! . "- . - 1 " . -7- . " - ' f- " - ' 1 ' ' . . - - - . - - , ... - ' . 1 ' . . . . . . . ! ADVERTISING RATES: '- " fl;I-iii Rates : 4 One Yew, ,: Hix Months, ; Thre Month. Ten copiw,eacb,j r, each, v 75 "60 1 4Q 125 Twenty copies nnd onj.Jj .a. Tkfe terms are stricUy casn in r,w iruin petting P M " I 3 I ' ! ' II": I 1 hi .' I I i I - ff - V- - I I I 1 X . I i i 1 II II 1 I III 1 I ' i I j - mm. mm m -, m - : -. a - -mm " -v x i mm i Square, often linos,flr8tinertien, fl.O Each 8ubequeat insertion, 1 b iurt ordr, sj x weeks, (6 ; ... MagistriA KoUce, four week, $5; Administrator polices, bix ire! 3.50 in ad to net CLIP i It .11 II -X A n vancet Yearly adferti.mMta r.lA nw . erly in ,JTance: - " . VOL. 111 J I r , ! liirni Mil i NEW I CONCORD.). NORTH CAROLINA;- BllIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15; 1882r" 'i ' ' "!N0 '24 Wi"lti..wu;ircu. ATawiagM Vwid eathi will U inserted free obituaries will t charged fot uo ri.B oi o conn a line. uu nun uuru r?" AND , GIGANTIC CGLO i a Oriental Circus, Egyptian Cariavan and Uhiversa Expdisijtipn of Living VVbn Positivelyjcoming, and illexbibjtjn.'Jall its vast? entirety at; D 50 BLAZONED CAGES Positively the largest collection of extremely i rare wiiu animais avud anv exniunioif usi this continent. The largesl living WHITE! NILE HIPPO POT AM US Ever imported-r-a huge ShUmhSiiig Ri ver Horselp tne; -terror ol all; aurian ciaimeu oy many Theologians to ue identical witn tne isene- rnoth ot the lsiule. I I i:t PAIR OF MAJESTIC GIRAFFES, Br'okcnltd liar ness and. drawi ng Rom:ati chariots YOU J 1J - , ........... . . . .:. , - .. , - !: - . . . SEE TITEaHE '..a deS ! ': ,.;;-;v.; -.'. ': IN MOIiS EIQnXY TQNS OF KDTJUATEl)i FiESII. ALt REPRESENTING laERlD OP PERF0RL1ING ELEPHANTS, JfeJISfiilii INCLUDING TWICE THE LARGEST ANIMAL KNOWN TO EXIST.vTflElvOlOui L vfS V ; "' ":-: ULD INDIA WAR ELEPHANT. ; t ; , T. V." i .53" kV gSeveral inches taller and the lieayicstianimal fcH ever on tliis uhtinent, said to be over 200 Clears age-:,;'A IsoV thc Miti'G ET. - ' o "LITTLE DOT V THRICE THE SMALLEST FULL GROWN ELEPHANT KVKRSKKN. . - ihe only animal qi its kind ever on exhibition in this or any other country.. T A .TJT-T rYTTQ Q 3 OL AK'5IFML NEVER BEFORE EKH3BITED IN AMERICA. THE FIRST AfJD OLY H0GIP0TIL1US EVER EXIIIBILED ON TBIS' "CONTINENT. THE ONLY GENUINE HORNKM.y.OHSE. . . V .." .... V( ) AAA I i i t-5 Hi Hi V ' r I H : - : . V . I K I lie imiam v oossus, i ynocepnani, me riye- i on renorming i i ;:Aft J I 14 -$ BlacSi Khinorerosvand Arctic Aqnarium of Polar Mammoths.: -.VWf " 1 ;i A 6uH .never before witnessed, with any other show. 'ttf$M&$ on eaH h. Klks dri ven (endem iiivthetreetCW brom eda r ies, Zebras tra i ned .fc;-p'erbirm'. i iicred ib!e.: feaf s,; Xari -ahdfc t . iM; hnrdleiracsng reindeer, a gigantic riding (;yu6cepha:lus, perform ing dens of II verms, a school of learned seals, performing den of f fourteen performing Kentuc y Thoroughbreds, the largest , iiimoer pl( ipe laosi oeauiiiua anu ucm iiaiueu uoises in me worm and more than a whole show alone. THIRTY PABIAN uAiELS, A COMPLETE AP EKHAOSTSVE OOLLEGTIOfJ OF LIVSfJG ZOOLOGICAL VOHDERS. You will see Willis ( . -;:'?riL W4J7 . 'obb's original and only miniature' circus of Uogs, Goats and Monkeys. 6 complete circus companies combined, EMPLOYING OVER ONE HUNDRED EAMO.US CHIEFS, ; TWENTY DOUBLE SOMERSAULT LEAPERS, LED BY THE ACKNOW LEDGED CHAMPION OF THE ENTIRE WORLD, JAMES QUI GLEY AND WILLIAM BATCHELOK S10.000 Challenge Their Equal is not to Be Found. ! DliampioiiiIBaFebacl IHlMerSj S Headed ;by Miss YIOLi RIVERS, Miss JENNIE EVERS, Mr. OBRLV UOJAaIS and CHARLES EWERS. The Champion two, four and six horse rjders of the old and new world. . THE ONLY INIMITABLE IDALETTA AND WALLACE, ''' . ' v . . n-nr-m LOW COIMTEilDir " BK,XJ3STO."l Aerial Bycyclists of the Nineteenth Century, whose wonderful performances on the Invisible Wire 60 feet in the air, holds thousands of people in breathless suspense, 1: Headed by the great Laugh-makers AYMAR BROTHERS; . ? rttt am ATI RTIIi- ix OPERATION OUTSIDE, FREE TO ALL. THE SBIEK'S RETURN FROM CONQUEST. QtAR. TROF AMILLl SUPERB MARTIAL MUSICAL BRIGADES. THE HEW.tV vTaThIn TEAM BAD A .VOICED JUBILEE CHORUS, ALWAYS EXHIBITING JUST WHAT IT ; ' ' , ... . 7 . .. ADVERTISES.. ...... . . ': ' , CILEAPJELSCUJtSION RATES OX ALL RAILROADS TO THE GREAT WORLD'S EXPOSITION: (One ti!eUet admits t iMl ! - It. aWimK riflliniTIAIlA IMIIlf II III l! II (III II IIMIY bo other .h.w txuu. IWU JHWIU UUIUIJIUIIJ UUILI, It control minioDi, backed bj millions more, and o'far at it i eoawraW, TTTTT "T TTlrr"C3""rT3TrTl 1 yv ju 1 1 jj caul rxo. X -ft Si-