BROOKLYN FRIGHTEN ED. A Cane of Yellow Fever In the City Hospital. New Yobk, Oct. 26. Considera ble alarm has been occasioned over the death in St John's Hospital, in Brooklyn, of Capt John Gillard, ol' the steamer Carens, of yellow fever. The health authorities, however, as sert that there is no cause for fear, as everything possible to prevent the Sread ot tue disease &aa ueen none, le steamer Carens was immediately returned to the lower quarantine, where she will be most thorough. ly fumigated. A portion of her car go, which was discharged at Martin s stores, was also disinfected. S tne trouble 'as experienced in finding ,ui the coachman who drove the sick captain to the hospital and not until after several other persons had hired the hack could be be found. The ve hicle was thoroughly disinfected, and the officers are now at work trying to locate the sevenJ passen gers. The body of the captain, after be ing enclosed in an air-tight casket, was taken to Evergreen Cemetery for interment. Portions of the body had been retained by the doctors and will tut subjected to microscopic examina tion for scientific purposes in more fully determining the diagnosis of case, Fart of the snip s cargo wnicn was shipped east will be looked for by the health authorities, they hav ing been informed of the matter, so that proper precautions can be taken. Superstitions About Children. The Esthonian mother attaches a bit of asafoetida to the child's neck. A sufficient preventive for an Irish babe is a belt made of woman's hair. Garlic, salt, bread and stake are first pat in the cradle of a new born child in Holland. A small bit of red ribbon is all the Iioumaramian infant requires to se cure it from harm. Scotch mothers say if the child takes a spoon in the left hand first, it will always be unlucky. In some parts of Scotland and Germany, an open Bible left with the child will effectually keep otf the fairies. Two babies must not, according t mothers in many la- ds, be allowed to embrace, as one or both will become Lower Brittany some fearful and terrifying object will take the infant's place unless a cloth is thrown over the cradle, Perhsps the most widespread belief concerning childrem is that about the empty cradle, which must, on no ac count, be rocked. . In Gerroanv, as well as in Scotland some article of the father's wardrobe is thrown over the new born child, so that it will grow strong. 8am JoncHiMiu. A man is just as strong as the thing ne gives ntmseir to. You can't get along without three good, nouest prayers a day. If you'll get on Gol's traiu and keep your seat, yon'U g through to destination as cure as a can is iron. Get the idea. The ft have got the gang feeling and fitun." A fellow that don't live ritfbt in bis family, can t pray in his family Durham is a whale. If there i anything bigger than that she is it. Talk good about your neighbors. Brag on a fellow to keep the devil from brtging on yon. It ain't what you've got, but what sort or a follow is it got it. That Clergyman Should lie Con verted. "A leading clergyman here took occasion to refer in very strong ytt proper language to unseemly Ian gnage in the pulpit or at religious services. It was well understood that this was directed at the notorious ham Jones. The world runs alter strange gods these day, as it used to in days long psst. It is time to call Lsk, and the force aid proprietv f the clergyman's language were ielt by all who heard him?' J be above ciipptnz i from a IUI rigb correspondent t the Wilming ton ilvuienpr. 1 be Rfxorker would advie tbfs clergyman and Lis corres pondent, to go and bear Stni Jones and be converted. Talk about call ing a bait. Why there is no calling halt on Bam Jones -fur God is at bis back, saying go it Ham, I am with you always It's the devil that cries bait TO 1DVEBTISERS. A list of 1000 newspapers divided into STATES AND SECTIONS will be sent on application FREE To those who wmt their advertis ing to pay, we can offer no better medium for thorough and effective work than the various sections of our select local list. GEO. P. KOWEl.L & CO., ' Newspaper Avertsinsr Bureau. 10 Spruce Street, New York THE STAR. OUAT RATIONAL DEMOCRATIC XNSPATIB. Tli 8 :u la th only New York awappr po roaaliii tbe falleat conflileoo of th National Ad. niiui li-ation an J to Diinoitwjr of Now York, lb yuiiucju mug groana 01 in isepODua. rearieae, aRgmairc a Ma nl or th fl -toting kind. dV In all relpecU a moat complete and trustworthy newtpaper. Th Wbult Stab la the beat family aewapaper publiabed. The farmer, toe mecuwlo. th man too buty to read a dally pap, will pet mot f r aia tumar mnawi in in wkhlt nu than from any other paper publlt-ed. burin Iheoampaign It will hit all th political sew worth knowiag Terms to Subaerlbera, PtMast Fro. F.Tery day 1 year (Including Sunday) ST 00 Ka'ly, without Sunday, 1 year S 00 Entry day, S uontha 3 to itally. without Sunday. S monuu ......Sou Sunday edition, I year M 1 Ou Waikxi Stab, t year .. 1 00 A free aubeerlption to th Wiiaxt Stab to lit aenoar oi a eiuo of tea. 3b Democratic Clubs: Star re-id' er$ become Democratic voters. JVb emit paign document can compart with it Special Cahpawk OmuIht turn Stab aotal after th lection, at oe ita for ainsl auk. acriptioa; SO oenta each aubeerlption la eiaba of uurty. Th Stab erery dav. aniU after elaetkra. S1.T3 earn aoecnpuon; in club of tea tlMt each aub acripuQ. Aoaiim Wared a Vxoccvmn Tsbbitobt. Addroaa, Tub Stab. Broadway and Park Plana, hew lurk. C. ViN GUN PEN, , an E. YOUNG- WHAT CUBES? A U. S. Marshal Tells His Experience Another Ileal It u inured. aWib "w)b,erfr. Considerable of a buu wis cauoed apou tbe streets yesterday evening by a r.port that tbe Kicbmond and Danville Railroad Company bad Just closed a Bg dialion for tbe control of the AUau'ie Coast Line. It was reported !s that other important transhcti ns , were pending whic'i would be announced in a few Jas. No reliable confirmation of the trans fer of tl e Coast L'ne could be ob tained. CoL Andrews and Col Turk are both cut of the city, but several promiuetit railroad men here gave it as tlwir opinio that the trans action had teen consuroafed, one de claring to h i positive knowled ol tic matter. Atlanta, Ga, February 4, rti'Nsicrn Rheumatic Co : Gentlemen It aflui da me pleasure to add my testimony to that of the man? wl.o endorse your Hunncott'a Rheumatic uire. 1 tad teen a oonstaut miner-1 from rheumatism for years, wben I determined to try your enre, and to my surprise and deliifut one bottle was all I found netea- sary to relieve ma of all tha symptoms of i ucuuuaijiui, auu umio u out JUUIICO not oelr to those who originated thia enm. bat to ail otUers who may be suffering from tha same cause, to say this moch in confirmation of what is claimed fur this meutciue. Xonrs re.pectiullr. JOHN W. NELMS. A Prominent Atlanta Lawyer's Tes mony. Atlanta. Oa TW 2Sth 1RS7 Genta 1 haTAtalrm nn. Ifiinnin. Kneamaue vme lor inflammatory Khen matum with creat h. naflt. It ! in m. ODinion. the bmt Cnr Rdnnm.. ubui a ever mkk. J-NO: D. CUXXINQHAM. It Gives Universal Satisfaction. Atlasta, Ga, Sept. . i87. D B Si as : Wa have sold laree a nan titiet ot your Hunnicutt's fcheomaiic iiit and have never known any other prepara' Uon to give aach universal satisfaction a a remedy for rheumatism. Ws cxioaiiler it the most reliable rheumatic ears on tbe market. Yoars respectful! r, Hutcbihsox cV Bao., Druggist, 14 WhiUhall Street. ForaalebyaUdj-aggiat, bend for book w naenui curea. HUNSICUTT MEDIC1SE CO., P. O. Drawer 30, AtUnta, Ua. Sale of Land. On Monday. November 2fith. at court house door, to the hiehett hid. der, the tract of land belonging to vtasnAlangnm and Ann Aiungura, containing ten and one half acres, tbe oiace on wnicn inev now iita. aiimin. fng the lands of Win. Mangora, J. 8. nangum, ijewis uixon and Morgan Latta. about 31 milea from Durham No incumbrances. Terms cash. tds. G. C. Fabthiho. New Advertisements THE UMVEIW1TV OF THE HOL'TH is 1-cated at 8EWAXEE, TfcNN.. upoo the Cumberland Plateau, I.0OJ fuet abjvelha sea level, Thia sebcoi, undrr the spedal patronage of lbs HiahoM of the Prottnt fcyiacopaJ Cburch, in the Suatu and Southwest, oflers tha healthiest Mxi- Amnnm mnA I Ka iA awttrstnf rMna lak ..! w -w www 'oum vrm BM'l SM sad litcfttional, In iu Urmmmr .School atuj fi ll a a -a. a a . iia vHirviaiesaa tneowiwicai Drnanoienfs For the apecial claims of this L'nirrraitr fur i . j . . .. I. ratrmae, a pply for document to the Rev. ItODOtUN, Vice-Cbancellir. TtXKAlii riewseee. sen 1-lm-w. w, J. EXUM, Attorney at Law, Durham, N. C. Office in Wright Building. MEDICAL COLLErtEOF VIROIXIA AA KlL'HUUXa Kiftv firat annual aMim wrltl meuoe October 1st, and euntinoe Mix Mont ha. Total feat tat HhImi ki. Hollar. i. H. Domkt CtrtLi. Dean of Facultv. . .ui .iiiviuiauwn wnta Vn van a logue. :GE0.!R- HISS.i MANAGER:' MARBLE GRANITE WORKS :0F: : ! m Jin- - 4 if t 4 r- ? "VAN GUNDEH'&'TOUNff," S. "W. Corner Morgan and B'otint Htreets, Haleigh, N. C. Toombstones, - Monuments, - Etc. DESIGNS FURNISHED LTO APPLICATION. v Principal office : 1221 Spring Garden St . Philadelphia, Pa. W. T. BLACKWELL, PttKSIDEN'T. W. 8. HALLIBURTON, t'AKIIIKlt. TTT"F! t BANK -OF -DURHAM. -o O o- CAPITAL AND SURPLUS,. $100;000.00. Six per cent allowed on time certificates of Deposits. -o O o- TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. o O 1 COLLECTIO'K A. HlKCIAIVrV. o o o : ACTX)rXT8 RECEIVED OX THE MOST FAYORAfll.K TEHMH." 3kl AIIST STREET DURHAM; k. o. THE SPAOH WACOU. The celebrated Spach hand-made "Wagon is the best on the market. It has stood the test for lorty years. Made by skilled workmen at Salem, N. C. W. T, PEARGE, Agent, Durham. N. C W. J. Wyatt. Wn. Rotlok. W. J- WYATT & CO., Wholesale and Retail Grocers, IDiirlisiiri. 1ST. O. We buy by the Carload and am able to offer special inducements cither in the Wholesale or Ketail trade on MOLASStS, FLOUR, HEAT, LARD, SUGAR, COFFKE, MEAI, SHIP STUFF, HAY, CORN OAT3 &c Highest price paid for'eountrj produce. a8 HOWAED'S EMULSION COD LIVEU OIL WITH Hypophosphitcs. Pleasant to the taste. Intelligent Beaden vUl notice that Tuti's Pills m MwnWMlayi ell HlMM ftflwaavaw. hwt mi, mmrtt mm saralS Vertigo, Headache, Dyspepsia Fevers, Costiveness, Bilious Colic, Flatulence, etc. hr "r aw MmaM U. fnlliMm, Umt ar M aiaarlf M It I. aw. atklSaaakatt')aay. Srl, saWla, bOLU liVKltYWlJtKC. , Contain the stimnlating proicrttC8 fit. th,e hyio- phosphitcs combined with the fattening and strength ening qualities of Cod Iivcr Oil. For All LUaN'O DI3EASE3, SCROFULA, IUIUMATISil, DEBILITY COUGH COLD3 AND TIIROAT AFFECTIONS, In fact, for all diseases when there is a wasting of flesh ' . ; For Sale By, ' , P. 7-VAUCIIAN. Ph.6. DURHaHCHC. RICHMOND AND DANVILLE RAILROAD. ,, CONDEySED SCHEDULE. tiuSS BUN BY 75tll MERIDIAN TIME TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Tune 24, im. LEAVB NTew York, , Rhiladelpliis, Baltimore, . VV ttshintrtoii. . Charlotiesville, Lyuchhurg, Ar. Datm.lo, Lv. Kiclininiiil, " Iturkville, " Kysille, " D.'ks. lir'ch " Dauvii e, Ar, timiiahiiro Lv. Golilnlxiro, - rtalirih. . H Durham. " Chapel Hill. Ar. (Jroii8iioro, Lt. Sttlew, " Gretiiflmro. " lliifti I. im Ar. balial iity, M Matt-svill.e, " Afcheviili'. " II. t HDriuifH. LiV. aiisi ury, Ar. Ut'iiC'Hil, ChurlotU, " Hpiirianl urjf, " Greenville, Atlattts, No. 50 Daily. 11215 u'l 7 20 am 9 45 am 1 1 34 am 3 40 pin 5 AO pin h no nu. 3 10 om 5 17 pin 5 57 pin G 13 inn 8 50 iniii ,110 :." jui 2 40 pin r no pu. 6 01 on. 5 20 pnr 8 35 mi. . tb ISpn. IU 40 pll. 11 Idpm 12 01 am I 51 am 7 28 ami 0 15 am 12 20 an I loan 1 h'i am 4 4H a 5 5'i am II oil an, No 52 No.' 52 N10U KEBSniES POMONA, N C TWO AND A HALF MILES WEST OF GREENSBORO. N. C. 4 30 pm 6 57 pui 0 42 nm 11 00 pm ii 00 am 5 10 am 7 4" am 2 30 am 4 24 am 5 05 am 5 20 am 805 am 0 li am 8 10 pm 1 45 nm SI 12 am 7 40 am 6 0 am 9 50 am 10 10a 11 1H am li 12 pro 4 31 pm C 20 diu 11 n am 12 01 pm 12 40 im 3 37 pm 4 4H pin 0 10 pm The main line ot t' c Tlli-hmnr.A .v .'Danville Railroad pa ea through the ginuuus, ami wunin iimi iwt orihe office. Kalein trains in .ko regular stopi twice daily ibc'i way. Those interested in fruit an ! t' uit growiug are oonliully inviu-il ir jiibpi('t this, the largest cuwry in , iho Statu, urn one of the largest in the Hiuth. .o!it consists ol pp. , f)cacp, per, cherry, plums, Japa; m' persimmon, apricots, ni cianmc, uiulnerries, quiucfv prapes,. fipn. raHphcrrits, (f.M)8tlerrit'8, currai.t-, pie plant, English walnut, p ns, rhestnuts, si rawtierrii. roHfa, i vci greens, tlmiid trees, ic. AM llm u w and rare va-. ri. ties as w as the li ones, which my new catalogue f..r 1888 will show. Give your or l rs timvau thiiizrl agent, or rl. r t'irect from the nursery. Correj ..mienee s.ilici ted. te cr'j tivH cu'aloguu free to applicants. Addrem, J. VAN l.f NDI.EY, ri niona, Guilforl (!'., N. C Reliable salesmen wauled iu very countv. A good pii c immisbion will be givt'D. n.ay 3-tf TRAINS GOING NOKT1I. June 24, 1888'. N.T.3I, j AttRiVR Daily i Daily. j .. Lv. Ailnnti, 6 00 pm "7 10 am Ar. Greenville, 1 0G am 1 51 pm .PparLtuburg 2 13 - 2 53 t White, 4 50 5 30 " Concord, 6 41 " 6 3 " Salisbury, 6 22 7 05 - Lv. Hot Springs, 8 OA pm 11 40 am Asheville. 'J 5") M 1 25 pm " fcftatesvill, 3 30 a-n 5 56 " Ar. Palifcbury, 4 37 6 38 -Lv. Salisbury, 8 27 " 7 15 " Ar. High I'oint, 7 32 8 15 Greensboro, 8 00 - 8 40 " Salem, 11 4i " tl231a.o Lv. Greensboro, 50 " 10 50 pro Ar. Hillsboro, fi5- 310- Chapelhill, 1 lpm " Durham, 12 35 pin 4 30 am Raleitfh. 1 55 - 6 55 Gnldaboro, 4 10 " 11 45 " Ly. Grcnnboro, 8 05 am 8 50 pm Ar. Danville, 47 " 10 20 - Drki B anch 1 25 pm 1 23 am Keyevilte, 12 40 - 1 45 - - Burksville 1 25 2 30 Richmond, 3 30 " 5 00 - - Lyochburs-, 2 40 12 55 -1 Ciiarlottcsville X 25 3 05 " Washington, 7 35 7 00 - Baltimore, 8M " 8 20 -w i'biladeipbia, 6 00 am 10 47 ' M New York, 3 20 J 20 pm Daily. fDaily except Sun 1st. Xo 60 and 51 connect daily except Kaudar at Keysvllle lor Clarkavtlle and Oxford Xo 5.1 ronneeta at Richmond with CaOforOldfolnVand Norfolk No SI and &) connect at Kiclimond daily exeijit Sunday for Weat I'oint and Baltimore No Si from Wet Tolnt has dally connection at Richmond with No So for tbe boutn. . sLtrrnta-CAB skuvici On Trains Sa ami Cl.rullnian PnlTct tlelMr txJtween Montiroinery and New York, Danville and AngUNta, and IUI. eiirh and Uorrixlovn. Tena On 6'4 and CI, Pullman tiiflM Sleeper between Waahingttjif and NewOrleana. Via aontiioiuery, and lM twq Wanb. Intrton and Sntfitntia. Kiclimond and (Ireenaboro. aud l'ullman I'arlor Cars between Kalialmry and Knoxllvie ThrouKb Tiekvts on sale at principa Ktatlons to all points For rates and information aptdy to so any agent oi ine cun.panv or to B0LUAH, WATIUK, JLTAtLOIt, TraSU ataaaar. tNvraAaal OwaraaiA'i feALtiua . a EXCELSIOR C00W0VES AI.WAYSSAT1SFACT0RT EIGHTEEH SIZES AHD KIHDS lUmCElSERSClSIiSlIlTD) aucracrrais ST Lxc LStcppui A Co.,Ea!L'2orc,f 1 AJtV ton AVB Ml ROBERTSON, LLOYD & CO., Dnrhim, N, C, JOHN BOWERS. The Grand Oil the Best. IVrltfemlon all syte. Wnol an I Wa ilsntels, Mate and Tile llmrhs, Fronts, Gran Oil dianlsllirs. , V i soils W sr and Tin W are. Tins and (taithm Itakw Ck HU f, tm Air Fimicr, HontrfnmMtiiii (.00 Is of every WrljU.n. oi f.r Cne i'ar juirv ibiu'icuM No. 7 Oowrnor H ret, Ittcbmond, V KM A E 6rand Square ard Upright PIANO-FORTES.- Fifty Years Before the PuMio. Upon their excel lenc i alone have aU tained cn unpurclta 1 Pre cini- nence wliicti eHii.!!ihe them as nntqualleit in Tone Touch. Wo7km3nship and Durability WM. KNABE (z CO. WAREROOMS: 112 Fifth Avenue, Ww York. 22 and 24 K. Lilti-nore St Bali!. 817 Market 6p?e. Vahinglon, I). C. BALEI5H MiRBLE 0!K SIT SD4 ! ttJHUHUr IHrt, RALEIGH, . . ' . . . N.O Brand Yarl hih't Old M. rATRTTEVtl.l.a . C. Mafartanif of all lial of TmImom la MarMa or Orwti aim flaa tractor lutaU kinda of BnlMiai WarS CarMaa m-p.. ,!!., a. Work J.llru4 at auvxt Aart firn iltiwal. OfallaXmpHoM iii M fcaa4 aal aat la aa aiMna apua appbcatioa. CHAfi A. GOODWIN, Proprietor. AMERICAN HOTEL, RICHMOND. VA. ' flKAtxiCARTKiw rod NoKin Caho U5A8 First Class Accommodations, jan 12 rTm. Hie Kiclimond Locomotive and Mia Norls, HIIVJOSB. TIStlSU. ttMfW4MSjaS ThTaJCR A il:LSV E(ilKf O. L!L -( tila., SMlwt, ti . Mm 1 al jawnlwr. Ii4 fur iStfM.Ml YOU CAN GET K WaliM RrlMar nt.lrl f ftR ailHtK lMriTt;T M HVM'K-M ntM.rtIK WHIna all about laal aaMiratai arkunl FREE! f-m abon'.S An tM If rn ooabMnpUU Mima (la( -f rM oral faar. frrparM lur TRAOiiiNfi, frntsixEss,ir forcoi.t.r.n. tlttliata it ra.r. Ikla SM la Snolf l-atol la Ft immii ium uf H. tl (iwar 'IimkIwiI bra b arS Iran a bvt in. II baa rpltivIM hnll'Hiua. Iik .ni l. ba.ia anA Irani? fHrnlak a-Ht Hall-, IwaalI'Ml Ulan, nat wrniutS 1.1 f Ob M fh SrrKlaa ITf k aVim I la I Honlk. A Hlran J. A. M H. r or T. aiJa-. a.O. Chapel Hill, N. C. Durham, N.O JANNINO MANN (NO. ATtS!tr.Vla UIAW. DUIU1AI,X.C. Practice in fcuie and Fcdrrs 'i.urU. Office Plant hnildiffr. John Manning will be In his offce in the 2nd and 4th Haturdayi of ra h laa. I wNb a partner to nuke line to!ac conn fine YKLLOW TOIJACCO All nu Haw llht: Terul . Or will sell on f.vs frars time. J H. ALSTON, Pittsbaro, N. c.