011 -'. NORTH CAEOMNA NEWS. sortxso and curriKoa from oub BTATB EXCHANGES. Prof, T.'L. Norwood, late of lie Bingham school, died at his father's residence in xennessee, oaturaay morning, Capt. R H. Powoll, of Oxford, and Miss Annie T. Williams, of Raleigh. were married at the residence of the bride's lather yesterday morning, by EeT.VY.o. Uavn, of, Uary. The Go'.daboro correspondent of I the Wilmington Mmenger says, the newest piece of muic, "The Red Bandanna" played by Mr. Hiiam Grant, Jr., of that city, is quite beau tiful . . . Aiherille Cititen: Twenty-three catfish on one strung, caught by one woman, and weighing nearly four pounds each, were sold on the streets m . ajw nx mi t I yesteroay ior tw. aiio iibo were caught in the French itroad near 8mith' bridge. Newt era Journal: The export of terrapin and turtle from thin m . mediate section to the cities of the North is not inconsiderable.' The Vper yesterday took out some bar relsand boxes of the former, and three of the latter which weighed three hundred pounds. Winston Sentinel: Mr. J. W. Shore, of Yadkin county, passed through tLe city last Saturday sccom panied by his nephew, Mr. E. W. Ebore. in search of ft madatone for the latter gentleman wbo had been bitten that morning by ft rabid dog which bore every symptom of mad ness i . Wilmineton Masenqeri Grading on this end of the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad goes steadily on. Mr. W. P. Fortune in progress ing finely on bis contract, and Mr, L. U. Cherry bas gotten aown w wora in earnest on his section. About fire mile of the railway has been graded. - Aiherille Suh: The baby brother of an AohertlU 6-vear-old vss struck lnth In rfar and the blood sad htm cry manfullT; the elder led period extended. boy ruthed up stairs ana xneeung wu heard to say, "Dear Cod, yo or the doctor has got to make brother 's eye well; but you can do bet'er job tharlhe doctor, so please Jteip nimi WHISKY TRUSTS. TUB EOD8E COMMITTEE J.OQKINO JHT0 The matter. Washington, July 27. The House committee on manufactures today began an investigation of the so called whisky trust. . J. M. Atherton of Louisville, president of the J. M. ithertou - Company, was the first witness, v The company was not en zaged in distilling whisky but in handling the whiskey of a number of firms wbo do the distilling business in their own ; names, i be witness said that most of the larger distillers of bne Kentucky whisky entered into an agreement by which tbey bound themselves to produce no whUky in the fiscal year of 1888. Some few large firms re. used to sign the agree merit and there were about one bun. dred and fifty email distillers wbo were not asked to sign the agreement which crew out of the fact that there had been a large over-production (,f wbitky which could not be con suruett in this country and whs ex ported to Lurope to find a marker, but no buyers having been found much of that whisky was coming bat k. In 188:1-84 there was about 7,000,000 'gallons produced each year ; in 188. about 10,000 000 ; in 1886 about 16,000,000, and in 1887 about the ssme quantity. In order to protect the owners of. this whinky from the effects of over-production, an agreement to suspend operations from July 1. 1887, to .July x, was, was entered into, inis azncmeii was not in the nature of trust; there was no consolidation of property or marein of interests. The only other organization which the witness knew of hsvmg ever existed In the Ken tuckr wuisl.T trade was; The Ken rocky Distillers' Association formed about 1879. The object of this association was for the consideration of prsnosed changes in the internal revenue laws, and technical trade affairs had nothing whatever to do with the production, and the only time the association took any interest in politics was when, after' there bad had been a lar?e accumulation of whisky, it attempted to get the bond' Congressmen In Summer. ; Dr. Reed wears n checkered seer sucker coat and vest, 1 ,. -. , - Mr. McAdoo has assumed a turn down collar and a coat of Irish linen, Mr. Buckalew wears an alpaca coat, of light shade, and With it is a white shirt front and vest. Mr TWxnll. fnn fiimaplf with a white homsticbed handkerchief, the best dressed man in the houBe. Mr. Vance of Conneticut has aban doned bis vest and stuff his hand kerchief down bis neck to protect his collar. Mr. Springer has donned alhinner sack coat and vest of black, but the rea rose sun riavi uuwiueu iu ns apel. Mr. Anderson of Illinois, keeps cool in a canary-colored coat and vest of featherweight material, a white tie and turn-down collar. Mr. Dgrlinfton. has taken to an oWflfihinnttl black alnaca coat fasten ed with one button, and showing the white shirt above and below. Amos Cummins wears a annel shirt, fastened in front wit licht tie of Chinese silk. Uver this he wears an alpaca coat of . a delicate slate color. Woman's Ways, Mary E. Bryan earns $6,000 year with ber pen Clara Morris uses the phonograph g Ashetille 5tfn. Dopnty Sheriff A. I fir the pleasure of hearing ber own l I aiterton, wnoae uuij icuucs toicv him to go ail over me county, re K,e fclizatKtli Cleveland will go pott, an excellent crop condition. 1 10 j.;ng,n, to jorsue ber literary jne tanners . auouuug iuiyww studies. methods of cultivation ana are gv. ... , .. tt. tirg their lands M grass and small u oI M WumeB o jvced cram as raniuiy as iu yci mils them to do so. Money is ft LU lis scare, but a hor-eful feeling is felt everywhere. Baanfort Rtcwi: From the pree ent outlook it seems that we are to tavstwo Democratic Conventions in Carteret. W. 8. Cbadwick, Chair man, issued ft call lor the conven tioa to meet oa Tuesday July 31st A second call signed J. H. Msrsball, is out for ft convention to be held on Julv SOth. With two Republican t ckcts ftnd two Democratic tickets in the fiel-V bT ,iTe,7 time of it. Why not bate ft scrub race, and let the best men win Raleigh Kew$-Ub0rttr: White rave bis bond yesterday evening in . m a a 4sa ft. 4 the sum oi s in.uw, wbicu wh lurw all arivnted and be wu released from iatf. Seven thoussnd dollars of the bnd Led been made op for several days and pledges for the rea malning 13,000 arrived yesieroay years. IIis. Goodwin, widow of the well- known architect, will marry Whistler, the artist Miss Hetty Green, twenty times a millionaire, will walk two miles to save car-tare. Mrs. Sarah W.Coates, of Kanias City, has 13,000,000 which she can will as she pleases. The Duchess of Cambridge has received 11,110,000 in pensions from the British Government John Carter was sent to the penl tenUsiy for two ywt fur grand lar Ccny at bnriengheid, Mo. Since tl beginning of her reign (juccn V ictoria bas been pid su v 455,000 by her loyal subjects Olive Pendleton savs Western women have the knack of holding on to money when they once get it. past Mrs. Mary Mapcs Dodge, although st middle age, is still outbful in evening by the mail fmn the east I appearance aud spirits. The bondsmen are aa follows t Ram 1 1 A Kansas City milliner clears Watts, 13,000, J I'. Borrrli, K.wu, i $26,000 In ono year, quit business W. R. Wilder, ti .000. E. M. Nadal, .nd doubled the monev in real esUte : - . n - i . of Wilson, IZ.UW. ix. ut eniress, oi i operations. WUmington, i.uw. wn w The EmpreM DoWiKer 0f china ateeated ftnd White waa Lbcraufd at j hu bwn nTlted to the throne 8 o'clock. TiArkimrham Hocltt t A week or ta days ago Mr. A. G. McKetban, of Peo Dee Til'?. 0ut wln trnnk and line the boas trout of the aaaon. The fish measured 211 id- chea in lencth. 18 around the bod and weighed just ten pound v 11;. with the Emperor as a recognition of her executive ability. Mrs. J. C. Againer, ot Cleveland O . against whom ber husband has " V m m boucbt suit lor divorce, is going on the stage. The question naturally arises, Will the stage be a gainer I Governor Ames, the invalid IT v ;vrrvl-i-ai u Governor Ames, the invalid go?- K2u. l Brrhi. suS nor of M.acl.usotu. h recovmd to,tf.SSircLUS nicientlyto leave Benton for his fas. In landing so large ft l,wt lcti , ... . lr.keb.rodi? too rlsces. J5Staarii got oil me nooaas d wasurawiuai - lim to the bank. Just as he freed . -. .... Bortoa OpbHm. "Darling." sad he tenderly, hsve mad up mind t ask you to ask you." Yes." she whispered breathlessly To ask f on to become my w.fo, 1 knt.w. dearest that it is bold, ft is Umse f, bow.rer Mr. M K. made a rah fnr him and luraiiy luccceaca in catching Its fingeri in it. gills, and ihus saved his game. True ev ry w..rd of it though wo seldom tells II h story. f ft ..!a--.i ...a a.HM.t Is Sft i 7'i. tCrsr.n h. ptaumpluousJbrmetodoto. You STiS JX J.aomuch.uP.rior to me. lam, aoilitonura, oy an tnssne man rusn ... . ' - ui j inglnand proclaiming that bewa. I W.t unworthy ofjou, divine. It was found that he was Charles Jackson, business man of BatHnif. Pennsylvania, who had be come insane from ovcrwo k. He 'bad previously attacked bis family! a . a r . war I I I. ftnd plunged into nesiey use, .hi 1 1 m Mr. and Mrs W. E. Gladstor eel ebraUd their g bleu wediliug in Lon don vtsterJsv. Tuev were the re- cSpentsof bundnda of lctkrs and I . i m m m a timt k .lit til In Ilipm ttmin the event, ftnd ftls nnmeroua presl George Washington is ft. nnreal ftnd enti la commemoration thoreor. I tegnuary a penouago Yon may be unworthy of we, but "Hut what, dearestr Half a loaf is better than biead." IVa are still a very young country. Marion Garlington recently died at Cliattsnoosa. Tcnn.. Irsvmg 'iw iwcendants. bhe distinctly rtmrro hered the Presidency of Ocorge Washington. Mia pwsed away at i n asa or no years. io most oi us Willing' to Serve. Editors Recosder : -Having wait- Ad for twenty veara to be urgently solicited by many friends to run for an office, I have concluded not to rait more than two veara more at the fartlierest. I am becrininir to f6el an interest in the "dear people" that I ..... .1.' I never felt belore, ana l Know dt hub that I ambejng fitted for a candidate and sooner or la'.er mutt make the sacrifice. ., Tha inclination to inaure particu larly alter the health of the wife and children or every voter in tne count ia crowins? uoon me daily. I als want tn tfill mr follow countvmen what time of the moon they ought to nlant their croos and when to kill nogs. Of course they will readily understand what a great sacrifice I xhall make in accenting an office at their hands, but being too lazy to work and earn a living by the sweat of my face I feel that I must make it for their dear Btikes. Haviniriaid this much I tlust fflv . - 'mm a W .1 . W r.i ow citizens win uniursiana tnsi i am Mttimr ready to serve them, with out renume ation in any office in their a ..a gift that has ii good salary attached Micmn Mabtik. His Wife Kays he Musn'u Messrs. Editors: I notice a let ter in your paper from my husbsnd ilicaiab, telling the people that he ia 11 . . IT a canuioaie ior aome diuce. w Mr. Editor, I wish to ssy that Mica uh shall do no such thing. It true that be ia too buy to work, and no doubt would like to get away from home: and get out among the young girls: and have an excuse for atayiug out at night, pretending that be lias work to do at the office, but it wil be a warm day for liciab. when he begins to tamper with the affections of Martha Martin in any such way. What does be know about planting crops, or killing bogr lie is be ginning to have a warm feeling f r the dear people, is he? lie means - . . the femala people, tbey are the peo nle wbo are dear to biro. Cant fool Martha. Just to think that I have been a good and true wife to Mica- ah these twenty years, and now. when I most need hi. affections, be purposes to place them on the "dear people." I'll "dear peoplo" bim and when I am through with bim he will think Martha is young enough for a gocd-for-noiliing fellow like biin. No, sir, Micaiih shall not sacrifice himself and compromise his wile and children in any such manner, as long as Martha Martin is in her right mind. Now let him make the most of that Martha Mahtm. New Developments in tbe Cross- Wmte case. ' Baitlgb Cor. WU. Keattnger. ' Tosday another matter in con ieo- tion with 'the Cross-White ouse ia talked of with interest and specula tion. It is stated that on Saturday ast after Cross statement was read in court Capt. E. R. Stamps, who was Dresident of the bank before Cross, and was not made to appear in a favorable light in the statement, went to the editor of tbe Aews ana Observer and requested that certain things in the statement not be pub lished, referring particularly to tbe individual indebtedness of the di rectors to the bank, and said that if some matters were published that ciit for - libel would be brought against the paper. The News and Observer stated to your correspon dent that this last, however, was said In a jocular way and not at all seri ously. When the statement appear ed, somewhat oot down, on Sunday morning. Cross noted that it was not full, and understanding that Mr. Stamps had interfered with the pub lication of tbe statement in full, last night wrote a letter to Mr. Stamps ia which he (Cross) charges Stamps with interfering with the full publi cation without cause or reason, and stated since Stamps bas done so, be (Cross) will proceed to make known certain matters which will certainly criminate Stamps and possibly put him In tbe penitentiary. I his Jotter from Cross is considered somewhat wild, but it is out and known and is mentioned as a matter of new. in connection with the case. Both Cross and White say they propose to have their statement published in full, and it Is expected that both will ap- pear in iuo naieigu signal mis week. White yesterday made a verbal statement with references to false entries made on the bank ledg- ere, saying that the pages or tne sogers would show false entries made in the handwriting of a former president Dropping 1.000 Feet Minute. Qriacr. III., July 25.Samuei Baldwin, brother of the famous aero naut T. S. Baldwin, yestcrJay made one of the most daring and success ful balloon ascensions and parachute descents ever made lie left his bal loon when 8,000 feet high and land ed in a tkld two miles from the spot in eight minute, after, badly shaken up from tbe violent oscillation , The whiskey wsreonttnues atllar Ian, Ky. lhree men hive been killed and the court house 1. held by armed men. Another judgment for $3.1,516 has been entered against Levi M. Bates, the bankrupt New York dry goods merchant A man in Owingsville, Ky. lived two weeks with a bullet in his brain and complained of no inconvenience whatever. The President spent Saturday fi ning oif Fire Island and had very successful day, .port Over 100 blue fih were caught by tb. party and tbe president cxpresied himself as much pleased. BUILDERS LADIES I WE WILL OPEN THIS WEEK DIFFERENT new goods-. MMUFACTURER'S Of mm .m A Large line of desirable OUrrLT J U . tirasob and Sunshades, (successors tc S. W. BLACKWELL. All shades, 40 inches wide, only 65 to 75 cents. 40 INCH 40 A;l wool Albatras, only 45 cents, worth bu cents. WENTY-EIGHT INCH BAS KET CLOTH. ONLY TEX CENTi Colored Batiste, only eight cents. NAINSOOK CifflClW, 8, 10, 121 AND 15 CENTS. italeigh'a Perplexity. S.vt ud Obarra, By far the most amusing and per plexing feature connected with Scott rartin scase is that people can't agree about the various peculiarities and marks which the prisoner Is said to possess. To an outsider calmly taking in the verdicts of the various inquests held over bcott, tbe con flitting testimony is sadly bewilder inz. A certain abstract fact is stated about some mark about the prisoner's corporeity by one person and Is flatly contradicted by another, une person will go in to interview bim and find some well denned scar which to bis mind is a "clincher' then souie one else goes and takes a look and declare, that tbe same is not there. As stated a dav or two asro Mr. Hugh Blalock, of Panther Branch townsnip made a discovery which was supposed to settle tbe matter. Scott Partin'a annt. Mis. Frankie Partin, remembered a gash on Scott s big toe which abe aald be received when a baby and u this were bcoit the scar would be there. Mr. Bla lock on making the exnmination found the scar sure enough just as described. Now, however, John Lee, a broth er Irubman. who does business on Wilmington stieet, and wbo bas tak en a great interest in bcotis case has made a careful examination and swears by tbe abades of St Patrick that there Is no scar there, lie bad Scott to take off bis .hue and then washed his foot so there could be no possible mistake about the scar. Tne toe was then carefully scrutinized for the allegtd .car, but it could not be found. We don't know bow to account for tbe mystery unless Mr. Lee looked at the wrong toe. Likewise a few weeks ago it was poaitvely asserted that certain moles had been discovered under the pris oner's arm. which positively identi fied him, but Stewart Ellison said it was no such thing; there were no moles there. We suppose tbe next nuesllon will be whether there is a man there or not A local wag bas already CHten off the following Why is nake county jail iiac heaven? Because there is no Partin there. A Warning. Tlia mml ia ot daath a artnroach are various, and statistics show con rtnaivelv that more nerions die from diseases ot the Throat and Lung. than any other. It i. probable that everyone without exception, re- - - ceivc. tut number, of Tubercle Germ, into the system and where th ffprma full nnon luitable soil they start into life and develope, at -.... 1 f . v I. . -t!t. nrsi siow 17 ami is sniwa uy augni tickling sensation in the throat and If allowed to continue their ravages the estend to the lunirs nroducinir Consumption and to tbe bead, cans ing Catarrh. Now all this ia danger ous and if allowed to proceed wul in Utne cause dt atL At tbe onset you must act with promptness 5 "allowing a cold to go without attention is ilancrrmna and may lo.isa vour life. As anon a. vm ieel that something is wrong with yur Throat Lung, or Nostrils, obtain a Dome 01 uotcnee a German Syrup, It will g ve you im mediate relict A new line of RUCHINGS. Are prepared to furnish all kinds of HENRIETTAS Moulding Cornice, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Stairways, New els and Balusters. We also keep on hand 1 very- large lot of seasoned Dressed Lumber, Builders' Hardware and Sup- plies a INDIA LINENS, 5 TO 25 CENTS. Nainsook and lace flouncings at any ' price. Not hnving room to dis play La'f of our stock we , ill introduce a bargain day t vciy Thurs day. CHA.S. BOBBINS. Those wishing anything in our line can get it at reason able prices. All kinds of j Office and Bank Furniture a specialty. THE BUILDERS AND MANU FACTURER'S SUPPLY CO., Durham, N C may 2-6m A EutGira KNABE Grand Square and Upright PIANO-FORTES. Fifty Years Before the Public. Upon their excellence alone have at tamed an unpurchased rre-emi nence whicb establishe. them a. unequalled in Tone, Touch, Wozkmanship and Usability, WM. KNABE cz CO. WAREROOMS: 119. Vlfil. Avenue. New York. 9 n.t 91 R. Eakimore St. Balti. 817 Market Space, Washington, D. C. Many Dersons who have bnilt Iinnaea have been at a loss as to how to finish and decorate them. They bad no de signs, models or sample, from which to select, and they would gladly have committed the eare and trouble to seme competent and responsible party. 1 1 or 1 111s purpose me THE OLD RELIABLE rasTABUsBEO ia in, 1IIJHR k HUB, OWNERS, .WMMon to B. t Booi4 MANUFACTUKEK3 Monuments, Tablets, Tombstones, and all Kinds of Marble Work. SATSrA-CTICH GMBASTEE) CS Estimates and Designs Fur. imhcd Free. Main Street, Durham, N. a June Ikly AGENCY has been established, being the first ot the kind in the State of North Carolina. We will take abuildinefrom the hands of tbe plasterer, where desired, and flni-hit in HAED WOODS or in any manner wanted; will als decorate the same in paper or in "LIXC11USTA WALTON. We furnish Parquetry floor ing, Wainscoting and wood carpets. Estimates furnished. Hard wood man tels, cat red wood panels, slate and marbio mantels, grates, tne Jackson ventilating trratc and any kind of heat er, mantel mirrors, pier glasses, hearth, vestibule and mantel tiles of all kind among other things named we are State Agents for the celebrated WILLER SLIDIXa BUNDS." I MANCFiCTCREKS' HOUSE FUBSI8H- iso AoExcr, Main Street, Durham, N C. Office over Bower. & ArendelL ROSE E, CLEVELAND, .una or PRESIDENT CLEVELAND. HER MEW BOOK, "W I At. ASD M iRAL CfLTCRS. The sewnd edition now ready. The argent Mle in Ibe suorteni time 01 any uooa puun.uou. AGENTS WANTED In all parts of the world; none but good workers wanted. Hhow the book aud it .tin itMtlf: we guarantee exclusive territory; write for circulars, terms and nrni reviews, name choice of territory. To Mt agency at once, send $ l.lHifor complete outnt whicb will be mailed at ouce, poswge psm. uueru tirui.. i. L. llF.RIIKRT Pt B. CO.. 917A919 Olive Street, Rt. Louis, Uo Jun 20-31 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA CHAPEL IIILL, N. C. The next session begins Aue. 30. Tuition reduocd to $30.00 a half year. Poor students may give notes. I ac uity of fifteen teachers. Three fa U courses of study leading to degree.. Three short course, for tbe training of business men, teachers, physicians, and pharmacists. Law School lully equipped. Writs for Catalogue to aos.jit.iirr. haul,,, President. WE BRING THESE TIDINGS Mill,- Justice. Security I More than Twenty-Five; of the Best English and American Compa nies Represented. Nearly $500,000,000 Capi tal and Assets. J Strongest Company Agency la the South, the Largest in the State. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Nearly 1250,000 Paid Cititen. ot Durham. Vour. truly. J.SOUTUOATEASON