-.- - . ffitMOBMESBIEIl rresilc:JtxArliiur is toot -well, lie will visit rioikla, thia spring for the hfsiefit, of liisioiilth- I He "will probalily s? 0ncbr,iii a special train ia.fe-w d'aK.. h I --- j 'v' Two bruiser?, nameil O'Neal ami KobneL (ought a prize fight in the Parlor of Col. Ilohine, a wealthy man, at Pitt&ljurg l'a. on the 18th. At the olarel 'Mi lnmul O'Neal was tie the victor. Jealousy be- tweeii the puHirits Iot the band ol : vrfluif Lidv wns the cause ot the a very high KTade of civilization!) in the KeNKtoue State. . I : 1J Hoke . Secrest, the wife mur derer frcm Uuionjconnty, '.who was acquitted of the charge of murder- mg his wife ana Cuikj, qn.me ground of insanity, and was Kent to the 'ouh Carolina lunatic, asylum about two years u go, Iroin which he subsequently escaped, was ar rested In Columbia, Si C, on Mou- day, for stealing a cow. He was tlio n!inr ft Thmnas "Med- lin when arrested. He seems to be a sharij lunatic. They had. better return him to the asylum where the iiuinates are- interested by walking about veith a ball and chain attach ment." !"! i Nothing duunted by theimmeuse (power of the whiskey j influence in Kentucky. The temperance men iu that btate will meet iu Lonis villo and fight it. They are brave men. Though - there Us whiskey enough iu Kentucky riow ou hand, to make the whole State a pande monium; of inebriates, and it has the Devil yt its back, the - temper ance men, aimed with the armor of the sou of Righteous, aie not afraid of it. 1 Specimen cf Morality lathe CItjof Brolh , erly Lcve-, ' . '. One ofj the most icious amateur prize-fights that ever occunevf in fJUjliia took place on Sunday King street, Wtiicrr t w..;..ufJUiniy oughfaro lfounded by Fourth .and Fifth' streets and Snyder; avenue and Me(Jean street. The battle be gan at five o'clock and the niue des perate rounds wero witivesned bv a large crowd. A public school stands .within a, stone's throw of tlio fight ing ground and directly opposite. on Fifth ptreet; is the ; residence of Policeman Willis of the First dis trict. The fight fasted nearly three: quarters of an hoitr and was unin- "lerrupteu by the police. TJieprf1icipals'were'"Left.y,'Sparks, , cabinet-maker, and a news ven j der called "Pioudy 7 iiurnsj They j weighed between 110 and 145 poumip. The cause of the meeting was that on Sunday "Proudy"' nu penred iw( a new suit of clothes on w hich Pparks deliberately threw a glassful of sarsaparilla.; This was more than "Proud v" could stand ami ho and tfparks clinched, Mu tual friends separated the combat ants and prevailed upon them to figlit according to rule and decide which was tin? best. man. This was agreed toj Fifty yards away two base ball clubs were playing a match. t ; ' . ' The ball players were driven from te ground, a riug was marked off and' six j men were appointed Ho keep back the crowd.; ; Outposts were stationed a square away to warn the fighters and spectators of tie approach of the police. From ite Philadelphia Times At arch 20th. IIow is that for high morality. Playing a match game of base ball, anu a public prize fight as' diver s4pn8 for Sunday evening! Coutraet etl ' with such- an exalted state of publio morals,--atn?t we Koutbern clrs wicked ! -'.'. Catrageoua Verdict cf & Jury. 5 M. L. Dukes, a member of the Iiegislaturo of Pennsylvania: was cngagea ,io marry a young lady named Miss Lizzie.Nutt at Union town,Fayette county ,Pennsylvania. In the Fall of 1882 Dukes wroto a letter to Miss Lizzie's father, Cap t. A. C. Xutt, in which he charged that ho had frequently had un chaste relations with that young lady, and that she was not a pure woman and that bono longer con sidered himself bound to fulfill his engagement to marry her. Capt. Nutt showed the letter tin hia daughter. The young lady solerau- j ly avowed to her father; that the r.ss?rtious, wero base outrages, and. wiijkedly untrue. .; j XI U l t went immediately to ' the office of Dukes to demand re- Uattion An altercation cfusued and Pukes seized o pistol nud shot the Captain dead. , Last week ajary of the county of Fayette, in the face pf positive evidence of guilt, in t).e face of jus tice, !iu defiance of the.law as charge ed bv the presiding Judge, render ed a verdict of not guilty, and set i bet tine and murderer free. the 1 The most intense indignation is felt and expressed by not only the citizens'of Fayette county but of thejeimmon wealth of reunsylvania, on account of this outrageous .ver dict. ( At Union town an indigua tiouj meeting was held by the citi zenij gand strong resolutions were noccarl Wni1mTlinr , tllG iurVfor shjimefal verdict. The folK lowing is a sample of the expres sions of indignation on the occa- sion: In offering the resolutions the Eev. X.!P. Kerr took occasion to speak for his profession, j 'Well may parents tremble for theirdaugbters he said,when twelve meu can be found who are so base, so lost i to all sense of manhood, decency and honor as fo render, directly contrary to all the evidence, the verdict which acquitted Lyman Dakes of the murder of Captain Nuttlandof responsibility for the terrible blot which he had attempt-, ed to' put upon the fair j name of his faimily. May the names of the jurors go down to posterity as the black! list of Fayette couuty, to . be remembered only with shame and inexpressible disgust, to bo remem bered throughout the State ashose who bad committed the monumen tal act of infamy ; and as for Nich .crtas Lyman Dakes continued the preacher, raising his voice iu im precation until the ceiling rang, may he go forth to learn as Cain did what it is to h?ar upon his brow the brand of a murderer. May he learn that there is a pun ishinent whieh no bribery can avail and no treachery turn aside. Let him go forth to learn that; when he shall &taud'iu the presence of pu rity and "innocence his ciouscience shall sling him and accuse him . of and dlBbTucircryr jmfjntnusness the worse of Cain is upon himpV7T-WveuM whithersoever his footsteps iny go. Let him learn that jboj band that penned such letters as he wrote to Captain. Nutt is the hand of a cowardly assassin. jLet him learn, that, all in all, he is a man who would shame tho most aban doned j inhabitant of tho infernal regions, j j The jurorp, when they niade their appearance on the streets were publicly hissed and hooted at from every corner. The populace yelled as each' juror appeared, 4,'Tar aud feather hiin,',i4Hit him with abrick," "Hide liim ou a rail," and other terms esprcssivoof indiguation and contempt. They left town as soon astheyj could getaway; some of them going through back streets and alleysl Dukes ! has hot been seen since the verdict was an nounced. I i I -. 5 --- The New FosUl Law. lhe newj postal law, which goes into effect withiu six months from the date of passage, March 3, makes the postage on letters two cents. That on drop letters (city postage) is left at the old figure, tw6 teents. Au important feature of the law is that authorizing the new three cent postal note, and is of speeial inter est to persons transmitting small sums thiough the postoflice. The uote is about the size ot a green back. At the right-hand side are two columns giving ! the months and the dates of twelve years, W gining with 1833. On the left hand side are three columns of figures, one representing dollars and unm.bered up to four; auother representing dimes, numbered up to nine, and the third representing cents, numbered up to nine. The nofe is for sums less than 85. The issues the note puuehes the date, the dollars, dimes uu u-uuv, j lI1U8 prcventiug auy alterations pf the date or amount. No writleu application is! neces- r r- .1 a. ' i m 1 uuu iue noio can be 1 issuedj iot any amou.ut from one cent to $4 09. It is bought like postage stamp aud is payable to bearer auy ume wiuuq three mouths. The body of tho note is a form' .skating the place of issue and where to be sent, aud when paid is indorsed bv iue oearer; . For sums over firo :dollars tbe I money oider is still used, thou"h I tUie cost is! rediiftMi. Tl. i lurmn for orde hv 0 THMU KUU18 not uv,r MO is eight ceufk from $10 to ?ho fif. mp, irom $w to 0 tTreutj'-Cve'iiiouid be without it, i , i cents, from 50 to $60 thirty cents, from HO to $70 tuirtpfive tents, from $70 to $30 forty cents, from 80 to SlOfythe highest order) forty-feve cents. The former rates were ten cents on orders not aver $15, fifteen cents on orders from $15 to $30, twenty cents on orders from $30 to $40, twenty-five cents on orders from $40 to $50, the pres ent limit of money orders. STATE HEWS. Governor Jarvis has re-appointed Prof. W. C. Kerr to his old; post as State Geologist. f - I Prof-'lrhomas B. Bailey, brother Of the Hon. W. H. Bailey, of Char- lotte, died at Columbus, Mississippi, on the loth inst. ! J Eoanoke Patfa,i Only two bar liceuses has yet been issued to) re tail liquors by the drink mKdrtri- hampton county.- Greensboro Patriot : In Leach and Heitman difiqplty. young fined Leach suDimitea ana ,wa $100i tteitman was fioed $10 for carrying concealed weap OUf. - i j- ' . . . " - i: Winston isentinel: "A woman named Lou Kiddle, of questionable character, was the solitary occu-' pant of a little shanty. A jfew nights since the bouse was burned j to the ground and the body of the woman was found a short distance from the scene of coufiagratioii dead. The whole affair is a mys tery, and one, we fear, eternity alone will solve." ! I i -I GfEKEEAL NEWS. The flood on the Mississippi riv er is abating. K Ehode Island elects her Govern or next month, and ex Governor Sprague has been nominated iiby the Independents and Democrats to fill that office. , ' Jacob land Peter Vorhees, and Mr. Bodine, all highly esteemed citizens, were crossing a Kailway track near Bound brook; K. J. The engine killed the entire party. I that the Kremlin, where the "Cear is to be crowned, will be blown ;up during the coronation ceremony. Who wouldn't be crowned au Em peror ? .' Asheville Citizen : A mau named Fox, seeing an account ofa man in the, Korth who ato at one time 3 dozen eggs, went iuto an eating house one day last week and offer ed 15 cents for what eggs he coqld eat His propositidn was taken. and be ate 11 boiled, and' then ate 33 rawf making 41 in all; In Philadelphia, last Saturday night, a colored man undertook to pick up and I place in a barrel 100 live rats iu the space of sixty min utes, for h wager of J200.- He-failed in the undertaking, and came out of the rat-pit with twelve wounds iu his hands and arms, and a bite through the lower lip. ! Farmer and Mechanic : North Carolina has only five millions of acres under cultivation ; less than one-tenth as much as some single Railroads! The total value of land, mines, forests, mills, factories houses, cattle, and money in Xorih Carolina is only about $100,000,0c0; whereas Jay Gcyild, aloue, is worth that amount; and so is Vanderbilt f ' OatrageouB. L'haiiestoo-, S. C.t March 18. In Clarendon county, this State, yes terday and last night, Charles Wil son, a deputy Uuited States mar shal, assisted ; by two constables, arrested nine white rueu and one colored man, all respectable ; mer chants or farmers. He took them from their homes without allowing) ,i make any preparations for a jour- ney, carried themto Grahams and locked them upj all nighf. In the m'orniug he took them to Florence, whpr ev am tn hh nn il Tuesday, whenlthey will be exam ined by a United States conimis- sioner. Wilson said the arrest was for an election oarense. but wonld I give the pfisimtirs no ore definite I information of the charge agaiust) them. Bail was oftered for all the prisoucrs but Wilson refnsed it, i giving as his reason that to take it would deprive liim ot" his mileage. ; Great inditrnatinri has Wimi nnnepxi I by this proceed inc. . . i One Of the drflrl-arkl of mirriml lifn ii " sicknf? of tho little ones For Cold or Couglj you on9t Mf. 11 hettor rmetJvi than Dr. Uull's 0.tt 4, S rur-. A!;u- stn nru. k it I ' I J a. w. m -.a , . ' iff I Rafeigh, N. C, March 19. W. . Best, president of tfi Midland A C. It. E. Co., having failed to malJb satisfactory ' arrangements, Mai John Gatling, recently appointed receiver, has taken pharge of tb!$ property. This gives satisfaction to the stockholders and puts AX& road on safe footing. , -'! ; . The Asheville Citizen says : Ma ffilson passed up the road on Tues day, on his way to Scott's Creel! section. The work on the .stupe uv dous cut on Capt.( Jones' Hue i that section has proved a troubl4 some one. The cut is 430 fee; deep, and is through loose, friabfe soil. The -winter rain and freeze VinvA nfttiRPrl nnmprrtiid slides, anf i earth equal in amount to the orig nal cut has been removed. All thu troubles are now -surmounted, also the greater difficulties . a'j wee tunnel. There is more cavl ( i . . iug in there. ! i ; The milkfarmers of Orange an Sullivan countievwho supply th(? lacteal fluid to the dealers in Ne Yoik, were not satisfied with th? prices paiu mem. xucy uigauicK :j il rri a strike to bring the city deale; to time and refused to ship mY till their demands were comfm with.' In order to save their; mil$: however, they sold it to the creanj eries in their vicinity- The proprv etqrs quietly skimmed the milk and shipped it to New Yoik, thui breaking the back of the strike! When the farmers orgauize airbthj er strike they will j probably fine some other method of taking can of the surplus milk while the strikfe lasts. " : "" ' ' 1 L On the 17tb, Lady Florence Dix ie, one of the lady ! attendants o Queen rictoria, was attacked b two men. disguised -in women7s clothjee, while walking in the grove at Windsor Castle, and but for tbe ship's St. Bernard dog,and the dag ggr coming iu contact- with her4 steel corset spriug, she would bavej been killed. Lady Florence had re- isu litruu; jjeague: f ; t: Great excitemeut i was 'caused by an attempt ma.de last Friday tdj blovn up the British ParliameDt House at Westminister, . llugiaudj Arcaae of dynamite, was exploded ! in the locals government board of4 fic9s, which terri bly damaged the: building and all the houses iu tbef vicinity. lives wero lost; jA reward of f 5,000 is offered for the I perpetratorB. The Fenians are sus pected of being at the bottom of the matter. .) ' - i ' - . . - 4 ; "It is a great tut to do the right thing at' the right time." The person eubject jto derangement of the kidneys or liver ha a protective duty to perform in purchasing a package of KidneyWort. It )nvigor ates these organs and. by its catbaxtio and diuretic eflect. cleanses the whole systehi of all hai humors. 1 I , - .- - ; The plea of emotional insanity will not save murderers from the scaffold in California herafter, it the courts do their duty. The Leg islature has passed an act requit ing that where the plea of jnsauity is set up as a defense of murder the prisoner shall first be examined as to his mental condition by a com petent tribnnal. If pronounced sane. be is tried for' murder, and his false plea ruled out ; if pro'' nounced . insane, he is sent to an asylum for life. The;insauity dodge allover the'land,andin the most desj perate caseswhere no'sort off jastii fication can be fouhd--it is most successfully employed. It has sol often afforded means of escape to the guilty that public sentiment rej joices at such iron-clad statutes ass that of Oaliiornia. aqi ioai coiia oi yours nu nau iu jCroup had ly, and yeu have nearly wra j the poor little one out trying U kiadof medicines. Tako.our advice and try the !fab,u' "fa Springs lrn and A3m inanuiaeturea or Janarum Litchfield) Abingdon, Va. It-is madeiniTejutrcceive;la large and varied stock of from the pure mineral water? of Vai Put j! j Jt'XJfiT CLA.SS up in two sizes, 1 and 50 cent each, and " j for sale by all Druggists. Try if. i Eclipse Tbe total ec!b'pse of the sun on May Gth next will, last six aiiuute?, and no longer ;one will probably occur within the Mexi hundred years. It will be partily visible in rhany placety. but f e V j will pn if. in its entiretv. hh ! its,!.i.'il' innth lie almost entirely thronchi i ne ocoui). toucnins mna uowoere b it sit u little island a in the Soath P.i f iio ("; rol i ne islftutl; whkh; is out :Hif traik .01 any tsrainih txt ... .11. 111UI111 i.r ll ll'l.l TliU I.Vmiii'II ovf.rnment lias deterHiinea lo aend5 an expedition to that island, and it is probable a gTand international gathering of astronomers will meet there to take part in this scientific nest. ' " Feathers, rlbboas, velvet can all be col oredito match that new hat by using the Diamond Dyes. 10 cents for any color. WAGONS! .... WAGONS!! LD HICKORY TO THE FRONT. Carried off the prize at the International Gotton Exposition at Atlanta, when it was exhibited with all, the leading wagons man ufactured in the United ctles. r,i ERIT WILL TELL. iloe of thena sold than any wagon in the South. Below we give the opinion of two leading' Hardware dealers in our county "While in Salisbury with AV. Smith deal? I sold the OldBickory, Tennessee, and the Sudebafcer .Wagbnsand can say that the Old Hickory, sold and-warranted W ' "Nl a. ' - iL . . Kj Joan A- vane, agent, is me Descag- on of the lot. Very respectfully, J.L.RITCHIE." Cdncord, Jan. 4tb, 1883. With reference to the Old -ickory Wagoas sold by Allison 4' Young in Con- cord we give below Mr. - Young's own words : "To all -whom it may concern: I sold the Old Hickory Wagons -when connected withlthe firm of AZlison Young, lrd can say that th069 -we sold gave the very best satisfaction. Refer to parties to whom we sold them. Respectfully, 4th, 1888. JOS. H. YOUiJG." . Jan l Now do not be deceived and made to buy a penitentiary wagon, but BUY THE ' " i OLD HICKORY, JHO. A. CLINE, AG'T. Iron Works, FREEHAfl'S MAHUFACTUR IHQ CO., Founders & Machinists i Manufacturers of pircular Savj Mills, freeman's Improved Cotton Press and IDouble Turban Water Wheels, Mill Gearing, Shafting, Pulleys, j , aad Hangers. Agent for the mile of Patent Hot Polished Shafting. . The public arn invited to examine our goods! and see for themselves that we offer f-nothing but first class material and work manship, at fair prices. Our Improvefl Cotton; Press is a perfect success, and contains more points of superiority than any other Press offered to the trade. For rapidity of work find hard pressing it has no equal in a screw iress.l : . ' ''"-.- I Our .Double Turban Centrifugal Water Wheel i j ft marvel of - ingenuity and mechanical 43iill; is very economical in the use of wa er, and gives a good peicentage of power (j the'watwr consumed. j " rhat. wc claim for "V J ! Qet Polished Shafting is, that it is round ttnd straight, and accurately rolled to any gauge. Its surface being composed of tnagi Gjetic oxide of iron, obviates any andue tendency to rust or. tarnish, land gives one of th9 best bearing surfaces ever discovered, afod is made of the very best refined stock; For prices and further particulars address e,-. FREEMAN3 M'F G CO., Concord, N. O. pa Xll CASTOR, R. P DEiTON- f CASTOR & DEATOfl t'l - fJK UK C. &uiaof the latest styles and best makes, Chair?, Loangee, &c. j n our UndertakiDK lino ire xiued a QuaWuii Prices: jv 4 . - " ets, Coffins, and I Cases, - the and Finest Finished ever brought or mtdjejn this market. s 1 Art;M; indphtwl ti b caJT ana settle, and blige - - FURNITURE KAINIT, ACID PHOSPHATE, CHEMICALS, AND ALir.10UI&TED GU&I10S of the. best brands, (pr sale by A 1$. Young at Young & Dove's old stand. Analysis as received for following: L dt R ACID PHOSPHATE, .Available, 10.67 per cent. 1 ' Potash- , 2.26 per cent. Commercial ralue, $29 21. L & R AMM. GUANO, Available, j 8.90 per cent. Ammonia, 2.85 per cent. Potash, 2.83 percent. Commercial value, $39.29 I also sell other brands -which I will show analysis of as eooh it can be gotten. A. B. YOUNG. jBn.i.e.'isss. . fertilizers . Look to ;You Intersts ! ! Use a HOME FERTILIZER. We are agents for - NAVA88 A SOLUBLE GUAIIO & ACID PHOSPHATE, which has been made and sold in our State for fifteen years. The Navassa. Rock Phos phate is Used as a base, which is richer in plant food than South Carolina Rock or Ground Bone. . " Farmers come to see us be fore! you buy. We are fanners, and use none but firts-cla-6S goods.. Jnoi A. CLINE, Ag't. 44 2m. Fariniersltore. MILLS. ! -' ' - . , ' I am Agent for the sale of PORTABLE WHEAT MILLS, aad Hhe celebrated "Moore County Grit" PORTABLE CORN FLLS The Best Stone in the World. Also1 BOLTING CLOTHS, and all kinds of Mill Machinery and Fijcings, Leather and Rubber' BEiLTiisra-. I am also Agent for the Sale of PATENT DOORS . WJNDOV SASH, glazedor unglazed. I am ready to do all kinds of MILL JOBS, either bjy contract or by the dayj ' I am running a WJLGrOIiT REPAIR SHOP, at Patterson's, eld store building, on Corbin street, where all work entrusted to .ma will be promptly attended to. Your, patronage is respectfully solicited. - ' JOHN T. POUNDS. feb 9 rpriiiuer Drill In eitfV. Hp rr elr. cnlar, , A. It. I'AW(;H4R, Verb, Pn. Pennsylvania Agricultural Works, York, Pa. fcgfpr Fariraiai 1 Standard Eagines & 1-: . j feTEAJI X2I?GIirES A. B. FABQTTHAE, Tetk P po nrpie, I'rotij n4 v r' la. Saw, Gtur Uxw Aim If .mtW.i w . . .. n sBa iur rntrkti aaay- xi ccrapMta in every rig. l.i Engine T-ly tog rax Si. H!7i TEE t FAEOrHAB SEPi-BlTOB r or- fm, ce-i - - -mi ;-.Cjilt.a uoDucalasrerfcrtlahM. VMwiwmittkiM "-v - ' Zddrca A. B. rAXQURiS, Tort, Fc WhwiIM tSf M.1 corn dropper moH , per: oct ln-i4ffrt;ijcr dioUHtor iatM IMS, ttL. er day at heme. Samples or In Jliee. Adoress f iliawn Jf Co,PortUad,lli, rr ft r 1 7 ZM w- van m DAVIS a CORrtEUU WATCHMAKERS & JEWELERS In IF. G. Dorland'a Old Stand. CONCORD, N. C;. Especial attention given to repairFns; Clocks, "Watches," and Jewelry: All work intrusted to me will be executed with patch, and perfect,satisfaction gturantetd THE sun, NEW YORK, 1883. More people have read.THS" Sex daring the year just now passing than ever before since it was first printed No other new paper published on this side of the earth has been bought and read in any vear by so many men ana women. We are credibly informed that people bnv. read, and like Thi Scn for the following reasons- among omers: . Because its news columns present in at tractive form and with the greatest possible accuracy whatever' has interest for tinman kind ; the events, the deeds and misdeed, tbe wisdom, the philosophy, tbe notable folly, the soljd sense, the improving non sense all the news of the busiest world at nresent revolving in space. Because people have learned ; that in its remarks concerning persons and aflkirs Tax : Sn makes a practice of telling them the ex act truth to the beet of its ability three hun dred and sixty five days in the year, before election as well as after , about tbe whales as well as about the small fish, in the face of dissent as ' plainly and fearlessly, as when supported by general approval., ThxScw has absolutely no purposes to serve, save the information of its readers and the further ance of the common good. Because it is everybody's newspaper No man is so bumble that TreJScn is indiifereat to his welfare and his rights.; Mo man:i so rich that it can allow injustice to be done him. No man, 'no association -of men, is powerful enough to be exempt frea -Cbe strict application of its principles of .right and wrong. " ' 'tu " 'Because in politics it has fought-for a dozen years, without iutermission and .sometimes almost alone among 'nPWKnanfers. the fiht that has resulted in the recent Overwhelming popular verdict against Kbbesonism and Tor honest govern ment. No matter what tparty is in power. The So-stands and will continue to stand like a rock for the interests of tbe people against the ambition of bosses, the encroacn: ents of monopolists, and the dishonest scbelnes-of public robbers. All this Trwnat we are toia almost aauy bv our friendsrHneman holds that Iu Scn is the best religioii-newspaper ever published, because its Christianity isnnaji tne oesi nepuuncan nevrsjjiic jniniou, ,i . i ti it' . l.. cause it has already wnippea nau ot ire rascals out of that party and is proceeding against the other half' with undiminished vigor. A third believes it to Ve the best magazine of general literature in existence, ecausrits Teaders miss nothing wortte of notice that is current in the worldof thoiigat.' So every friend of Tna Son discovers one of its many sides that appeals with . pattioular force to his individual liking. ' ' If you already know Tiis Svxj you, will observe that in 1883 it is a little better than ever before. If vou do not already know Tw Sun, you will find it to be a mirror of Ua mafflsPaylor the cause, of bxmUt tovernmentT a sentinel for genuine Jeffersonianviaoc raey, a scourge for wickedness of every species, and an uncommonly good invest ment for the coming year. Terms to Mail Aabserlbert. ; The several editions of Tee Sex are sent by mail, as follows: 't DAILY 65 cents a month, $9.50 a year; with Sunday edition,' $7.70. SUNDAY Eight pages, ftl.20 a year. ., , WEEKtY Si a year. Eight pages of the. best matter oi tbe daily,i3sues; an Agricul-' tural Department of unequaled merit, mar ket reports, and literary, scientific, and dQ.-. mestic intelligence make The Wextit Sus the newspaper for the Farmer's household. To clubs of ten with $10, an extra copy free Address I. W, ENGLAND, Publisher. 87 6t Tnz Scar. N. Y. City.! " 7 -T. , NOW YOBS VVEEKLV HERAtD. OSTB SOLLAB A TSAi'.1 ' The circulation of this popular newspaper' is constantly increasing. It contains au the leading news ot the Daily Herald and is arranged in handy departments. The " Forkigs News ' ' embraces special dispatches from all quar. ters of the globe. Under the head of , American-News ' are;ken the Telegraphic Despatches of the we'k from all parts of the Union. This feat in e alone makes . t The WEEKxr Herald i the most valuable chronicle ia the world, as it. is the cheapest, .hrery week given a - faithful report of ' Political News embracing complete and comprehensive'de spatehes from Washington, including fall i reports of the speeches of eminent politi- cians on tbe questions of the hour. The Farm Departmekt f of the Weekly llerald, gives the latest as well as tho most practical suggestions and discoveries ielating to the duties of tbe farmer, birits for raising Cattle, Poultty, ' Grains; Treee, ; Vegetables, with ngv gestions for keeping buildings and farming utensils in repair. This is supplemented by a well edited department, under tbe bead of - V . The, Hove, ; . giving recipes for practical dishes, bints for ' keeping up with the latest f isbions at the lowesttprice. Every item of cooking or -econotny suggested in thb department if practically tested by experts before publica tion. Letters from our Paris and London correspondents on the very latest fashions. -The Home Department of the Weekly Her ald will save the housewife more than one hundred times the price of tbe paper. Tb ; nterests of . . 1 'rc.' . c i . ; (.,. SKILLED La WR are looked after, and everything relating p . mechanics and labor saving is carefully re- . corded J There is a page devoted to all the latest phases of the business markets, Oops, . Merchandise, See. A valuable feature is' found in the " specially reported prices and conditions of , , The Psooucs Makcet, Sporting News at home and abroad; to-''' gether with a Story every week, a Sermon i by some eminent divine, Literary, Musical, ; . Dramatic, Personal and Sea Notes, There ' ' is no paper in tbe world which contains so ' ' much news matter every week as the Week ly Herald, which is sent,, postage free, for One.DolIar. Yoa can subscribe at any time. THE REV YORK HEnALD, ' in a weekly form, , '.viV t.v OX7X2 DOXtXtAB A YSAB. , ? . Addre ' NEfY YORK RERAlffr . ' 1 ifWicay' atil Ann St.1, It. Y. l" ir m A WEEK. ?12adaTathomeeaily, made. Costly outfit free. Address iTt7 & Co- Aug u fa, Maine, -3 r. -!-- t -