"r - - : ' - i Section: bectK TWENTY-NINTH YEAR DURHAM, N. C., SUNDAY, AUGUST 13, 1922. ' PRICE Daily 6c; Sunday 7& The Law It was the law of laws When Heaven and Earth were new I It Is the rule of everything That pasting mortals do; .nd you may ead, who love V Tha new-flung songs of Spring; '"Old age must ever go its way That Youth may have Its fling!" And you, and I, who sigh, Who pause beside the gray. Shall listen to the joy of life And pass along our way! fetop it you will, but fear The poison and the sting, for "age must ever go its way That Youth may have its fling!" Ah, could I stay, and dance! Could I but wait, and love! for dear to me is that young dream And sweet .he tooing dove! But you and I must go Along this rath of strife; And Youth must have the love, and Age The mellow things of life, t Birthday Party Yesterday evening from six to nine O'clock the home of Rev. and Mrs. S. E. Mercer, 614 Rlgsbee Ave., was the scene of much interest. The occasion was a surprise birthday party given Jn honor of Mrs. Mercer. The members of the Calvary church missionary so ciety had laid their plot well, and had attended to every detail without letting the member in whose honor - the party was given In on the plot. About six o'clock automobiles from every direction began to arrive, and for a time the spacious lawn and porch cs were the scene of much merriment Mrs. Mercer was kept closely engaged on the west porch while certain mem bers were working surreptitiously in Side, At seven-thirty the doors were thrown pen and the guests were ushered Into the north reception room which had been made Into a beautifully improvised banquet hall. A splendid repast con slating of every thing that heart could dealra In tha line nf eatables was serv . fl 1 ... - j. ww, . At, 1 J m ea oy me laaies. xne laoie was inueeu lovely, weighted down with food, daintt ly prepared and tastily served, arrang ed with fruits and flowers, and In the center an artistically decorated birth- day cake, the gift to the guest of honor from Mrs. G. F. Messner. Beautiful mudic with. Mrs. Dr. Moore at the piano, Mr. Duhling accompany ing with the cornet and Mr. Schwartz with the violin, was furnished through- lout the evening. About fifty guests, the husbands of the members and a few other invited guests were p.-esent and. all thoroughly enjoyed the occasion. Mrs. Mercer was presentel with a number of useful and very highly appreciated gifts, W. M. S. Social Circle Xo. 1 of the Woman's Mission ary society or me west irarnam wd tist church was delightfully. entertain ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs; c. b: Jjmws on watts street on Thursday night. They were welcomed into the home by special music given by Mr. Daily Fashion Hmt ' Prtpani EtptcldlgFor TMt Newspaper BOGUS "PRINCE" SAYS HE'S FRENCH KING. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Dow dee left Sat-1 urday morning for Charlotte where they f will spend week visiting relatives, Mrs. Tom Fuller Southga'.c and chil- Idren have returned from Virginia Beach where they- have been spending some time. The many friends of Miss Mildred Lewter of 70S. Chapel Hill boulevard. will be interested to learn that she Is getting along nicely after having her tonsils removed. Misses Julia K. and Julia S. Albright returned to the city Saturday mor .Ing from New York where they have been buying fall millinery. Miss Lillie Jones spent Saturday In Cary with relatives. Mr. W. I. Foushee returned Satur day morning from Raleigh where he has spent several days on business. Miss Grace Mangum of Washington, p. C, arrived in the city Saturday to I vlst her sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Jones, on Jackson street. Misses Mary and Carrie Belvin have returned to the city after spending a I week at Ocean View. Mrs. W. H. Pickett and sons Billie and Paul left Saturday tor Virginia I Beach where they will spend a week. mm Misses Flora O'Neal and Minnie King tan- uth fnr Nelann where thev I ... ... " . . I - I Kniii-hnn" fa a hlo.,.aiinriin0. tltu tai a' Will V1SU Mrs., J. a. I faotimr h.nj .n4 thl. T .,.,.. et cetra, has now vanished from New r . '4 f - . I I U sin Liny) i! ii urn Tffsasssy.rfesMiMis waiwlij 1 "Prince Louis Henri de Busigny de York, after fooling a court and four women, to whom, the police claim, ho is married. He left his "secretary," a former IT. S. sailor, to whom he owed $50, and his latest wife. He even cauB- Mrs. S. J. Wright and children have returned to their home in Greensboro I after visiting Miss Lillian Hornbuckle. Miss Lottie Wlmbish of Sudan, Va. I i a i,.. mil will be the guest of Mrs. Hubert Warren , - ..m.c on Milton avenue. ' 'wot ?"?'5'en w? ted hAm wh"n m- if t t WMt.w una in to1 of saving the czar's life and com- I . - . Ji A CnA AAA T 1 .it 1 Jlmmle, went to Wendell Saturday i - .'''.'" "u": where they will spend some time visit ing relatives. ill W f 'iJ COAT I02S DRESS 9940 MANNISH TOP-COAT-Fashioned of material that Dfovidet ivarmth yet is not weiehtv. thit mannish, coat with ragtan sleeves is desirable in tan, gray or blue home spun. It is trimmed with self -material and there is an inverted olait at the back. With the coat is worn a dress ot dark blue, crtpe satin, for which 4 .yards. 36 inches, are required. ' Miss Lottie Wall of Greensboro ar rived in the city Saturday afternoon and will vlst Mrs. Hubert Warren, . Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Keen left Satur- I day afternoon for Raleigh where they I will make their home in the future. Mr. and Mrs. Burke Hobgood and children left Saturday for Raleigh to spend the week-end with relatives. Mr. Erie Copeland left Saturday night for Asheville where he win spend a I week. , - the world war, but Schwarm, a factory hand, of New Britain, Conn., who at various times has worked as a cook in cheap restaurants and posed as a relative ot John D. Rocke feller and John Jacob Astor. And he was so smooth people believed him. Lillian Wilkomeraon, a pretty little saenographer, was his "Queen" when he declared ha would be king if France were a monarchy. She married him and then worked to BUport him, and she Mill believes in him. OXFORD SOCIETY A Party to Asheville A party composed of Mrs. L. P. Pas chall and daughters Misses Grace and I Saturday afternoon for Washington. D. Jiuiiic vy sucvtoi iiiumvi jj . . . .. ... . . - Laws, niaved and sung on victrola. I . - " -""- r Oxford, Aug. 12. Mrs. A. W. Graham entertained on Wednesday afternoon from Ave to six thirty in honor of Mrs. A. W. Graham. Jr., who was Miss Mary IXTaHH hafnra hAi mnrt-lncro in .1 11 no Mr. Mrs. J. S. Farthing of Dunn who has . ny..m hBV hw,n -nf,niinir been visiting Mrs. 'J. L. Conrad on Man-1 . ol h-m ,ha rn .tate gum "LHt r 2T.Z4 1 returning, home today. The elegant home Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Bramham left Tk aImIa thAvmiaihlv Am Invorl th illlQ LID IIIVIVUBIIIJ ,JVJ music for a while and then a program was given ny me leaaer: Song: "How Firm a Foundation. Bible reading by Miss Eudie An drews. Prayer by Mrs. Alva Veasy. Paper on Industrial foreign missions Was read by Mrs. J. E. Rlgsbee, Mrs. Alva Veasy. Mrs. C. B. Laws. A tract on China was read by Miss Eudie Andrews. Song by circle: "Work for the Night Is Coming.' Duet by Mrs. R. H. Lynn and Mrs, J. ' F. Goodrich, pianoist. Miss Eudie Andrews. "The OW Rugged cross, and then two little girls sang, 'Tour Best Friend is Always Near," Francis Albert and Mrs. J. M. Sykes left Sat-Ion business. urday. morning for Asheville and other points In Western Carolina to be gone about three weeks. e Miss Nancy Herndon Is getting along nicely after having her tonsils removed. Mrs. Fuller Suffering From Broken Ankle Mr. Howard E. Eblen who Is in Mul- pn Horner Hill was thrown open to Many friends, who were charmed to call and welcome the attractive young bride home. The guests were welcomed at the door by Mrs. M. C. Evins and Mrs. J. W. Horner. Mesdames R. H. Lewis a.nd R. G. Lassiter showed them into the Library where delicious punch was served by Mesdames W. A. Devin and B. K. Lassiter, assisted by Miss Caro lyn Booth. Receiving in the front hall spent the week-end in the city with celvlng line were Miss Susan Graham l The many friends of Mrs. Jones Fuller I i. ti. ..mmmnM fnr Mr I and Mrs. J. C. Horner. Receiving with wiu res re i to near uiai ine is ai opmu-1 Robert Eastern of Henderson, Ky., Who I " i" ' " woods Arms, Virginia Beach suffering from a broken ankle and won't be able to return to the city for several weeks yet Mrs. Fuller was accompanied by her little daughter, Carolyn Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fuller Moved to Franklin Court It will be of much Interest to their Whitfield and Josephine Hawley. AT- l" " iter which a delicious course or Ice cream wun cnerry ana cane were ser ved by Mrs. C. B. Lava, followed by m refreshing course or. puncn. The house was lovely decorated for Mrs. Ralph Fuller and family have moved In Franklin Court Apartments. m . t ... . . - . I .IT V. . I. In Mullina now. I oranam, jr., juesaames jonu irWu. m.. - 11. uevin, Kr. a. i;oggeaniui, r.. xveiii Mr.. Guv Branson left yesterday The decorations In the parlor were yel- mornlng for Greensboro where she will IOW roses, m ine aining room iove- .nonri . few davs with relatives. I 'X color scneme m pinn was trai ricu oui. 9 . . i xteceivingr ax cne aiuiiis ruuiu uuut www Mm. 8. B. Williams and son Hubert. I Mesaames J. a. Jtsooin ana a. n. rowen left yesterday for Rocky Mount to visit I Serving in this room were Misses Lucy relatives. I eniriey or , nicnmona, mna. uooper i Sarah cannady, tiliouse Horner. Misses Elf ra. and Nettie Smith," nurs-1 Frances Horner and Mary Landis es at Watts hospital left Saturday morn-1 Beautiful cream, cake, almonds and ing for their home In Rocky Mount I mints were served. Receiving in tne where they will spend their vacation. I hall were Mesdames" N. C" Daniel and I N. H. Cannady. This tea. proved one ot Mrs. M. A. Newcomb ot Birmingham, I the most delightful of the summer sea- Miss Mangum Improved. The friends of Miaa Katia Man cum the occasion with enormous baskets I m k. n v.. .k. i. Ala ... arrlvnl in the citv Saturday and! son. CI cut nowers wnicn were Deauuiui i m,,h imnmnH .n nnMin l will milia hpr hnmn here fn the luture. and arranged with most handsome cen-1 thrnat iat wiiaH9ir mnminir I Mra. Nawcomb is sister to Mr. D. C. Aer pieces to match, making the home I a " . I May, trorv attractive, inose l) re Rent ware: i h. iri ni. arm n.- Mm.1. I Mrs. C. B. Laws, Mrs. R. H. Lynn, I The Kings Daughters will have a Pic-1 Mrs. L. M. Deane and Miss Mamie Mrs. T. R. Havs. Mrs. W. H. Poe, Mrs. I nic Friday aftarnnnn Ananiat iJlth. at 1 1 Deane of Henderson passed through I nl went and a merry time was SDunt. Jos. Whitfield. Mrs. G. s. Oldham. Mrs. I o'clock at Lakewood Park, for tha old I the city Sa.turday enroute to Asheville fW. T. Couch, Mrs. W. L. Hawley, Mrs. I ladies of the Home. Every Kings I and Black Mountain where they will N. M. McGerk, Mrs. J. E. Rlgsbee, I Daughter is reauested to bring enough I spend some time. The members of the Presbyterian Sunday school enjoyed their, annual picnic Thursday at the "waab-odt" in Vance county. Quite a crowd of peo- Mrs. W. H. Couch, Mrs. J. F. Good-1 lunch for her party and enough for rich. Mrs. Alva Veasey, Airs. A. D. I one more. Mrs. B. H. Thomas has Williams. Mrs. R. E. Cox, Miss Eudie I charge of securing automobiles for car- Andrews. As the crowd adjourned a solo was feung by little Mildred Goodrich, "A Tliiy Rose Bud." Return From Georgia tying the old ladles from the Home. Barr in gton-Burns Miss Mittle Harrington and Mr. P. P. The members of the Oxford Baptist Baraca class are planning an outing for tho class during the coming week. Ex tensive preparations are being made by this live awake organization. Mrs. L. M. Carroll of Washington, D. C, is visiting Mrs. J. H. Gooch. W. T. Lee hss returned from a visit to rela- Misses Janie Jones and Myrtle Peed were in Oxford en route to New York. Mrs. E. L. Webster and Master John returned to their home In Winston- Salem Saturday after visiting Mrs. Webster's mother, Mrs. J. L. Council, Msses Jeanette Longmire and Helen Burns were married Saturday after-1 Stem returned to their home at Dicker-1 tves in Virginia. noon at 430 at the Baptist parsonage I son alter visitini. xnr. -r. a. crown. Rev. S. E. Mercer and his little I by Dr. J. E. Welsh. They left for I - - . M G w Dixon of Winston daughter Jane who have been visiting I Asneviue tnrougn tne country to oe i Hisses sue mernw ana luiinenne Sa-m are guests of Mrs. H. L. Brown. in southern Georgia tor tne past ten I gone several nays arter wnicn iney wiu i craasnaw 01 iuuuwg ikhb. uuuus" days arrived some i.nursday nignt ac-1 return to uurnam wnere tney win maae i tne city oaiuraay enruuw iy nireii companled by Mr. Mercer a brother. I tneir some, miss Harrington, is tne i and tne western part ot tne staie. Mr. J. I. Mprcer or Alma. Ua. Mr. I aaugnter 01 Mrs. a. ts. itarringion ot Mercer after spending a few days In I wurcn Ave., ana is a wen Known dusi- jars. jn. tteep yrmeiuny iur i. . nn a. h. hwiihM i rabb uiun. Mr Kiirn. i m HMiunnn juiiinnn, in viair ppr inn i ni r jura. XrUlUOIII. LUH Kl V o v.vusc, " 1 , " " - , -w - leave for Asheville accompanied by A. I with Oilmen In the Gents Furnishing I O. Witoon, E. Mercer, where they will spend their I Department and is well known here, vacation. I having lived here all his life. ' I Mr. C W. Womack of Chicago, III., I I who has been vlsiUng nis sister Mrs. ts. Miss Audrey Graham Honored I PERSONALS I H. Thomas on Mangum street, left Sat- I Mr. and Mrs. SOUtngate Jones veryl aura. r. m.. uwutu m umun, n. , l uruay iur mnviue, au, wucic ra wu charmingly entertained Friday evening I to in the city visitng Mrs. L. M. Ed-1 spend a few days with his sister. Mrs. from 820 tn it. -00 o'clock at at Garden I wards at her home on Watts street. I John Nunn before returning home. nartv In hmnr of their eniest Miaa I Audrey Graham of Norfolk. Va. The I wia Ethel Chandler baa returned to I C H. Anderson of Dunn passed home was beautifully decorated In pink I her home in Rocky Mount after visit-1 through tho city yesterday enroute to F. N. Carroll of Clinton visiting Mr. J. W. Gooch. has been Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Landis of Hen derson Were 1 Oxford visitors Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Peace returned' to their home in Fayetteville after attend ing the family reunion on Sunday. - Mrs. W. L. Peace and Miss Courtney are touring the western states. The family spent a happy day, enjoying din ner on the spacious lawn. Kodak pic tures were taken of the groups. Ox ford was proud to have this distinguish. ed group of fta former citizens in Its midst .again, .and will always we.lcom mem nomo. Mrs. C. M. Lefland of ReedviUe, Vir ginia is the guest of her sister Mrs Ellis Cannady. Edwin Shaw has returned from visit to relatives in Jackson, Newport News and Halifax. Mrs. Ellis Cannady and children have returned from a visit to Richmond and Fairport, Virginia. Col. W. G. Peace and Miss Mary Grandy Peace returned to their borne in Washington, D. C, on Monday. r. ana Mrs. si. r. - cmunbiee are spending a month in LowvHle, N.-Y. -r Mr. W. N. Carroll. ' Vice Consul 'to London, England, is visiting Mrs. John Gooch in Oxford. He soon returns to England. Mrs. Bessie L. McGhee, AI Joyner of Frank.inton. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moore of -Norfolk have been visiting Mrs. T. L. Cannady. Mrs. R. H. Moss, Miss Effle Lewis Moss and Robert 'Rennie of ClarksrUle have been guests of Mrs. W. T. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Horner enter tained at dinner on Friday evening. Jn honor of Col. Willis G. Peace who Is visiting his mother Mrs. A. 8. Peace. Covers were laid for eight and an ele gant six course dinner was enjoyed by the guests, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Robarda, Misses Jeannette Biggs, Annie Crews, J. L. Taylor of Charlotte. An exciting game of bridge was enjoyed after din ner. Col. Peace has many friends In Oxford who are proud of the excellent recvord he has made in tho army and who are always glad to welcome him to his native town. Mrs. Peace is spending the. summer months in the mountains of Maine which causes re gret that she can not be in Oxford and renew with Colonel Peace the friend ships she has formed here among ber ardent admirers. Mr. and Mrs. spending some Springs. T. B. Blalock are time at Piedmont , ... i.l. v. . i . I in a- mIaHvm n., . Ttiirham- Kiiiarney roves, wiw vimmua-cmwineii i e -- - around tha crvstal chandelier. Mrs. I . Tom Fuller Southgate presided over the I Mr. W. G. Smith has returned to his nunch bowl in the dining room. I homo at Milton after visiting Mr. and At 930 the guest were Invited out on j Mrs. Frank Smith on Dillard street, ttia lawn wfcora roiored soot lifhts were I thrown on the playing fountain. Dur-I Miss Oergia Airheart left yesterday I at her home on Minerva Ave. . ii tt. A I fn. Jfxnaatnam V r ll Irlair frlanda. I ing tn evening jura icu nuuv c- - . - dered several vocal selections which wara vera- much enjoyed. The COlOT scheme of pink and white waa carried Va, is In the city visiting Mrs. Frank I Minn. .. I Smith An THllanl atrutaf- I out in tne reiresnniin.a wuku wubwi -- - ed of ices, cakes and conserves. About forty guests were present. The lovely' suburban home of Mrs. A. S. Peace was the scene of a happy gathering on Sunday when the family had reunion, the five sons of Mrs. Kearnesville where he will visit rela Uvea. ' see Miss Elisabeth Pago of Morrisville I Poace and ten grandchildren being prjs- arrlved in the city yesterday and is I enl- Mr- 'a na aaugnter Mary the guest of Miss Betty Frances Reams I Etta of New York and Mrs. W. L. Peace ana aaugnier, vouriney oeing me on.y members ot the family absent. The sons I Dr. For Roberaon and Dr. Dace Mo-1 present were. wot. wuus uranay reace. Visa Ann Dinar Smith of Cascade. I Pherson left last night for Rochester. I u. tJ. a., now stationed at the war col ego in wasnington. v. u., uamuei t. Peace of Henderson, accompanied by I Misses Mamie Woods and Myrtle Fu-1 his wire and family; Alex. w. re to of Mrs. H. L. Mangum and son Hubert. I quay left yesterday afternoon for Burl-1 Fayetteville, with Mrs. Peace and chit left yesterday for Salisbury after visit-1 lngton where they will spend tho week-1 dren; Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Peace and i- . u... xiraiter Whir hard and I Ing Mrs. Man rums mother. Mrs. L. J. I edd with friends. I family of Henderson and W. L. Peace a.m x-fiL- va.. tiava nna to I Andrews on Broad street. I I and daughter. Col. Peac was acconv n.i.IVh .n.r. ..ndina-a few davs with I " I Mr. J. A. Wetherford left Saturday I panied by his daughter Mary Grandy, uM w t whitaker at Franklin I Mr. John Koonts returned to the city I afternoon for South Boston where ho I Mrs. Peace being absent spending the jsaturasy tram iNorroix. va. arm spena somo umo wiu rasuves. i iiusmcr ia vua . uiountains ei jains Court, Prof. C. G. Credle baa returned from Bladen county where ho has been con ducting an Institute. .. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor and family are spending soma time at Ocean View. Misses Katharine. Bradsher, Annie Thompson 1 Bradsher, Mary Taylor, Elizabeth Hicks, Alleine Hicks, Eloulse Horner hsve returned from tho rum mer school at the university. . Mesdames J. A. Long and J. T. Wil son of Roxboro have been visiting Mrs. J. S. Bradsher. Miss Elizabeth Scarboro of Mt Gilead has been the. guest of Mis Elouise Mays. '..'. Garland Mays of Durham baa been visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mays. . , Mrs. Georgia Boddio of Louitburg if tho guest of Mrs. 8. a, Boddio. Mrs. Mrs. Bradtey and Miss Bradley of Burlington have returned to their home after visiting Mrs. A. S. Hall. Mrs. A. P. Hobgood is at Brar.twood Hospital for treatment. She has been confined to her home for nine months by Illness. Little Miss Clara Moss celebrated her fourth birthday on Friday afternoon at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs E. O. Moss at the experiment farm The guests enjoyed many games on tbe lawn after which delicious refreshments were served. Then tho little folks en joyed m delightful drive over the city, Miss Alice Gooch entertained a num ber of her friends on Thursday after- non in honor of Miss Virginia Lloyd of Henderson and Miss Mary Harris of Rocky Mount. A delightful' game of rook was enjoyed after which elegant refreshments were served. A merry time was spent by the young folks. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Moss gave a watermelon feast on Thursday evening at their home in honor of Misses Sophie Lawrence of Durham, guest ot Miss Elizabeth Floyd and Miss Thelma Wal ters of Mexico Missouri. It was quite a unique affair and thoroughly enjoyed by the guests. Mr. Roy H. Royster entertained th Thursday Afternoon Bridge Club in honor of Mrs. Berkeley Simmons and Mrs. Hooper of Washington, D. C. Her attractive bungalow was a scene of loveliness at this charming event. After an exciting game, elegant refreshments were served. Mrs. E. S. Howard entertained a few friends on Saturday morning at her home on Hancock street. Tha s-ueata greatly enjoyed the game after which an elegant luncheon was served. Mrs. Gibson Howell, Master Gibson, Jr., and Mrs. Knight, of Franklin, Vir ginia are guests of Mrs. W. I. 'Howell. Miss Nettle Sykes of Greensboro is the guest Of Miss Lottie Royster. v . Miss Ethel Royster is visting in Balti more, Washington and Norfolk. Miss Thelma Walters of Mexl o, Missouri is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Walters. Miss Sophie Lawrence of- Durham who has been visiting friends in Oxford has gone to Heater to visit. Dr. E. T. White, B. E. Plrham and J. W. Floyd have returned from a visit to Durham. Miss Effio Tisdale of Clarksvilie, Vlr ginia is the guest of Miss Effle LeeL Miss Virginia Lloyd of Henderson is the guest of Miss Alice Gooch. Mr. and Mrs. William Gulick and two children of Brooklyn, have been visit ing In Oxford. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. A. Williams mat visiting in Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Graham, Jr., bavo returned from their seven weeks' bridal tour of western states. They are at home with Mrs. A. W. Graham. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Horner spent the week end in Henderson. Mrs. W. B. Ballou and family ars spending some time at Buffalo Springs. Mrs. D. A. Coble is spending some time at Conley Springs. Mrs. George Dorsey and children ars visiting relatives in Rocky Mount. H. L. Taylor is visiting in Louisburg. ' Rom Parker of Enfield is visiting Mr. and-Ktrs. S. W. Parker. Dick Taylor and Bitty Devin spent Monday in Warrenton. Mrs. Will Mabry and A. B. Mabry of Ridgeway were Oxford visitors Sua- day. Prof, and Mrs. W. W. Barnha.'t are visiting In ReedviUe, Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Grant of Ridge way were in Oxford Sunday, Tisiting Rev. and Mrs. B. H. Black. Mrs. G. B. Thompson of Waxhaw, Is visiting Mrs. D. C. Hunt Mrs. Thomp son formerly resided in Oxford where her husband was pastor of the Presby. terian church. J. C. Robards is spending the week jn Richmond, after enjoying his vaca tion in Oxford. Miss Sophronia Cooper is In Durham for a few days. Johnnv Nilea is at Weedberrv Fnrp.it School doing some work there, pre paratory to entering the school .n the fall. George Dorsey is on the South Caro lina tobacco market. Mr. and Mrs. John Dorsey and family have returned to their homo in Pamp lin, Virginia. VtCTatCLA. Ha. M J - r a2:-" As easy to carry as a traveling bag Yoa can take this new VictroU with you wherever you go. Small, portable, exceptionally convenient, it u at the suae time a perfected musical instnnnent playing any Victor Record. , The new Victrola No. 50. ia an idea! traveling companion, ready at a momenta notice and bringing no end of pleaamre to your ramping trip or your -visit to friends. . Come in d let nt xkmonotrate fta cotnp convenience and excellence as an matranent. Wedding i Invitations J; P. Stevens Engraving Col IfANUFACTCRERS OF Engraved Society Stjoioneryj I SUfPLES AND PRICES SUBXinXD UFQK BEQUEST 103 PEicHiErz St. aiso 47 Wsnnuii. S ATLANTA 1