:VM0 fy. jtt: - fircljojiil- Subscription Kate One Yr. ' . .' !' . p,x Months, : : : Three Months, ,v ' rn copies, each,: !: :. . 1 tivp'T. each. ..w-nMttine up club of JO r nil receive a iw,j r. ratis ; Luther's Eirthlaj, From the 'w Yprk Evangelist, It is already plain that the Frot V fl NT od ii rph 3 . , 1 25 : ' ' : : ' ' : . ' . ' . VOL IX ! :j CONCORD. NORTH CAROLINA, FIJI DAY, OCTOBER I!), 1883;' ' ,.-. ' ' ira 29J- i ' i - 1 : : ' : ; ! : : r - , , ,,. , , - t I REGISTER JOB OFFICE. LETTERHEADS, ; r JNOTE UEA !)S, L ' BILL HEADS, ENVELOPES,' fclRCXTLARS, , . ' CAKDS, ' POSTERS, c ? ;. RCEIPTS, BLANKS.'&c, Neatly printed, acd at Low Prices. most have the broad canvas of four I hundred yeafs of constant and ex ! pariding'progress, whereon to study .... m ni..iir share with ; the Kouq ao n wasunaer we popes. Trotcswnt Ger.nun!T in clebrktmgiahd.asit Men' grons to .!. ... ; nnHor thA inniinr.p. of an nnpn Hi. four bonared n oiriuaay i , rrr Tl"" " " "C Z.T.r A certain amount, i ble" tree 10 aii. xue past lour nun- dli he'dred years win De aepictoa uy a the Martin Luther Af rrinninfi enthusiasm w arouin retracio tbe eventful j vast number of writers and a mul carcer of the German Reformer. ; titude of orators, who shall be wit TbemenofbisiayJwiniikewisebne6sesforwhatisvital In the Ke weighed aud measured by the re-; formation of Lather. i , suits of the great struggle in which . f j sg cf aa Open Winter, they acted as levers or partisans. ' Terre iiaUnte Express. The intellectual, scientific;, literary, ,lWuat kind of a winter and religious condition or me 01 Id has adrancefl so lar since V ...t.,. ..r-.r.toiirior1: war unnn its ' , ! I liumKi iiiunnnuvu, -i ; hunter once regnant superstition, tnat.no skepticism can deny t b'e influence exeited lly the Bible in favor of freedom and t education. The sacerdotalism of the middle ages are lingers iit the old cathedrals of the old world, but only as a ghost. The Popes who once ma(& nations tremble with their edicts, have no successors in the Vatican, aud in deed within the present century, it has come to be j seen that the civil governments of the so-called Catholic nations have been obliged to circumscribe the! pretensions of the Hierarchy. It is very true that those elements !of huma na ture which gave soil and susten ance to the J'irpacv in the begin niug maystill be seen contributing in Protestant lauds toward the restoratiou ot a superstition which can never recover its former pres tige and power, harkuess may contest the advancement of light, but never with .final success. In the coining jubilee of the na tions, while the name pf Luther will shine with touspicuous lustre? it should not bo forgotten that he was a captain iu aujarmy wherein many lofty, souls fought to the death for the triumph of God's Word. For him Providence had reserved the high service of trau6 latiug that Word into tlra verna cular of th . great, jstrong, brave . hearted German people, wuo'hav ing once receive! it would not part with it at the dictation of Popes or of Emperors. The conflict has been longf and the- battles many, but while here aud there the Prot estanismi h&s been suppressed, in the main it has so held its own that while it has its home still in the fatherland, it bias planned its institutions also in all lands where liberty is prized and letters used for the enlightment and enlarge ment of the human mind. The quarrel which Luther had with Tet zel, the papal pedlar of induigen ces, was notable ia its day as show ing how far blind credulity can go, and with what lew words of Gos pel truth its progriss can be' ar rested. Still that is theyet unend ed quarrel between those ! who going to have uncle?'7 asked an Ex press reporter ; of an old squirrel and mink trapper, who makes his borne in the hills across the river. "I kinder calculate that we will have a rather ! mild winer; all the indications point to such." "What signs do you go by uncle?" I have a good many signs, and I never knew one of them to fail yet. When I say we aret going to have a mild winter, you can lepend on it. Haven't I lived in this country sun, with a train running 40 miles an hour without . Btops an4 it would take i$65 years anda little over to make the Journey. So that, if the first settler of this country, at the time they started from the mother country, had started jfroni the s,nn by this rail road, they would be just abouti reaching this country now. But very few of them coald have afford ed it, for even at a cent a mile the lair would have been $930,000.4 There are very few people, even in Kew York, who could afford to go to the sun at that rate of cheap fare. ' .. for forty years, and haven't I watched the winters right along1, and oughtn't I be able to tell V j "Are the corn husks thin this year." "You better recon they are. There are only two or three layers of them, andj they are as is thin as all dry . teach salvation through Christ, and they who-buy their salvation for -vuvj unuuuauug oia priest, who as it were, "farms our the dark re gion of purgatory. We, of course, refer to the ing celebration not calico. Wby,j the I corn enough now to go through a snow without injury. The one or two frosts we have had -have sucked all the sap outof it." ! 'Are there any other indications besides the corn husks ?" "You better believe there are. Xow, when the sunf crossed the line the wind blew from the south east. That indicates a mild win ter every time. If it had blown from the north you could have been prepared to hear the wind blow great guus." "Is that all r "Not by a long ways. I could tell (you eoQUhJ:Q fill a book. My dog holed a gropnd hog the otner day. I had nothing to do, so I set to work and dug the animal out. He didn't have a leaf or twig in his hole ; hadn't nothing in the shape of a nest. ' V "Isn't too early for ground hogs to make their nests V y "Now I 6ee how little you know about a ground hog. A ground hog bashis hole dug, or has picked out his hole by the first September. If it's going to be a cold winter he has it filled with leaves by. this this time.'' I I "Is there anything else ? LYes. The coons haven't com menced to gnaw the corn. That is a splendid sign. And another sign, and a sign! that never fails, the woodpeckerf haven't commenced to drum. Kow, if this was going to be a cold winter all the dead trees would I be covered with red- t Hen and Bat, A California hen, while eng;aged with . her brood of chickens in plow ing up a neighbor's garden, recent ly, was charged upon by a full grown rat, The old representa tive of the "poultry show' imme diately established herself as a cordon around her flock and await ed the onslaught. The rodent, somewhat checked by the bold front presented by the "garden de stroyer," crouched for a moment, and then made a 'dart for one of the chicks.' Iq an instant the 5 old hen opened her cackle battery and commenced battle. She flew at her enemy, and striking it with' her bill, grabbed it by the back and threw it in the air. The rodent earner dowu with a thump upon the walk, but before it could regain its feet the hen repeated the perfor mance, and kept it up until the rat wag only able to crawl away a few feet and die in disgrace. Af ter contemplating her fallen foe for a few moments, the old hen called her brood around her and walked off.. '.- " :.. An Incident of tffgbt Deer Hnnting, Iu tbe Ad irondecks 6iicefc(jaine- a remaikable episode - in the annals of the night shooter-, but which is. true to a word. : We had paddled barely '200 yards from where I ?jH e a deer, when we heard anotberj one ' ( walking' along the grass at -the head of the lake. The K1 the rasher with the weird half 'ciu cle of Hght spreading sborewardf with each sweep of the silent padC die, and again the while outline ol deer seemed to grow out of tlTB) gloom ahead. Splung ! splash ! iV wa walking toward ue. Kow is stops, and in the glare of the bead light we. see a beautiful fat do. her coat beginning to assume the'-" pine tint of the Winter covering With head outstretched she- gazes earnestly at the lantern, while we sit silently and. admiringly1 in the impenetrable gloom enshrouding the dugout behind the light. After satisfying her curiosity she turns to feed, and the canoe steals upon her. Now she is watching her graceful shadow, cast by the ligkt on the lilly pads on the grassy water. Another quick stroke with he; paddle and I prod her ? in The ribs with my eun. At the first puuch she stood like a beautiful statue. At the second 1 would Htroke her with my hand, but I fear she, waking from her astonished trance, would kick over our dugout in her terror she gave one great bound, causing our log to oscillate violently and showering us with cold spray, and then we heard her bounding up the hill. Forest- and Stream. " The great superiority pf DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP over all other cough remedies is attested by. the immense popular demand for that old established remedy Sf D8UB CP North Carolina Kotes. j Raleigh News and Observer. I There are about 6,500,000 acres of improved land in ifortb Carolina and 16,000,000 of unimproved land. We make 450,000 bales of cotton, cotton, 30,000,000 bushels of corn, Generals Longstreet, Faircliild and Rosecrans will join the excur sion of soldiers to" the battle fields about Manassas. General Lone- street will explain the position of the Rebel forces in the second bat- le, which! will be of much interest in connection with the Fitz John Porter case. fioAQQ -rounds, of tobacco, and export wueai , live, uats, grroia-iUA tiU . JkasJr. w.uyofc peas, etc., besides. It is estimated that in fifteen counties alone there are now stand ing five billions of feet of long leaf corn- heads pecking away a which to store nuts." "Isn't it too early for special ecclestiastical or denomi- national int-eresr, cannot fail to have a grand educa tional effect upon as having a hole in that yet?' but because it he minds of mul titudes unaccustomed to trace the connectiou between historical cans-! e ana historical effects. In a tort of fragmentary way all general readers have come; to know tw S the valley of thf Rhine certain German princes . first uttered that protest which has changed the con dition of mankind, and led to an upward Progress which cannot tuP until all Xot a bit of it. They should S any have their holes all pecked by this time, and be ready to fill them. There is not a smart ert bird than the1 wood-pecker; he knows what he's about when he is pecking away at an old limb from morning till might. pine. , 1 When our debt is all arranged it will amount to less than 3,600,000, bearing 4 per cent interest. There is besides a debt of about $2,750,000, bearing 6 per cent interest the in terest 6f which will be met by divi dends from the North Carolina Railroad. i j The assessment of property in the State in 1873 was $125,000,000; in 1S78, it was $142,000,000; in 1882 it was $168,000,000. The valuation in 1883 shows au increase of near ly 20 per cent. It will reach near ly $200,000,000. Our State and county taxes combined run to 661 (tents on the one hundred dollars. in the British maseamwihl.w once owned by CiceroJ "On, that's nothin','1 retorted the American. In Boston they're got the lead pencil that Noah used to check off the animals that went into the ark.'' The Sun's' Distance. An idea of the enormous ' dis-l tance of the sun fromj the earth is given by Professor C. Young by means of the following illustration: ''The earth is about 8,000 miles in diameter. If you could make a the OOntillonin J islands of the globe shall hwi ' ht railroad around the equa- at visited by thattruWhtk v. J l.or? come into the world " nt tv 7 1 Js to make the circait of ir ial and carPfi .C"7 " ""l 40 miles The Oldest Fresh-Water Sailor. Cleveland Emerald. ! Uncle Davy Johnson is the old est fresh water sailor living. He was a lake captain seventy years ago. -tie was a eiuruy uuy ui uiud at Washmgton's death; was thirty years of age when George III. died; was an old man when Grant, bher- man and Arthur were schoolboys Davy Johnson lives near the lake shore between this city and the village oi Vermillion. He is a me- rlinmisized man with snow white hair and beard. He was born in Sodom Conn., June 24, 1790, and though in his ninety-fourth year has all the vigor of a man of forty His father carried a flint-rock mus ket in the Revolutionary war. an hour, without anv be given not oniui t L change at stations. Xo practical reer of Luther, but to I career of Protestauism J " : you around ifc in not fail to fix wid, 7ATf u" i months- "v.u Lieuiion Plofthr,5t,ttWnui(.nVI.6la the ""v-U 6UUGr.Mrirwt less Will than take three to that illbmin, ' "r:r.l lusu?r8' hundred ings wWrevPrik " .Uri8t ! that of the within the 7 """'t epace Of ap am- cle wo cannot t; . tbe benefit. 7 erate vvut work: TC al Tin Then the moon, our next neighbor, is about 240,000 miles away. That is not so I very incon ceivable. hen we come to the sun, we find its distauce is about times as ereat. as moon about 95.000.000 miles. :'!-".! - "Those figures mean nothing un jott take an illustration. Take a railroad from the earth to the An Englishman was boasting to Little Phil, a bright' five-year oldj is afraid of thunder. During he .recent hot spell his mother would remark: Oh ! lor rain." One day when she said it, Philtthus addressed her: "Oh, mamma, I will tell you why it don't rain. WhenJL say my. prayers, I des say "Please don't pay any what mamma says, cos of thunder. 'tention to I'm 'fraid Wor theurejof Coughs, Colds, xiuittscuc, Kfavp, Asinma, bron chitis, Whoopmg Cough, Incipient Consumption and fof the relief of consumptive persons in advanced stages of the Disease. For Sale by all Druggists. Price, 25 cents. J I I I I t. J I I II III I 1 LlSERVEICOiiOUERORJ r i i r The only lvnown specific for Epileptic Fit3,53& JTg"Also for Spasms and Falling Sicknesa.-31 Neivons Weakness quickly relieved and cured. Equalled by none in delirium of fever." .(SrNeutralizes germs of disease and sickness. Cures ugly blotches and stubborn blood sores.'i Cleanses blood, quickens sluggish circulationJi Eliminates Boils, Carbuncles and Scalds." ' USPermanentJy and promptly enres paralysis. 'cb', It ia a charming and healthful Aperient.. Kills Scrofula and Kings Evil, twin brothers. Changes bad breath to good, removing caube. C?Itotits biliousness and clears complexion! Charming'resotvent and matchless laxative.-gXX It drives' Sick Headache like the wind.3i "Contalns no drastic cathartic or opiates. Promptly cores Rheumatism by routing it.-a Restores life-giving properties to the blood.- Is guaranteed to cure all nervous disorders." "Reliable when all opiates fail.-E3 Refreshes the mint! and invigor-ttes the body.. Cures dyspeppi.i or money refunded ."uW EEnjlorscd in writing bj over fifty thousand Leading physicians in U. S. and Enrope.-TS Leading clergymen in U. S. and Etirope.-ffia Diseases of the blood own it a conqueror." For sale by all leading druggists, ff.50.sai The Dr. 8. A Richmond Sledical Co., Props. St. Joseph, Mo. (2) v Fo r testimonials and circulars send stamp. O. N. Ciittonton, Agent, New York. pecial to the Farmers ! who arc in want of the best Machinery sold iih the country. OSBORNE MO VING MA- CHIHES AHD REAPERS. A Mowjng ilaihine tbat can be adjusted in any way without getting "off - your seat and a. RE APE K that'ean be.folded in five minutes to travel dny road in the country . -fj 7 - -: - vJ-H &9. TnE CELEBRATED eote THRESHING MACHINES 1 HORSE POWERS. EMPIRE ENGINES AND BOILERS Feed Cutters Hay Rakes BICKFpRD & HUFFMAN GRAIN AND GUANO DRILLS CANE MILLS AND SELF SKIMMIG EVAPORATORS. And we always have in stock a full line of the best Buggies on the market, at PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. AVE HAVE THE AGENCY FOR THE Celebrated Columbus Buggies, .11 m . .. , anu aiways nave a mil line in stoct at any time, at Factory Prices. ,- - ...... A3 it. ia for all Via painful diaoaoeu of the X;ONEYS.L!VEK AMD OOVCLS. It olainspa tio tsvsism of the acrid poison that csuiies tea dreadful suffterini? wMcli oiily tU-j Tictlnia of Rhoiurctiara can realise. TMOL'3ANDS CP CASE3 of fa-y wcrtt forma of tliia terriblo diee iiave been qulcily relieved,: and in snort time. PERFECTLY CURED. FFJCE, t& UqtTDOa DRT, SOLD BT JDKTJGGISTS. ii- pry can D9 sent nymaii. WEIJjS. KIC3HAKDBON & Co.. Bnrlinetoa Vt f I cl I. E II tW w. c J 4 t-Z: , And we have a full stock -of ''' and will sell aa - Cheap as can be bought for in the 1 State. All we ksk is a showing and we wil iSAVK MONEY! for the good farmers, who are the foundation of the country. SMITHDEAL & RITCHIE, Concord, X. C. 5-TOfI One of the Rev. Levi Philetus Dobb?s weaknesses is metapnor. Here is his last. It is in reply to one who had come to him for infor mation: '-You may be ignorant; but your igxiorance shall be the hand that turns the faucet that sets in motion tho mind whose branches shall send out rays which shill dis til oil upon the waves of deadly upas trees. 1 The negro voters of Ohio appe ar to have broken the color line, as many of them supported floadly for Governor on Tuesday, and it will not be surprising if the jtegroes of Virginia follow their example in breaking away from Mahpne in November. The colored voters of the country begin to 'understand that they owe no gratitude- to tbe Republican party, f "Great hwte iB not always good sj.ecd." Yet you most not dilly-dally in caring for your health. 'Liver, kidneys ud bowels must be kert healthy by the ue of that priace of medicines, Kidney Wort, which comes in liquid form or dry-HOotn tnor ouly efficacious. Have it always ready, A Dutchman had two pigs, a large one and a small troe. The smaller one being the elderhewas trying to explain to a customer, and he did it in this wise: "The little X)z is the piggest." Upon which his wife, assuming to correct him, said ; "You will excuse him, he no speak as good English as me; he no mean that the little pig was the piggest, but the youngest pig is tbe oldest." ' , Irea Urns. Steel Brarlnei, BrM Tllf ttAM. I IORE8i BE PAYS THE WkViVSlTI 9 Cold M trtaL WarrmuU HUU Mtow. yorfrMkook.aidieis Vl (JOKES OF BIRGHAMTOH, BUCBAXZOSjli.T. MBH tp PURGATIVE hY) Anr pumoB who will Uk OSK PILL ..Wealth if aahk thine UlKwtU. For cunnc Female ComDUiiitthri Pilli he noMoml. lhrictn thj-tn i wmpTvitit. terywuere. or lest by auul for s ntti ia lUmpi. fctnd for ptmphlet. 1. 8. JOSITBUW w- Anil will nnnnl.t.l rhnn til fclnnil in tl rntlnt ITItem la three month EACH NIGHT FROM OXE TO TWELVE WEEKS. m brtore te eooi LYOtM&iHEALY State & Monroe Sts.. Chicago. Will tend prepnid to ny ad dre thdr RAMH rA-TALDGUE. 1 for lotS, )0 !U fcngtTiiigij I of imtnunenU, btiti, Cape. ceiUi SPompon. Epaoleu, Cep-Leaph Ct.n.u rwmn Maior SL.ff4. iu ItMstcnsb, al40laclde inrcUea ad Ex- pmt 111 1 for Amsteor moot, aaa a vinn ( ClMfc Hand Miblc ' f 110 MORE EVE - GLASSES. More IVeak Eyes! BUY I THE Celjlratei Tennessee i jBflXlaJaWlpaBa ' ffrfP-"" :lf" ' "Wf &k i V . r.L M III , jmm'd A MITCHELL'S EYE-SALVE. A Certain, j, f; and EQeclive Remedy for ! Sore, Mi ani IniaaieJ Eyes, Producing Long-Sishtedness, and Restor ing the Sight of tbe Old. 1 Tear Drop, ranulMtion. Kt jc Turner. Kd Eye, Matted Kye -Iiahe, And producing Quick Relief and PermHZient Cure. Also, eouallv efficacious ben used in nthr maladief. fuch as Ulcers, Feei Sores, Tumors, 4?ait Kheum, Burns, Tiles, I or wherever inflaminatioh exUts, MITCH ELL'S SALVE may be Used to advantage Sold bv all Druzirists at 25 cent?: 7 BURN HAMS &MDARDwk1 W ; PAMPHLET rRU oi BURMMAM BROS,YORK,PA. WW BOID JLETD .VTA H B fitXTED BT N. F. YOBKE, Agent CIHCirirJATI BUGGIES; HACKS, PHETONS, CARRIAGES, &C. Motes Mills ail Evaporators, SlcCormic 5L KemiuRtou Mowcwi and HortM Rake. CITY r rr!i r. - r " ' 1 the The ex -Sheriff of Iredell County, N. C, Mr. W. F. WaUon says : "Brown's Iron Bitters has impreved my digestion and gsnr.l health Dyspepsia dampens the ar4 or of many an aspiring soul. "VThy eufitr! from dys- pepsia ? Why be frighteue4 over dis- p A"j ordered kidueys? Why continue the j D " a mieerkbio life ol a dyspepc, Derveless i morul? Brown's Iron Bitter will surely! cure tou. I has jrmanentlj cured thou- . 300,0 Vt)LU ME sands of cases where otheT remedies afford, ed only temporary relief. Ak your drug gist concerning its merits. Try a sample bottle nd you will be relieved of futther manUl and physical Bistre. YISITIHG C&RTS, with and without Tor, Tlui E(i'ht Riding Cart vianvfacturcd. ' ' e "T- E of BOOKS a t A. f u I. nil Mture ot me w.ria. iifoT'v v.4--.-free. Urst-l prices evtr k.1.wn. Ntold bv dealer, b.'ttt for .examination befajj r avment on evidoneu f pl faith- JOHN B'ALDEN, Fublitr U Vey Jt., . l 1 iT-KSU. 1 arT-TT-.T. . J buying Machinery t any Kim, iv a Clieypest to buy the uesr. McCormic mat binee 1ead the World! at Bottom Prices. 'fore making purchases. nxr. t. Call to see me

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