Let Mm Wm Mra No Nssra Foa Taa Figmt, JixpasT, VOL. 68. DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA," WEDNESDAY JUNE 20, 1888. NO. 58 . NoinulliliiK More TI;ui lMciiay. . A word of caution to Durham j Democrat? ? It in well enotipfh to have a good head of enthusiasm, like j steam.' It keeps tha political ina f chinory ; in motion. : Enthusiasm is ' right and proper' in it place; r but that is not all, Enthusiasm that has not the element of practical work and produces practical revolt l a ;'.ho muc)i froth upon a las of . Wr or the puffing and blowing of a i railway engine whoa wheel revolve , upon a slppery track without moving the train. .A long campaign is be ' fore us -extending through a period ft more than four months. During i this time we must perfect a thoroli l. ...... j :.. t.. J.tti.'ix K.'pubiican TeHtlmoiiy. The Democratic candidate for the Vice-Presidency, Allen Granbcry Thurman, is a man of slirljugoualif ties and one every Democrat feed proud of,- He has. an irreproachable character. Democratic testimony a to hi worth and purity of record is abundant. WeHuallnot touch upon that but take Republican testimony. Coming as the subjoined quotation dA'. rom a prominent Republican it should have great weight with Republicans. In James G. Maine's 'Twenty Years of Congress' that He publicati leader speaks of Mr. Thur iii n m follows: His rani; ia the Senuto was es tablished from the day Jia took his .sent, an 1 was never lowered during . there must be constant vigilance ami Jt!l, .jt hmce. lie V I ft 11 .11 1 . . ... unceasing work. Thi i the object of Democratic clubs. Vote in the ballot box ia what we want abov all else. Thut is the the groat ob ject in view in political campaign organization. IS was an admirably disciplined, debater, was t in' in Iii method of statement, logical in hij Argument, honest in hi fi:ichiioii.. lie had no tricks in J:.-,i.hin, iiocitfhiihra8 to secure aiti iiiioji, but was always direct and mattiv. , Jli ni'iiJ wiu not oreoc All the dli.liv mill nil the atieei'twlcut'ied and cn?rn.ttied with mthtiVtl . : ' - : . . i- "i... :..:iZ ... ,r I making between this time and the f stents or with alaira of State lie firt Ti.es.lay November wilt ae-! h 'f . at,f1! J cultivaW taste j ,. , , ;iiuwA'ft tuiMd field. He was a f secure and tdace in the lollot box 1 Democratic vobn. Do not iniseon strae our meaning.' - We do not dis t courage enthusiasm and display but discriminating reader, and enjoyed ioton!y serious books, but incline! also to the liglft;r indu!griee of ro mauw a.i'i poetry. He wa pe!i ii v fond of the b&t French writer. 1 1 loved Moli.re and Kacine, and we wu.i to impre, alaiig witn t,conl(l fJ;Ju with MwenlynM.Btti,e the importance of making Jibe D;n-j hnmorou aceoes depicted by Ualzac. oanization perfect, and iring for j He took pi'aure in the dnmi i, and the enlir tidet everr doubtful ! 'otl to oimic. InW.Lshing- The New York ttVklv '..-, i ljHt :. f the theatre when a good piay wat to t.o pre.satHl or an opera in reply to letter from a nUa ib- bo given.: These tastes er charuinz it with h.conbucy in "j?ip'aM nde of hi nature and wereiti&g complement to the -npportmg Sir, m ft Unfl .,r.,n.vr ar.(i Xminls of the ivue, in plt vt Iw failure ta fultll iWu, UU ft'tirement from the Setf- aU hi tivil-aerrtee. reform promise th principal basis on w hkh the "rout iupported hi firs: c md; lacy thus detiue it position: "If we saw th wnallest chancAof, Cieve , land' being oppostsl by any one i who would farrf out or come any w here near currying out the pledget Cleveland made in lSI, we should not be prevented ly anT concern for - the taril from supporting Mm, be cause we know well that tariff re ' form i not w ith n the I'rt-xident'a ! r';ifh, whiU ctvil-acrvii:, r fvrm Hut we xe no pnict nf nnylhing of the kind. ln the prvwit condi tion of t'.e Kepublican partv ue mv no possibility of it. If the l.Vpubli- ran Cotnentijn nomiimtra a tit man it will be with the intention of 'Smiling him; if it nominal.- had oiu it w il be wil h the view of uing hi rloH.tn to di-uim tbf well known ffatureHof Jamet (l Dlaine." ; It IS f iid the that St ite Nati'innl I'auV of KalMh will probably br ! aole to pay (V) or TO per i ent. On i Satanlay IUceiver Dowd font blank checks lo the Comptroller f llie currency for the fm t dividend, l:i .!i i '20 ir cent. The check are to lw igniJ ly Urn Coniplrolli-r and r turnrdwhen thy will Ik iniincdi ately ditributI li tliecrlitor, 1 it the matU'r of public road mak ! ing Mcklenbnrg county is tkiua j Jthe b'ad of all otliercoiiutii' 'f hey , go at it in the riht way. Tlii. writer htw witnnl the jroc u:n wen the durable work pr f irmed. Mnkb-nburg i K.-lting lu r couulv roal in gi"! haie, and as t!i "ChrohH le" My, it will not bo loii i lforeeverybigroairin the muutrv U thoroughly grled and niaciMlimi.. oh The day of terphill,le)ru! t and rough road in il ckleubuig te ' fiwl dinappearing. A jwrtable ateam engine and rtKik cruxher iw par tbaw-d Batnnlay by the county I conimwionerg and tvillllim wek le - act up for the businesa of cnmhtiig rock for the road. It i worth while to work county road well. They arenotwhatthevouahttohiMn Iw. ham county far from iC A 11 b-r ayteitt of working them ahould be ' agreea upon. uie was a imtio.-s ioa m nis party a Ur indeed to the body. He left behind liim the re.pect of all with whom he bal been associated during bi twelve year of honorable ser Now we have it. Col. Dob Inger aoll, it i tmid, will present Judge G re.hama name to the Chicago Con vention. That he will give hint a good send-off may be deluded npon ; but a Gresham has been clargo with Wing an uthcit, will not In geiaoll't H'rformauce of thi friend ly cilice for hint give color ta the report Y ' . - Cki'uOj l .l-ir.(I. "The excitement" in Memphis. Tenn., '"i intene,"wc leurn. and "further trouble H feared' which :a tot mirprising, touideiing thut Kennedy I'ortrr, a sou if ex-(!ov. I'orU r, who w severe! v hot some week ago by Will IMiuimd, for paying' altenti'iii to Mis Edmund, having recovered, hi death, deter nitiwd on llond iv to murder Will on siht. lie accordingly H'iietl fire" on him in the atreet, and they ex- r handed nine aliot in all, Edmund luring badly wounded and I'ort?r ex- cnpiiigon hord.ujk. Two hours labr Alrnturier' Whit, the earlier of the t.'oiiuiierci il Hunk of Paris, Trim., was telling nliout the fight to a friend in llw lieet, wlwn Dudley Porter, the brother of Kennedv. h ipjning to p;s by nnd overhear- in;; hal be was saying, wa disxut-i-ib I with hi version of the affair, ami sought to amend it by inform- iig h;te t Ti.il a certain pagr in it w,wa "!-d li.'." White n ftiod to a -.j.t tliisa.fti'iidnient, nnd determins to itiw,'.1er I'orler for off-ring it. and accordingly hot him dead. We ought to add t l at the re lation beta cert these two gentU tm ti were nlmnly strained, ingto I'yrter'a having murdered White j brof her on a pre ions occasion. We ne.-d hirdly sny that li t!ie romla tmiti Ix loug to the first families in Tenne-re, ainl that the affair is gjeatly ib'ploml ' ! laun . j I rr. f. A. It- Hill ha Won r, elect d 1'rnritpal of l'itt-buro AeaI rmv, lie Is n griiduat) of Chipcl llil. a'j l is a fine lecturer. Two Hoy Drowned. . Orsenalioro Wui kmw. Charles and . William, two sons of Ar. Web. Ilasell, Were drowned in tumminga null pond, near PomoDa, yesterday at 5 o'clock, p. m. They were bathiiitr, and atermed into a deep channel, aud not being able to wim, went under. Frank Armfield, who was ot the company, and at tempted to rescue the two boy, nar roK'ly escaped- dri-wuing. The Bre8 of the boya were 18 and.20. The bodies were found, after diligent search, about ten o'clock last t lht. Much prai-e is accorded to Mr. Alti UUIfa for hi mauly etl'orla in rcacu iuj( th bodiet', be diving ujanr timet to the bottom of the pouda depth of 12 or 15 feet, and thus succeeding iu imaging thm to tue surface, llie l'ac whcie thes young men -were lr!iitu was known lo bo ilaneerous, and we Ic.trn that only bo febort a winVtioce a last Friday a young nu n wag nscu'd after going djwu Hie ermd time. More I iKlitiiio-; tor tho Start. Orw.utboro WorV tutu. Governor Hill, of New York, has signed the bi'l abolishing tianping for all tnur lera committed aficr Jan uary 1, and subjtiiutel death by electricity therefor. We never had any olyection to hangirg people on the gwun 1 that it w.. glow and painful, bnt tviHh- er becauik) tt look too long to decide upon tue executiontoo long to get the iioosa aruuu t the culprit's ueck. We think that Guv Hill ha made a mistake by pulling the Iblituing at the wrong place. He ought to have put awn f 4 in the bill of indict- meut and in the jury- hoxea and ia the prosecuting eflicers of the State. And we suggest that when they begin to manufacture this article the'y make euough to g ab round. , He Needs VYaU-hiutf. Ya, Fow.'c should mcut Dockery on the stamp No doubt the lUdu ealswantnc joint eanvasi, but if uociieiy is turned loose in tne State by himself, be will travel as an un UrriGcd wolf In big wool, and a yard wide. Watch the rascals. Talk about Dockery' not draw'ng crowds! lie u too tmart Tor tuut and we lay zive htm Fowle weather every time he attrmpi to air him-clf aud he will o iuto that old slick bole of bis pulliug U in alter him a some of our contemporaries would say. Just as l;srmlC5S as a dead lion ii properly wstcbed, just as dauitroua as a live one if let alone. I'ajlnsr ft Urt. ClwriolM Chronic!. Two we'd known your 2 men of this city, on Tuos lay gut toducusMng the Inna0ic action 01 tue M Iiouis con vcn ioD, in relation to the Vice l'resi :catl,il nomination. When 8 bet that Gray would beatThurmin, was of fcr.d and tpeedtly taken. .The bet wa clted yeterdy, tbe loser baviog to uek the white of U e and eat a louf .f rye br.jd within 3U minute. The victim was seen last nkht and ha tars t tl he ought to be f ostni v 'er uii'ttr vhe next alminwtratiou as he could lick a'l the pwk'ae stamp oed (n ('harlottce, after the quantity f aXumcn he had taken In, aud ur vite.1 It. Durliam Cook Stove. The lest atovo, the cheapest stove, the tuft durable aiore on the mar ket is the Durham Cook Stove, nade by the Southern Htovo ' Works at KichmntiJ, Va. If you need a stove, fl .wer urn rr iron bench, Ac, call on J. T. Womble, Dutham, N. (X (aampert t liiniiciitll), (VamH"l financially hsa no sretdy rcliv f, but crjinprd in the brmci ha a relief in the nse of Dr. Ilisgrra' HuckleU'Try I .oMial. tne (treat spt cifxi lo.' all bowel troubles and cfiit drca UilLing Mm f f ROYALKWf J . Absolutely Pure. T!iis powder never vsru. A marvel of purity, strength ami whoicginenrtiR. More ec muiiiical tlmn the onim:ir kini!., ai,l caniKH be auid in competUi'm with the tnul tilude t low tot, shtut el)(lt !nru or ph'ffphata powleir, . Utid only in tans. 1U)Tal Uakno I'wdkh f 'r., leoWaUbt- N- Y. il FL011 n 3Ssta"bliDla.ed. 17"7 fillS. 1 'patent kClGAM3RILL.KF3.t5 vnacanat CHOICE PATENT 4 PATENT iCA CAMBR11L MFEXOJ TIIH NATION All IIOXEL itanrllte, Virginia. This New Hotel is Centrally located near tna Uepots. HAS HtW FCRVITUP.E AND 18 IIEATED BT'STKAM. ELKCTRICJBELLS AND GAS IN Ha splendid Bath Rooms for Ladies and Gentlemen. II.? large. Light bamplc rooms Fr tsjmmercial travel' Icr. ,; The rronrieturs hare bad lone ex nerience in the Induces, and by careful attention to the wants of the traveling pubfiCsi ,e to mtjil r.r.d receive asbare of their patronage, ' YATES A RICHARDSON. J. W. GaAitiM. Thou. Rcffis GEAHAM & RUFPIN, Ami ll BT S AT E.A Y, HILUBORO, R. C, Practice in the counties ol Alamanc Caswrll, Drirhasn, Guilford, lixkingbits rersoc, and lyngtf $100 to $300 t.wii pr-lTna bac-a frnnh thtr owe bum will ! thlr whal tim tu th binr Hpr kodu tw; d jMntlly mpujt mo H.r.jouNsosaoo.. mjX4ka liMS.ll lUcbBond, V. ros9.it tin msm POMONA, N. C. TWO AND A HALF MILES WEST OF GREKSSBOKO, N. C. Ijoge Ifarii'. Iu hi Vinrt', rsys that the Democratic, nominee are a:mjdv the moiith-picees of Ihe reve nue oltlviraof the Slide, This H jolc No. 'i. Wbo is the fa her of the rev. emioays'eiu?1 Lope HarrU' Party, Whosunnoite.l thi system t Ijre Ilanis' tmriy, and they are audioes to get back la power again a.i their . nuuij cvititm' viiti'i tin em a I the tmblie pan. Bneii awni ns as ' be makes are a far from bcii ff true that erelong the false ahot will fly backwards killing ma uuge joser. 4 The tuain line ot the Richmond v Danville Railroad passes through the pounds, and within 100 feet of ibe office, relent trains make regular stopi twki! daily each way. 'Iboae intcroHted in froit and fruit growing are cordially. Invited to inspect this, tho largest iiurwry in the Mate, and one of the largest in tho South. Siock constats ol tipple, peacb, peer, cherry, plums, Japanese persimmon, cpricolf, nectarines, mulberries. (paince, grapes, tsj;, racpoernes, jfoosebeitk, currants, pie plant, English walnut, pecans, chestnn, strawberries, rosea, evergreen, shade trees, ic All tuo new and rare va- rbticn a well a the ol I ones, which my , new catalogue for 183 will show. Give your orders to my an Ihorited agent, or order direct from the nursery. Correspondence solici ts!. Descriptive catalogue free to applicants. 'Address, Pomopa, Guilford C., H.V. Ui'llable aalenen wanted iu every Conrty. Agool pacing cJiamlssion will ba given. rr.ay a it cyUJCLENS ARNICA CALVE TrtsllKT Rtvn in the world br(,i Rnre,l'krr.!all lUnsim, Krror S.rvd, Trt trr,tliii)nt Hands, irbilhSaiiw. Corns sad lCJlEAJBRllLKFaCQ VUUiAMSKILLiVif UU. I lULGAMBRiLiMFa.CO. to Qur'Patont Rollar Plnnre Are manufactured from the Choicest -Vhat Obtainable. 13ltimoro stand pre-eminent in thi countr; as a mnrkft fr choice wheat, and the su periority it these Fiours for Uniformity, Strength and Unap proachahle Flavor, has long b en aeknowledsed. ASK YOITR GROOER FOR PATArsCO SUITRLATIVE FATENT, PATAFsCO FAMILY TA TENT. KOLAS DO CiiOICj: FATENT, ORANGE GROVE EXTRA II ALU WIN FAX ILY, JdAI'LETON FAMILY. C. A. GAMBRILL MANF'G CO,, CiBce. 214 Commerce St., Baltimore Md. Reprtsentcd by If ORG AN A CARR, Durham, N. C. june 2 ly N0BBIS-& CARTER, GRAND DISPLAY -OF White 'Goods, Ibices and Embroideries. Tomorrow we will make a special display of laces, embroideries and white coeds of every decr"ition, in eluding many novelties nevrr belore shown in this market. Lace Floneings, In Oriental, Normandy, Fedora, l'i:itte. Vals. Client;!!?. Sivmih Gui- pure. Beige and two toned lpuuc in? from 50c ie? vard uu. o - , - rf 4 - Embroidery Flouncings. In Ii-dia linen?, cnmbiies, pique, Irish point and batiste in cue and two tontd effects. WHITE GOODS, In mull De Far is, Fcrsian J in, Eevidiaa Iiwn, Bulctrtan lawn. Vic toria lawn, India lawn, BatUte, Art d stripec, silat mulls, India linen, Ii.dia dimctiii, spotted naineooks, Joi es cambric, Fr n b lawns. Ac. 100 pieces lti -cut Iudia linen wid tteolHrcd during (hi week at Sk fU"' A GALA WEEK for buyers of white goods, lacs, em- roidcrie, table In: ns, tow. U, utii- kins, Mcrseille jilt. A sr.ecial invUstion is iver. to ev ery lady to tnaktt m a vimi during ibis week es many of ?!;e aowe gootl are jobs and Hiil'bc llWed S3 to 40 per edit below the market value. N orris Cartert B ALEUT It. . - . . N.C aplS-tf J at t 1 Vt mm E. Hardware for Builders Hardware forFarners Hardware for Factories Hardware fcr Evayledy Paint, M and Oil . mm is Some of the best aodcheapct 000K STOVES on this or any other market. IqTD m't fail to tto them before boying elsewhere, aug 4 Ion v Maxmi.vo J. s. Maksin Chapel Hill, X. C. Durham, N.C MAN XINQ MANNING; - ATTOKKKTS) AT LAW. DVnilAM.N.C. Practice in' State and Fedi ra Courts. Office riant building. Jobu Manning will be in l is ntfee en the 2nd and 4th Haturdavi ef rack TutfsFlilB mm Halaria, Dumb Chills Fever and Afrue, Wintl .11 .Skin EnirtiMs and p.itlvely cr, flrti: Tlilimiq AttirVs litre, or no nf tvinlnoL It Is irnarantced VUllCf JjiilUUS AilLuVAJi a t,lwm t nrfas mmt.fm.l. m m.-. .1 tKmm mM m.mtm. asnaiaal n L lMc2".e i.tpbos. . j mrV'mS'Ki'".rtV9rtVZZ? For sals LsK. Msiknall A Don, Durham, sah.MiM a i. r7 txHMM N u Mlirli I SOLD LYLKWVlir.Ul.. v i At- Chit M1 KOBEIITH'.N I.LOYD & 0.