WEDNESDAY Ju. 6. 1886 LOCAL MATTER. ,' Xnias one year off. How does 1886 sound ! Hoops are tilling back iu style Good-bj to 1885 welcome '86 Who expects to marry next, ehf Lok out for cyclones acd book agents. The new year opeued bright and clear. Now is the lime for old topers to "swear off." The indications are now in fa vor of snow. . Charlotte is soon to have a to bacco warehouse. If you are tired of lio and need sleep, take laudanum. Mr. & Mrs. Alex. Walker are. on a visit to Tarboro. . Gov. Fitzhngh Lee was inducted into office on New Year's day. Go and see some "nigger" dido9 Saturday night. Stokes Hall. The population of Charleston. S. C, is 27,650 whites and 32.540 color cd. A fine violin and case for sale at Gardener's Jeielry Store, cheap foi cash. The editor is in Richmond thi week, will visit Norfolk before lie re turns to Durham. The Christmas holidays passed off pleasantly. We 'hope everybody had a sice time. If any body finds a strange devil burning around loose, please bring him in. He is ours. Ferdinand Ward is keeping the books at Sing Sing. "What a fall, my countrymen 1" , Ex-President Arthur is said to he worth $100,000. It pays to be President sometimes. Services were held at all of our Chinches on last Sunday and good congregations were present. Roller skating held the boards during the Christmas holidays as the elite! amusement for the juveniles. tance if delinquents do not ay Greely "Go West Young Man" How p. ? 'i I about it Willis! STATE NEWS. -Tle value of exiwirts from the rt -f Wilmington for the month of ec. '85, amounted to 504,970. - A fire at Fayetteville on the 2tli ot Deo. -destroyed the resideuc of W. H.Tomlinson, of North street. Watch the crowd at P , J". Th-masA Co, buying Dr. DavidV Cough Syrup.; It beats all. tf. Mrs. Gai field, who is t gracful writer, is 'preparing a biography of In late husband, the dead President. Dr. N. M. Johnson & Co, sell Dr. Davida t'ougb Syrup rapidly be cause it is the best. . oct. 28 tf. Mr. G. E. Webb, formerly of this place, but now of Winston, is visiting relatives and friends in Dur ham. ' , - - Tbe "devil" is out taking Christ mas ; the last seen of him he was heading for ihs Neuce river with a muocet on bis snouider. - . Five bottles Dr. David's Cough Svrup for a dollar at IL Blacknall & Sou's Drug Store. It beau all. Pretty Pauline Markham, who visited our city some two years ago, with her company disbanded jtt Gal vestion, Texas, last week. Bead canfullv all the advertise- menu concerning our merchants in this week' Recouder; we expect to "talk them up." Next Easter Sunday falls on the 25thof AnriLa fact which has not occurred since 1734, and will not oc cur again before 1943. -There have been several sociables and parties in our niilt during the holidays, and as a matter of course mirth and joy riigned supreme. There has been fewer crimes and cunalties this Christmas than usual. Everybody teemed to be jolly and in good bumor. Mr. J. T. Britt, foreman of the t rinting office of W. Duke, Sons Co.. Daid a living visit toGoldaburu duriiig tbe tirutmas holidays. The nscw-wry r-iinibor of persons in oii Chatham l ave signed a .i lion to establish the stock law in that county. "Round again I" he asked, a tti dun out his head in at the door, Yes and 1 mill stsy round till I get square." J A St. Paul policeman who arret t.JiiId bum. K-nt bint to the rsg fnctory with the explanation that "hj WM DOiniPg UUlBUOli H nun ivai. T!.i nnlv rountr ladf indent at the Utin Univeisity law ichool is called appropriately bv the mean law student , their euur in-iaw. ii..r VoorLees. It is reported, .sit (Miter his addrese n Jet ferton In ten citiViof Indiana in al of the Hendricks monument. , Time ! money there is time like prw I tw ... ,..! wbun reauires m mucii Tbe Rev. W. 8 Creasy, Pastor Trinity Chuich, preached two vtr inipreslv Sermons, in that Church last Sunday. A tfl ! "'J m it to i h at I-rtM iit a it was In the fall I 1860. The lifcbt iscaanifig! tn J b H ') 1 l""''1 ' ,,r b Urotm sinner, )ei. . c CXpcct to teed his kind wU- It is said thht "Everv man has a role . . in life, And has had 'si nee tinio began Hut after all the baker's roll . Is the best for a wifeless man.' Service was hi'ld in the Baptist hurchon Thursday night 31st, at i " ciuca, n. hi, oy tue iieV., U Vlr Dam. A large congregation assem bled to see i he old year out. -On tbe 4th of March. 1887.' tbe terms of twenty-five United State Senators will expire. Of these niur are democrats ana sixteen Republi cans, Our progressive town in otlior respects has got.soveral years ahead of its pavements ; for instance, look at that little fish pond near the store of Messrs. Nachman & Lehman ! All doctors azree that to eniov good health the mind must be kept in cneeriui condition. Hut no doctffl can give a man poioU that will make mm joyous wnen nis collar don't nt A young white man, Elvinsr hie uame as Charlie Salisburv. attemnt ed to end his life in this nlact oi, Wednesday evenius last, bv taking an ounce of laudanum. Mr. Juners Sneed. of RaleiL'h. has accepted a position with the po pular firm of Lambe, Slater & Gor man, of this place. ,; Wo extend hira a cordial welcome. Mr. Paul Norwood will be. glad have bis frieuds from Chat lam and elsewhere to call at VV J. Wyat' 4 Co., when they como to Durham. ie js prepared to sell goods at bot tom prices, and he will do it. The Tarboro Southerner has mm- pleted its sixtv-third. vear a fnri age and a good paper still lives, and we nope the spriKbtiiness of the South erner will go thundering down ttie ages yet to come. The noted trottinz mare. Earlv Dawn, died in Lexington, Ky., a fortnight ago. It is stated that she was valued at $22,500; ber record was Zlt; sho won S10.00J for her owners last yean : fr. Wm. Tlrlmt,.n tiAltAnaAs for Corbett, Patton & Co- has fust returned from a pleasant visit to his home in Milton. He savfc his voice hasn't failed in the least and solicits farmers to bring tobacco to bis housj. Divine service was held in the large and commodious factory of W. Duke Sons & Co., on last S'inday af- ernoon at 8 oVIock. bv Rev. Mr. Grejrg who preached a splendid sermon to a large audience. One of the handsomest thine in the way of a sign,, that we have wen for some time, is that which adorns the front of the Art Gallerr f our friend Slielburn. The paint- ns was executed Mr. Lawrence and u a credit to his artistic skill. - A special term of the Superior ourt for this county, is now in ses sion, commencing on last Monday. Judge Gilmer, of Greensboro, presi- M -I , . .. nng. Vivu cases atone win oe us potied of at this term. We will give full proceedings in our next issue. Mr. TilJen. a neahew of Mr. Samuel J. Tilden has purchased fifty thousand acres or land in one body In Swain and Graham comities, and in tends settling a northern c.ilonv of farmers upjn this tract at an early lav. Jones & Co., say that all bright tobacco has -advanced in prices and that common stock Is higher. Another rush Jo Vauchan Tenny's Drug Store for Dr. David's Cough Syruy. oct. 28tf. Gensral Toombs once mot an officer whoholped to uihold the stars and stripes. "Well. Ueueral," said tbN officer, jocosely, "we licked you, anyhow." "Licked us I s No, sir I No such tliioL' I We wore ou selves out whipping you !" Ex. The Wjlson Advance faf Nine hundred and sixtv-seven insolvents allowed by the Board "of Connty Commissioners of Edgecombe. Lots I of negroes in that county. Whyne ennntv nas o terms o? superior court. The aiessenser says they are too ex pensive luxuries. The Ridville Weekly says: An old grent leman, with a blue cotton umbrella in his paws, who had im bibed too freely, was in a country church in a neighboring county the other Sunday when it began raining ttaiw hard ThA nM man hDavn t.ha v. , I KIT !. ... . M V... . ..w It you nave any hne smokers, ; m r0of and raised his urn cutters and wrappers take them to hreltu But tbe poacher took in at a ...uu,vu., ivuic-.y,., nuu j "lu jilanca ths whoU situition. ;li come norae nappy. - hatetv said. "Put that man out At the nresent time there are dooow, but leave bis umbrella laslde; more than a thousand women in the wmeot tne sisters nere may neeo. u. great West carrying on farms, and as The KiDBt0n Free Press: There tar as known they (the farm) are .nno,r. ia k .n nrcranid umih conducted succesBtuiIy.-Jix.' What Uenton the part of the Washington a neia loroia oaicueiors m wwa m i corresnondenU of the different news Uo, and no lunger be such a . source pBpcr. tn iDjure genfttor Vance and oi annoy ance, ana mocking ue keen pnflr other people. When any men or impatiences oi our oouiucru ocus i set of men make the people of North Sulv.tlnn Olf. the ere-test cure Carolina cease to love Vance, we shall f... i,uo ,o,ia . ,,.o. expect to see me oia nrmaneni oe a vai vu i"i I'casaJt siuo uiuuv m iwuoti i . , . Ml h mm i;in.f P.ino os Kin to snaxe. uia ua v ance is more Philosophers say that affairs should rjg'7 enirenci.e.i in me .aneniuiw k n,,,...f...i ;.h . ..!.,. i oi rue neopie man is any omer mau 1 V 9 US lSIaui' VV.U WllU H 1 lllf SO I. - tbe ureatest good of the greatest ,D North Carolina, uumber. Dr. Bull Cough Syrup I The Fayetteville Nws has an ao- does the greatest good to the greatest 1 count of the (loath of Joseph Wheeler, uumoer. . zo cents. - I who was killed In- a well in - Hickorv i ., - - r i nMm m.n Kb nom nf fhilstdeocendtnat to recover a tea- riunrnn 1nrev wan run nio, nnd i "POOH. ABQ Bnomer item nas Drn instautlv killed on the Cabe Fear & !n round giving an account of . a ... I IKa t ita K if f ha uama V h nnliia sarlnln radum valley railroad, near Bilor, "T " , - u.w w....v i4rt,la !. Thn n.,!nA ... !n gome aown a wen altera jag. , u ' 7S v.ri.nrhAntir.,rtiin.aman han us. One Joseph Russell . . I nas It in a a-a1t at fditm tar a a Ira m rr he washr8t seen. 1 1 is the oninionl " ... v" of some, that ha had been killed and wn,, ,n WBlun UP l".e cu.r.1?, placed on the track to avoid sus picion. , . , , . Dr. P. R. Hardee, who has been a practicing physician in this city for some considerable time, contem plates locating at Moriah, Person county. We regret very much to lose the Doctor. His ofliue was next to ours, and his pleasaotsmile will be missed. We heartily reconynend bim to the citizens of Person County, and bespeak for him a prosperous fu Joseph Wheeler, we hope, is still alive, and we hope the uewspapers will let him live. Hickory Press. Appalachian Philosopher: The Blue Ridge Conference is six years old, with a present membership, w bite, of not far from 6,009. There are twenty-four preachers who take appointments, three supernumerary and one snperanuated, and not a single death during the past two years, the work or the (Amference ture. His parting words were "seud me 9 almost exclusively in the western the Recorder." - half of North Carolina, the bulk ol the work being in tne mountain D m't forzet to take a load of I retriou. The oresidinir elders for the tobacct to Jones & Co., Raleigh, for past year received, less than $600 they can bid on tobacco and protect each, and tbe preachers do not re- the farmer.. ccived more than szOU oa average, including missionary money and everything else. They travel im mense circuits and do it on foot, on horseback or in vehicles. . Sarkley'i H"statiraut, . Opposite the poi office on Favette- vine street, uaieign,you will nod this popular restaurant. Call when in the city. . 3m. Goodness, gracious ! it is said, that putting Mr. Vanderhilt's silver dollars lengthwise, dollar after dot lar, it would stretch a distance or 4, 672 miles, making a silver stretch Irom is ew lork across the ocean to Liverpool. . . Miss Ma Christmas who was for some time a teacher in the Graded School here, but who is now engaged in teaching in 'be Graded School at New Berne, spent the holidays with ber parents in Durham. llr many mends here were tieligiited to see her. Hurrah for Durham ! Last week W. J. Wvatt & Co. sold a large bill of goods to a gentleman in Raleigh. The buyer aaldthe g mds were much cheaper tban he could yet mem at home. Hurrah for Durham ! it's a cold day in Julv when we arc downe I. IC. MDOiCO. rr to 8 F UBMITtffiE EMPOffluHfl- Main Street, Dnriam, S. C. Mt door to Post OfDce. Is the best place to secure BARGAINS in all kinds of ' .TDBHmrjEt " H H 11 0 11 1 , A. HlTtiiinci Manager, 3ILER, N. C; uo The Chatham Warehouse Co., have, recently completed a large Warehoua , for the rale oi Leal Tobacco. Mr. O. A. Hanneb, one of the best known men in the coiintv, has been selected as Manager. At our opening sale there -were nearly 400 wagons loaded with tobacco from " Moore, Randolph, Ala mance, Guilford, Wake.Orangd and Chatham counties. . We have every fa cility lor handling tobacco and will guarantee the : 5 ':; . . Highest MA RKE T PRICE or all sold with us. We ask our friends to give us a trial load.'and you shall never regret it. Ir. A. A. Murphy is our Foor, Manager and will be pleased to see hi old fv.nds. Chatham War eh cue Company. . dec. 16th. . SfLER, N. C CITY IDlPtXJG- STORE. The Rev. J. E. Mahoney. of tlm North Carolina Conference, who diid in Goldi-boro on last Thursday a week ago. after a brief illness with erysiplas, was brought o Durham for internum, the litv. J. i. iiarns coa ducting the service. Mr. Dave Johnson, a native of Charlotte, who has been engaged in keeping bar in this place for a nura- - " ,i . . iM-rof years. Uiei at ongiown, iwu miles Korta of Durham, ou w wlnes- Aw lat. He was burned at the cemetery In this place on Friday. A vounc white man, by the name of Frederick O-'ridger. was run ..ver and killed by the mall tram (r..incr East, about a mile below this dace ou Saturday, (he 2Cth of Dec. The man was deaf and dumb, and the eniz'iieer was exlioneratei inm all blame ou th-se grounds. "If I were vou and vou were I " ;he aaug vigorously at the piano, ami to him sain, -nai woum itmuand th say you would ink a club and knock me oil that piano stool it I didn't stop singing, A kind word of cheer frequently m.tlit and unravels many a 'anulMi thread l the kelu of life. 5JaKe a cobCftfeiutt rather man maae a mss. Ii U kwri-t and heroic and beautiful to yield when there is no principle In toived. Wilw.n ilmor. You sr right brother J be. who practice such a MIOllO, VarB 'oc Wwi'i Mr. W.J. Johnson, one ofthi' iHioular aalemrtohen of Mr. J. A A.,t. .,f was in town ou last. We wouldn't be -.1 .11 .n..i.rl d it there Isii t tome i,...,ir tiu ibal cail-en biut t -turn hi oitou the advice of Horace Our courtry friends will find the preent a good time to subscribe to the Recorder. Tbe merchant and man of business ought to find it pro- fi able to adver'iHe, epecia ly at this season ; by thui "tslking it op nrnnr a business man has been saved from shipwreck. We repeat, advertise talk it up To do this evn once thoroughly and pe rfectly is a grand nuiut ot secunetv. ... i ... mnnrx ml nrnPliro kvvnatn. fi.r I.aIS-1 Mt. U. 11. lySOO.Ot llon. A. Kj. dago,Klsat Fred A. Watson Hi "cen in town erecting lightning paBfti.itii ,iM.i rtiv v n rod on w. uuke na a UJ.. and neiiakU in all n t.AvliJ liiackweiis uurusm i onacco uom- f . . I v m t.m CtmttxrtAM hjuwtju m hiimi Iasb aT tutnz in tne piush ornament line: t!""'..: v" .r' . . u,u" "! hnn.Unmenn nt nt .nirvtM oweuingB. ne rem me nnesi roo n vthintr in th nt., .n.i f,.m. tn We country, one constructed line. Bracket ..rnamf v rattan tu M101 0 I e n t i fi C prin chairs Ac Ac. orders have prompt at- oples-th non insulating system o r iinpsanct sno nest ever neu. ah w v. ft.. I ... a ...... .. I person swniiu nave their buildings Look out for big sales at Jnes nrnru-rl lriteted from thn itinwr ftf Jnuarvand take advantaire of the " . . . . I tA1 mm mAW tBsi Hftt RaJ ThA MBtAita Uhih orices thev are ro nn to nav. mv"" ". a. , j . i are rvaaunauie. oenu vo Dim o u lliu rt" Li'Mliliociiiius n-1 ...... , . . bacco fncWrv of Mesrs. Csrmll A wn anu it win oe prompuy attended Co.. of Greensboro, was destrnved bv to. Don t fail to examine into this fire a tew days sgo. i he factory was matter. All work guaranteed. the property 'TJ. tu. Kin? A o., and l - jj n,T03r A B " IU1I1 . I ' in.np1 f, full a!n. M..p P.,. I I180H, . I mil & (Jo's loss is said to be about rv v.r.. i.oon.n.i i r... """ ,.. ...., nv.o unuira .mi nt tt r. . 3.000 or ti0,000. We learn ttat V"" about 60,000 pouud of tobacco was i?' 00 1 rr.sntreci;, oeiween ta a consumed togIWr with all of the r7':.h.' wa8e' machinery of the factory. .. twra y ow wm unu ir. iw i ir - Isant tin aunt uifiMP whi aaa tiMnava i sssj w swta as wwi uw vtasa bfi vi'i v For the highest average rtrice. the finest drink that alwavs sells for go to J n Co., ualeigh, with your I a tair pries and make you keep bid tobacco. They wilt hid on your to I ding. Yoo will always be a relcome bacco and see highest market --Graham 8 toriout blocka abort time ago .a a u. . weoanean i otner. wno mane Li. ..t. rmt .:.,. B, mrmA Aa upon his carar ."here they b . emVlin. mom ln(,id6 WPip. ... I .-,.11,. ,i,h tiM ... ill . . . - ... I iinw. ..... wim a iw gaiion mill oi ine capacnv 5i .ii:i... ...c or gauo per asv. larger man tracuhe smeller of a good any government .n in grange. the MWt u,m tf ofr; Fr-endi ineoiiifieriana nvae we learn, sa .. fcl ..-k..,!,. , ,.t u.l a . a a . as a . 1"M" w-, wi aw m nitenescn oner very c m. any dv t myhmtlh I divide time taxing a cracw a eacn omer wnn c... .ii ...i.t.. .k. lli..ia jiaeKmaj lllt ffiife list a m drtflS I ... vraiwiss! -fii. ssaas ih v--w, -r. --..l,, j-- YOllf. il, J. T. Mallobt. .l,rr.. t,.tinr tn,.re fi.r inhirm l'arrlsh fctrte'. Vurham, . V. u. ""J I.." - - I . than any hme in the htaW, B ca they are allowed to hid on each and I siperlnl tlce. every pile and see mat the loitaceo bring H worth. -R.gers & Co. tell awwt c!ler at iney nuy direct trom the cheapest Factories in America. They carry the . ..,,. o .uu ummcvmi nova mine cny. ion can get anything you want In the Furniture Line cheaper than anywhere in the State. Our facilities for handling in one LARfiF. NKW Rinnc HOUSE enables us to offer goods at much lower prices than ever before, and can guarantee mai no one under the Bun, Moon, or Stars can give vou uibu wc. tio naveengagea a nrst-ciass cabinet maker and Uphohter and will promise to do work as well and as cheap aiyou can get it on any market v OUR STOCK OF Coffins, Burial Casses And Caskets Cannot be excelled in the State. All Sizes in any quantity at the R. Blacknall & Son. LABGE STOCK OP DEUGS. PATENT MEDICINES, SURQICAL APPLI ANCE SPONGES, TOILET AETICLE?, . - - ... DIIR, SAIL, FLESH AID TOJTII BRUSHES SOAPS, POMADES, PERFUMERY, POWDERS, Most Reasonable Prices. Fine Cigars, Tobacco and snuff.- We furnish our own.IIearse an 1 Team and are not dependent on Livery men for horses at HIGH PRICES. Uo not fail to call and tee our immense. Stock when you are in the citJ W Tl I -1 . !sl . t . .a . v i ou win aiways ww wnu a weicorao ana polite clerks to show you throug establishment. II ft . HMHM J.' P. An nil ui ncniuun uu. Srst'IAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO FAMILY RECEIPES AND PRESCRIPTIONS. dec. 9. DURHAM! Dr. R. Blacknall & Son. Nov. 11. turninir I dr "Well love" be answered, judging from your disnosii .-olor oi yur nair, i sa; : C. M. llerndon is doing a good business in tbe market. lie deserves it, being the first man to establish a market here. Ha hu gained the confidence of his customers, having been in the business for 14 years and 12 years in Durham. sep. 80 tf TO MY FRIENDS AND THE . Public Genera Uy. 17 Having accepted the ixx'tion of Floor Manager tu'tlie Gl be Ware bouse,, Pi. u, wi en I ran always be found. I Miost cordillv in vit you to bring your tobacco to this house, with the assurance on my part oi doing everytuing possible toob tain the very highest matket prices for your tobacco. My experience as Floor Manager hu lieen long, having filled the po sition for several years in this city. and one year with the Star Ware. house, Danville, Va. Every farmer knows this to be a most Important Dr Jnlien A Smith. I ?muv Haxul. President. Fomerly of Wilmington, offers his j Lewis D. Crenshaw, Jr., Treasurer, services to the public. lie will be BARTON II Ax AIL. Viee-Prdhid'entl 1 Charles S. Crenshat, Secretary! found at R. BLACKNALL A SON Drugstore. All calls promptly at. tended to. dec. 23 laTZZ,t SEED HOUSE IovtuI tmmmmmALi.u.ixuortssssss SEEDSiPLANTS end fur NrwillaiitrmOtl Ctlorai fnr 1 ft86 T.W.WOOD & SONS. . IMwIi fauU Swilrain. Blrhmottd. VS n ur. iiibi, iv urines ma I vinor n uo am, accoun nu last riosilion. and it tfrtuirfj Tnrinr Lt prices. I sale. It will commence promptly at give tatitfaclion. rke,,r.f Orang,. a n r- w TJJtZV in? VL- W cr nut tn flight a - - v- VrveVvrvut w s rr, 1 am ever ler, was put to utgnt a fr bujreri ct by ui wnet np a Your Friend by Deputy Collector in.!.'' ru... .:nl. .ki I ,uJTJ!2r- HSIIS MVS V wm W nv M"U rnwi- - mm mm, IIIIICI'II. 10,000 Feetof Glass. od Judge of ' CHOICE ROSES, From two inch not, well grown, bv mail at $1.10 or fl.Ou per doc by ei press at 723, B. Laurel Street, wnera we are preparing Fifty Thousand and get i I I -I r-n tt i i , , ,i. r wo.iwa t ssu rriaii. van -Cupid ba been luv during the I t.i.- I .m.I ,! ! ui'.-i,. a. muuv.. f I Olio iy siii iuhiit mj .nj " i- terhiart has fell a victim to hist Cukes, crackers, cheese, beef. arrow ami have takn a chance in toncues. hams, rtislns, tiuts, candy. the great lottery oi me to nrw a caLbag", at Rogers & Co s. iU fur "better or for woM'. Wei '.VallM srrtii. sunrs, eacdit. AO AtwatcrA Patton. Toys, Vclmlp le Expnsi Wag m-. Ton Carriages. Willow ir riitgcs. Rocking M r. Shoofly Ilo'ia can be iiai at t'eny a. decvir. Beautiful cologne bottles, and F. Woods, of I toilet goods will be sold by Johnson A o. lor ball the price aaea by om crs. nnze give It low te names of some of the ct titraetiog parties t Iu HilMviro on 2IH of I).c. Dy Rev. Mr. Willis, Mr. Robert Chrti.t- mas and Miss Mflie Patterson. Both of Durham. On the 22nd. X Dec. by Rev. J. L Currie, Mr. P. A. Fh.iton, of thit place, to Mist Mary Orange. Choice Boildisig and other Plants for Sprin.. idauing. Garden and Fancy Pots and Vases of best pat terns. CUT FLOWERS, At all times and prepared for all purposes, l'rice list free in Jatnary. Premiums to those who will get up clubs, making a rare chance to get cnoice plants free. Mower seeds free with every 11.00 worth of Dlanta nnr chased. IL A, CATLIN, FtCRisT, Richmond, Va. Howorta's to .bis bv. This popular trouiK- will amuse the . -Fine, fresh and plain candies ai clttons of Durham Saturday night I Rogers A Co a, Jan. (h at stokes Hall. "The latest I ianta Ctaus Is beginning to di noveltv. Irbh and American tourist. I tribute rrcfutl at Perrv's and will All the latest hits of the day.' Let! take great pleasure In waiting cn his tvi'ty lover of fun go and spt nd a many mtrons at all t'tnia. pleasant evening DeaUiof Mr. Snow. Tis with sincere ivgret that we re Cord th! dcatH of M. C'ikS. D.800W, theiioiiutar yomg bok keeper of t 'ol V. T. Biackweli lie ai found .1 -a.I iii tin heil noHuii uyaf'rnoonf Dee. 27. He had b n sick for m veral davs but his death waa not antit'iraiet. mmm 11 ... 1 rvlarwt J 4 . e9.S. caspices&s. at AlA ler A JJw Wa, Call at once on Wm. Mangnm e Kim. it will eava too monev. fur thev are seiiina- at ow price'. 1 uvir m-uv is large and fresh. dec 9 8u Wise A Hill keep none but V e fine ovsters. They will hare th l wetk some of Jennings celebrated Oy ten, the finest on tbe market. The be-t bargains in the town ran be lound at ftm. Alan rum A Son, U. at "nee and examine their stock dec93t. Smoke Kramer's t f 5 Cent CIGARS. U dcofbst atlc Jed leaf and cannot bt irstlst. Aac,KBAMraACo.Mno- uvctarersof Fiai Clti.ts, Durham, K DKtJid I Is Ml Ski rkfaSHvM J. VlavaTiTsosi. ss M. HARDEN, FEED, SALE :TW17 WAV ATT .f!PPTQTI AW fin. 3 HAXALL MILLS. UICnMOND. VIRGINIA. Kcp constantly on land and for sale all grades of Flour Water Ground, Whits Boltsd Com-Msil, ' Mill-Feed, &C. . Dee. 9lh. '85. - ' ' - w mm r-1 a,'iB JiTTl At cchango Stables. FIVE POINTS, Main Street, Durham, N. C. EXCELSIOR COOK STOVES KO. 7. (IRON BLOCK,) GOVERNOR ST, RICHMOND, VA.. Uai hie and Dlarblcized slate Mantels.' 'ancy Marble Hearths, of various -and beautiful deeighni , Fronts and urau-s; uraxs renaers ana r ire oets. . . TUB TIMES AND SOUTtlEKN BAKER COOK STOVES. JOBBER OF REFIUUEUA.TOU4 AND ICK tUEAM FUEEZERS. The Florence Oil Heating and Cook 'Moves, entirely odorless no da n, smoke. Lot of Furnaces. Ua and Oil Chandeliers' Tinware. ' n Lead and Terra Cotta Pipe. One if the finest Sample Rooms in the Uuitcd Stales on Second Flotr Sesd roR Cibcvlabs. oct. 23. 3) FAEBIOSQUIRE DEAUIIQ. EIGHTEEN SIZES AKD KINDS RL PURCHASERS a; BE SUITED aMortcnmaD sv Isiic LSteppud A Co.,Balt!mor8lIl AHO FOB SALC MT ROBERTSON. LLOYD CO. Durham, N.C. I88G r le t l thai If man kM 4rll W)nnly wlik kit Mkm. lrnrir. ni IPN MTtniMra, i inoi. .11 M miiunnof ranfH-ra,,..nhnvraaiia rianvr. .b. aav. omii limn aurlii IM PmI Ulrlr fttrt. U4w I '(" .nnlonof th. mr4 anM, ( trm aawttnani nki. Ik. a.rllf.v a.111 1 mmm llwfl..t mmImm.s tm th. 11. Wfr tn arrant nar flhMrul llwtr ...ii. aMl ImAmm ' I'. '.''' .) IH-wit cr UlikiH . WM will . M IFir.iraMalrnrrllalnrH. AmaniaiilmvanM.rii, . lrl.ti.rllltllliillit..llnnolQlbrr) . rwv ilnimtiawl Can. I J".l lni ! llrn.lrr.nn'a, .irt imrl, w mm i " "t r. mi. tin- Darhans Tebaera Market. Reported by E. J- rARRISH BmoVer rommon 4.00 to B OO I Med urn. to tood o vu 10 s vo Qoodtofine 8 00 to 12 00 1 Fins to fancy 12 00 w lo 00 1 rilltrs-Common . 3.00 to 4.60 Mm itim to food TUUto vu Uoodtoilns 100" to IS 001 Eitra wootoiew ruii.tiwo,M,i,Kio la 00 to is 00 1 Medium 6(lUtoi8Wi (W to fins 18 (K) to 2J001 Finstobncr 2j00 w o Ou I WHtinctoiiuioiiuU mdiumli 00103400 ir- 7 -": r . e .j. Medium w inoa nwnimniw (J.rnd 10 lln aMUi4S0O Finstofaner 45 00 to 68 00 The holidays are over and every bodv is Planing for a big year's work o tobacco has t)ecn soiu 01 any u teQuence since Xmss. e are now , . . e . read for tbe larr.urs to corneaion We continuo quotations tor uu weeks. Tie euthrook anpears good for the good grades of tobacco, wmi ooinmoii grades have ,a gloomy out-1 K look. OUR SPEGULTT. lOP B!iMi BfflBafflPWAETOW3l m aa a a aw -a ItrillllllllHf ( -71 al M -TUI-a XUlllUUUIISnUH " uumr 1 X PTV TO W mtSSm AND y n av m tai aw mw mm D! H lafl aw - mm AH Yeb c esl Ctrnrtir fWMafl 0 Well Finished. I Send for our New, Handsome, Illustrated r,'.iivYii r( fnrrLKTet and " ICarriaire Part Work. l0.ii