r 7-tLr WEDNESDAY OUT. M l DKHAKTMF.NT. - ; Terms pf th isqojtitisR., (. j , , For 1 year. ; IHO. . " 6 months. "75. Payments always io adva.no. , tlkwm Valentine' Jails' oi"; W thome'd igtn't for the' tit J of Richmond, Va ". ' Owing to-diCBuuley of getting , paper" " lust week, our edition ron short., bud critar who failed to, get .their papers yill excuse 01.' No pnper u' nbw to be viad South Baltimore anc) Jh supply we oftlrred came jutYon doy to Into fo? our lust insuo., . I --t Ark ledcHivnla., J -..! ... We Nplog!M.Xr owr delay .la acVaqw ,. ledfjfng M' tanrtcsy 1 of n! InvifaMou to attead the luliwliUte.Fair,. extg't)e4 h; ' Col, p;,IC JmeC;Sy and .! to the itoanok ana sjr wivcr i tr, y iuh. Long. ft) r; , I - l-l I Vf A fine win fell oa Saturday oig-ht and Bunday morning,, effectually laying (he jjul at loasUawi wlaft Trrtwhigthe4 natural high temperature of Ibe but three weeks. ' - 5 r'tt"l s . j. : ,Hr. Hubert face pf, Lynchburg and Mr. Mae. Smith of Dsavill spent Friday ' and Saturday in Durham, .both gentle men are well knows in tbe tobaocs) world. A whit trump was found noarPogue and Brown's brick yard 05 Friday night, lying In a marshy , place pej by, nearly dead with wet ana wcaKncs. nr. wu on was sent for and restored him," and we bellure he waa sent next day to the Poor House. ,,., . J. Q- A-. Uaddawayi Esq; of Epi copal Methodist,1 Dahiinbro, Md ; writes With mneh pleasure I testify to the good effects of JJr.Buirs Cough PyrupJo J family. Have used it is manyeasea, and Jo each instance the remit was entirely satisfactory. Trice 21 cent bottle. Some Northern gentlemen visited ilills- boro last week to prospect for mining pro perty. They profess to b satisfied with the Indications, and be'.iev they bare fonud abed of valuable iron ore within i mile of the town. We hope they are not deceived, bat think the ground has been fcone over before. ., Thornc's Comedy Troupe performed in llillsboro last week, and besides giving great Satisfaction by their rtilljttiee. won nWrl ' commendation: by their courteooa resuming Oor friend ; A. U. Stekua has recently j DUKUAH AT THE rAltt. Yfe take great pride in noticing the con spicuous figure UMtfeby out town during the late Fair, and to -rejoice In the de cided j formation given to pie general JmpreMlod of ' ol gtowing grdatneag pf the practical demonstration of her suu- stnntftti uioritj -1 ,. 1. '( i, i tt is to be regretted Utatll our msou- facturqrii lid not Join In ' the plan of pre tenting in eno conrpendioas whole a pio-, ture of Vthe industries Of Durham.; It proimltty had not - occurred to them that it was Important oj t&itt (t was desirable. But enouirh was dune to attract .marked atteorio; rid'i6.'rflsctbredit both upon mMtikors and the town. 6- ' 'mir. Of cpunia, tobacco was, the typlcnjjdes. of DurliHtn; and It was proeentea toww in tiiebrder in which we' name it-'1- FirS came W,' S. Roulhao'sj Tigor Soiokirig tobacco In UbcrLl'diBplay and landnnine atylej then E. HvPoguet.who wasnkrge exhibitor of plug; having no teas than thirty two boxes, including all his Iwands ; knd all taken out of bis stock; which was ibeesse also with bis smoking tobacco, of which there '.was.s ,' Jarge 'supply, The next Durham exhibitor waa J. B. Day & Co. whQhWVbeenat , paiol, fo Id'tbe charms of art to their display for, fine oil paiotintf, :eaUeuui-ao rof tuei new and gentlcuasly Oianners while irin the town.""' if- '.'.: J of a H . Wright 4 Co. to Mr. B. n. i were mneh pVd fquarUrs 04 Saturday laa, Us. W, EL 0- borne whole out at law nner n irag ssa daniicrous illoeaa. . lie will go to Oxford, bis former noma, to recruit bis strength thoroughly. Thome's Troops, and ths Fsy Tcm pletoa Company wi re both bare huA week nd m1 good bonaes; ths krtler fivlni oar alliens s first acqinUca with lb famonsFinafors. ,. i r- a Ws will give as roon.es we get them on official ' kw horny; tbsMf on ewanU at the late Fair to exhibitors from Orange, Alamance, Caswell and Person. i ' ' ' ' ' 1 -' i -m ir " - ' - - ' If yon want yw BIy to look bright do not pot ft to sleep' wit : bmlanam when rcstlcee, bwt wm Dr. Dull's Baby PyrnpljUceoUnWtls.,,,,;., asearasma. .') . wosoti.! Mr John Fowler. yonng man well knows m connection with the oone of Mr. Jae. A. Cheek of tlllWioro, died on Monday morning afters brief illness from raTyskv"fis way fonOo ftinday Wornlng by Mr. Ttafbak Tiookst and utWrs, who wmed eetern 10 bisroeat by n ladder, Woatratw Aad Velplsss salhe llmir. where he bad mmarently lain nil .' sight;. Medical Misuses was it nre Mmmne4 bat Mr. Fowler never rallied ' and died aa above mentioned. lis Was sboutllyesrsofaga, nad a nanofgooii habiU. . j, , ammmmm (HI a ' ? ThiM WsrImm nenronraffir l lifting ItaeirsBphily Into natMk. l.' AVIIkersmi vtU mm bo rtayrmrhll old frlenibr ; . '--. ' UnANVII.I.F.4 0l Ul'. , Wc visited pxf ord fof the ftt time last week, spending 'Tupiisy of Ootirt week tiiore. Wc consiernod ourselves very Hub? about the (natters of the Court, which on , thiit dAfiwfja'clos GranvfB?, creUitahly to herself, did pot . give occasion, -folftloepcr IntercetVt ' ; pxford is iosuti fot'4wnwtth"' its broad well shaded,-treets,;its bftndsome andcommodiousansioniH rejUeM with Impressive dignity back f ro'm the streets, embowered in foliage and adorned with ihrubbery, luf ! "clean gray' soU, 'and Its prettily undulating surface; and with its cultivated residents, must make Its very afVnptiv place.' 1 1 1 . t . -i . . It Va ple8saht to; Boe the cuthusiasm tliA,begioulng 0 ihv Hail Uoad to llcn- rrfersofr h itifoeed. into the whole people. wo project 100 vast, ,no urcain 100 wuu thatianof now thought to be i within reach f accompllament.' It is a fact that fhs road has been begun, .that a large force of ..convIctsC wjH ; soon be at work uponlti and that before many months it ill be finished toils terminus.' And straightway upon its completion, loom op visions of Other roads, of a huge tobacco market, of an Increased population, and fagreat intcriorJEu. 11 of which we -i : .... , S.W;.Jf. . , . ; . ' ,t ; SfJfW.-.'.vWHUNr&COi " NEv;'CLOTniNG STOKE More buying your . - - ' V " ' : . . ' Fall Clothes; wi, or Gmta lurnuhtng Uxxta." , 1 ATs cn and will sell yon G00D3 as l-iw as su'y house, ;n DURHAM. We propose to do a' 0 ".A. i53 JE3C 1 bunes, and will sell at smalniargin " J 1 iA,-'": V ' ' , . s '''. '1 Hats, Caps, Jfoots, blwes ULutliuizr : -u V 1 V - i'f ''.' AND brand, the Lone Gem, adorned thewalU profonsdly bop t see realiied. , . professioonl brethren Davit of the Toncn togetber;. withlMcturcv AlJotjei while on the tables underneath were pread pllei of the Lone Oera. sad Stan dard oX the. World, the former being put np In a new style of fancy sacks of great beauty. l Mr. 8am Dickson bad the mana gement of this exhibit and was actively nstrumental is bringing it into notice, . blsckwell & Co, bud . none on exhibi tion; but they were tho donors of one hundred pounds of their best Genuine Durham Bu II Smoking tobacco to the So,-' In the trade's procession of which we speak elsewhere, U.f A. Reams made t conspicuous and impressive figure; for he presented to th rpectators' the actual working of a genuine live yuxnam 10 bicco ' Wareboosfc Ak large, pUlfcrm, mounted on wheels, sod over which wat fixed a splendid banner with appropriate devices,' wat a' miniature' picture oft Warehouse fioor, on which were plitoed nilcsof tobacco, arouod which were gathered the Osual crowd of sellers and Lovers. Din hookers Includml. Belters were stsnding by with interested anxiety, bufiywfflifmpiisWjfiMwMngh afiecfcdiidiifcrcnce of 'eagor txW"tiJ. ltiAOM , was. following np the bidding with' h wt'tal "01) this won't dwdjoys I bid up f while Barbam was yoclferailng sad aWti-alating with nil tue' esgeraess of at rail sale; sad Cs'ttia atemed to have wotkeaVhimeelf np InU the illusion that tniaieanv paii)ttssK,. It wsa a lively picture, and let light in npon what bad bees Mystery to many. TbC OwrhakW M(ht tarMtry 1 . . MAJLF.Frrcland, Fair on .mtjCfijmrf Mri ti-nillmton's Is wi nle, the preewraor of mr of thetainf nork' Dut dig Ihena 'deQo down Into ths ruck. - ' ) , - ih ' ' .ThefinoMotit tV on IM front ijf the iw UulhflnlfM'Jtlitckwtfl frt. 0 it Main Hi reel begins l show Ms benw tifsl elinraeur." H Is weilF, eiII l.y lt wrk M the I'oatOfnoe building in'iUbiigk). ,9 i ,VJ? ' Dr. D. A. IlMiensoa will visit Illlls- rxiro arolWSsily o tbt t7lh liml. " d S' a , o Monday, nwl will h jrauy torni-ri tboss wltk w:nOT Itthaa appotiilnieiila, sud s1r ethers tleolrtng hkt servlee! ion h. hi. new id. . bat ft, lbs c.uas i"" Z?t C e4 litl's! tb wiatler. r r 1 1 1 acfo'miiantea iy toe uur net Band, .went down to, tbe Thnrsdsj by the train which left a1nnit o'clock. Hacking Raleigh about 10. - TJio Cbmpany waa loraied at tho X. C I'P0 and watched p hto the city,, baiting In front of the Jsrborpogh H.mae. Uer was satbered an Immense throng awsil- inir ths hour -if movrnsr toe Fair Grounds; and hers ths Light Ihbiatrj waa la ttf rery focnt crT Wtilm,"fw tbleor teeerss. It Is .wii- proXouad nleasnretbatw fweorl " nsanhwonaly sx'pressed opinion of comsaawdatlurt, TVs suldiett) bearisg of tb mon atnl soenrate movements in tb drill proved tbcu tat thsn sew orgaaltatum and moving off ip FayettcviUa 8ust to tb iaspwUiag .aetet of tbcV 'tjilcndid band; they strode- with elastic step-nudsr tbe.oxmul ImpoJa ;sw and opetily xprsa4 i;popuiaf :4imirayon,; tne Band received as tnaaoai soar 01 sirs tion. All knew It was new ect and stl wereewrprieed at its proficiency wbioh . ... . . . 1. r t emilil ouy na.n oeoi im.RHii vi duiaUiIaaiejaM.r auojine bsiuim pu.-k Tb Companj.,rtbc. 4o.th..JI.srgetV Street IVpat, sad . knc by rail to ire F'alr Oro.lS if;tee fafiaa order aa after. .; evolutioas within Hi area of the Rar Connm. nm rest, stacked ajw ami disrrel oTWTtho groundf for rbe real of ths tjsy. 1 , It tt ttwiiryiw to siV tVt the t imnr wldMl start kitrle Ms good re rpatalitaag tlaasTy conduct of It Individual membert: escb evo remember log, as should lwy be dooe,i tbat he bore npnn bis own etwufcicrs in noaor 01 tbctowa MrepraseoUd., , , . Z i, " A raik OS twettnlf. 7 4b Wvdlispilsyrrf trlng la!, JHH Markhkm of Wh 'cwiMty. .wl.lbi rf- twrnlng ImmUi' Parbam, wshdt oaiUerUI f.sl Crack. VM twmwftrby kitrxtr ttaltt wMaW 4bt' 4w an HraflM tumaMtiand maiaiuiy niira. tie wa ry deaf arid dl.l nof lb lraJnv.Airrlfartlort' VnNy Ibmbell bad biipl to mix'1 with 'avtit u4 on tb mad ai-bn awd 'lu.t kit'f.a flif it .limits eiowti-d 'at Hint itwwv bad bsft Markhm l al niue, and wsa not near. oimnirIi b 1 )pt. blrrt jwhrw tblral6, wTiIJl rdmil Nfldly Reall thlsfMNaiiMt,kUUitg M iraii.s hi WuUayVKiiriftliietcwiinlM; Hit niftil llf,l I ftjiMiifitta! nmr iusji Liout and Burus of the Fnan Lakcb, snd were glad to learn , that "their excellent papers were appreciated snd patronised at horns to an uansnally fiatteriog degree. ths Granville people taking true pride ia sustaining their county papers. The talk was all of tobacco ; and the general . verdict was tbat the cures thii year had been uncommon!? good.' We met one farmer, Mr. Fielding Kuott, who, ten rears ago, bought the farm upon hicb he now Uvea, ' arid began work al most at the bottom ' of the financial lad der. This year be bas cured ninety utni barns of tobacco, all bright yellow,, ag gregating about fifty thousand pounds, from which be is sure .to reulixc hand- somiv. ., .' 'fs'.:?::":.!,' The destruction of barns by fir during curing baa been very great this ' fall. It Is thought that at least one hundred bam have been burned In the county. 1 1 1 mi 1 , pwrlutM Lts;btlaniiitrjr Flas;. ,, The presentation announced in our last did not take place, the flag arriving here after the Company had gone to Raleigh, Tbe presentation will 1 duly announced hi a tbe time is again appointed. W have seen the' &ig, and it is s t perb MM. It is of the nsual sine, of heavy silk. One aide la a blue field with tbe legend ."Durham Light Infantry," em bnridwedin gold. In tbe centre, is the Nort h Carolina Coat of arms, embroidered id colors; and below ia inscriljed "Or taaiaed, August Cth 1878. Tbe Reverse I a estmeutt fold, on . lUa a mirr cart of u-t. U tl Inscription, " rresenicu u, lim Mffirwor twvW' (tbe last twoorus being below the central Jigorrj, waicn is tbeCoat'of Arm of the United BtMes, the w&He being of heavy embroidered work. Tho flg i trimmed with heavy cold' Irtngo, and ie mounted on s black walnut stuff, tipped wub tb Amcncyi Eagle. Tt whole Is beautiful snd tub- etanthl work. Its costs ws$183. 11 t ar A llt;r ndvertb-o asi.leailld tiNkuf clothing, liala, HIhimi;U new ana IvImI p;wlly I for, lht trlev rW lb sit, nl MtMir your niuvemfiits aronfillnift.v. 1 f Mahovm'ii lUstaurant Is now In full K-r feci Ion wMIt MMiiMlaot mippllee yf tlii oysters, frh Db 4-, ' j ; . VT War ikat.'ka't'iaoi' coiinly Ibe ebri4ort.rllg!it"t'olMiW" rt 'rrgarrlcd tm tUo beat ever now In Ihe history of the Indoor and tnat irbil -yellow brsn an unusually large .proportion lytnrcrnp. At btliiliMcflnw brlir iro.l prices, we hT.peW.3 year ?l UaO "6 aptfetl tb usiiiiTroifii.TjrlirTNHk wbo want the Ilat'oh bin no iiow nhk cwimtry.H Itnrbaia UM xiarkeS. liii'fitfilf 'ft I II I M 1 1 1 1 1. 1 1 1 .J .... -, 1 !: 4 . a very CENTS' FUnrilSHirJC GOODS ,.'ft. ; --.at Z Keme'mlsr the pise next door to ; jfJIMJ" "LA'.' H'U N.-.T.- & ; II U N r n ., W woubl be glad to hsv all cull and exauimo our Stocky. rUUr OlOCK ISBll UOW S llUb plwy v wlu viuium tm wwvn. i A Oct. J2'8ra. .'. '"S'l'.'u .? HUNT Jl CO.:; '(i . - - RE An.Tmstiiiam.iiANi) AYE ' MOSEY. 1 We have in store the most attractive and best selected stock of goods between , Raleigh snd Charlotte. I have to say to the people along the ' Rail Road and of Person, Caswell,., Alamance, Granville Chatham and Orange, examine uur Goods; and we will sell you. We have the most complete stock of goods In the six counties jnentioned.. Our line of Staple DrM Goods, Clothing, Men's Weaf Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Hard ware, 4c' cannot be surpassed in North Carolina. , , . ' '., Wehave paid , partieular attention to Black Dress Goods this season. Ciepes, Cashmeres. Ifc'pp Serges snd Alpacas. An elegant line f Ladies Cloaks, cheap; and some very handsome. Nice line of Closkings, Beaver and Unions; full line of Millinery, Fur and Felt Hats, Straws, Plumes, Feathers, Wings, Flowers Ac, gro grain Satin, Plain and 6tricd Itib- bons. We have added to the stock a line of fancy goods, work boxes, baskets, fancy boKos&Cifcc. 100 pieces Uamburgedgings. We have the best J2.50 lmot T5c Boys 4 Misses Shoe f 1,00 Wotnsn Ehoe in the District, Agents for the celebrated Pesil Shirt, best shirt made in the United States. We arc provided ,' for tb ad vance in Nailswitb 300 kegs We can give country "Merchants '' some Induce ments to bay from ne.; Bleached domes tic, We bny by the case hence we are head quarter en them in this section, Jeautc, . ' i - Mr. 4wv4 lVJ(ty, .tbjs firm of I. Hi Day &Brother,0uihnm, If. C; is ib this city. Accompanied by Mr. Wright, one of of hit salesmen. Mr. ' Day ha arranged with one of our oldest and most widely known tobacco men to represent his firm at this point, nl as titer member of the firm are enterprising business 'men we have no doubt but they will succeed In building np s large business in ths North west. -Chicago Lea .' For oiany poods fur. JIttle money go Ia " jltf,ioiM.-k.ri'M BUT, lm RUSH TOWARD THE NEW YORKCASH STORE- INCKEASESM)AILYa OTJU buyer, wlinso iieiiilq'ntrtorssre iii New Turk, piireliiseil tremendous , Stock of, J3IXOI3 ' n. ao'ion mil of MOO ttases -few 4ay ago at Thiity CVuU on the I'ollsr and wo si ofturing them for snle st tk following CUT THROAT PRICES; . Infanta Shor-sat H cents," ' ' ' j W omens Wbolsgfoek Shoes TS cents. Children's Kid liuttoii Mines -lOo. . , ' : Itoys' Wbolnsiouk Hrngsa Shoes 50 eti lii-si' "olid Lestbor Shoe, (Copper; Hiiyn Wholestock Brogsn 8hoe,i fit) ct, - ..''jpi'sOeeuta,, , , . "i-. : llys Wbolestouk JWn Jjootl, only A Misses bowed Miimren 8hors 75 jHntt few loft 75 cehis, Mii-sos tilnve.Kid KIi.k-s il.H"- " ; Msus Fin Cslf Skin PI10M 75 cents. .adies' Morocco shoes 75 tents,' t ftUn nne Calf hkm Ualters 78 eentsi idif' Feb lioa'.hoM Buitooed tt.OOf Men's Wholratl Uroenn Shoe 75 ots. .sdies' Fox Usitert 75 eeuts). 'i.Mens Fine t!li' Skin liO I (doubl np idiw i'krth Qaitr nO eM.t, fsA 'r ..paw) iS.OO, Wonient' tolid Leather Shoes, only si Mens Jiolbsioiik neonothy Uootsf 1,75 ! few Mi 50 Belli. ;;! ' '"' : j ' '" ' :' 1 ,W ara'also offering Olgtntie BARGAINS In 1 ' . ; Xifxca-iofes: iDroso ca-oodLfs. - TsM Tamuk. towels. Napkins. Tabl Cloths and Fancy Stand Covert, Shawls, Jhltinirei bkirts, lt4UtX;Uavy fheewng, e: ,- . - -. f ... - Table Uil Vmk t9t xyp ff dos. Men's fcxira llesv Undentiirta 24, piooe. Men's Kttra llsry Cirdian'Jukts. f lOi), ii dot. Mens xtra tua ... , , r ,11 . L II I 1 cl-- ... na - ' : . A - lliy v antou ritnoai urswers. zao. v-uii'iren s onimorsi osina. too. We keep a man fn New York all the time to watch the Hrikruft kliil Auc tion Sales snd our facilities for buyint, sre suuh thai it is useless for other houses to preum lo eompete with us. Call esrly and be convinced. The cw York Cash Store Oct, 22. SIGN OF TI1K FLAG. DURHAM, N. C. ,W,i, t!. K. ft. The Asheville Citizen of the lth, says, that during the month of October 1 10 feet of the bench In the Swnnn.inoa tunpcl were removed, leaving only 140 feet to he removed, and then the tunnel will le passable for trains. Tho trains on the other side of the mountain arc sow running within eleven mile nf Ahe ville; snd In six weeks it is thought they will run within sit miles of Asheville. Second aupply ' PrewrUnmbi to lie o-in U this week ttt , Moir.iiErto'8 ; - - r-- The Fiv Crnt Ciaans at the Grand Central were In great demand last week and grow in favor as the public grows in knowledge. There is no mistake about them. 1.A00 yards FJomhAI Htylea Of Calico for G cenlM xr yard at MntiaiiKKd'n. r ' 11 11 .Sl- in 11 . . . 1 Ths subsuntial character of the cotton receipt In tb Durbans market lis tug- ffnMed a regular weekly reports and Mr, Jtagene Morehead has kindly consented to furnish us with smb. Ws do not know why this might not U made tb mtiket for the whole county, tor price are as good aa arc obtained In Raleigh, snd the planter can lay in 'bis supplies her a cheaply acd as amply a there sad dol dc so, saw time, commissions and other vexatious expenses. ' ' ' Mr. Norrhrsd reports for th wec en ding&tfnrdsy fholHth : Cotton during th week has been Irm, with apwsrd tenoency. OnSsturday.it sold at M n 0 J5-U tbe rsarkct rinsing flrnij with in otTenngSj Treey taken at abovauolatrnrM.Un tJi f. Oocof lb iBMiat twacuvoojccts st th Stats Fair was .he exhibit of the Ag rlcuUaral Department ; and tb most at trctietoro of that,' was the templQ hi tb ea tr of the roont ennhiising th fair daughter of Col. L- L. Folk, Mis Lul J.I Mis Neat k- pratUbrd.aver the sptendl Brymer risno, th orscl wbkb responded wub tocloilioua vole I th mystic iawrb of no or ibe other. It was hard to tell hieh pleased th t,-tbt grsscfiil 4empt with it tick wtvtsasvst of Anpt and wreatk. Its flors) bell aid Its irajcry of oos,. tb beaot- rsl girl wns invoxca ins pim 01 nse monyi t ftwibmBonl4Ahmsclve breathing the very spirit of music. In) rMriir(i Yn2 w caa'refcr to one 'al least whd win not bsltinndedahm.! f in i am JMktMMdnlllrrw'llahi! J At present, we susirn4 quotations, little tobacco coming In fw the count rj, snd but little either old, or new tolmren appearing on the market. The market however la freely supplied rlth oiiro In bogslieails reccivetl 11 on Kicnmomi, Lynchburg, Danville,' Chnksviltf, South Ri.nn. Wlnatnn. llrlilsvllliL 1 lender oon kmi eheWhprtf'mos jyt (ttmnton grhttesof tli okl atork, Th demand ber is good for old bright ' smokers, ami slm wrap pers, and prices contiuu to b well so tained. , ..Ml'. f Mr. John W. Lea, of lb It.mncf, b bee horn awhile, but m bs k again, to preuar for tb reception nf the new crop. Th Banner was not survs l alrro.nl in fain during tho but s.'onui . CM. PARKS. glrtW,-rpl 84th.79LM; 111 Amooit th oUerciWlotors'lttheFnir, h.' j.' ..... . 1. I. VI niuca 01 Uilisooro nao ore uoxes , loved of hit fine tobacco, among other brand theJold A'mbrosSt apd jGold frksa, both of which have a national fame. .James Webb ft On. also of inilsboro bad ten boxes of plugj embtsctog all their Brands, torn of which rank very highly indeed. Mr. Bant BaUrlld of Urn boro had three lois-ortgrs; '.ILItttt Mamie," "did Fellow" and PrlleofAtIlcric,', on exhibition. They were Veil msde, wcr very fragrant, and we halt no doubt ssgnod at any bom made cigars on the market Mr. J. W. Latta had some fine stock. But we will get particular of this for another lasue. 1 -4 , Mr. K.yPegn;;f' ilhnrson had seven bokos, of ping on Exhibition, whic h ws tl only tobacco we saw from Gran- yill.j c JMnHtllMMV , W have received cop othc Bsscon, a handsomely printed lpcf. published simi weeklv in Greenalmro by Mr. Jsmer " if W. Albright. It it Democratic, and gives fin promise of usefulness, . ; Mr. ItTr Igbftnrl, 'Rtlrlgk bxthc puroluus-tofJLboCbTtnsUord Patsiot, and w presnm will tubn ' tnak bb debut as di tor. : Mr. Fulghnm is sn editor of nn siJcrabl axperli-nee, 4tb hand of a atporasmiKbof an bt landmark almost as lb VUonrrur.lt will we trust and licqev maintain the hidt cbrM of the time'bnnertd jonrnsL f , , ' ; ' ' Hit. Hk W Best, well know I conuec on with th Halclgh 'OksskTEU, ha taken poet m nLr. WttntV, sscanvim srrsnd renersl traveling agent In which capacity he has 4is.myed bipolar uusli- tlc wbklrh now bring Intel lb service Jftbe.lmirM papcrto 'whlclj be it now ttathed.'. ' ? .; Wo 'sr amd to lee th lichk-vlll Nrws disrartllng the patent onlaiila. and sp nWibk I) "li nnofsc- turn. -.TbonL-n rduci in six, tne news lrtJuly th bltr for lh chiing. 1' t ft ''6 T '' '. ' Tb lot extending ffonr Maid street back lo U nextbaralK-I tret, oa which IssUisaitdll store of M.A. Anglrrft Boo and th Rrcotdt r ofllct a sold last ek t tirivst sals for I'.O.OliO cauls Mr. H a.: Psrrinb being the purchaser for tiotbt( party. The lot .fronts forty eight ftt fnwh street, ami tborir mid nivbeMi4ilied s ffoofl one. W mar expect oi b we the nrrseot iHiild lat replaced by hsndsom strui:l(ires of brkkv -. - i t ','ff' 1 .. . -;- Mr. Julisn S, trr snd fcnty rotsrnrd on Hntnnlsy last after pleasant tour of nearly m-nth, ilimg New York, Ch'icogo sml otlicr places of Jtotc Oct 4th 1H79, noiBiusHfeaUi plcaasd ourptvtsv 3Tatcr te remove from out midst our be- brother Jonslhan Klchnls by death, we acknowledge tberlghteonsness nd justice of th Divine Providence, and bow with humble submission to '.he i vine mandate; therefore. Jlnrtrtd, That we will wear the ntual badge of mourning for thirty days; IUmiri, That, in the death of Bro. Nichols New Bethel Grange has lost one of its charter members, an ardent lover of the order and ono of its brightest jewels, the Church a faithful -and exemplary member, tbe community good citizen, and his famlty a kind snd indulgent hus band and father; yet we steadfastly be lieve their lose is his Infinite gain, That wc symitathixe with the family. of our dteeaaed Brother in this their deep- lrrvtnnent and tommend t hem to t hat God w ho is too wisctocrr snd toognod to do wrong' Jifulml, , Thntlh foregoing resolu tionsbe recorded in tho minute of New Bethel (Vange and puMlshcd In th Dur ham RBcntmifR the Durham Tobacco Pi.axt; snd the North Carolina Prrsut TFnuitwill please copy and copy be presented to the family of our deceased Brother, S. II. JnnDAK, IlKnat T. Tn.tr, Com . W.C. Latta. ' CITY DRUG STORE. Drlt Blacknall & Son. Fmidi, English & American hnr, to.Ah, nnil lri'lie ami Blr Stoe, ST. JAMES HOTEL, I20pirwite Dank Ht. A Cnpll.d rbpmrf lliehtwutd, Va, TKRM.S-.f3ftf2S(lH-r dsy. At B, Moore, Sept, I7.tf. , I'ltorKiRTOR. Gcurge Gibson, Jr., . 8ucceor to KKIJ.OGt & ClliSO.V. Importer and fWfr in HOI'S B-FURNISHING C(KJD8, pi. No. 1201 Main Street, IS It. UlC'JMOND, VA 3 DEALEK IN 8 r?; Durham JY. C. iPw mm I would roHpeetfally iuform ths publie gtnerslly. that I carry a :."L"Ji:-nGElUS'TO-6.lx: Tl.-w. . a tiAsi M.I.Ia awa Ik. Qt.ft ...1 V..a tt.. - - sj, .m I a ties 1 uj vmut waiwm uvtsiv au tuauwtv, rax uuiuin VUb tuv iTO7-j-T-nnrsT MA RULE used fot Centeter. tcorJfe. kat't Rbl th Pric On IIedtonm. and jwmw u,,, f,,,. Parties not 1 1, 1 , ,,, a . , 11 ... (Tall ttid se me. tt wrila for ptw Iit snrf drWwiagi' I am sgnnt for the sale of Iron Mm ling for tame'rrrt I, also Utlvsmteii set- teeslind I 'hsim suitslild for Parks or any other fublia grdduds at vary low fl gures. also Iron Vase gslvsnixed to order. Vv i w a r w ept. 3 am. w. ru H llUA. WM. A. LEA, JAS. F. CORBET I", THE JXO. T. LEA. HMuuikXiil FOR THE SALE OF 1 1 If I LKA, COilBETT & CO.J Proprietors. Fine Wrapper", Fttr.cjr Smoker ftnd Bright Fillers a specialty. Good nccoiniiiotlations nntl Mtiffitctitin guartnteed. Jnly 2nd "t9. 1870. Fall Trade. 1370- mrV TUB Celebrated BoyJcrl Hand rr.adt GAITER Knr tlrntleirutn. The I1K!T ami nrate4 SIMlK in lit innrkrt. A rt lo r fniimi Itraurh nf Hand and Ms thine mile Mmr. Our linrnf LAIUM sail I IMMlKCN' MllttKH sre Mot f vMK-il hy mv Iiohw m (Ik Mull-. ItH'M iin h.ilnl alnst a largi1 and enn.pWr Work of ' 9 0 9 S ? fiOflSJ CLOTHIHE foit M KN A'lr !KIY8 in great vsriety. Th IWlMitrt, unbiiiiitreti fil.n. t.n.itttttr .1 H,. i H ib-ni irma a rtM im-e rmmiifv fltM. TIIKKK F1.HOUS illJ.KU Willi tlOOW. IVIer f' till Itinm. t iTOdilliiiiK IH'iurttiirnl lip f.tlr. ihi. 1,1 lot. Vmr Triilv i. I'.til l.f.V. Khb.'.C. JAS. L DAVIS, Attey anB (Uor at Lai, FLAT RIVER, onAsaa covsty. n. c. AT 1 1.1. prmllr Iii all Dm Court VUtr 1 f iil t'rilrrol. M. My. f Tf.V 'f a Ur. D. A. Robertson. SuTffeoa Dentist. ISItrjKXrfliOKO. M. C. Wfll.t. .prml title fnnrth week of eaek II miinih si hi ifM.- In IHIUhnr. ifilr ten w(h ' tmrlr M. I'araa' willli prmilly nltrmltil m. ly i l. "DURIMl 1MKRUY,- i? A S T E NDi TttT. urM rilir tofuftii ia? eil!ti nf Hurhiin ant) siirrauatllas; rounwy UmI m KnN im "ii nann. Fteuli l!." l. I'icS, Confccilonery, All nt tne hr-4 ullly. I Hih-i (mm "i i t ni-.m;ii l f I-1 it m trrir cli iri-.; in I Hw are mpi'tlnllr m. Vil4. JOHN IJL'RGfc64 gtftiii. Open for Contracts. Vl i.'H" l- mt rrl-mllo iikilwi tnil)ini Hit " rmliH-iil Ikmiu. I siiiioiiiirc Ida t sua irv'Mrm in iti.rtli ItOt cK nt lLDISO In nnt It .a i hi4. Tlw Nrw I'srrt.ll iVsn li -ii. -, l-i.l HnKlHil. I IllaillUI r, T WV ii!n l. il.'i . Iio-i. .,i i.'.iminii ! rhai ol'-r sihl nv llnrsllmi f-"ill rii!l, irli ill ..il.,ll, a i.t tiirtiiwiiili. t. rshiliiti'd, IT f.ullhti tl. Irnee i i-k-il. rlriili:i4i' l nMwttilll nllrli"l. Jtlll.N K.IKANT. RefrrlnK. 4lrrlU. i. , H, triirn. KsMh. I'ul. tt K, W villi, , rH. t.