MBfcTM The Prohibitum Couveiition. The Weekly tccorder.r'?,1;? E. C. IIACKM3Y, Editor & Prop and xolens votENS, perhaps his ob- Indianapolis, In I , May 30.- The ject, m this supplementary epistle, I rohibiiiAu-, utr.;ais;u opened t is is ta place himself in such a position " iw-..vw . ... . ii people Hent- rorbalf aohouror tha if he should now be nominated ' ... - but hou, , in the face of it, there would no yell. - -i! longer be any ground for the wim- Calls' were ma le for the . National predion or imputation of "indireo '' f. , . . i . tears to fake the front seats upon the turn on bis part, as he confesses gt8ge, aml Grceu Clay Smith, of there would hare been in case it had Kentucky; Neat Dow, of Maine.; not been written. In brief, Mr. Jud3e Mack, of Pennsylvania; Gil Blaine by this supplementary letter, e wart. of Ohio john Kasst-l . , . , ' of Michigan, and John P. St. Johp, has simply BEHOVED THK OXLY IJtr of Kansas, responded, tho latter rt- pediment to his acceptance of the caving a second ova ion. - nomination in ouestion. It iamufih Mr. Dickie called attention to tho i - raicv OF SUBSCRIPTION t Caa Year, in Advance, $1 00 Six Months. .75 "' III I "" 'U Z7T, r"T"T"J ', I.' '' I . n' ' ' 'i 'i mn'''ml' DEMOCUVriU NOM1XKES. fob governob: DANIEL G FOWJ-E, of Wake. FOB L1ECT. OOVERSOB: THOMAS M. HOLT, of Alamance. ow eiaoi is w"b hux-ai ho V18JW3H3 &it ''03 AQ3W3M SltiSlYH 1.IIJ.UIJJj "!. V",). 1l, lMmi auiMda.il MViMIU lO iLttatnamoii&iiidtJ D(W M.11W .v ' ui.ti uoiai: HM1 fTuimni,iiJw:TO!l9tnr. n OUJWU1 PIU01,1 (in4UOUJ. juiirt II. uus'.MantMifwuijni mta m'.tw ntnptiiaMf fO uutliwiduil 01(1 puuy lauw uf FOR ASS T. JUSTICES SUPREME COUItT: JOS. J. DAVI3, , of Franklin. JAMES E. SHEPHERD, of Washington. ALPHONSO C. A VEST, -, of Burke. fob secretary of state: - WM. L. SAUNDERS, ofOiange, F05 TREASURES : DONALD W. BAIN, of Wake. FOB SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC IN btbcctios: SIDNEY M. FINGER, of Catawba. fob attobketoeebal: THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, cf Buncombe. , FOB ACDIT0B : G. W. rUNDERLIN, of Wayne. ELECTORS BT ATE AT LABQI S A. M. WADDELL, New Hanover. F.N.STRUD WICK, of Orange. FOB C0XG5E8 -4th ditbict. B.H. BUNN, of Nash. as to say to his party, "xow, if you faot that in the Providence f Goil f tlia ti,m.,;iio. a mini, flw nominate me, you will do it under Natfonai pfoh;biiiou tickets f ,t the such circumstances that, while no past right years had le'ou e'pttrud to man can justly charge me witu hav theday. while cf the lienoblxan ana ing acted by indirection, I will have Democratic nominees, for tho same I no valid reason for refusing to ac- period only four surMve.1. cept." . I An address f wclome utlivcml 1 he Kecobder is strongly of the by Colonel L.U Kitter.of ludiana opinion that he will be nominated pons, to wnicu sir. ue wm r and that he will an cent. isimunei. ine rou 01 Rtate was v I . 11 . , , 1 r . .1 . : . Icaueu lor ucwncrfutj) 11 iu vuuuus committees and a recces wai taken. An ample caraptiipn fund will b- iased by the Convention, lbe Ilou Bamifel Dickie, of Micbigin, wilt be contiuued as chairmnn ol tho 1 roh How We Get Alontr. The secret why country editors- married editors are such a jovial, and contented set - has been "giveu , away" by Mrs. Margaret Andrews bitio natioual committo. Oldham. She has written a poem I Tie Southern delec ites are nearly on the "Countrv Editor's Wife," iu solid Kainst woman su0.g3. The whchshe4ells the outside world T V .- I how we little fellows get along. We hdis, whose partisans certainly out will give our readers a few verses. I cumber the opposition. It js good reading. In many cases itistrue to life. The' author is an Fiendish Condutt. editor's wife herself: I One day last week, we could no II the editor's rick, oraway.or behind. rn 'ne " llme ael!nSJ 'r In need cfmore hands and more haate. Mr. Tom Thomasson. In Gran? lie She directs his wrappers m they can be county, uhile be and his fimily . ,ri ., . . . Vi ' . . were away from bom, was broken AndTOtos his leaders right out of her jnfft Kw Rmith ,nV , -1S ,;fl. bot?1 And willingly makes bis paste I Pegroes. who stole $210 in cath. Not I kfi..fin mraik 1A1 arait trtat. .t fi ru She reads the magazines, papers and L thft Urniu. Rat f)r lh titlielv Aa the cradle the aoftlr racks: I observance and aid of no h-r cd While the editor sita in hia easv chair. I ored woman, who saw the fire aril with hia fingers thrust in his tangled put it out, the entire buitdipR w uil have been con.unied. damn ana t.nt3M uor 'titttut unci 30 ttii'iuu M ! awuu aaaj a tum noE 41(3 tut juwiiiuptii ouajoot jo 3(o as nliffcn(utflt puwiiVtiaiig -tiaW fP'l pu'ttgjl JLIMU4UU1I(I KUOjMM IJI VWi v BOinapvinuwifl WWt atll ,( Jill Uii d IH DMltld UAml.rtl.irTvA9- JB1JX pUWwtmqT MB T, aiA RALEIGH HAEBLE WORKS. W an41 1 FrttTUIa Etiwt, t A LEIGH, .... . N.C. Branch Yard Laitt MM I t FATETTEVILLE, K. C. Ukllbfuotuntr of , ill kludu of Mlmnmenti an Tumi mom to Hrb. or Onnltaa, aim Cub trwiioriori'll kluiU l HuUrtiux Work.Uurbiug r.wu. hue, 8ii4, me. Wwrk Otltmnd t luarwt llipot IfM 01 OtMt. - Firs! Kali ail Bank of Durham Chartered Nov. 9,1887! Caphal SI 00,000! S. OARR. . President. I I.KlK D. HEARrf! Cafhior 0. S. BRYAN Yice-Fniidrnt. CilAS. A. JOI.DANr Teller. hair. She quietly mends his socks. :DirI30,370:F3LZ3. J S CARP. I 11. N. SNOW. ! J.T MALLORY I J. W. WALKER W.W.FULLES I E. J.P tRKIslI. T D. JONES.- A. U. STOKES. JAS. A. ttiiYAK, U. S. 1U 1 AN. A General Banking- IKisines Transacted ACCOUNTS OF BANKS, HANKERS ORPORATIONS ANDINDIY IDUALS RECEIVED O.N FAVOUABLK TERMS. CERTIFICATES OF DErOSIT, bevintr 4 p-r cent, interest, issuod up.u money to remain on depoHit wlih be r irt National limk fi or 12 tnm ih COLLEtJlIOAh made d;rct 011 all acma tie ruins in the Wmtet States, and reinllted for promptly at lnwet rates. PARTICULAR attent.oti paid to th; husiuesiofCirrt. iwuTfnt. T11H BANK, being rtc w ly o'saaiitcd, Is in coiiditUm iO(JikII ilus cf liinkinj; luMines up-'n aa fv 'ble terms a ny tu r Ln' t i ti e Mr BANKING SECURITY. Tha United Sut Cmnm nt rrur. thai a full statement of the Liabilities and Awe's of all NAtioua! Binka s!)ii b made and sworn to by at least three of the Directors ev?y ft w wet-k, and besides 'bis, BaukEatnif:eraietot at the pUaanre of iU";U.Vfirm-ot, hrxc duty tt ts ru u!e t tbitt!srIilT r xui.iliic 1110 u,v c. tljfivii I Um li ;nk. honce Natknal Bauk; afford a larger iu. asu re nf proUciion than nnyn'.tu-r Hankines'stem . CHARACTER ANDCVrlT L. The ch rae'er TX 0;)Wr., Ii ctor. id Stockholders of the Ftrt NatioMil Bi.k L l!ev-rv hiUrs:. a:id facb StcK'khoIderru undir the Ntiual Bank ltr, ieKu.ilile 'r d'mhU "ti e mount of husux k. o Itatik has more c'tvaclr of credit or better fruli- lie than the First National. WE WANTatbarei-f yur lu iue.-s. WeiIi it your j aironige We :aranteeeutiresatisf..'ti-miuNlllu:ius(a:rii'idtuvurcjire. V21 O.'Alld lerlytloM trpt on bAod and Mot le M fciOfu ujiom avplioatiim. UH AS. A. GOODWIN, - w , Proprietor, a at u tr vyy J.EXUM, Attorney at Lawf . Durhnm.N.CL Office in Wright Building. NS UAL MEETING. Pursuant to action of tbe Board of Directors of the Lynchburg A Dur hum Railroad Company, th annual meeting of tho stockholders will 1 liuid in the dike of the company in the city of Lynchburg, On Tuesday. Jane 19th, 1883, 4t3 cVlck, P. M. ' By ordt r of the President. . ALEX. McDONALD; may 1G lm Secretary. . I Then ahe reads the ad. with the editor, 14 oat 10 nna wnat eacn nas paid. "But theeolnmn ad. of the jeweler the off-spring of high protection; g0 he aays, "and the harness, and hu- and high protecUonis a chHd of the , a nt ,1 tT,fl Tbe STumlns Giant Trust. 1 be modern "trust companies are I aife were captared, the nifwoy found, and botb of fhein t re now iu the Oxford iaii aw.iitin? trial (jt their fiendish c induct. Republican party. Yoo doubt this! See how loudly the Republican party j has proclaimed for high protection wherever and whenever it has spok en. Some of thehih protection journ- A man near Vienna lot three Kv .mrh nf wbmn lift htH'ame " in " r." posscsedof a child and a mother in-law. tie was on excriHtur turcu with all. These ladies ut.'-il to ;u tt And rattle hia Mwinir machine: Shenaeathe batter, esn and thine. The country subscriber so faithfully brings, With a cheerfulness seldom seen Bnt ber life so fall of merry delight, ha8 one aura ciou a, aiani frequently at his bouse,' hire tjey came to see his chilJren; but the meetinss finally cul.umaU J in a eraad pitched balth. and they a'l three subia.tacd tbdr son in la s a witness. Tbe Exposition Cuimuitte's Tb Chairman of the various Com 1.1. tt. . Andpleasanttalk.andthnariDDlealonirlFairare reiuetcd to call tlx-ir re the trust a profit, then the pnee of The whole of each leiaare day. I ipective coruusiMees together f..r the that article or commodity what-1 Oh. who would change this sweet eon-1 purpose of making out tbiir work tent, I They will meet as early a piwaiisie auu HDime man irusiing uie, l gnj r cport at the JOlu! m-eling f " . . . . i iitn a iiMnniiLLrnw ui im tin i bl .iaijt . . . t I ror tiifl dipdImi woiDtn on ill uiii tnu i " tw - . iinnanman 9 1 f hn AV4t ArrAnr nr iha I : - r , : . als imagine tbej see aa argument in Though she ahare his ticket to circus the fact that ccrtaia articles can e Xo id nejrro minrtrelsgsy, bought as cheaply now, as at some I btie can t use lus railroad paaa! previous time. If the Government When time hangs heavy on his bands, , . . . i , She beguiles the boors away derives a per cent of revenue from with jokes and laughter, 'music and aong, ever the price of it may have been at some other time is enhanced to For that of a qneen of royal birth? Government's trust's profit. per cent, and the J And from this con-1 Ii tbe country editor's wife! All eye turn with interest to St. elusion there is no escape unless the Louia to-day. The National Demo tariff, is a "barren ideality," and the cratis Convention is in session there, trust a myth. From present indications it looks Are "trusts a myth? IS ot much. Lockbatt's office June 1 1th at I o'clock p. M.. J. 1 Lockhabt, 1'reM.j'nt, E. O. IlAtKSKV.Sec'y. Durham's Police Uecurd. Darin? the month of Mat twntv very much like it is to be Cleveland I nine warrentt were i-emed I r ctfrnre The modern "trust" is simply a mo- andThurman. The Southerners are commttuJ against th pe scc at,d UlliT i vui wvaa ? ra it wians ief of Polics J. A. Wowlall h peopie oy tne power ana m so- tor me hc ua mt icu vuuu. i k jndj- umj,,,,! Ul ,a, a yMi 0f ttete Linos of combined capital, and en- "Good Lord H exclaimed Senator! warrtnta. which wcra fr: Drutkcn rnrA i;fa r,:t;i for lb. Beck, of Kentucky "why." of course nets 10. Mrous . jsnjasRO and J " I ' VI I ..kin. it a.taiilt .! h itnrv lft nut v. - - - -1 aininj good under false preterm hrnwinir atones 1. larcenv 1. rtt-i twoit it around as vou mar. vou can- tuckv without voting for the old i, fBt ridin2 1, and st'ck running tn " . . In ill il f. I J 1 il . I . , TL. It.....'. ......I It.,.,. I, not tnaVe anything else out of it I ttomanr an inu manes giaa me awe a. aub .. ....v. . hearts of tbe Calilornians who were . :.a m . am first on the ground witn the inur Eehi w j. wyatt & Co.'a an man boom, Every one of them I get a piece of Lump Rock SH fir wear bandana in olace of a badcre. I tacil of yaor torws a '.d cows. Try )V The Protestant Methodists, in ' '"t'rence at Adrian, Mk;higan, , haye chsed their work and returned , to their homes. They determined to exclude women from the pulpit of il. j :; 4 . me ucu'iiiiui.uuu, a recommenda tion forbidding milliliters to cele brate marriage of divorced persons who have violated their marriage vows was adopted. It was also voted to strike out from the fundamental doctrines of church professions the . . words, "the h.ly Catholic Church,' and substitute "the universal Chris tian Church," so as to read: "I believe in the Holy Ghost, the uni versal Christian Church." The announcement is made that Miss Amelie Rives, author of "The Quick or the Lad, a novel which has received so many comments, 1 A u I Wow'l.andlTVill" Mr. Blaine has written another let ter in whith he says: "Assuming that the Presidential nomination could by any possible chance be of fered to me, I could not accept it without leaving in the minds o! thousands of these men (his faith ful supporters in tbe past) the 13 predion that I Lad not been free' from indirection,; and I it and you will never do without i. may zzujK.;m Adainistratsrs Notice Havinff nna.ifieJ as Aminllra willshorily be married to Mr. Archie A. la. Tencty, dtceaaed. I Astor. Mr. Chandler lives ill Parw. onM( all x-n.oos bidding claims Uiss Lives is at ber home in A lbe- tgtmi imt to prwent th m ti me, marie county, Virginia, busily en- D7operly notified, for paymeU, on or gaged m her hterary work. UAV. il.v lllh. 10. hcfnrft Slav May lltb, 1898. AdoiV. missionaries continue tn pop up here and there in North Carolina. With threat darinrr !,.. I have resumed their work of making) IIoune and Lot fur bale. proseiftes in nay wooa county. i , , By virtue of power cooifrrert in irtirsea &m. e xccuf d bf 5 Jo TheburnJngofaMisiiMippiPJyerlBrao'loBanl wif. to C. M. H i Steamboat causes considerable exdon, and ttanrred to J. T. Cateaby citement id New Orleans, Inst ihiak jths said Cv M. lIernd ;o; I wt!i nU, of tbe aitonishmot which Dr. Lee's I at public aucti-.n, at th Curt Uoue Jier Regulator has caosed by curing 1 d or, ta Uoriian, on Wclda?, 1 1, Dyipepaia, liillousnesa, Indigestion aotu day or jut e imn, a12M sna lantiipBuon, aon tail 10 try i nouae auu i" in t,ai, Aumain, nut Trial Bottle free. I side corporate Ifm'ta, and dccrib-i When pvpleauffer pain tber want! mors fully in H-K.k II, I'a?r s 4'7. it tl to be cored and quickly too, nothing 1 409 and 4UV. lermi etva. therefore I , IMF, 0i, ffa! pain, mice J T. t:TEH. WW I . . . . m i . - r could not accept it at alL 1 25 Onta. At Dr. Mr. Blaine having delayed the I CVs Drug Store N. M. Johnson Msy21.1888 MoriKs?'"', may 21-d;;0d 'A DOLLAR SAVED IS A COLLAR HADE." Each Formula Mikes a Ton of Fertilizor FOR- Cotton, Corn and Tobacco. Wit SALE IIV MERCHANTS and DHUGCJISTS. MANUFACTURED BY B0YK1N, "CARMER & 'No. I l and 13 N. Liberty Street, Baitimire, il l. " mp rters and Dealers to A jrriculturfil Chcraica's and Fertil ijr. E-tiaitc on private rurmulaa given on application. EoX BOKO. X. C. 8.-I.I. 131h. ItiNI John L Markham. Dar 8lr: Your late letter ot iauuirr ta hnnj i coiitcnta noted. I anat:r yo a foltowa: 1st. I mixed 20 l uli ln of rich lou'my earth to the ton. 1. e with qn'aatitv oi f)ic;i.icil re'iuijrod to maka a ton of frrtiliwr ' 3t. I niixcti il tuorongniy and cart-f tuiy, aud Ji t it atand lor 4 or 8 Jura, when it in n-ady for ue. It wight be uwd aootier. 34. I have nscd it on cron only, and without lrit'i'U I y t H txt!er thau anything I have ew used in tbe way of fortilu.-r. eontidi-rini; ttm prino. I nwil it in tbe hill, patting about two oonfultotlie hill, and it iiiakt tflni- corn ai inia rate in titj iuid innci; h pay men to u it, ery truly y jura, . JAS. L TERKT. FBaskxis CocsTV.K. C. Srpfcmb V 2M, IikI. ifewra. Uy kin, Carmf r k Co. Irsr 8ira; I bave nolic, .l riu'.r iiw'i.,. of the i rt;tiacr n pared by the I'llolue ForuiuU" ou cotton and tobm-co, and regard it aa one of the very b-t frrtilisrra. Notaitbittanditt tUo ..vr iir'Uim w nave uao, tne toiacco laoi cue aueand yclloan uin It on tlio hit) ' i.ii. HAliLET, Ijud Hale at Auction. By virtue of Mortgage executed to me by Y. II. llicka and wile, Nov. 2 4ih, 1884. 1 will sell at public autw lion for cash, at tbe Court House do r in Durham, on Monday June 4 h, 188, at 12 o'clock, ohe acre uibtod in Hicktwn, adjoining the land of Hawkins Ilicks, Martha Burton, and N. C. R. R., with two tenant houies on it- Said Mortgage la registered in Dorhni county, book 4. page 414 and 415. Also at am time aud place tbe interest of W. H. Ui ks. in the following tract of land adjoiug the North Carolina ltiuroad, n tbe aoutb, and S.J. f letter on the et, and Hawkins lick on the north and east. Tbe id M trtgago Is regiatere I In Dur Uam county, in b mk N,. &, page 150. U. U iTArruiNO. Mortgagee. Mayt9d,18A8. Land and lcronal Property for Sale at Auction. By virtu i f a mortgage execnteJ lomot yj. II. Muelds and wile, on July 13ih, lsC .rerUttr'J in Oranee r,.t in It j.l- ' rw 11 t .ill w " ' j r mm ' a 'W jfcj Spy m wa :!, at publie aurfon, fr caih, at 'tie Cimt IIoiim iJ.mr In Ilurbaro, on 9 - t I a . t. in. o wvuuatiiuv liH wav wi ayuuvi.lVfu. t It o'cl ick, 104 acres cf land, more or Its -, a 'joinirg Geo. Piper, J. ''.Shields and other, and partico- rly disrnNd m said morticase :trly I cd. I wi.I a!, at tbe same lime ind p'aoo, tl! by virtue f a chattel nortgagis, cxt t'iiud to me July 13th, ISC, by J. II. Hick!, and rgistr d in Orange County, io Book N, aKe 74. he bay nsre mule, 6 years Id, and one gray mare mule, 10 or i'2 jrar o!d. and one two bene wag n and harness. Terms rtah. G.C. FA RIMING, may 2, 1 883. Mortgagee, STOVES GRATES, &0. Tin oi3Xei333rLA.rii!r DUB AM GQOSS STOV J . - ' t 4 ... A k . J.. W.V.TV- V- 'rr X-"' - -' ; - J -i y- i This tovo has larco singlo oven doors handsomely designed, patent Alaska knobs, hrge outside oven shelf, swingirg hearth plate, large broiler, double fron sliding doors. The best and cheapest Stova on tho market Call and examine them. For Sale by J. T. WOMBLE, Durham, N. O.

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