V I r i iue concono hegister. JOHN WOODHOUSE, Proprietor. Hates : SubBcriplon . ime xear, : : I : Six Month, : - : Thrde Months,, : ' codes, each,: Nmi raniM and over, each, Theseterma are strictly cash in advance. . Any petsoa getting up a duo of r gsort) will receive a copy gratis, j 1.50 75 50 140 1 25; nn VOL. VIII 'CONCORD, NORTH CAROLINA; FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1883, How E got Ills Pa ia Trouble. What is this. I bear about your being arrested in Chicago!" T ' The Wicked Little Girl. J . From the Boston Glob. "'' -4-:. i1,onyinr her i pa "JUa'B 11). HWII vuue.- - j i ?, m9n ' hA -UaA , qitl.U 1" fcivn-wj ---- ; boy, as b came in with a can for kerosene and a jog for vinegar. dress' said the Tietklefaced little giri, tying her doll's bonnet strings ' 1 1 L 1. Ks'nr far a tidv ana cwiDg -- ; - ' Wellit was true but the police VvrVX,::Li ,a r-ilbirn off after they'tnt Did a lew A,.YAa ininteil YOlin2 ler .xujtuv.,..r.- , - lists' and took him I to ihe station,' b, your mother need not dress ! said the bad boy, as he got t he vin np for me- replied thefemale agent jegar into the kerosene can and the oHbe Missionary Society, taking a ; kerosene in the vinegar j,g -You teif satisfied-view of herself. in the a?) V and me went down thereto minor. ' uu up and n il her to I'stpy over night and ha ve im.. M-, come down just a, she Urn her or-; W tbev we wuuld ;be away eryday clothes, and not to .taud orrftlJu not when they were, dean. ng cSemony." ! - Quse, and pa thought it xveuld'do ''Oh but she hasn't got on hei : uS'""' " uu,"auu w dav lthes. 31a wa ail i -"1,,-t "" " her hew browu silk i woiuu u ucuci nuu nun iuxj( but I guess it was born ia me. Do every dressed up. in eauee Bbe ei?ted Miss Diamond to-day. ' Miss 'Diamond ' always comes over here! to show off her nice thines. and ma don't mean to you know 1 actually -think of mean things to do wheal am in the most solamn plac.. iTUey took; me to get left. When ma ' saw you com-j a fnetql onWptgot - to think ii he said. XThe Blckws-'l'iud I ingbftt -sratBtMlS , tbere,would gueBS she wis rmad aboit: sbme ! be if the corpse would eome to lite thing. Ma said if ydu saw her new j arid sit up in the coffin, and I snick dress she would have .to hear all i ere.t right out, and pa took me abont the poor lieatben, who dcu't ; out doors nd kicked my pants, have silk, and you'd ask her forjl don't thir.k he oner kicked me money to buy burnt books to send ! for it, 'causo 1 didn't do it tor a eni. -oay, u ine nigger muiw. ; r1!'!"""' - hymn book leaves, to do their hair j curred, and I have read about them upon ami make it frizzy 1 Ma says j hi poor boyht to be allow i she guesses thal all the good the jed to think, hadn't hef books do 'em, if they ever get any "Yee; but wbatbout his being book?. 1 wish my doll was a heath -I arrested) Never mind about tbe en!," ' ' funeral!' said the grocery in an , . as A Eomance of Mr. Stephens' Life. , In one of the early years of the '40s Mr. Stephens, then a youngl citement al the room occupied- by little giil; the took his kuife aud picked some on .weights f'Wh ou wicked what do you want of a heathen f of the lead out of the doil ' inquired the missionary lady,! the scale. I 1 taking a ment.il I iuventory of the "We wept down ou the cars, and new things in the parlor to get j pa had a 'headache, because he material for a homily on woildly 'I had been out all night, electioneer Extravagance. I ' iing for the prohibitiou ticket, and f:So folks woidij send her lots of i he was cross and scolded me, jind ro ii&ve net K-,,,it5 uaiwcu.-. u , m l uu nuv u. v . (9 -- - ( t, .. . Then xie'dhavelmir to friz; audi' winking at across the aisle. Ididn't vened and deferred tfee frqition of want a doll with truly hair and eyes jeihoy myself much, ajid some men their hojes. - The one-became im- tnac roii up uite leacun ouuer- man, paid a visit to the home Mr. Darden, in War reu coun ty . There ho ine)i flaxen-haired, blue eyed girVof 6ixleen, beautiful in! face and lovely in character, piquant, witty and gifted with a mind rarely culti vated. An attachment grew up, which for years did notL pass the formal bounds of friendsSrp, ,bat which was sacredly cherished ' by bothJ The boy lover was' poor in this' world's goods; fragile in frame and harassed by sickness, be did not dare to aspire to the hand of whom lie had learned to love and yet foreborne to claim. Tjrith wo mauly devotion the young girl read the. secret in the young ruin's eye, and true to her heart she could on-ly-7-wait aud love. i " One eVeiang'ih 1849 a party was given at the residence of 3r.Ii!tlley: in Crawford ville. There i hie. two met once more ; there theyenjoyed that jsweet couimuniou dorn of per fect trust ; and there Mr. Stephens found ;on rage to spefls the words which for years fought fori expres sift'n, until at last he could ho long er contain them. J uAre you sure that there lives none other whom yon prefer to ui??" aikerl the maiden timidly, half shriukiugly yet only too bappy to teel that she was favoreii. in 'bis ej es. '' ' .' "loathe whole universe, there" ex ists not auother," said he jpassiou ately. ' :0v V,-f t. Thus their troth was rilighted ; the day was 8et for their marriage; and all seemed auspicious ifor the lovers. But clouds lowered o'er llieir nppesj m;mr m a priy ftTB ua NO. 51 ADVERTISING RATES: OneBqiaT, often line' "first insertion, $1.0 Hach ruhseqwrttinMrtion, 8 Court ordr, t x weeks, 1-6 ; Magiitref Notices, ur weeks, $5; Administrate f Notices, six -reek,.50 in advance Transiortt advertisement payable in ad vance; yearly advertisement payable qnav erly ia advance. Marringes and deathi will be iaserUi frp; but obituaries will b charged fcr t?ij rate of 5 cents a liae. The Hegfster gnarantefi the largest eireu , ation of any jisjer published in th county. x Three Baby Lions. hf' There was a scene of great?; ex-L some of the wild animals belonging to Hillard's circus and menagerie vesterdav afternoon. Tbe occafeioti was the birth of three b'aby libna.! In the afternoon ftb!i African kdv " Asiatic lions, in the cageex to that of tbe lioness, beg-an to boiitid about in their narrow quaiter,6)jV :--t - - r CoitlTenen, Sick Jleadchc, Cbronlo IMar- rhoea, Jaundice, Impurity of the Blood, Fever and Ague, 31alaxl, and all Diseases osiuned Iry De- niasement of Liver, Uoivels tnd Kldneya. puncnui uiunpj nuu iue uuu uoi v i SYMPTOMS OF A DISEASED IXVSR. Bad Breath ; Pain in the pjd, sometimes the pain is Wt under the Shoulder-Wade-, mistakes fi.T Rheumatistn : genefal loss cf appetite ; Bowels generally costive, sometimes alternating with lax; the hean is treiiMed with pain, is dull and heavy. ;.. . . . t :i :.i. tl. Wlttt consioeraoie loss i meaary. accompaniea lUg the entire bUllding With tlieirfr with a painful sensation ofleavingundoneomelhing vouch ovght to have been done; a slight, dry cough and flushed face is sometimes an attendant, often mistaken for consumption; the patient complains of u-eariaess and debility; nervous, easily startled; feet cold or burning, sometimes a prickly seasation of she skin exists; spirits are low and despondent. ' and, although satisfied that exercise would be bene ficial, yet one can hardly iiidbiob up fortitude to try it in fact, distrusts every remedy. Sevvtif : Of the above symptoms attend the disease, but cas: have occurred when but few of them existed, ye examination after death has shown the Liver to have been extensively deranged. It should be used by all persons, old' and ; youngj whenever any of the above , symptoms appear. . Persons Traveling ajl Malaria, BUious attacks, Dizzmess. Nau- seemed too frailto hold them; ii. Their roars were terrifying ami Ser all the other , animals "agog. .VTh lone hyena, whose companion died a view uays , ago, joineu;,iu iiiovtur multiith the most- monrnfui yells, the monkeys barked and chattered in' gFeat excitejuenr, the Siberian ape climbed to the top of the barl ana Kept up au mcessant ponnuing. with his hind feet, the cockatoo set ppks post devilish screeching M eyji, ihe uiild-muered black. hear displayed unnsual interest in the uproar. 4-By 3 o'clock threeprettv. little mottled cubs were brought to liie. They are about a, footc lon and coyer ed with fine, silky yellow hair slightly r brindled," looking as much like puppies-as cub.l The mother 'regards theui most teu'Hipi.Iy' and gives a most threatening look to any outsider who displays his curi osity by apprdachiu'g too close to hej 4ca go. "They grow very rapid ly," said Mr. Garvey "and in a few days they will lie playing around? as lively arid affectionate as kittens'7 ,Cleavelarid Leader. i it f back's when he says day. I uiu't a wicu amen on Sun- icked girl either, j were taiKiiig aoout- Kianaping mersetun poiiucs, auu iaueu wnu children, and it nave me the idee nhvsical" ills hesitated to enter aJ alid just before 1 got to Chicago I state whsSra.he. feared the happinesg 'cause Uncle Dick you know Uu- went after a drink of water at the of the other might be marred. The clo Dick, he's been out -West, and other end of the car, and I saw a lad y found herduty by the side of man who looked as though he an invalid mother, who long linger- and ed with a confining disease. ; Thus ... him the vears flew by ; but plighted swears awful and smokes in the househe says I'm a. holy terror would not stand any fooling; an'd.he hopes 1 11 be an angel pi t- I II whispered to him and told tyjsoou. Ma'll be dowu in a min- i that the bald-headed man I was troth "wasvkept. Mr. Stephens hev nte, so you needn't tHke yonr cloak s ttiiig with was taking mo away er addressed another, and ever off. 'She said she'd box my ears ifjfroui my home inMilwankee, and I kept tho" image of the fair young I aBked you to. Ma's putting ou j mistrusted he was goiug to make jgirl in his heart. The lady was the that old drehs she had ' last year, a' thief or a pickpocket of me. I recipient of admiration from many, 'causehe she didn't want you to said 'a h-h-h,' and told him not to but to all she turned a. deaf ear. think Ihe was able to give much j say auythins or the man would They have often met since and this time, aud she needed a new tnaul me. Then I went back to while the idea of marriage was muff worse jthaii the Queen j the seat aud hsked pa to buy me abandoned, they felt & sweef pleas ; the rrtn,!0n Islands need- j gold watch, and he looked " mad are in Vach othera society. Put two ed religion. Uiule Dick says you j aa cuffed me on the ear.. The weeks ago - the lady wasj at the ohghter go h; tho islands, 'cause (man I whispered to got to 'talking Mansion, and on taking lpave of yon a ueFaietlere,aiM the natives ; to some other men, and when bo her old friend, one-of tho chairs would be sorry .they! was such sin -! Lt to rupan a lin.man trrnA .,-. n unfavorable iBirn. as I 1 ! - . . 7 C9 a . i 1 , i ners any uou , wouui seiul you to ! rin to nn mwl rftlr l.i.n lr uA Uk rioVavnrrrAmnrkf1atthetime. I I : LUn IMUI .r V l, LJ V7 I I'll v viv-avra. r- - ; llOVeC POeil aithrrvat oi.A aail Uf TTtA I Tl, A1.t liria fnr raara lAAIl a P.lff , - i ii i .iiiiiri . i i ui, iau uuu aw.v - , x r - - T i " t : 'em. He savs he heathen hungry enough to eat you, ; , gueM we w.ll nut voir jt,; 'less twas a Mmd one, an' you'd set ! m;uMried t0 nxr a blind., pagans; teeth on edge M the ro rhnW hin. Pa zen of Atlanta, and io one: is nem but, in more esteem lor every quaury edge Ml the cod choked him' mwi onnti.ar Tviiirii ndnrna womanhood than y. s. M UUUlUtl I r aiJ JlD0re ! Aon pnmA nlnnor ana lw.1..l w,l PorJina Wiltintinn" funny, and makes nmd n,a ,ii J L I ,. ThetoUaWaj, ien;n ; . ' A 1 "leu loiyucn pa;, ita wanted .'Vnnr VnS , ... " 1,11 meuili; lUy 886(1 - 7. "'V him where he stole the kid. and be he'd never hanker after missionary. Uncle Dick' ''Sirgtant," ' taid a diminutive fcp&i- men cf th street arab, at he met ary df- ... ... i Persons Traveline or living in Un healthy JLoeaUUes, y taking a dose occasion ally to keep tho Liver in healthy, action, will avoid v umi, uuiuub ua&a, jizamess, r sea. Drowsiness, Depression of Spirits, etc will invigorate hk a glass of Mrtne, but U noin toxioatins beverage. 'If Yon hive eaian anj tiling hard of dijrestlon, or feel heavy after mea!s, or sleep. . less at night, take a dose and you will be relieved. "Time and Doctors' BUls vrUl be saved , by always keeping the Regulator 4, ' In the House t ' tor, whatever the ailment may be thoroughly sails . purgative, alterative and tonio can never be out of place. The remedy is harmless and does not Interfere with business or Pleasure. ' , IT 13 PURELY VEOETABU5, And has a! the power and efficacy of Calomel or Quinine, without any of the injurious after effects'. A Governor's Testimony.,. Simmons Liver Regulator has beenia use in my familv for some time, and I an satisfied it is a . valuable addition to the medical science. ., .. J- Gstt. Shoetbr, Governor of Ala. '' Honl Alexander II. Stephens. 6f Ga.," says: Have derived sone benefit from the use of Simmons LiVer Regulator, and wish to give it a , further trial. . i , "The onlv Thlnsr. that nmr fall. A ReUeve." I hve used many remedies for Dj-s- Anccoon aaa jjeoiiity, our never C O. MERGER, CHARLOTTE, Lumber, es, Laths, Doors; -DEALER IN- t . 1 ' T i ' . - " Mouldings, Brackets, Blinds, Sasb, &c. -I AXSO HANDLE- G-SjAJLIST, HAT, & IFXjOTTIR,. -ORDERS SOLICITED. JEstimale given on applicati n. 1 RUNNING : " 5 ' . ;fJ L m x o m m rtitivuu irn i . hi iiurrni ta iimn i 1 . -. - i xiuLUl HI I dl ' fttiil I ... 1 1 1 1 ' ram,;n v,..4. i " . . . . ?'"u w iu, asfcea me .vuumtu wui t MM, ' WllPre 111 ftf via it r .t . . . iV Znru A L lf 8l ,e i )( 1 nl I looked scared as ...rr.,v,.,iru. uu wis a norrid if I was afraid to say no, and I said, ii e -s, s i r, 1 guess so. Then the police said the boy was scart, and ample for little guls like you." "Oh, I thiuk lu's nice. He show- I P1 m lmnr t, .li.l., .1 x . -'if i :zr:: j. both to the 1e when ma ain't nK Th tTa I J! pretty cloak you've eoh Z AAW"?' ?u.d.when he Vw hAck Do you buy all your good clothes "long. ! Ue'was afful XTithmlssiona.vnioiievl Mi? f" be 8ahl he '"make youdo." V s v ' 1,1 5aJ8! somebody smart for this, and I Just then the frL-u r.T iuPRUtwouldnotbeme. Afc the VVM,&, M, r-,. I I I II , girl's ma came into the parlor and ! uv. ui,BM0aary ladv on the' cheek and said she was delighted ; . A. A , I .1 ijtMHiiontney charged pa with kid- uappiog a boy from Milwaukee, and he said it was a lie, that I was A certain Persian city j having exhausted all its funds, and know-1 iug no way to raise more, the May or laid the 'case before the! Gover nor of the Province. j "Have you doubled the raxes P , Mohave.' 4: : "Have you borrowed from the - , ricM" . ':- - . : fi 'Every dollar that they will lend." ! "Have you issued bonds!" aWe have, but no ono will buy thonvat any, price." .. s f Hayaypa stolen all thochool 'can ou send an officer (o guard" Bovfc property' to-night?" ' 'Vyp ' I :'. Th urchin's ' clethes wotb tattered, his face was : dirty, : ami he was soaked rithtf Tain, but .thef4 was a manly air about ' him for all that. Tie offiSSf looked somewhat astonished at thai Te quest coming from . euch a etrftnge source, but asked kindly i' ,4 What do you waat an officer for. my bj?''l ' "Uecause, anawera me chiki,, ana tears filled his "eyea. "I was leanmg egaiust a etor0 window on Chestnut street, and I guess I pushed too hard, and the glass broke, and I eopdn't make anybody hear, so I 6tarted as fast as I conld to find an officer,. t keep anybody from stealing the things in the window. And, sergeamt, I have' thirty five cents I made selling papers today. If I gire you that, den'tyou think they weuldlet me eo until I could foake enough to pay for the glass? It is vety cent I have, but I don't want to go to jail." j : "Keep your money, my boyy'Jsaid the officer. '.'I will see that the stere is guarded, and if you go ad see the owaer. to-morrow, I don't, beliere he will take a cent from yeu. Anyhow, I can trust yon." .;? ' 1 J i,' 'Thank you," said the boy t 'E will be sure to go and see him, aad 1 will try to save all the money I can pay him, if he wants it." ji. And drying his evea. he went on. probably to atineer-i less home. iVi'io York Star. ave louad' anvthinf to benefit ne tn th mm Simmons Liver Regulator-has.' I sent from Min nesota to Georgia for it, and would send further for such a medicine, and would advise all who are sim flarly affected to give it a trial as it seems the only thtng hat never fails to relieve. P. M. Jarnet, Minneapolis, Minn. ' J&- T- J?' Kason 6ayst From actual ex perience ia the use of Simmons Liver Regulator in my. practice I have been and am satisfied to use ana prescribe it as a Dureauve j ""Viwtti rea Z Trade-Hark and Signature of J. II. ZEIIJtN St CO. for sale by all druggists. ' SEWINQSVIACHINE. . On examination jrou'will find the New Home Sdwing-MachiDtJ to have ks ma chinery than any other make because f U wonderful " SIMPLICITY OF CONSTRUCTION. The Jlacbine runs fiom SOLID POWER has no spring pnwer like other macbisoa so easy to get out or order theretere cannot tail to perforin at all times, lias SKJJF SETTING NEEDLE, cannot be eet wrong ., has large bobbin, and,- Al I THP I flTCQT IllDsfnTiTiaid to be the best .'Lr ' vnJsiWrrenCne!operator less trouble than any other. .Loose: y Jyjvhfial -pT TTTV A"lTt nwl A mtm-J V- -L.V III , VXCXX X UK ls Office at Hoover & Lore's Store; CONCORD, iY. C. S:. "'Sr. to we her. and th'i.v vf .his bo I aaid of course I was, Rociable i li.it tv. T woa dKea: wuo loia tne a can't understand Ti X? was a kidnapper and they professes to be soK , uamhuo' and en the boss : v o i toll! na lm j i - ; r "uiu go, out not ro rei, it occur again, and pa aud me went, away-: I looked so sorry fer pa tuai ue never tumbled to mo that I was to blame. Pecks Sun. )lt, n 1 - i . . ' vai Rociaoie that. The lit- . tie gin 8 ma , a person charitable, as the missionary agent puuum "gut over to Miss Diamond's and say such ill-natured things as she did, and she thinks .-the missionary is a double-faced gossip. M j I Encourage ; newspaper readiug among your children and yOU Win d,scover what a fondness thev wiUhavefortheirjfamiiy iournai and how readily they Wili improve iiw..-. r: Voo man's "WlMSTOSi Fokstth Co.. N. C , aesir to express to jou my thanka for your wonderful lion Bitters. I was troubled with dyspepsia for five years ii commencing the use of year "op Bitters some six months aco. My vure nas br-n W.r,.! i .. "' first methoflist Church ef this pla. monies Mouths ago, illustrious ruler." "Pawned ibe city seal!" 44 Yes, verily 1" "Mortgagel the City Hall!'' "Yes, fiva times over, Tr u .iniipnil n serious case. ISjF . - . - . - mused the Governor, as bo scratch his ear. "The only way out ol it is, to go home and announce i an era of reforra."-Xcrroi Free Fres. .-' A Card. '. ..i -T all who are suffering from' the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weak ness, 'early decay, lots of manhood, &c, I will spnil a rerine that will cure vou, iree of charge. ,Th is great remedy was disoov. "BuehnBaiba," Quick, complete cur, all annoyiajjj Kid Key, Bladder and TTrioary- Diseases. $1 P'Uggisls.. . .i If - - . .. 'ii- How Gamtetta Lost an Eye. - His father, who had no preHsion of the bov's future celebrit v. ilwant ! - IS,' 1 ed to secure him against military service by keeping him an Jjaltan Immunity from cKddierinpk was brorLght about accidentally As sjruDtMeita was waicuiog v.i kuuc grinder operate on a wheU, the blade of a knife got detaches;'; from the handle and flew jnto thef boy's eye and blinded it. He waij very rmuch tett5d in consequence, and : .. . .- . . 'I. tne moiiif jr was emDoiaenotipy ner increased tenderness to insist upon Leon bcins sent to the Petif Semi DIPHTHERIA HAS W CHANCE WHEN TREATED WITH Perry Davis1 s Pain Killer This wonderful remedv hirsaved tho r lives of many, many children who weVe almost dead with DIPHTHERIA. R TTmrv WUsnn. Tjiwranoa. Kaafl.. eavm Tdo surgeons rronouneed my cbo Diph- , ana decluect mat no remeatea couia It Perry Davis's Pain Killer saved my Iibeous Leach, Nehua, V. H. , psvs " I had c sinters' colic and rHpbthereie core throat very severely. Pain Siller urove botli away." DRUGGISTS ALL KEEP IT. valuable .o 1 pt&t food. So An F.nglifb VeUrinuy srgeen and Chomiti aiw txUn in tUls tpantiy. tar that bmi of ib Uorss alid Cattls Poweers wH her tw wrr;h less traak. lie savs that ShsrldaD a Condtth. lVndera ere abelat1rnur and iainnCiy Nothin ob eaa-fli will make hens lay like Sheridaii's.CoDdltiou powders. Uose, 1 tuaspoontul ild everywhere, or seat by mall tor 8 lettef-staapa. L O. Jotwsco trasToa. mas. MAKE C3&UT BUY THE Celehrated Tennessee WAGON, SOXD A2TD VTAXRAXtTSD BT X. F. YOBKE, Agent ' Reiuember Tbis. If vou are sick Uop Bittern will surely aid Nature in maAing you well when all else tails. - If you are costive or dyspeptic, or are ! suffering from any other of the numerous 1 diseases of the stomach or towel?, it is you ovn fault if you remain ill.for Hop Bitters are a severeign remedy in all such .conn plaints. If you are wastingaway with any form of Kidney disease, stop temptinc death thia moment,and turn for acure wjiopuiuew. If y.6u are sick with that terwoie sicaeess Nervousness; you will find a "liairn in R'ihad" in the use of lion Bitters. If vou are a frequenter, or a resident or a miasmatic district, barricade your system against the scourge of all countriesma larial, epidemic, bilious, and intermittent evers by the use or nop uiuers. Tf T-nii hv roup-h. nimplv. or sallow kin, bad hreatb; pains aad aches, aad feel miserable generally, Mop outers win s" you fair kin, rich blood,, and sweetest breath, health j and comfort. In short they cure all Diseases ef the stomach, Bowels, Blood, Liver, Nerves, Kidneys, Bright's Disease. f 500 will be t aid for arase they will not cure or help.. That noor. bedridden, mbaim wne, sib making purchases. : Office . at Cannons Fetzer s. GINGINNATi BUGGIES. HACKS, PHETONS, CARRIAGES, &C. Molasses Mills and Evaporators, MeCormic & Remington Mow er and Ilorie Bakes, All at Bottom Prices. Call to see me before F. YOE-ro, Agent. 4i PURIFIES LOOD J7 ' A combination of J!lfa (oxide of Iron, Porw&cm Mark and Phophonuin a palatable fortn. t JTer JJeUUtp, Let of -APP- titc, Frustration of fiiat. lowvr it is indUpms- bte, BZV. 7. I. TOWNKB, Indtuitrv. 111., aarar- 'IcoaaMerit . . A. J n tnmt exoouwi asaj aw th (SettlUtatM mai xoroasv- BBV. A. Z. HOBB3 Wrltea i After a tnorooirii trial or ui ?rRON TOHIO, I take pleaaare la statin? that I have rrrattv benefited ; D7 i Case. xCiniaters and Pub 1 lie 8 peak-era will find it of tbe -reatet valoe wserea Tonic ia neoe faary, I recommend It tLM a reliable remedial rerent, posaeaai&sriun (donbted nutritive aad restorative propeiuea. noma n xa dr. hartir medicehe co zij v. xa k., bt. una.. ni kt a miuiAnarr in South': Amerin th. ? ? conerg-on tetti'y to Scn4 a selt-addrkssed envelope to the ,ftv. th. .re virtues of your bitters. . . T gution -1, New, York f cry recpeciiuuy, I " iiKV. II. FKKEBEE. llJ- nairo of . Montfaucon to receive ja clasic:i etlucation. Her hs baud wi-s an enemy to liigher instruction, jil thought tho doaimunialtphbol Bufljcieut lor a boy whose festiny it was to be a provincial trrcner. Mr. W. II. Ilayes, Hillsborol N. C cays': "I caai reconjnend - Brow'a Iron Bitters as a aaperior articie." HARDWARE I For a full 3ine of Hardwaro of allde- scriptions, . ter, mother, or daughter, can be made the Cane 'jcaporators.-' ' them suffer. ',d Taylor Cotton Gins and Prezte Straw Cutters, tie. BeU make. Osborne Mowing Machines. Bickford & Huffman's Grain and Guano Drills, Walking Cultivators, rl?u Jiakes ' vt;-, "'Hen, Davis 8cwiug MnclUnet,- 8 At BQttbm Prices, Do not fail to call on SUITHDEAL & RITCHIE. HARDWARE!! rasaaKrasMABAaamaHSSBssaHassaH t HAS BEEW PROVED Tbr CUP.Er.T CU Z or I ' r.i i.-.t rm .r-i u victim V ' 1X2 i - - I 14 I . '-y n'f zus ace resl sr . -ac an. I -5-1-, -'r. Tacsr'i'VE' rer rvf.o ra .1 :-ri.-St Jf'. c r I 1 j a, 1 t f rcarv ' ' 't - it. . . M 1 - .k. or J.T.fVr- T ?-.'.- Hi- St- y- m A.WKKKi !: hoim; i-ariiv made.. U'tstlv o-tlt fr.t-. Aidr5 Taos Co Aug i , llaina. , Dr. W. H. Lilly LIUF.'KMRIT' ft PLASTER! liLiLIri.VU I.IMK. AUBlCilJ cl't'KAL .. I'lDUIVlTR tlA f INK . i HsinH. WJtr.n i-iitir ntta Man, AFFEIiS bit prorssonai aervive so . . GOOD FERTILU'.ERS, ,U ien. oiConcord d vicinity- . ; J And verv unean. neno lor 1. lrcuiar. " - f .... FKENCU'BltyS-,' Kwkyav-ot,iN,.C. Preabyterian Church. 39VC fi . . . . . .'..!'. ; i !." ; - . i . . . . ' . ! '' ',' . - " ' i f.