fjutfam Beratta WKDNKSDAY......O0T. 2i. .'87H PUBLISHED KVK11Y WKDNESDAY SY ft ' .. . J. D. Cameron. At tlJK Vr aruuin, or 75e, for alx months Invariably lb advene Terms of Advert Mug s A pvEHTiBMiNTi eonpli-mmly Inserted t It square for the first Insertion and 0 cents Biuaretor each additional luMtrtloa. 'Ten line or lets wake square.-a ! ' I .' I Tianslom edrertlaerneuts jjiwrtrd t enr rent rites, Llliernl doduutloua mad to eon tract advertisers, - '' . CLOVER. It it t little urprisin. how little clo ver it iowd io tliii Stat, wlieo we coo tiller bow admirably wall the toil it tuit- ed to iU growth, end it etcelleuoe a crop for all.iuds of etoek 1 1 addition to the above considerations, wotnust not forget that it ia also, "acknowledged to be one of the best green erose ibat cao be gr.wo'. for the purpose of renovating worn out lands. . Having long tap rooU which itrike deep down in'o the earth and bring op mineral resource, that are beyond the reach of other crop, and spreading ite broad leave to the air it draw a large per eent of ite growth from then sources. So it not Strang that it should be valuable a a fertilis ing jlaut, when frown aud plowed on der. -. All stook-grewirig sections, where the business i pursued with anything like futfces. tzecnt on the plain of the West, cultivate thi valuable plant. The clover field of Virginia and I'enn arlvania have lone buea fainous, and the great wealth of tbeae farming tioo i attributable to the attention given to clover. Uur section may not be altogether a well adapted to this plant u the eetion just named, but it has been sufficiently tried to bow that it can be uccettiull raited. The very nature of our nil it ihowe that it u well adapted to clover. We eon Jnuall hear complaint of scarcity of none and of there being nothing here to bring money. Now thi i the esse, we Lave aoooe to blame lut ourselves. If the people will put the nine amount of labor oa their farm raiting clover and gran, and ralae all the that tbia would enable them to do. they would eooo make aiotiej m jilrnfi fal here a any of the cotton and tobac co diitriet. 1 bere w money in racing I. PHAOTICAL SKLF-AOTIWO DOG - LAW Tliose having not the law, are a law unto Iheaifwlve." llonieus, ii uliaplei Uth verae. t : , ,: - The euntbiued wisdom of the legisla ture having tepealed the dog law,' ud not having given ui the ' belter one, the above text u peculiarly applicable to the ebeep-ruisera of Tennessee. 1 be merits of the law recently repealed will not be discussed, but at the sheep owner ave to be a law unto themselves, the following i suggested, aud wbeu if en forced will be luuud to work well aud effectively. He it) resolved by the sheep-owners of Teuueeaee, that chcu aud every one of tbeiu keep on baud a u'ouble-tarrelltd gun well charged with buckshot, which witl bo found a very pieseut help id trouble, Be it rotolved. That each aod every dog found upon the land of such per eon, unaccompanied by it waster, be treated to the content of aid gunv , i B it further resolved, That in addi tion to Mid gun, said farmer keep also on baud a- bottle of atryeliuiue, to be spijikltd on any ahoep that way be kill cd on the lace. To provide for the weak and timid dog that way congregate it is best to eut the careeaa luto piece of suitable site, aud having put ic escb piece some of the couteut of the bottle. scatter them crowd eight or ten feet so that all that may coiuc cao bo accent wodatrd. ' last all adopt thi law and practice it, and it will protect the aheep and materially lessen the pets of the Icj-ia Lure. To keep does dispute and fusses. never talk about killing; or having killed dogs, end all will he weii. It ia not the killinic. but the UUK that cause trouble. Let not your right band know what tour left death. Rural Suh . TUTT'S bestowing wore labor upon their culture than wo bestow ape our farm hero in railing grate and stock. nee I not expect to realise any thing beyond e late living from ri':ng Cora and pork. We cannot compete with the rich prair ies in tbcM article, but if w will Into our (Mention to raisiageatth and sheep, and posh the business with anything like the teal and labor which h take to raise cotton and tobacco wa way e peet a handsome return. Let erery farm have its own clover ield. Frank lin Keportcr. FKED VOLE ANNUALS WKLL. The mso who wear cut a calfe teeth in effort to wake it shift fur itself never raised a prime steer nor a good cow. Kvery dollar supposed to be saved thus in the young animal wnt by replaced later by lac expenditure or two. 1 lie wan who feed best while the animal is voutif. wake the moat money Tbia la generally recognised a true by our beat fanners, and henea the improvement hi stock ; and consequent cheapening in the raising of aaimala within the last teti years. The same rate will apply to all f.rm stock. If stinted while young, they never py th breeder and lerder a living profit. Hence who do not keep psoe with tha times arc always com plaining that there ic no money in stock. The big price paid by the best stuck feeder ate fur animal that bate had their digestive organ kept intact by early and properly autrtious food. . Tha value of a food animal lie ia it eptitu J, lo lay on flesh, and those kept steadily growing from birth will eouwuuo this growth and merest in profitable weight. To do this in -the most economical aisuuer, ihc digestive orgsne 'matt be riginellf strong tnd unimpaired J abuse I'rairie Farmer. Tie lest time to esrtra'.e tb met p!g is at from four to ail week of g ; or, at leant, before weaning time. They seldom suffer any pervrptinlc cheek in their growth when tha operation is per foraitd at .hi time, and Uey will be more asst. managed than if permitted to run eotiie. Tb aeiual dcsiieie de elupd very early in the male pig (and when n let of joaogf boar are per untied run together, their fretting ...t aihfeaafNll teriouolf rtlslds - grow'h. Iliflei, tha denger frem ratlrfica iwre with the age of the pig :trr he i tit kr.i4. lted paint way be wade very u-eful in a small wsy, cpeciallv in making eon apicuons such small articles as are liable to be lost- The bsndh-a of trowels. weeding forks, prnning knives, end all such small implnmeats, if painted bright red may be very readily found when dropped inth grass or otherwise mis laid. Hut fcVwer tune, hanging baket and many other thiug, which should be as irjeonspUsoou ss possible, ere now very often painted the wost pwdtive so staring red, which male them appear obtrusive and fort tbemtetree upon ihc attention, while the plant tney S almiU AavneCflWdary kr reoeered ! ii,ui-tw. The following wae evidently uttere by a troe ftrmer: ' The eouutry bom cao be made very pleasant by Siing op tbeysrlsand house more than they now arc. fanners should be witbont debts, and then they en make farm life very pleasant. The farmer should rca nd study several boors every day. Il fhould have good laborers, end have them understand that his interrsl their Plenty of reading matte t should be kept en baud at all times. lustoid of straight about the place devote more rpacc to landscape gardening. The keeping of gnnd stock will uly add to the pleasure of farming. Farmers should get not and interchange views with each other. Fpirit of tarpenline is good to take grease pot out of woollen clothe, to take spots of paint from mahogany furni ture, and to eleanse white kiJ gloves. Cnek roaehee and all vermin hsvo an aversion to spiri's of turpentine. A C A It D. T wlHsall are eufTerliis; from Hi errtira and ImllicretliHie if you Mi, m-rriiti weak utmst, ewrly Icewy, hmitif iiihiiIkmhI, Ac; I will svimI n ri-l tlm. wlllciireyiHi t-ltKK (IK CHAUtlK. Thin nrvat rviunly WMtliMNivrml hy a mlwliiiiar.v liiMntilh Amerliw. Knl nself-sillri-aMFienvelii the ItKV JianKI'H r. IMMAW, titatiu I). IIMe Huwe, A'em York (V. ly. areTtrcted from Veetfel product, oomblninu iiiUlemth Mundrnk bf Ms)! Apple, whioh is rtobkniiied by physlclaiia asa'aubstttutefor'ciiloinei, poaasinic all : the Tirtueaf of thtmlnrl. without Ite bad after-effecta. AS AN ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE they are Ineamparabta. Thay atlmnlate tha TOHPID XlVEB, Inyleorata'the UIRVOU8 SYSTEM, and gly ton to theDlOESTTV OBOAMS,! -foot dicwtion'andVthorough aastmUatian of food. They exert a powerful InBuenoe on the KIDNEYS and LIVEH, and through thworgsromov all topurl- Ua,, thua viuuilna tti ctasuasor ui Doay : atad pausing a healthy eondittoa of the system. AS AN ANTI-MALARIAL REMEDY They bt nonuaii aadia a neolt act aa a preventive andcure for Bijl6u,Ke mittent,XntriiiitWjTypholdrever ana reyer&na Ayae. upomoeneaimy action of the Stommuh, depend, almost Wholly, the health of th human raes. iVew York Shopping! T AVAR I'f lit IIAflXtl AUKXCV. KM-.MI.hUltrl'li.'h-! fir'hiex IhiiikM with tiHeand dl- rrrtmn. X. V. r"lil"ii nrwpBtiiWnt of Cmnkrlr eotmnlnl Hh INe Asrw-j. Prnrifer llrvnlar wHb prire. Krt t'lljr rrfcncHTO, A'Mrwi Wltx. M.I.KW I.AWAK. V.'i Hnatdwsv. fare llnrflallme, Bo HmaHway, K. w York 1'Hjr, ON MANGUM ST., Near the Rail no AD. WIIKItK mat t fnimd at all time, Hie lirt tatMmnt WINES and LIQUORS IfVliiilli'S tfi U4 f Wl.l-afc-a and ttrandir. klM HKfcll " kml I.AUS.U. A HEUTAVRAST Alt hd, w tth tbe kM"l V-Hrlra of the N o art. rrmsto'int in now. ,Vv . I; UN;t;MMJN. The North Carolina Home INSURANCE CO . OF RALEIGH. JV. (iiRurea Dwelling, Stores Merchandise . And All mm $ InsuraMe Property, Lost or Damage lf Fitv, o the mt Favorable Term. I T.3 RUM'kholders are eentlemen Interefed Ik building up North t'arolina lntitii tioba, end aHHiiig them are many ot tb pro. inineiit buaiiieiM and liuaiiclnl men of the Btute. WW) CONDENSED TIM B. X0RT1I CAROLINA RAILROAD,' Cliapliun l(uiiUiu M t'olleire, Vs. .HaUvriKHiaof Uyieu.ii kUUIii ui) kirawled)!e una urn v-urcu 11, v11'111!" 'u.v-, is.m,' iis tort a'lii'S, aiid all suits ol imiua from liidlia-stioil yields iiroinpily to It, l'lw eures of tbu are luuuierable. All Lossei Promptly raid Abutted and DYSPEPSIA IS THE BANE of the pie nt twneratfert. It 1 for the Cur or this di This Company ha, already, during the three years f lUeiisteui'e, paid a lam a nioimt orirfisars, yet It assets are steadily in creasing. It apiwtits with mafldeiK- to the Insurers or property in Aorta t'aronna. Er.courage Home Institutions- JOHN UATLINO, President. W. 11. CROW, Vice President. W; 8. Pn!MRoR,Sec'"..&Trea'r. P. wren, Adjuster Supteteorv . aa. mm a aiBILTBB. Lafal aaraiBai dee, 1 liiui. Ulllsborojt.C. and it attendant SICK-HEaDACUEt HE1V0USBE88, tZS t'OWCEhCT, C05TIf ATlOrat8, to., TUTT'S PILLS have fain fd aoh a wie apTeadrepota tlon. No Bemedy ha ever been dieoov ered that acta o pedily and gently on . the digeetlve otyaji eHanns; thm tone and vigor to aaeimilat food7hibinf aocompliahed. of course th NERVOUS SYSTEM IS BRACED, THE BRAIN IS NOURISHED, AXD THE BODY ROBUST. Being compoeed of the Juto rplant traetedjy powerfulchemical aatn iea,and prepejedin ooncentxatei form, they are, ruaranteed free from any thing that can Injur the moet del Icateperaon. A aoUd dMlntai who ha nairmr4 tbra, say "THZBI It MOSX IS OKI OF Tvni riixa, THAI CAB" M rooio u a raz Of AMT OTHSS." We ikerefar amy le the aSMetad Try thi Remedy fairly. It will not harm you, you havo nothing to loso.but twill auroly aln Vlgo roua Body, Ptiro Blood, 8trontl Norvoa and a Cheerful Mind. rrlarlpal Oflare, S3 Marry Hu, H. T, PRICK SS CENTS. fkiM V KretTrKa ihniw-Hwm, the awW. TUTT'S " HAIK ' DYE. i;a.r Huana Wawrraa an-S ; a Otoaa Itui a iw a anal i.taMcaa 4 Urn In. It aa. aui. a Huv-t i'4-. aoa jannaMlr. aas M MStiateaanatan M kr iansa,er Office 30 Murray it New York. Peutt, Ajit. Pew, Struuitrrg, Rup. berry, BUicUxny, Shmlt ami Or - aMiateufnl rnrrciDi A MTC . ... . u mi Trur it Addrr l. KMf kit, Kridp Vila-, ltls. ritorcotiB : James A- Sewell. A- M , M. D, I.A A U V 1 1 A KM Tl Hit fcllW Ute.. I have Kmnil I nhlra'a .IKBI' JUM Kklnsrt af KKt.K iarlk-M4ar Iwful in wiSNn "lagra ,4 .i eMKHiikta. Wrak una, .vpt and all nrrtnua afllirtbwe. In MrxHsot tt baa lava rrtalard nltilrnetr nlher wla a-ii fcwl n M-ir.l. I raa rmiiumrnil tt aaeniivrniciit, inUlabh, tM 'ijfsll IftrniKk. tmn IU (I liM.ii. S art Toa(n UHuAfll) fKM'".! K ferella. WalHot 4'aar, srarnt'ri ( I rare. aaaaaaaM at llm.k. fH. .J it. I'lane'. MiMtl. (atrr. AH-aak.oul tlWti. Iilvet lllimralrd .wjr arul it. Aimie-a v.3 ir.i. r , Ska 1 1 1. Wabinx, N. J State Df Hortl Carolina, ) j j? ?soat Sartor Court. C0UN1Y. J. T. Critcher, administrator of Tbonis L'ste. 'r tvulnst ' Join Gates, Solomon Cstee, Eliia Mes Cnlloeksnd husUnd WiUon Mot'uU lock, Sallic Cates. tbe children Ol William Cstss, (nsnies unknown,) llsywttud IV. tates. Aver M. tHe, Klisabetb King snd buabani Ttmaiss A King. u rn. tale, ranoy t;ate, Henry tales. Tillett Usies, illism t ales, l.ucr Catne. John Cstee aud Us jr wood tatea. rr HIS jiroreeilinx la petition by tlte Plain- A tin I lie aale of initvtt acrra r Stud in reraoa tounty, tlran-utlrd hum tbe aald Tlhiraaa t'stra. Jvc'd. Ulam tlir aUiv named IMrmlJUta as nla SUIT IHMra at law, tor aaari IB IU naiMla ol lite I lalulin. 10 I aliullrd to the coat and rhenspa of wlminlalerlua lb ea. IMt of ai dn-eawd. aud t lb fMyiueiit of niaurme; aud K apirarinf, 10 lae Court mat n ra. s'wmi, a urviiier nr I noataa (.area, H dead, Icatins laaue. rbililreu who ar auae- abknila e iiiis Half, and wbM aamra and araarannot be aanarUnard iff lb I'laiaHH. allrr Hi aioat dibnt ratpilrti Ittathrra dire arilerrd f lb Court. ha iHilillcatkia be haatl for at wreka la lb Durham Krr drr. a la lb ann-rraiaVnt lrfc nuanl. that Ibey appear at tbe t brk'sOrbre la said mas. if a ar atfare in nrx uav m awr scat raMiUm. anil anaweror demur tallst romnlainl uf I be I'lalntif wbkb ka m le ia sis) ortW. avrrthH-prupcr aaaara, or III da- atrnt will an lakra Urunmreaaa aa lo Ibriu. H'itaea.JJ. Uunll. C'he-k nfaabl Court and Jndwef I'relxl dar said ualy,lbU urn oay 01 rit. l.. J.J. I.ANMiKLt. flerli and Judst 4 1'iobat. Wiaaraas k Tsasr. Atlururys luf l'l f. Fpt. U t- FINCH & TAYLOR, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DKAI.KII ts Tinware, Stoves, &c. T K are new pnrpsml to III a H arders (or if Tobacco Flues and Hue Iron At lb LUWKKT fAll NtlCIM. Wsr abw BMakbiy lb erk braird , LYON FLUE Whlrh aaa ehrtl aurk aalvrraal satiartNMi. 1 1 ! ttuubne. aad HullrrMg; duue oa anon am ire elxj in hni M le. I'alreaarr anlk Nrd lli-lavlfllllr, MM II A TATLOH.':. JrffprfKPr. ' .. . a.U I vl UUW a by tddrrwlne I f l AI KU AUV r.Kl ISt.NO ULKKAlt. V iu liiuiu. a, '-.a 2a , " t n irutawd baw ajmiani IB nwiwaa a vauprra. t f l""-Mt I'anipbbe, lua. lfl ... HU M N.vr4 In V JV,, a J WallM.I-tark hiakra l.alilBe. n. i j b.mIN. rbxk arm frr "I"' iniay. Aiblrvaa IIA A I ,H m vu. nanaae, , naHIH H.. SiTT n t (luranlre.; s ( io Msrnla. sjnim ir. tUn A tja. AUatlala, Malie, .4V777 Vreadpense tnleenls. I'.O. tKKLlil Aid.. ' " AKU.'.JI. Toloii. Olxools CarriajiB Hater ail UiJerlakfir, musnono, x c. l'KKPSalaaisoabaBd atwk-tytd food, JV and iwrtlnajld at tt O M It MA tt M trbrrkra, rr aab" at reaauaable lair, Krpjlrllie NratHr ami prnmplNr eterwM. Al4k-A bd of kwairy Maria torllna, and a ChhI lli'ure. In anlilbHi to th above, a hid line ol yi NSirlUK. IlKAIMTKAHX, HVHKAVlt ',, TalMt. MVrrfrofrrs. M'-rtaea. ate. A. June Mil II. t. K. BTtllhMiN, C. nr. tiiokk. C. W. THORN & CO WII0LK3ALK UKALEKS IN Hats, Caps, Straw Goods AXD LADIES TRIMMED nATS I3i6 Main Street, sasreb C Cm. RICHMOND, Vjt. rWAee,e.,aa,aajjaatk1 hi a a ua S ILJ Alii HlLlASLC Da. cVuiromn' Lrru Imnoiuro ia a BUkWrl Faiaily laimwkly lur j LEE k CO WHOLESALE. AND eii.r,rrJ klWt tKAI.KItk IX Vawg (11. lirfnnwrlr, Mine ral Mater, liitmt JUnluiiirs, GitnltHumtUnu Sttih. Timt, CI, ipifi, Ar. l'sjetteeille St., Corner Martin, Opposite f. 0. NAI KIGII, tt. C. OHII:fl t mail rerelv iirniept stlen. ibiN. IiiacriilbiHSrofflpiiniM at all bi.ura. Anyiirt T, Im. oiseaaeeoi uiaurer, HbMtsjnli mfgf ssJUewls, ItaalWykRe, TerrtabUv-It wrrar a-S f Tt i.uuiak-itni af ri 1 1 M Wiwm V.f Ci 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 w staaii iiiv llSith It Key. R. L. Dabney, L L I)., Ilsra. Sid. ol, tt Is lilulilv eatrenied eere by tbe reuulur Madionl Kaviiltv aud Hie l eoph1. It la exiwr H-ht Urt-liMlixi-allon and r'latiilent Colic a ilut He, aoiraivoV. toubi, allgbtl) aperieut, wlia outuaiiaea. Key B r WcKiwail, I K. V. Con'. About l welve years 1 sunVred frmu Kyniieiv sla. KuiliiiK in lib tbia reumly, I Kve It a lair trial. ;. Alter lis iue I eouhl rat an) tbing ills liuiiuitv. I sin aine I am Indi Meil lo Ibis iirmlk'in tirwhut of benltb and pbyah-al rouirnrt 1 have had lor tbe Urt stxtrea year. 1 bate Known liuiiy sinoo to be relieved by us use. " V , Bee Rotiert W Watts, A M.', Vs. I have tb mixture In my family fur ten your, ard hare lakrjijt Joi a Uysoepsta Collr, wbk'b llireaiflicdtTiyine, aud was cur ed, ratine; any diet wltboiil.a.iiii'1. I have ro eiuiiiKUUtHl n w oinermnnrm wnu nappira' MMiilia. it tlte lu-at aaluiiu! 'and iiorraLlive I ever knew, r'or prwaraibin ruin Dyspepsia of silver triseaa n is uivaiuauas, .. 4 D'KmIcUmVx 0, Va.'"" II l fiUlily valuable remedy, and hi more xteaalvelv uard Iban auy siuaw arlk le in tllilaLe' liat uf lllrdicillra. so bu- a I oiawrVr ed in my nrarlkw, f ir ail th complaint In ra unite Uwi luuiiiou. I iw u auu recow vuu IU . : Editor Kwhraoud Cbri4ian Advoeale, Tbia reuirily la of tiiid tiitue. I bsvs Uiaiieuala rlirrd eoumlrU lv liv It. I via tub aa auliiMa tu our ' liialanial liiaM." Tbe Inarsdiriila ar uut keiit by liar aiwtbecarbM, and have been dllUcuK to Kev 1. 8 Reed. v'Y;'. Norfolk IM-t. Vs. In Uira weeks It ha uud ute a new man. Bbbop I)K Ibigxrtl, (Hwitbrra Mrtbndiat.) M Uaa excellent ewroitlve of Indieeatioa. I hat Hard It lib prmoit benrtklal reaiills. 1 Iror M l'.M 0, Miib. llbt'a. , I am neter whbout H. at biium alirnsd. II ia aa anlubila la hulluratHin. Lurainal afli-r a saaal tar uuralna la rberad and the IwMe'.arrkUlnliHI. Ila uarriui arraiieaieu y niimbrr anifh ivh cbarBftrr. I Har at tranbavrrytbinsf dsUrlitK) ol Mllctuyaar relieved by one Uoee. Hsv lrs Jeter, Ilrosddua, llkklnaon, (Bsp.) It la aadnrard Inr I be direct mrsnaalleau. tony of nsra of nstkikwi laine and U atl V-t- Ha uf rMWk. II la not HM) Stars in aai ina au saedWiua rrrr bad such summit in Ha la. ut aa a KiaM-iar 1 be word ot any oka aT tbaibiit,iliiiirabe umh-rwrite ihU witb ass IW II) Nperia naa ejanni ania. aaiiai aUiaa. IiiIbmI kSkiktri iannsraiai uaa and approval rl lb prrHiralHa by aril known pbyab-iaas reamvea.ali ikiu'e. It K lanrosul iiiieatbrn a woexh-riul tbrTSllllcal SB-U diUwa Urliftulia Urrakl, ta. Pre;, riedatoat A Arlington In. Cew Va. t ki.ta ami thle Unllrln sayaslf and h a a.ellv abb Bavan ins rurrra. 1 hrB W Ia n nW and at Iwiue. lis Barrlts ar not overvuiru. ...... IfSIIABIWvai Bey Ur MaaxriNuV'rof t'nie. el X C. aTi.Tr fbi VS." i' ti;rl " TUA1MSIIUI.SU HAST. " ' fo. 4., No. 4.1, -No.fl. Jute, Jiiuel.'; ibuly, Haily. Daily tiiMin. Inve C'liarlotie ' 8.IWU m AM pro Salisbury ; tl.oa a im. Ml p ass .... IliKil I'oint f.llsiu '.iklpui. Ar. Vret-nsburo H.ooan J.l put ........ i,a p in Ar. Illltsboro V),lH a in .12 f' p In I.W a in ' Ituli ixb U'Upm 4.0U Hi l.v. S,.'lopiu ,4a tn (" Ar.Uoldvboro 5.W p hi 11.55 ut ...... 18 7 9 THE FOUR REVIEWS AND if i Ko. 47 iMiniiecta at Urrenslioro with K. A t. It. tt. fiirall iMtiiits North. Kust and Wrat. At Uoldsboro wUb W. A W. U. It. fr W II iubtUiu. - - - no 4-i eenueiTs si uroensnoro who k. r as, H. It. for all pnl n t Nortli, Ksa aud Wmt. Dal Jun l.Tfl, No. 48. - irnir. LV. Goldrbnro Ar. Itak-iub Lv . -,.! Ai Durham'' ArlliilalHtro Ar tireeiiaburo l.y " Ar lliirh Point Ar KulirlMiry Ar Cbtrlotie No. 4H Connrrts at (Ireanaboro with Su- krm Air I Jo Jiinclioii with A. A A. lIIUI(road lor all ixiinls twuta Wud bol-tli-wet: at C'barlotte with V. C. A A, H. K. lor all pwim moiiib anu Buiiiaat; al Bar bury with W. S. 1'. IL It. daily ex- Sun day fur all point" In Weitern North Carolina. o. 42 al Air-i.iu jniininn wiin A. Ki. A. l for all poiuts Niuth and gouth-wral. fcevt; L taaaj, iMi"rlaa, 1 ba' brew Ikwasrdly Uh orated. tie E A Yale. t E X.rrth t'arallaa l'oa( It baa karoeailee aa. rud auotbrr paikaje. ('ha Jahaenn with D Landrath A Doa. fhila. My akkshaaaaailyrnrrd ka-rarlluf a bast eaa u4 OyaiariMbi abb tb trial lab 1 think aw blrr a ill BIlMa it. - lb alaate k a blr .ample of huadrrdanf Irt- ter rrrrivsai rriua au (atrta in muinrni antl Wralrra "lair, and all (l Mux le saast UBi4aliallleiBMiy aa la tbe iutriu-ir SurrlU aad rflkmry laTaur vaaT rectkT OSS tnr I Ha. nka. li'r ran claim Ibat a Htka-r rrranljr aaarvrr rewwi irrn aa rn T rsuiarul buaat radurarrs. YV h raa dmitsl that Ibia la a remrv lor our aATIUA AL UI!KArK. utaiwiMar If riHir DruxxMs and Mrrrbsats dJ m4 hertitti VK.r list Kr I IIK.orik-r fram wa. and thru tnai-t ea Tana kvrHn It far lb ramyrulrarc at tbe public a WrU as yoar- arnea- V uaVr Ubrral tra by th Ureas or D..I. Price 'Zbc. und 151 UU iht DutUe SM 'jf DrtifjiMt uiul CuhhUj Her limit. Ta will drtlrrr at any I'ih rHIbw lb email ft swat Hull It, ar tourr UaVe the Large 1 IfcrtlkF. ba rm-lt el pnrr. 1ULK f CD. iUIM.Ert Ar-dliererlrs, IHK) VI sin Street, i791' ItlCHMOXD, VA. l)IOr)ROT08ACCa bsa Uw need ia mt vraeria and by tba pabtie,S sVora truss u rear. antrprlejteiil tiwnlta. ND FOR CIHCULAat. t. T.w. Miroio, lb., rjoa.r.vv t sai awnr ana Trit tat rr. esrreinae. mm al .! . , " fcT1 TKAIXS (iUl.NU WKST. No. A. No. 4. Daily. Daily, ex. Bun. in,iuaiu u,H4 p in ........ x.4op m to 4-1 p Hi K.xopM ........ N.iKip UI 4.87 p IB ........ lo,4A am ft.iu pin ii.Mpui 7,a.l p tn 4,lu p m r-. p hi a na ........ iHsattl ........ K.ltf am ........ ll.liiat ........ V.I4 p M l.i,i p ill iz.ei a m SAI.KM BRANCH. l.v. Oracnaboiw dally exeriit Sunday 9.10 p as Arrive nerneatine lo,o Arrlv Sabiia - Arrive KerarraviU , , " A.4u An lie tirrenalMrn " " 7. on f onnertineal ureansnoro WUb Ira lua on K A D. aud N. V Railroad. BLACKWOOD . AUT110KIZKDBKPKINT3 0 ''"- of . ' EDINBURGH RKVIHW" (Whig.) WKdi'MlMi'TKit REVIEW Liberal . LOMUIS QUARTERLY REyiEW , ' (touerrative, BRITISH QUARTERLJf REVIEW " , "iV ' ' . ? (Evangeliiul. .: and ' ftl;; DLAUIVlVUUlJ'a . ' Edinburgh Magazine. f tlT Tt.e Beprlnt are not Veetlons!. ' ,et elvellie oriLbials in full, ami at about. eambiidlb prhw ot UatKnjiliah editions; flfc Ne pulilktutlon van compare with tbe leaO lnj.;i Mle,i t'rrkKlbsabi alruv named, rrp. lnl. ed by Uie Leonard fceott fubliabing Ceiupuat in ieMt( to nil. hit oi reararen, Bdiiraff f Saleuw nt, and purity of style, tbey are ' ' witlwut any eounl. i'liey keep mm with mm . urrn,tboubt,.iliaeovry exiN-riiuent and a cbievenient, wnetbur In rriixlon, snbuor, llte ralur ar art. Tbe al.le-t wrilrrs UH their parrs with most Interot'nK ivirws of histo. ry.snd with an Intelligent Ubnalion of tbe irrrat evei.laoftlieday. I MHMH tot 187 Including f oslaje.-J PATADLW tTKIC'TLX IM AOVANCC Cor any oe Review . , 00a j'r r'or an two Review " 7 01) For euj three Review 10 00 For all four Review 14 00 M For Meek woo" Msgasina 4 00 , For Black wcod and I Review 7 00 ForBlackwood and Review lit 00 For Hlackwood and 8 Reviews 13 00 For Week wood snd 4 Review 13 00 ' SLEKriXO CARS W ITHOUT CIIAKOK Una bnlh arara with Tralna Xns.48anit 47. la-taern Near York and Atlanta via KirhUMmd llreenaliernaad I barlnile, and Irom Urrrna. hians to Aueiiala, na Train No. 4H, and on Train No. 4 f oa New tart t tireeaslHiro, and au Train No. 4A tow, Augusta lo Mew York via HKIimnnil. nr Tbmuxb Tk-ketaew aabi at (lrrenala r. Kakutb. tinklalmro. Salisbury snd ('bar- loll, and at ll prlwlHil point a Snot b. Soul b weat. Wrat. Knrth aad Ksst. Pnr Kailrant ralM la points in Aranaa ana i rxsa, Addrer J. II. M At MVIfinr, ' Van. raararr Ayrul. jSJlf Uicbiaond, a Metropolitan Works. Canal St. frowi Siata ta Seventh. . R1CU3I0XD, VA. SA W MILLS, Gritt Hilh BOILERS Cuttlnfje ' Bniunml Inm, Fvryig$ Ifttektiterj far GOLD 4 Ctd ilinei. Dtaet Furmice. te. W ali ajwriel atlewthtn to uf miroycd 1)OUTAUIE Tu1 far Atrlrultiiraland olher pnrpn-ra. Arm to new stvks amall knenaaalvc lor aaulln rum her wad otarr arla-lrs no) trasawat stand aarrew gu nuaays. siiAfTUfG, 1'LLErg, kcK ros CIS HOUSES. ntmiart phnfer In North Carolina tnd other smubera stale ennehlrr awr Uiaahng and Tbrraanui r.njttnre la aa-M, aaa cneatrs( In liar, anaminriT irrr naa ir. Urradr Wars snlkHted sad prneanthr stnaa, llluatialrd Catikwura. tsblrb art rurar-nrti irre. WM. K. TANNER ft CCL 3, W. llrvnKrn. Ad Rickavond, Va. llillsborw, N. C, Ort. If. Aycr's Ague Cure. aeelvee end AjalntsralraaBt Vrr, CbUt rrr, Beaalkasat sTever, Dumb Atroa, yrtadlal ar Billon fsnr, A, aU from saaiartoos, wiarah, er la Ue eeJaoSa, aajaa"aaa Re rssdy I sseAsr I I 1 1 ralM IW kr la asasasUkis f I It m II Aiarftraa arevle I has a I rI yar sate aad sea, rare ear Frrer II IT f aad Area, seek ar eow ..1 1 T1 aa Sr, vtlk a a.iK M ana!Btr SJaal II l Bra Mills 7 tha Slaaaas. aad elik aaaaraawa, Caaaeae a wreaf. raa aa bass ssa arks from a. m, la aa a.aaiHr That aralrfe pntrtt Ireaa er ssnsabi fMa eb saawwacrewrtayC. H. POCUE as VtlSLaua. .. asaa LEVY BROTHERS. RETAIL dry Goods Mcrchnnts, 101 7 snd IOl9MaiaSlrect, RICIIMOSD. VA. HAVKlbr larst DRY tiOlilm Hu-e nt be etal. furrhaarat trlr Sjnnria la taraa unaaltttr Irnm Maaulaa'lnrer' lutinrrtera, end t the karar trade AUCTION 3ALES ftnaldra liana to a (bar rxlranrillaart sndure aaral to ra-k pwrhseris. Tbry s lit on a-k- and Ibat I be htaral, I Tbey kern wa band at aH limre full Mrtmrnt ef D R r Fane Ooods, Carpet, G Notions, ' Oil Olutl. 0 . MaMinr. ke. Pampb-s snd 114 ef goods f lira ! bed Wpon SpplkralknC, Jiilyd;ly. sankw la Mat saeeMk-eaWfeH areaaMa. ihaaiWaa le bHIar kaaaata.atka I illuil ill,. ! tk Ifefc aklrn be aaMt ran la vMrel atlarka af kM batrfal 4a trararr. TkU) -CvaB" Has aa ai ana) BMiMia a ram aaa lays .ia ihe e.auea. aa several Ike Vrtaaarat ef the Crsraae, bt takra aa lea rat pnrnah f M piieinaawy S)alalS. II Iseaaj aly Ik bast rraarar errf vet CkHauwd lor tba) elaa esaiplalals, bat .im ii .1 .m f Lia ill era aaar air Sar a aakW brlaae H attkla laa stark af rrrnaaarl aad hs Wlaaaa aHalrkla, Favaa w antra amaile, siii)H4y Bare sLaae BBS H frnrlr. kaab rat rare km laa. II U IxvH lata Brlae lll plaae H wHhla tb raaab ef all la Bear as rU as ta rick. A rrral saraetarhyel Ikla taajrCy aaer af albrr era etaaaareeaa Bar th SBaaSy Baal arrlala earaaf kaateaHkralS ta. Ike W aatala Be Uab alee ar BMarral I s laially b ai.eaws a .ni.liiel er near karartaa aVSi alamf epaa Ike raealMeitea. Ibeae ara4 ky M ar bn at Iwahkt ea H Ikaf ka aever aa la In aad Are le aet slave ike Of Ike auaaaisiie aa..a. ApaatveraMyefels ararrs aria Weaa He WrliakVa, aaaaaf akWI kraaalllaS T SBSil are Kaaralala. nkraaaUlMa. Ileal. II nihalares. leather, earache, lelarrfc, AruV saa, rslpUalln, refel ASmlea af tn WyJera, Mraarrtae. l-ala kS Ike Heap la. . rWralrMS, aa4 eaisaaiaiiat ef IN Hie ask, ail ef vkark, ta-a eniaat ta Ibis saaas, sari aa tbe 'a. twaHHaet Irs. '" aaatat. Taal ai'm.anah ike eiU.a Weaa laa ktraML aad eiiasauy ara nana mm mm, is aa aa aa. ka Maalrraal rarUr wiliBii It sakaa ii aii l laallr ar Call Hole etnaerd tk bakasiaa. 0a afll as r eresr Wa Wa fmrnm, aaa esaaas eeeaa a, mArtM aaaasM ke rlnra kata Cli rlaaee M K Ban vaanhl Car erMrriHai tfc.e rarri aa Br W ra aaVr frnat lalrr. BrUkrais a tar ' ISlBliriat af th SreW. affrjraa. Car A4er laaaflalaX, erubif Ibasa CaspkaV ky f tea Urar, Ml as eaarural 1 1 aaaily. atlas, latlag Ik lit tat branny ertlM, aad are. kWni saaay traly swaikakls (, Where la mratataae Salt. raarsstn af .CTMe.C01walUa. AID tOLO ALL BOVlfD Tall WOKLSk fMtcM, 9iA trmn morrtuu POSTAGE. Tbia Hem of expense, now Iborne fit iH p.bliabrr.. la nj. Ivalrnt to a reiluclhin of M prneut en tbecvM to subscribers iu former years, A discount ol twenty urr rent will be al- binid to clubs ol four or more persona. I bite: ifiui- euliiee ol Ulackweud or ol oue liev! wwdllsenltooueaddreMifor( four eopira ol ila-'iur Itnvwwaaad black- woeaiorfta an) as en. pFemj'ujs. New subseribers (siinlviiix earlr) for the year 18;u may have, ail bout rbarjse, tbe aiiuilrrra for tli bat qilsrtrr ol l-7e ol aucll perHMiieaN as inry war ubarrtueror. rr I o. trad, new aubwriovra to any two, Ibicenrtuur ef tbe above rerlitdkaila, may have erne af tb -Four Urviras' for la.:: subaeriliers to all hv may have lure of the ronr itrtwws,- or one eel of nrsckweod a Msiraclne for 1K7H. riluer premiums to siittsrritwr nor dis. ounat to clubs eaa be allowed unlrs the mo. nry e rrmitlrri dlreri to Ihe publiaber. lirrmi jia givrn to I'luue. To arrlirr tirriniuuts It will b nrrraaare In niak early pplktba. aatbe Mack avails. uie at Ibat uurour k lirulted. The Leonard Scott Pub. 41 RarclstSt. Co.. .New York. Largest Establishment'",h,'State Book and Job ftlnlinz AND BOOK '.BINDING 1WM ! ttt Vavrrv IswW anf wla su l tUala-fj cuiBU lua. jsercaaau. Manulacturcra, suppllrtl with Lrtirr Heads. Hill llemla. Knvelopr. Matemenu ol Acceuiit, larohes vl t.Wm, l'rb.M. Cbnilar and Cards, . Hand lliiu. tte. Ac. Ar. ' At. !.b.rrt notice, end prire (iisrsnlrrd to wui,n!UW ,'n'ubu,l. ib r BOOK BINDING AND BLANK ROOKMANCFACTURIAO Of every Kind done arally ankkly and t nesf y . KDWAItlW A IIHuriHITtiN eat SS tt. Kattirb. ii.C. Street's MonalJIoteI,J R rt Irish, i. C. B.R. STREET & SON. tViCNer arul Proprietor: GASIOIi HOUSE. NEWBEKN, IT. O. K. Ii. WTKKET 4 Bu.t, I'MptMirr. fp II K unibwalsnrd bavin pnrrbaaed the L Nslirmal llia-H rrmprrty at HaMab, niaaaea) Marrh 1Mb. I-TB. Ibat wrU karaa II.Hsar to Ibr piibllr nnr tbrir manaarmrnl. They rr-r t Ibrlr paat taaaaaaaaaat af Iba tiarlna llniaeaa ariiananlrr last Ihe 1ralrr ia rmxir am snn la Kalbvaal. In tlwtr kaanr-. Mil (IhrataiHiaril r4 a Srat rta lin tel. The rnbrr, Mr.namtrH II. Mi ret, will rnnala In rbanrr af tb 4tna Hnna. The diiabar. Mr. '. 4. fclrrrt. will cnaduat lb .Vatlnaal HutrL sprll d ;. a, R. STKEKT A SOX. BSE THIS BRAND. IP Best In (be World. AD UKTTKR tiiak amy 8A1.KRA I X OXKteeatMaanil rf I his Pada nanl Willi .. r?"r tl"fiila ol VTna-tleill "' rr parssrr tbe tshislil rafarmalir.B. If lb traarmrwriil I to larr anil dee Wt prwla sod mult el araj, urt bts ak. trrwatds.