LOCAL MATTER OCU1IAU COUNTY DEMO CK&TIC TICKET. For the Legislature : JOHN T. NICHOLS.; t ForSNriff; F.D. MAKKHAM. For Treasurer W. H. ROWLAND. " Register of Deeds : - PASCU ILL LUNSFORD. Coroner. DR. N. M. JOHNSON. , Surveyor: . r. A.M. LEATIIEIIS. pToted and in running order, the ' mHoagors will put on a fast train to rau from Raleigh via Durham, Ox ford, Clarksville to Richmond, It is Ieipeceed that the road will be finish ed by the middle of August. Look out, watch the professor, and see if the Republicans and Third parties don't "fuse" this year. See il the Republicans don t endorse ev ery man nominated by the 3rd party. I he honors will be divided, watch the prediction. ' The Ronded Warehouse ques- will be definitely settled Monday. We urge upon merchants and all business men to take stock in this enterprise. What benefits one class help all the rest, lia up end doing. We noticed a flock of fine look Injrihcep passing " along oar streets this morning. It is an evidence of thrift to see them dotting the bill sides of our farms. Rut do we? Sheep husbandry is very much neglected in Rht sprinkle and it will take numer ous passages over the street to keep tho dust well layed; and we take it that this is what it was purchased for, ii ui vin 8 can ue reiueuieu. we are more than pleased to see it moving about upon our streets. It has re freshing look, t The colored people of Durham, thi.t is the members of O. U. 0. of 0. F. U. S. A., whatever that is will have a big time here on the 8th and 9th of August. They will hold Bazzar and there will be excursions from Raleigh, Winston and other pointa. An oration will be de vered by Rev. .C. u. Davis, of Greensboro." The object of this o casion is to raise money to buy a lot and build a Ilall for Durham. We rise to remark that the dog- lorae portions of our State. a ay season us arrueu. Hon. Jas. W. Dunlop of Bieh! rnond, Va.. Is dead. The breaks of tobacco are light,! this week. Prices continue about tbe same. -Mr. Thomas Attklus pot his four finger sawed off at the Durham Saab and lilind lactory yesterday. Quite a number of tbe papers aro saying that Maj. V. A. Guthrie, ot this place baa been placed on the Republican ticket for Supreme court Judge. They are rather previous. We learn (hat the Major has not yet been noiified of bis selection: You can't run a campaign of 1848 in 1840 to save your life. "The Death ot Mrs. GUI. Died at her residence near Wake, West, N. C, Mrs. Annie E. Gill, aw Go' years She leaves an inter estinir family ot six children, she was I factored . m .m a .. . -J . oved and respected by all who Knew m0 Atlanta Ga, ber. Sue was tbe sister ot the wite of J.F. Corbitt, of this place. Fash on tho Bonded Warehouse party of Progress" the Republican The New lload Our people are moving ahead with the project to open tbe road from Guess Mill to Little River. This will shorten the distance from Dur bam to Cedar Grove four miles, and the late John McUown said it was time. It has cone back to the days of log cabins and cooo-skina. It bas reached too far back and will be lost in tbe distance when November arrives. In the Lynchburg market for tho week ending 24lh. there was a decrtaseof 12,400 pounds compared wild tbe week previous: also a de crease of 2,479,700 pounds from Oct. 1st '87 to July ', compared with same time last yea. While the Republicans are bowl ine for "protection to Ame rican labor th newspapers in the United States derated to the interests of labor. with two or three exceptions, are ad vocating Tariff Reform as proposed U th.llAm....tlii nt I hut tal' tbe story. Tle crops in the eastern part of CI atbam. along tne 11. &. A. Kail ro:id cannot porsiuiy make more than one fifth of the usual crop. We Jo not believe there is an acre of corn along the road that will make a peck of Ions corn. It might b.said tho crop is a failure Tbe Chicago littiet corcn eiting on the conviction and sentencing t bard labor for seven and five years, nnctively, of Cross and White, lb Kaleigb, N. Cf bank booll.rs, ieinarks that "Southern iutico in t as Ux as it is said to fee. ami a little of it further North wouldn't do any barm. The people of Durham county pay a large tax, to work tbe public roods. Every criminal sentenced to tho penitentiary or work house is rut on tbe public roads. Yet we believe the road are in a worse condition than ever before at this season ot the jeur. Let every public road be wel worked. Quite a number of the Durham Ltebt Infantry sn I band lave rr 'turned from the encampment. The reinunder will be home th's after noon. The boys are full of incidents sod rrmtoixceiiCM of their stay in Camp IVrder. Ihey all report isplendil time, and speak in high terms tf '.Yrighttviile and Mining Uor. Mn- " -ThsfcsioBof the Durham Dii our war . ou ,jrv.r.nM - I li li, s. aiuivivhi I mw sn"vi tuu f -The N. C Dookselleis sad t.rire.lv .tUnd.!. Rev. Dr. Stationer's Brd of Tiade will neet u. g Bck presided. The following at Wilmington tbe aecona lueaoaj i,,m ecte,i, delegates to the Annua fa Annus. Mr. w. a. ' Crnference: li VY. Hynum. K this rity is secretary, and tape -JVriHh, J. A. Johnston, John Mitch Q. Ilarrell, of Kaleign, prtaiaen. A. nw order has been lamed to PosUl Clirks, by the P. O. Depart movement . It will be a good tning for Durham. The small hot with, a stone lirniMon his heel, looks on life as a very doubtful proposition. Home raised water-melons are rolling itto town. Tkty were plenti ful to-day. We would like to know if every man in Di r'lara is doirg his duty for the success of me iomcco &xpo tion. If ' " t - . It you want to double op in abort order you now have the oppor- tiinitr. Tbe cucumber harvut is opon ua. Contentment is belter than rithM."it has bcea trulr said, and. we may add. is much more rarely enjoyed. The wheat crop ia Chatham tnrned out about one third of an av rage jieW. The fanners are very despondent Raleigh and vicinity wu visiwd h th lua.mL run veslerusT we have seen fall io a long eontinued four hours. Ani?tit the 8th Wdnedy latha dav Main Street Methodist Sunday Sd otd will run an excur ion to Winston. Tne threeand-a-ba!f story to bamo atoraire house, in . tbe rear of Mr.W. Duke's residence, ii being moved across Main street. There were large breaks at the warebonsea to-Jar. Tbe covered wagons were numerous The offer ings were somewhat above the aver age. Don't fortrct tbe democratic Mtailnff in Durham next Monday niffhi. Lrt there be a full turn out Af .11 thnm who wisb to bear the principles of the parties discussed. -Wfr mlon teas" are the latest twbts in fashionable circles. It i a 1m in order for editors to have oantolmir breakfasts and musk melon dinniiigs. Duriam ia a thriving, energetic town, and no mistake. Raletgh Y w ell. Alternates : O. P. Alston, W. II. Branson. T. II. Walker, S. Y, llrown. BurUnctnn wu selected a -i.. . . .. . .. ...... - . m . . .... unit ni ion iiiv ina niL mpninir 01 inn nant Thm fflCL IOd 01 mSXinZ vH IV . . Z " r;ii.UrtlmatUrwitha lead pecc.l UiHtrictConierci.ce. isnotdeeiw l secure, nerka must .Wall atop. Wa are hotgilrg after August 1st, use either ink or w wrjW ay mon "pretty pieces for Indelible pencil. the paper, we wrote one this morn- -V.J?her'ir J. W. Taylor, of Ot- :ng full ofpiy-thoa and wnrds of six i l M.MH. makes a larce sv lab es. and after piactni it nnaer ..re... i.,K.n. tilowcd uo his a weicht, we laid b.ick in our thai . . . j .... ..J fAMtt TUrn Kitf av.trita lilfa aniKi ..nil law ai M miff, buu i iu it.m auw k tnrnt tl. land in oess. The drought tious and vindictive pohiioians, got ... . - la. la! . l.a.a..1Ma. m. a. J bsd bumt Op bi tObaCCO. W ngnuns; -rami w,wmim -u.. D-mocrata you have no time to . llriki0ff on their war an lose, lie up ana uwi'K. v i-t mahie cttueo. who was comina np to pay a bill. Wt really can afford to have these things happen. the liver the kidneys What The People Say. PEMBERTOITS .,.., An A,TTil -thorny McAfer, Chattanooga, LEMON AND ORANGi. Tcud. : "It gives me pleasure to im- form you that my wife has been re stored to health by the use of your Coca Wine. She had been in very poor health for many years suffer ing from Dyspepsia, Hysteria, Con Btipation, Sick Headache and Inao mnia. At times she suffered extreme ly with Neuralgia, and all the reme dies used and recommended by phy sicians only gave her temporary re lief. Your Coca Wine has done the work." Dr. C. A. Ltyles, Atlanta, Ga.: "I have used your French Wine Coca with marked success is suprasensi tiveness of tbe mental faculties an sing from excessive intellectual strain; also in nervous headache and restlessness and insoruuia of the I so-called typho-malaria fever." mil) tf. The most perfect liver medicine m the world. It Keeulates tne bowls, it purifies the blood, it clen- ses the system, it positively cures consumption, biliousness, dyspepsia, fever, chills, bad breath, sour stona acb, pain in side or limbs or back the Order inC08t''vene88 aDa kidney troubles of any form. Specific for all female irregularities, relieving "change ot life" period of all danger. Pleasant to take. No restriction of diet or habit rexnired. Sold by all drug gistsat 60 cts. per bottle. Manu- by remberton Mediciae m!9-tf. NORTH CAROLINA JJKYVS. JOTTINGS AND CUPPING 3 FIIOM OUB STATS EXCHANGES. The honse of Thos. Lower, five miles from Shelby, was destroyed Uiin.l n w inaima... T .naa Y 1'a l.n.l tn.l IM lha flAl.ffitv Atl . .. ' ' at least $700. A prominent gentle. The Raleign Scott Partin mystery mun said this morninz it would be ' About ended. , It is nut bcott ac worth a hundred thousand dollars cording to correspondence with the annual! v to iJurhani. The merchants "a department which identify the aro the ones mostly interested id it. nan Robert Lecson l'orter. bey wen know why this road will nuirrU Nmn.Oh.rtt - Cummin. I 1 1 a T A I 1 V- I . 3 nenennnem. iHOw eenuemen pian a,onar l,,hn Rn h in son hu rrn to down the cash, and it will bs opeued. gurr- and Yadkin counties this week a .. . i" -1: :ii l. ..i. if. s . . . . Application wui w iujc uen aiuu- where De wiu organize farmers' instr t Jtss and experiment farms. A IMUl Wie OI lIHHlimjr. A.illa , P.nm a Mfir M. LVNC0BCRO, Va., July ou. sues pjBV6a Vestrda hv a rentleman of t r J.. u.r . 7 ' . ' i . aiiifrgie uuruiiii, juk " thu city we learn that the enemeers Montstomery, Ala., who has been via. th Carolina. n,,mrwrln anand itinir ibe family ot Mr. Alexander Chicago Railroad are certain to come Simpson in this city lor several weens, ,o Asheville. .k.f it nutri tt nut h.nd. A negro named Scott Cowan tried ' . . - I k :i i : ti i. i . on ber to prevent her from doing " m iwuuuiB wu- ..! vu, i. nn .nn.n iy as ine onicer was taxinz uim v Uvl Ovlt UJU' Ji v,w v "1 I v v m 4 - m a .a r. h. m..l,t h Jan. uesiashea himsen severely witn ent home under escort to-morrow. UU1 ul'0 uuw wo - ss x . il . l.il. - r . I . learn irons me uanutie wmmcie. Clinton Caucasian : The Wilming ton Presbytery meets in this place to day. -There is a pear tree on Mr. R. R. Bell's plantation that is sup posed to be 100 years old and has a full crop on this year of good pears, Greensboro ratrtot : Some one threw a stone across tho court preen i to-day and broke tbe legs of six can didates tor Sheriff, and eight candi dates for Register of Deeds, while sev eral escaped unhurt. Capt. Banks, of the steamer Ran- ccr, was drowned at Nag's Head Sun' day morning. He was so far from lesirable grades have advanced, es- shore that no one dared t j go to bis nwiallv irood to fine mahocanv and assistance. We learn this from . . . . i I- m I bright wrappers, ana are wanted. 1 1 iw iuservvr apwuu. made some splendid salts oi wpacco Ireden countf Democraf,c Coovcn VT J'A' 1 -,i?Trt o Ik ' U'on held l WiD yeaUrday, verKr, ' recommended D. Turner for tbe Sen eraon. 6bh puuDda, f-'tH ..average.i tnJ noroinate a. Lcazar and J. I3C 0!; W. r- IWKerson 4. pounds, IIoman for the IIou. T. J. AN lbl.!i, average, k. r. Uog- f ,f t. M. C. Davidson for . akArWaf . ..-.--------- - - era,7 :una, a-u" i. avcr-Re, !w,rter. a. V .Turner for Treasurer ailW lilt . .1. a. 1M...aHa..ak fAfli!! O ' ii.o, P'.'-'" .n. nnan mous v nstrncted the Can wun , atcrage, .ioo; d I ,f iIatea fortheLeeisIature to vote for aa cju:H...a. ar i ; f i wi i w i. cun-p, a huuu-. iunsoia for the Senate. arra 177 !.V I in t ATlPT. zlJil llul.. I ji si itnr.. i 7fi; A. M. War. Newberrt Journal : Mr. B. B. Dav ren." 1179 pouuds. I2J1.74, averace, enport sendsin a curious looking bug. f-22.22 Cuiters aro doing well, also it h long horns, ana air. uavea Cnaofire tbe Balance of Trade. Philadelphia Timoa. The official report of the exports and imports of the country for the year ending on the 30th of June, shows a balance of trade against thio country of $28,000,000. That is, we imported or bought from toreiga markets $28,000,000 more than we exported or sold to foreign murkt-ts, and the trade of tbe year leaves the United States $28,000,000 poorer than when the year began. vt ime we nave exported azo.uuu, 000,000 of gold from the country this year to pay the balance of trade against u , we have had 1 t-i trade id , cheap labor to the utei.t of import ing 550,000 immi-'ruit1, some of whom are criminals &.d many of whom are Huns, Poles and Italians, who are fugitives from pauperize American labor in this country. We must chtoo the balance ot trade in our favor or we muat s'ead- ily decline in prosperity. The fami- BRAIN! NERVE! NEURALGIA, SLEEPLESSNESS, . DYSPEPSIA, HEADACHE, NERVOUSNESS, SPINAL IR IUTATION, PALPITATION OF THE HEART. THAT TIRED FEELING, CAN BE CURED BY USING PEMBERTON'S WINE COCA FOR THE OVER WORKED, THE AGED AND FEEBLE, THE INVALID THE LADIES SPECIALLY. It is a Godsend and blessing, so say thousand who have been restored to health. Write for book of par. Uculars. Sold by all druggists. Peru berton Mediriuie Co., Atlanta Ga.. ml9tf. Stallion Season 1888 Pilot Belmont. Standard No. 3H64. Dark Bay Horse, with black points, foalded iu 1882, sired by Wood ford Pilot 1640, first dam Bay Chief, Maid by Belmont. 64, 2nd dam Bay Adete, by Bay Chief, son of Mam brino Chief 1 1.3rd dam bv Pilot. Jr.. 12. V of d ford Pilot, sire of Belford. 2 26J, King Mid&s, 2 28J, has trotted in z.zai and was sired by Woodford Mambrino 2,21, sire of Abbottsford 2,141, Mambrino Dudley 2.19 K Pan- coast 2.2 1 J, Convoy 2,22, and seven others in 2,30 list, whose dam was Bruna by Pilot, Jr., the sire of the dams of Mm J S. 2,08 and Jay Eye soe, z.iu, tne two ustest trotters that ever lived. Belmont, by Alexander's Abdal lab, 15, sire of Goldsmith's Maid 2,14, stands at the head of "Wood burn," the great breeding establish- ment of A. J. Alexander, of Lexing ton, Ky., and is tbe sire of Metwood, 2 18, Wedgewood, 2,19. Dick Mooer ly that expends more each year than! 2.22, Nil Desperandum 2,24, Vixin it earns, or that buys more than iti z,z-ii, vora ueimom z,Zit, and nine To the Farmers. Ditiham. N. C. June 15. 1388. Durios the past few weens I have bsd no drun.mera m the field, nor bave I written letters Mvising the farmers to sell their tobacco, but on the contrary have advised them to hold tbur tobacco, believing prices would be much better. It bas turn ed out aa I thought and hundreds of farmers will be benefitted. 1 may have loot money by doing so, but it was my judgment, and l thought it mv dutv. I now take pleasure in saying, an sells mupt impoverish its industry and seud its gold to pay the diffor I ence. How cau the balance of trade be changed in our favor? A judicious protective tariff is the proper and only remedy. We have a very high I tariff; higher than any tariff ever others in the 2,30 list. The dam of Behnont was Belle, by Mambrino Chief, the siie of Lady Thorne 2,18 and hve others in 2,M list. Alexander s Abdallah was aired by Hambletonian, the sire of Dexter, 2.1? and four other trotters in 2,30 list, whose sous and daughters have ..... - , j framed as a distinctively protective I given to the tun oil pertormers in tariff, but it oolv taxes and oppresses! 2, 30 list. His blood is found in 50 industry while it gives our home per cent, of all trotters in tho 2,20 a " . a aaa If, a . rt S a. a ll -I (t n markets to roreien mms ana labor. I usi, in per cent, oi aii in me z.io The woolen goods alone imported list, and in 67 per ceuU of all that last year, if manufactured at home bave records of 2,16 or better, while as they should be, would have chang of the seven that have records of 2,14 ed the balance of trade from $28,- 000,000 against us to at least $20, 000,000 in our favor, and the pres ent Enelish manufacture for the American market is the largest ever known Why have not these woolens been supplied by home mills and home la' borf To that question there is ouly one answer. J. he answer is mat England elves free wool, free chemi cals, tree dye stuffs, etc , to her wool-, en manufactories, while we tax our home miiU and labor 41 per cent for raw wool with high taxes on other materials. Thus with a t ix of some CO per cent, imposed upon tho con suraers of woolen goods, we largely pay that oppsosive lix lor the priv ilege of wearing bneiisn woolens and making the balance of trade against us. There must be something radical ly wrong with onr tariff laws when, and better, all but one bare his blood. With these facts as a guide I offer the services of Pilot Belmont until August 1st to the public at $25.00 for the seasou aud $1.00 to the groom, lie is limited, however, to ten mares and will make the seasou at Stagville. U. UAMiiKU.N, Udawtal Stagville, N. C. PROH B IT ON COVSTY CONrSSTiOS. AU peroona willinir to vote tor the elec tion to all ufticea of men who will secure the total prohibition of the manufacture and sale of alcoholic Mveraetis, are h-re mn.lium And ttfMkl hmokeri hdJ FlIilPOit am CftIM'' It Ctmpaign bng. I wita DountUui crops aoa no Diior ipmhiUtion Club. Duk Building. ftur- I Take either born of tbU bue and ynu I mal depreasioo of trade, we Import day, Angt u, m 10a. m.f fir tbe purptue mm .. & a i ... .... laa-sii ba ft aw an iaswi ma ati wai in nr mnra tnin sra fw nrirn-x iitil i iv im vasuvsnsus iw a ivuiwiiiuh mviiiiiiho. I0U Can now gCl your WUaCCO r. - . . :,, V: " th Notional and Stal. and of armnjinp d come along to Parrish'a t mora afpropriata name is -a cam- more man we se u. t n yuri, ir&ituia Wanhoufa. I wil bave no drum- nnmoug, ana were are many oi a protective win w wuu up lod camrin. mora Ia tnnnv n.i nn lha wav or in I others, though atloo ether different in home industries to supply home mar- n order of Durham Prohibition Club. awam awa-a.l ItMVkA ill nr.t anffUrlaiZB and shaoe. iust like it. It makes keU and keep the balance of trade I II. S. Sxow, 8c. T. M, STtpniNS, Pw any to turn yoqfrommy Ur,ho. anowe ; hke yo-io? jno-when HfllWF.R RP.rinnr.. I llttnk I .tri iid aia well for foil illCiMUonoK lur uruvcvuuu w vumw unit uy uiuvmi; 'i i;iwiahwm suki mw-m m vmw vm a a ft a .. . ft . I aaak any one. v hue i cannot always dc i at my warehouse wnen you anve in, I wili be there at sale time and see to I Tbe ICatea Itaiaed. it that you get full prices. My fac- uEW Yoaic, July 30. After give European mills and labor a I OXTO&D, N. 0., 'I large share of our markeu by the a M;rhom!.r.9l. ha raav I wi'wwivuii i,iwimvmiu,iwuk UlCHiai wm unp-uicu iuu u i.n n . f J SS'l'a .i.n.i.,.n.ji ii nrau, ntirin.1 hciertiiiic flrtfj iviiiii2rv airoinl dcalof my time iAiinti.al..tailarnri)iaki Idustnes. ... .1 ACaoemu. 1. r '. . 7. . . ..7 . :1 va must chaniro the balance 01 1 naratiswaioa or iwsiUbMia th stkaf nniuruu "" 1 me omciais oi toe came companies . . , -;- , . , . I tnatan.i c-auaa tat wtt. eioam tt . r. ...m .. 11 . . . 1 Tia.i j in mi v vavnr aari.'B iiis 11111 w waw 1 . - . . three limes as mUCIl manuiaciureu la,l alona.1 nirmamnta hV which I "'."?".""-:"" T ' "7' m ot umaar. iiprm tk iw wui ili..u.. I .11 1 at I am r.m- m.7 Ti' ." . " IZ. "t ...... k.i I tO do it U tO alKlilSh UXes Upon the p- i lh -I ir. . OaUtar.-a artttac ioiniv mn vm m ... m m io uuaKiwi air in iiM , . .... I: r. I lorttt mtoi, mrinn m appucaiioa o UlX'caswica Ui muuonj u v. t. H. HOHilKK, Uitonl, .C, and rive aur homo mills and ahori wott.t..ww, usut. .1,. i n,a f h at the j l .. .u ...I... i .- lour own oomo insraeui mtu ... . ........... 1 ..tf..l..l. ... & .M n arcnoiise at sate iimv, wnicn is ine . ... . . ... V L important lime loiannt rs. a ppcaa i rxanv and ISew isincland cities on the I . I v . i a tMaatirnt aitet niinaitMi .f ox of this because I r some drum, fond lines to New York South and ia atMdilv at work. They are work- tng sly'y. Cailwe organise a club in kvery township and get down to systematic worx. . On Mor..la v hkht next, the 6th at Ancrtiat. Mrtrri tianderlio, Bunn nil I'lid will addres the people of Durham opon the Issue of the cam Mtan. Iti nihf r lha time, lie pro tiarctl to bear them. Minn, and other things, and identi a . . ,.it.t mtintr i f Or mire Bed them. Warrants were issued fT rrtabjtery, held at II.Tl.lM,roTu. th suspected parlies. Thew artic Sly t C pas-oral relation between es wet. found at i .colored woman. r?. ltr vithPir- and tha church at house. ShttclJ who left them In her Cbapel Hill were dissolved and Mr. posjession. ttiihelm will hereafter devote the whole of bis time to the church at Hillsboro. We lesrn that at toon as the purham & Oxford Railroad is com ia da it is to alrolish taxes upon thelpa tb ma r pelled t give a portion of my time to them is ended, and on September 1st it ami I cannot am at DOID DiacCS at I it,a aa mill ka ailvatiMul lo 91 ronta .. unian. "... v. L. .! av.th a . -1 1 ... ... IUUI .w Krand many and New Enoland cities on the JJ JJtV? a l,in.l lin to Km York Sooth and w u".r "? V v- in ...a 1 1,1 a aoa n.l n.a. 1 1 v-.l. ...- Ill k I HOB OI cxwruoiiai cjiuuiuw nuu .- hj m- -ij ; will vi iiiw iu a iuii iaw ninwoi . , . ni t. t..- i. r.rn... a.a il.miioh i ... il..i.i..i 1- .j. I monopolies, and ur labor wili have """ ' .... cuirvnji Vw Hg nun iuuauil1 III aUM , - -.. ...... il,:. f11. annrarlata lha fai-L .-.! .1 .- .'1.. a. ..-a q-U ..I. lOCrCaSea CllipiOVmcni ai DCIUT W assiss aw as tvtmmm --- ww i iiiLitin ui aiita ..s ariia. m ata.za a un smsifB s a that fur a warehouseman to hve a 1 on t,rt,M disnstshea will be raised a . .. . . I . a , uL.a.J LalF I . " . m. . 0 .a.. fannrv liisik uw u itw mrus ui uui s i rMt, k id juinia vmw earAii t ini j -.- - - - . I ai viaa v tv atv wmmi irvi wvaw wi ww i . !? - .la .-U--... a. aJ. 'a . . I fttir laVflf. -Ahont tha 3rd of Julr. in tt e m""Pn 7M""",?Y v whiej compamet, in e sgreemeni was f i fbnntrsiaai m vnrui ftnrLinn in ma t nuta Mha,i t ha m.-iiam Mr a.11 Asahia Brsgglown commun.tr. numerous i , V " 5v.nt.Ve to tto farmer. 'ZZJZ ta Udon b0," u!f It wa a livjy time I 1 kP on P,iU c,r,k Vice President DecasUo be- artiues avoicn. " hij i BaA ,, ttmpn f..ra ttt. and Irans-li.k. u. iA.m. f.;a a! t9i SltllflXm. V la aft in Justice Oreeus court to-day i r T7f business with 'promptness WJliZ wl"' TwAnh r!?'! Iwill-bioasale com wnie. also signed tbe contract. 1011 OI CHHHIMK, pw-x, , . . , . mwu CM be IV.. A UK..a f.,11 ,.,- on paid lor Tour tobacco, i do not 100x1,11 mcages transmitteil from points lor any aeciine in pnwi on Baiuw fched by tbsra over the cablca. m . . ttv Tit i!tl L.1 1 01 cmps A nope it w.usu.i su uignvr. t1MWaw, tal t1antH nil emtrteft fflKsiaaa. vnn.1l tnow mo I kanitr u'iccb victoria wok pnaes lor vui. - " I 1 - , . . ... ...-.. 1. . ..;..i .ioi.a .mi. I an at anorinorn ana xiereiora cauio i 1 1 n.. w -vw..- t - - ... 1,,. t in , 01... noil for von as any one and will be "J clad t avll your tobacco. !.!. .I....L. txmm la YOU CAN GET RltMIB 1NHTITITS u4 BCSINMH tHJLI.KilK lallliiS aU about thai atlabraUhl acbo4 FREE! The new street sonukUr wai Med this morning. We are of the opinion that it will not do rffi ctive nrk. The Lol-s in the nirtbkliua aroaratus are 'oo small. It niakel a CCS. Capital Will be better awarded I Tntba14 thia if torn -ontoiplaU palnm- and the balance of trade will be io I anj-a. rparbr TxarniRO, lorBCSixass.or iurcma.s. HIHInoVMita lot raar. Thia School la Sarif kM-akMl la th PltdiiMml Ma f H. 0 la (IrrMMhnKM vhora l hnani raa h had lo. II baa auMxtl-l wll.lia. ana am If balla. ao l akwitljr faralab Sxctotjr Hll, hMallial cnapM. aaa rmani ht xiuh-iw-.. arA-cUaa Ush Srh.K la ia too Hoo- aiiaraaa ,a.aa. n. noi... Oaa Kwl)W,M , 0. rilHi. rilM, ttrhlaiC Plloa. KTrnni-Mnlara; InVnaa iichlB aa4 atlas- Inn: famrt al nahl. woraa hr aralaiB. 11 ai Load to nintlan laawra form, htra sfua NmI an4 akorala, b-nalr my aor. awatnaa OiKTWCKTatot-a tba Itrbiac aa4 hlidm, bwala almat'fl. aud loot ta a wmoraa in inpm.t. at dratg.aU. or by mail, fur u cvata. lt, Swaroa a , f'bllKMpkia. Jna With thauks for past lavofi, t am A bill appropriating 150,000 for a uiiuiog a (Hanton, va., nas Your friend. E.J. fARRlSH. I public bui (been reported to the Senate, w amh xoto July the liou e committee on agriculture toilty re- considered its action of last week in referring to the sub committee the comi-ouml lard bill and ail adulterat ed food bills before the committee with instruction to report by bills or otherwise in December next, and decided to rcpor: to the House the Lee Mil to prevent the sale, manufac ture or transportation of adulterated articles of foi, Anna ami drugs; aiso a substitute fit the liulferworin bill, definincr lard and imposing a tax up on compound laid and regulating iu ale, importation and exportation. Craa-ma, llrhjr. Uriily, fchlai Tarlain. Tha almpi ai-vil -atta of ''fimi Ot art," wliKoat aaf Intrraal H-'lmt will rura aarttaaof Tatwr. auHKacna, Riagwona. Hla, l.a. Hot, Hapla. Koaataa, all a ir lu-hjr Hkia ILrnpUuaa. aa maitor h abailaala or lua atan t tu, it wtaal, aSorUra, aaJ o-la bal a Ir-S. v I ii at s"k