are tnuelied t.liA Mill, liill. and ..s , . , stand with duties precisely as they do Shendsn rapidly convalescing. nnderthe exhtxn Urifc Cbanges The first bale of Texas cotton sold and reductions have only been nude l.J.. . Aonta a nnnnd. ' i I where. thfiV were clcftflv rcaUlfed bV ' m .11 justice and equity, and then it leaves Good crop reports come from all a aurplugof revenue ami ao average parts of Georgia. of 40 per cent tax, which is double The international Bible convention that of the Henry Clay tariff of 1832. in session at Aioury ram, mu. i The tact is tue Mills bill, so tar irom There is a noticeable desertion of J," 3StS hmhih frnm tha rennhhnan rants in I r -'' - 11 arc) in county, Illinois. TTinop Oscs acoomnanieu bv twelve viasels has jpne to receive the Emitfror William oil tort wax holme. . -: Emneror William araived at Sto' k hntm resUrdav. He was received by King Oscar and Crown Prince Uusur. Thn annual mettint? of the South ami' Illinnii dairv association will be helJ ut DuQuoin, August 21 and 22. The Ri-publican Senators are pre CHATHAM CHAT, TBK REVIVAL AT MARTHA' crtAPEL A REMAWCABLE SEBMON FAIL VEE OF CROPS TUE GBEAT IMPBOVKHENr IX THE TO B CCO CROP EAhLY CU-' RING, &.C., &0. Chatham, July 28. The season of protncUd meetings has begun in New Hope Valley. For a eika most Interesting meeting has been proRresjing at me uurmian rnurcn. at Martha's unapei, oi wit'.cu n;v varinc a tariff bill to Uke the place of I Dr. Hernd n, is pastor. Dr. Hern- the Mills bill. Dr. Mackenxiei'd report on tie illness of the late Lmperior tred erick is ready fr publication. ESVctive meaanre are being taken . . . . . l . 1 1! . . in ifflicago w cms a out AnaruiiiHia by the strong arm of the law. Eugene Kelly has sent $3,000 to Parnell In behalf of the in.n rarim mentary Fund Association. A package of $10,000. sent Ly the Pacific Kipress Company by steamer (Succeeaor to JOUN II. TYLER & CO.) Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry. SOLID SILVER AND PLATED WARE, SUITABLE FOB BRIDAL PRESENTS. Watch Repairing done by the-; MOST SKILLFUL WORKMEN AND AT REASONABLE PRICES. Spaotacles and Eye Glasses, Fancy -Goods French Clocks, Bronzes, &c, 807 MAN ST. - - - RICHMOND VA in2 S. H. HAWES' COAL ELEVATOR, jTm. J.J II 1 1 Aim V A,m fr.,m lwtlind to Astoria, is missinir. I strucllve. and eified with a clear, and is believed to have been stolen. I earnest, and pathetic oratory. lie I i a vnunir minuter of most decided On motion of Mr. Bowden.of ir-1 t ility. nd in personal qualities a Binia.the8enate biP was passed l.y mo.iefin hi. boiv c.Hine. lie has the Houfe yesterday appropriating t warM ptcejn the hearts of ...AiiAJ !-:.. U . Swim wliAwf I 4 0.UVU ir cuiBiu8 . u... . 00f intiitm people. at Fortress Monroe, a. , I Qn Mondav we hd a erv remark n,i,th. firvt.!r month nf 1SJL I ablasrmon from Rev.C. A. Boone, " . .. dan list a stronr? trriu on the atfuo tions of the people of ths valley of all cnurcucs, ana very acserve aiy an, for sterling worth, as well as bis zeal In the minis ry. fliip rwtntilA htve hepn en litis pleased and edifiod by the ministra tions ot Hev. o. n. Kiarp, oi uraa f" ? lull week ...l f The Only Coal Elevator South! to - targa coDrfgaiioiiR, woo uuvei v been delicrhud to hear him and form bin acquaintance. He is a very fine preacner, strong, lorcciui, ana tu 1 rxi 000 tons mora of Bessecier stc-el was used then during the last six months tf 1887. O'Donovan Roan, the Irish n v lutionlit. cornea out flat-tjotel for CleveUa I and Thurman, and a re vision of the tarlK TV KarVTcr of a Sunder excur- aloa salte ! the water barreb to coo, pel the fifteen hundred passengers to drink more beer. The survey of the Carolina, Cum berland Gap and Cbtogo I'ailroad through the mounUins toAiheville, N. C, has been recommended bv W. II. 8cho8cld and James a. Uibbs MotMnch FreTriste Lraebktff aiitmm. Ilia nemtes of tariff and revenue reform, wl o are simply the advocate most estimable eentletnaa. livinz .... . .. ' - near 1'itUboro. ana lor.a:aiiv pastor of Martha's Chapel, lie was illut- LrhMnar aoma arnriiuai irutn ov lue irreat lii ititntion existing in that sec i . . tion exienuin,; irom Apex w ixc . cwm . j vuie, ana . ritiora. aob aescnp i lion was harrowing, and I certainly had noidei of tuch failure of crops in anv oortion of the county. After seivices, I asked him if bia sermon mm in K aa literally true, and he told me that he had not overdrawn the iilcture in his sermon but that it wia literati true. There will c-rt.iu!y be great destitution in that I section. i We hire had fne seas ns in thia aecin. -Theearty corn is too far spent I) be belped; but tue late coin nrmniata fin-l.iif aeajiom huldouL l J 9 " nittinn liaa uon hplrrfkl: hut the Crotk must be very short. There ban been There are 72 screens in the Building. No oust or dirt can possi bly get into the Coal as it rune over these screens in pass A aw,, uvau Nig evawr iuio me cars. Consumers get their Coal dry and "Perfectly ways keep on hand a large atock of all kind nf fVtuI Kpat anil ed for Fonndrv. Factory and Family use. All Coal selected and of best quality, l rompt siiipmenis. urueia uucimj. . . JtX. MJLJtJL. VV JULsS Tt.. :t..l nn alAnrai la t h.. i!luiatnr ami tha PjuI ia Inailml intil i. uc (aiiiuwj vta " """t" -w " , , . them thcte. thus lessening the e t to the trade South and West 4 . m. Sll'SE d: SUA WS SEW ADVERTlSEUdNT: of pe petuating a liih war tariff! a ro0(t rcniarkahle improvement in for the siecial benefit of the mono-1 ,,,1,.- t. har.llv Momi nn. til- polisU. seek to make it appear that ! .!.. tl, arl nlantinir coulJ Lvt the Mills bill, wbicb has pwsea me l in,pr0Ttj i0 mnc Our tobacco YOUR OPPORTUNITY ! iionse and gone to the fcena'e, ia a a a ''free trale measure seriously aamag nlanlra are trraallv enconraired. and if the ieaons should be good for the "ire-irao- mcaiurr w muaij uuj- ,j the ieaoos sboula be gooU lor tne log to all of the industrial interests ,gU pi,niing, there will be. at last, a oftheeonntrT. That this is a gross Wr cnf of cco io this valley, mlsrepresentati iB of all the truth of tnd probablv or a finer quality than the ease and to trove that the . Mills I naitatl raiajd hnr. f liir ntantpra m the ease and to prove that the .Mills bill js really a eoservative measure. itrotecUnr all interests alike, it is nnlv niaaarv ta buLliah the follow Ing named industries which have not Iran tiiun'irJ bv the Mills hill and that stai.d protected precisely as they now are by the present tariff in force, namely x , - Basket mskerv " IJoc.kbioders and finishers Bone and ivory workers. Boot and shoe makers. Brewer and roalinters. Britannia ware makers. . Buttnn factory operators Csadle makers. Cioar makers. . Clock and watch maker and re pairer.' -Cwpcra, Cooler workra Cowt makers. Cutlery maker. Distillers and realiQers. Fishermen. Flai dresseis. Vnr arnrki'ra. (Jlovcs, eottoa and woolen, ootton gtllaon, gimp and tassel makers. Ooll and aUver w r era and jewel era. Gunsmiths and locksmiths. Harness and saddle makers. Hat and cap maker. nauallv raiaed ham. liar nlanten have spared no pains or expense to make aimod cron of fine o'lalitr. Next week several barns of tobacco will be cut and cured, and then on the curing season will be pressing. It la earlu r than Uiuftl. The irrepreHtble water-nielon has mala tt ar,iMarani. anil ' ' I I ... . - ' " -I hare commenced their trio to Dur ... . I ... fTi bam ana me oiner marKci. mere are none belt r than the melons of New Hone valler. and the? arc pretty fair thia season. j. Storrlsvllle Matter A correspondent vrntinir to thci RtrnuDERfrom Mornsvillesa'a: "The croiis around this place are looking baUy. W have not bad a lAinm in aiMiut aeven wceaa e lata V..wi think Kowle. vole Fowle and will have Fowle (for our neit at m - . . a I (i.ivernor. loumay dci your ooi- tora dollar ot that. -Uur school finoned' lail Mondav with W. A Wh tied. II. il. l ate, ana .us bn ma Hareard. of Chapel Hill, in charm. Mr. Wbittcd ' ha been teach no for about twen'v vears. Mr. Cate about ti e same length of time, and they are claaeed among the best in the State. Miss Hansard is araduate of Ureenboro female !us & Shaw9 "NVill on Monday, July 23J, have one of their Grand SPECIAL Sales, When they repose to offer to their customer SIX SPE- CI A I. CAlUlS uargains will oo cuereu m every ue partmenl. e-iecial!y in White Spreads, Table Damuks, ff I. T - rt I m ilia mir artiolna mantinniwl liA. aoatria, irc vi-k.-, ' low will be offered as a special inducement, A large number of customer on last Mon Jay failed to get any of the bleach' icg and handkerchiefs, we therefore, to supply those who were disappointed, will offer more on Monday. Listen to the following wonderful but truthful starement. .A. G- A. X 3ST S a - , . i rcomn leie in ail us orancnes. Leather cast and potkitlwuk .. . A-tr0M li awv'iea" w ugly healt hy at present. maker. Iflfiara. Mirror and picture frara makers. Organ meiera, ' Patw mill Aneratnra. Pianoforte makers and loners Preserved meat Rubber goods maker. Heal and rule maker. Kraw makera. Shirt, cuff and collar maker. bin oka. Silk mill operator. Klraar VArkara. Tile, common and fire I Ick work frs. Trunk, vallcet ana makers. Tr as:elr lu Virgin a. AutnnniW. 'a.. Julv 95. On Mniida. John (Iravson. of Johnson i..n mim to Abinuton. and while drunk drew a pistol iroui ins pocaei aad turned th weapon wwara u s mniiilnn. l.iiiurn ll Cff. a 0111 ... .rains tha danger, laidhis band ("" " . T . ... on Orajson' shoutacr ana eip"sm 1-1..1 ,ih litm. immeuiBteiv vjibt son tutned on Trigg and shot bim In the kft shoulder. Giyo fled, r..ll wa.l bv an ancnr crowd ana w eat net baa finally lltot down, i n& wi I .. Iwnnn. and Ills III WllkllH. . in H CO H NO. 1. Five doxen Handkerchiefs at 3 cent each. NO. 2. Whit hemstitched embroidered Uandker chiefs, worth 30 cents each, will be sold at 13 cents each. ( NO. 3. All linen dinner napkins, 25 inches square, worth 12.50 per d.non, will be sold at 1.20 per doien, or 10 cents each.'' These can be ued tor tray cloths and is decidedly the biggest bargain in table linen ever offered in Nottb Carolina. ' NO. 4. The batance of our TVhit Good and colored, (n plahl, figured and striped, will be closed out lor 12 cent for choice. NO.' 5. Three piete yard wide bleaching, worth 9 cents, will be sold at 6 cent per yard. Not more lhaff 10 yards will be sold to any one person. NO 6. Three pU'oc yard wide bleaching, worth 10 cent, will be sold for 71 cent per yard. Not more than 10 yard will be sold to any one person. We assure the ladle all of tha above are decided bar gains, and we do not ask them to buy unices found as represented, but we do ask them to call and examine the good. Pleas lemcmber time and place, Monday, JnlyJZ3d at Id MUSE & . SHAW, Main titieet, Under Stokes Hall Let not the people of Durham and vicinity think in necessary to withhold their orders from the SOUTHERN JEWELRY HOUSE Until the completion of the Railroad, but wnen m need of anything pertaining to WATCHES, :: CLOCKS, :-: JEWELRY, :: ic, ' Send your orders to F. D. JOHNSON & SOJVr 802 MAIN ST., LYNCHBURG, VA. I?For five cents we will mail New Illustrated Catalog in ant- address. !,b 27 m, ... . l,.iv... atk n ahp aaw her 9in Umbrella and parasol mskers. -ntif dra I, ass p. hfM that si e Htove furnace and grate maker, died. Bv ten . c.rfc l r. varmiia larm nrnaucia. dit. nnna, uihk . . . i i I..' Jl' ."l. Iflravami l.a.l Hut ld ffPm ftoneoi inese various inauwieiw'""'" M IMfSLEYAN 1 I STAUNTON,. 111 I h-t;.Hh; if H oib imiA "tCMnl t I I IIIMLL II11J IIIUILl srnkaMaal H1iL W. IKfiSL naaaa mm wmm SWSJSJ1 TTTKIiTV avun . ' at a aa a a. W. a. B. lu-mmk f AlaBCa I WWWWWtii aatjrfPSItlPlsj I "WWf fin 1 I'll His r.i- "" . l. . , iKa Liar mil tf ft His this CELtiNATlO ICHUVLa wrtM Wr ft tftUlfM 19 . A. MM, tm Hmt IMQTITIITC BECKWITH & PARHAM, Booksellers, Stationers, Printers, Publishers, Book-Binders, Blnk-Eook asi Paper-Bos Manufacturers, 1107 Main S. - Richmond, Va. 81PTECJLAJL LOW PRICE ill be given on the FOLLOWING SPEGIAL SIZES OF- BOOTS AD SHOES Lili-t Cloth H'itimi 8hiM. " ( Imh La " :31 lVl.l.le ami KM Fox Lace Shnes, 84 21 Pairs, Sixes 1 to 61. - to 6. " lVIlile Umum Mine, 14 M PeUils Low quarter Slns, M issm' i'loth Lace Vox Hluw, S3 ChiUls' Ckh Laea Khnes, 20 Mens Pebble IWkins, 11 - Heiier Low Oil,', 17 I'rioce AlU-rt L,.w Cul, 1.1 - La.lUl4 41 " Oaixreoa 3H " Bs W Borf Pebhle Low Quarter, 37 SI lo 6. 3 to 4, 7, 8. Sand 4. lltol. 7 to . 5,3, 51. 3 to 0 and 10, 12. 4 to 71. 4t to 8. 4110 7. 6 to . I to 6. CALL AND GET A BARGAIN BEFORE YOUR SIZE IS SOLD. Your truly, JOHN L. MARKHAM, mar 19-U DURHAM, kV.nC.