LOCAL MATTER A largo i jml:;r of " ,,oBe Mr H. K. Da: i-1, of R-aboro. eo'd tobacco at I'.-irriah's wnel.ou.-e today. The Salisbur Truth, n wetitly naner adopted at th lat State As- i i . Al Kft I .. . J 17. a. .? T.oIkii oa silkier i I'.n I'i'eC rttURnl 'iu ' uemuiy 01 i "" ' 8 ' . . ,, official organ of h ord-r m North to $2.00 p rx cur, are now bung tent (:aroIini( Lft8 fome . .quarelf ff.r .... r 1 Vi'i n.r Vpar. cash, the nmocracv and raws HW; iauonsu in ii i u i a . v w i j - - i- - . , IUcoudku, UUr. to greatly in ercaae its circulation during tbi great h-u-l. it cii) I) art, political yea, hm .educed the ub seriptiou price to $1.00 to all new sub Bcrthcrs. and StatrUiek.c' i i4j Prof, and Mrs. H. W. p-gscd through Durham yt-irI y afternoon. Mia- Reinhart was on her ay to Virginia Spiings, to spend ihefommer. ami tbe Prof, goes to Tlic papvr wilUl-a becnt. WCBcrn uQrth Carolina. He docs 11 n ...l.unL.,. u el Oft nnt Know wneiuer ur b - toallofouroUBul'bcr.ber..t 81.00 comfl back t0 Uuiham. it they will settle all back dues. Be- fa nw fa ordtr f )r yoUilg aides a written guarantee will be given t( pj. j, 0;it lht.ir girU and prepare (o An tnnl. their Bar.cr will be dis- hit'un and watch the moon. . Atron continued when the time paid for ex- omers to us that an ic.m e t f he expires, No paper will be wit to ftn(j wiU le ttl0re ln! erest.ngtl.au the any one except they pay ch m ad one of Jm0ftry 28th. The diameter ' Ti,n Wkkklt ItFconuEitls of ihe. earth's thad iw will 1 much TIUVIi ' " . . ... ... !.. it,,.. i . .. ;. . i mr.rfr Hi mar. Limp in iir.mui ii:i 8 r.airei. 43 columns. from 30 to 35 columns of i b.. ice read log mait-r We trust oar old sub scrtbers will pay up nd renew for another year. ... nuuitvM county1 i.mo- CHATIC TICKET. r For the Legislature: JOHN T. NICHOLS. For Sheriff: F.D. MARK HAM. For Treasurer : , W.4L ROWLAND. Rejriitcrof Pjedi: FASCliaLLUXSFOrJ). . . Coroner. DR. N. M. JOHNSON. Kureyr: A. . LEATHER'. the diameter ot the moi.n, darkt;iuiij (, !mm at mlilnieiit when the tnooo ft l-.i rlicr ill the hoatens. an'l it will be via ble in tt'i section, Town CoiiiiuiaxloucrM. A nteetiPf of ihe town ommif Motura wa held Moulay. Wta, MaTnor tndere.l fin rchignalton at stroft ci.mmistioniT wuicn w c cciteI , J. R- Chrlitian was elected in h i the itrwitmn The Tax Collector w:is jiitructrd ii notify ail iaftie who owe town taxes, 'that thrta t n""t b l tiw the 1st day or Annual i'so: uiui a . . jt-... .1.,. I, a w.itl nan. on 111' 1 Kr I0!t aiavaj no aim i-iv coedt. clic-ctU unpaid taxeby tt m ordered tl.at the rezuiar intciiiR of the B rd be held the mi. . AiW J&?.lWk Tcnn.: Th" m st poiA'ct " hver m"dic:ne the world. It Rcciihi'-es tte c-.i-.ii -,'. parifi(S the blood, it'chiti .estho system, it poaitively cures in To the Juimtrs. PL'f.'ir iji, N, 'J , Juno 15. 188- Durii.g th-.- pa-t tVw e- a 1 l'av tiuo no drun.incia i i Urn u.'iu, nr ave 1 written h'ttors udvinim; tin: ruiiicrs to p ll their tohitcno. t'in, on the contrary bsive alviHtd them to liold ihtir. lo'iucc),' bidievjng prices would be much belter. It Lauurn- o:l t.ut Hi III; ingl.t !:! hv.n 'ret:" f t fanny.s will be benetuUd, i miy ine lostniouoV br d';n'' - wus my judgment, and 1 thuug.it it y duty. - I now take pleasure' in fiflyh', ill leairuble crades have advanced,. specially good to fine paahof:iny and hri).'ht wrappers, aua are wauiej x mado somft splendid a. 8 of lobacoo tt-d iy. J. A. Hollow ay, 1374 1B., i'M average, $u;.43; J. P. Rob erson, GG6 ponnd?, f 204 W. wverag. 83(109; W. T. RobrsiD, 470 pounds, S161.95, average, f:j4 4C; U V. Kog- ers, pounas, wt, avcr-n", $27.31); NichoU & . TUompnon, noundn. S227.63. areraze, -Ja.80: J HniDea, 70 ponnua, av- erace. $22.35; Dave Carter, 200 11)3 , $4352. average. $il 7; A. M. ar ren, 1179 pounds, $201.74, average, 82:'.22 Cutter are doin well, atso me liura anJ good ism'ikeia and Fill- tue democuats have a tlatpokm ers TIIK'LIVER-IHE KIDHEYd fJW Oaa1ii Cw i'EEiiiiiTo:ra MoAfer, Chattanooga; It gives tne pleasure to im fiirm you that my wife has b?en re stored to health bv the use of your Coca Wine. She bad been in very poor health for many i years suffer ing from Dyspepsia, Hysteria, Con stipation. Sick Headuche and In so innia. At times she suffered extreme ly with Neuralgia, and all the rente' dies used and recommended by phy sicians only gave her tciunorary re' lief. Your Coca Wine has done the conaump'fciD, hilionsncss, dyspopMa, fever, cbilln, bad breath, four btom ach, p;iin m side or limbs or back wx-tiw. ucss, and kidney trouble of n k i any torni ptcine tor an icmaie irregularities, relieving "change ol lifo" p riod of all danger. Pleasant tv tak. No restriction of diet tr li-ibit rexnired. !)M by all drug imtsat SO ctt. per. bottlo. Manu. facttued by Pcmbeiton Medicine Co., Atlanta Ga. mia-tf. Dr. C. A. ktyles, Atl;snt; Gn : "I have used your Freucli Wine Coca with marked success ia supriisousi tiveaeas of the mental faculties arh sinsr from excessive intellectual strain; also in i nervous headache and restlessness and insomnia of the no-called typho-malaria fevcr-.f mivfti. BRAIN! NERVE! NEURALGIA, SLEEPLESSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, HEADACHE, NERVOUSNESS, SPINAL IR XllTATIOK, PALPITATION OF THE HEART. THAT , TIRED FEELING, CAN BE ,' CURED BY USING . . PEHBIRTOffS WiNE COCA FOR THE OVER WORKED, THE AGED AND FEEBLE, THE INVALID THE LADIES . - . SPECIALLY. - It is a. Godsend and blesRiugr, o say thousand who have been restored i..'i..cith. Wrte for book of par ici.latf. H-dd by all drujrgUta. Pem Utto.i Mdiciaie (, Atlanta n mlStf. BUT ONE COXCl.UIOX. V. T. BLACK WELL, President W . S. HALLIBURTON , Cashier You c ;n now get your tobacco rea dv ami cume nhme torarrishB Warehoai-e. I will bavo no drum- merg to annoy you cn the way or in town ami hope vou will not sutler anv to turn you from my Warehouse I think I can do as well for you as anyone, While I cannot alwa be at mv SYar..h')U-e when you duve w. I will be there at sal1 time ami see 10 Bank ' TUAT ih kot ci:b equivocal Kuipm Oil Tlu. Democrats will review calmlyMie work of their national cuiiventton, and ask whether their party is nearer or further from the feearts if . Ameri cn voters. It wiil b Lurd It main ain calmness, for every action uf the convention, from Qist to Jast, was eo Transact i manly, so wise, eo democratic and 6o ill con cool scruti I I 0 I I Capital and Surplus urham , $loo,ooo! Specialty. MAIN BTREF.T, as cu ' i n,i. '.tHiril" in tin the ick liat. Thn rain wai A welcome vis tor this aftcrr.onn. Mr. T. II. Martin an' daugh ter, arrived to day. Mr. J. F. filsusiUcr Jr., of U BaviPga Bauk, U in Lj nebburg. Mr J H. Al'en and wife, art 0 headache. on a visit to p Invea in letvn. Mmi. W. A.GnthrU went dowo to Sanipaon cnunty to-day, oa pra fcasional buiiie. W are clad to l Am lhat Har , ey and Om-ar Dutharo, are tome- wbt better liy. Mn. Ilajwood .ndiea, who van sick to h'ttK, I-,1 on l),e 8 h, and was buried jesterdny. Mr. 0. 8. Wat's. lhtllnior. Is in the cUv, vVtiii.r his .n and ilaughter, Mr.O W. Watts an 1 Mr. L. A. Carr. Mr V.une Ftrron. of i.tu . ... . , r it lhat vou cet fuli prices. My Uc- torv require a good leal of my lime A.nerican tj,it eBtIiulaa wil and attention as lam nowseliini . .. . . " ....i in f&ch I tob:wo as 1 did at Crt. I am com- ny. mlled to irive a portion of my tim to Cleveland is renominated, and with Ii. .V. -a V. . L r.l ,.., ..!.. ..LLaaavM......! 1 II. ami A CUlllUV OO U UOtU liimn av I I i I III la HIC Ultai'Sa Vl mwiuw oviivoi ' ... . I ... . a i rta.a-.irw- llitt(rs. H i- fame time, I fin oe hi me t LHrarats. cicveiauu nianus lor ,.. . i.. : , ... I u'nrohoiiMa at salti tiuie. which is thi 1 the rir.rest. most armnble. most ecou 11.11 rnui'ij " o I .f...ra Tani.-lr L.m,,.r.t -.!,.. Ja.i.t-ti.,,! tK i-,mnfrv h 1 Ban.fF nn WAftEUGl'HK. ARKETT l-ai .avn Hflll iO limliT II VI BH!U rg IIUVVIHIII. HUD l.a.aaa. a. i ..iai,. .a-J -j- T- ' ai unlnaH npd of tiii because I hear some drum- Uiad within tiie memory or the maior- ILaric Bittl rs fine ihe same song of mcrgtry to umj thi again-t n o J hy of voter. Ibiuman stands fur i ....... m.,'i..in .1, not know the fanner caa seo thrUL'h ..i.p iu..n t monon ,ly, i r the right 1 '. ' j i. : .r-.tl rt A.i nil khU and luilv tPDitciate llie fact, li t the ChiiHSft j .cs'iou. f-r hatred of .i.-. ta A Kioi-irie liiltir will tbi.t f jr a warcboUeina!i t-j h ve a I fmu 1 bv 'uui.s.ver committed, for t 'ore a'l dimawi of the liver and kid factory that usrs upwards of lulf a iuv n.igh y Iwti'e of D lojcracy wag General Bankin?: Business. Collections a Accounts received on the most favorable tcrm3. . DURHAM, N. C THE DAXVU.iaB FIltE. SSEta I.ISO & VO.'t T03ACC' FAf TOffY, I BIt-IDKS TITKTI r.UlT.IlN'33, 5 C.S-UMK1. - .- Cof. lawlJrg AdvAO- r ANVttf.K, Va , Jul J 0 A treire n- The following quotations are indi cative of the Dm ham market. SMOKERS. -.n .,...., n nmle. hoil. salt million ixmnds of lobacc not only ed f r years again ' be most, p.wir . f ci miiir! c n.r about IHT'l av.v.v, , , . - . .... .. ... ... . ' .,!'" - - rhcim and other a!l.ctiDs caused by nquirea a goou porwon ti ma nmc i mi c pis i iM.u.iii io.v, iintur blood Will drijtj maiarul out is an aovanir.e 10 me laiiuer. i cieiory. jj.-vu nrv u-.u t.. L .i. . .nl nr..v.r.i a e!l I keep troed otd polite cierks who land as brave to the nd and erdow- ugni'iw-- r " I .. . " f. I :.l .i -i, i.,u ,...(.. .ii . t--.1 r.,-. ro i'iif oiire I wi I fe vou tahi-n car oi. aou ir4u- i ea i n tuu.vi out uh w" uv Common, Medium, (rood, Fine, SICOto $400 4 00 to 6.00 6 00 to 10.00 10 00 to 12.00 act ua busir.eM and kwuracv, and ub promptness 1 1 wi.l be on sate a .... .-. a ,..........lf.f iaii a aaat.iv liar a HHiu.tiauaivMi , , ,, , nntrn ua ran ia I rtnrtni a I iit'tn r Mr. R.ll. B.Kae, ot tbo oi ., ,',. ... ... t ,,, ,. . ,., . 1.iilur lVM.ne .t Stru! wick, crunsei j.-r t f . . m .. lMjepcai Yoik br, Joba Jo;. of ' i hop.. it eljll go Lighw. il,.niu, wh.e . MmmoM ana m-ury w.i.r, . c Tli,.re j9 roOISI w,, mnM frra.l,. 0f character are more Dry wi ii-iw in j i You ill kn"w me. 1 tave never lie.1 upon, ilieyurc ldi.! . went down U I.aie'gn jesier- . , . . , - i , - , t i , a , . . a ,. I in.a.nrti If anil in-riiwM """" rv-!s ocitto'.s aiad letters fiom Jude.Ma-nimon and Solicitor Stray- horn, a-iking A cotnmu ation oi sen teuce. The raavter has cot jet been di:craiiBc(, bjt w leain tbt tie GivernorV sii;Tge?tion were vrry f v-jrabl t the priwi.r. S 'licit r S,rvboin ha di-oven-d a le'tcr aeil f.r vou as anv one and wih be triad t.i Soil vour toha-c ). .With thnks for past lavora, I am lour friend, E.J. PAnRIU. 2 a. m nouri. . Prmrs' f!in 14V Ul'JlI-arp, V.:aua..v a .-- Warebaju.' a c- rctr f Ution and n?nK .ir. Arii'ilt. Snelling &. ftriid warehouse ou Higu street, x v. ' a a -4 I nV. I storhou:-on cuioa nri "IWU , Common. n ...l j rehouse, aaa an m UVi, aw - , icIi.Hnii( at and Rtr-nr.b I ainl!or out buiUim'a. Bla l-s'.wn n:m .o i . i 11... iitiiixarailv ru. I a-.. a.t ih wuri li.iUWJa l.v rti u .... ... m --j llCUll.t v k DilllvralK. Lot I imii ia Vstimatt-d at lioariy a ihut ln.lianeti.1dnu I n.i artt.i jf a miiii-an 01 ois, m b dor.-v t heui. Ihty ari ii.deim.dent lclu,'.it!g the buildings and tlioir con- e-ioU-b l discountenance lao in j-I ten's CUTTEI.S. proiiiisa. avonl" tu tianrers, ;cciv es uo frit-1. on and dinnppoiuis no sup- no two men Democrats or Ke cuts or Prohibi Common. Mtdiuin, Good, Kino. Medium, G.o.1. r.st.ra. StalUou li.i n 1SS8 , . a k Oi'U k ' s UilJ v' f --" - ' r . i w i rtf nv i nil rfriiiciiiifw riiaiK: niioi ;. intSneitv vwilinz retatVa aiwi w,,rtV"V' .. , point, iimmwi io iooi.i -t I! iSoSS haV ?Ut recovered 'j! ''" 10 firtt dro. B7 C,,f kfmtVrih. .r..nrr. Ihe i.a.ious a c that AUJ, by iWlnivut C4, 2rd dm Ua.v rrom tt.e 4 n. wiu bs commuted t., u .yChitf,sr.ii of Maiu. Wstfrm(hHiireriringl !ril;U i(1,rrinine.tiu the IniKntiary for bril chi f 1', 3rd dun by Pilot, brink, and tha uin f th lack a tirra of veari". .1, 12 Or.lccra l.li-4 tril. r..1.1..n I. nk IVH if . .'. n. O. F.. borrie will n W'Pd Lttlo nigV mouth . . -The Firi lUptUSupday icb !"I plcuicatll. '.MxiroTt'U'Hday. I wdl no doubt b; a plfanre ou-(ve:.iaWe to them to i t thi- anc eut tn. These ar ulfrV dayi; I'mft makes on Vel l.ko his life aMonk. Webavehnn won-N ringif thus is any 1m that could Iwatlhui r rord. Rev. T. . M. George, hi if and Uorbii'lren, lfi ywierdsy f trnnn for Hukc cun'y, thry wdlsp'-nd A while stth" char . ing bomeM Mrs. uaiuwn. Henn Chsv'n, ivi'orrd, manes, a r -ol farmer, U here t but iiys hi- hMiifH a.dd any tb.u io Durham line h went dnr wilt not, nniil the g-s wet again A iinc ial frrm Ahev 11 ll'.l.,aa Ulntr! ttro. itlrt rllUf l . T ,,.la. I'u 1 n n. I tu..uctit I l.n i" foi 'rcL'Mti n will AtUnd Tri' to i. bilking in that .ctioi, and uy ChurcU lo-m rrow niht. heat .t. iA li.rs ara wit out f r him. lUt erri)"n. and give lh? tomp my Wixulford Pil-.t. ire of B- lfor l, Z yfll. KnT Mhlfc", Sf J.lnhlroticl Htj :.n ui clomi'd takes of Democrat, bat are tho far oiite of their partj. Tiwy nretstroug everywhere and would b nor defeat. ic'ory lhy wni adorn ny applying more iiroi-t.tely ti.e fU-ruul prioci pl'8 f lha jurty ihe.v repref.euL i ho piHtt iriu M uoi once equivocal. Thcr! ii in it a R avvr of .aufirnew. It p';uiies nili.ing the party Has wit 1au s.fiv ng in tite fight i l all nan !o ai'coiiiplisli- ludo iit the prtbi deM's f'lagc and lh (li"i!,of D. w t-rats in c..!ir s, th- taritf p lioa is as char a tho ev .H' X tlr Tin ti.tu.ii iiti of D i'bao, bight ih'cte 1 tbe f'- in 2,251 ana ws sired by W.df.ird p.(J,cy u as t Tna fi e oriiinitetl in n houw, but in what maimer is not as cerJa ned. Oiie of the war. Imtisc clnikswis Sleepinj in tni? mi"i.rg aud wai awakened by Ihe flames wiiioh kid already mnde lrrosi8ade hea Iwav amoc? a larg s lot o? st.ivc, empty ho?she;.ds and lika irfl.ma td n-.a'eiial rtP--d " lb wireVm-s. In a lew m nutcs the c:tire bn'h'iug wa iai A mi's ,;f flainii . i h 1-m..s ind ir.siir-itiria ere a f.'.l U'atf h.uu - biiiM nr. valin d J.tKM.1 ii..irr.i fur 213 000 It.! I.'.n7.l the CiillLM? oi IT. ! J'' Common, Mtdium. ware-. Good, Fiie, F.mcy. , $11. to $15.00 15 00 to 18.00 18 00 to 20.c0 20 00 to 25 0 25.C0 to 35.01) FI" ERS. $3.00 to $4 00 4.00to 6.00 COO to 10.00 10.CO to 11.00 WBArt'EI.3. $15.00 to $18 00 20.00 to 25.00 .50.00 to 40.00 45.00 to CO.OO 70.00 to yo.oo l.tii.i;c Uuion a;.d tbe Sn!teX deiM J d, of which Colonel lowing ofiiix-rs f r tnc nifuiug Jear J. A. ltoot. N G. W.J Freeland.V.G. . C. U. Smith, It. . ll.rnce Brown, F. S. D L. Xauf.sau, Trcaurer. Millirtry M4tt-r. , The Durham L'iiht tiifantrr i'l diill to niuht and it isearncv.ly re niiMi'J t".at every uiember li' can 1 ... a a .. . - -..... 'I-,... .....a- ponut iy o ne prrw'uw lu-m -i-r nl.'ht in Tiinitv Church, the . . . ..... r If l iii a in. ncT. v- u. Mml.ruio 2 vH. sire of Ahlv,tt.f,rd Uaiiia.ttiti .n sro unlitl i ii thesirot e-1 v.. Withers t x -rnior. , 1 1 II. .V..;. Il.w!l. v '2 I'll. Pan- I .,.r la An ax.ni! al.lrt i.i.'i..n liVy. I Thn Klo, k of t thalcC in tiie Ware t, Ula .'""" ' J -l--.,- rail...... r . - (I'lMlnl ciast 2.21 , I'-onvoy 2,i'-i, d scen Uhu auiucd, am a firm j.urpoc J homo amoOidc 1 to labout - ;-i,i.' o or . . r all. a-C'.-in :ivi 'i 'Si. oi ion uc . a.i i i iantM -.n ari ms m rtlii s Tbe curage iu conviction shown In .,ih.f i 2:ld lui. whose uem was l'.runa by Pilot, dr., ihv lire of the dam of Mud S. 2.081 and Jay Eye J e. 2.10, the two fastest tnttrs that ever liveJ. - Belmont, Alexander, Abdal lah,15, slro i f Gold-.tnith Maid 214, itamli Mltha bcwl f "W-od-burn," tiie yreal bredirg miablii-b- menl of A. J. Ah-xandi r, oi j-xine o rr!erve wh.it is left of ihe public domain Mr actual seuicis is reamrni- cd. f AUJ'",pn lu' ' ; V " to.., Ky., and is the ire of aVetw.H..I. ii. ii ill nraiai. be unntial sermon. I , . ., , n..i. i ,.,).,. """ I"' 1 1 1 IMi. MCKIJwWOOa, af.ltt, I'ira om ' UJ I VI a.,l.aa, aaraa ..t.,I lO b OH hand I. ?.... ,. ".., V':: . I ntom'.nlv at 8 clock, in fu I drrs , .. ,, , ,..,!! ,n,i r.in "ul ...f. m TH C -i nnnv exm ru to ' r" . ., (1 Tl .,...,. fC.eiv in f4 2.il unitorms hy I n- .. .. h M.imhri o t.tes ItUvbCil, sad will h.v anottur , . . , ., ,SJ rnrlatiill. Thi P.K.Mr.iigU h X? lliital , . , , lBl.il 11 WW lll.il. I ,., a . f .. . every act of tiie convention was par alla'ed bv a haniir-nr which a?.urt a irf..ct iiarlv rri:sn aition. benatoi Gorjran and Ha-r.ry Vt atteison atiMnl togtlbcr ts uhampi io i t tnu p a'. fotm. Tlef i-udrf Gray, DiaVin 4.H. and lil. ck io't red ia lh- enthus- a . a in-n for tho nsndnn' and pie.ige.i n inm at d vo e iii ihcir States 1 r t'lcvtlni I an l Ti-un-Hu. S -a roh the pnH'tu g of the con , r a. l , C , OOaajltl fl WPHU 1 gCntl'lll. The Carr Chi:rcli Sunday sdool "'v'.1 ., . ill picnic at Oaf.ud s. 11 h the Kv drve ti. .The . ll fi i.nt a edd ol. rveu 1 .i....i,.' ;n,r.,,a mlin -a i Ii I . .1... .i,,., tl.ii hi-n rcr.ir.U of 2.14 rhran imitation of Dr. Kitta' Ln,l La-iicc all but one l.avu bit Va. liifacoverv fir Conunijuton. 1 i.il. wi new road i completed; being the f rt to travel over the n! to oar np'jfii b'Hiiig to H'ey will p"d tl-t Con jint l'i a happy tiHO. An i'.d cdiion wai watchinu the thtrmomW, yet'rday, be said he would not rilis an hi o 11 fi-ohngii nor iucoiisidi-rale r pt-uti n Of hi Miuw man, but would n ,(.av r to c -lUetihe teitimony frm that a-uue ai d then he wiuld kt(.w wl ( riof b iple " Mr. ( ha'll Hmiih, a nn of our L,iinin. Pr. I V. Kmlih. writes m1. itaa .1. larr-inl tair.fi Itf 111 If a! t'aa! Sfl I i;,.r in ll Throat, hwsz Tra! bo ihs Uiiiveri-T At Hall.' f, hot up cli to J j;'rkn dl l drug s'orft g' t lVil n in a few wwki. - II e Eecls to t!vcl thri oh Gi-rmaiy niu! will' rUi.al and thinks it quite ro tul le thxf 1 11 wdl aU viit ft. ton l'aii n 1 Ixrulou rifi.ri rettirtaing ftl'.il flVa" Ahuatider's AWaliab w aind by Hsnihl-binian, the sire of Dexti-r, '17 a-d f jiir -tl.cr tr.itli rs in 2 .50 lit?, whnu soi.a aiid UMighters Iwye f-iv.-ii 10 thf turf ar;J7 in-i former" in :.( liiat. Mm bhml ii huind i:i 50 You cannot KlT.rl o t timn in ...,;,. t oftlltr-lters in the 2.20 npi-iinient h' your lungs are In ui j;, C4 pt-r cent, f all iu t 2.1 H dn'-ff. i;oi.sumpi"N aiwa.yap'm-1, 1,4 Uli iu 0 pr c?H. 01 nii.1.1 ivi not j-iTfr.ii 1 ,tnft ptur.lsi l 2.1or water, .w,m Cuy;hs snd C"l'l", but bfiure t p'! thfj jjrniii' c. B,cii'? h c-u nmlie iin-ro profit he may tci! yu-i be liai .i,i,n Ii..' Kiflvl. rr I'lt the Vtii.iritaa.' j-.-.- - r, w 1 1 1,.11't h.i r!i uivtfd. hut uix.n r eltirg I'r. Kif?' S Diov sir. whir h is c.iirai'eed to give r?- ,oo con p-uii bo 1 ,w.,v . . 1 - I I,. II of 1 1" c u.ntry. .vesirs rf, w-i l itiY!r..nrlfUrS'tI the wsrc ax I - I ,, , .. hllllaf?. I.fa'.t Wll!t tV Cllllfl "IUII ! oo:i.:i." ofmsurit iMS on fun sl'ick .....r...,.!i aid .fi.rod y thctn ir. ik.Sf r. t. u.p ai d it ia inid tUt iheto rutin ir pl c.e.' wi.t ueany covir ti.e !.) of the tobc I'e-srs. Arnett, Sueldrg 'A . ,hal brtweeu 22,tKj' n i w.v,v t rianiifictur-d toba-To in liC.it (.iforr. nnd sbont ICO.COO m-st 1 iao.lv an. I examine the n.t of liifin 1 rocs f nunnfac ' . . II----- - . .....11 Tl..- pr. bi.ti;ui.i- most Lct-My; itiecnciu I -nre.Fav 4t!i) wj v.u nn in hi. j ...hi U ih .1 CKvolmd a I Thi-.rmiin .,..,1 tTj.nitO Icnuranc on thtr stock ill lm cla-oU.l. Nothi.'il but an Ata Un.i m-chinrv. which mod ini; ofiblo c-diiiiiity i-oii!d throw j eoer their iois. The f.ctrf build v"U a'douhtou thn ri!uU in N j h csicrophd hy tbi firm. l ' wWb veniWr. He moie impariialiy lrhi-i aro t.', wera nwut-i 'v ' r- I,!-W fcBir... Cai." t'liew, wM.-h w:ll nearly c .'ver his lo. tiioro u'n t'c (xainiMAtion, me rn-1 1,. Arntiv who Sta I iicr will Ik- Ueinocratic taitli i.n A iw- low ti.Ki.rnco n .iii..t-ti di f at 9 deceive that thtf exist me of tbiit rarly caa be pr l.i.iifl otlv bv the prcaeuUtton l ei.tiitly new !sue. and belter, llllMfd. Wiih tlusc ffcU h a nui.le il, u rviu of l'l'ot 1) lumnt until Aigut lt. b the J uUie at f 2 ) 00 for thn siiwoii ami $1.00 t'i the . 1 .... a . , 1 .... groom, lie 11 iimn-u, n'lwoer, t n males and will nuke the acajou T. 1 ...r'. at la Va-f 111 hfC ! a'l t .! It in aua. vn... ; , Pif-ct 01 airs. vivLinn ..;,. t Ihp lllUt'.... hilt I I;'' JMUIU in ra ji;m.-.- ncx t) lue 1 in . in i f rin in hi C The Ciiinp-'ncu Opened. Detroit rret Vrtm, At the Detroit and Milwaukee De pot yetcrday a knot of waiting pas-acni-ra were taking pol lies, wh.-na youna man with a crap band on bis nhite hat tMce up And said: Whar' wa Uaimason? Yes,' sir, ahr.r'wi A he?" ' ..ivK.i .1.. Pa'1 me iia?' atiked one. . aiaav ..- j w - - "I mean that the Republican par ty nominated Uarmdaoii a. l.hicago. He is a good man. Victory will pcrbh upon h;s banner. Bt you $10 vie ory will," ' , m Y.'S tir. I infan itainson. Man eavs I dou't mean Harrington lit-tl . . .. ;n ...i. t.:ot man. icmrv wm pciuu. Can't help it. Bctyoa $10!' "Aruntyona uuic lau. quencu one of tie group. ,,,. sir! niiar- wa- ciccianui Good nan. Nominated by exclama tion. Victory will perch. Bctyoa' $10 ho will. -n,i vou cican Clevelund?" "Yc?, r, mem Cleveland. Ary man whn ways I don't tcean Cloelun hag.,tti lick n.e. got fci perch. Must perch. 1UA yea $10 ih'li perch." , hich aido are you ain, nut how. asked a wee, , . .ye,, air. Whr am 1: a I. .... . I a.....U aaft tllA. Alut perch. (Lit to li rcti or Aid aa a policema.i ha m ntiruest: -Whar' ami.' 'ResMl by cxcla mstlun. IU J'll bet the Judge Vict f rv vrhe Cau'i bc'p tut pe c'i. " t . .... A 1 . ... A S at mJ t.if s alt tirc-i oui anu j:" i r v . kd him off lUh Lii win and AUClellauI' l SLu'vi We. and Chest f o ' illt!-Ul w-- B. CAMERON. Htactdle, N. C- raairtbiiiukf,' Cnnadrt. IVI.UVUH ()it. J!r 9 TA U ft-t shock of rartlopHi-o ws fU Li ra- ub uil 11.15 l-t idgh'. It a W I ... a t I a- .at .. 1. .!.... at. u-.: I., s. ....... 1. .A,.a ,.a. u br a ou 1 rum 1 ft nifl'it'in, tr. bniiiiiiiiii.ii( - - . ,. . 1 l 'ri..- jl .11 .. . 1 .. . ..;.. 1 1 i tt fi'It at Madock. Urat mil. hi m kii a.ii.iKiia r urn liiw. .1 I u m. aaia, a.,.?.- m.- - - . A" I i pie bet fur him a liniinoUi jTtd and VNorkaorth, ' me, . labiatoneiuiattlA. I jctoun In mtoii. From A special to the Charl.itte VfitVHVir, we Wn that A icvcre norm of wind and rain pi c.l ovrr ill1 oVe visterJif evmiug. Tre imr-hit- bhicft) fuloiy of X, T. Co- Was unroi.fed, and .1 a . .11 a .1 . . ... l....u..,a .A ,lm,a 1. tl l.lhl"ll 1 1 ICUv Ull " t'aa.a.at 1 an aa..a. ouildiDgi by fallioj trcci. ' . . ... ..... ...... - . . 1 t... . eoroti 1 it a-ii ia; K' " - -i:.bh t) O-fUMO 1.1" mid fcw.M.iii im vi n. ,.v. ,v.! U I wi'.lbj h',t .n ctvw V ..r uore!'1 I n. t car tt)' pi t'T. Ilechan lift in m'1 (.! tcrnl li e Wn; 8 t' crat 1 tu. rtcfd Couij-Uineiitary. Thn lait i'te of the OA Ltf, f Oak lti.k'0 Inli!ue. conti.ins the fol hi"in and nif niio ol younrr, lany itt'ibis 1 lace: '.Miw L isie Harri. . .at. . a , t . . .iMi-a-titrrnf nr. i. -tarrii, 01 . a ..... a- , .. Durham, h". r.ventiy reiurneai irom 1..0 Wmtovno. Ffiualj In-.i,tilf. at .... 4- , - ... "a .'a .....t aa V r.tafll aa. 1 Wit It 1 II t .-H.il. ., M . .,.. t..r Hafri.'.'. Il Clitlt lll-miM. ailO Wi ll I'.O HO'lIti lilt" ll"" " t:l IIWIP r..r l...t scholarship In German, an i m tho lAinw q ,"ii l ro'umn alo tor impr f7t mint and i metal .t-It sbfort.ia.iid- t- ,,.ti, ' he a'S, i-ii:nc(. in mti-jU'. Tho tlr.t of tin w "Pe j I t.ul.-:ln th (lf j,,..,, mrdala i a ha" n.itr C'a--m ler-1 --iti it Tm uo ' h ( hiioe o'lca mio t't' of ari'ir", at.d thn cu. I a nilhin th? Mat 1,11', 111! lipiiiMtnl c mhioa'i u in which nn 1 i.i..n, f .r no j) CVi.l"a'4. 11 ..i..r.ta.l l.irn m tl.ti rlin'l It.-ur.'. lie !.re lii't Pl)d .i.h f..r i Linii' mucl ,i, .v 114 iii hrr fbaisi a f.oH. th .t of teftcljllj." . ! "'Wt..i knv b i iUrrtst.inl6 niar ItbeV. pi ! t'i cat fy ing as w i ll abandon 1 ia Wt.'st ra pBjer relates this par I ,!(. : A- revivaiii-t reauested all in la . .. a .1. lata!. I ttaaatr lf.(J CIl'J.n " ra' aiaava. d. b-sM ri?o. The ri-inj was gen. t-ral. After they had taken their a IJ wi niAale for thosowho d d not pay tLe:r di tt, and one soli trrv indiviJoal arose and expluiued t! ait he was an editor andcotild not ii it l caue all the rest of the com ' . r.. 1.:.- .1.. . ...I. st rlption t'lhis pspor. Tt, Ohio firmer lave lt!;un to a .a. a..I. k.A.n.!...i ft l'H-IDB'lTes wuvnirr j'ru.t.'.iiim protects. Thw is A dargcrous perwd f.,r tbe glorious cause of protection, to thsj tnotiopolibta.