r - Mr Tjud It. Maxnixo, editor of tbe "Gold Leaf," is popular in Hen derson. We are pleased to see it Ho wns not a candidate yet he re . ceived a complimentary vote of one hundred and twenty odd for co;iii missioned See what an influence a man wields whence becomes a bene dict. - TnE lliileijjh correspondent of the ..Richmond "Whig" informs that pa per that ?ihetiuani'ial report of Dur- ham shows the town entirely out of debt and f 3,000 in the treasury. They are now fearing a surplus problem.". No danger of a problem, Rood sir. If you could but see some of our side-walks and streets jou would know where we could put it to do the most good. Thx attack upon Judge Fowle is . winning new converts. The paper that published the attack has been brought over. Hearit: "The Land mark" warms to any man who is slandered, and it is very clear that Judge Fowle has been. Our cor respondent "Democrat" sees the mat . ter the same way, and, having ac cepted rumor for fact, now has the manliness to publish a card disavow ing his belief of the charges which, with the best of motives, he gave currency to last week. It is time now for these slanders tostop. Judge Fowle should be defeated fairly or not at all. We believe that if only the truth is told on him he cannot be defeated, for the people, remem bering his party -services and ad miring his brilliant talents, are with him. The "Landmark" is in sym pathy with them. It is time that justice were done this man. There is no occasion for promoting lag gards, bomb-proofs or new recruits over the head of this party veteran. He has earned his reward in half a dozen campaigns of extraordinary power and effectiveness. Why not gWeitto him this year?" , ' Manly words. SuriTOR Vance, in the nineth article of his series on the "Needs of the Nation," contributed to the Bal timore "Sun," discusses as a phen omenon of great importance the tendency at the present time of capi talists engaged in production to com bine to fleece the public with the help of laws made at their instance Tbey act together to get unthinking or corrupt legislators to frame tariffs, grant charters and pass all sorts of laws to enable them to exact tribute from the people. The surest way to accumulate whealth, it is found, is to get things so fixed by law that part of the earnings of the millions most fall into one's lap. Hence the prosperity of the sections and States which are fatored by the tariff. Hence, too, the wealth of trusts, railroads and other unregulated monopolies which fatten opon the people under the protection of the law. Monopoly and restriction are now the rule. Freedom of trade among ourselves is almost wholly lost, the price and movement of al- terery necessary of life being dicfikil by some soulless corpora tion, trosvpool or association. The reform of the tariff will helptp.les- 2 . vn these evils, butiieir eradication I Hmtbethe work of the intelligent suaesmani-nip or me future. Thzks will necessarily be mnch litigation and delay over the affairs of the smashed SUt National Bank. It is stated in the Wilmington "Mes senger," by the Raleigh co ranon dent, that the depomtorshave reach ed the conclusion that DO cents on the dollar will be about the size of their receipts after the adjustment and collection of accounts. The re ceiver says there ought to be a first dividend by July 1, of its amount he mm uv turn. A New Yobk electric light line man, while making some necessary repairs Friday, touched what he sup posed was a dead electric cable. The cable was not dead, but full charged with the electric current, and the result was that the unfortunate line . man was dead in an instant It is supposed that the wire he took hold of on the supposition that it was dead was crossed at some point by a live wire, thus diferting the fatal current ' ; The Charleston World : repo i?reen peas selling atone cent a quart nd blackborries at two ourii nr five cents. - - ThaNew York Stnr. which pir started the egg problem, says that the answer u 21, br&tt.ga tba.e lot a full day and a half left. Over one Lundr d counties in Geor gia favor prohibition. An earthquake is reported to h ive i curred very recently In Japan Sea President Cleveland donated $100 otyards establishing a colored or phan asylum at Lynchburg, Va. A stock company with a ' capital of $150,000 has been organized to build a new hotel at Savannah Ga,' "i One thousand men have been thrown out of employment at the Piatt mines, Birmingham, Ala. ' The bill for the execution of crim inals by electricity has passed both houses of the New York State Legis lature. ' A recent dispatch states that tie li ibh Bishops have notified the Vat ican of their adhesion to the Papal rescript It is reported that Bismarck, at ihe request of the German Emperor md the Csar, will ask the Porte to lepose Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria. Averaging $12.08. The sale t Lockbar.t's Banner Warehouse Friday as .something ke old times. - He sold 41.814 lbs, for f 5,31054; averaging $1268 per hundred. This shows that tbe Dur ham market is sustaining its reputa tion in making tobacco bring all it is worth, and that Capt Lock hart does not intend to be left no high avei ages. . i mi m A correspondent of the Ililleboro Recorder, quotes an Orange county man as saying, when he' heard that white,Ba!eilt bank thief, bad said that notwithstanding all bis viciasi- udes be bad not lost his religion "Well, if such religion as that will save a man the devil bad as well abet op shop and rent ont hell for a goose pasture, , Tbe Wadeiboro Inlelligtneer U now running in its columns a report of tbe trial and libel suit between Mr, J L. Stone of Ral igh and the editor of that paper and as soon as it is through tbe paper Mr. Hearn pro. poses to issue a pamphlet wittt r Stone's picture which will be mailed to any address upon tbs receipt ol 1U cents. The suit was brought about by Mr. II earn exposiog in his paper toe cotton seed swindle or Air. to tone, which was an imposition upon tbe farmers. Every farmer should send tor his pamphlet as it is of particu lar interest to tnem. A Georgian in Texas. J. B. Wallace, Sherman, Texas. writes : have bees using Huckleberry Cordial lor many years, we consid er it tbe only safe and reliable saedi sine for the bowels and children teething. POIOJl- BILL SUBSEEIES, POMONA, N.C. TWO AND A HALF MILES WEST OF GREENSBOBO, N. C. Tbe main lins ot the Richmond A Danville Railroad passes through the grounds, and within 100 feet of ths office. Salem trains make regular stops twice daily eacn way. Those interested in frsit and fruit growing are coraiauy uviiea so inspect inn, the largest nursery in the Slate, and one of the largest in the Sooth. Stock consists of apples, peach, peer, cherry, plums, Japanese persimmon, epricota, nectarines, mulberries, quince, grapes, figs, raspberries. gooseberries, currants, pie plant English walnut, pecans, chestnuts, strawberries, rosea, erergreens, shads trees, Ac- All the new and rare va. rirties as well as tbe eld ones, which my new catalogue for 1888 wil ibosr. Give your orders to mv au iborixed agent or or aVr direct from tbe nursery. Correspondence solid tei. Descriptive catalorne free to - . "... tppucanu. Aaaress, . VAN LlNDLEY, Pomona. Guilford Co- N. II Reliable stfennen wanted in every h l . gwq PJ'(f commission win oe given. C.S) S if SMITH I ROBERTS, DRUGGISTS, HAKGUM STREET, DURHAM, - - N, O. Keep oa hand, Drugs, Chemicals, latent Medicines, oosps, Toilet A i llch s, and every thing - usually kept ia a first class DRUB STORE. may2tf . (&)Gund 'or The NERVOUS The DEBILITATED The AGED. I heme Tonic. Celery and Coca, tba prominent l - grediunta, are tna bett and aoi jserva Tonioa. It atrontthuii iui quieta the nervooa musm, curt' . Rervoua Weaklier HyiWrii, Wet leasnena, &0. . All ALTERATIVE. . Itdrrvaiout th polaonooi tumor , the blood purlfyiug and anrichluj-. and to OYerooiniiig thoat dlaeiv ' ;. resulting from tnipurt ol laipovt ' iabed blood. A LAXATIVE. ActlnRmUdlTbatiimlynthbot.i' it cure, habitual oonattpatiou, an. promote a regular habit Itrtrenyi..- - eoa the itomacb, tad tldl dl.Miun. " 4 DIURETIC. In tta oomporttloa thi bMt and m a.!tivdlureticof theMateria MtdlwT recotuhiuedKiDtiflcall7Wltholh t . ellootive remeiUea for dtaeaiea of 1 '-j kidneji. It can b rolled on tOf .Vj quick relief anditptedy cur. Rnadrateo(taaUiMBlabbwbmiiiM. I fnua pvnHiiu wbo luv Md (hi. rMUMii .; miriMtkhMiiv band tee uraiiMa,(i lull partMolva. trim tl.M. m ly BnffMa., WELLS, RICHARDSON ft CO., Pro V BUKUMUTOX, VI, 1 Monday 's Special Sale Day at the mm AU New AND THE Lat est Designs. Chamberscts, Tables, Bureaus, Bedsteads, 'V riling Desks, Mattresses, Parlor Sets, LIN PACTA FULL AND COMPLETE LIN EOF EVEUYTUIXO, White Goods. White Goods. - WHITE GOODS.. Corner Church and Mai a atreets. FurniturE StorE. Wcwill Sell at prices that will ilofy competition. SUCEiSOR TO VA UGH AN A TENNT. dvub.au if. a ' DEALER IN DRUGS, r.lEDIOENES, FANCY, And Toilet Articles. ' Customers will fial hers cboicc selection of III l IV iiiuuuu oUiiyiuLj. -im ouau i Lit C03TBS, BRUSH E.I OF A 11 KIShS. Fresh Garden Seed a Specialty Soda and Mineral Watr Cigars, Tcbacco Snufi, &c Prescriptions Carefully Com pounded l)ay or Night; jlmll oir:r u M'liulav tlio IftrgeU and domI s.ltct line of Whits Oaods that bs ever Ik on mir jilnsaurs o place before tbs Durban trade, cv one can have aiy cnnecptiuo of tbe magoitude of this stock without seeing t!ie a.-sortmeut exhibited with prices attached. This is Positively a SPECIAL SALE, And here are the Prices ; . 15 pieces of India LinA, at 3 cents per yard, worth 6 cent. 10 pieces of Extra Wide, soft CnUb, Check Mu alias, at 6 c's, worth 8 cents, : 10 peels if Extra Wide India Linen, at 6 cents, worth 10 cents. 10 pieces of 40 inch In !ia Linen, at Id cents, good value for 15 cents. Also , higher grades of India Linets. ' . , One solid case of Extra Wide Plaid Muslin, at 10 cents, never has . been offered on this mar kct for less than 15 cents. 20 pieces of Extra Wids Mull Plaid, at 15 cents, worth lull 20 tn 25 cents " rrjrard. M pieces of beautiful Cretm, 6tripe and I'crnian Lawns, at lOcts. ' worth 20 cenls. Elejsut line of Terilan Balinte, from 15 cwits, U 40 cents. To prove what we have said to be correct to Ihe U-Vtr, we onl sk the La dies to call and see lor tbeuseives. Kcincmber that we claim to have 5300 pieces of White Goods by actual count. This mammoth stock, and thisgrcat salens worthy of commanding the attention, not only of our home market, but abroad, we would there fore say to those who read this ad vertisement out of the city to write for samples and satisfy themselves of the fact that we are giving the vciy best value ever before offered in this line. We are now ready for business and a cordial welcome is extended to all. Most llcspectfully, W, P. ELLIS.

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