Tha DurtacxRcccrde?. E. C. IIACItJfKV. EdUor A Pro . IspUllice ;ln Kiggsbe; uimuing, op- "'poslte Famuli's Warehouse. , ' ' DURHAM, N. C, fBICS Of8DB8CJUrT10N: -5 One Tear, in Advance; Six Months, A $1 50 y 75 ADVERTISING SATES LIBERAL rA' UNIVERSITY AND PRO FESSOIt PBILLIPS. Recently wo tbokvi'casiiiii to speak our mind iu reference to the action of the Trustee of tbo University in elect In Professor Phillips to a chair which, (a we inferred trom their sul sequent notion in sending or allow. ing him to go abroad after knowledge to tit hitu for the portion) he was in competent fill; mid ue did so for a two fold reasou, to wit; lirst, be cause w.'. had beeu importuned to question imMiclv the propriety of eleo ting men to offices in the institution " a venr before the office had been - created and furuMieil with the necea 'aary paraphernalia ; and seo-indty, to elicit from he trustee, for th public gratification and tlm T"ri.aizifMe tion conveyed in the letteYgUeu by Professor Venablo (which appears in the Aew and. Observer a few days ago,) in response to our strictures and the criticism of other editors of the North Carolina press, which up to this time bas been sup pressed. Being the State's Univer . sity the people had a right to demand, or at least desire, that the recent conduct of the Trustees in establish ing the precedent referred to be yen ' tilated and explained. There is no ; denying the fact that their action has cawed much diasaUsfaction through out the State, and if the editors and newspaper correspondents of-the Slate had not criticised the action of the trustees, or in some way have stirred them .op to an explanation, dctrinieui to the interests of the Uni versity .would have been reuliztd. We are not an cuomy to tli Univt r- Mtv uu ih- contrary. wi 'wet-f - iu bint frk'inU, an-1 iprov mol im t'ncolty nod iu pliius lor futnrv 'lerittiiiiii; but nidi vli.uig'- as tiaVH leoriitly been inalf and uch new depurtnrvf from cUilIilud cm touts tlml c -nvriii'd in J'n.I-i.r ' Phillips' ,'puiutnit ttt. need lu ta-x plaim'd wheiiov r thejr in'ipr;. and . wbciioviT Ve liciivir limta f..i.ur! on tlie part of ti.e trui.iw, f MIht, through ' iimdvorti-iicJ r ;lifi wi - lias the clJlHit (u haj.iii tiir iii,4iHiV-H. wo shall riot foil to sp, iik, ilil.r . the gratification of public 1ih' mj-l the welfaie ofthe tdvWyrfK . t'nr we lire Kri.rinHy,.ii!corutu. we s SttiinciT tt itiiTruf; YenuUeV ex ' plaualion; and liavcUu Uoul.t the trustee wt re actuated by imh tulmt than a ilc-ire to pn-uto the aucd'a i.f the institution when, they elected Dr. Phillips add "sent him abroad to l.ecoroe competent lor the place, and U may be their Judgment , is worthy of universal comrnendatiou. Another Influx of Scotch' Crofters , ' Probable.-' . v "- ,' :-:"' ' ' . Margaret -aeIeodo"-PandeB, Scotland,'-who' .arrived ' here, on the steamship iLnrd ,', Gough'. yesterday, ieu ior ioo u esw iO;-uiiv....uris3 .aiHu- Lcod intends te lav the elaima ofthe Scotch crofte5$er''&n1ra men wno nave iouua a nome on una side of tlio Atlantic, and to make ar rangements, if possible, for the trans urtatiunfot several hundred Tann ics from the highlands and lowland. She will probably remain In this country for several months, but her movements will - be kept as quiet as I possible, in order that the land agt torsi may not circulate false reports among the crofters. An appeal for iunds will be made to leading pniian tnropists of the west and bouth; anu the result ofthe visit will probably be a treat influx of crofters, who will settle in North Carolina and other States. As soon as Miss McLeod bas accomplished her purpose will return to Scotland and organize an expHditioa which she believes will be very large. imlaaelpniaVispawh. We certainly do not wish anv calamity to befall Miss MacLeod, but we think lithe really intends to ar fiictJNoriu Carolina with any more ot her Scotcli-cr ifters that another Guiteau is greatly needed to defend us ugaimt the plaj-ile. If she had a kuowlege of the sentiments ihicb rankle iu the bosoms ofthe poor. do hided, half starved cteatures who aro now begging the charity of this coun try for the sustenances ot life and could know the df irs; t Such as are ijcTsceking a penny : from every man who passes by, she would learn that she could servo her' countrymen no more nobly than to provide a way whereby they might be returned to their homes. ' Occasionally, mayhap, a Scotch crofter, possessing greater intelligence than his fellows, may be found who will speak in praise of this land; but the majority of them have encountered nothing to encourage them, but, on the other band, every privation to which extreme poverty could subject them. They cannot enjoy any of the social pleasures of society in tnis land, and when they become separated one from another, their solitude is unbearable, not be ing familiar with our language nor our habitr. They squat about in small, dirty, dilapidated cabins, not being able to pay rent for comfort able quarters. It is true they can labor, but they are not trained la borers, and their woik is unsatisfac tory and unprofitable. Kec GEN. COX A A D THE VUJPEL niLLl'O&T OFFICE. Acain there lias betn a storm of indignation started in Chapel Hill by the intimation from Ills Majtsty Urn. Cox, that Mr. Kirkland, 'would .be retained as post macr, at that place- Kow M.C Cox. Veil, knows his pet at Chapel, Uill, has been a repub livii" ofthe deepest die. A man un fit Ivr. Orif bsil'on. and moreover cently we hod conversation with a crofter, who with his family consis linn ot a wite and live children, brought. '-vf by the ngeut of iho Sea nurd ami R..a.ioke K. it. O and !iniMiii a li'uuo m Moit county ll orki'-l h ni 'i.'d, ami a'! t .ii,t ii,e r.-riV'd -ll-I rn 'j.-li-!!, ail,! I'.-Vljl iv. in-a'd hti: tin kii'iiuJit i.l. Id ni 'i.ij , i(, pvi'k f iw-ali-lx pound-1 1 I.ii. i.ii niy.I, n ltlW Mignr li'ianV ttllnwajfe, li v- fhUdt'ii U ifijl nii.i aui 0,0-ihJe It wirk, i ith tnj; wanll -d h,v tbp Mtu ti whom :hp hfit'it. Hi-l,'iitd for their sup port 'I'iic cr fier a-ked his em- Uf$vf bi imi:li wages per month he woujd itllow him, and the reply was "auuoiii ine emi-wi me tear and i will nil jxtJ.' Not lieing- able to S4 yuM uv.ioii from bis employer as , tlm anion ot of wages to he allowed him, ill. emfcr took bis fmiiily and lert.-i lie a iter wards hmilit airuot of lafxl, givii-g $200 for it. and stilted hin iuinlv on it. lJ.ii ha hn l not Ciniinei:rel eraiiini therein before he kumniMrily ejH't-d by the troe iiwii. r ofthe land, who informcil him that the tale given h'.ta by the roan to whom tie had paid S-'OU was a bogus deed, that the man who gave it bod no right to or title in the land. The man had departed for parts un known, and this poor crofter was .left penniless, out of employment' and with a large family abort Til in hun gering ior oread. x.r . th.iue. means be came to Dar!if and for sixteen months has vailed ' and suffered in our midV Recently his wifo waited vporlh 1 1 citizens of this town asking lKa'ancc to enable the at to return to Scottaud. It was given, and almut t to weeks ago they hoarded the cars nere and lettlor the mother country. This fate, or a similar one, bas been visited upon nearly every family of crofters located in this country, and the fact shames us as a christian peo ple, and it a sad reflection upon the 2 General that can possibly be the cause of his not removing from office, these Radical: I office-holders.?. ' Can there;beWT'-igJ;ftndIPvPbu8i- nessgoing?' on ? v How. fleeting arid ucKie are irustspi Me:'tolthei;!?; Pi'Y-'"' " ,-The impression is abroad over the entire District, that something is in the wind, and that the retention of half Bads and half Democrats in office will secure favor and strength trom other parties, we all Know ot the honorable, trusty and responsible position that Mr. Cox has been fa vored with. We know of his popu iar and agreeaote manners, ins ex perience and aeceptablcncss as a Con eressman. His influence over and his acquaintance with the good peo ple of his D strict 'and the State. His social qualities , a:,d nobularitr. and many other : qualifications,- all tend to endear him and point him out as the choice of ' the people, for Congress. Bnt.- Mr. Kditor, things are cnanging. ; roi removimr .the Radical office holders in this District, is simply and certainly ' going to re sult In. the General's defeat. We do not want any further or more satisfactory charges for removimr Radical than the fact that he has aid ed, abetted mid served the party, us ed aud exerted all the influence pos sible in behalf of tho. Republican party, t the overthrow:- downfall, and utter annihilation of the Demo cracy and if could be, tho enslaving ofthe white people, by social equality and negro supremacy; and, in the face of all this tncy are retained in office, because no charges are pre' ferrcd. ' Is it necessary that the peo ple should assemble 'and swear, that such and . such a man, is guilty of arceny, burglary, murder .and de fault? No- The evidence above state 1 is sufficient. I have traveled over a good por tion of this District, and have beeli in conversation with the leading Democrats and Radicals, and what do I hear. The Radicals wonder what motive Mr. Cox can have for retaining the ' Republicans. They can't understand him. They expect every day to get marching orders, but six months haveelnpud and still they are in active service. They say that they did not vote for him; and never did,' but have done everything Eossible to "ditch" him, as might ave been expend, and they ' did notWceed,-Cox ; icwarding them. We want Mr. (' to step to the front, and "not ," with such en ergy, persistant"' -id full determine tion as will rci: Republican wl the i moluuifcttU, f Ltaiocratie su-j pr ivate life. prcaacy. - " He can confound and overturn some of the mightiest evils that have amioted. and are still aniicting the Pemoc.tacy, if he will. But at the requcsT, &of a fewj'sap-suckmg and I .U I- f ry disuo-u I..I I., lb. . .;,.l.; ii. H ( w.a, ,,, t,mplh them t0 letv, Utiflj. Uelnr1;!.!!. l. luiaui;i:ltir Vim and fiieiuU ! nine V SIMPLY STUPENDOUS ! wifo .re Diirliaiii, Friday, Oct. 2nd. indorsed it'-: . 7 0. Lsd l , W.:W. COLO'S NEW COLLO&SAL SB. O Ws tishey-washing Democrats,"" not loyal or true, who have" endorsed and favored the retention of certain men in officefor private reasons they are not Removed. If the simple request of half a dozen men in a , community Is suffi cient to retain a man in office, against the wishes, desresf ,ond demands of two or three, hundred ofthe busi ness and most loyal, men of the same community, then there must be some thing wrong: Ity without any doubt, requires more: tban:,half a dozen' men A. l S t".-r.2..lU--. .L.x s iu 1'iaco iu uuwei iuu iuui, ia iu ,.,r .... .' , .. . .. j ,.. vesiea wun sueir niiivtieges, aim in order to please tire ; majority, he should act acgorU.aigly, or his case will meet with.' coujiiueration ma ture and deliberate.;' - . We are informed w a gentleman from Pittsboro tfijVt .ttfe P. M, there is exceedingly ob.nrxious. ' Petitions have been torwar,ueduby responsible nartips. but hnve'.reeei'ved a deaf ear and found a reatlng .plWce in the waste We are furtherinfartned thtt the P. M. at Chapel Hill is a Republican, "dyed In the wool-,! in active -mem ber of the party fo-1-8 years. Has supported and subscTOed liberally to I all the demands, fm the advance ment and : nromotioii' of the party. lias distributed inrougu wo omce iU of i lie vilest, foulest & IllOStl infamous campaign document!) fori partisan nurposca that could be pen- ned, or utterea irom tu up ui' partisan. He was one of the flnit to take part in the organization of the party in this country, and to taM n active nan in im vuuveutiuuo, -.unu-i shin, ttountv an I State. Was at one time an assistant assessor in Internal I Revenue department aud was promo-1 ted by the appointment of P. M. at Chapel Hill for his meritorious sert I vices, was secretary ot county bo publican convention and many other I charges. Gen. Cox knows all these things, or should know them, and yet I ' . . . -. . . . . i man who lin koowa tttid is aoaUainl I ' ,"i . , - ed with and men who. would fill the I Aitoundiug snd truly Tnweadbns Features, and more Costly, Thenonienal Attractions I office with satisfaction to the people Ju Z'T, , r , and credit to the Government, The I Including the . . OAMDOflM The Very Colossus tip ii .18 j KJIBXy CK-0DCIDIDS2 LOW PRICES ' MID OPENING FALL .15: ' (.'OMPRISING THE 4 BIGGEST CIRCUS ON EARTH! . In- the Rings and on an Elevated Stage I : Fourteenth Year of Unceasing Trinmphs, augmented and enlarged in almost endless pro portions. people demand a change and it it of Urate Creation. All-Uversliadowiug Unilll OUIll nothing but right and just that there I A HERD OF ELEPHANTS Performing Elcphats, Clowa Elephants, Waltzing Ele- A GREAT DOUBLE MENAGERIE IN TWO TENTS should be one. and unless there is one. and that soon, farewell Brother Cox. ' He will find in tbe coming ballot boxes, not a majority of votes ve fcoax oihee these f u n(M favr nttj y)lu know your duty, ,.t kow enjoying I an d did it not, enter into tho yy ot I EVERYBOBY SHOULDIHAVEONE, - s I QUILTIMG FRAM, money (r tbeupport ! k Vpvb Ucan party. il Lcvue ibree mem Ve'sof the faculty say retain Mr, Tirkland VA ail the rest of tbe democrats oppose it bitterly Mr. Cx lanclions it. This is the action of a pretended representation ofthe Demo cratio party. Thi ! the action of a , man who is now electioneering for . the nomination to Congress next time, lie had it in his power to have Mr. Kirkland removed, but no, he prefer red to let him remain instead of ap pointing tome good honest democrat in i.nift da trim Itaa arnrlcPtl hM Cr HTliarty and General Cox. Tete is a similar case of this kind at Pitts boro, and other places li) Cox s dis trict. There ! strong talk of getting op an indigiatwn inei ting at I liacl H.ill, ti denounce Gen. Cox r..r,lii action. Wetrurt it will be don.-. It will Imi tale iu tlm day when the xtt pie' uf thin' L)il rid tender Gi n. t'ox their supptut to mUrrpmml ihem in Congress. . ' W have advocated no man thr.iujjh the columns nf tiie RKcoltbEK lor any pout oMYe and Imvo written this much to hox how we(lbedvmin'raW) are beiuj trratol by our repn-m-nta-t've Iu Congress, Art-e in ).,ur mlebt at the '!t nnveutioii and eUencehl political career, We, da Uoi want any more sucu, in.eo, who cares nothing for the wishes of bis constituents. He offers very thin ex cuses, aud cites the rules of civil service reform, but that had nothing to do with Reid, Johnson, and others, irora naving every postmaster re moved la their district It is all both. Gen. Cox. , this land of promise; and totbje; w'n have induced them by false Jfiom-! iscsand niUreprescntatlon, tU devil w ill lay claim. Let's don't send foe any -are poor people to come over hers to help its starve. It is bad enough, to be com pelled to share our poverty with the po-r of our own country,and it is sin ful and cruel to. bring the poor, un lettered Scotch from,', their' native bome, to bo- buried here in paupers' graves, Co wd; tell Miss Mcbeod that, sjie will be doing God's service t't.intiuencjs her ieople to stay where they arc and to Rhoot every immigra tia agent whn dares to put foot on lS.c-ir.iioi. X 1 v. - 'I RETAINED REPUBLIOAH "P M'a." . a ivtimKsi'oNnp.-ir. tiiinka that TIIKV SIIOITI.fl ItK ASKKIl TO STKI WWK. Cm- i.f ftnle C'hronicU Ciuhu. llau fp.7. 1 Is a innltrrof surprint, ami U tho tonic of couver-ialinn wherever you meet a -' nf I)rnocral nr Repiibli eaim,if tlm Ui.itriet, why Mr. Cox hn iM-comf go, utterly Vet and in dillVrci t as. Ut the discharge (if the ilutlps tbat li has tentrot of, and comes under Id jurisdiction, aia UoprMcutniive ofsie4th District T llm men wJo plMreilhim In (ingress and' have kept )im there for years and have sacrificed! time and money to do so; wm labored hard and worked faithfuHy for his retention and repeated nominations; who have regarded bins at capable and com petent to represent them; now wonder what the matter can be with him; and the more they hear and 'he more they leara tho more their wonder grows. Can titers bo any object la flew; Patented Feb 6th and December 4th, 1883s This is a New and Valuable Attachment for All FAMILY SEVIMG MACHINES, and is truly the ladies friend, as one lady can make a Quilt on her own Sewing Machine within three hours, Comfort in two; can also quilt children's winter cloaks, bonnets, shirt and coat linings, and do all manner of Quilting, from a large size quilt to the smallest cloak. It will repay its price in one week' time. No family should be without it, for it is really a household ne cessitv. Ladies, look to your interests and buy this Quilting Frame at once. We guarantee it to last 0!) years. Good Agents can make $100.00 per month dear profit selling these Frnmes. The undernigned having bonght tho exclusive right to manufacture and sell this Attachment in Durham county, desires to secure ths service of a mimlier of can valors, who will engage actively In the ork of canvassing the c K.ntry. Liberal commissioner will be allowed, and there is no reAson why ii ciinvtDMcr cannot average clear of all expense. ' We will also sell to manufacture and sell in certain Townships of the county. Call at once nd secure territory before our canvassers enter the field. , Persons in Town ho desire to sell the Attachment, can ft" ml one on exhibition at the am MnsicauflSewiiio Price $7.50. ADDRESS, a i. Mcduffie. jSctpSt'oi AGHNT FOB DURHAM COUNTY, ' Mrtoise ' . ' THE HORSE Blohdin) US 58 T&. The Mexican Exhibition and the Mexicans 1 4$ ACTS il etch J erer retfernnno. bj EXFEBT AKTI3TS. '12 -REAL BEDOUIN ARABS--1 2 ALL BARE-BACK RIDERS, many acts simultaneous ; ROLLER SKA TEES, BICYCLE RIDERS in the Air, WIRE WAlLKERS, in feet EVERYTHING EXCEPTIONALLY NOVEL, Uhich vat rams of money, intelligence aorip-pmivoideas catld'SMiireorsnggwt, A. HUJNIAN FLY ! AH kinds e( 'Aerial Acts; Daring and Dexterous Feat. Tra tiers ArtiU, Oymnanlis Strong Men, Htrong Women, Asconsionists. KpnwUorJ i,nt-Air Flights, and Ceiling Walking. jjjyiHC TWO headed COW. fl k sJ!k AJ 1f! Living (At Glass Fron r, Opposite Carr's Drug Store.) i EVERYBODY INVITED TO ATTEND the Finest and most Complete Line ol Clothin g and Gents IBM EVER BROUGHT TO DURHAM ALSO- BOO Sloes Hats Cans Hs and Valises ft, SUITS MiADE TO ORDER A SPECIALTY. ladies and Gent's Fine Hand & lladnnc ted Shoes a &4 We Keep a Full Line of ( taoie'sH. C. Penitentiary Shoes; WEIIi.VK TOLITE AND ATTENTIVE 8 ALE3M EN, WHO WILL, At "VVaX 8 BE ON HAND TO SHOW OUR GOODS, AND WE WILL Bh GL AD TO HAVE YOU CALL AND EXAMINE OUIl STOCK BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. ? Two-Headed Cow.i.uit'&v ALL OLD FKATLREH DISCARDED. It RAN NEW BEXSATIOSSflKCt'RED I Midget Men, Impcrs, Tumblers, Clowns, Riders, Contortionist. liinptxlmm llacinf ,1 Trained isHiorw, Porfiirmine i'onnlrs, Rami Riders la the sains Ring, , I ' , . Absolute! all kinds of Snows. . , B S00S3 OPEN AT 1 AITO 7 P. II. TWO PZErOEMANCE3 DATJ.T Admission, 75 cents. Children Under 9 50 Cents. DE SURE TO GIVE US A CALL LAMBE, SLATER &60RMAI): TUB QLA'SS FRONT, OTP, VAVOUANA TENNTS DRUG STOt Sept.. . , f

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