NORTH CAROLINA NEWS. JOTTINGS ASD CLIPPINGS TROSI OTJB STATE EXCHASOE3. A cavalry company is reported to be organising in lransylvauia coun ty. Washington county has endorsed George U. Brown for Congress in the i mt District, ; The Third Party Prohibitionists of Rowan county have nominated a county ticket Rev, D. I. Craig, of Reidsville, has been called to the Presbyterian church of JUurinburg. The Greensboro workman says Judge Gilmer's health continues to improve. - Glad to bear it. The Landmark says that an agri cultural fair will be held in States ville in October. The citizens of Wilson are making arrangement to establish a male school of high grade in that place. The bill appropriating $75,000 for a public building at Statesville, has passed the senate. Kev. Jos. B. Cheshire, of Charlotte. ia attending the annual meeting of the Trustees of the University of the South, held at bewannee, Tenn Cross' bond has been made np and will be passed upon by the clerk to day. .The bondsmen are all in Gates county and are I. E. Cross, father of the prisoner, 18,000; F. Is Willey $1,000, R. G. B. Cooper fl.OOa White's bond is partially made np and he expects to be able to give it. .The Winston Twin Cily Daily has blossomed out into a neat and attrac tive evening paper of 21 columns. Brother Foy has the true newspaper grit and sticking qualities ana the people of the twin cities should give nim a most liberal support. Prof- Exum Beckwith, assistant Professor of Mathematics at -Wake Forest College and Miss Eitlie S Ellington, daughter of eiaSheriiT Ellington, of Clayton, S. C, were married Jnly 21st. The Fayettevilie Observer says the tracking business in that section is stta'lily growing, and that the grow ere f.mnd it necessary to form a so cktv for their tnutoai protection, so they met last week and elected offi cer Wilmington criminal court has beaten the most speedy case of Jer sey justice." David Herring stole ao ox about 9 a. m., and by neon be was sentenced to ten years bard labor in the penitentiary. That will break one negrj from stealing for a while, at taut. Mr. Henry Talbert, of Cabarrus eon&tr. has civen the Charlotte ChromcU a curiosity in the shape of rousnroom. i'i growth was pe cultir and it is so closely resembled bird that it was calculated to de ceive any one who would not examine it closely. lliikory Frm and Clipper : The eo'lition of two freight trains near As'-tviUe last wetk was caused by the drunken condition of A. C. Wei dod, the operator, who forgot his do ty and caused the death of one man and fearful injuries to four others. One Dr. Eeed ordered the whiskey and be and Weidon were both drank. Twenty years in the penitentiary is not too mucn ir Dotn or tnem. The DUpatck, of Lexington, in IU account of the meeting of the Press Association, says: "Measures were taken to exclude -hncA niMn and simu'ar publications, not bona fi-lt newrpirs, from membership in the association ; also owners of .papers not engaged in publishing or editing wem. i rvj represesiauoB was - 1- J - . A . T . . . rcueu vuu auct years oi persistent effort, the ociauon baa at last rid den ifi-elf of alt dead weight and bangers on." This is weQ. Wo hope now to aeit accomplish great good to the fraternity. - Carthage liladtt At last the rail road Is about nobbed. By Saturday bight next the last spike in the Car tbage railroad will have been driven. It will be some two or three weeks before a schedule train is put on. Carthage can no longer be consider ed isolated from the buiy world, and ere another twelve months roll around abe will be numbered with the progressive towns tf the "Old Kertn riiate.w Greensboro P-arM : We hardly realiit the gratifying and substantial development of tbis part of Kortb Carolina. whi:b is takin-r nta through the western extension of Cape rear k Yadkin Bailey Railway. A quick route to a choice of market taust UntCt all etases the farmer, the merchant and the manufacturer and the rapid growth of the flourish ing villages and towns between this point and ML Airy ia but the evi dence of a substantial prosperity des tined to abide with the people of all that section. BalefgU Kewt'Oltemr ; It is do aired that every Democratic club in the fourth CoDgrsional district will at ones senl U. 11. Roberta, Esq , at Raleigh, the names of its president and secretary and the bumber of meaibership. Secretaries of cluti will please give this their attention. A gentleman left here last week for Franklinton with fifteen hundred toad frogs. .-The Industrial School, whose opening was announced several weeks ago, has now on Us roll ninety children. To keep all these hands em ployed takes many garments and many yards of goods. , Charlotte Chronicle', Prof. Alder man, who was to have presided over the Mecklenburg County Teachers Institute, has meet with aad afflictions in hia family and will be unable to at tend. Prof. M. 0. 8. Noble has com. sented to act in place of Prof. Alder man. Miss Ella McCombs, daugh ter of the late Wm. McCombr, of Hickory, and neice of Dr. J. P. Mo Combs, of this city, died at her heme in Hickory last Friday night, at 9 o'clock, from an attack of typhoid fever. She was 19 years otage, The board of trustees of Wake Forest College have elected Prof- A. L. Pen nington, of West Virginia, to the chair of chemistry; Prof, John B. Carlilse, of North Carolina, was ele cted adjunct professor of the ancient languages. A professor of English and modern languages will be elected August 7th, and additional appliances will be made to the labratory. Ealeigh correspondent of the Wil mington Messenger i The Industrial school for girls which was opened nere about a mcntn ago in the ten tenmal school building numbers ninety pupils, all of whom are kept employed in making op garments from material received by contribu tion. It is the intention of the manageis of the school to distribute these garments to the poor daring the winter months but it is to that cla'iof the poor who! are helplss TL - : - i -. - r . t - 1 t xutj principle oujocv m ton acuooi is to give instruction in sewiug and re pairing to children and girls, that i start might be given them in procu ring work for their auppon. rrot Holmes, of the State University, has been employed by the State Board of Agriculture to take in hand the matter of examining, identifying and labeling the specimens in the State Museum. Prof. Holmes will take an office in the agricultural building and begin his work this week. In the museum there are 18.000 iHtecimena, all of which are k ' -; labeled and catalogued and many oi them are to identified. The work is one of con siderable magnitude and will demand much careful study. Another Railroad Traeedv. Eight miles from Lvnchbunr. Ya . another dreadful catastrophe took place on the Norfolk k Western B. It. before day on Sunday morning last. A misnndestandine aa to rlt-ht of way between two trains is said to nave oeen ue cause or ue acidnt- A material train waa running back ward, and was dashed into by a heavy train of freight cars coins- ai MMiaid. erable speed, the engine of the latter aciuauy mounting on top or the wreck of the material train, and crashing and grinding everything in iw wavi rune cars or we freight tram were torn an to pieces, and merchandise waa scattered in tmm direction. Eight bodies have already btn taken from the bornble ruins, and it is sa d that there are two more sull buried under the crushed cars. The names of the killed are as fol lows. Walter Harris and WilH.m Henry, engineers; J as. Donnelly, nreman; an wnite. ine fallowing colored men were killed t Ned Wal ker, Geo. Williams, Grant Jackson, Sim Smith. The names of the others are unknown. Gas Mays, the fire mrn of the material train, inmrted before the collision occurred, and is thought to be fatally ioiured. The lest and arms of the unfortunate man were foand scattered throughout the wreck, and one bodv was ftnnd di capitated. Kai l road Noise. The net earalns-a of thm V.r'tn fnr tb month of May show a decided in crease oyer all former years. The Delaware. fclrant n1 Western DoodIa eomnUin. Kannilv. b wever, that they arc overran with cuurcn excnrsions. Tli flnt raStrAfut tn ilia Mtnnlra tJ built ia 1820 in Massachusetts, ard it was ran by horse power. It was two miles long. The New York Central lalaM t-ith eighty pouodi to thf yard steel rail a far as Poughkeepsie. The rail Is five inches high. Ilenrv Villard. whit kooam a fmuoui as President of the Northers IVciCc, baa been elected President of t'ie Oregon and Trans-Continental. Attempted Wreck, An attempt wu made to wreck the tr in on the Chester & Lenior road 1 eday night of last week near the tr idence of Mr. John A. Bush, one tu e of Granite. . A pine log ten in !ies It diameter and about ten lung was placed on the track mure trestle and was intended to ttr m the engine off, When the en gt i struck the timber it cat it ia two an threw one piece off to the side an I the other was leit between the tr cks. No serious damage was dwoe Colored Men For Cleveland; CilrciNiiATii O.j July 20. The Na tional Negro Democratic League, wbich was organised during the St. Louis Convention, has .issued a strongcircular in support of Presi dent Cleveland. The circular states that the league believes that their in teres ts will be advanced by a revis ion of tarirX, as most of the members are agriculturalists or laborers. The? demand cheap food and cheap clothing rather than Repub lican free whiskey and tobacco. The league intends to extend its member ship to all the States and wage a vigor ous campaign for the Democratic ticket. The officers of the associa tion are J. M. Vene, of Missouri, President; T. T. Brown of Illinois. Secretary, and H. Alexander Clark, of Ohio, Chairman Executive Com mittee. . The Hornets Nest's Ratification Last Alight. Bpcil to th X.wi lid Obmrnr, Cbablotti. N. C.,July 26. Judge Fowle, Maj. Finger and Mr Sanderlin addressed the people of mis city tonnigbt. Tbere was a very large and enthusiastic outpouring of the people of the city and county, and -judge Fowle was particularly well received. He was introduced boCaptS.B. Alexander in an ex ceedingly cordial and graceful, man ner. Judge Fowie ; spoke for an hoar and a half and made one of the best speeches of his life, - He gained many new friends here and instilled a great deal of enthusiasm Into the Democracy of the county. The speeches of Messrs. Finger and San' derlin were excellent and did credit to the speakers. They were repeat edly interrupted by applause. It was one of Charlottes largest politi cal gatherings. Charlotte and Meck lenburg are all right for the entire UCKeL " 1 "vMef-nje-, i i, a ',t Doings of the White Caps. Nsrw Axajlst, July 25.--.Tbe White Caps on Tuesday morning, tn Urawford county, whipped two women nearly to death (one will pro bably die) and then proceeded to the nonio oi a reputable citizen in tb neighborhood and ordered him to spread the news of their doings a a warning. The plana of the White uapa nad Deen overneard and the citizen had three friends with him He acecordingly refused to do the bidding of the White Cape and was threatened by them. A fight ensued, in wnicn three of the White Caps were snot, two or tbiia fatally. One of these it named Gregory, s conntrv merchant, aged SO, with a family of grown cnuareu; anotnerisa, saloon keeper named Saunders, a worthless Jeilow. The wounded men had been bidden away and the country is up in arms on a hunt for them. A bad stale of affairs prevails. Incendiary Fir. Bytdc! ttaahertn CiUMta. 1 Piozox Rives, July 24. This morning at 12.30 o'clock the alarm of fire was riven at this Place and itjwaa found that the fire was in a bage lot of lumber at the W. r. V. R. R. depot It was with difficulty that the store of Mr. Wm. Hallibur ton and the depot were saved from the names. A small warehouse near the depot belonztnz to Mr. iialii onrton, wss burned as well as almost the entire lot of lumber. There were about one hundred thousand feet, all choice poplar, belonging to Messrs. Kmland a Co. of this coontr- The fire was the work of an incendiary. ao ciue as jet to the gamy party. PARKER'S HAIR BAL8AM Ii -j, 1 yimniM an tuiminni it ft. - Jl ''''IM1MIIW, V Jo li I VwHiM Ctlmr. PARKER 8CINCERTON10 THOUSANDS OF THE BEST OOIiP WATCH S38 tun MADE ARE tELUNQ sj OKI CO-OFEEiTIVE CLUBS. THIS IS THE BIST, CIIFJIPLST, KOSTCONTEMENT Mtr fptrtitf SyttMi at flliDf num Tb iU an mrU-m Lm Htm WuMarv, ntilMiiiTM tnrf MMUal la emfmrf aa tnntbit. My. m4 fca-a, ll MiHuaa, MatmtMnM I. BrmmMta l,mut ! otMf a-b 1kr r tmnlwlf ttM elf IHXN a4 lmmpyrn4 llwiiU wmO la tt Wwld, ta-MI Wiwarliaat WW KIISK MtHir.S. TM rl4 imm Wla4 aa4 S4 la t atmato-t a lipl -aala. Tlr t-Up iaal a BBa,raa. mrry, ttarakUII a rwUm, m may SIS Wstth. Oar C-Hp-rati-Chil,SritMB kfl-i tfcta vtttttt Sm raasfe af rrwj asa. W want an aettve, rstnentlbfs reprr aentstive In EVERY CITT and TOWN. StM-r S-mSM ttavMtaa tm UaUt4 latataja-4 Wrtte tot fall tartteaJalS, r.O.Boi.28, miLADELFKlA, fL ' KErwKcvrtcsi ? ;' frugal Bmi i ntWiTrmif1fwa ACENClEti fvfA,&t ftatiJjtfMi, h. tiitSawtKt ' auCt,U. ttnH,Kki, IV. LnK,)U r-tUtarit, fa, Iiirlitara tt. rUaltrMt, Bti, RICHMOND AND D'ANVILLE . RAILROAD. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TBATVS BUN BY 75th MERIDIAN TIMS TRAINS GOING SOUTH. June 24, 1883. LK&VB . No. 60 Daily. New York, Rbiladelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Ar. iaunile, , Lv. Richmond, Burkville, Keysville, Dr'ks. Br'ch Danvilie, Greensboro,! Goldsboro, Raleigh, Durham, " Chapel Uill Ar. Greensboro, Lv. Salem, Greensboro, " High Point, Ar. Salisbury, - Statesvillee, " Asbeville, Hot Springs,! I.V. baiiabury, Ar. Concord, Charlotte, u Spartanburg, ". Greenville, " Atlanta, Ar, Lv. 41 Mo 62 No. 62 1215 n't 7 20 am 9 45 am 1124 am 3 40 pm 5 60 pro 8 30 pm 3 10 pm 5 17 pm 6 57 pm 6 13 pm! 8 50 pm 10 35 pm! 2 40 pm 6 00 pm 6 04 pm 5 20 pm 8 85pn t6 15 pm 10 43 pm 11 15 r m 12 01 am 1 51 am 7 28 am 9 15 am 4 80 pm 6 57 pm 9 42 pm 11 00 pm a warn 510 am 7 45 am 2 30 am 4 24 am 5 05 am 5 20 am 805 am 9 42 am 8 10 pm 145 am 312 am 7 40 am 6 30 ass 9 60 am 10 16 am tl 18 am 1212 pm 4 31 pm 610 pa 11 '23 am 12 26 sm Vi 01 pm 1 iu amii'i 40 tn 1 55 am 4 40 am 5 50 ami 11 00 am: 3 37 pm 4 43 pm 9 40 pm ESTABLISHED 1869. PIEDMONT GUANO E TOBACCO MADE EXPRESSLY FOR GROWING FINE YELLOW TOBACCO' Supplies alf requisites of the Crop in Every FUge of iu growthmatnr. tng anu curing, xne TWO HIGHEST PREMIUMS, At the North Carolina. State Fair in 1886 were gained by Tobacco grown with riisuaiuiNi uituwn. The Piedmont Guano and Manufactiiring Company,. Office No. 109, South Street, Baltimore, Hd. For Sale by our Agents Throughout North Carolina. , THE GIRI, I SETT BEHIND HE." cermsaTEonirf Tir r: 1 RAINS COlxNG NOKTU. June 24, 1888, A1B1VE , Lv. Atlanta, Ar. Greenville, M Spartanburg " Charlotte, Concord, " Salisbury, Lv. Hot Springs, Asheville, KUUsville, Ar. Salisbury, Lv. Salisbury, Ar. High Point, Greensboro, Salem. Lv. Greensboro, Ar. iiillsboro, " Cbspelhill, Durham, " Kaleigh. Goldaboro. Lv. GreenoboroJ Ar. Uanville. Dr'ks B-anch - Keysville, - Burksville " Hiebmond, LjDcbbur. Chsriottesvillel Washington, Baltimore, " Philadelphia - JKewYork. No. 61. Daily. No. 53. Daily. B 00 pro 7 10 am 106 am 213 4 60 " 6 43 6 22 805 pm 9 6d 330 am 4 37 6 27 732 8 00 - II 40 9 60 - lies- 115 pm 12 35 pm 410 8 05 its 9 47 1225 pes 12 40 " 240 J 25 7 35 - 8 60 -6 00 am 320 " 1 51 pm 2 63" 5 33" 6 3rt 7 05 11 40 am 125 pm 566 6 3a 40 tt234 10 60 pa 310" 4 30am 55 " 11 45 860 pm 123 am 1 45 " 2 36 - 5 00 - 12M" 3 05 700 -8 20 " 10 47 - 1 20pm nsr.y- r--' U-wUmtr4 btt,i-MT T. Ht(W1i Hany. h Mctnt. bnt THE LEUH'C OCOUT OI halt toJ ntih Wbad. wt )onr W faff Ihi wbUih la aa4 only Mm hwdlftf Bof!? bk onr 4t ,w roc ina X. Tinii i. n. au.w a. warn mm lUrd'ck S.f Klaa Boll aad fifth Wba.1. Lt la Immi rtdlbf attt aaf fTha fvioa- 0 W oh a hrtt card. araMaS Si alafaM djrKt mf aa wh wm afra IS Iruu EM-JUWU UTAH f-b THE T.T. HATDOCK CaRriASE CO., Cr. fl-M ajrtTwalrtll SI. CIrifSaTt,eJ aa:sTsv;inswstuwtksviBisu is isvurstsT ss Mwrrasif. SMd ar CaHlaraa anS Waeitttu. fnca l. Daily. fDairy except Sunday. Xo SO atxl SX eonnwt daily iMpt Sandav at Kevavilki furllarkavilisaiid Oxford No 3 Mrtt-AM-ti at Hirhmnnd ith C O lor Old Point and Norfolk SI and S3 connect at Eirbmnnd daily ticvpt Sunday tor West Point and Ilaltiutuffl No 5i from went Point has dailv oonnavtioa at lUcbmond with Ho 60 Iwr ba Kontn. sLsxrurO'Cas Slavics On Trains 60 and 61, Pullman BnfM Ro-p-r bHwrn Montgomery andN'ew York, DanviUe and Autuita, and Hal. elgh and Morrtntown, lenn On bi and 6.1, Pullman Bnftel fipr between WulilngUm and New Ortaana, Via Montfrnincry, and Ixtwtfeta Wub. Ington and 4fitratia, RletiawMid aad Hreenaboro, and Pullman Pwlor cars biMa fialiabury aad bM-aviUs Throof-h Ticket on sal a principal Station to all polAta Por rate aUa sut-rstatlon apply to to any agent of company r to b'JIllAH, WATI EK. 4 LTAVI.nn 9 Kill SM ll ll Wt .mmmgt7 1 rm 14 Vftrardfj 0 MaCHFOHTA NECESSITY vlikky-aUaavMrwTr-UBn-', Baapltal. St Saai. Llhrary aad laMra lt.-M.ri. h, f H t. Slit M aad "MM " 4 TtOXH, ia DVKAHiLirr ai cjiK4rxMH, a, A-jsar la-mlld, LUMarr.'laaia, mmt m4 rmJ IwcllBlaa Laa. km taaot m m g?CtulacmTSau , llHiliTlinff rf T Assnt sa tuica WANTED . ATotMoa ait ftftr. TEBUUS:UCEAJaC3n 88 HIGH ET SOST05, KASS. STEW CQQDS I We have np e alarge and welt selected stock of TraSU Maaafar. in, ty. Oaa tmtiti- illiiMS Sa V sugar mils. ' atlWaurrnrw, 1 TkS.t r tm eh, aj t f f TWmaaad la m f daur timi l Ik. Tr. 1 " - Vptral WorM auS bf L'-f ' tba lwlia "T". -- 1 (bata gromm tt Iba Wart. CataUf aa anS PriM,M4 Mraf.. Wtar S allla Mantarai AIC Ml t. mmmt fraa by Tat Oa. L. a ntt. HaSalo. . V. Hats, E::ts, Sh:::, Dcncsticsj Ncti Font Qssds, &c, a. 1 We also carry a general 1 e of- 0-R, 0 O B RXE Harness Department. - tflTii make s pcialtyof all kinds of Ilsrness.liaddlfs, Bridles, ?. BsiJes ' we have on hand the e clebrated Nissen and Stud.bakcr lYaeoos. the Iuckney Bupgies and lliaitons snd other makes of 15nggies. W are agents fr a lar.-'e numl)er of the n est popular brands of Fertiliser. . C J. & Wi M ROGERS, COR.AKIUSTI A MANOU1I FT, . DUBUAM. N CL SiesXajkissry. TIIREXUr.M, BCiXEns; striaATona. sratraKRS, ttiutmzM. far Haa ar Pawar. t.rwrf plantar raa f. isj m .r. i B-wjr plantar r ' ttk )m (MM hia a tu. I . , I C tin Saa4faf aataliajaa. i im 1 r V 1" ws I P'ivyi sumtAif.r. v rv.-- WiT' IICHCCI.KS WIND-ENGINE. mit aan ;ar Jf llafart fnn tm fr aarrpUna a4 ntvaanf : anr Intantart, It la laa ttthrtta, mtruaatt. I DMlitit, (kuaarl, la aoi i . iiw.ia w urn vrwaa: kar j lr plawS t aaanl of aarn, ar waaa a twr, aeS a . ts'f NllttlS I'tfataiUtarortrlag mar ihtaarf, tktaHLftr'-ftcff.c. SokMaatv-tym. 49t9TM WdtrTtD SIJH HOBERTS, ; DltUGGISTS, MANGUMSTREET, . DTOHA.M.- - N.O. Keep os hand. Drags, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, rjoap, Toilet ' Article, and every thing ami ally kent in a first class DRUG STORE. tnay 2tf TTtorino Palna ni Wfai-aaaa liMbmlt railTS br It. f'Hfla)ra Anl-lfalf flaalaa. .a Itrrlh-t AntfiWrl ts I'M a, laRammrtloa. aa. Waataa... A a. taatenlaaaou. aaMitaiUbj.-Mla tuiUl alartt. Sfftata, AMERICAN HOTEL, niCIIMOND, VA. llfiADVURTKItl VoaNoBTQ CaBO First Claaf AccommrMlationa, jan 12 6m. MrAHMsiir.ois lass. Hie Riclimond Locomotive and Hachin Works, KI-nMXI, . TIStOIMUr WaOaaaar tm TasTASSCIIat bKLAMT r.SlK VOt thlLwnHri. SnliM, Snilar., Will i,m r'"4 MwblBrr. aual tut aaUxaajiad a