The Weekly Recorder. PBBUiUKDKVEBWED5iE3EATDI E. C. II.CR.NEr. Editor &Trop tUC OW SUBSCRIPTION I Cne Year, in Advance, $1 oO Six Months, 75 Thuy Dou't Seem to Uuilerstaud, Quite a number of Republican pa pers have displayed their ignorance in regard to the huge Democratic majority in Lousiana and, as is their wont, charge frauds. But let us read what is said on this subject by the New Orleans "Progress," a news paper conducted by a colored man in the interest of his race. "Perhaps the most gratifying rusult of the election," says the "Progress," "is the breaking up of the color line." It says that outside of New Orleans and a few of the lower parishes, "thousands and thousands of color ed voters, remembering the just, fair, impartial, and peaceful administra tion of Gen. Nicholls, rallied around his standard and joyf ullj cast their ballots for him." It declares that this political revolution was so com plete that hereafter it will be im possible for any one to marshal the colored voters solidly under the Re publican banner again, and it ex presses great satisfaction that "the colored people of Louisiana have at last freed themselves from political servitude." The New Orleans "Item," a Republican paper published by white men, talks in the same strain, declaring that "a number of the bet ter sort of intelligent and indepen dent negroes boldly proclaimed themselves Democrats and in favor of the election of Gen. Nicholls from the beginning." At the Petersburg musical Festi val over four hundred children sang together with full orchestral ac companiment The effect, we are told, was marvelouslj fine. Mr. Carl Zerrahn, the director, made a little Bpeech at the close of the con cert, in which he said that this chil dren's chorus came nearer perfection than any he had ever heard. He conducted a children's chorus in San Francisco, which was almost but not quite as fine. He had never heard any chorus of the kind in Europe comparable to it From all we can learn the horse and cattle exhibit, held at Raleigh to day, was all that could be desired to those in charge. Exhibitions of this kind are very stimulating and they give evidences of the progress being made in the improvement of stock. The Raleigh exhibition is the result of the energy, pluck and enterprise of the farmers of Wake. Let ns have more of these exhibits. Not only of horses and cattle, but let us add to them fowls and birds. The Mexicans must stay on their side of the line. The secretary of war, of that Republic, has notified the Mexican officers that the penalty of death will be imposed on them for crossing over the boundary line and ttjerferu !niU4& terfering with the affairs of UniUd State. Majorn Jarratt, of 'Petersburg. V l 1 LsT' f a n a V . ' "1 l Y luai cuj lor ?i'MW. lie got a teraict for ?. That jury knew the size or an editors purse. Ma, W. II. IJaus i n denies the re port that he intends to retire from the chairmanship of the National Democratic Committee. Fsox the way public sentiment is crystalizing it looks as if Mr. Cleve land will be nominated by acclama tion. I'.i ; ' Snakes and Eaglet Mr. W. E. Wicbsrd, of Pactolus Township, killed a large rattlesnake on his plantation on the 3rd lost The nake had mac rattle and a button. This is the earliest we ever heard of one being killed. Mr. CLarlie Hklnner of Damolicf iogtown, but Friday ki.led two gray eagles cf immense sirs. One of them measured six and a half feet from tip lit tin. liriTtir HiN wniim - - J- - j r- - J mmm w mmm Uuf locality Ht-won &tvi. X : . 111 - The bureau of engraving tad printing at Washington is engaged light ami day la printing one and two dollar silver certificates, ard Vf to tb'fl lime has $26,000,000 one and tl7.000.000 of twos. ( 8AM. HMALL 12T, III BFXAKS TO A CROWDED BOU8K IN HI8 BEST VEIN. The people of Durham have beard the great routhern tern) erance apos tle, Rev. am. W. Small. They heard him prladly.' By eight o'clock last evening Stokes Hall was crowded, and still the stream of anxious bearers flowed in until the stage, isles and gallery were filled. Dr. Yates pened the exercises , with prayer, and Dr. A. Q. Carr introduced the speaker. Mr. Small started out boldly, giving an acconnt of his life; how he reveled In ain; how be was converted; how he started ont upon bis present course aud how he Las succeeded. For fully three hours he entertained his Urge audience with the keenest satire, epigmmmatical arguments and a rich flow ot wit The audience was kept in the best Lumor, and the outbursts of applause were frequent and prolonged. Laying asida the humor and satire of Mr, Small's lee.. tore and following the thread ef his ar guments, he advocated absolut) pro hibiten. He said that there was no bora for relief in either of the old parties, and hero ht brought in bis third nartv doctrine H aa.M thut people were in the habit of lumping du ins oar-Kcepers wuu ootn Itet, He did not believe in it. There was net a bar-keeper in the State who was not as much a gentleman as the set that licensed him. Ha was ia good as the crowd. He believed that when they went op to heaven with . t " 1? 9 meir licenses aiirnea nv crnnn rr.. Dviemns. nietncviiaia. itantiar. ami other denominations, he thought the Lord would punch them by towns and throw them out. We haven't the space to follow him through al cf his pointed remarks. Hi ar?u menu were the strongest reasons in favor of prohibition we have yet . am neara, ana to our mind, be captivated his Durham audience, and electrified tne prohibit tonists. Jurors for June Term. First Wair. Tharl Han-la. Samuel R. Hall, J. A. Fool, Edgar Liansiora, utnenuu freeman, T. u. Uozart, kelson L. Kicnolr, R B. Bla lock, A. H. Stokes, J. D. Fletcher. A.K.Wuutead, Henry D. Lee, W. R.Flinton, Henry King, James H. icvowan, jtneraon uarrard, JtJar nam Tilley. A. B. Tillev. Oaiton Riggsbee, Wm. H. Holloway, Wiley r. ktcock, a. u.uonnigan, John 1 Markham, John Salt, Hiram Vick ers, A. M. Sorrell, Spencer C. Watts, Geortre D. Markham. Wm. IT. Pa. James W.Garrard, D. L. Belvin, W. wvatt. J ewe K. Chamble. John E. Suit, J. J. Hall, W. B. Stephens. s ecosd week. James M. bbep herd. Jamea H Hoilowa. M. T. HM lowar. S. SI. RhW. John W. Mark. ham. J. W. Goodaon. Jimn R Pnr Jth Thomas J. Walker, Simeoi Bowling, W. a Farthing. Wiley W, Whitfield. G. C. Gimbl R T. f rA. erton. W. H. Henrv. T. n. Son t her. ina, ju. u. i.yon, U. W. Jfc linton, J. nuuame. The ite publican county Conven- uvu, The Republicans of Durham nnnt DHouaroiT ana annoioiyi tna tni lowing delegates to the State Con . a - aw ... venuon wnicn meeu tn Ka.i(irii an the 23rd of May: W. Duke and T. S. Burgess, Alternates, Jordan Emw son. feoLl and P. H. Smith. ftA Delegates te the Congressional con . i t . . . venuou woicn meets on tne zznd U. G. Eomt. W. G. IVarann fn Alternates, W. A. Albright, and D. u.aiangum. ine convenuoifwae for uu ver wcKery, lor uovernor. D. C. aUBBKUUI 1U1 UOICLBTV 11 rWWtAW IV C w y - avMBvwa) f A. Albright endorsed as delegate to .1. V-:...1 1- . mo 'iiu4 vuuTeuuoo. a resoiu tion endorsing SlchoV course in Congrrii. Convention solid for Blaine. Party Organization mu1 Work. BKklahm E-okot. ' About the best thing we h.&veread lately is brother Caldwell's editorial on party organization and work. It is 0 no'ss and to the point, ' and we would be glad to i ublish it in full if we bad the space, lie lays down the pnpoeition that "Ntrvh Caro lina is a Democratio State; there is no doubt about that It is more de cldodly ao to dy than it ever was before, and wi:h zood reason One reason is, that we have a Djinoeiatie President of puch courage, breadth, ability and honesty that he com mends himself to a people who like these aualitia. an N do, and in popularising h mself he oas aaaed to tne popularity of his panv. Another ra.iaon is thit vs have so dignified, pure and tconom- icai a state government that a care ful. Conservative rwnnlp - m.Ji ua North Carolinians are, will not cun siu r a prop, sition to exchange it for one by a party wh eh has never done thtra anything but evil." To guard against the possibility of a re turn to Radical "rule and ruin," or gan:iai ion is necessary in the first place, and that must, be supplement ed by constant and un-emittiugwork. No'man enn assign auy goo I reason why the Republicans fchould again be placed in power, with their ex travsgance, thievery and negro dom ination. But as the Landmark bijs, fine word butter no parsuips sod correct opinions are of no value ex ccpt as they are acted upon." There tore we must not depend upon sen timent and fine spun theories to ) campaign work; if we do we stiai snreiy do (ideated, ana have ou'y vuraenea 10 oiarae. Tieave it to ttie Motbera. Rkamcad SUIa. Miss Frances Willsrd says; "Girls learn the loe of dress at their mo.h er's side and t their father's knee Meat of all, thej learn it from - thi ir wretched, heathenish dolls. Girls are lyttematioally drilled into the lust f 1 1 1 . I m I ' ut iuv tjv ana pnas ox Hie and in this hateful school their teacher u lK doU with aimpenug face and puffy bur, bespanglf d robes and perf -ct annciauiy.- as Frances Willard writes "Miss" before her name am t I a m prooaoaDiy wm continue tn do so, notwithstanding th umaiitu .j. fered by leap-year, wouhl it nt be as II m 1 i a .a wen ior ner 10 jeave the subject of dolls to the women of the laud w ho have felt the clin by fingers and responded to tin holy uauio i mouierr m t) but an new hat Jim Davie tor Constable. Mr. EDiTot: The many friends oiimiavu preaentbis name for Constable in this Township. The pretent (instable ukee delight ia oraggmg mat ne u twrd party man. '1 ha other eanilMaU ). an. Bounces himself ia the Recorder, is a tternoiican. ior na nirtiinaii in tliCir Uon VentlOO on Ka'nrWa la an it behooves Democrats to put a rood k.i .i . . i'ut, avur, Kun BNin lorwara ihst helfevca in Democratio priaci tKu, moQ varis tun tne bul 4.11-44. Tho Mav Ht. TktiiM t aw... Uios a Decoration Dsv article and I T, T7, I' m w'ttTalmago and Lil la S. L'oihman. 11...L. " by Alexander N DeMenil on'j.mes nu-eii noweii, uia w beeler-Wileot new muworthy bioks,ect.,; Wat poems by several wrilterr, two terv inurestlog stories, "Mrs Tuttle ataaonerade" fhumaminl ,.,1 m.. Forester's Daughier" t the "Topics of so-vay- aepartment baa articles oa "Letter-Writting," "Strive Earnest, y," -Tha Literary World," ecj the arneiy qnoteo "wgnt Moods" bum erous aepartment in witty as ever i.t, uiiit wkbii. xoraspecimeair"7 v g ew Uiifoverr copy of ThtSl. Louii, send to New I nf omplh nd wa ,lf,t Ht ltaa5fian t..l. V ,:- IrslUVftd OB Ufcln fir.t .1 .. Mo. he slept all night and with one 1, m . 7T:?-: a ir'ulously cured. Ii.. iivjKeoiuacKiDghaa,M!iri). ntn. ia Wm. Luther Iu." thua - m m " rwmTi mm p.-. Rivn n VIM. NIK. QUI tina an in ik. it. II v n . i 7 , w- - otaiee. Orlgmal Observationn. .Oni iVa.1 OUonrr. Tha Kot ara tn 1 itl rru;t.. - www J .. ItlU ' V execute it on the piano. "To be or not to be" ia tha h that is buzziaa: in the bonnets of would b i rresidentt. It does seem niradnx !?!. Orange vountr ladr wore a oat the first day she got it A a Oranre man aava hi enn went on prematnreif tne other day. lie basn t caught the thief yet. We have noticed th it thn f.J'n- who is ever spoiling for a fiht ia the one who is badly spoiled after the iracat is over. Because an Orange xanav 11 . ... . ? . -V piaje music oy uni i, we do bone that none of our readera will tt.h.k she w an organ grinder Thev are eoir; cr ta have mdo In lh Henubllcsns of that Statu have nnmi. sa'ed J. W. Fifer fer Governor. The cenna renorta itaf tht tha wealth Of this country imnunti in 1,000 for each inhabitant. Hurry up. Mr. Fairchlld, and send us your l a e rtAA r -t .a cdcck i ur n,uw. nauier n an wait any looter we will compromie and aoc pt A medical ionrnal tata that Air,, theria caught by kissiog is likely to assume a much severer form than if contracted ia Some other tir. W. don't care what the medical j jornals ..a a a . . say anoni ausing De:cg dangerous wuriiecr a nrmiY viri ramn at n wun ner hps in a nice little pucker, ana a siy twinkle la ber eye, we sre !;oiog to traokfurm ourelf into a pro essr of osculation just as (jnick - s m can, if we do run the rlk of con tracting a severe form of dipbtheti. We'll Ut our lant vear'a hat tf air I . . .1 . mT m ... uaitne niummyned meilical man who gave utterance to the statement that kiaaiur ia ilancfHriiui. ia a crab apple bachelor, who hain't been kissed bv a reiralar wnmnavwlumir 2iriince he Wore A reaaea and liaJ a stone-bruise en each heel. A Woman's lilscorory, Another wonderful liunr lia. I been trade and that too ty a Ivly in iui war,i, uiaaaaa I iLrr I II. CrUtfihea Ot nn Wtt foviav.n a-a ... he wiibauw.a U Teret U sU, but ner vitai orgta were nndermined and death seemeil imminent. For three ,D'eoU8l inantlf and w...,v. asr. rainge jsew IiiaioTerr T-nriTWi. tmjj :stMM Awuid ilia Lwtpua itkn ot" pnutittuus remtcw vikw luiwcn MvtuHa,ana an yutuwa, niuwiiiif ainu l"WI IMfPIMI UUir VOa ttim. Tako tiVHH Hcjikoi that n kft K aJ-------u-Jiino' W.-A I f. ""1&A -y'Wuuniuu tnououiaa. doti not .uterfrr T.rtd lorliluity.anin iuBjKAil4ariJluwiM, frit without dVl.y. Tluulural Mudbrol(ra dm nen totk. f'tll iiioynt.iilol ?"ta"1"l?'''lofllt.Mlinl)Mli,Ulllifn !nT4,1 TgEATMEMT. Cbi Hoitt. M. gw KW, IbM, 17 AtKps'.&'ilfeVft HARRtS REMEDY CO., Un Cmmn, aKiAl,l-A( KAOKria.h,1tlilUa,;t-lrnPhiBt,,tg, .j y. T.nlh StraH, ST. tOHia, MO. First - MM Bank i of - Durham. Chartered Nov. 9, 18871 Csphsl $Joo,qoc! T. S. CARR ...,.1'ret.ident. I LKO. D. HEAllTT.. C. a BRYAN,., Vice-President. CIIAS. A. JORDAN,. . . . Cashier. ....Teller. r0. DIRECTORS. iv8.! I H aV- 8XOW I J-T MALLOKY J. W. WALKER, W. W.FCLLER I E. J. Pa URlsf , T. I. JON IS. A. II. 6TO K.K, , J A3. A. BRYAN, O. S. BRYAN. . A General Banking Business Tiansactcd. ACCOUNTS OF BANKS. lUNKKiW, CORPOUAl IONS AND IXDIV , IDUALS RECEIVED ON FAYORABLK TERMS. CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, beving 4 Fr cent, intert-st, iu. d up-n mTT.vx?o dll,M,sit ,,h th F,:Bt "k 6 .r 12 month-. COLLLCTIOS made d.rert n alt accessible inJids in ttie United States, and remitted f r promptly at l.iwest rates. JKTIOJLAR attent on pai.i tn il,- hustcess of Cnrre ponleot. T JH HANK, being recru ly orcniiinc.i, is in condition to do nil classes nf KAKING SLCUBI I Y. Tha Uuitwl Statw Goverura tit rf-rdrfs tlat a full statement of the Liabilities aud Atet of U Natiutial Banlta shall be made and sworn to by at bast three of the Directors fve'y U w weeks and besIJeth,s, Bank Examiner ae w ut at th pleasure r.f tlu-JOovei taunt, hose duty it U m4ue to thoroughly eiamiae in o the cut ditioa of the But.k, hence Natiunal Backs aff rd a larger m af ore of prot, cti.m than any oth r uankiogsvsteni- , ' CHARACTER AND CAPITAL; The character f tbo Officers Dirr ctn a..dM-ckboldersottfceF.rHtNaii.nal Ux ik U the very highess and raob stockholder, ia under tho N..ti..nal Bank Uw, resixm-ibte for double ti e -""" uiiDaininrec vact.rotcre t.tor betWr fjcili. tie thnn the Fir.t National. WE WANTaihareof your b.i ines. Wewdi it your fa rinsge- We guarantee entire satinfaction in all buiiifrss entrust d to ur cre. (2J iiALIlGI ' H1E3LE : ffBffl; 417 and 1U r.jottarm, Stnat, KALEIG11, EfaaA Yani laito'i 0!J Stand. FATETTEVlLLa. W. n. Mimifttcmtw of .11 kind oMonninUan4 "'' " lo Marblr. (,r OraolUa. AIM Oub. trit-li for all kind, of Bulldlui Work.Corhln. Nt.Siila. o. Wurt aJlT.rWatB.35a1 doti it fro. of coat. OfAliderittuiM oa kaod and aool la an ldn M upon .ppllctioo. , . V11AX. A. GOODWIN, . Fropnetor. J.EXUM, . Attorney , at Law, Durham, N. C Office ia Wright Building, A KKUAh MEETING. Pursuant to action of the Hoar.t nf Directors of the Lynchburg A Dur bam Railroad Company, the annual meeting of the stockholders will t a bold in tho office of the company in the city of Lynchburg, On Tuesday. Jane 19 th, 1888, at3Vlk.r. M. By ordtr of the President -ALEX MCDONALD; - may 16 Ira Secretary. 'A COLLAR SAVED IS A IOLLAR HADE." Each -Formula Make3 a Toa of Fertilizer FOR- Cotton, Corn and Tobacco. Foil SALE BY MEKCIIAXTS and duuggists. MANUFACTURED BY BOYK1N, CARMER & CO. Now. 1 1 and 13 N. Liberty Street. Baltimore, lid. faporttia and Dealer la Agricu?!ur4l Chemicals and Fertil icra. Eitiaiuloa on private Furuiulia ri m mm -4'r'b-MBVMa JohB L. MarkLam . Tv... c. v S?"0"0' ' fP. 19th. . . . , . ' ioui iio U'lier 01 loiitilrr to hand ami coutenta nount. I anaer yon aa tollnwa: 1 7 na .,na lit. X tiixed 20 tjiubcilaot ricb loatuTeartb to tho tun I n?, .., ... , chemleaU required to make a ton of fmtUzVST ' " Uh nikuUtr it iWfS l,h0unRl'1? ..nd crffu,1y. tel " tand for or 8!tb. L.n it l reaIy for ue. It minU be used aooner. 31. t lllVA HHmI it All nn.n f.t. .1. , ...... . t. ....! V . . "iiuoin omi' ion ( MT It Ulxtlrr than anything I Lave evtT ned in the way of f, rtillwr. eoaJwing "he nrk ry iruiyyouw, JA8. L TEKRT. Mr.. r.rhin. rnr JSWW""'"''. drouth we have had, the tobacco ia of tine size and yeUowa aWlp on ih-bill. Land Hale at Auction. By virtue of Mortgage executed to me by W. II. Uicks and wile, Not. I'tth, 1884. 1 will sell at public sue lif-n for cash, at the Court House -or in Durham, on Monday June Mi. at 12 o'clock, tn., one acre ul land in ilickatown, adjoining the lind of Hawkins Hicks, Martha IJurti.o, and N. Q, R. R., with two tenant hoocs on it Said Mortgage fa registered in Durham county, lwk 4. page 414 and 415. Also at !-ao time aud place the interest of W. H.Hb ka, ia the following tract of laudadjoing the Korta Carolina It dlroad, on the s-utb, and 8 . J. Heater on the et, and Hawkins Hicks on the north aad east. The Mortgage la regiatered fa Dor Lara couotr, ia btok No. ft, page 150. O.C. Faanuxo. . , Mortgagee. w Landand Ier8onal Tropertj for Sale at Auction. By virtue f.f a mortgage eteruted tomet yj IF. Shield, ai d wife, on Julf 13lh. 18X6. reUlaiWil in l)r,n.. r...... ; a. ? - r. - v,omy, in iwoi , page 12, 1 will mr.i, m puono auction, I r caaa, at H e Court Hooae door in Durham, oa M.mdar.the 4th day of Jane, 188. at 12 o'clock. M, 104 aereeot'l.od, more or le, al joining Geo. Piper, J. C. Kbields and other, and paitico Urly ds?riUed in said mortgage d ed. I will :, at the same line afctt p'ace, sell by virtue f a chattel mortgage, executed to me July 13lh, IsSG, bf J. U, hhk Id, od register. d irt Orange t'ousty. in Hook N, pace 74 n hay mare mule, 6 yearn o'd, and t. gray nam mule, 10 or 12 year M. and one two In rte wag n and haitieM. Terms euh. H.C. FAUrilLNO, . ruay 2, IKS Mortgsgee. STOVSS GRATSS, c&O. r TIE? CELEnRATED DUB AM COOK STOV ; T1HD-, i .s' A-jVj; At i .f tv. Vf? --' ; ... v. uvt.vmiinii VJllin Bl I,, ICtacLoll V 8 s drug store. Thi3 Stove tias-lareo s!nprlo c'qii tlnora hri ml io oatent Alaska knobs, lirge outcido oven shelf, &winric hearth plate, Jargo broiler, double fron ftliaiiig doors. Tho boit and uiiwapasi diovo on tno marHOw fan and ezamino them.. For Sale by J. T. WOWIBLE, Durham, N. C,