Let But Wmo Est Wo Xsmtb Foa Was Figmt, JJsFiSxr, VOL. 69. DURHAM. NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY,, OCTOBER" 3L1888. . NO 18. . '. f KEW YORK NEWS. KEPUBMICAXS LOOKING TO OTHER STATUS TO HAVE POVJBEB Absolutely.Pure. This powder never varies A marvel o( purity, .trength and wholeaomeiMiis Mum econmuu-al tlian tli ordinary kioili. nJ eanut be sold iu cooipetiiioa with the mu titmle of low tent, abort weight turn or thhte powder. &M eWy in eaaa, tWit fUaao Iwieb Co., 1 Wall St., . . Y J.T.VOMBLE. Hardware for Builders Hardware for Farmers Hardware for Factories Hirdwj for Everybody Faint, Lead and Oil CROCKERT AND GUM Some of the beat am cheapest COOK STOVES oo th . or an J other market. fc-Don'tfail to sec then before buying ehmwhere. augl PHOIMMAK for 8ale of Bonds. Realm! litU will lie receive! for the ul. nt t.m oun of Durham. . C.. coun it IimU until Saturday, Sfpteml-'r 15, ISSN, at 12 tt'rloei m., privilege la-lnff vfucTrd t reine any end all bid ltidaw.ll b received tor a part or tf whole m i irrbaaers iuf a Hire. The bonds are 1uhI ly virtue el amltorttv vtrd in the BoiM rjom' tionr i.trnnant n an election h bl on the 17tt. day of Jnly, !, an-l in ae eor.lano th ertima ItWft, I'Jift 9 ami VHlo! the fotleof tliertaieef Xu-tb f.rollna. rw' are in eieii'iuiinB'l n. oi I,oii0ft4rh, baring! per o. Wrt ,aa evidrnre I by o.n payable mi. ahnn:W. In Aoril and October, at lb efflmi ofilw Mercantile TiBi Company, O ISaltirnme, -laied January lt, 17, and Mr Mi trTitf Veare if iff dale. r raoy fait er Information eddma the and fnigned- 1'KTfe.R J. OTKY, pre Wa I, mi li'Hirg A Durham lUllroad l.vnriihtirir. Va. I'.uU ahoMll be a'dreaae.! a shove and marked "a -led bid" mi tlie ouul.le of eoveloj Wpt tf. M Y WORD IS OUT. A It kAja. a,t(Jatilal Ia fwt A.tlli 1y note or account tre notifies I to lis ! ima Atitia swut At nwifiav A IHI tnv CUt "Wl aaay va I oh or they wilt find the sheriff and hla porse after tbem. I matt bob be. M. A. Aaoitn. l25d3i w3w. J. W. GaAft a. Tifoa. Rcrrtx OEAHAM ft BUtriN, ATTO II V. N AT lW"i tllLUBOKO, tt. c. Practice la the emintieiet Alamatit: Gaawett, Hirfim, I luitforJ, Hocking h fenon, and tmuigv T1IEIU TICKET. Tlie Public Excited Over a New OiK'ra-Ilettinir ou Election Gettlaer Lively. New Yoitx, October 21. Another eifUtration day in tbii city lia asacd, aod tuc iin.1 narked increaae iUowd, compared wiib four tears ago, a oo tt e fir4 day; The total u coropttred with the highest previ ut reg.atraUou for a itmiiar pertou, bows a net enin of 33 000 Th larger thu increase, the greater the mJ iriiy for Ch vand an l tbe State ekit. It looks very much from the on de as thou lib the Bepublicins hd abend toed any lmtering hope of cat ylDtf this Mate, end wee look in a t itber aeftions for vote enough to lave tieir ticket, iney luvo one io e c ird cr wing out of the un ntunate i irifioDi In tbe Democra'ic arty of this city As I have taid lfo e. there i no cauje for real ap rehenston on tbis account, but of ou rc the w n aget e on th other tide are making the nnt of it by spreal.. ng wild tales over tbe e uuty or the i-g d deuKtraiintion wftlie party io bia city. It is Quite a much to the west of rne of tbe local faction ia the other that the rtiti aod Na tiooal ticket sh uM receive1 their cordial euppoit. No one who has studied the situation d-mbls this. El Mayor e'h Low, of Brooklyn. made a p -werful fpewb In Co per Uni'in la t niitbt in favor of Cleve laud and tar ff reftrra. Tbe Repnb lirana are very much chngrined ovet b.tt Uiev are p!eaol to term tlie"is giatiiudv" f a man whom they twice put in the mayoralty chair to th Hy ofChn chea, Mr. ism is per ooeJIv 'r of the mod popular men mi th two cities ai shown by bis lectin in achy that usually gives s Oeroorra'ic majority in eiceas of 10, DOO lie will make other speeches dorint the e mnaizn. and nee an bis Ingie and his influence for tbe Demo cratic ticket. a t a unairm m uarnnm, use wnatrmaf Quay of the KpiNisition, Is pot at all atrilous, and wben he makes an nooncement everybody liotera. When seeo by your correspondent the otner day, he said positively tnal n all bis experience aod be a gen eraled everal National CJimos'goi tbe party s prospecu had not been a brtglit at corresponding period be- fire election, lie regsids saocees a absolutely assurel. There baa been a deal of anfsvnra ble comment on the pat of tbe P-m (cnta at tbe peculiar attitude of Tammanv Hall with respect to Con gressmen from this city. At tbis time tbe Metropolis nas only one uongresi man woo was elecua as a uepuoit can, Hun. Abbel r. rfen, and be baa kiDce publicly hit tbe party on ii-coenl of its sttitude on tbe ones tion of Ihe tariff Ue will go back to Conors ; but as a Democrat. In some of tbe city's districts the Re publicans would have a very good show of winning with divided beil Democracy, and this is what Tarn many Iiaii threatens, egottaiions are now going on with a view tos ftilemcnt of the differences between the factions, so that the party may not suffer. All sorts of rumors are in the air. One of the most inter einz is that the recti t visit of l'ot niMter-Oen -ral uirklnmn to this city wae for thepu'pose r f nejotiat ii ft tot such harrany. It was stid that Tammany was to have the dia- pnsal of the New xok . postolbre ar ter the e'ection in cue of their so- ceedins to certain stipulations Tbis is ntt Bl.en out as newn as ft ns iiuite a Otby Oavor: but tl nns been mueh talked ab-mU Tbe amusement puHic tiatejn much eiciu d over tbe productoin of Uiibert and Huiuvan s new opera. "The Yeomen ol the Guard. The critic haviog liitle respect for repu tdi'M have been pounding It with very considerable force. They s adroit, thouah. that it is Inneful, an hss a eood actton. Apart from tins there is very little now g otng on in the theatrical line. A novelty in realistic stage productions vss the recent io'roduction in a , melodrsms o( two noted eitwnvicts to erack a safe tn full view of the suditors. l bs bnrs-lar drew fatuously, and they w ide money for tbe en erpriiing pro jictorsof the piece which o her else aoiikl bve Ignomluiously failed. A striking commentary on the civ ilitatlun and charity of the richest American City was a discovery yes terday of Pre persons S'arvtog to death In a miserable teneuont. They were a Polish immigrant and his mall four children. , None of tbetu had eaten anything for several days, yet theirverr existence was unknown to tbetr wretched rellowtioJgers. Betting on the result of tbe elec tion is getting very lively as the day grows nearer. .Lvery evening , the iobiues of tbe fashionable up town hotels are crowded with well-dressed politicians and sporting characters. Odd are slightly in favor of Cleve laud, though many wafers are takeu even. . $30,000 was put up last night iu tbe Huffman House lobby inside of 30 minutes at odds of 9 to 8 upon Cleveland, In too Murray iJill Ho tel SHp-maker iliggins flourished a 110,000 roll and surprised everybody by f'tfWing to stake it on Harrison s election against $7,000. The words were hardly out of hi mouth wbea a genth-man who had beeu sitting qui tly by on a tbiUe and produced tbe moessary money with wun which to back bis Democratic opinions. Mr. Iiggius crawled a little, offering to make the bet ev n. Tbis, too, was accepted, but tbe bubble maa imcL- etd bis little pile and sluuk away, to the intense amusemeut of the by Stan Jers. la betting on tbe local ticket leant has a alight call, tbougb 1 saw $35,000 pot op even by Grant men tn one of tbo hotels a couple of evenings since. 1 be odds against the Republican candidate for Mayor are fjur to one with practically no tak. era. Fai VacoRan. Where Log Cabins FlourlHh. A party of American gentlemen. who bad been camping on an island in tbe great Lake JSipusiug, Canada, last summer, we e returning in a sad boat aod were yet seven miles from port when tbe tun went down, and with it tbe sailing breexa. A discouraging situation, truly. "Never mind, 1 can row yon there nside of two hours," said the guide who had charge of the party, as their murmurs arose. ' "Why, man. it is seven miles, there are four of ns in this heavy boat its a big job yon undertake, "d one. -Ho matter. 1 hive done the likes before and can do it again," cheer' fully replied the broad-shouldered Irishman, as bestowed away tbe ami snd bent to the oars, lie was piendid onrsmau and tbe boat was soon under head way again. What would I not give to enjov your health ana siren 'th, remarked tbe I'rotYfsor. "Yes. I am pretty hralth r. and though I am past sixty! feel as strong never replied tbe guide. "But only three yean ago I utood atdea h's door, and never thought to pull an oat again. You see, I was in tbe wood, all winter, logging, and I got into tbe wa tt one day aud taught c dd It settled on my lungs and 1 had a bad cough watch hung on till I ran down almost to a skeleton Call in a physician?' 1 9 I went twenty miles through be buh to see a docsor : be gave me some medicine, but it didn't help me much" How was the cure f ff.cted?" "An old 8cotch lady, who ha cme over from tbe States, gave me a preparation of balam and herbs, a-bich she said the esrly settlers in America used, and it soon stopped my congh and put me on my feet sgin." One has but to travel along the frontier to leatn how eay It is g along without doctors, and how el' fective ate the natural remedies which the old grand m abers know bow to prvpare. ibey often cure where the best physicians fail. Every mother of a family knows how coughs and colds are qiickly and radically cured with syrups and teas made from balsams and h'-rb which "grandmother tantht us how to make." ' n arner s Log vabin cuch and consumption temedy was, after long investigation into the menu of com parison with other old time prepare lions, select-d from them because proved to be the very best of tbem all. It has brought back the roses to many a pallii cheek there is no remedy its equal as a core for coughs and colds. PRISONEROP HOPE. THIS WAS SAM JOXES' SUU- JECT LAST NIGHT. Sermon was Serious Throughout Who are Prisoners of Hope and Who are Prisoners . , Without Hope Munj' . ( Conversions. , More than 3,000 p'eopfe jostTed id re hr-r in Parrish's large warehouse ast nisht to hear the IUv. Sara Johes. At the appointed hour the evangelist walked upon the platform, and said : I hope, brethren, you will an t e prayer ul. Let us have " a spirit of prayer and lift up our hearts to Ood continually i declare to you mat II oar preaching cannot savo Dur bam I ' l'uul may plant and Appolo may water, but it is God that giveth the increase. Let ns pray earntstl and Kt ns pray devoutly. . , Trail not the day before the even in I glow.' You may prsiie Werner'i Log Cabin EUrsiparilla for j uri yin the blood With nit danger tof It Lrlni tbeglof of Jhealih at once. I he larges battle on the market. 120 dosftlorll-uo AH diugfeist sell it. TUB BE UK V. . ., Njw, I select tbis text: "Turn you to the strong bold,, ye prisoners 4f tope," .. . .We have be lore us a question iu which every good man and woman, end even tbe angels in Hewn, are concerned the ral vation of tha, world and God ffom Heaven cillcoutto this oli dying world and eays : t'ut-.o you to the nrongbold, je prisoners of hipe." Yea, tbe men and womeu, tbe boy and girls who w&.it and tain n life to dav, engage tue great nesrt and min i of G d and angels In Glory, and God cast His eye upon this old work! and says, "turn, tm n J" and ob ! how st ran ire that you. aod you, and u should sit there and be so much unconcerned when your soul is at stake aod hear the warning from G d say.nonl" My precions mo'.ber was once a primer of hope, but 30 years ouo death cut the liuament and to-tiib', thank God! my precioos molhfr t an angel of Uod s.ngingprttiaes aroutd His. throae. My utber , was once a prisoner jf hope, but more than 16 ye.(rs sgi God called b m up hinlier AH g' hrUtian people are prison ersotliPou. Brother. 1 cannot say 1 w a be saved at last I cannot, but listen to me, I am a prisoner of hope aod if at last the Judge shall say to uie, ' Dec part, I never knew you!" at tbe com mand or Uod i ll walk away, but I II eo away the moat Oisuppointed soul that ever left tbe doors of Glory. 1 am a prisoner of hope, and there i no duty I will not perform, no sacri See 1 will not make for God. Every drop of my blood, everv d illar of my money, oh, God I is at tby command, aud gieat U d let nothing lall in tuy path ay to cause me to mus Heave u. My countrymen, there is no enojec1 so near my heart a this sooiict: Shall I b f avetl or shall 1, at hut, go down with the damn' d ? I'riaontrs of hope, pry in your families night and morning. Well, Lotd, I do that. Love your neigh burs' I do that. Uiv vur mjney to God. Oh, Lord ! every ccut I've cot u in your bank. Dcuy yourif and take nu my croos Lord, I've done that. And now. Ciicat Uod, I am trying to be a good iun and save sinners. 1 rwoners of bcpel Juny ol you people ait l hire and laugu at th p. ft'oor lellwa ! lou laugh in uus ven lurid of hell and iron" as you march on to damnation! And let me shv to vo. :vou Cun tcoft" youmlf into hel but you can't redf out ; uu can iuuzh Vour-tlf into the tfinien of e'erual damuaii u. biittou cannot lau 'li ou vou can dance Into the tites ol hell but you Mniv t dance out. My fellow oountryuieu 1 I sm man and I know men, ai d let tuc say to you, thee is not oue of y. u that do not fear tbe ccun tcry. In my worst days of disipallw and d. bauchcry I alwavs teitred a hroti and the coffin. And. voting man. old man, young ladv, old lady, hear m the day is coming when he.ir! will drive up to your door, and six m ti will put a colli o in that Inane that will contain your body, aud it a ill be carried Io the cemetery and pliuvd forever from mortal eight. You tea how th. y, men, women and children, are falling otf oue by one, and tlion you sit there flipping away tnose pre cioas moments. Prisonetl of hope 1 Men hn think a great deal and do not talk much, they sit bsck thrre like an old owl saying little, hut thinking a heap they are prisoners of hops ; hut old fellow, you can'l think your soul in to Heaven, better have some nclim, thought enough no, you have, go t acting i ou say you eunnot give tii now, your business won't allow it, and you will be baukfupt If yow try to live a christian. L"t me tell you; God Almighty has never suffered one ot ni followers to starve, and lie will not ' sufH-r you.1; " Now, "friend, whatever binds, you, put your foot upon it and say, ' hero jies .the price of my foul and. my immortality," Great God, what a picture ! Prisoners without hoper I winder, wonder how many bear-'my voice to-night that, are just as sure to sink ito o-Jl as they bear tnv And friend. when that lid is . placed upon . your oofHu and it is bnrried out yonder Io that cemetery, and ' you have not made your peace with God, you- will be a prleouer without hope forever, There are some s uU wuoae bcdi'S now lie mouldering in that cemetery that know v. hat 1 mean when I say prisoner withcut Impa Aud some of you wt walk down to the very gates of boll before . you think there U any danger. Jly countrymen! "It there is any thing I d thank God fat it is that lie aid not call ne aay when I ass in a uiuuueit tunor. uu, uoa i now gio.l thou hat been to me! Oi! precious argcl mother, eurely thou didot have n hncd in thin, and now. thank God ! thank Go! ! I am a pris. oner of b'-pe, ou my way to Heaven ! GUI young mar, old roan, young adv. old ladv. DUL'hbors. friends let us come to (j d aud let u? mike the start noiv ! : Frien'lf. please vscat j these font ea!s and now all that w int to hud a Saviour, jutt come forward and take thee seaU cone now while we Hng ali ! boys, God blesi you. don't put it off auo.bcr day. N tw sing that beautiful nymn, "Under the cro8 I've laid my si us," During the sin zing Mr. Jones step ped from the platform and walked among the c mgregation. Many came forward, and before the meeting closed 36 profosed conversion. Saj ingsof Sam Jones. If you want God to bless you. you must bieas someooay else. Iryoa will nod a man, I do n' t love and bring him here on this plat form I'll hug him until be holler: and if yuu II find a worn tn, I dont love and bring here here on this pUtf irm. Ill 1 11 send for my wife and have tier bugged. borne of you old women don t be lieve in shouting, but you will go bom? and raise the devd with your cook lor onrnirg the biscuits. aooie of you oui fellows set back there and say: &w Jones, wba m ikes you talk that way. Don't tisbcimen us. liteen your soul; yon cant dithfarten tUe ruruaui folks. Ihe trouble w thev think they are bigger than th.y really are and a little hewing down will do 'em tw-d Yesterday, I ee, here an 1 watched ihit col'ection wtca Brother Yaes was trying to raie money to py the expense of fiuiug op this warehouse fjr taef-1 meeting aud I saw lit le ntcklt-s fallir in all around and t 11 yon I want "d to ju tin up and "flop that t)olihn( I'll pay the whole tiling. Aud here, old fellows ifibey must i a.- that hut around at very ct rvice I won't have your little oil stingy town If you are that sort of folks I'll r dher preach to pine fappiiug man you. I cau hU'id herd and nick out ev cry one of you people wiio were mver liRv miles from Durham -I can. Eve ry fttllo iu this town is either working lor Oo 1 1 r the devil. Au old lollow Stands around, and siiys: I want to J (n the church, but hviHicriits are in my way." Say, old lcilo, can a luan bo in your way un Iim be is in the same faith just ahead of you eatcli the i.lear A fellow with a g od character and nai repurattoii wilt improve on ar nmintance. Sun I'm a I get kicks and kuock. but, bless y. ur a ul, I kick add kuock uiit'timc myself, too . Men say to iiia : "Jones, am t you afraid t ta'k rs you d ; s 'maHody a ill kill you.' And brother, I have preached in those wicked cities and thon rascals have said they intend' to till mo and I have stood up with 10,000 oi eiu around me and said Akiiu1. me if you wUu. Crawl my too n to n'ght, aud while I sleep -en. t a aatrcr to ty boart and rid dlo my body with bullets, but I'il be iu Hcnv.'n Wiarm.! a crown anl play tug a golden lur( before you g oin noinc, you uisernai scounurciv. If you do'i't t j y religion it is be cauie yo i am t got any Io enjoy. An old pre teller once said to me June I ne.er did shout in my life.' tall 1 1 "May be brother, you n 'Ver bad anything to shout about" ,. ' A lawyer that will d f'nl one of thess rascals for selling whiskey in this town on tbe sly is just as mean as tbe man he defend. You are an old petty fog;y. sir, made of nothing and going nowhere. Poor, dirty d.gs I God pity yon Now, it you lawyers don't like tbis kind of racket, you know I am stopping down at Brother Southgate's and you can just call down and lump it when you get ready. I never esw an intelligent person that would dance. 1 The church that does not object to dancing U in league wi'.h the devil and conspiracy with bell. , You say your church don't object to dancing, r Well, . the little rotten thing. I wouldn't stay in it long, enough to get my hat if it didn't. I You will never empty yoor lewd bouses until you stop ball-rooms and theatres. - , i., , Borne of you old fellows sit back there and think this shouting is horrible. Lew rue tell yon, old fellow, you had better not go to Heaven, cr some of these good sisters might run you all around ulory shouting. God pity your culture! Ic is only whitewash and is already peeling otf in spot, and I tell you I see some of the most unlovely human beings in Durham than any place 1 ve ever viiteJ. torn-: preachers say the Lord says open your mouth and I'il fill it Y-, le 11 nil it with air And there are many old air-guns going around pro feeing to bo preachers. You h ive men in Durham who, if their wives Icnew what they done and where they went wben in New Yoik, they would quit them, in my caudid opiniou. I love that sort of religion that will make a fellow tell the trut i 100 times in a 100. Before I will cater to the wishes of any man, contrary to the word or God as I see it, for moneyjl'.l count cross-ties back mime. I never call names, but every fel ow Knows wnen a striae bis numuer. I.' anybody here want to coi rect my mi-takes, I'm willing. G.-n lie men, vou can b ive the floor whenever you ctll for it. It you want to bsbt go ont-ide of the corporation and wait till I come. But y-u'd better carry about three weeks' rations with you : I might be slow about coming, you know. An old fellow who wants to quit tbe church is either a mighty bad man or else part of him is missing xou Durbam people have Just as ittle'to shout over a any gsng I know. Thank God ! there are more hills behind me than in front of me and is it easier fjr me to gi on than it is lor me to go back. Kntbren, sometimes I feel weak and want to lay down my gnn and fi ill t imi more, but then angels cmne down frooi Heaven and God gives tue renewed energy and I JuH feel iae I can clean up tbe whole she bang. God grant that we poor whit I -Iks and negroes may get to Heaven at last I If everything told on Sam Jones was the truth, I'd be in the peniten tial y to day I would. This i all a joke about yon whip ping these preachers for any thing, I say. Sam Jones is able to tote bis own skillet Tbe biggint prayer I ever he d was by an old Brother, a ho prayed ; Oli, Lord 1 give us more common- lenie rrligion " Theology is a heartless old brnte When a married man gets religion he will pray in bis family. Dj you preachers know that miny of your members have never been convicted, much less converted ? If you preachers will only keep your eyes open you will learn some, thing before these meeting close Just look at tb;se old sisters you have been running after, thinking they e uldu' get out to church. Just watch 'em;' they come rackiug out here three time a day. Brethren, I wouldu't run to see them any more, they luvo been just playing off on y- . . .... l am t got aov respect loroni Grandfather Adam. The first lick God struck at him, down he tumbled, and I don't like him I don't. ity I my 1 You preachers get to work atnoo4 thtss sinner you'll sit there a id backslide right in the meeting. Youii'i man, you may laugh at me and scotrat the Gospel, but let me say to you t be careful bow you tarn per with G k1' Holy Spirit, lie care fulyou had better, now, sore.

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