LOCAL MATTER .'- -i. We regret Jo? Win that .Mrs. '. WwjManguro continue qmt feeble, ' i-Theref lacnhs1derab,eJ buUdirig 'Mr. .. . . ' Tie train wal?ceowdt'dvroa,aj ' with preachers on tuir way to Con J. W. York. U Na sold tohac- ewM.the Banner to-day aud. left for home pleated.,; . , . ft t-TbVfrie-i rf vrD f, pwf .go I U eJ" mi , office lurpector. j Messrs." Went A Son. have open ed a n'ce tnck bt fancy groceries 'In the 0"Brl nt b til.lingJ I I f It is gePfrnHy contedeff that Col. W. A. Albrigl' te i Dar- ham postmaC wbeii Harrison wakes hi shuttle. '.'' - V rrjrrft to learn of the Wth Of &e of McfUu'" ftrm children i.:-i. ...... .:.fK,.,,;,f.i b ibf If - , waaburid ye4fcrd y. , -Mr. .f.pwdwin fcf, jwer. day for F.i:Udtpie. ! tre b0';l to perfect Li tiiannments at-O'it hi granulating fraeldne. , par towusuwn, vMrj ,.1 A Gotbrie is pr mtwkt'y iiii'Uif l far U- S. Attorney for the Wwtcrn Uia trictof jSiorth r'arolina. -1 iiilr; J V-TCounciC if Chathiim County, got ,75 premium on brijbt wahOirany - wrappers t DaLville. Tbtj wer aol.l f..r IGa.Ofl. Let every man go to work to) apd ; tbouWe-r J shorter and at? cure tho Urftet4 , tobacco trade Dur. 4afn las'Wep Lad. We can get h;f 1 We regret 'o 'earn that our town. man.Ir,, J Uonea, hie mfined to bis bttl at buC4 te Abevai4 W e trust be will, b- apeedly restortd to beHh nfK,,,,y t .1 f The Ind'uaMm are that Dur- ham will, H few daya bave i w.i more warehouse.' Our burs have large orders an 1 they mutt have the tuba -co to fill hem. ' ' -Mr. J F'aghter, Frraident T --Out leaf dealers are making great effort to get more warehouses opened here. I bey are conlmeiit ot success, The farmers may rest assured that they will receive the. Iiighe t market price '.t;lM jil I Now ia the time for the farmers to tro to T. N. Jones A Co's Warehouse They bate plenty vf money and must have Hie tobacco " Raleigh, N. C. ' I!Ov25tf T. N. Jouea A Co-, want 4,000.000 pounds of, tobacco, fbey haTeVlMge: orders to fill and must have the to bacco. Take them a load end set bijr prices.,.- , . Iovo;u s,; i ! "ill The OldoKt Clotblng: Man We call vour special attention in this tone to the advertisment of our reliable Clothier 8am Lehman. ! Rara is the oldest clotbing man mao h Durb'tm county and deserve credit for building ape traao that, ne nas now. If ywu have any money to spend for rlothln?, Bhoen, hats or gents' fu nisliinit goods go to aee Sam Lelw man and find mil his prices He or his foi?f will wiat on you and e'l you (?o"d regardless of cet He U determined to a 11 goods to anyone that J a' got the money, and go to aie Store Bobbed ! The store of Mr Wm. Green, just be von d the c rp rate limits on ChapVt Hill street WiW broken open ast night and evry thing ne naa carried away. J y : , ' Hurtab s. for Jones' Warehouae ! They made the highest average made this vear ou the new crop. w. a Oiver sold-a load at 5000 all around, Raleigh; N.C novZStf them. - k, KM the FirVt r0' Mlc: bu'g, is in IM citv. He sH te don t 4hitk Durham a hurt much. He glad to te everyone so cheerful ( We loam fiat Davia S tcr.1 k t. .mi m Pit ii U 4in enuntv. a'lot C W fbfbeef. He then cut the atmiiaiK t,rot with a knife. n 1 while ! the terr, act of l.i're tbi f-ll dea, actually dying before the cw did. ' .:-Ir.W. l-ike Cas aboot 'com' .. ple'ed hi matr iiScent manhlon, j'it rrod artDearire aituated in the center ot a sou r having t'e Melki around it ret ii 'eleraot condition with atone cutbing around it . t JA i ' The Truftee tl Mr. J -bn L. Markham have new advtitMinent in to day paper. A large atock; of .gootHistobe eoll. 0d bargains will Ve offered. 1 he advertisement of which we peak emtainH, a's . in formation It wu!d be well to hi et Reed it. Ii U on the 21 fge. Amount" t wgoo oaraireoi Uiis morning loaded with arphr mouDt-in ch- a and four hundred pouod of hut cr attracted no Utile attention. Th''cbs waiput up in little round cab a from f.mr to eiiibt ipouD , ni ", 1 " ,i,T ,wr ,2l m a rtoundJ It i i t-od trtl! ,looj i'-I-Mr. T. I Whl'ak.r. i f Pur ' bam Is a eai" i 'ate f"r Ki g-'slng clerk of tlm 1I u d Kepr cs-ntati vea Wn ca i chi fully comaietd Mr WLiUker to 'be member f the Iffiilature. lie ia thorouabiy co n jwirnt in ee y recpect to fill thie mwltion. Wetrubt be will receive the apnomtmer u -f'-k Uealinir f'ircU f the Epwortb Band was orgaoieed lt niehtU Mr. ; Kasar'it.wae eln-ti?d I'residetif. ,lbe Orele will m-et nee aweek ami the oeit iaceVr-g will he held at the rliUdoefv:..'r. J.W Do J. tost -TBut(dayj;lght.A The Circle, aid 4 fc ,at5ret W' tat to wiryotipg irii u jJ we atfef ,y 'ied to t see them i-r- ' outers for iirrarf improvement evciii.it. This mrairaph i tiken from the 'V.v A'ieannt M'. David A. IlntU. Tm! nrLtvted to W'A on Tu. I.. J 4 iib HflM it UU pflsAot ard feM t lern tlat he jfosl the ejivel pe Containing tbe full amount n me road, i on m nf iy ItiarFireat IIUlKlioro. . We learn from Mai. John W Gra- h- m that tl.a HilMoro Jtecorder of fice, the p.)i-t flic , II. L. Parrish's store and the Berry building at Hilh- boro. wa dwtrov d bv fire lae' night Thai fir origii.a'ed over Parrish's store- The goods of all the other mercluinta were damage t by moving except' Parks, rarrieti aavfod the ni' Stoi his a oca oi gooag ana me mail. He bad only 1500 insurance. We were unable to learn whether there whb any oliier insurance on the bnild.OKS or not. Brother Parnsb, of the h'ecorder has our sympathy, j jyi Farmers, look to your interest ana take ) ur tobacco to Jones A Co Kaleigh, they have plenty of money, and tub irco is o 1 a big boom there. Bright stock is high nov25 tf ; Fannera Warehouse. i The ltbcoBOKB naders are invited to read the advertisement of the Furn.ers Warehoose Co.. of Raleigh Tlti is a strong team backed by leading buiiinesa men. They will see that every pile of tobacco carried there bring it full . value Our old frie- d W. C Moore is numper, He i the fanua frieod and thoioughlv ttndo et'U'l bis dutif. h.m4 THIS AGE; k U lull of humbug, and that remedy that disprove tbia abargs 1 a Ood send to bnmanity. B. B. B. has never failed, and that ought to count or some thing to him who want -to b cured of wnat a, , o.-, d. mu iueu uy ui euro. TJTTERMT SURPRISED I IfeBiDiiK. tarn , Jnlj 13, 1887. For a number of years I bar suffered untold agony from the effects of blood poiaoo. I had my cane treated bywv. era! prominent physician, but receive.! but little, ir any. relief. I reftonea to ail sort of patent medicine, spending a ge amount of money, but yet getting better. Mr attention waa att-acted by the cures said to bav been affected bv B. B. and I commenced takiog it mere'r a n experiment, having but little faith in the resolu. To my utter nriri I soon eommenoed to improve, it deem nivaelf to dav a wJl and heaitv per n U owing to the excellent quali ties ot B B. B. I cannot commend it too highly to those suffe ing from Uood poison. , i ; J. O. Gibbov, irainman i. a v. a. . Only 17 Mllrato FltiiMh. , w . l W" v aiL Jaa. iwrence. "I tue wu bam A Northern railroad u in ton thi mor-dng. In c nveratin the Recni'MH rHter h'-ard him say thxt the tr rk on lb1 road bad been laid out f mn Durham about five mile and ther were now waiting for bridge wotk t be completed The track from Il cderson bad reached Tar River, and only about 17 miles remaimd ti be ompkted. If ex tremolr bad weather dia not itter- ier' it u quiM iiieiy iiibv iuu rmu will be c.rai.leted and la running condition to Durham by ; tbe first of Jannarv. Tbe work is being pushed as rapidly as tbe weather will permit There wa a big rush of tobacco at Jo- e Wa.v hou4, Raleigh, last weeV, All or the farmers went home aatuu fied. Tobtcco rolled in from Wake, Chatham, Durham, Wayne. Vance, Granville, f ali and rranklin eoun iea. nov2d-tf ArroiiutM AudlUsl. , Annual sfuemet.t of account aodiUd bf Board of County Com missioneri t r Durham County f i empenalir u tf Cornmloncre tr the vrar endinjr December lue lit 1888. M. A. Anrter, Thai man, eervtces as CoromiSbioDer, 31 days, 12 per day Service a Committee to eeule with Sheriff and Treas urer, 7 days, 1200 per dayV I Mow to Mr. Biits and wejiBi)taite with . h',o In Irs loa." Mr. Batla is the'jAjiig in hi who- will open a gro cerrstore iuh p'aee atwnt tb first bf DeceiuWi . TM'1 heavy loss to Batta. We feel for him. At thtf rc4idno of, Mr. J. K ' Chambers, in Uixboro, on the 8:h int. MU Margie Urna. wl united In marriege to Mr. J. Ti vtray horn, lit the nrwnce of la'seNum ' Lei of f clati f ft V& rrirnda lu ono .thought ot su b an ocuraoce two f year ago; tdt it ba happened one of Uoxboro'a most JnipuUr 'yourg . . 'tadie ha be-n captured by a Ht a horn. A few year ego, Tommy a fri n Is ln -lldUloro, laid, 'don't go, ' Tommr. don't go"; but he did go and he is todsy a bapny Jnan, Ift'bis , . adopted 1'nioe.. .Unp.or.',Tbe beat " wkho of thr RacOKDKh are extended .i. .it. t . to iota npi7 ouMf . . , i f , $62.00 $14.00 .':-. i ; A. J. Roberts. lOdiye, as Commissioner. $100 per , rlv, Miie ge, 1G0 ojilci, do., pet mile, . G. A. Barbee, 31 days aa Commissioner, 2 00 per day, M'leije Hi mile 5e, per mile, $7600 $20.00 : 8w $28.00 $G2.00 6.60 $676) $00.00 $9 CO $6900 J. T. Kic'iols. 31 days as Commluloner, 2.00 per Mileage, 192 mile, fie , per mile, :r ? Sidnty Scott, 31 days as ' 1 Commieaiooer, 2 CO per ; Mileage, 231 mil, fie., per mile, t 111! ,11 ! i No uoverI14 toeouota audited. I. Pasehull Lunsford. clerk ex of- IGIOO 1170 76.70 t jf pi Ti ri lilUUil id AFTER TWEXTIT YEARS. Riltimore. April 20. 1887. Ft over twenty years I hsve been troubled with - - i 1 . i l; - ii nlcer-'ieu ooweia ani oitwius puea, sua grew very wak and thin from constant laa of Wood, I bav aaed four bottle of B. B. B.. and bav gained la I ounda in weight, and feel better in general health than I have for ten vear. I recommend yoor B. ,. the bet medicine I ha- e ever used and owe my improve meat to the n e of Botanie Blood Balm. Kcoehu's A. Smith. 318 Exeler St.- ) f All who dewro tall iormation about tbe cause and cure of Wood roieon, 8crofola and Bcrofulons owelling. vient, Korea, Uheumatiam, Kidney CompUinta, Catarrh, etc., en eer by matt free a nipy or our ag-page tuuxuaiea doob v Wnder filled with the moet wonderful nd atartling proof ever before known. Addreiw. Biooo B&iw Atlanta, ua, AN OLD MAX RESTORED. TUwaoit. O.. June ). 1887. Being an old man and suffering Tom general debil ity and rbenmatis rf tiie joioia ot me !mu!ders, I found difficulty in attending it my buaineaa, that of a lawyer, until I bought and uJ flv bctflc of B. B. Ikaanic liioOd Balm, 01 Mr. i- v. dourm. of J. B. Irwin A Son. and my general beilta ia improved, Bod the f MumatMnt l. ft ma. I believo it, to be a good medi cine.' , J. U. Uma. THE LIVERTHE KIDNEYS LEMON AND ORANGE ... . - 3 'i , j , ' The most perfect liver medicine in the" world. It Regulates the bow la, It purifies the blood, it clen see the syetem, it 1 positively cures consumption, bilionaness, dyspepsia, fever, chills, bad breath,' sour atom acb, pain ; in , side or limbs or back eostlvcne88, au Liduey troubles 'of any form. Spt cifio for" all female irregularities, relieving 'change' oi life" period of all danger, Pleasant to take. No ' restriction of diet or habit rexuired. Sold by ' all drug gisteat 50 cts. per bottle.' " Manu factured ; by Pemberton Medicine Co., Atlanta Gav-t"'-"! J'm 'u. . r ..:; . -. . , . .", mW-tt What The People Say. Thomas . ' McAfer, Chattanooga, 'enn. i "It gives me pleasure to im- form yon that my wife has been re stored to heal th by r the use of you r Coca Wine.' She had been ih very poor health for many years suffer ing from Dyspepsia,' Hysteria, Con stipation, Sick Headache aud Iu3o mnia. At times she suffered extreme ly with Neuralgia,' and all the reme dies used and recommended ' by pby siclans only gave her temnorary re- ief. Your Coca Wine has done the WOrk." -.--.-;-.,..-.! lU " .!,.! ' Dr. C. A. i tyles, Atlanta, Ga : "I have used your - French Wine Coca with marked success ia suprasensi tiveness of the mental faculties ari sing from , excessive intellectual strain; also in nervous headache and restlessness and insomnia of the so-called typlio malarfa fever. " , mia tf. THE GREATEST 4 P. BLOOD j lilEMEDY EVER DISCOVERED.- " H R- Ca Cure rheumatiam by imply drivlnf the n iaon out or the Uood. Hiu jusu ei fccmallv enre knv and all dineanw that are cauaed by an impure Mate of the hbiud, ami ihr m nan. Nura iria and Kick " - i . i. , llMdache, winch to many oi our laoiea aui fer so greatly with, is all corvee i by the nte of from one to thre botd a It haa ln tiad fl,4,,.'! and never fell in th caw, s Any Kulney trouble wen lire-1 ly rorected by the um of froat oo to three I bottle. Every on should ak aomethinK in th lrina; or tn vear v uiitoit upon th Blood and Kidney, and there i nothing ever diMovt mi tliat will do it so emHtmVlva iiuaaicott' Kheumatk Core. Trv oa Buttl and you will b eonvinced. Wo iovn every on wao araicwu whb any of th mhov dineane to writ u It will ot yoa notliin:, aoa an leuen wm ereiv prompt attention, and are kept rtrirtly private. Por al by all drorg'b Bend I r book t v mlertul airva free. Iil;M LTMt.DIClr. W. f , K.O. Drawer SO, Atlanta, ( , Por sale by P. W. Vaughan, f , k , sep liy a-w , -4)0 NOT - w FORGET WHEN YOU WANT -TO GO - . . . GUNNING THAT WE HAVE Everything f ! Necessary for Sportsmen. -tuat-:, '. WE ARE THE PIONEERS ' -IN'' Loaded Shells At 2 (Dents Each. ' ' . . - T ...... THOMAS H. BRIGCS 5 SONS, 1; EE1GGS BOlililG, " nLa,Xolsla. 3T. O. nov20 6m; "The Gladstone" IiAMP. Ii Om feM tmmf bt tM wnrtd. It (Im a are. all. brtlllaal wktiw pnwtr, a MAtwJnM hokt from nMnary oil I IMwIr f " ap mad ttrk IliM waa 1 inr lMfraiirui "'.WoOl t a taera, aa WWWM. mm mrwmmm j, A " woadnful lama" It H la all ivaiwria. I mm aatda trim. mtmt, mrr aamfera m nnaaa ralaiavta, orrr "anwUa ot tfe Hi" aaiaraann mp, tto laaaa. axiiier- w in, aa dlaH of In auna, aa aaw.faafw a any kind, aad ca 1.3 I I T ivlaaa. Aim lM all thVH a4aatfM. think of lamaiiM a rlmr, Ur nvm, lilt vt wan wa atat aaa araiia y tm mmp nntiaarf knur laan I kara Mll4 aivial n aiad af kliaerm, Mlia Intarraancraa'k, m.A im riMUl toOn (fLMnlM or Park Taia. lha atwtjr. IHawiBf ronav Hmti nr CkaMhrr. Vla- bmnia. Krrr baaaa akaal baa il. Illuatratad urtea IMt will ha anil ! rj m rnal rarL Blnila lanna at wknlMnl mm. with nr wliauat pnrerlala. aaaOa, aanTaU Biaa4 and ami hy npM W asT nart of ha.malrr. . IWmmm oar nr aa MtMinrnat. Wna3to- jlaMaa 1. TO awawlHHHBa for CttT. 4 aM waniMt la awf tulra BRAIN! NERVE. NEURALGIA,. SLEEPLESSNESS DYSPEPSIA, HEADACHE, NERVOUSNESS, SPINAL IE IUTATION, PALPITATION OP THE HEART. THAT TIRED FEELING, CAN BE CURED BY TSINO PEIIEERTON'S WINE COCA FOR THE OVER WORKED, THE , AGED AND FEEBLE, THE INVALID THE LADIE8 SPECIALLY. It is a Godsend and blessing, so say thousand who have been restored to health. Write for book of par ticulara. Sold by all druggists. Peru beiton Medicinie Co., Atlanta Ge. ml9tf. For Sale by N. M. JOHNSON & Co DURHAM MARBLE WORKS. i( ' (ESTABLISHED IN 1878.) TVliitalcei- & Iliilin, Owners (SUCCESSORS TO R. I. ROGERS.) iyi:a;Xi.-ixaot;-xx3?e3?s o MONUMENTS, TABLETS, TOMBSTONES, and all KmU of MARBLE WORK. Satisfaction Guar anteed on all Work. Ettiicates and Uesgna furnished iree. eep.2itf-ly u MAIN STREET, DURHAM, - N C. "PiWStfl FL1IG WW BstaT3llt3liedL 17V-5: .A sofOaUirA 1 PATENT WMcihdo ) PATENT J VCHOICE PATENT CArAMQR!lik:FB.Cy Ml Our Patent Roller Flours, Are manntaetured fro n the Chm m vVh vt OhuhtSle. B iltin r t nd pre-eminent in this coontrf a a murk-'t for choice whaat, and the an perionty ot these Flours far Uniformity, Strength and Unap proachable Flavor, has long been acknowledged. ASK YOUR GROCER FOB PATAPSOO SUPERLATIVE PATENT, ROLANDO CH lICE PA TENT, PATAPSCO FMIL PATENT ORANGE GROVE EXTRA - BALDWIN FAMILY, MAPLETON FAMILY G; A! GAMBRILL MANF'G CO., O.Tlfte, ii Commerce St., Baltimore. MJ. ' Represented by MORGAN A CARR. Durham, N. G seplO Uw w mm Keg atrffless of Cost ! Clolliing, OUR' ENTIRE STOCK OF Boots, Shoes, and Gents' Furnishing Goods, flcio U It.iard rf Count v Coram . ionirsNlij hercbr certifiv that the above ar-wttil are a true copy from the boeki ib. this office and that the number of dVts ted miteaxc credited to ech comm'iaaionrr is In , " ; : Pahcrau. Lvmroto. CUrk to Board. iff i - j. . ft a. ft - i f .--.. - - - - P7 g ' ' . . awawaaaa-m t,tattttttttMmMm M . v TUE DURHAM CLOTHING m.

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