THECOIICORD R EG ISTER, AVOODHUUSE, Pkofkiktob. .1 0 1 1 J Mibucrlption BteS 1 ne Your, : Six. Jlonthf, : Three Months, cnH nvt?r. eacn, v r.ion tting up 7 :! . j .: i i : . . i . - - - - A! will.receive a copy gratis. VOL. IX CONCORD, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1883, NO. 28 , ADVERTISING RATES OneSquare.of ten lines, first insertion, 1 1 0 Kach subsequent iasertioa, 4 Court orderly six weeks, $6 ; MagisirjuS forces, four weeks, $5; Adminiftxatn J Notices, weeks, $3 50-in advuV A - - I'ayaoie i vanee: VrlV advrtU.,.i .1. r vin a4 .......... - in uuar from Paris we attended the Wed nesday evening prayer meeting in toe nowx repaired j Tabernacle. Aboat 3,000 persons were present, the largest crowd we had ever seen on such an occasion The last Sab bath, the 9th of September, we heard Mr. Spurgeon in his own house, the Tabernacle. The build ing, we were told, can receive 8,000 persons, but comfortably seats 7,000. It was full, and to us the sermon seemed the best that we bad heard. The repairing bad cost over ?6,000, and the pastor remark ed, that 82,500, yet remained un paid. 'But," said be, "I know that you will raise that in the collection this day, that "at the tea party to morrow night I may say to yon, the debt is all paid.'' It is wonderful what sums of money are raised in that congregation, and spent in works of beneficence. They sus tain 600 preachers and candidates for the ministry.doing their work id this and other cities, and a num ber of hospitals -with thousand of poor children, whom Mr. Spurgeon watches over and instructs as a father.- As we heard his precious words, and saw the stenographers catching every, sentence to cast them forth to the world, to be sent to the end's of the earth, to be read by present and unborn generations," we could most heartilv thank Our Lord and Eedeemer that he raises up at least one such man in a gen eratian, to bless the church and the race. There may be others of equal power and usefulness, bat we' have not seen nor heard of then? ; ' L. D. . Ur. DorlaaiV Letter, to. 3.- j-. : jruKGi(N. j ... I. Concokd, Oct. Stb. Konoii or the) Register Di;ai: Si r .The 'interest that I many of your readers have taken in n.y Id tcr. s from a broad to friends l.ciV; lias induced .me to state some-thin- fcore of " bat we hare seen ;im1 hvUnl during our short visit. ( i:e object most desiied by us was to we and here one whbm we re- j;.ml as the greatest ofrhviug min isters oft be gose!, tbjJfev. C; Ii.j MinigeoUj ofl(oudon. We heard It i mi bix tiling atultbe lafet seemed to In; the best. The hrst lour ser- ihoiis that we heanl werejdelivered i mi i:eter Hall, which is now in jmm-sioii f the Young Men's (JiiitiauIAssociation. His grand l.tbi iuacb' was undergoing repairs. ; TiiU great building is said to seat ! atioiit rHM bearers We went ear h, but we were toM that unless we ticketa to enter a sidedoof, we wuiihl be obliged to take . our " hauces of a favorable place to i jn at, among the crowd that would pi.-' in at the front, whea the door was' opened. 1 remarked to an AuH'iican missionary who was our gwitlc, that, ad vre; were strangers tiuiu beyond the ocean, I yould hive to' have a favorable opportuni ty to bear. As we approached the door among the .pressing crowd 1 ivmailud to the door .keeper that wo wens strangers antf would: like to bear to the best advantage. j He askctl lor tickets, I! replied that we hud none ; when a strangei stand ing by remarked,' I have three tick ets to spare I 'j seemed as if the (Ireat .Master w re giving us awel i come,' and wc then1 were led by a Kiiide to a place more favorable than wo ourselves could have se-L4 scrap of history -from addresi leutcd. Soon the doors were open-; Oefore the Normal School, at Chapel el and the ciowds pressed in ironi i Hill. JS C. on July 21, 1883. every quarter, uuti the great audi-i In ;761j Admiral George, Lord ence room with its spacious galler4 Aoson witll h : and 1c wub PhcW Their, wrrva iaa Heiuingy liunsry anA twmy soulcouId supply as bringing from m ailing ior me ureau anuwaier or, .iprmanv ahlnr.mrn hridfl- to - the " o - Marriages and deaths will b free ; but obitnaries will be chafed fcrV the rate otSceaUk lia . Th Register ccu.rantees the largest drcu' atirtn of any paper published in the count j "CfcarlotU of UecUenburg." Bj Kemp r. Battle, LL. D.t Pres. of Uni versity of North Carolina. - 1 1 1 e, The - preacher's appearance strikes oue more favorably than hisj pictures generally j do. He is of about medium height, but a little broader -across than usual. v His prayers are remarkable for simplic ity and child like confidence. J His pleasant voice rqug out every word and . liable distinctly, and every Kii'teuco a precious thought. The congregation sat in prayer with bowed beads, but they stood while singing, everybody seemed to take 'apart in the well! known hjmns a.;d tunes, though!' ihe preacher bued the hymns, a-1 whole stanza at a rTme. The Scripture lesson! was 'explained practically and' experi- . K ..... i I r.,, ' ! - - . i ij-'ui aiiN. me sermon was just 4.") ! (in.uutesi young King, George III. Her name was, Charlotte- ! She was a princessof Mecjclenburg 6trelitz. These names are great in history. Few men stand out 'in English history more distinguished for . ro mantic daring as a navigator, fbr the strong, sturdy qualities of English sailors, descendnats of the old Northmen who issued from their frozen fastness in Denmark, Norway aud Sweden, like an ir resistible torrent, to conquer the nations, than George Lord Anson. He led a squadron around Cape Horn in the perils oL winter, and j after may vicissitudes circumnavi- the globe. He was the I gateit i....... ...... .. ....... x- , ithe English N in .im. .ni(in. ooooay seemed to giow wean, aud every eye and ear was open till the benediction ', w as pronounced. ; ITrom experience wejmlge that most of these rrrpat C5 ! I " . teacher of Nelson.! He it was who brst announced and acted on the led to so audiences- go home; feeling nearer the Kedeemer of men than ever be t'cre, and more resolved to live iivnter to him in time to.come. In i i.e. evening we went to hear the ; - '-N, a n ouug ukui of about 12 y rs., who bubs lair. to be a worthy suc- essor of the father. P,ut wo were -told at the door that uot another lH-rsou could enters This wo re gtHted very much.! ' Tbt next Sabbath 1 was aVnin gwaily favored. I weut to the sreat hall aloue, but was kindly taken at the dwr under guidance OY a Stl;lllir.vr , . i. uu proveu to be a daring order which has mauy victories over overwhelming odds, by English over French and Spaniards, and in the AVar of 1812, by Americaus ever English, "close with the enemy gun to 'gun, hand to hand, cutlass to cutlass, no mat ter what odds against you." In early life he purchased lauds on the waters of the Pee I)ee,but his .1 nr. J uieams oi -iorest Happiness were broken by the alarum ot war. In 1740, when in the zenith of his pop ularity his name was given to the vast couutry which extended from the limits of Bladen to the far waters of the mighty Mississippi. George the III, began to reign ners, conversation and dress were heralded as if she were a goddess Perhaps my lady , tUiditors would like some ; detail?. - Her manners were pronounced by no less a judge than Horace Walpole as "decided ly genteel." Her dress was b white satin, brocaded with gold, distended with enormous hoop?. She had a stomacher of diamotids. On her bead was a cap of finest lace, stiffened so as to' resemble butterfly, fastensd to the front -of the head by jewels I will qadtetd yon one of her speeches. - When she arrived in sight tit 'St. James7 Palace, where she was to meet the groom, the bride turned pale. The Dutcbessof Hamilton- rallied her. The princess replied, "Yes, my dear dutcbess, you may laugh ; you are not going to be married,' but; it is no joke to me It was a tremen dous exciting time. Horace Wal pole writef , "Koyal manages, coro nations and victories came tumb ling over one another from distant parts of the globe, like the work of a lady- romance writer. I don't know where T am. I had scarce fonnd Mecklenburg Strelitz with a magnifying glass on the map be fore I was whisked to Pondicherry. Then thunder go the tower guns; behold Broglie and Soubrire are totally defeated by Duke Ferdi nand, of Brunswick at the'battle of Minden." The joy of this period aud the satisfaction over this mar riage extended to the wilds of North Carolina, and 'the- good queen's names, Charlotte of Meck- enburg, were affixed, as soon as the news came, to a newly, created! county and town. She was a wo man of noble character. She ' was a model of domestic virtues, and the court through her influence was pure in the midst of a corrupt so ciety. And when bur ancestors, in the angry passions of war in 1779, punged from the map the bated es of Tryon rand Bnf cue lnnaDitajixs or tnis sec- tibn were the -Herces nghters against her husband, their swords sharp as hornet stings, they allow ed the name of the; good queen to remain as a perpetual iriDuce to an womanly virtues. Note the coincidence, that just as Aamirai .nson imroaucea Charlotte of Mecklenburg into England, aB j its Queen, so in the distant North Carolina the county of Anson in North Carolina polit ical history went before and was usher to the county of Mecklenburg. It should be a warning lesson, to all rulers that only thirteen years after this ebullition of loyal afiec- tion, the most defiant resolves and the mos": spirited action against England's King came from those enlighteued men, whose county and town bore the name of England s Queen. The chords ot sentimental devotion snapped when strained by hard and real assaults or inherited liberties. With many a sigh over the sweet past, now turned into bit terness, our ancestors addressed themselves to the stern task before them; - ! aim who, though smalHn stature,rbad thecdurage of a giant; went'tb his oureaa drawer, took out tooviand somely chased revolers--on tvls a gift from a Crown Prince ijfrus sia and crept dotririti),tbe iarlor. where' he- saw,';twb men biky at work on a safe constructed in be wall : s it, U j. :t II mi hop that, ! he cried qnickryj "or here's a bullet for each of you.' r ine men turned around in alarm and almost laughed to see thedim inutive figure that stood Ti fitarfeet ofif. One of them threatened bim "If yon make a step towati me I'll iSre' said Tom, and 'they-saw a revolver-in-each of his little hands. "You're a pluek little fellow," exclaimed the other burglar'ahd by I'll have nothing to da with this." Then addressing Tom; "if we go will you keep quiet?" "Leave my house," Said YTom. At this moment ''Mrs. StrAtton, who had come down and sa-tf- the scene, scf earned aloud. The' - two burglars thought no more about it, but made a rtisb and scrambled oift of the window. ' In the flight one bf them dropped a gold ""signet ring, which Ton Was ever i after proud to show as a memento of his encounter with burglars. - Hie, was never after molestedl 1 Tom was very fond of - sailing. Once he had the tiller and was skimming along the sound - with a party of friends. A four-year old boy-who was playing about the deck: fell nto the- water The mother screamed '' ' ', "Hold the tiller and bring her around shouted Tom, and in an instant he was in the water swim ming toward the drowning "child; whom he had soon reached "afad whom he held up in the water fif teen minutes while the people on board bungiingly tried to' get a thirty foot boat around. au the New-hall House in Jjtlwau- kiee, Tom Thumb fled with his ewelry, leaving his wife behind. Ihis is not true. She had fainted; when they were found toward the bot of the "stairs he was carry inc her as well aslie could and would not let go when assistance arrived, and they both had to be carried out together. When he reached the street he fainted too. But his pluck stood by him daring the critical period, and he saved his jewelry too.''. , , Tom Thumb used to say that he would give, up all the money ho made to be the size of an ordinary man, and this was so particularly when he would come across ome cowardly bully. .At one time he was so annoyed by insults leveled at himself aud his wile by such people that he kept a regular "leel ei'' by him, who on the slightest provocation would "clean onfc a crowd" in a regular Sullivan style. The class found it out, and'Tora had a quiet time of it. .minster from Perth, Scotlandthe successor of liev.j II. lionar. an. i nor ot some of ouar, au- onrmost precious 1 7?- TP tothe top -'the gallery behind the speaker's Maud, ami then down tiie aisle un til 1 sat within a few fr 4 the right hand of the preacher U'at position I had a full viPW nuense crowd both below aW in -, a of n ;wt tossing restless ltwe hadsu lately crossed. U -as a panorama of five thousand pectant faces. iTI,..? Md v Iin XTr r iu j iou, ior a lew snort years one of the most popular kings who ever sat on a throne, both at home and in the colonies, though! in course of time his obstinacy alienated many of, his subjects, and lost him the American possessions. When his bride, the homely but ! sensible aud pious . Charlotte of Mecklenburg Strelitz, came from the north of Germany io Eugland, she was the favorite of the day. It was the fashion to admire every thing German, from I the stem Frederick, then striking some of t ne same precious! flow of refresh 1 the most lerrific blows of the Sev mg truth. Afrer.ur !enYMr- w . muu x WAS in 01 iu 11IO u.uuui.UK troduccd to the preacher maiden, whether princess or 'gan Eer. J. E. C. Barham, Warren ton, N. C, says : "I used Brown's Iron Bitters. It is a. complete restorative and thorough tonic and appetizer." . . Brave Tom Thumb. 1 , Tom Thumb was a brave little man. lie naa rots or presents in his pretty house in one of the pret tiest of the New England towns, &nd some of those presents were most valuable. There was a snufF box from Prince Albert, the bus band of Queen Victoria, presented to Tom Thnmb when he was shown to the Court at . Windsor. These he prized very hlghlyas well as as . a numoer oi eieganc inings which were 'gi ven him by the no bility and gentry of Great Britain. Qn. one occasion the knowledge that he kept these articles in his bouse excited the undisguised envy of a party of burglars, who thought they would have an easy job with the small family. Tom was awak ened at dead of .night to the knowl- NO MORE EYE - GLASSES. No Mor A butcher enters a lawyer's office. "Sir,"-he asks, "when aJog does any damage, is not his owner responsible !'' "Certainly.", '-That beiug the case,. as your do has just carried off a magnificent eg of mutton from my shop you ,qwf $e two dollars." "Nothing could 6e more iust." renlied the . lawZdu : "and fortunately, that- is exic the price of the consultation ji hjrVe just given you." 1 XOne Ohio ! politician called an nthor a utbinframbob. 7 and it in- furiated bim'more than the.remark ... of another man that he was "the most object ional , scavenger wio ever wallowed iu the political gi; ter to find some scrap of refuse tt) to take home." The campaign Ohio is warming up. j Intaa Sleeping CaV Frca Chicago. . A lady sat with her only cbrld; f ; The poor . little fellow was al.nost wild. j lie was making a roise like a circas ban For h horrible leloa was n his bnnd. j I Q A I ET V .... - - The s great ' superiority .of DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP over all other cough remedies is attested by the immense popular demand for , that, old' established remedy. For the Cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma, Bron chi tis, Whooping Cough, Incipient Consumption and for the relief of consumptive persons in advanced stages of the Disease. For Sale by all Druggists Price, 25 cents. .THAT WILL VISIT THE SOUTH E RESTATES THIS TEAR COMING IN ALL ITS OVERSHADnwiNR naRiiiTiini: r AS SUPERIOR TO AKT OTHER SHOW THAT EVER CAME SOOTH AS AN ElECTRIC UBHT IS TO A TALLOW CANDLE, )?ILL EXHIBIT -A.T CON-QORD OlST Tuesday, October 1 6th, t BRINGING 1 THBEE TRAINS LOADED )VITH THE WORLD'S WONDERS. ' Uses alI 5s own baggage, stock, platform nd paUce tleeping ctra '. EVEHYTHHIG BRIGHT, HEW, ELEGANT, AND CHEERFUL No old acts, old feature?, old cages, old animal yon have-seen liere beftre. i - ' L. E35TOie,3!!COTJ-S 3E a i 1 roa d 3Hows I ALL UNiTED IN ONE VAST WORLD-EMBRACING CONSOLIDATION. INFINITELY THE ONE AND ONLY ADMITTED Greatest Show on the face of the globe. $ CCOHQUEROn J f A SPECIFIC FOR EPILEPSY, SPASMS. CONVULSIONS, FALLING SICKNESS, ST. VITUS DANCE, ALCHOHOUSH, OPtUU EATINB; SYPHILUS, SCROFULA, HXCS EVIL, UGLT BLOOD DISEASES, DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUSNESS, SICK HEADACHE, RHEUMATISM NERVOUS WEAKNESS, KERVOUS PROSTRATION, : - BRAIN WORRY, BLOOD SORES, 1 BILIOUSNESS, COSTIYEKESS, KIDNEY TROUBLES AND IRREGUUUSITIES. per bottle at druRshU.Tn TcaepiL. 2o. (1) Correspondence freely answered by phjeicians. ' For testimonials and circulars send stamp. C. X. CBITTEJfTOK, Agent, New York. FOR THE PERMAWEHT CURE 0F CONSTIPATIONS try as Constipation, and no remedy has ever. l core Wtatcvor the cause, kowever obetlaatel c?!h case, thia maedy -will overcome it. I l . ml e5 TTTT3 distreaaiBg oom-l cl IrlbluOi plaint ia very apt to Del atxeastliena the weakened parts and quickly a.CUXOfc all FmflH OI jruem ovuu wucu fujuuiw. I . - . 1 ii nil uTi . Tm il nil t I feaiLiESUl USE rue;ftits8elir i w -. ffv it . ' 3 LARGE MENAGERIES COMBINED 3 HERDS OF ELEPHANTS. , One Monster Two-Horned Rhmocerps. The pnlyliving Giraffe that has h been seeir in the South for twenty yeai? 4 . ,.y ONLYi LIVIIIG PAIR OF HIPPOPOTAMI Ever exhibited in any traveling Menagerie in any part of the world. A. huge male and hMitlill'f H'UltirglfllWllWSflf!ej'UiliVj fuTf""1 "-" WE HAVE THEM SUBE and we will refund the' price of admission to every visitor if. wr dow't introduce them loose iu the ring at everv performance. The above rare animals are the znoet valuable, costly and wonderful feature's ever brought to the land of the Magnolia and Orange Blossoms ; but rare as they are, .they fornibut a tithe of the many extraordinary features we actually exhibit. Cut this advertisement out, carty'it with yon and try and find one single thing here advertised that is nat actually exhibited. j S02IE MORE STERLING FEATURES WE EXHIBIT : The only LION SLAYER in America. l he only IN I Li utl A U in America. The largest Bengal Tiger in America. THE ONLY AXSUBXCAXT BORN OAXSS&B IN" AXXS&XCA. The only Burden-Bearing Dromedaries, and more of them than you have ever seen before. Iras U-wn, StMl Brta(, Braaa TARt ItAM.'at 1 1 JOKES. BB PAYS THB mfmJltt7l I I SoIImMiL WsrrautaPjaaia. AUaUcaaalov. JOXESOF BncSRAMTOX. BUUiUttrOS, . T- iLYON&HEA'LY State & Monroe Sls.Chicago. BAND CATALOGUE, i , for lo M M tngrm.inft I of lattraoKfU. Soltf, Ctfi, Mu, IPunniM. tifUM KiiuuU. Drum MatacH StAffb sd4 "H.t Sundr. band CJatttU. Kcaalrlu ;Mjtertl;, aba mclnd ImtractiOD u- ercim lor Amtcnr bands U4 r v 7Jl Weak IZjenl MITCHELL'S EYE-SALVE. A Certain, tdfe and iiaective Remedy for Sore, Weal and Inflamed Eyes, Producing Long-Sigb'tednes?, and Restor ins: the Sight of the Old. Onre Tcitr Irop, Urfiiiulntion. Mye Tumor, Htni Eye.UMttpt Fye LwtbM, And proiucingiuick Reliet niid lVrmanent Cur-. Also, qu.tlly. efficacious hen iifd in other maladies such hs Ulcers, Ferer Sores, Tumor?, Snlt Klieum,' Burn?. Piles, or wherever intianirrmtion eit--. MITCII ELL'3 SAJA'Emay he used U advantage Sold by all BrugiaU at 2" cents. 7 - BURN HAM'S PAMPHLET FREE BY BURNHAM BR0S,Y0RK,PA. A qu el old man remarked to the mothe I ihink we can ttop ibis pnin and botne 1 "arm grasp and precious bles sini? terD4"en" .or goose-girl.. The f .tbftU Cot fwgst. Aft our rtnrt ie as receivd in Loadon with uiaueieMie ovfttions. Her edge that the burglars were in the i-Te a bottle uf Pia KUier here," eaid U lower rooms. His wife begged him 'And I think it will cu-e b:m ltu ee to let them complete their work on He poU-ed some dro;s oi a moistened rf tne piea mat UlS llle was more val- And wrapoed the feloo, as u in a bag, liable. than all the gold ami fcilivei "Ald. oon the suffering c&ini wu ta'm la Worldi Bat the little uiaoi A; ih to'b f wmtssr Ttiilag the BOOKS. The first en line Burchel ZEBAA erer ssen South- ' the LARGEST Hyena, Api x Babboons, V andril, Tigers. Lions,.' leopards. Wart Ilog, Hemedrias, and the firat ge uineVirginia Panther seen in many years.and a multitude of animala not here mentione 1 rntTi? murine! is the best you eveu 1 fj Ti Ijli'tVjUO Inclndes for the first tone ever seen in the South I " The Wonderful STIRK FAMILY of Bicycle Riders. MISS VIOLA RIVERS, the Handsomest and Best Bareback Equestrienne in . the World. ; 0RRIN H0LLIS, Champion Trick Rider. WILLIE SELLS, the Great Jockey and Four Horse Rider. The FRENCH FAMILY CAR0N, Best Acrobats. trot, white's nuAflow-oirTED school or DOOS. . t DONALDSON BROTHERS, Jointless Phehomenons. HERR DRAYTON, The German Hercules. The best Clowns, the bet Leaper, tbe best Tumblers, Wire Walksrs, Trapeze. Art ' i ists, Gymnasts, and General Performers erer seen South, and more of them. , 5 BANDS of MDSIC. 42 Great Sala imam ia the Orchestra.' See the Transcend'ently Beautiful, Rich , Gorjreous, Startling, Wonderful Pa rade. A Plume-Topped Tidal Wave of Splenner introducing 5 Bands of 3Iu pic, S8 O'old Covered Cages. The Beautiful Allegorical Tableau of Clauibia and her . Court of Beauty, introducing the four Handsomest Women in America. Come to sec the Grandest Parade, and the Biggest Show ever exhibited EXHIBITIONS AT THE USUAL IIOURS. ' The Loui-Tilie, Ky..Courier Journal contained an ciivriil, written by ilm. Henry Watterson, which said : "The people of the Sjuth wi'i have an oppurtuuity uf vi-iitin SIls Brothers' Great Show, which is, without exception, the uxs.t honorably condncted I ami the verv best Show in America." i 500,000 VOLUMES the choicest liter- ! Owinfr to the enormous expease attending w vast an cx!iibition,the price of adaiis.iun atnre of the world. 10O-pa?e CaUloeue ' will be the same in every place which thw bo visits. free. Lowest prices ever known. Notsold' ' " ' .. r . - ,r I by dealers. Sent for exammation before AUMIbblUN, W all Over IU years OT age, 70 UntS. payment on evidonce of go! faith. joii N : for a under 10 vears of a?e. 50fVntc; ----- 4 , O ww.. Si ALDEN. Publieher. 18 Teser St.. Nx Pwitirelf 2o Person Admitted Frei r. A :1