. NORTH CAROLINA HEWS. JOTTINGS ASD CLIPPINGS FRO OUR : STATIC EXCHANGES. ' 4 nnnthtt Lillad noar Tilnnlc Mouutlin, N. 0., last week, Mr. John E Igar Carter, a mostes timable vounsr man of Winston, died on Haturday afternoon. Aged 29 . years. - - The people of Dunn were frighten ed at the siirlit of the firt colli q that was ever brought Into that town the other day. Says the Wilmington 'Mensenger : "Cent Fteelaud, of the Durham Light Itantry,acted as drum m.ijor yesterday (Frid-ty) with great sue ces" The Shelby Aurora ifts Lincoln ermntv farmer baa a 14var old daughter rejoicing m 240. ba. ,'. Hie nearest neighbor has a daughter six teen yi'ars old weighing 230 pound. 'J he taxable return of Charlotte, according to the Chronicle, show that the manufacturing corporation in the it imv taxes on property , listed at over one million of dollar. In harlotte township four or five hundred persons have failed to make returns of their taxable property. . They will have to pay double taiea There re times when negligence coat something. - The Richmond k Danville road u moving the watermelona North at a lively rate. The Charlotte Chronich record the fact that two faat water melon freight trains passed through that city haturday each train being romnoaed of thirty car, all loaded witn melon. w . Wrlgbtsville is becoming quite match-making place. The Wbtuiue tn &leenqtr tella us of a young gen tleman and lady, from Charlotte, who, : aa soon a tbey arrived, secured the annrtA at a minister and were unit ed In the wholy bond of matrimony. The couple had gitea the old folks a slip and made the Encampment their pretext for getting away. The name are not known. The Cttttral Erprttt says that on lait Sunday evening while religious service were going on to the acade . my. a beaver bat boy went in and tw.k his iMt hv one of the nronounc- ed disciples of Mr. Walker, the fro hibition candidate for Governor. lie puhti bU high bat in all i'e purity end whiteins'onder the etln front Tho Walker man a-v.it tok aim at the bat and Commenced to play his ambeer pwp npon it throwing a steady strram bearing the odor ol mean whUkey, It look as if the cam paign will be dirty an j how. The Democratic Embryo. ; , ' , Owtiubora DtUj Patriot. Last Wednesday evening a West Market street boy bounded into the front passage, with his bair a ct mop. while he smelt of tadpole and water lilios from the soles of bis bare tnat nn. " -ttolm Henry," said big mother, mantW him wh a dangerous glitter in tier eve. and tskinsr a erip on bis dripping lock, "you'v been in swim ming again l . "Kot hit of it mother : r ve been tn th Tlpmnrratio Congressional Con vention; and it's the sweet oozing nntAr ma." ' nnn't Ml mp! This (a regular Rock Creek sand all over your scalp." "Why, ma, that naynseru in my 1. r. and I'm the larmers canui date t 'We'll float lh oM biniUniw oy, "Wc'U nut tua eia mihwoiuu "Look here, young man, I waijt nn ft.n in?.' and. unbuttoning uia jacket, she thrust a vigorous hand down hi back "her'a creek sand rid 0m1 all ai m vour back-bone! l'sha! ma, don't you know what that Iff It's the 'sand in my gizzard' breaking out. liu one ol the 'unwasn ed,' 'nntwrr fied Democracy W'U lnl th M twD'lMna, box, . aar.'ii at... tka IuiuIiiha!' " - Well, vou are not 'unwashed' thu time, for a wonder, and as for being nnlpl-rificA I'll B. B WilSt I fleet a NO 4 slipper can have" and for about m I . .. ....... . I. t n a nve ureenauoro hiiuuvc iuo full of ilippfr, sand, dirt, gyrating A lent and blood-curdliuz yells. J3ut, after all, In the word of I.iirir- ThomrilK)Il.'a bov'S W8VI SK th wind' wavs. and the thoughts of a boy are long, long thought :" as John Henry passed out on the back niua hm TtMoheA down and threw nut an old saddle-blanket which he ha padded In under bis clothes at a convenient place, nseu iv ww u empty closet, eud went out towards the barn whistling: tjk fir m btrk mt Sftcca iwnts, An ( v m ImcS my bomj I " In and About Camp. . Wllmlngtoa SUr, M. Tho rank and file of the different regiments are reported : to ba as fol- lows: liist, aw: eccona, zi?; xuiru, 250; Fourth, S80. Piettygood. .; . The Edgecombe Quarda blept on their arms Friday aight, expecting .the "long roll." But it was not sound ed. and at reveille it dawned . upon (the company that somebody was ulllll . .. TIia Durham Band, attached to th Third Reziment. serenaded Lieut. Gov. Stedman at hi, summer retreat, on Wrightsville sound, Friday night. The muiio was very fine, and the Lieutenant-Governor acknowledged the compliment in a neat and appro priate speech. flnmmiiisar Sergeant Fitt. of the Edgecombe Guards, went out of the lines Tor stores alter nignuau. lie turning, he was challenged by Semi nal Cobb "Who coes t h e r e r "Friend with a bottle," was the reply. . mm .1 I. II "Advance Iriena, ana araw tne com, the sentinel commanded. The order was obeyed, the "countersign" was de clared correct, ena tue sergeani "passed." - Friday night a waggish member of the Fayetteville Light Infantry don ntd on omcer s uniiorm ana . waiieu hurriftdir in the tent of the officer commanding the Bcotland Meek Ri flemen, and ordered bim to form his company at once, lhe order was promptly observed, and the men were kept standing in line for half an hour hfora their captain found out that a joke bad been perpetrated at his ex .LADIES! WE WILL OPEN THIS WEEK DIFFERENT -NEW: GOODS.- '' ' ir r A CAItD. T hnvA heard that in FruiWA a man i accused of crime must prove his in noc nee. I know that in free Amer i ica the law is the reverse of that, and the accuser must prove tne accused s Sunt, yet x tear there has been some isposition to apply to me the harsh rule of the French law. But, under either law, I respectfully submit to the voters of Durham and Oranze counties the following evidouce of my innocence ot a charge recently 1 ... 1 ... J!.. - . ' . 1! M ''. tVuieevidenc : XUlaUiatteS. Respectfully, Jous T. Nichols. .'. Durham, N. C, July 23, 1888, No. 1. " THE BUILDERS MANUFACTURER Large line of desirable SUP PLY C O , (SUCCESSORS TO) I J. W. BLACKWELL. Raleigh. N.C.. July 11.1888.1 Jno T. Mdiols, Esq., Daylon, N. ?.: Dear (sib: I am in receipt of i your favor asking a contradiction of me renort that rnu were maae to , A new line of RUCHINQ3. Are prepared to furnish all kinds of wear a barrel shirt during the war. II I" f I El I IT "T "T- A O v . No such punishment astbat, nor any nt-lNKlt. I I HO MOUlamgS, ComiCe, other punishment, as far as I know, , rtTJH1 All shades. 40 inches wlile.bnlr'65 pense. InclJenU or the Iay. WasuiK.iTOjr, Jttlj 21. "We will stani or Ml by to-day's event,'' shouted a prominent Democratic statesman as be entered the House of BeprescnUlives today, . When the llouae was called to or der the ga'lerics were wall blled with atwutnr. and before Mr. Mills took the floor to cIum the dobate on the Tariff bill there was ecatcaly sUnd lag room anyttaer excepting in the Executive and Diplomatic galleries, which were vacant There was scarcely a vacant chair on the Dem ocratic aid of the Home, while most of these os the Republican side were occupied. ..... About balf-pa.t 11 o'clock Mrs. Cleveland and her mother took seats is the IWWdI's gallery. Speaker Carlisle remained In his chair throughout the entire speech of Mr. Mills and gave the closest at tention. 1 ' " Mr. Mills concluded bis speech at 12:35 in support of the bill and the House on motion of Mr. Mill, voted by ayrs and noes on the free cotton ties amendment. The amendment placing eoOna ties on the tne lit was agreed to. Ayes 170, nays 123. At l;lw f . M. tne vote on in nnai paajagtof the bill was taken. It resulted: ay 1C2, na;s 140. - The vote was strictly partisan, with th fitllowing exception': Item oeraU egaiust the bill Ues litis, of Htm York; Gieenroan. of New York; Merriman.of New York, and Stwden, of IVnnaylvania, Republi cans for the bill Mfiera Anderon. of Iowa, Fitch, or New York; Wil son, f Minnesota; fimith,of Witcon aia, (ln.Lltep). Mr.Faran.of Ohto, (Dem ), refrained from Voting. Tne Mills uiu. WsanisiiToii. D. C, July 23.-Tbe Democrat 10 members oi me penai tJommitue on Finance intend to make a demand that the Mills tariff bill be considered in the rtgular way, section by section and paragiaph by paragraph, tbrv H1 oppose the prop- ositM'O of the Republican to cast it ' into a pigeon nolo in MS eommiiiee room aal give it no consideration. Ib-publican members of committee i it it nrobahla that no elfcrt will be made to rt port ft tariff bill at this i ui.n end that the 8ente will U" thorite the eommi'tee to sit during the recta of Congresft, continue to give hearing to those interested in the various industries and get ft bill ready to be reported when vh Sen ate nifCis in December. If this Is done Ctionrei scan aljourn by the latter pa t, ot even the middlo ot Aa- Encaiupment Kotea WliBtD(to MMar. Camp breaks Friday. ' TK (lovernor's Guard is well drilled company. Tbey ma le twenty soldierly wheels yesterday without a ingle breax. " The First has 301 men in camp, and Col onel Gotten and Adjutant J. G Powell, are high in the praise of their regiment. The Goldsboro RiSeV have the 'W" during tJn hour in camp. These boys always welcome their friend in camp. ' TK ' Frpt.viila Indeoendent fight Infantry was out on an exhibi- Uoo drill jeaterday. 1 ueir ssirmiau .... ,...,. dnU was admired 07 an. Frivate Canchart. from Kittrels. challenge any man weigbinc leai than lhCl nounds for ft wrestle, lie is the champion of the Oxford Grays. rWiin Anthony of the Scotland Vuk Mounted U.flemen. came to the itv vMterdav to arranee for horns for hi men in Tuesday's parade. The Second Regiment, CoL W. C. Joftt. musters in camp 214 men, and ex pet U to day eight mora frm Fay etteville. ana two irom aiaxwu. Will X. Coley, the publisher of the Southern GunrJrmnn, will presect r.t trt the cantain of the compoT sending the mot subscriber to that paper. Tha cmard mounting to-lav will uV nlace at 8 o'clock ft. m. In the nincr at 6 there wi'l be ft drew parade, which, If the weather is fuir, will be the most snowy oi tne encamp sent. , . , , . . - - Tha Wond Reuiment is minai a band, ar.d there are two good band in WilroInton. Surely some arrsnj.'s ment should be made to sec a re the tor iff of either the Germaoia Cor net Band or the Cornet Concert Club. The Jolut Canvass. XawtObumf. fin Kaiurda f!.l. Doekerv causid Julge Fowle to be notified that he would be at liileign on woncuy to make pint appointments, juage Fowls abandoned his anDOintme it at Charlotte and came back to meet hlui- On Monday morning Judge Fowle wrote asking for ft meeting at 10 o'clock, and at the meeting the fol lowing agreement was entered into: Raleigh. July 23, 188). At a conference. this dav held at the Yarborough House, it is agreed between 0. 11. Uockerr ana uamei G. Fowle that they each shall fill his appointments herefore made and published to and including tne z-un of August pros, each being at liberty to be preseat for ft Joint discussion on eaual terms at any appointment ma rts hv the other: and that ft list of joint appointments shall be made for them after the zi'n prox-, oy mutual friend (elected by them, to-wit. T. U. 1'urnell and U. li. lSatte, JSsqr., luch list to be published by the 10th of August. Dajt'l G. Fowle. O. II. Dock er y. What fbalnyan Urtce IToposes. Vvar Vnvtr Jn1 41. Mr. Rrice. V chairman of the Democratic Cam paign commute, believes in elucau inr the masses on economic questions, And at the next consultation of the eommitte be propose to recommend . . . - r. ; J that rW.UW copies once rrtsiutnv last message to Congress be printed ; and distribuUd. He intends also to have printed copies of the Mills bill, and tne comment thereon by Messrs. Mills, W. C. F. Breckinridge, Cox, Wilson, of Virgin- i and other democratic leaders. district of the United SUtes. He i not a bit scared about the effect tley til have in Is ew Jers y and in t'onueciicuU II belitvesthat thrv will have as ff od ft tnect m those manulai tiring feVtaUs as in the SUtes hoe mtcre.U are maimy ag ricultura was ever inflicted upon vou while I was : Captain of tbe company of which you were a member. Yours trulv."' Eugenk GuesoM.' I Late Cr plain Company D, 30th, N. U. Iroops. No.a. . Atibcrit, N. C, July 18, 1888. ; Mr.. John T. Xiclioh: - Mt Dear Sir: Yours of the 9th lost was du y received during my absence at the District Conference. It was with both surprise aud regret that I learned through vour letter. - 3 mat, yuu were ouargeu wiut wcoriug i . a oarrei smrt uunug tue wr. site lim(J 1 DilliabOl Uilly p.Kurce is not nnlv fulaa. ao far aa anv I . ' o - rf conduct of yours could make it, up Ail wool Alb-it ms, ouly 45 . -ivorlr tu cents. cents, TWENTY-Ef CHIT INCH BAS KET CLOTH. ONLY TEtf CEN'M. to the time I was wounded at Gettys burg, but you were so lar removed from all suspicion or presumption of such charge, that there was scarce ly a more prudent or fail If ul soldier in Uen. Lee s Army, fur u you were ever absent or failed in any particu lar to discharge your duties as a sol Hipr. hnth (.nthfiillr and manfullv. from the time tbe first gun was fired trotn the picket lines around liicn mond till Gettysburg was taken, 1 fail to remember It. And instead of a barrel shirt, if the "Lone Star had not gone down in defeat, and our flag bad never trailed in the dust, yon certainly would have been en titled to ft "wreath of honor." With a tear lor the "Lost Cause," but a smile for the Keto South, I am with much reopect. Yours very truly, " '. C. N. Alles, I Late CapLof Co. D. 30th, N. a, ReKimpnU . Dr. Grissom and Capt. Allen weie the only captains of the cornea ny up ti May 1864, the time I was taken prisoner. Joh.i T. Nichols. No; 3. This is to certify that I have known Jno. T. Nichols from boyhood. Wa iointd the armv ol the Confed to 75 cents. RtfLirwavs. TTfiW- els and Balusters. 40 i ? INCH 40 Wealso keepnhand a very large lot of seasoned Dressed Lumber, Builders' Hardware and Sup plies a SrE3 OIA-ILaTTST Those -wishing anything in our line can get it at reason able prices. All kinds of I Ofliee and Bank Furniture a specialty. . THE BUILDERS AND MANU FACTURERS SUPPLY CO., Durham, N. C. may 2-Gm eight cents. NAINSOOK CHECK. 8, I0...l2i AND 15 CENTS. INDIA MS ESS, 5 TO 25 CENTS. Nainsook nn i lace fliunciugs t ny price. Not Imviu room U dis play ha'f of our Ktock we will introduce a bargain day evoiy TluirJ- .V.v CHA.3. ROBBINS. if Enterprise KNA BE Many persona who have built honses have been at a loss as tohowtoflnUh and decorate them. They bad node siltna, models or samples from wliiub to . ... ... Ktlect, and they would glailly have Gfandi SQUare and Uprlgnt committed the care and trouble to ' r o ;nie competent and reionsible party. TITiTVTn rfiBTPQ For thU purpose the IiatlU iUiiauu, , liiEiUiiciiiitiie mm nwmi Fifty Years Before the Public. Upon their excellence alone have at tained an unpurchased rre emi nence which establishes them as unequalled m AGENCY has been estaliliHhed, being the first of the kind in thettatt of North Carolina. We wiU Uke a building from the hamta erat; State, tether h Company D. . j . Wo7kmanship atTiSS 30.h BtgimentN.C, Troops in 18G1. lOnei IUUWI "'M,,,u;','P a.,, it in UAKD WOODS or inany tVe remained together in tame com- r, aflU DU?EullitY manner wantd; will ls' derate tho oinv until May. 1864, when he was - . t- nr Mmn ln paper or in. "LlSCKirsTA lujummj,wi, TTTT TTM A TiW. t nfl WALTON. Wfurnmhl'arouetrr floor- a.liniani General Jones say the marine narado mttit be arranged fr later in tbe afternoon if bis men are to witness it. There wjll bo no break ing ranks on Tucsdsy, as it ts a strict- 1. .c.nUdinarv tinv.lure. The full programme will be publislud in Tues day tnort'ing s Mmcngrr. An nl.t mountaineer walking with two of the boys (after getting fixrd in camp), sctinR tbe Sound at Bead low atr. remarked that be didn't think it was such a darned big thing af er li h had heard about it. lie mis. t.uA ttm S..nnd fur the Ocean. We suppress bis name, , as ne is a very modest roan, and would not like not or iily. v A plot was discovered Wednesday by which Herbert 8. Grftham, in jail u'HLu.urr. tv . ftr fortcrv aud burglary, was provided with arms and r . 'l-ii .1. t II... Cl.xralA nllmr :ooi 10 aui u culprits and escape Wash MidJlcton, ft Bl Km.bber who eiraped lust OcIo'ht ftom jail at Forsyth, Mo., while under sentence of er. imnritnnmnt fir mur 00 r, wn aim ; - 1 at Japer, Mo., where he rcsUed r rest. A Durham Lady Injured. Yasterdav morninir while Mr.G. V Atwardpti. of Cilumbla. 8. C, and Mi -a Alice Prince, of Durham V. O, were driv.ng up from Wright-vine in ft buggy, the hjrse became filgbter.td at ft passing train on tbe Seacot.it Railroad, and ran away. The buggy was smashed ud and both occupants more or less injureu. ts is icaivu wua Prince's left ftrm is bioken. .... . -mi 11 1 m ii . A $10,000 Fire at Burltngtou Yalirdav mornlnj about 3 o'clock. broke out in Burlington, consuming - - V . a . Messrs. ' A. Holts one siore; Townend's frate building; B. A Sellers, store: and inju ed the stock . ' m mm m . er e .. nf Mbssrs. J. W. w. w. uuniy. Tbe total K is estimated at tlO, 000, with $3,000 insurance, with Mr. Hamilton, of llilianoro. cunt u red at or near Sootsvlvania. Va. I know he did not wear ft barrel shirt while in the army nor any other pui.isument inmcied ujion mm. . M. V. RooKiis, Late Lieutenant Co. D. SOth.N. Troops, Ilogers Store," Wake Co. This 2Ut July.lSSS. , Sio. 4. . This is to certify I know J An T. Nichols, ot Oak Grove township, Durham county. N. C: nave Inowu him from boyhood We Joined the armv of thn Confederate States to gether in Company D. 30th, egi ment, X. v. arvupa, in su- jer 18G1. We remained together u ume company until May, 1864 when we were both taken prisoners by the Yankees near Spotsylvania Court House, Va. I was wi:b him in prison at Point Lookout, Md, for j about two monini, men we were i transferred to Elmira, N. Y ftnd remained in same prison camp until February, 18G5. 1 know be did not wear a larrel shirt wnne in ue ar my, aor' any 'other punishment in 1 dieted noon him. I know be did TT7J1 TTfJAUK at. CICj. I WALTON. We furnish Parquetry floor Etimatea furnished. Hard wood man tels, catved wood panela, alata and marble mantoU. trratcs. the Jackson 22 and 24 K. Ealtiraore St Balti. I veuUlatlnfr grate aud any kind ol heat 817 Market Space. Washington, D. C. ff'Kfi&S: Amongother thing nameu we are nute Agcnta for the eolobrnted ; THE OLD RELIABLE DISLM.vllES.vm (X3TABUHQED Ik 1STSJ i 11MR 4 m mm, SaoeMMf ts S. L EooM MANUFACTUKEUS Monuments, Tablets, "WILLEIt SLIDING BLINDS." MANCFACrCRERS' llOCSE FfRSisn- ISO Aoexcv, Main Street, Durham, N. C Office over Bowers & ArendelL UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA CUAPELUILUN.a Tho next session begins An Tuition reduced 10 130.00 a baKjo, m t.. 1 ii ir:...1jpuorstudenUmay Kive Byfiyear. ium I ulty of flfWn teacra. Fee- Ot Marble AVork. clursesof stuJy Usdm Three full flictcdnpon him. I know be didL. . rrri GHASArr2r3 C!I I Three abort courses J to degrees, not take the allegiance to United SATi5rACTI--J W"uttJ UM0f business men, Utbe training lDU l Ul""" "'A:l!ni Estimates and Designs Fur nished Free. Main Street, Durham, N. a June 13rly Rece.1t report show that ft great la naurfner over Jerntalem. Afier the long interval of many cen 1 m i . a . 1. .. tuiici, during widen 11 nsu oecn given up to the Arabs, it is sgain be coming tbe home of the Jewr In lnO there were not in tne uoij City more than 0,000 Jewa ow there are more than 30.0U0. The rapid ad lition to the Hebrew popu lai Ion is chic fly attributed to the per leCUUOu OI VV"B IU muwiim. . One Horn Kttort. ' Tf !. am rr.win(f weiker and weaker from that bbwdy ilmntcry which does 1 ot succumu 10 tne treat mint of pliys'c atia, make one more effort and talc Dr. liigg-rs' Hurkle berry cordial. States nntil the war cloetJ, and he would have scorned aucb an act as much as any man. I acted in every capacity, from private U commander of the company. d. v.. f EBHSLL, Late of Company D 30th, KcgU mcnt.N. C Troops. Dayton, N. C. Jaly 22d. 1888. flroenville Reflector : Many farmeis i.f the enuntr speak disparingly of their crops saying they are the poor est for several years. 8anford Esprem In this section ft a t (-nita havai aiiQured tnucn aamaeo from the drough. i ne urmcrs ray tbey will not make more than half a crop of corn at best, tui we are giwi to believe that such A prospect is not gem-ral. Clarlotte ChronkU l Tbe timers I teoort that upland corn is needing raio. The bottom land crop are as fine as has been known in years, The walls ofths three new couon lac tones are 1 aj Id'iy taUlng. ; -at . . . ' equipd. " La School iuliy lios. Kfj. fr Catalogue to iVII'l' BAT1LE. lrMi.lint. we rit- IklNa THESE TIDINGS ROSE E. CLEVELAND. HSR HEW BOuaV'PO'Ul. SKD f . ClXTTftB, oRAt ti Acnn.t lition now re- , larirt al In the shrrtl . AGENTS W . 1 LHl Tnr r fc, Scirilj!. mIDOTLEYELANPrc tlian Twenty hvtiof the Best E.gli,b and American Uimpa nicsRcpfe,:,t' Nearly $500,000,000 Capi ta! and Assets. Strongest Company Ag-ncy la the South, the Largest iniMRiav SATISFACTION CiUAltANTEED. Nearly 1250,000 Faid CUisers ot Durham. Youre truly. J.SOTJTtlOATEASOK, una 234 0 Durham, N.U la all rrta of the w JJIED rrfe..ra wante . 1(0l territory: wrltch..w the U aeore a- lr circ 'tV ,.,,i-ja l.uid. LtlM-raJ ttirnia. H ; ,;,, t, n Co.- 2 mi oiivo fetrctt, St.Lonls.AW 'J-3t