POWDEItLY RE-ELECTED. Three Names Were Placed In Nomination. ; InWASAPOUi, Iod., Not. 23 Tbe lections of officers took np the time Of the Nights of Labor general at serobly tn-dsy. This wu the order of business announced at the opening of the morning session and nomination were at once called : frf, Daniel J, Campbell, of 8crnnteu, nominated T. V. Foaderly lor re-election. Victor Drurv. of District Assembly 49, placed the name of Martin Henley, of flew Jersey, before tne convention and en ei delegate, named Bjrch, from Ohio . A great many secoudt to the nominations followed and the vote resulted: Powderly 114, Henley S7,Byrcb L For Genet si Worthy Foreman, Morris L. Wheel, of lows and Henry A. Beckmyer, of New Jersey were nominated The vote stood Wheat 83. Beckmeyer 56. As the candidates foi Qenersl Secretary Trataurt-r. three eandldstes were presented . George Duncn, of Rich soond, Va , nominated rreanncn Turner, of Philadelphia, i present treasurer. Mattes, Workman Pow derly took the floor and nominated John W. Hays,ef Sew Jersey, pre ent seeretarr. and W. U. F. Price, of New York. resented the nmeof Mrs. A P. Stevens, of Toledo. Be fore the rote wu taken a motion for recess for dinner wes carried. Danville's Exposition. aortal U LrtMkbVff YU!alaB. Distills, V , Nov. 23 The last day of DanV ille's Tobacco Eiposition and trades display was as interesting as former days, and tbe crowd nearly aa Urea It is estimated that twenty thousand strangers ha e crowded the eiiy ior uwrw uaja y" awuug " many csi'ltalUu from Northern and Western Slates, who are prospecting Premium to-day at 11 o'clock paid in sbininj euld to successful eibibi t,orsof tbaceo. Ttal amouet paid oat was to thooaaod one bunlred and .fifty Rollers. Of tbe twenty seven premiums foorusa went to Virginia f riuers and thirteen to North 0rolma farmers. Tbe auc tie sals ut premium tobacco uin meneed at 9:30 o'clock and contiowd to 430 p. as. Prices paid for tbeee tobaccos were eomewhat in advance f the avrrse market and tbo piles which tk Inking, fremiums mm brought ry desers" Pt advrrneiug purpose s .tnely rancv prlofs. la th Uiiiud Sum Oruit Court lo-dav.Judve Hugh I Bond presi ding, the ease ef W. A. Pane's ecetril sgsJiitt WeaV-ru Union Tele graph Company, for tea thousand dollars damage for death of W. A. Penn, wh wee killed by lightning or eleotrieit' while standing Bar ex posed telegraph, wires eaine np for Leeris. A fter part of traUmouy of plaintiff bad been taken, Jadgs Bend declared plaintiffs had ne case, and strew tbe matter oat ot Court. Fiaiat B appealed. Ilapplljr United. Batata VWtarSM. Yesterday afternoon, at 330 ectoek, at tbe residse f tbe ride's parents. No 126, corner of Jones end 8attnders etisets. Mr. Corn snodore llollsnd to Miss Liilie G. King, tbe Bev. Dr. M. M. Marshall flciatlng. Tbe attendants were: Mr. B E. Oooperand MissTinnie Parsons: Mr. J. L. Colt atd Miss LnlaE.BiesbeetMr. C. W. Lewis and Mist Ella Barker; Mr. James Goodwin end Mm Mary Parham I Tbe bridal ereeents were both an BJeroojeudjbesuUr.il The weddinc was a very, quiet one. tbere being present on(y tbe member. '.be fam llvwnd a w friends. Tbe bride and . groom and attendants all took the train at s o'clock fur Durham, tbe future home of tbe bride and groom, and wrr tendered a reception last airht, Tbe Visitor, together with their bosu of friends i ere, extend t" them their eoagre'utatioos sad wish them all the happiness and success in Business of tbe Week. . Niw Yoaa. November 23. -It. 0. Dunn k Co s Weekly Review of Trade will set: Business has made lair progress during ths past week, and the prospect for further improve (sent is considered ' smd but ths dsmsgsto tkseottnn enp by wet we.tber has reused bwi'.ation in por tions of the Booth, white the outward movement of Kold at New York is not enoou'srlnir toipecultkn. Tbe eottott n vement la large, butstil much behind last year Ne ebangs appears. An estimate that the yield to 7.700.000 bales does nut accord wiib accounts of Mary la sevtra! Boutbors Biatce. business failures during ths last seven dsys number l..r ti e Uaied bta'ss IGO.Csnada 34, total 290, as compared with 837 laat week and 207 lor the orrer ponding wsek vflsstfear. '' A Devotee) Giving Thanks. Taatoaaaatart, Be cn ruerd. The present system t oaunty government bss been re timed ia rnr system by tbe verdict of ths people of North Carolina. We return thanks to onr Western breth ren for the aid they lava rendered a Itiaeur erest protection the protection of the great tody of tbe tax payer and honest men in the ne- Sry counties utiwii vww-aa, The Shotwcll Monument. Balalfk Mtwi-Obaaif r. ' Tie beautiful grsnite monument erected by tbe 8uotwU Memorial Association to Cspt. Randolph A Sbotwell has jmt been pluotd In Oakwood cemetery, where it now stands. Although not the loftiest or mast pretentious of tbe msny handsome shafts which rear -their beads-io this beautiful sp t tue are mors deli cately and tastefully designed, and mom exauisitelr finished. It Is of the "cottage" dasutu and sunds thireen feet in be'uht and Is surmounted with a beautifully wroueht urn with elegant drapery. Tbe caps are ornamented with deli- catelv carved "oak leaves ai;d alto gether the shaft preseeeoia an sp Dearanoe of msssive beauty. It ws erected at a cost of nearly one thous and dollars and is, ludt-ed, s Lsi d sows tribute to the aemorr of tbe srest and noble Shotwell. roe tour siaes oi tne m nument sre embellished with beautiful and aDDroniiatf inec-iDtious. ' W ' . - .4 .. un the first is a deiica'siy wroogni raouoffrant eooiiUting of tbe initial B A ft with ths following inscription underneath T 'in MexoKtAV Randolph Abbott Shotwe!!. late Can- . r . e. i . ir Uin Vyompanr i, oia regiment, ir EVEltY ONE FRESH. Picked With,- Care, and. Filled With Juiciness. Tbe Rooky Moutit Fair was a fins 9UC06wawe " Jf-m - " I The RrjUdor predicts boom for Greenville next yvar. Tbe Tarboro Stuiherner bas found a mn who wear a No. 86 shoe. Tarboro i. pushing rspldly for ward in the way of imprqvemsnts. ; The corner stone, of Ureensboroe new fire engine boose wss laid Thurs day. . The Greensboro North State $ opin ion: "Durhsm is not hurt and can not bs downed." Miss Alice E. Pell wss married to Rev. W H. Puckett. of tbe N. C , Conference, at Mebsne on Thuriday last. A citisen of Halifax told the coons on election dav that they needn't be excited that Harrison couldn t give the bonl, anywar. Tne Oreeneboro workman says that on Tuesday a new Presbyterian church was organised five and a half miles northeast ot Ureeosboro by commission of Orange Presbytery. The New end Observer says the Governor .Tuesday appointed Dr. H. Hanuttiired by , the Southern Stove Works, Richmond, Va. ginia Volunteers, Confederate Stetsi T. Bahnson, of Salem, a director of a art. . es.l. woes tir..i I fin WnarnM N Aa4n sfsinlinn Tnittn Army; born Dee 13th, 1843. in West liberty. Ve; died July 91, lwa, in RalelKb.N.0- r The second aids bears the following insert ption t "A patriot whose honor and eon stsncy no suffering could weaken, so advantage tempt, no loss dismsy, snd in whom all tbe attributes of trus e-reatnesa weis so nicely adjusted and so exactly pieced that iu was not until be had patsed i:ito life sternal that men saw that ha had reached the full stature of a man." On tbe third is the following: This monumeiit is ere cted by ths p ople of his adopted State as a trib ate to a soldier wbwe eourwge wu troen in sixteen treat battles snd who, in tbe midst f di-a-ter, captiv try and defeat, kept unshaken bis fidelity to bis eaua, bis country and bis comrades in arms." The fourth bara tbe following: "Thro yeara in battle, from Lees burg io o'd Harbor, with Pickett's wMifl. and three ia pri-oo. at Fort Delaware inl Albany." atSCROAM." The tk waa executed by Mr. CL A. Uoodwin. of the city, snd is a poem of perfection in all its details aad r-n-ct ine niirbrat credit upon him I' bowe Mr. Goodwin to be mt skillful and experienced siU.t. STOVES GRATES, AO, A COLD-llLOODLD MCKDEli. Man and Ills Wife Shot by Durrlar in Tbeir Home, Craklotti. N C Nov. 23 A special to the Chronic! from Shelby reDorta a horrible and coid-biooaeo marder which wu committed four miles west of that town last night. An unknown burglar went to tbe house of James Pbilbeck. a farmer, and gaining admittance on the pre teit that be waa a friend, coolly pat his pistol in Pbilbeck s face and slot him dead in the presence of bis hor rified wife, The burglar then de manded money from the woman. She ears him all she had. a sua amount ing to about thirteen dollars. He In sisted on having more, snd threatened to shoot her if aba did not produce it 8ks beared for. her life and gsvs bim toe keMor tbe house, promising to belD bint? search for the nusoanas nonsy. Even as sbs spoke, the thief levelled his revolver at ner ana inoi her under the left eye. She fell un oonscioos and the scoundrel ransack ad the house, bat found no more money. Mrs. Pbilbeck remained tenselest for about half aa hour, when sbs came to and crawled to bar brother-in-lew's house, seventy five yards from her home. The alarm a . a a as wss at once guen, and tne snenn. with a posse, is scouring ths country for ths murderer. As Pbilbeck s candle went out when be opened the door the burglar wss not clearly seen bv Mrs. Pbilbeck. snd no description of him can be sivea Mrs. Pbilbeek Is ia a critical condition. the Western North Carolina Insane Asylum at Moteanton, etc Mr. W. S. Yates, deceased. They are savior that when it was officially announced that the Demo cratic candidate for register ef deeds of Brunswick county wss elected hi dog reared back on his bind legs and barked three tiroes. J. T. E-imondson. a member of tbe Goldsboro' Rifles (Company D. First regiment), baa obtained judgment in the Superior Court of iienoir county against tbe Richmond and Danville railroad for 110,000 tor Injuries re ceived near Asheville In July, 1885, while on his wsy to the encampment of the State Guard. tjueer Tales. A yonng girl at Racine, Wis , dis located ber neck while retting out of bed. A Bisghamton man sat in arestso rant where another man was eating limburger cheese, and it made him so mad that be ni bim with a chair and nearly killed bim. Queen Yictoria received from a Glasgow gentleman a copy of her speech at Glasgow inscribed on a I piece of parchment no larger than a threepenny bib. Tne writing' so minute as to be illegible except through a microscope, and wu the work of a msn over 70 years of age. Talking; Business. . ; WflaUataaafaMg If the business aea of North Caro lina cities are to keep np with the procession of business progress, bey must show the public that uey are men of stterprise. Enterprising but inss msa, the world over now adver tise in the newspspors, and live busi ness men evenwbtre gsuge accord- dingly. Two Weeklies Only. Bi4riiianaav Mr. E. a Hackney. of Durham, U, to all appearances, tbs most enterpris ing publisher in tbs State, we be lieve he is engsged in publishing three weeklies snd a daily. . Brace Up. Yoa era reeling depressed, jour snoetits is poor, f oo are bothered with Headache, yo are fldgetty, nervous, and generally out of sorts, and want to brace on. Brace np, out not witn . . ... ... stimulants, spring medicines, or ou ters, which nevs xor tbeir oasis very cheap, bad whisky, and which stimo late you for an hour, and then leave yon in worre condition than before. What oou want is aa alternative that will purify your blood, start healthy action of Liver and Kidneys, restore your vitality, and give renewed health and strength, such a medicine you will find In Electrie Bitters, snd on ly 60 cents a bottle at R. Black nail k Sons Drugstore. u-w This Stove has large single oven doors handsomely designed patent Alaska knobs, large outside oven shelf, swinging hearth plate, large broiler, double fron sliding doors. The best and heapest Stove on the market Call and examine them. For Sale by J. T, WOMBLE, Durham, N. C. Plica, DIM. Itchlnc Fllra. Siwiom MofaMaf; lat-at Itchliif aad Ung iBfl: aMttat B)at, warn bj aciateulbg. If al loaad ta eoattaa taaion foroi, Bleu ulusa blaed aa4 alomU, acealn wry aura. HWAiaa'a Uimiarr Mop. la. luhlag aad blar-dinic. aeala aleenUoa. ud la memt eaM r.mor.. ilw lumora. at draciMta. ar by auU. tat SO orata. Or. 8a,Ba S So ralladalpaia. Jua iO-m Steay. Skealjr. Hkla Turlnrca. Tba alrapla appri-atloa af "awAina i Onr . 1UaataarlBtariiat aja'tHaa. fll aura aar aaaa at Tttur. Salt lUaaa. Biautm, Hl, Ilea, a lira., niapia, m,mm. u bum?, .icay mi Braptwaa. aa anuar boa- ebatlaaU ar loaa t.a taa. I u aataaA. aSacUta, aad ao.ta bat a tr Sa. - 1 laaiavsa tin OtM Twentr-Flve Years. New Yoac. Nov. t3.-as.E.Bed ell. a real esUts clerk of tbe Isw firm of Shlomsn. Barlow. Sarogns and . - ...... - Cbosts. who swindled bis employers aad their clients eat of 1281,000 of which he spent part la ths polity shoo of Emerson and Goes, was. to- . a .!. -t - .n. oay ssmeocea oh urn pic u. iuiuj . .. ... .. I nc .1 wweiawpriww hu rtolman, (beirs at r'"-, ""ilr ,TrJS U of Martbi dolman. NoaTH CaaouiA. I Superior Conrt, DcrhamCo, I Clerk's Office. T. 8. Vkkers and others ) vs. Jsmes V. Vkkers, John Trice, James Kbodt-s, Trice, Trice, (heirs at law of John Trice, dee'd) Rhodes. Rhodes, (heirs at law gammon. of James Rhodes, deo'd.) Martha Uolmao, Dolman, Uolmaa, tbe policy dealers, who got $30,000 out ot Bedell, plesded gnilty to feb ay aud was oaed f l.uw. " She Stands Invincible. WaWtaft Waatlr. Durham stands inviucibls andd tbe hour of her dire adeersity. The gaerdon of such pluck is success, ginart. Plucky People. BtatawUk) taalaiarB. Tbey are smart progressive, plucky psople, those Durham business mn, and will rally as quickly as any men 'n the world could, under (ho asms tlrcuBsULbea. We hope they will U be oa toetr vl gia berors lotg. deceased.) To ths defendants: xoo are here" by oommanded to appear at the of fice of tbe Clerk of tbe Superior Court of said County, at bis office in Dnrbsm, on ths otb day of laauaiy, 1889. at 10 o'clock a. m.. and answer tbs vomplaiat which will then be de posited there, or the relief demsnded bv plaintiff will be granted. lb purpose or tnis proceeaing is to obtain an ordsr for a division, or sale for division, of the lands of W. Trice, deceased, la laid county, among b s beirs at law. This, rlovsmber 17. 1888. DO. MANGUM. novSl fit ' Clerk 8. a -W. MICE ISBIDFOirlD, OF THE LATE FIRM OF 8. S. COTTRELL A CO. MAKUFACTTJRKB OF SADDLES, HARNESS, K Warmns;. The mndea of deaths spprosch are various, snd statistics show conclu sJyely that more persons die from diseases oi the Abroat snd Lungs than from any etber. It is probable that every one, without exemption, receives vast numbers of Tubercle Germs into the system snd where theseseras fall upon suitable sil they start into life and develop, at first slowly snd is shown by a slight tickling sensation in the tbrost and if allowed to continue tbeir ravages they extend to their longs producing Consumption and to the bead, caus ing Catarrh. Now all this is dan gerous and if allowed to proceed will in time cause actio, ai me onset yoa must set with promptness; al lowing a cold to go witnout attention Is dangerous and may loose you your ife. Aa soon ss you feel that some thing is wrong with your Throat, Long or NortrU, obtain a bottle oi Boscoees Uermsn avrup. it wui give you immediate relief. Tbey Attacked the Editor. Charlotte. November 23. Late yesterday afternoon Joseph r. Uald. well, editor of tbe otatesvuie Juana mark, was attacked in bis enke at Statesville by two brothers of J. D. Connelly, late clerk of the Superior Court of Iredell county, who some time ago. finding he was short in his accounts, fled for parts unknown. The two brothers made a vigorous attack pon Caldwell, peltng bim with beavy canes at a lively rate. Tbe fight only Luted a few seconds, when the combatants were separates by other parties. Nobody was seri oosly hart Caldwell published ia bis paper that tbe grand jury bad found trus bills against J. li. Connel ly for embezzlement and forgery, which caused the trouble. The two Connellyswere heavily fined for the attack. Aa Explanation. What Is this "nervous trouble" with which so many seem now to be afflicted 7 If you win remember a few yeara ago the word Malaria was comparatively unknown, -today It is ss common aa any word in tne t,o jrlish language, yet the word covers only the meaning of another word used by eur loretalbers in times past. bo.lt it with nervous diseases, ss they and Malaria are ibtended to cover what oar grandfathers called Uiuiousness, and all are caused by troubles that arise from a diseased condition of the Liver which in ptr forming its functions finding it can hot dispose of tbe bile through the ordinary channel is compelled to pass it off through the system, caus ing nervous troubles. Malaria, ash ious Fever, etc You who sre suffer ing can well appreciate a cure, Ws reoommeod. Green's August Flower. its cures an marvelous. and Collars. irrs e m m. DEALER IN Saddlery and Harit arc, Robes, Blankets, RQte Gocii, Etc Ete, Mule Milliner. All kinds IIorseBoots. Toe Weights, K'tchelTa LinimentBest in the world for man or beast Repairing done in the best manner. sep 19 tf 1 109 F,at Malta Kit-ret, RICHMOND, Tsw John L Markhams, Entire Stock of Goods TO BE SOLD AS SOOfl AS POSSIBLE! Jwbbsut & Co's for BoliJay goodr 18 TUN m mm Doubtless Many Articles Less than Cost t He Desires Everybody, Especially his Friends and Cus tomers, to take advantage of this opportunity from day to day until all is sold, S Ws tli'stre td to all bkvins claims szainst him individually or as sas doner, to mail to us, at once, a statemeut of same Properly Attested. To his dobtori we would say, we, as weU as be, know what it is to start from nothing and toil and labor for bread, meat and clothes. We ask your undivided atteutton anJ your earnest eff irte la help-iog-us relieve him by coining at your earliest convenience to our cilice, in Durban, N. C, ai.d paying your indebtedness in full, or at least making arrangements that will bo entirely satisfactory to us which we believe every one c in and will do, and saving HI ths trouble and espenw f sending to your houses to see yon, and sav ing you the annoyance and inconvenience of being called upon to entertain us, or our legal representative, at your residence. Hesse remember that if you d not avail yourself ot this Inflation that you may expect us or our authoris d agent at any moment. , (, . r.c.v 1 riuMTitsr. I ' t a )

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