Let But Wmq nr Jfo Wmmtm Fom Tmm Figmt, Dsraar, VOL.69. DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINAWEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7. 1888. NO. 19. MUM Absolutely Pure. Tli'u powder never vanes- A marrrl of I'lint, Mrwitftn and a-boiesnmenrsa. uorv economical titan the ordinary kinds, and outwit be ,M in competition with the ma! tiinde of low tent, abort wcii(ht alum or O'rwplmte nowdura. Sultt in ew JfrVAL IUk0 iWD Co., llMJWallSl., JJAVOMBLE. Hardware for Builders Hardware for Farmers Hardware for Factories HarJwara for Evcrytodj Faint" Lead and Oil . Some of the best and cheape it COOK STOVES , on thia or any other market Mefly -n't fail to tee then before buying .daewhere. augf r nor oh hum Tot Sale of Bond. rVafod bid w III bo receive for the le of f HI.1KI0 (if Hurham, N. C, coun ty ImmmIn until Saturday, M-itub(r IV. M, at I J o'rloca m., privilege being rnrd to rrjiHit any and all bid. IikUw ii harcn'lveilfor a part or lite whole purrhamti may dair. Thi'M- bond are by virtne of authority veaU-l In the BrI of .t orn Iftjilnnrri onrwiant to an election b Id on I hit Ttb day of Joly, end in aerobian.-,, with awtlnna VJf. IV't. 1W9 atMl guno of the t'ode of thecals of Nona t 'aroHna. Tbry are ia drtntnilnaU-we oi ftfiiOu-h, (waring 6 pr ent. intern. Mtvilnl ly i'ifU psyable nami aitt.tu:iv. n April and (Mot-r, at lb ofHoe ntU Mercantile Trn Company, o JtaltiwMe.datfld January lt IW, and lr Me iwnty Jean after dae i'l any fart -tr in nrniatlim addcaa lb an.! reigned. I'F.TI.U J. OTKY, I'rce W '4 I, n lil n'rf A Hutlium luilroad, L rclibntfr. Va. H d- b'hkiI t ho aMrmwel a aove and mat 1 1 . "ereled bid" on tiie omM.U of tfcr ei elope Kpt tf. M V WORD 13 OUT. SHOUTS GO UP. PARRISH'S WAREHOUSE KINGS WITH GOD'S PRAISE. All t f ra irtilt hte I to me either tj ott r account are no'ified to bring me either wood or runner or MHh or titer will fiuo the aheriiTand Iti' pmo afar them. 1 mem buii- iim. M. A. Akoier. i25 !3' 3w. J. W. ). Toot, fiurrix C UAH AM & EUmN, ' 4MOU1l:tNATI.U', ill LU BOKO, K. C, IWtire in the eottatiea nl Alamane CMwrll, IMrham, (luilford, Bkiiifha 1'araon, and aiigir A ltellRloiiH DeinouHtratlon Nev er Before 8eeu In Durham Sam Joiich Happy. Last sight 'about 3,000 people wended their way through the ram and mud to Parrish'e warehouse to bear I he Rey. tiam Jonea. ' After Mr. Jonea artlved, Prof. Ex- cell aaoK a beau ti ml tolo: The road to heaven" and the eioir and con gregation Joined in the chorus: ' "I'm going home." Tula wai fol lowed by a abort aecret prayer. Mr. Jonea aaid he did not feel like preaching, bat would keep bit n-.t and talk to the oongreeation from hit chair. He did notacltcta text, lie wanted to ask every unconverted per son in the building one question "Why will you continue in tin? Why go away from this warehouse to-night an impentent aintcir Mr. Jones then txk up the fol lowing answers anX duwuajed them oiost earni-ily: Too t know what ain ia." "Igncrantiof the uatare of sin." ''Don t know the euwquencea of ain. , -Don't think." . .. "After while." , . , "Reckleraneaa." "BeranMi a couyu red peace bu taken place." The preacher hrnrtlod theae qoea ttora in such a manner that soon no ainner had any atandiug ground and tbeie was nothing lift but a complete furtenarr to lonst. 5 ., . rioon Mr. Jonea became warmed up aid words' with no such power and bearii g ever fell upon a Durham audintce as did hla as be walked to and fro upon the platform. . With aa aitgiiLh louk and outstretched hands be cried: "Obi tny God: Am I ireai Ling the fuperal of tome poor ool to night, who in spite of all our eotieuties will peruh in the wrong ana 11 ore next Monday moixing be in hell a damned aoul, without hope forerer." Thus the preacher went on, his words taming deep into the hearts of bu bearers, until bis audience wai in agony and tear. He atopped and asked while the choir aaog, that every one wbo would make a atart for heaven and wanted the prefers ot christian people to come and give him their hand. A beautiful hymn waa raised and thousands of voices joined ia the kinging: then came a sight, sever before witnessea here. losavedftiuls with streaming tear by the bundreda filled the ablet with out atietched banda making their way to grasp the band of the great earg-lit. The eight waa too much rot tae evangelut. wbo clapped bia banda and shouted: "Hallelujah I G lory to Uod, hallelujah I" Many ib the e o joined in the ahouts, the tide Wf pt over the congregation, the singing ceased and the abouta which followed atmoat made the roof of the old warehouse rattle. Christian yeo pie of all denominations and agea for one time juimd in general prase to Uod, and their voices intermingled with shouts and prayer went bearen ward aa from a single aoul Uo, Durham never saw adcli tigbta before and perhaps will never again, t ut the memory of last night's scenes will go with tboae who witnessed it to the grave and to the Father, Son and Holy Ghost be will praise for ever, and to Ilia humble servant, 8ro P. Jona. ever give praise, and at last crown bimln glory an angel of God, woo in life preached the gospel uai lesslv and aaved so many aoula for the kingdom. T1i ItattlliiaT Sum Jotiett. White folks aud negroes that mix, ate diegs. No respectable white man or no respectable ccjro wanta to mix. If mv brother baa ablate at bia table, or a bed, too good for me, be Hint my brother. elany a fellow te trying to read Ore k in chriaiiauity that don't know hi A 11. C'a. It ia Lard to keep a 250 pound Methodist straight. If you thake him 9er hit cofliu occ laioually he will bit the trrouud a mile a nJuutt1. Urt tli; en I b e t irera from Uble ! .ml Srm York Iteoture Bureaus oi a talary ot 160,000 a year to lecture, hut lemme tell vou: I'd father preach for fifteen cents a d iy and tee aouls coming to Chrlitttiiao all the money la thia uuircrse1 would, i If tome people hutd Ui in a two story painted bouse the devil would get 'em sure. If you. my brethren, do not enjoy this son of religion, then yon are made of different dirt from the kind I was made of. ' Thia country it going wild over profit and lose. ' "; If yon want big collections, - let these old fellows believe the Lord will give em two for one. ' ' I never have understood why money ought to stick a fellow up. A You can't take a fine comb end take oat of hell anything to heat a no account aon-in law, - ' i . , There ain't a saloon keeper this side of the gates of hell that don't Know u be diet In that businesj the devil will get him. 1 ' I don't carry my feelings about me, I'm afraid aomebody will hurt 'em. John waa a Baptist, but Adam waa a Methodut. Yea ask how I know, because Adam, an old rascal, fell from grace. ' ' . - It ain't what church you join, but wnat sort or a leliow is going in when you joint It ia a mighty little man that U al waya picturing hlmtelf starved. ' J. There ia no remedy for borrowed trouble but good hard tense. - Home-made troubles are like home made shoes and jeans; they nov-r wear out' . " ,! . The beat thine' a wife can do is to put her husband's case in the hands of the Lord and let it stay there. . If yon get hold of one end ot the band-etlck and God the other, you'll carry that log anywhere. When yon set In to be good ' yon ain't by yourselt It ain't feeling or excitement, but what are you going to do. If there waa no God I wonld want to do just as God baa told ' me be cause it ia right ! Yon can tell pjretty well where a fellow ia going by the road he ia in and the direction he't going. ' I like a fellow that geta to where the devil will clear the track. That fellow meant bnsineee. - Ion ean argue down a theory, but when a fellow strikes a fact, you can't go 'round it, over 1t, under it, or through it; yon stop right there. I like to fight the devil I like to walk right up and shake my fist in hia face and aav t "Try me, old fel fuw, and let that poor fellow alone down there." The grace of God ialike India rub ber; wbet a fellow falla he bounces higher. Oood company! I would bke to put up in Durham, you are such good people. If Durham, will do right there is no need of your going to Heaven. The Lord will extends the streets of the new Jerusalem and incorporate Durham. You are clever folks. I like yon. Conscience and r cord are like an indt x finger. They point np to God. Yon preachers, quit reading your sermons. If I could u t preach with out "manuscript I'd go back to the Sunday school where l'de belong. They aay "the blood of martyrs it the teed of the church." If that be to we are about out of teed. I like Shakespeare. Shakespeare can take a man by the band and lead him down every ttep to the bot tom fof human depravity,) but he can't bring him back. Jesus Chriat can. I am glad there are no hired eer vants In the kingdom of God. It ia child or nothing. A boy don't break thefintSabbiln from home, lie hat to be farther away than that ' Among the rich there are many wicked abominatient ; but among the poor are tome of the sweetest virtues. Tnj more hog meat a man eatt the like a bog he ia intellectually. Abuntig Sam Jones, reople bave been coming to me for the past few dityi and bogging my pardon for shooting off my mt uth in the atait Keep your moutn abut, wben the next fellow comet along and wait and tee what the mule will da' If I bad a clerk and be dealt in lottery ticket, l'de turn bia off. 1 would be afraid if be loot in the lot tery be wonld win on me. , A fellow that Jon't live right ia In poor shape for praying in public Uomopatbie preaching I If I bad a canary bird I d give bin more medi cine than tome of these bomopathie preacher. 1 believe in kill or cure. Sometimes yon don't get what vou prty for; but the Lord gives jou what you ought to bare. Love and loyalty are the tame words. .The test of your love to Uod it jour loyalty to God. It it the ttt prime test THE GREAT MEETING. STIRRING SERMONS AND X . GREAT CROWDS HEAR THEM, i I'arrlKh'a Warehouse Jammed- Mr. Jonea Preaches with Tell Injj EarneatiieHS Hundreds . Manifest a Desire to Lead - . a Better Life-Clotdnff . - "' Scenes.. BATDBDAT SIGHT. , ' Mr. Jones has preached six sermons since the Kecobdeb was last printed. tie baa uttered so maay truths and said lo mncb that we would like to print, but we find that our apace is limited and we can only give a gen eral review of the sermons. V Saturday night be preached a most 'effective - sermon - on burden bearing, home made trouble and go iug out to meet things not coming to us ; expecting difficulties we'll never hare.' He dwelt upon the fact that there were hearts in this town that needed help and that the people of uod should cease from adding trou ble and worries to their other cares; that a great many women had trou ble machines, and they were not the only ones with these machines there were complaining men. Hit text was the 18th and 22d verses of the 55tb Psalm, and he urged all to cast their burdena upon the Lord. . He contrasted the difference between the service of the devil and the service tithe Lord; that the devil takes a fellow out and gives him the bet first and the worst last, through all e ernlty ; while God give the norst first and beat last At thia meeting many gave their names for church membership and a grea number went up and gave the evangelist their band thereby ex pressing a desire to start a better life.', -i . ... .. - V BUSDAY MOBKISG. A Sunday School Masa Meeting was held at 9 o'clock in whi . h the two Kaptista, the two Methodibtt and the rresbyterlan Sunday Schools par- . . , ipl. ucipauta. : iu meeuug was con ducted by Mr. V. Ballard. It wa inspiring to hear hundreds of chil dren ainging the Gospel songs and see them listening attentively to the addressee Rev. R. C. fieaman, of Chapel Hill, and Mr. N. B. Broughton, of luleigh, made abort taika which were full of BMUnd advice and encouraging woids to tbe children. Mr. Urough ton aaid be believed In liitle chris tians aa well aa big ch.istiana. Don't overlook the little christians. Value little faith the faith of little b ys and girls. Mr. Broughton here re lated several thrilling incidents cf a mother's Influence following her son, nd tbe influence of a little gul a prayer. ' A collection was taken up for itev. Sam Jones' Orphans' Home, and $94 05 was contributed. trXDAT horhiko service. At this service the congregation was extremely large every portion of the larg warehouse wu crowd id. Then? were people from every section of this part of the country. Tbe ctoir aang a beautiful anthem, arranged by Prof. E. O. Excell : 1 wa glad when (bey sud unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord ." j Here Mr. Jones raid: "I feel that God's excursion train bascoroe to a halt right here in Durham, ai d God calls, AU aboard!' Let us all get on." Mr. Jones referred to the 3 o'clock meeting as being exclusively for men and speaking to the ladies, said : "It itnotbecauM we do mt watit food women to enjoy the services. We want your prayers. You pray while tbe meeting is going on here." Mr. Jones' sermon was on "Lift 's Pathway" He announced as bis text t Her ways are ways of pleis tntneat and all her paths are pc ice." The christian life was compared M (ilgrimage here we wen on our ourney ; there we'll be at our jour nay's end. It is better to be good than bad. Better to be sober than drunk ; and that virtue carries along her own rewsrd. ins many lllustra uons were the most forcible we ever heard.' After describing a railro. d ana engine be said tbe irack wa made for the engine and the engine lor tbe track i and that God had made l moral track tor the soul and the tout lor a moral track. If an euitine got off the track it mirtd. "Brother," said be, "yo4 are doing tbe best vou tan on tbe traek yoo are running on. I blame you tor not getting up where Tou can't Eire," Get on God's ruor al track and keep it. On thia jour ney you have a good guide, a good protector, and good company. Here be made very pleuaing illusions to Durham and the good people here and earnestly urged sinners to repent ana oegin the journey heavenward He spoke in a pathetic manner of the footprints Of christian heroes. with tlx toes forward, aud if we only followed in the foo: steps we would land where thev diJ. His picture of tieaven and the glo-ious reunion ot family when he got there was full nf pathos and it brought tbe greater portion of his large congregation to tears. At the conc'ueion of the sermon many expressed their desire to join different churches, and hundreds went up and gav him their hand, saying"! am a sinner. I want sa1 vatiou." . It was the moat enrne-t eight thia reporter ever wifnf sued. O d men and gray haired women hewing in tars ; young and old asking the peo pis of God to pray for them that they wnnted to lead a better life: ;he faces of the guy and fuvl u seriously con sidering the eam st wuuh and pow eil'ul argurnei ts of the preacher; and mother, father, and Mends be aeeching sons, daughters and friends to begin the chns'un lite. 8CSPAV AFThKNOON. This erv ce was fur men only, and such a sight. Quite three thousand assembled at the warehouse and there war an earnestness nnd devoutnes, depicted on each countenance that impressed one with tbe mb-rest felt inthn nxeling, Mr. Joue pieacbc1 a powerful seimon uiton "Ci nicietice Record and Ood." It was a acath in ' rebuke of sin and the awful con sequences of ficing rur records at the bar of Giii. In the records be ing made he excluded no class, and hia seimm was searching and far- reaching and went right to the heart and the understanding of everyone present, it teemed as if be was preaching to a tingle individual and each man thought he waa the one. we do not know, that we shall ever witness such a scene again. When the invitation was exUud d at the close of the termon, hundred. of hard hearted sinners went tip con ffssing that ihy wished to lead a better lite and asking christians to pray for them Stout-hearted mea were melted to tears, and friends wept the tears of joy over friends who expressed a conviction aud conver sion. f USD AY SIGHT. When the great pieacher walked up"n the platform at this meeting be r. marked : "Bretnicn, we'll pray as we go." A few niiiiu e of silent prayer f. Hone I. Mr. Jones took ss his text the p.mUe f the ptodigal son. rsever tn-l re has nucli a con vincing sermon been prew hed in Dur ham. He : ic und in the mobt vivid manner the journey oi that mu from home and tie wasting of his ul s'ance in riotous living and bin re turn to hia father and his father's fur givenets. The contrast wis atrik- ingly drawn of the biv the ainner of loxhy wbo is far from hit Heaven j ly Father and spending his time and talents in the service of the devil and feeding upon tbe busks of the world.) During the course of the sermon, wben opo.i the evils of intemperance, tbe preacher aniJ t "Every man and! womau tlut don't wsnt whictey in Durham, staod up." Tbe whole con gregation, of over 3,000 people, with the exception of a very lew, stood np. "Now," aaid Mr. Jones, when they wtie seated, "if yuu go Lack ou that you are a liar." Like the clone of the prt-v;oji aer vices there wer many iicniteni. and a large number gave their names for membership tn the 'ItfTcrent churches. M05DAY MOIiMXO eKRVtCF. Tbe congregatitiii t'outinucd to gtow in lumbers and the lat four set vices of the series the warehouse wot packed in eviry posriblu nook and corner. After the stniing at tbrt sen Ice Mr. Jones anm uncr d that he bad jnst visited the room or lit. v. it Osborne, who is confined to his led with a CMitM, and that be is the bappitat man iu Durham, and though suffering bodily paiu all was peace wnb bia soul. Another puce of good news. rroatktd Mr Jones, "1 am in fomitd that our friond Mr. 3. F. Aieti.kll has telegraphed to Raleigh to close hia bar-rcom there tn.l II there It any uli'ukiy Iu the dcxt UU Ihrm i don't want it. 1 aw dm with it." Theieannottiicvnients were recelv cd with applause and baud kei chit ! went up to hundreds of eyes. The great audience was deeply eftdcted. The services were begun by Prof. Excell singing a solo '-Keep in de Middle of the Road" which wjs listened tn with almost breathless si lence It was rendered in an admir able manner and at its conclusion there was applause. Mr Jones took as a text for his discourse the 115th, Psalm. It was a rehearsal of David s experience. Mr. Jones said be was always inter ested iu the dealing of God with the soal. The sermon was one of power ai d convicting truths presented In the clearest manner possible to the hu man mind. "The test of my devotion to God ia not according to my feeling but my loyalty to God," was one of Mr. Jones' leading points. Tbe jm ople listened attentively and the words of the preacher sank deep into their hearts, making impressions not seine to be forgotten. Mr. Jones preached with great earnestness, and i he power of hie' discourse was mani fested by beads bowed in humble de votion and tears flowing fiom eyes not g ven to weeping. It was a great sermon. At i's coucluaion a great i u 'nber went up and gave the evan gelist their hand and added their names to the list of those wbo desired to join the chnrch and live christian lives. MONDAY AFTERNOON CLOSlXO 8KB- VICES. Long before 3 o'clock Moi.day af ternoon the Parrish warehouse beg in to till up and when the hour for ser vices rrived it was full tbe largt-at crowd, perhaps, that attended any on" sc rvii-e. It was Mr. Jones last service andjihe pi ople almost entirely "upended business to hear him. He Erefaced hia sermon by saying that e thanked God for the privilege of being here. That he never labored with a people Le had become more attached to; that his heart weut out in profound anxV.ty for the future, and that be would watch the future course of this peop'e with deep inter est. He spoke in warm words of praise of his cordial recetion and treatment; he compliment tbe cbcirin ita admirable efforts and aid . the meeting; the press ot Durham for its kind words ; and invoked a I Wing from heaven upon Durham, her peo ple and all of her industries. His discourse was based upon the 15ib Psalm and was tbe most fumble portrayal of the duties of christians bow they should walk and live we ever heard. It was a summing up, as it were, of the discourses of the meeting, and it sparkled with the gems of truth. At the conclusion of tbe sermon, like e.i previous occasions, numbers citse up and gave their names fur church mt-mbersbip. A fur this the great congregation went up and nh wk haii'ls with Mr. Jonea telling bim got d-b- e and dropping a contribution into the basket fur bis Urpbuua Home in Georgia (The amount raised on this occasion was 1264.) The -.heir sang "God be with you till we meet again," and the memorablo met ting cli sed. The people were re luctant about leaving and lingered about tbe warehouse for some lime. During tbe closing scenes ef the last service, a Mrs. Wimberly. re J ticing over her son. shouted for some length ot time and then fainted. She was taken from the warehouse as dead, and carryed to her residence. The physician tells nt that the it rallying. Mr. Jones has accomplished a great work in Durham and tbe end it not yet We bave heard of several con versions last eight r torn tbe figures wehtveat hand they are nut of. flcial tbe total number wbo bave given tin ir mimes for church mem bership it about 283 ; divided as A l lows: Jiaptist churches. 73 : Metho dist churches, 1C0; Presbyterian, 3.") ; aud Episcopal about 20. j he citizens or Durham made up a purse fr Mr. Jones and the amount giveu bim was I1.C00 .They gave Prol.lscell, $200. Mr. Jones and Prof. Excell left on the evening train yesterday. A large c ncourse of people were at the d-pot to tee them off. Most atl of the choir was there end as the train came in, it ian "At the Cose," and in a few momen's Mr. Jones waa on bis way to Trinity College. in i m m m The Kempnef corner next to the ' Court House has btcn sold bv Mr. V. T. IteduiotiJ to Mr. A. M Riggtbee forfn.KM). Thia do a not look like sny decline in real estate in Durham. The lot is 30i9O ieet The county should buy it so at to, give tnoie room to the court house.