. Thb general debate on the Tariff 1 was to have closed oh Wednef . v j next, but the Democratic raem I x of. the Ways and Me ms .Cou O'tce have consented to an exten- ;n of the tirue to n.xt Saturday. )iis decision wao arrived at Satur y mornings after a consultation ith the leading Republican mem ' jrs, and the assurance was said to ! srs given, that the eiteiusi.m would . ot result in any postponement of nal action on the bill. It is to h.' Lope that this will be the caso. The country is patiently wafting for the ' lal result, one way or another. fe are heartily sick and tired o aspense. . It is nnralvsinV the to- jucco trade to a great eiteut. 11 Y'mntry want rest. It want the Jill passed and confidence and quiet ness restored. " A Bio flood is impending at Mari sett, Wis.: The Menominee river is higher than ever before known, ex cvpt the high water in 1870. J heavy thaw of. snow fa" submerging the railroad North of Barag.i, Mich, Th blockade will depend on the weather. There fa a large amount of snow still to melt A destructive cyclone has jnst passed through a portion of Illinois and Indiana. At Freeport, in the former State, nmcl damage w.-w done and half a dozen persons injured, . Waualah, in th latter State, it t re up trees and blew off chimneys. Come South and escape the cyclones,- The tide for revenue . reform w sjttluaf iu and gaining strength as it goes. A short while hick the pro tection papers in Georgia, among the number the great Atlanta "Const! lion," were telling cs that Georn was for h;gh tariff. That is nut the case. The convention at Atlantaon dorsed Mr. Cleveland and his admin istration, Senator Colquitt's njfccli indefenceof the President's niess.ige, and the Mills bill. Furthermore, if. chose fonr enthusiastic Cleveland men and tariff reformers as dele-gates-at-large to the St. Louis con vention. Georgia strikes out boldly, j A similar ware will sweep the South. I The New York "Evening IW." . has information from Washington ; that McKinley will propose a lzr-Z ; bill for the Republicans. The Idl ing features of the bill are these: It : reduces the sugar duty a little buer than tjje Mills bill, borrows the features of the Mills bill on the abolition of the tobacco Uxcs, re peals the tax on alcohol used in the arts, and, instead of lowering, raw. the duti-s on wool in accordance with the demands of the Wool Coiiv?a ; lion which, it will be remembered, were for a tariff of more than 120 per cent on blankets, and mora than i;M per cent on ool hats. u mmmmmm w in m . w ianaaaaHia, - - The Now Jersey Republicans have declared fur Walter I'hclps as their ! preference in the Chicago conven tion. This leads the Kiel, mood "StaUs" to olwerve that evidently dadeJuiti is look:.ig np, Mr. IVIjh sports delicate iderlrU below his : ears nd parts his hair in the mid dle, with bangs. If nonviata! and elected E. Deny WaM will lea suit able. Secretary of State, ard it i hoped in the realms of dudedom that Oscar Wilde w.ll be appoiutel British minisUr at Washington. Th a Charlotte "Chronicle" prin a cut of the new depot building oi the R. k D., road now in course f construction at that place. It is to -la handsome thing. We congrat, nlafe" Charlotte, It fa so.eh'n' she had sadly nmled for many tear. Tnt seniors illness of the Em prorPoro Pedro, of Urazil. e !U to ruind the fact that should he die Bratil, like England end Spain, would be governed by a woman. It rrri that the Princess IiaUl, who has been acting as regent duriug her father" absence, has not been a su reign in same only. List month the dismissed the Cabinet whuh hir father had left her, because she wa diiatiifisd with the slow progress of the work of slave emancipation. Should she come to the throne she will certainly net be an Etnprw who reigns without governing. EaalNpui has bta d jcoTircJat FroTldea, R, I NOK III CAROLINA POLITICS THK MPi'LES UPON THE f-CRF.Wg OF TliB roLlTICAL WATKB8. Tiio fioMM'orit, Artius utters truth (but shouIJ ro home to every Deniocrstio !: i'rt when It aaj: T' e man wbo i iv im t g lo his piimfiry n .8 u j rigor CJ complain U tbe ueio ftkits 1j not rp;rc i t his views Go to yoni- meti lit ; n I thereby tecure tbe repriae'tiaiion of jour wmhe V VV i n;.y astro with the Ken ntrsville News, when it savs in epeak- inu or uemocra'io success this year. that the candidates should be kuowu for tbeir integrity, their unblem ished character, their iwrfcct so'ui ety, as Hcll ai other guod qualities of head auC beurt. A grj-at deal de p ndsup(in the nominations tntaie mart e, s oi one of the first fhtngs necesssty to insure success is to ee lent the man txst, suited fur tbe po siiion U which he ap:res. S - - Nortbamp'on couatv has instruct ed fi r Thos. N. Hill for one of the inx rerue Uourt Judges. As the rip- pice become larger ami larger as the y approach the shore when a peb b'e ! t!.ron iuto the water, the Hill oceiii gains slft'DRth as tbo time approacbea for mukinir nomiontons. l'r-s nt indications poiut to the fact th t the worthy gentleman of our nuive county will go into the con. vuntion with a strong following lltnderton G'oW Leaf. We were in error in stating that Urn-low was evenly divided between iicunfumy ami -Uieen. it appears that Mcl'larumy has tb lion's shard in the ueieKt!on.-(fW(ar0 Xrgu. We ste thst Joe Caldwell of the StatCHvilie Landnark It mentioned lor Lic-iiteuta&t Governor, Cald well i ublishes a capital paper and is a Dsiole. sironn man. ihe nartv c uld sesrett'y do better than to nom inate i.itn; out a zoot euitor like Ca'dweli is worth a half dos'-n Lieu teD'int Governors. Uuldsboro At- When Judo Daniel Russell said to a ft lend the other day that be would not think oi ruuiog as the Ucpublicin c-indi-late for Governor and gave as his reason f.;r it that tbe IMuocrata wero too scared tbis vtsr to make it safe for any IkpubliCjn, hf pokf the words of "truth and so bern ss" CV.ur imn John Mchobi an nounc ii itself s the candidate of the Ue uh.tcjn, I n d e t. n d e n t, tvnvir .i ja mr rariy ir me con- re it nl nomination. In other w- r J he aani-uaceihimfelf and says he tiueita os the sme views now thsthedid in 188(3. But will be et the snme vote? People are Dot 'a kiig wlo will say that the Kni(;Lts i f Libor or2nixaiioc is not o strong as it ai teo years ago, nd that it bas lost its Republican cirtj in thii district to a consuiera ble decree. Months ago cne of its chief i.fiitsrf siJ as much to Tour orrttu'indcnt, and said further tbe K bhts were in some caws difsatis Se t witiNic .o'e. It looks now very much like Kunn will tie the Demo T.aiic nomlut? a.aiutt Niohols. lit is a power in tb stump and the mm- paign will i-e msde livilj. llalugh Vort HVf. Jfe4e -cer. 1lit J'itoi in hmoke. liLSF.RSIirnf OFTI1K8ABUAT1I KT TWO U'TS OVI.tt A WOMA. That ,ot H-d f innuitr. Sm ikv iMlnw, fun IsSm other cstiltr of i disfpard Ir pf ace, I iw ami or Vr. Sundsr, wLi.e the church bells weic dirt cti jr U:e a'ten-.ton of the lf)p! tf Duih im to tbeir n spective hous of wo'hii. the emissaries of the devil wrre h ihlin? a b eh earn! ri in ibis disreputable suburb cf Uurhsm. Ab ut 10 o't I'K k two colored bovs Alcx.Odim and Jol n Hears, became invfiKed in a ihtute. the tnain cause bt ins a w. nmu. Tut we shall sot ro into the Ckhy dtUils of tbe affair. u (j,.r tn t pr.-rsD': word? passed be tweeii tiietn. AUt. O lom drew a i'i-ti.1 erd nr. ."tjtira it to the face of ?cari:)u:re. if he meant to call him A ttain names. I pen receiving an ali;rniat'veerier heSred. The ball e'ltered Sfar's face ncai the nose an 1 came out near the ear. The wound Is s serious one though not dangerous. Tue Tennessee Democratic Stale convention is in session at Nashville. The 7:11 ballot for Governor was reached Saturday evening with no etccti'Mi. Taylor is in the lead with 0731. The Maine max who intended U kill his wife and then himself bril- iantly decided to cut his own throat first This proves, among other things, that the age of inspiration is not wholly p.iMnd. A th k 1 1 Mm' i r 151 f, et Ions an I '() irt h t', h licVfd to be the Lru'si i,l. ej tvt r iurbed oat f om nny suw mill, has been se it from IXC. n ud I to an tJt'jibitijn In Ban Francisco. ... NEWS IJOIUSD DOWN. ITEMS OF IfTKIlEST PR ESS El) IS TO A tvw Words. -; . Uuder the law of Virginia a corpse c tn te attached tr debt. Dm'3 tra 'e review repoita 209 fail ures during the past week. The health ot Bishop Whittle, of W ... i virguuit, n.is neon wrftcneo. Republican New York is not mlid lut lilaineas might have been sup posed. A Nebraska farmer was caught stealing the roof from over a sluepiug ...II.... I - . . y . neiguoor a neaa. - Tbe Emperor of Brazil, now ill at Milan, is said to be in a very piecar ious ccuniuon. All the weavers aid smnners in the vinciuity of Rreslau, Germany, ave gone on etriite. Tbe nolicehave fcutid thousands of rt..".i.i . ... . i . oociansi uocumenis in uresiau ana many arrests have been made. The trial of John Dillon under the Irikh eriniAa ae.r. liau rpanlltH in a uon teoce of six months with hard labor The bill for the execution of crimi- lais by electricity, bas passed both ious(8 of tbo New York State I c?i lature A nonvpntinn tit Prntih!ttnniaf.a will ikka Dlace m Columbia.. S. C on tt ' . . . i t . u instani, tne ooject ouing to orgkti ize a pttiy. A ncpro was Ivnched at Rowlicc Green, Ky., recently for poisoning iwemv torses oeiouL'in? 10 lis iur mer employer. A. fitcVAiisnn firat. acti.lAiil nnstmBKffr cptiprid in an nn n lot lor r Ft i I uwuun m uu vauaiuatv lor govur nor of lllionis. The bookkeeper of Nicholson. . r r rost AT, f xt.. cUKKwarn nf Ttautnn ----- - w m- ' "l - I who recently failed, hug confessed to peculations aggregating fully 110,- 000. ' Timber lands &lnnr itin line nf tlo T ,, . . .... UJ ecu'iurg x i;urnuru roaa in L'arup hall and Halifax en nrttP orp in ore! de'naud and are being brought up by luu.Der dealers and saw m:ll men. THK DUUIIAM Y. M. C. A. TUS SUKOAY DEVOTIONAL MEETINGS HELPS TO YOUNQ. If EN. The Sundav ar'rern'-nn rtppntinnal exercises of the Y. M. C A, are oe casions of grtat benefit to the young men of Durham. It furnishes them a channel in ahich to direct tbeir thought! snd nurriMi-a in anmAthinn far beyoud and above the perisbabie things of earth. Tne vouns men of our town need sympathy and friendship ia the rallts ol life. It warms thorn up to uobler aspir4iii.e and good deeds to know that interest ia full in their un. dertakinga aal that sympathetic hearts are ever ready to help and en courage them in their efforts to become str id, noble, christian men. A njtCokrtKR arrih artpnifa.l ha meeting of the Association Sunday aiternooa, and spent a most delight ful hour with tho-e who are seeking to beneGt and eoe .urage their fellow men. The Recorder is in bcanv aced With ll Y. M. t!. A.- It ia warn friend to every effort that Is made to eieme man ami leaa mm into tbe paths of virtne and peace. There is a fact that stands out on the canvas i f bisorv that is as much of a Uct as any fact in all the range of nars bloom of a r e or the lines of a crys tal. It is the fact of Jesus; that he iliimatl and became sennainicil ml h ourpriefs Slid mrr.isa ind laid down his iifit for cur sins. There is no grar love than this, yet there are those who ignore these fictsslm p'y because they have never teen snvthisc l.ke it. Thev stranselv -hut their tars. They wilt not listen to the voice of an evidei ce as au tlientlfl si the evident nf ut fti in ail the range of knowledge which i oorn oi naman testimony ami perso nal eanerince. And vet thev will bliil I up theories on human Vsti mony lo refute this fact on far k trustworthy evidsn. e than that wld- h tctchee the fact of Jwus the Nssa rene. The incontiare try is stran?e. an.' - - . r Uack of the oak Is the acorn. Hack of the Christian tvhalnn U the fact of Jesus. In lii.it aril th rnnfa i.f church that to-day is lifting man into noiuiny oi cneracUT. In 111 in aro lKa ftmfa ftf 1i.. tittsl thiit rear valla nf Id. adnrr an 1 charity the world throughout ... ... . .... in mm a" tne roots ot an tne amrt.l'a h;t hmttrttt itial U Dai. om fig i to inaituti-rn of good and nto cnuscte- tv- n nest, suunchest. truest hcA. In him hto I hp ifkila nf all ihnaa iaSui'e p ssild itie tb t lifting up the h iris n f ilrt:ny tnaku effort honeful. i nniif autWaafMl In all tha range of man's capabilities. In him are erouuUd the princi ples of t'io Y M. C. A, which b fo the tiuip seof Icnliin youne men Into ways of di sautnps and path! of jfsee Ami the p tent moral pnwer lh Jcairv wiel.N is the rer tail evidenrw of bis haviug lived in this hu lu ai y of ours to give it Qo Hike dustiny. HIE JtAPTISTX , OPKKINO .OF THK BOUTEJUS " COHVES IIOM, ' - FicHmwd, Va., May 12. The Southern Baptist Convention met iu Hiinual session here yest.erUyin the First Baptist Ctiurcli and was oallcd to order by Prof IWiS B. Ely, of Missouri, first' vice-president Itev, Dr. P. II. ,'uell, president, having died since tho ml convejtion. i Prof. Ely uitideaf'ow touching remarka in i elation to tho deceased president, after which Key. Dr. J. L. Burrows, or w rioik, ottered prayer and Rav, Geo-'Cooper, ot Richmond, mude an .at I a a'jtiress oi welcome. " On u call of States it was found thai 745 delegates were presences lujiowi-: . Aiabama 23, Arkansas' 23, Dis trict t.f Coluiubit 12, Florida 5, ueoryia so, Indian Territory 1, Ken lucky G'4, Louisiana 9. Maryland 41. Mivaissippi 12, Mitsoari C8, North uaronua 1U4, routh Carolina 100 Tennessee VJ, Texas 12, Virginia 1CU Ths enventiou ttea organized bj tho election of the following officers: President .'bv ri-nni v.. a P Tir J. P. Bojct o' Kentucky; Vice-Prei identS. Lewis B. Klv. i.f I armlmn Mo ; Rev. John Poll rd, Richmond ; kcv. j. ii, Haw.borut, Atlanta; Judse John Harrison. Kcdm Km. rcturh s, H. Laasing Burrows, Auguo in, uu vuver i. uregory, Balti more. . The iPIMllar (niiiniila.a nn order of business and religion were then appointed. The r. port of the Home Mission Board was then presemed. Th re port described the work nf il h,.a..i. as never before so prosperous. This a snown coin by tue increase of iis rewinia and llio an.m.nt . t f " w m 14V .lUVUUh .f 1 It III & II has done. The renort sav tho iippiIr 'i iu uoaru are crrearpr man The work in Cuba must bo largely in creaseo. mat anion? the lornn population of the Nonlh and ttiAT. orcd people is just begun- To evan-geliz-iourown country will not onlv save America but spied the conquest of the world. Tbe nuaibt-r of ace.essi.ina tn fi church iu the home mission field was 7.496 and the cost ol the work was $177,933. Ti.e i rLcipal work of th board bas been done in the following fields. Arkansas, Florida, Indian Territory. Louisisns. Terns and I J.iha Of Cuba the report saj: "The whole oi tne island is open to the gospel, Tbe persecutions nave been heavy but the faith aud courage of our ceo pie are Strom? and nnhr..ten Ti-. wo;k doue is not surpacsel by any in the history of modern mL-siou. Pray for Cuba." 3 Georce V. sre. of Hei.itin .1. twillowcd a desi of poison by mis take, is out of danger The sjlu.o! aulhori.it-a of Rnekinn. ham county, N. C, are having sthrre cornered bht over the location of lie Teachers' Institute. Oafurd Ortolan and vegetable cauning factory will re put in operation at our Asylum l.y the middle of May If you will want any canned jhkIs next winter, send us your order, B a e ork f improving and clearing Dsn river Th work will hesi n noon near Madi..n, N. C. About t3J'0 nf the eovernmcnt eppmpriation fur th'i wnrk remains unexpended. The business men of Hickory. ae ibout comrdetin? a m"nifipni hnil that will cnt iris.nna it di i. kn iwn as the Hickory Inn. It i bunt upon an eminence, rrom which a fiue view of several hun tred of several mountain rauzes can be obtained. A robherv WU enmmitla.t it Mitchell conntv Tnnmdiv in wli. U a beautiful young girl na ard Agines ujumser s.oie im irora ncr atl and hard working father, and eloped with a man carved Turner Vance. OdUsers followed in quick permit and ctptiired the couple just a il ey wt re tioardiilir the train. Roth . e cirried back. The father is heart broken. Ileuderson GoU fan ft Thm Va, a rnntrael will Jacoa Uct d s Sour, ot TliiUdelphia, for their nniforrcs, Mr. Thos. Wi. UacNeal their repn entative was here this e k and took the measures ol tho tro.vs. and it is expected that the ais will be fit isl.e I by the lattc part of Jun, Gry trimmed with ret?, spike ta! c- t--, is the uniform de-id l UMn The company gave its 'heck for one-tbird of the cost of she uniforms in asvanre. Fish and Ojsters. Ftuee the first of DecemUr, More heal City and Beaufort have shipped nearly five thousand barrels of oys ters, clams and escallops, Tl.a fi.ln rha hiiVfl rut nfT and V march sbtsuru no reading a harvest (Witn flirt rmiiliireiw. aim ala atMnd their monev reonived in very liberally. EHzibih CilyEcon OmisU (Shad are brinxirg very lo ? prices. ?n teed the sins ia ha L ennftltila t rout to our fisht ritit ti on account of iMWBV KlUll aa T I. . la II,. ' L - . WW p IIJ1 WltVUUUil HIV VKbVU UWLM leca prot'.y fair Wathingten m jrsss. Brilliant! Durable! Economical! ; 33 COLORS. 10 cents each. The PUREST, STRONGEST and FASTEST of ill Djret. Warranted to Dye the mom goodi, and tire the bett colon. On package colon one to four poundi of Drew Goodj,.tnt Kcg, Varnr, etc. tnequaUed for Feathers, K.LU.m, and all I'aucy Vyuag. . Any oaa can una I hem. . The Only Safe and ' Unaiiirltrrgfnt T)vft . .wi -v. "..-'."pii.v..iru,oirerti9n lOr COlOfinP Htmrn. . M.limffln.fli.... A- (iecu. a quart), etc. feolilby Ihuggintt. AUdreu WELLS. RICHARDSON & CO., Burlington. Vt. For Oildlor or Broneing Fuecy Articlea, USB DIAMOND PAINTS. Colo. Silver, BrooH, Copp;r. Only 10 Ccnta. Land lor Sale at' Auc tion. Ky virtue of a mortgage executed tome on October 17th, 1887, by James L Burnett, I will sell, at pub lic arction, for cash; at the Conrt House door in Durham, on Monday, June 4ih. 1888, at 12 o'clock, M., the interest of said J.tmes L. Barnettin 72 acres of land in Durham county, adjoining lands of Henry Kcal and n'lu-is; aloO suid Barnetl's oue-iiaif tf rest in lCmaicder in G2 acres of .iiidin raid county, adjoining Jno. 11 Moiria and others; also the one half interest of said Barnett in 200 acres of land in Orance Aountr. nil joining lands of Jno. V. Couch, and Known as "the Wru. Couch tract." A i - ut !anii i paiticularly'described ins it in tiittc, which is roistered in Pu Isuiu C unir, in Hook 10 of Vo. gi - png 2"0, and in Orange Coih.ty. B.k P, i s'ii 3S8. O. J. FARTHING, M a) 2, liisti. Mortgagee. G. OBER & SONS COMPANY'S SPECIAL, coin Fl TOBACCO, Reliable in its Manufacture. Special Attention Given to the Manufacture of evejy Pound. Standard jusi nie same. yuicK in its action, l'rofatablo in its retiiilts. Has been used successfully by the fanners of Virginia anJ North Carolina for thirty years. Iiy projier cultivation, care und management, it ixsukes yon a eitor of FINE YELLOW TOBACCO. Trv it this year if you want a crop of GOLDEN BRIGHT TOBACCO. A one ljetter ou the market Refer you to the thous uids of planters wno nave UKed it year attor year. Call on JOHN L. MAltKIIAM, Durham, N. C. (11 fis ( mm mm Farmers Say They are Coming Home to Stay. nuns l s ware louse, Durham, I. C. Ojwued last wait, and was crowded, notwitbstandirs ULe cold fre eiir weatiit r. trery rmjy went Home eatiMu n. x irat itavs sale Averarec S24 1 for everything gold, and not very g'Kd tobacco at tnat. Not a single lile aken in Uver ($Jo UUO) 'Ihirtv hve Ihojeand dollars CASH oairf nut. ive a.me of the sales made : Uelow I ive 1 J. M. Terrell, 16 Ihs, 121.50, Sit 94 loO 130 "i 93 -42 " 49Glhs. S3.00. lo 00, C20O, 81.00, 1G50: 47 5l C0.50 3102 $183 72 Average 37.01. A W Tilley, C5. 516 lbs f 34 AO, $178 02 212 70 00, 148 40! 68 ! 87 00, 51)16; M lbs, $385 58 Averagw, tW 44. J. D. Hall, 74 lbs, $19.75, $14.61 26 20 " 72 " 10 27 On, S3 00, 5100, 85.00, 7.02 5.0l) SG.72 8 5C L. K. Yates, I Cczart & Lonz, 62 Ibe, $20 00, $12 49 40 lbs, $20 00, $8.00 80 00, 52 10; tO 23.50, 18 80 40 00, 5(5 001152 " 33.50, C0.04 32 50, 1C75!92 " 51.00, 4692 45 CO, 71 70 100 00. 14 00,391 lbs. 14f " 60 I Ril 11 " ios nv I- ou Averapr, 115 51,' It. M.Jones. 110 lbs, $27 00, $59 70 $73.4.1 2J2 1'. Averse, i31.3. J. J. Check, 10 lit, $22.00, $23.7B 80 " 32 00. t08 " 35 50, 172 " 50 00, 46 U00, 516 ibs. Avrrnge, $41 16. Kiny A Shaw, 941b$:tlo0. $23 14 43 " 65 00, 31 20 70 40 00, ?8 00 6i V 22 CO, 15 C4 25 CO 39 421C21U $542 Average, $36.75. J.MB,ck, v tue, tuo.ov, 0. 43 " 47.00, ,52 74.00,, 38.48 M (Hfj til $213 oM 18180 W, 8. Newton, j 22 lb. 20 50. 4 70 76 42 IM) 50 454 lbs, 21. -H 31 00, 36.50. 5100, 8.10, 1103 275 lbs. Averse?. $37 45. 15 05 ; l,y Jt KulUrton, 23 i 14 lbs. i70fK). $9 80 1533 SU. " 35.50. 53.08 (JH 47.00, 29.00102 32.C0, 12 f0 33.15 Average $3.ri.f3. $161 78220 lbs. $87.51 48 50 62 -50 C(i 208 lbs, 37 00, 85 00, 65 00, 37 CO, 20 00, 17 76 42 50 40 30 18 50 7 20 $130.77 Average, $18 79. w. J. bht rron. 54 lbn, $20 53, U07 16 W " 20 " ICfi " 74 " t;. i 20 CO, 25 (SO, S2 (.0, 41 W, f 7 VC. 73 IV, Aversge, $39.P.". Hfiftlbi, 8 ::o its ;.u 73 f 4 4 "t f 2:t. 5 I could rut down all that was sold, hut the above oil iU van whirb way the wir.rt U ulowmj Nw ical to ! it- Mioe lor all lulmiw I n selL In fact, the outlook U i'i p vii g mid tirn.. ia wi I ln-nire to ;ot big overij! rriefs f r all tobacco ji u cii ith wv 1 have ah nt worked off all wet s -H a, w 'in mm i.w r uti- ;:oti" -1 CiMtiiB tn "i i iiKeron e i 1 l- r .... t .i . t ki reuvuai uutv j'iuuvj vi r joia vo nore woai i ouy, anu can wu wvmuw loit. I thank the farmer for ttandii hv tne, and rro'i,;f t do a'l I can for tham in the future. When yen atari to market, e rne to PAHRISH'S WAUEIIOUSE, where voowiil not only get BIO PittCES, but And the best ac oo tnmodations. Your friend, E. J. Parrisli