .... . n, gie.. government wmiciij oy un sym- occupied tne attention oi tue l'oiiw i'uh-i sihi,ou.i.h m ,,wi,v , nearly three hours, Cox, of New York, Bright, of Tennessee, and other Democrats arguing that tne ques tion shuld be. referred to he com mittee on Elections, as in the Ken. tucky cases some 3-ears aujrurated in France by the act of the 16th ot Mav. ! The special' correspondent Of the Nevv York Times, who is now with th Russian army betqre Plevna, is and the only representative Mills, of Texas, and Potter! of New can -Newspaper .now at the seat of York, with Banks and Butler, j of war. He sends n;ry discouraging Massachusetts and Hale, of Maine, accounts ot the condition of the ar-uin- that, inasmuch a Rainey Russian. troops, though he adds that of an Ameri- deringber. Nash, negro State Sen ator and ex-Presidential elector, ha confessed, made restitution, exposed his associates and resigned, j The North Carolina Annual Con ference, Methodist Church, will con vene in the town of Winnton on Wednosday, tho ' 14th of November, 1877. The snnual sermon will be preached by Rev. G A T Vrhitaker, on Thursday. ' ' t Tbe hog cholera and cattle dis temper are paid to be dealing death to large numbers of hogs and cattle near Oak Grove, Caldwell! county. Several farmers have lost their kill ing bogs and finest, milch cows and other stock.-StatcsvUU Landmark. -I Gear, the Republican candidal for Gov ernor in Iowa, haa only a plurality of id,. Onn .id im m'tlMm .ill ! and Cain presented a prima facie case they were entitled to be swrn in and then to have the W question er- IB of the val'dity of their rigl its re red to a committee. The House took tLe latter view, 181 to 88, and Rainey and Cain were accordingly sworn in. Tbe objection was withdrawn the case of Darrell, of Louisiana And he was sworn in. 1 Speaker Randall will announce committees Monday or Wednesday next. Reports as to their composi tion are. entirely speculative, j House, October 17. Messrs. Eiam and Robertson, Democrats from Lou isiana, were seated. , The vote stood, 144 to 119. These gentlemen t)ok the modified oatb.' Pacbso, Republican, of Califorbia, was also seated. The following are some of President's nominations : J 1 Harlan, Associate Justice United States Supreme Court Envoy Extra ordinary and Minister Plenipoten tiary lo Fiance, Edward F Ohio ; Jus Russell Lowell. the hi true patriotism, desiring first tbe j chusetts, to Spain ; John A Kasson, ; Staff", are still going commifrrioners. and marshals, and tor the rent of court rooms, support W Hilliard, of Georgia, '..j 1 it. .U t ahkh niu l. Mil.U jo,:')-, - ,n nftV attnrnevs. clerks. . tri f i . . 1 r j j . -.v:..,i,n r.S'?"; cheap for cash U lth., C'. I.t r. t t l ... ' : :.tt llooVEIl A l.oi:: 1 id" prisoners, and other deficiencies, vancemcnt of all cuiistitulioual of Maine, to Swedeh and . 4 ii-nti.-n n. t vii .. m tU .U.iruar. IP public tranquility under the law, will of Iowa, to Austria ; Thomas A! Os . . : ill x t- .1 -11 . riL frankly approve any tmcere. anu oorne, 01 lvansas, 10 du permanent policy looking to the complete performance and the ad- be finds them in much better condi tion than bo was led to believe they were when he was t Bucharest. The stale of the fielc hospitals, is reported as particularly distressing. Up to the end of September the total Russian dead is said to have reached at least 47,000 men airmany as tbe Germans lost in tbe Franco Prussian war. The sick, wounded, and dead since the passage of the Danubo number not less than' 75,000. At the present moment the discontent in Rou mania is quite narked. Tu8 Roumanian press are clamoring for the withdrawal of tha t principality from the war. The people are jost how finding out that over one third of the Roumanian arnvy ba been placed hors-'-du combat in tbe battles in front of Plevna, and the greatest grief and .consternation have pre vailed since the actual truth, leaked out. In the meantime the Russians are concentrating a heavy force near the Lorn, where an attack from Su- laat year's votefor Preaident. . j Gen'l Geo - Pop telegrapha: "ft difl. cultiea at El Paaso and San Elitera, are . t m entirely between citizena of tha Suta uf Teaaa Mexican and Americana and 1 bare inetracted Lieutenant Kuckar not to interfere with tbm, except to prtvent In roaa from tbe Mexican aide." Tbe Lenoir' Topic baa diacardod Ita i n- . tent outside'. and baa entered upon ita third !' volume. It it a good paper, and la pub lished at $1 a year 1 After the recent cyclone in tie Gulf of Mexico .tbe beacb near GalveeMn, Texan, was strewn with human bonee waanedup bv tbe waves, and supioeed to be tbe remain of the persons lost wijtb tlM City! of Waco 1 Extensive Dreoarations are makine in Chicago for -grand exhibition pf Ameri can and Canadian dairy products, to be belJ inthat cuy in icemor. rrizeain money amounting to seteral tb usand dollars nil. be given for the best butter, cheese, dairy implements, cooperage, architectural le signs of cheese factory and dairy? building, cattle barns, &c. Invitations will be as tended to all dairy organizatiina in ti c States and Cunoda to tend delegates. A: Yoiiiik War In the Kontls 9Iountiin f4rctton t From the Asbville Cititen. The Revenuer in tho Burke so? tion are finding plenty of work to do. On the 2J inst. Deputy Collector Gillespie, accompanied' by Deputy Marshals James and Manly McDow. ell, and three Patterson boys, made a descent on the Yorks. '"hey cap tured Nicholas and Piukney York, anal a man rained Hoy 1I nd two others, destroyed about 20iogahcadt of beer and 50 gallons ofj whiskey, and brought out two stills and two barrels ot brandy. Tbe blockaders took a stand on the road undercover and as Gillespie and his party passed a fire was opened on them and for a little while a war was waged on both sides, resulting in Gillespie receiving a flesh wound in the shoulder. Bui two of Ihe atta k'ng pay were recognized, old Jim York and hit son Harvey. The ' revenue held on to their property and. their pris oners, bringing thera into Morgan, ton. .Nicholas and Pinkney York and Hoyle were lodged) in j"ail to await trial, tbe other two prisoners being turned loose. ' Ho 1 tor Texas, but before we go let u fiance at our list of indispensiblee. We leiman Pasha U looked for. The 1 mU3t 0fcoire, have tbe cash to-defray or Nojes, of! siege operations uhder direction ol expenses, a clean birt, comb and bru-b, and of Massa-! Gen. Todleben, the new Chief oi a picture ci ine g.ri we iu.nu ,v .PTMinil llev ; if we are not irte iroin innigefn. nari- minister residents Job Henry Brazil ; t Sven !na in spite of the wintry weather which has already set in London, October 10. The eorres- burn, Nervous IX-bility, :our Piunmr d, Torpid Liver, &o., certainly we nmt carry along a package of Portallne, or Tatl'-r a Vegetable Liver Powder, which cost only pondent of tbe Ti Norjyay j gives a favorable account of khe Ru- Jrug Store. es at Sistova f -fr cents. -'For sale nt John Y Mwrri.ii'4.

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